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Case Study - Bioelectricity - The Foundation of Life and Love. Health problems caused by the 2nd ejaculation and the erectile drugs or herbs, for no erection and sexual orgasm.
Reader : 1/16/1999>
wondering if you would be so kind to elaborate on th damage that could be done"By the way, you should not try the 2nd ejaculation for her orgasm. It will damage your health. I have a rescue method for you, as described in http://www.linplaza.com/love/rescue.htm " what are your thoughts on ghanja and sex
Dr. Lin:1/17/1999>
The long-term 2nd ejaculation will eventually empty the seminal vesicles, the reservoir of the sperm and testosterone. Once the seminal vesicles are empty after ejaculation, the bioelectrical energy (bioenergy) in all the organs runs low, because it is partially drawn to support sexual activity through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) chain and the acupuncture network. Ejaculation not only pumps out semen but also discharge the bioenergy from the sex organs and the entire parasympathetic nervous network which stores bioenergy as a resting potential in each organ. The bioenergy is stored in the bioelectric cells like a battery, which allows organ transplant. For example, the Heart's autorhythmic and contractile fibers contains a very high density of bioelectric cells, which pace the heart beating. That is, the transplanting heart is still beating after being removed from the body and disconnected from the ANS. All the transplantable body parts or cells contains the bioenergy to keep themselves alive for a period of time after removing from the source body. The bioenergy allows them to re-establish a new life energy support from the targeted body. The bioenergy allows plants and animals to get transplanted and grafted.
In animal and human bodies, the bioelectric cells of organs are recharged through the Parasympathetic Nervous Division of the ANS and the Acupuncture Network, and discharged through the Sympathetic Nervous Division and Acupuncture Network.

Note: The recharge of the parasympathetic nerves is done by the burning of hormones (mainly testosterone; DHEA can be converted to testosterone in the local tissues with a help from hGH and enzymes.)  If you can take any erectile drugs or herbs which don't promote the endocrine function for hormonal production of hGH, DHEA and testosterone, you must take a dietary supplement to prevent the side effects of the erectile drugs or herbs. Since the penis can be erected by the biochemicals, such as an erection mediator Nitric Oxide (NO) or a direct-stimulating compound called cGMP,    that promote relaxation/dilation of the arterial smooth muscle. The most-famous erectile drug is slower the normal metabolic degradation of cGMP. Once the concentration of cGMP is accumulated to a threshold level,  erection occurs.  NO needs an enzyme called Guanylate Cyclas which is found in the arterial tissues to form cGMP.  However, a continuous erection support for a prolonging sex  and a hard erection requires the parasympathetic/Acetylcholine action for the continuous generation of NO and the retaining of penile sensitivity,  driven by the testosterone burst and burning which charges the resting potential of the entire nervous system.   If there is insufficient testosterone produced by the endocrine burst,  the erection will be died down in a short time, and  furthermore, ejaculation will consume bioenergy from the parasympathetic battery in the eyes, ears, lung, heart, liver, adrenal glands, and other parasympathetic-associated organs.  The resting potential of the parasympathetic nerve in each organ provides a Direct-Current (DC) biased voltage, like the working (biased) voltage for a semi-conductor Integrated Circuit chip, for the organ to function, to actuate (penile erection),  and to sense (visual and auditory functions). Without sufficient testosterone and DHEA, ejaculation will deplete the bioenergy from the other parasympathetic organs, resulting in sexual exhaustion. When the parasympathetic resting potential runs low, you will fail into sleep immediately after ejaculating. Your vision becomes fuzzy,  your ears is buzzing, your muscle, ligaments and joints are weak, ....... All can result from the erectile drugs and herbs that don't support the endocrine function. As a result of sexual exhaustion by a long-term use of  the erectile drugs and herbs, men will become permanently impotent after all,  when the erectile drugs or herbs can no longer stimulate erection.

That is why we have been developing  full-spectrum hormonal formulas with erectile and stress-blocking herbs to help men and women out. The formulas will provide the brain/ nervous/endocrine/liver/cardiovascular  systems with sufficient Acetylcholine action, NO generation, and stress-hormone reduction/blockage. The formulas will be named as ViaGrowth and ViaPal-hGH series. Please check the availability in /mail/herbform.htm

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.