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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Case Study - > Expanding your penis by intercourse (unedited)
Reader: 7/27/1998>
hi again dr. linn my friend and i were talking about sex and he claimed that having sex makes your penis bigger permanantly. is this true? i know it gets bigger during intercourse, but i didn't know it got bigger the more you had sex.
Dr. Lin: 7/27/1998>

It all depends on your and her sexual energies. Basically, your guys have proved what I described in my penis Power-Up method. I am glad that your guys experience this.

Intercourse will make you penis expand, particularly at that moment when you are about to ejaculate. If you can hold it back at that moment, massage the penis base and root to calm your sexual nerves in the penis and prostate and your sexual response in your brain; then re-stimulate the penis again. After repeating this procedure several times, your penis will expand to an extreme, about 120-140%, depending on the maximum potential in your and her parasympathetic nervous systems. Her sexual potential also plays an important role for your penis expansion, based up the fact that her bioelectric potential is partially coupled into your penis by the lubrication fluid inside her vagina.
This is a very important aspect for those who cannot have a hard erection in the beginning of intercourse. Applying a lubricant to the vagina can help the penis to erect in my so-called soft-drive stage of intercourse. The trick is coupling her sexual (bioelectric) energy to help the penis erection with the lubricant (Contraceptive Jelly). Oral sex can not provide such an effect. The reason is: the bioelectric current flows from her vagina to charge the parasympathetic nerves in the penis and prostate. This can be achieved only if she has enough sexual energy inside her sex organ or when she is very horny.
If you constantly expand your penis through intercourse, your penis will slightly enlarge itself as long as you GAIN sexual potential through intercourse. How can you do it? My approach is:

Making her come twice and let the penis stay inside for 3-5 minutes with a long erotic kiss and a long contraction of my anal muscle, under which I will feel a hot energy flux flowing into my spinal cord from my prostate through my tail bone.
My penis reached its maximum when I was 40. The size change is noticeable. The size of the naturally erected penis is very dependent on the male sexual potential. Once the sexual potential drops, the size of the naturally erected penis shrinks. The Middle aged men usually ignore this fact by complaining their ladies' vagina becoming loosen.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.