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Case Study -Problems associated with a Broken Penis - Unedited and Name withdrawn (12/20/1997); Free Advice from Dr. Lin.

Reader's 1st E-mail:
After reading your Q & A (broken penis), a close friend of mine mentioned to me the similar problem.
About 20 years ago, when he masterbate in the bathroom, and fell down and hurt/"broke" his penis, at that time, there was no pain at all. But from then on, he discovered that there are always some sticky discretion at the base of his penis. At the begining, there were white substances, but after sometime, it became transparent, sometime it may moist the underwear. But he still have erection, although the penis appear slight curve. The penis became very sensitive, Whenever he think or see something related to sexual subject, his will has a hard-on. His sex life was O.K., as he still manage to give his partner orgasm. Now he was marry and has 1 kid.
If the problem is not tackle, what will actually happen to his penis? Will the problem worsen?
What is the solution, any surgery required??
Thank you (on his behalf). Best regards.

Dr. Lin:
There are scarred tissues and regeneration of nerves (increasing nerve density) developed in the penis shaft and its base/the Cowper's gland. These make the wounded/healed areas become very sensitive. The scarred tissue in the penile base compresses the postate/Cowper's glands to "leak" sperm or the secrtion once the penis erects. He should bring his smeared underwear for a sperm analysis. If the leak is sperm. Surgery correction is necessary. Hopefully, the surgery healing process can develop a smaller hard scar than the existing one.

The healing of the damaged tissues and the regeneration of wounded nerves have been discriped in the book "The Body Electric - Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life" by Dr. Becker and Selden. This book is the first one to connect the Chinese Acupuncture theory to the body electricity (Direct Current). This book made me trust the Chi (bio-electricity) diagnosis I experienced in Taiwan, without reservation.
The problem I concern is that he may lose too much sperm without sex after 35 or 40. He will be sexually exhausted. If he won't feel sexually exhausted, the leak is not sperm.

Thank you for your reply. He would like to know what do you mean by "Sexually Exhausted", he is now 37 years, and consider healthy, although sometime may feel tire/sleepy during the day, but still pretty interest in sex (with his wife) is this the early symbton of Sexually Exhausted. Best Regards.
Dr Lin;
Sexual exhaustion means that he feel empty and heavy in his low back and limps and the penis shrink right the way after ejaculating. He also feel tired after a night sleep.
In this regard, please read
on Emission Control.
He is approaching middle age. His sexual hormone starts to slow down. Emission control is required to prevent landslide.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.