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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence!
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Case Study - Multiple, Sexual Orgasms Help her get rid of Anti-manic drugs and SSRIs antidepressants! - Unedited and Name withdrawn; Free Advice from Dr. Lin. (Date: 12/20/1997)
Reader's E-mail:
Problems: I take L?th?um (Anti-manic agent) and L?v?x (trade-marked name not allowed!,  SSRIs antidepressant/anti-obsessive-compulsive agent ) for chemical imbalances and have been on these drugs for 8 years. I don't have much sexual desire and can't acheive orgasm very often. I also only have clitoral orgasms. I would like to increase my desire and have all 3 of the kinds of orgasms. Please tell me if there is an herb I can take safely with my medication. Thanks, Name withdrawn...
Dr. Lin's Answers:
I suggest you to try the g-spot orgasm without herbs. I also wonder you may be able to get rid of the drugs if you achieve "The orgasm" regularly. Lithium is a very unfriendly drug which produce too many side effects. Multiple, sexual orgasms, which can generate very powerful energy surges to stimulate your Pineal and Pituitary glands, may help your Endocrine System to produce chemicals necessary for balancing your body functioning.
I propose you and your partner to do the following steps to increase your sexual drive:
1. Massage your shoulders and neck for 10-15 minutes to get rid of your stress;
2. Massage your low abdomen area for 5-10 minutes to activate your blood and bio-energy circulations;
3. Massage your clitoris and perineum for 5 minutes to get ready for penetration;
4. You need my Finger Pliers Method to activate your G-spot nerves (make sure your vagina and clitoris are well lubricated):
In fact, your partner can use this method to massage your G-spot and Clitoris at the same time. Increasing the pressure and stimulation speed can trigger your G-spot Orgasm. If you achieve orgasm in this way, both of you can try 2nd run with the penis. In this way, You can achieve the 2nd sequence of multiple orgasms in minutes.
Try these approaches and let me know your result.

Reader's Response:
Thank you for your help. It worked!!!! I can't go without my l?thi?m or l?v?x. I have been on them for 11 years and have tried to go off of them in the past without success. The sexual problem just got bad in the past six months. If you have any other ideas on how to improve your sex life please let me know. My husband and I have a great love affair going and look for ways to improve and expand always.
Sincerely, Name Withdrawn....
Dr. Lin's answers:
Congratulation! You should continue massaging your sex organs, low abdomen/ groin, and perineum areas, and learn how to exercise the vagina muscle and to practice sexual Chikong intercourse. You will maintain a drug-free, healthy life style, in addition to have a good relationship with your man. Experiments have told us that sexual orgasm will stimulate our immune and endocrine systems. For example, the vagina will maintain very clean and odorless with 2 multiple orgasms a week. I attribute this to the self clean mechanism of the women's secretion system after achieving orgasm, because the G-spot and Epicenter (near cervix) orgasms will induce a large amount of secretion to flush the vagina.
For Sexual exercise, please read:
To incorporate sexual exercise into intercourse, please read:
On the other hand, your man has to retain his sexual potential by regulating his ejaculation frequency or practicing intercourse without ejaculation. After middle age, men will experience weak sexual potential sometimes, as a result of weakening DHEA secretion from the adrenal glands. Again, massaging the sex organs, groin, low abdomen and perineum will help men and women to slow down the aging process of sexual potential. Do it with him more often. This will reduce the blood congestion in the sex organs and low abdomen area. Blood congestion around the sex organs will cause frigidity for women and impotence for men.
A combination of herbs Ginko, Gotu Kola, and St. John's Swort can help solve blood congestion and increase sexual potential, for both men and women.

Updated 12/19/1998 - We have a lot of herbal supplements to restore sexual health for men and women in different ages, as listed in /mail/herbform.htm.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.