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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence!
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Case Study - My 3-point excitation method help her achieve a Level-7 sexual orgasm that naturally cleanses her uterus and vagina.(unedited)
Reader: 10/22/1998>I just have a question. Last night I had the most wonderful orgasm of all time. I was sitting on him and I was rocking back and forth (like you discuss in your 3-point method) and I came so hard. There was a huge gush of everything. He still thinks that it wasn't just love juice... he thinks I urinated on him. Is that possible? What was all of that stuff that came out of me and how can we acheive it again? We both enjoyed it emensely and we just want to know, what the hell was > Thank you
Dr. Lin:10/23/1998>
You experienced a Level-7 orgasm with my 3-point excitation method. The ejaculation is a combination of
1. ejaculation from the vaginal and uterus porosities.
2. discharge of the fluid and secretion being trapped in the uterus and cervix for a long time.
The violent contraction of your uterus squeezed out everything being trapped inside for a long time, and then turned on your self-cleansing faucet inside to flush them out. It is very good for your health. Constant orgasm like this will keep your sex organs free of odor. Your man will love to go down there to lick and kiss your bottom.
My 3-point excitation method is to promote women's sexual health in this way. At least, I have known how it works on my wife since we discovered this method in 1977.
The more orgasms you have the better health you get.

Reader: 10/23/1998>
Thank you so much for your help! I'm not a big internet user, so this was a first for me. In both regards! :) I'm so happy that you answered my question with such wonderful, personal attention.
Thank you again!
Dr. Lin: 10/23/1998>
Thank you very much for your encouragement. Take care and enjoy your love.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.