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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Case Study - Don't overwork on your penis for no sexual orgasm.
Reader : 1/16/1999>
Dear Dr Lin,
Your site is superb, and I have just placed an order for your CD_ROM. I have a very typical problem. I am 28 yrs old male. I vacuum-pump quite regularly. During pumping, I maintain an average pressure, give breaks every 30 mins, and dont get carried away. I reach very impressive erections and size during my pumping phases. However, during lovemaking, or, when I am away from my fiance and I masturbate myself (I am steady with her and strictly practise monogamy), my erection is not always super-hard as it is during pumping. Once in a while it does get very hard, but most of the time it is semi-hard even after excitation. I can stay a long time alright, however, cant excite my fiance to the maximum possible extent, and also, cannot have very powerful ejaculations. Because the penis never gets rock-hard, the ejaculate oozes out, rather than being shot out. I have sex or masturbate about twice a day on an average.
I know I need professional help. Hope you would understand my problem and extend some help.
I use internet at work. I would appreciate if you can send a copy of your mail to my email address, as it is not always possible for me to open up your web-site for lack of privacy. Thanks and regards,
Dr. Lin:1/17/1999> Penile Pumping will force the penis to use the bioenergy for erection.
I have tested this device before. At my age, if I pump my penis, my erection will be gone after several minutes and can not regain erection again.
If I use the Ballooning method to recharge my Heaven Gate, the posterior part of my prostate, I can keep the hard erection for a long, long time. That is why I suggest the massage of the pubic bone, penile bas and footing to promote and help erect the penis, as I have called the piezoelectric generation of the bioelectrity to power up the penis.
Erection produced by the penile pumping still consumes the bioenergy in the parasympathetic, sexual motor nerve. So, I have concluded that the ultimate solution is to recharge the parasympathetic, sexual motor nerve by the Natural Hormone Enhancer formulas with practicing the ChiKong or Anal Breathing to promote the parasympathetic function.
I suggest you stop pumping. Let your sexual motor nerves take a break. Don't irritate these nerve too much. And let it recharge itself.
You have to stop ruining yourself.
Masturbating twice a day is too much.
You need LoveLonger to change this BAD, BAD habit if you wan to have a normal sexual life in the near future or now.
Instead, you should massage the pubic bone, penile footing/base and the lower section, but don't touch the trigger zone and the glans and don't ejaculate.

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 

Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). 
Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.