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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence!
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Case Study - Full solutions for powerful erection, lasting longer and her sexual orgasm!
Reader: 9/18/1999>
Dear Dr.Lin,
My wife who is 43, is currently taking antdepressants (6 months)and is experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm. I'm trying everything I can to help her, but have not been very successful. Her doctor has since reduced her medication by half, but so far (1 week) no change. I would like to be able to last longer than I can at the moment and perhaps this would help. What techniques can you suggest so that I can delay my orgasm for as long as it takes?
Prior to this she was a very orgasmic woman. I had very little trouble bringing her to orgasm. Help!
Dr. Lin: 9/19/1999>
Obviously, this problem is caused by the antidepressants which shut down the nervous communication between her brain and her G-spot / Epicenter (the Orgasmic Pacemaker), and/or your erection or premature ejaculation problem.
The antidepressants have deactivated her liver system that supports the secretion of testosterone in her adrenal cortexes and ovaries. Her G-spot and Epicenter (the orgasmic Pacemaker) are undercharged bioelectrically. Heat Tea can reverse her problem.
On the other hand, middle aged and senior men frequently experience poor erection, resulting in premature ejaculation due to frequent contraction of the prostate (PC) muscle during intercourse in an attempt to revive erection. In this regard, I suggest you take ViaPal-hGH-P or -E in
Once you have a hard erection, you use my Sexual ChiKong Breathing to prolong intercourse for 40 - 120 minutes.
My suggestions to you and my readers' comments are detailed in the following.

Sexual Orgasm and my Heat Tea formula will make her get rid of antidepressants - please read
He said "Heat Tea triples her G-spot size; what should I do for her sexual orgasm?"
Multiple, Sexual Orgasms Help her get rid of medication!
Please try my Finger Pliers Method to test her system first. This method is very powerful to trigger women's Level-7 orgasm, the full-body orgasm.

******* Examples ********
Dr. Lin feels guilt since his Finger Pliers Method makes her come in consecutive sexual orgasm(s)!
Dr. Lin's Finger Pliers Method makes her come more and more, for more sexual orgasm.
My Finger Pliers Method Initiated Her Sexual, Sensory and Motor Nerves for fully sexual orgasms.

She should take Heat Tea or ViaPal-hGH to reactivate her nervous, liver and endocrine systems. The Tea includes Fibra, EnergiaTea , Verdina (mood enhancer),PeniSOS and ViaGrowth-III. the reputation of these products are well-established. Please read some examples (I have difficulties to put these cases together because of too many!):

======== Examples ========
He said "Heat Tea triples her G-spot size; what should I do for her sexual orgasm?" http://www.linplaza.com/cases/case8478.htm"
He experienced an unusual erection and sexual orgasm with ViaGrowth-III which is for the Natural Penile and G-spot Enlargement
Reader said: Your products have produced a very positive effect on libido and depression in 3 days! Of course, more sexual orgasm!
Reader used Dr. Lin's methods to make her achieve sexual orgasm and enjoys Dr. Lin's CD_ROM; She drunk Heat Tea!

For lasting longer, what you have to do are:
1. Have a hard erection - Practice the Penile Power-up Method. Please read:

++++++++ Examples ++++++
Male multiple orgasms and How to balloon and thicken the penis for better sexual orgasm!
How to Practice the Natural Penile Enlargement for sexual orgasm!
He said Dr. Lin's Penile Power-up Method works! Why? More sexual orgasm!
Dr. Lin's Penile Power-up Method works for him, lasting for 40-60 minutes and more sexual orgasm. Blood Congestion and Hormone disorder causes penile and vaginal shrinking and uterus prolapsing. Her are the Solutions.
What Readers said: It Works!
==> http://www.linplaza.com/cases/case7506.htm
Advice from a 50+ year Young, Registered Nurse!

You may need one of our ViaPal-hGH packages help to erect the penis naturally without hand jobs or oral sex!
Even the erectile-drug users can get rid of the erectile drug with ViaPal-hGH package.

-------- Examples ---------
An erectile-drug  user with high-blood pressure likes the full spectrum-hormone releaser for better sexual orgasm.
An erectile0drug user said Dr. Lin formulas help him for better erection and looks for better control of sexual orgasm.
My formula has a long, good reputation.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Examples ~~~~~~~~~~
Long-term customer Re-orders ViaGrowth-III and Paragon for better Sexual Orgasm.
He said "ViaGrowth-I works": then learn "One Ejaculation for Multiple Orgasm(S)"
He said our products are great - He has got the fast-action LoveLonger/Lastlonger Teas for instant sexual power and prolonging sexual orgasm.
Our customers confidence is our goal; Male Power + Estroven = LoveLonger for young men; order the CD_ROM for enhanceing sexual orgasm.
Our reader's advice: Our products make him hold an erection for 2 hours, too good for too much sexual orgasm! He worries!

2. Practice Sexual ChiKong Breathing during sex - you must have a hard erection for this practice.

"""""""" Examples """"""""""
He uses Dr. Lin techniques for 3-hour sex and give her Level-7 sexual orgasm, but want to learn more for consistent performance.
Dr. Lin's sexual techniques help him completely control ejaculation for better sexual orgasm
Our customers' confidence is our goal; Dr. Lin's sexual teaching in the CD_ROM makes him have sex for 2 hours and gives her a lot of sexual orgasm (she threatens to bring her girl friends to take care of him)..
Sexual ChiKong Works! My book will give him and his girl(S) for more sexual orgasm, multiple orgasms!
A College Student said thank to Dr. Lin for the solution of premature ejaculation and his lover's sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's instruction made her come 2x and he lasted for more than 45 minutes excluding foreplay, for a lot of Sexual Orgasm(s)!

3. Use my 3-point Excitation Position - You must have a hard erection to use this love position. please read:

He has practiced Dr.Lin's techniques to give her Level-7, seizure, sexual orgasm and worried. Here is the Solution!
Use my 3_point Excitation Method to execute her sexual orgasm!
He uses Dr. Lin techniques for 3-hour sex and give her Level-7 sexual orgasm, but want to learn more for consistent performance.
40's lady said the 3-point Excitation Position is the best one. How to solve vaginal dryness and achieve multiple sexual orgasm (s).
Thank Dr. Lin for making him last longer for sexual orgasm! How about the Penile Enlargement Methods?.
She experienced 30 sexual orgasms with Dr. Lin's 3-point Excitation Method in a 3 or 4 hour lovemaking - Too Much Sexual Orgasm and black out! She need Herbal Supplements!
My 3-point Excitation Method gives her Level-7, seizure, Sexual Orgasm, but they want to extend it. Here is HOW.
The 2-Point Excitation Method will give women after midlife more G-spot and Epicenter sexual orgasms.
Dr. Lin's 3-point excitation method help her achieve a Level-7 sexual orgasm that naturally cleanses her uterus and vagina. The Level-7 orgasm is a powerful, natural medicine that helps tune the sexual muscle and flush the vagina. The detail is given in
A College Woman's Experience with the Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms
!!!!!!!!!!!!! End!!!!!!!!!

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 

Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). 
Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.