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Case Study - Extract the Natural Growth Hormone to grow your penis for sexual orgasm.
Reader 2: 1/7/1999>Hi,
I sent you an email few days ago and I got your email, thak you. You
said that the penis could be expanded to 7" using the ballooning method!
How will I find more about that? I apprecaite your help.
Dr. Lin:1/8/1999>
Long time ago, one of my readers e-mailed me about he and his friend's experience on the penile enlargement through intercourse as described in
Because so many readers asked me about the questions again and again, and one reader took my herbal supplement to last for 2 hours, I finally disclosed this trick in a better organized article.
In case748, I termed this method as the Ballooning Method, like inflating a new balloon with a step-by-step pumping. I outlined this method in the attached figure fig6-17b.jpg. You can do it yourself every morning when you jump out of the bed. It requires a lot of bioelectric energy in the parasympathetic, sexual nerve. Taking the advantage of the morning erection power in your
parasympathetic, sexual nerve to balloon the penis to an extreme. BUT, DON'T MASTURBATE and EJACULATE. You need the sexual power to inflate the penis!
In fact, the best practice is to work with a HOT lady who stores a lot of sexual energy in her Epicenter. Use the deep penetration to reach her Epicenter to couple her bioelectric energy to balloon your penis. If you can make her come twice with your penis, your penis will be
expanded to an extreme edge about to explode.
This penis will be about 140% of the normal erection.
If you constantly inflate your penis, your penile spongy tissues and cells will be stimulated to expanded. If you extract the natural Growth Hormones from the Gemmating seeds or nuts, fertilized eggs,
fish heads, and young-and-tender animals (chicken), your penile spongy tissue will be stimulated to grow.
When I was a teenager, my grama made a lot of the natural growth hormone soups for me to build up my body.
My wife has always noticed the ballooning effect of my penis and she can predict how many orgasms she will have from my ballooned penis.