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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence!
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Case Study ->Dr. Lin's formulas increase sexual vigor and endurance for better sexual orgasm!
Reader: 12/13/1998>
Is there any problems that a man may face by taking Estrovan Alone? I have been taking it for a month and never read that I should be taking Male Power too. Am I going to grow breasts or something. The positive effect so far is that my endurance has more than doubled. Just wondering,

Dr. Lin:12/15/1998>Sexual vigor and endurance are two things, referring to Having a hard erection and Hold it longer.
Premature ej
aculation has two causes: (1). A Hard Erection without calming the prostate nerve, and (2). A Weak Erection with Contracting the prostate nerves to support the erection.
Estrovan alone can work very well with Case (1). This is the most common problem for young men who have too much testosterone over estrogen.
Case (2) is the typical problem for the middle agers/seniors who have insufficient DHEA and Testosterone, and the young men who have over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion problems.
Estrovan won't cause any problems for the long-term male user; instead, it helps men to prevent prostate enlargement and other cancers. It will expel excessive estrogen out of the male body and balance it with the weak plant estrogen in the soybean. This is the type solution for Case (1).
For Case (2), Estrovan upgrades the liver and endocrine functions and promote the parasympathetic function for sexual energy restoration and building up. When patients take Male Power, PeniSOS or Real DHEA, the body will be energized like a pre-eruptive volcano, but having a very calm prostate nerve. That is the role of Estrovan.
We have started to reformulate the new products by combining the major ingredients of the proven products  into the new products. We have new products to be released in 1999, such as ViaGrowth and ViaPal-hGH packages..
You won't grow breasts because Estrovan contains weak plant estrogen that is good for men too. When I was young, my major diet was Soy Products. That is how I have built-up my sexual vigor and endurance for performing 90-minute continuous thrusting the vagina without taking a break or sweating, with a hard erection.
Reader: 12/16/1998>
Dr. Lin, Again I can not thank you enougth. I will be sending out the money by tomarow for the cd. I will study it hard. Your method of breathing has given me a great amount of freedom from stress. During the day when things get out of control and there are a million things going on at once, I stop for a minute, close my eyes, and "belly breath". It helps tremendously. I talked to my girlfried about you and your methods and she is even more actious to get back together with me. I hope I have enougth time to learn from the cd to really make great love to her. You have helped termendously and I am glad to know you are here to help w/ any questions I might have. When I move back to West Palm maybe you will have the time for me to be able to treat you to lunch. Enjoy your holidays. Sincerly,

Dr. Lin: 12/16/1998>
Thank you very much for your encouragement.
My book links the western medical discovery and engineering science to the Old Chinese Taoism. The Old Taoism sexuality and health philosophies are interpreted with the modern medical and engineering principles. And the most importance: It Works, that includes my herbal formulas.
See you in Palm Beach where I conducted two artificial reef experiments for coastal engineering applications many years ago, under the Florida Atlantic University and American Coastal Engineering, Inc.: One is still in front of Mr DuPont mansion, and other in the middle town section.
Happy holidays. South Florida is still HOT!

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 

Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). 
Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.