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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]<
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Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence!
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Case Study: He experienced unusual power of ViaGrowth-III and worries - more sexual orgasm!
Reader: 11/15/1999
And one more thing. I am surprised at how well via growth 3 works after only one dose! Is there any thing I should worry about if I am 31 and taking it, since it is marked as for 40 and up? Would via growth 1 be better?
Dr. Lin:11/16/1999>

I am not supprised your experience with ViaGrowth-III.
ViaGrowth-III is a product formulated based up Taoism Health Philosophy - Harmonizing all the intenal organs.
That is, it is a complete nutrition for the endocrine, liver, nervous and cardiovascular functions for men and women. You won't get side effects from this products.
However, the right dose for the body is the key to health.
For therapeutic purposes, there is no age limitation, but requiring a right dose.
Theoretically, this product supplies the essential ingredients for the endocrine function to produce necessary hormones and enzymes for health and rejuvenation (including sex!). It will kill pains and cramps resulting from hormonal deficiency.
Here is my suggestion for the right dose vs. Age.
1. 1 tablet a day for age 25-35, (yound men should take it every other days, except for more sex.)
2. 2 tablets a day for age 35-45,
3. 2 tablets a day with 1 or 2 tablets of Paragon for age 45 and beyond ( we will release ViaGrowth-IV for this age range) .
When your body back to the right track, you should reduce dosage or skip days. This formula will help men of any ages to prevent sexual exhaustion due to ejaculation. It helps men and women to balloon (enlarge) the love tools (penis, clitoris, and G-spot) for mutiple orgasms. It is a happy orgasm formula.
ViaGrowth-I is formulated for teenagers and young men to solve weak erection and premature ejaculation. It is a new version of LoveLonger.
ViaGrowth-I is a traditional Chinese herbal formula.
If a young man experiences sexual exhaustion, he will need a jump start in the Centeral Nervous System to command the hypothamalus and pituitary to work. Therefore, to solve the sexual exhaustion problem, it requires a hybrid supplement of ViaGrowth-I and ViaGrowth-II or -III.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.