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where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation. Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling" by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?] [Pain or Numbness in Muscles or Joints?] [Order Products for Health/Love] Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence! | |
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Case Study: Tai-Chi, diabetes, over-exercise, menstrual disorder, erectile dysfunction, and sexual orgasm. Reader: 11/18/1999 Hello Dr. Lin: I have been a student of Dragon Style Kung-Fu for 8 years and teach it at 2 corporate sites. Recently, we held a Tai Chi demo at one these sites. My question concerns one of our students who is very spiritually attuned, and accepts the surrounding chi of everyone in the vicinity. She has never done Tai Chi before this demo, and shortly thereafter her menstrual period was a week late and then became excessive. Excessive enough to scare her and get to a doctor right away. What concerns me also, is that she is a diabetic. I know there are warnings about Chi Gung and menstruation, is there any link between Tai Chi and menstruation? What is the best way to counsel her? What advice can I give her? She is a very private person, and obviously this is a very personal matter; so I would appreciate it if you kept this matter confidential. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Dr. Lin:11/22/1999> Theoretically, Tai Chi, the soft Kung-Fu exercise, won't cause menstrual disorder. She won't get an abruptively change in her endocrine function. I beleive her diabetes produces a sudden change of her liver and adrenal functions, leading to the disorder of her ovarian function. However, with diabetes, when she got overtrained, she would be enhausted enough to change her endocrine function. This problem has also been observed in the intensed althetic training or military boost camp. I have also remembered that I losed my ability to masturbate during my intensified 6-month military training in a boot camp. The similiar situation can heppen to women, resulting in menstrual disorder, in particular, for diabetic patients. An abruptively exhausted exercise can fully use up the hormones such as testosterone and DHEA that are responsible for the bioelectric charge of the Central Nervous System (CNS). A low bioelectric level in the CNS that commands the hypothamalus and pituitary functions, will result in weakening the endocrine function, leading to endocrine disorder. A long-term exhausted exercise will lead to impotence and frigidity. Thus, over-exercise can cause the delay of the menstrual cycle. I believe that this is the main cause of her problem. Chi-Gung (Chi-Kong) is a stimulative exercise for the ovarian function since it uses the low-abdomen muscle to directly stimulate the ovaries, the Conception, Liver and Kidney Vessels. I have found that low-abdomen exercises and massage can advance the menstrual cycle as much as a week in the beginning, but after few months, this special "side" effect disappear once the endocrine function is well-adjusted. Hence, womens Chi-Kong training should be gradual, rather than instensive in the first few months. NOTE: Over-exercise will result in impotence and frigidity for middle agers and seniors unless the body gets enough DHEA and testosterone ! |
Click "In Love We Trust!" for Classified Orgasmic File Expansion (More Orgasmic Files) Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved. |