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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
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Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Case Study - > Penis Pump causes erection problem for young men, not for sexual orgasms.(unedited)
Reader : 6/29/1998>
Problems: I Have used a penis pump on and off for several months (about 20-25 times all together) I have noticed a softer errection afterwards and then was advised that the pump causes the damage to the elastic tunics of the penis, thus "softening" errections. I have therefore stopped using the pump (there was no peramnent gain anyway) but am now afraid that I have permanently damamged my penis (I feel like my regular errections are softer and I'm not sure if this is psychological or due to irreversable damage). Do you think such damage is possible form using a pump? could it have happened after such little use (I have caused myself pain though several times buy applying too much pressure? if ther is such damage is it irreversable and can anything be done?
Also, what is your technique for enlarging the penis by applying pressure on the abdomen?
Your answers will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Dr. Lin: 6/29/1998>

Penis pump won't work. Well, you have gotten the same conclusion as me. If you pump too hard, you will break your penis tissue so that the blood flow for erection will be partially blocked. This causes your erection problem right now! You have to massage your penis every day to remove the blockage or take Gingko + Guta Kola to dissolve it.
My approach is to use the internal sexual energy to boost the penis size during intercourse. Although there is no difference in normal erection, the penis is expanded to an extreme (120%-140%) when your blood flow is pumped into the penis, driven by the bioelectricity extracted from her vagina and from your parasympathetic nervous system.
You have to build your internal bioelectric field in the sex organs by massaging your penis base/pubis and footing, and further to couple with her bioelectric field to your glans penis. There are certain love positions allowing you to do it. The female bioelectric field near the Epicenter can hyper-activate the sexual nerves in the male trigger zone and trigger young men to ejaculate in a very short time. My approach is to use her powerful bioelectric energy there to lighten up the penis during intercourse. The penis can expand to 120-140% in the final stage of sexual intercourse, so that it triggers multiple orgasms for women.
Some young men told me: They can have hourly oral sex or hand work on their penises. However, once the penis gets into the Vagina, it ejaculates in a moment, like being electricuted. This is the bioelectric power of the vagina.

You should know How to use her bioelectric power to light up (expand) your penis, rather than to make you come too early!

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.