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Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]<
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Case Study: Hot issues of middle-age couples - vaginal size, erection and sexual orgasm
Reader: 11/3/1999>
n reading your web-site, I am under the impression that you do not agree with surgery to tighten vaginal muscles. I gave birth to my 3rd child 10 years ago and have had 3 vaginal operations. Needless to say, I am not what I used to be and this has become an issue with my husband. I am 43 and just sick about it. I have been doing the Kegel exercises with not even a hint of improvement. I recently had blood tests done to find out why my hair is falling out. Any advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.....
Dr. Lin:11/4/1999>
Yes, I don't recommend Vaginal Reduction Surgery. Surgery down there, men or women, disturbs and damages the bioelectric and plumbing circuits that power libido and orgasm.
Testosterone help the body retain hairs. Testosterone deficiency with Estrogen domaince results in womens hair loss. Coarse hairs indicate testosterone domaince in the body, with high libido and orgasmic capacity for men and women.
Kiegel Exercises become useless without sufficient testosterone and DHEA in the local tissues to increase the strength of the vaginal muscle. Body builders know the best on how to strengthen the muscles. Note that an optimum level of estrogen is also required to help dilation of blood vessels and tissues for workout.
Without increasing elasticity of the vagina muscle and dilational capacity of the vaginal blood vessels and tissues/nervous fibers, Vaginal Reduction Surgery will result in intercourse pain and bleeding, and in losing the orgasmic capacity forever.
That is why I am against Vaginal Reduction Surgery and, instead, develop the Heat Tea package and ViaGrowth-IV to help women out. (updated 3/18/2000, ViaGrowth-IV help women reduce the vaginal "size" and increase the vaginal grisp strength! )
On the other hand, your husband has experienced weak erection. About 5 years ago, when I complained my wife's vagina is too loose, she brought up our old lovemaking video and my penis photoes to show me my erection power in the good old days,
She mentioned that in the good old days, my erection was so hard that her mouth cann't cover it and bend it.
She pointed out: I won't have complained about her vaginal size until I experienced the erection power problem.
Then, I started to search for the solution of restoring the erectile problem for middel agers and seniors.
Yes, I have gotten the solutions for aging and aged couples. That is how I have formulated the ViaGrowth products to repower the nervous, endocrine (hypothamalus/pituitary, adrenal, testicular/ovarian), liver and cardiovascular functions at the same time. Middle-age men can lose erection power within one month. It happens so rapidly that men can not accept the fact - aging. Then, men will blame their partners for the vaginal size and become an good excuse for looking for younger women.
I suggest him to take one of our ViaPal-hGh packages for restoring his erection power, Item 3-009/012 in
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.