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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Case Study - He said "Heat Tea tripples her G-spot size; what should I do for her sexual orgasm?"
Reader: 9/19/1999>
Dr. Lin, One of the problems at night is that maybe my wife is tired, but I don't know? We have a hard time getting her wet. I have given her the heat tea and her viagrowth-lll about an hour to hour and a half before love making. I try stimulating her orally at the clitoris, with caressing the body. Her g-spot is well engorged to twice to three times it size with slight wetness.Then she seems to dry up. What can I do? > Thank you
Dr. Lin: 9/20/1999>
Glad to hear that Heat Tea "grows" her G-spot. If you apply my Finger Pliers Massage to her G-spot, it will grow bigger and firmer. Heat Tea and Finger Pliers Massage form an effective method to grow her G-spot even she is a 43 year young woman. This will also improve her lubrication as well. Massage her Clitoris and G-spot at the same time, starting from a low stimulating/thrusting rate and a gentle pressure to induce her wetness. Apply the screwing Finger Pliers stimulation to her G-spot, Epicenter, Clitoris Shaft/Glans, and the clitoris base and footing (see Fgpliers.jpg)
You can use your penis with my Screwing Technique to screw her pubis , clitoral base/footing, clitoral shaft/glans and entire vagina to induce lubrication too.
By the way, Wetness is a measure of her estrogen level.
Her engorged G-spot tells you that Heat Tea and ViaGrowth-III elevate her DHEA and testosterone levels. Under this situation, she can be very easily to be stimulated to orgasm, as long as she don't feel friction. It is a very natural reaction of middle aged and senior women. You should trigger her sexual orgasm on that huge G-spot. Adding a little bit lubrication will solve the minor problem.
Degree of vaginal wetness only reflect the estrogen level, which does nothing with women's orgasm.
This is like the lubrication discharged from the penis without erection! The Clitoral/G-spot erection is the same phenomenon as the penile erection, powered by the parasympathetic sexual nerve.  Women can be impotent too if they fail to erect the clitoris/G-spot and tent up the vagina. Young women are likely very wet, but very difficult to have vaginal orgasm, and more likely experience clitoral orgasm; senior and middle aged women are more likely to experience vagina orgasm, in spite of vaginal dryness, because the testosterone have over-rided estrogen after their 30. In addition, the vaginal lining that covers/protects the g-spot and Epicenter is thinner for the middle agers and seniors. The thicker the vaginal lining the more the orgasmic difficulty the women will encounter. Thus, Young and teenage women, full of estrogen to show off their 2nd sexual characteristics such as breasts and hips, usually can get very wet easily, but miss vaginal orgasm because their estrogen override testosterone.
Aging and Heat Tea will help women to produce more orgasms. Sure, she will sexually enjoy more with Heat Tea. Now, all you need is to have a powerful erection to drive her up to the sky. Stimulation speed and pressure are the keys for her orgasm. Try my Finger Pliers Methods as shown in the attached pictures. She will erupt like a volcano in 1-3 minutes. Stimulate her G-spot and Clitoris at the time with a maximum pressure and speed your fingers can provide!
Understanding this trick, you need a powerful erection and then use my 3-point Excitation Method to make her achieve multiple orgasms with you hard penis.
Never too old to learn about sexual pleasure!

Reader: 9/20/1999>
Dr. Lin, your finger-plies method you describe, you apply pressure at the 1o'clock position of the clitoris and the middle finger curved in on the g-spot, does both fingers move back and forth rubbing the clitoris and g-spot or does just the finger on the g-spot move back and forth across it?
Dr. Lin: 9/20/1999>
Yes! Both fingers move back and forth. With a slight screwing/rotation motion, the Screwing Finger Pliers offers her a full massage for her vagina without overstimulating her urethra to pee.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.