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Case Study - >Kegel exercises can not help young men for ejaculation control for sexual oragsm!(unedited)

Problems: Dear Sir ;
thanks very much for your web pages.
I(27) and my girlfriend(20) are together about 6 months. we very love each other.
I guess I have premature ejaculation.I count orgasms of us during 1 month and the result is averagely 1/4(while i orgasm 4 times she lives orgasm 1 time)
I am not succesful to make her come every time.Although she thinks everything OK.
we make love 2 times a day.after a long begining and she is ready first penetration takes 2-3 min(the penis is very hard)the second one takes longer 15 min(but penis sometimes hard sometimes semi-hard)
When she is very hot,i loose my control and ejaculate and she stays in the half of the way(I make her come by frictioning onto her)If I can continue a little bit eeverything will be okay
I exercise Kegel exercises during 2 months and I believe that it doesnot work very much(it gives slightly more performance)
I decide to try ChiKong breathing exercise to control my ejaculation
I ordered Estroven.
how can I prevent and control my ejaculation? the estroven will help me? The ChiKong will help me?
Everything is for the happiness of my girlfriend if sex goes well for her then I want to marry to her
Thank you.Bye.

Dr. Lin: 6/16/1998>

ChiKong & Estroven/Kava Kava are used to cool your prostate nerve down.

If you have a hard erection, the premature ejaculation can result from excessive testosterone in the prostate which is overheated by the testosterone burning. Plant Estrogen (in Estroven), Kava Kava,  GABA or/and Pro-Vegetables/Fruits diet can help cool it down.  ChiKong helps switch the prostate nervous function to the parasympathetic mode for hold ejaculation back. If you have a weak erection which forces you to contract your prostate to assist the erection, you have to supercharge your parasympathetic sexual nerve. In this regard,  LastLong can help you out.

Generally speaking, it is normal for an inexperienced young man to experience the ejaculation control problem! It is not premature ejaculation, but misfiring.

It is natural for you to ejaculate earlier when she is heating up, because of the presence of the powerful bioelectric flow and magnetic field inside her vagina.

You body secrets too much testosterone that drives your sex demand too high. You have to cool it down so you can control your sexual nerves. You will reduce your ejaculation frequency and you should. At your current level, you will be sexually exhausted in one year, and experience the erection problem.

You should stop practicing the so-called Kegel Exercise which stimulates the prostate nerve. This exercise is good for men after 35 to reduce the ejaculation amount. Young men's prostate never is too active. This exercise periodically contracts the prostate muscle to drive the local sexual nerve crazy. It is good for women to accelerate the sexual response. This is a part of my women's ChiKong. For men, it is opposite. My men's ChiKong is to expand, instead of contract, the prostate muscle to relax the local nerve. It creates a destructive interference of the sexual response for men, and a constructive interference for women.

If you want to do sexual exercise, you should periodically contract the muscle between your anus and tail bone by compressing your hips. This is my exercise that won's compresss the prostate muscle between the anus and scrotum. I have applied this exercise with my ChiKong breathing approach to sexual intercourse in any love positions. This exercise can create stimulation on the anus and rectum to destructively interfere with the sexual response in the prostate nerve.

Finally, I suggest you to reduce the ejaculation frequency before you completely drain out your bioelectricity in your parasympathetic sexual nerve that controls your ejaculation. Once you can not hold an hard erection, she will not achieve orgasm and you will ejaculate earlier because you will try to contract your prostate to hold erection. Besides, most of the women don't need sexual orgasm everyday. Usually, multiple orgasms will give her sexual pleasure for 2 - 3 days in her mind. Having sex twice everyday will numb her sacral nerves in or on her sex organ, that may delay her sexual response and her orgasm.

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