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Case Study: Solution for penile pumping damage! no erection and sexual orgasm
Reader: 1/19/2000>
Ok heres my story, please read.
At age 11 before I went through puberty I had a friend who was 12.5 years old and used to jack off in front of me to porn. His penis was a fat 7.5 inches cause he measured right in front of me and other friends. I started masturbating myself soon after, yet my penis was only 3.5 inches long.
From here the statistics are guesses:
I thought, heck by age 12 ill be 7.5 inches too. Well at age 12 I was about 4 inches long. My masturbation became more frequent, maybe once per week.
At age 13 my penis was about 4.5 inches long. My masturbation levels were about 2-3 times per week.
At age 14 my penis was 5 inches long. My masturbation was about 5 times per week.
Statistics are facts from here:
At age 15 my penis was 6 inches long. I masturbated about 7 times per week. Very strong erections.
At age 16 I was just under 7 inches long. I masturbated about 7-10 times per week although I would often abstain for 2 days at a time. I saw many pictures of how naked men looked on the internet and how their penis pointed down, so i would try to angle my erections downard. I also started hanging some weights on my dick to make it longer.
At age 17 I was 7.5 inches long and thicker. My erections were not as strong although I did not realize it at the time. I masturbated about once per day, sometimes twice or 3 times. I bought a penis pump to try and get some maximum size out of my dick.
At age 18 my penis was between 7.5 and 8 inches in length, however the pump had slightly injured me. I had overpumped a few times and part of my dick was SLIGHTLY injured (puffed). My erections were at an all time weakness, although I still didnt realize it. My masturbation was about 7 times per week.
I went to a strip club for the first time and didnt get hard there even after not hainvg jacked off for 4 days. THATS WHEN I WOKE UP. I was worried as hell and couldnt realize what was wrong. Thats when I realized how much my erection strength had deteriorated from what it used to be.
Although I am sure I gained at least .5 inch from all the weird things I did to my dick, I went from super hard perfect erections, to varying erections from hard to limp hard.
There has never been a time where I have not been able to achieve an erection, but there have been times where its been a chore. Immediately after I quit pumping I kept track of the strength and intensity of all my erections.
I took the pump I had and smashed it. I prayed to god that I must heal, and for the last 6 months (since august 1999) ive been praying for healing etc. Ive been doing rituals like massages, prayers, herbs, abstinence (although I cant abstain for masturbating over a week) because I feel that if I do then I will REALLY be impotent because of no sex drive. Ive felt impotent since august of 99 and its been the hardest thing ive gone through in my entire life.
I started doing kegels and trying to strengthen my entire erection area. I tried masturbating 5 times a day, abstaing for 5 days at a time, etc.
My erections werent the only thing that was damaged. My sex drive was slightly lowered, the feeling of masturbation was lowered, and my mindset was destroyed. Sex(well masturbation anyways) is no longer pleasureful for me(you know what I mean), but my source of greatest anxiety.
Luckily, my erections have been improving gradually (very slowly) this entire time. Only about once or twice a month do I get an erection now that I have to struggle to keep up. My sex drive isnt as high as it used to be (proabbly 75% of what it used to be) which is probably due to the mind damage that occured. I do not beleive my penis was damaged nearly as much so as my mind. I cannot handle the slightest sexual problems anymore and am very scared. I am afraid to talk to women for fear of impotence, am completely destroyed every time I have either a weak erection, a masturbation session that doesnt feel good enough, a low sex drive, or any other sexual problem which I expereince sporadically.
I realize that I have been healing very slowly both in the mind and the penis. Someone please help me with comments and suggestions. Thank you very much for reading my post.
Dr. Lin:1/27/2000>
Your penile pumping has dammaged the capillary in your penis.
No Problem! ViaGrowth-II/FibraTea(item 1-003) and Ginseng Power Max 4x (item 2-007) will help you heal your penis and power your erection up.
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