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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
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Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
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Case Study - Solutions for the injuries caused by the "Male Fitness" and "Penile Pump" for sexual Orgasm, and WORK!
im the "fitness injury" customer.
i've noticed for first time this year that when i sit down for extended periods of time my lower spine, buttocks and groin Fall asleep & go Numb.& the penis itself falls asleep/goes numb/ just as it feels if you're arm were to this apparant 'paralysis' from sitting down workng all the time ive never had (im 30) and it coincidentally (or not coincidentallY) began occuring around same time i injure my penis glands by hanging weights on tip for extened periods of time till turned blue. besides this, i am 2 days a week waking up with erections but even though erect, the tip remains no feeling like rubber & squishy feeling to the fingers. sometimes rubbing oil awhile I can initate feeling here.
besides this, i cannot seem to get spontaneous erection --i have to manually manipulate it a while and sometimes when it does get erect, it can go limp quickly starting with a numbing of glans and no feeling to touch.
---pls advise me plan to get it back to normal Thankx
Dr. Lin: 3/10/1999>
1. Your first problem - numbness of the lower spine, buttocks, groins and penis is caused by poor blood circulation in the central section of your body. Vacuum-Cupping Massage can solve your problem. please read
Before you perform do-it-yourself Vacuum Cupping Massage, you should ask you Doctor X-ray your low back and check the spinal disks. If everything is fine, the problem is 100% caused by the blood congestion. This problem is caused by long sitting or biking, or the damaged tissue resulting from the falling on the ground from a bike, tree or high point. Vacuum Cupping Massage will completely solve your problem after 3-6 treatments.

2. The solutions for your penile fitness damage are given by
The key is to massage (not masturbate) the glans with your finger pressure every time you go to the rest room. At the Same time, you should take LastLonger or Endura to power up your sexual potential to allow more bioelectric energy to reach the glans and to inflate the glans to an extreme by squeezing the low section of the penile shaft and massaging the penile footing and bass to charge the parasympathetic, sexual motor nerve to the glans. Do it at least twice a day. As long as you can inflate your glans to re-circulate the blood there, you will recover in one month. The Trick is to Inflate the Glans to an extreme, as described in
LastLonger or Endura are listed in
Remember don't practice any penile fitness because there is no "muscle" in the penile shaft. The tissue is made of elastic, flexible, spongy cell units, like a lot of small balloons interlinked together to form a big cylindrical balloon.
I has used the internal sexual power to drive the inflation of the penile balloon.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.