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Case Study: She faked orgasm for no sexual orgasm
Reader: 10/13/1999>
As an electrical engineer, I really admire your research in applying electrical fundamentals to human body, especially human sexuality. I have read almost all messages posted in your homepage. This, as a result, has helped me come up with these three questions.
The 1st is: When I stimulate her G-spot and clitoris simutaneously by hands and tongue, She feels very intensively for, say, more than two hours. But I don't know if she's ever had the so-called multiple orgasms. Her body "propagates" like ocean waves; sometimes she's arching her abdomen, and dropping it like a rock, and saying things like "Hony, I'm dying... You make me feel like this, huh huh, huh, how can I lay my eyes to any guys..." During this time, her eyes usually open so wide and so suprised as if she cannot imagine she could feel that good. She also tells me that, 3 out of 5 love sessions, she feels as if "a bag of water" explodes over and over again inside her vaginal. Though, I have never seen a stream out of her rain-like-a-cat-and-dog vaginal. Is it female ejaculation? In addition, she has to avoid comming by stop breathing. Also, she says she tries to stop breathing at least 10 times when she feels like she's on the verge of comming in as many tries. Analogously, this means that, if she doesn't try , she would have come at least 10 times. This helps her against comming very effectively. So, she keeps repeating until she becomes exhausted and she has to let go. After that, she feels very softly and falls into sleep in a few minutes, and wants no more sex until the next day. Doctor, does she ejaculate? Does she have multiple orgasms? What level of orgasm does she enjoy? It couldn't be level 7 because my finger is about 2 inches from the vaginal's entrance and it definitely doesn't go past the bladder to reach her epicenter.
The 2nd is: Assume that my finger is long enough. Can I possibly use my finger to stimulate her epicenter? If it's possible, how far do I have to go past the bladder to reach her epicenter? Can a finger arouse her that way?
The 3rd is: What is the muscle between the anal and the tail bone? And what can I do to contract it? I have done a lot of reading in your site, but still haven't found out an answer. So, please be specific.
Thank you very much for reading my message. I know your time is precious. But I will never stop waiting for your reply.
Best regards,
Dr. Lin:10/16/1999>
1. No, she was only in a highly aroused state. If she experienced orgasm, she could not say a word because her brain's conscience controller would be temporarily disabled. The orgasmic crying or heavy-breath moaning are the responses of brain's conscience controller and the lung to the hydraulic. shock waves generated by the orgasm-induced heart pumping in the arteries. When a woman is in the orgasm state, her entire body is controlled by the orgasmic waves of 0.8 second, generated by uterine contraction. She can be out-of-control laughing, but can not say a word like that. When she is breaking the orgasmic barrier, her upper body will bend backward as shown in the header picture of this web page. After she breaks her orgasmic barrier, the uterus starts to pumps out her sexual energy into her forehead and heart via her Conception Vessel of the acupuncture network, and she becomes very soft when her sexual energy is fully discharged.
She faked orgasm!

What You said "she's arching her abdomen, and dropping it like a rock" is a physical response to the situation that she was struggling to break her orgasmic barrier but she failed.

When she said "Honey, I'm dying... You make me feel like this, huh huh, huh, how can I lay my eyes to any guys...", her brain is so conscious! It seems she has learned how to fake orgasm from adult movies.
If there was female ejaculation, you should notice it. It should sprinkle your body or face when you stimulated her with your fingers or tongue. A lot of fluid (called love juice) should come out  from the vagina!  What she told you is what she learned from sexual books or web pages.
A lot of women becomes very wetted without orgasm. Over-wetness is produced by estrogen dominance which helps the vaginal and uterine linings trap more fluid in their porosities. Birth control pill or estrogen replacement therapy will produce over-wetness and reduce the G-spot sensitivity by thickening the vaginal lining with the extra fluid. Under this situation, women will feel there is a layer of film isolating the G-spot from the penis. They hardly feel the penis inside their vagina.

Note: Female ejaculation can come out from the urethra.  Urethral ejaculation can generally happen without orgasm when the urethra nerve between the G-spot and the clitoral root is over-stimulated.. 

2. Yes! The finger can reach her Epicenter (Orgasmic Pacemaker), 3-4 inches deep before vaginal expansion; 4-6 inches deep in the vaginal tenting state.

3. The tail bone muscle runs from the anus to the tail bone. Compress you butts against your tail bone. That is it! For the best result, you should apply a light pressure against your bladder, and then contract your tail bone muscle with stepwise (digitally) inhaling.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.