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Case Study - Uneven or over-trimmed circumcision can cause sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
Reader : 2/6/1999>
I have a bend in my penis when erect. It causes the top half of the shaft of my penis to feel extreme pressure during intercourse. What can I do?
I am also frightened that my girlfriend won't give me oral sex because of my obtrusive Circumcision scar. Can I dampen its noticeability?

Dr. Lin:2/6/1999>
Your problem is caused by over-trimmed circumcision.
The foreskin is over-trimmed.
You need a skin graft to relax the tightness in the top half.
The circumcision scar can be polished out by a cosmetic surgery laser.

Reader: 2/7/1999>
If a circumcision that is cunducted with a gomoko clamp at birth requires a laser surgery touch up at age 18, why not simply conduct circumcisions with a laser to start with? Or better still, why do people circumcise their infant son's anyway?
Dr. Lin: 2/7/1999>
Laser trimming is too expensive!
Some religions requires infant circumcision.
In USA, it is $$$.$$.
Infant circumcision should be stopped because it over-trim the foreskin.
Most men don't need circumcision, as long as the foreskin can recede to uncover the glans.
The over-trimmed foreskin will shorten the maximum penile size under a penile Power-up process - the Power-up or Ballooning Methods to inflate the penis beyond a normal erection. The foreskin is the rolled-forward sleeve of the penis. This extra skin allows the penis to balloon to an extreme size, about 140% of the natural erection and about the length of the middle finger + the palm size. Removing this sleeve constraining the elongation of the penile shaft under the penile Ballooning Effect as described in
/cases/case7648.htm .
The expansion pressure under the penile ballooning effect during intercourse will produce a high blood pressure against the prostate glands by the expanding penile shaft. As a result of hyper-activating the prostate nerve, the man will lose his capacity to hold the ejaculation back.
The exposed glans of a circumcised penis will make teenagers masturbate more often due to the early stimulation on the glans. Over-masturbation in the adolescence will drain out the Human Growth Hormone, DHEA and Testosterone, leading to erectile dysfunction in the young age and moving the male menopause younger.
Uneven trimming of the foreskin will cause the penis to bend. A natural power-up penis should be slightly curved-up or concave if there is no damage tissue in the penile shaft which consists of 3 spongy, elastile cylinders. This is because the cylinder embedding the urethra is more flexible than the other two in the superior side of the shaft. Unnatural bending of a penis can result from the tissue damage due to diseases and mechanical damages such as wild sex (case1), wild masturbation(case1-2), penile weight lifting ( case1005, case7643, case7907), penile pumping ( case5005, case7835), uneven circumcision, or uneven development of the spongy cylinder(s).
However, a lengthy foreskin should be trimmed to allow 1/4-1/3 of the glans to expose. A long foreskin has been associated with women's cervix cancer. A man can get the foreskin trimmed after his penis is fully developed to prevent over-trimming. The glans should be cleaned before intercourse to protect your love one for long (life)-term orgasm. Removing the cervix will destroy her autorhythmic fibers (the Orgasmic Pacemaker) and make her lose the ability to achieve the vaginal orgasm.
Note: for the circumcision information, please go to
2. Circumcision Information  And Resources Page

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