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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Case Study - Dr. Lin's Penile Power-up Method works! Why? More sexual orgasm!
Last night I tried something which shocked me . I was trying to practice your Chi method when I suddenly crossed my legs while standing and tightening up my ass, and contracting the tail-bone, I had a sudden powerful erection, with veins all over my Penis, and all the feeling to ejaculate was gone and the penis stayed very hard for 50 minutes.
I measured it at that time and it shoot from 6 inches to 6.5 in. is this normal, Can I cross my legs and tighten up the ass while contracting my tail-bone when having sex, what effect does this have. To me it felt like I could control my ejaculation easily. Hope to hear from you soon.

Dr. Lin: 4/7/1999>
It seems that you have caught  the principle of the penile Power-up method. You felt the penis pop out from your body at that moment. The feeling is great. After that moment, Sexual stimulation on the penis won't bother you anymore at all until you feel the prostate muscle fatigued. Your experience is very normal.
The veins in the penis is swollen with the Power-up penis. If you have enough estrogen down there to trap more fluid in the penis, the veins won't expand that much.
Your penile expansion is driven by the excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the burning product of testosterone.
DHT will stimulate organs to enlarge. If the prostate have excessive DHT, it will be enlarged at the moment.
My penile power-up method is to redirect the excessive DHT into the Penile shaft and the glans to force the penile shaft to expand and, at the same time, to reduce the temporary prostate enlargement so that your ejaculation pressure in the prostate is gone!
The best way for you to do is: Open your legs and contract your tail bone if your body is full of testosterone. "Crossing the legs" is the Buddha lotus sitting posture with "Opening the legs" around the perineum. This sitting position is very close to my 3_point Excitation Love Position, but the 3-point Excitation Position allows ultra deep penetration to lock the Epicenter (the orgasm pacemaker, it is the female degenerated prostate!) by the glans penis.

Closing the legs will trap the blood circulation in the prostate area. If you have a limited testosterone burst at that time, you may have to close you legs to trap DHT initially; otherwise, you must open your legs to prevent the overheating of the prostate by DHT.

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.