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where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation. Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling" by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?] [Pain or Numbness in Muscles or Joints?] [Order Products for Health/Love] Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence! |
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About The Lin Institute New Products Orgasm/Lovemaking Tips Safe Sex & Diseases What's Sexual Orgasm? Aging and Shrinking Benefits from Orgasm Bioelectric Theory Broken Penis & Erection Case Studies Circumcision & Orgasm Clitoral/G-spot Enlargement? Complaints Contraception & Orgasm Damage of Sex Organs Discharge Drugs & Orgasm Eating, Drinking and Sex Erectile Dysfunction Exercise & Orgasm Female Ejaculation Female Orgasm Hormones & Orgasm HowTo Orgasm Hysterectomy & Orgasm Intercourse /Orgasmic Pain Impotent Youth LoveLife Love Positions LoveTools for Orgasm Male Orgasm Masturbation & TooMuch Sex Orgasmic Response Penile Damage Penile Enlargement Penile Size Premature Ejaculation Pregnancy & Orgasm PreMenstrual Syndrome Prostate Readers' Advice Sexual Disorder Sexual Education Sexual Health Sexual KungFu Sexual Solutions Sexual Q & A Surgery & Orgasm Vaginal Air Pumping Vaginal Size/Muscle Vasectomy & Orgasm What's New To Young Lovers |
Reader: 10/15/1999> JUst went through your site yesterday after a serach on "impotence" brought me in. You've done the best job of giving practical, illustrated, relevant information that I've come across. Thank you. Several questions arose from my reading. 1. What is the basis (philosophical, theology, physiological) for your mentioned daily morning 20 to 30 minute loving-sexual encounter with your wife? (If two people are working, and/or have children, etc., where is the energy to participate for the rest of us?) 2. What birth control methods do you use and why? 3. My wife causually mentioned after our love-making earlier this week that my erection does not stay up as long after organsim, as it used to. I note that there is value to the wife in maintaining an erection (starting from a super one to two o'clock position) to provider her more pleasure in multiple orgasims. How can I as a 63-year old male restore that erection hardness and postion, as well as reclaim some of the shrinkage? Does your book and/or CD illustrate where on the shaft of the penis to do the outward stroking (how often, how long, and how forcefully) to help achieve this end? What natural nutritional supplements would assist? Are there any other helpful actions to assist? 4. My wife has had one multiple organism many years ago, while loving in an empty ski chalet in the mountains with snow and moonlight outside showing in the windows. Would multiple orgasims deplete her energy more that would leave her exhausted from our early rising to go to our jobs? Since, I have never been successful in stimulating her G-Spot due to her seeming uncomfortablenss with my exploration, and due to our mutual general ignorance of more than a past reading about its presence in some women, we have not pursued it. Your information may change that if we have adequate rationale to believe its presence in my wife, and the operational, illustrated instructions how sensitively, patiently, successfully achieve its involvement. What "selling ideas" would help her positive consideration of exploring this added dimension? ((FYI - Although foreplay and arousal take longer for her now that she is 60 and tired from her outside work, she almost always enjoys an organism of one degree or another, and has all our married life.) 5. I see on your order form that only the CD version is mentioned, but no book. Don't you have both and are they both available together for convenience of portability of the book and reading where it is not practical to have or use a CD player? What would be the combined cost? Thanks again for your helpful,pioneering indepth work, which is based on actual experience and the disciplines of scientific methodology. The only dimension I find short-changed is the spiritual aspect of fitting within the context of Judeo-Christian theological framework. Any references to those who do,and help meet the East-West outlooks? If you want to use any of these Q & A on your website (which I found very helpful), perhaps you would want to break them up into separate Q & A. It is sometimes a challenge to find the answer to a topic when clicking on it, since it is quite a ways down the opening page, but trial and error finds them. Dr. Lin:10/15/1999> 1. The nervous and endocrine functions - Sexual nerves need a constant attention from the brain. Mind and visual stimulation can stimulate the Central Nervous System to command the pituitary to produce hGH and broadcast the hormone messengers to target the liver, adrenal cortexes, and testicles/ovaries. It is the Taoism sexuality to cure the male and female sexual dysfunctions. It works very well up to certain degrees. Principle: Use it or lose it. You can get 20-30 minutes prior to going to bed or prior to going to work too. 2. A hybrid method - Spermicidal jelly during the conceptive period (about 5 days), Spermicidal + Condom on the ovulation day (about 2 days), and free for the rest of days (about 17 days), but In the morning screwing, we have never used birth control at all. I have never leaked out! Clock (chart) her menstrual cycling and sexual/orgasmic response, track her intercourse and orgasmic pain/cramp and other physical and emotional tress and tension, and invent dietary formulas to solve her problems. http://www.actiontao.com/image/cycle.jpg It takes me more than 20 years to study the evolution of the female body and associated problems, ending up with engineering solution - the engineering integrity of the human body. 3. You need a full-spectrum hormone releaser to help you out. ViaPal-hGH-P or -D (new!) can restore your erection power, Item 3-010 or -012, respectively, in /mail/herbform.htm The dietary supplement is sufficient; adding the Natural Penile Enlargement practice can be even better. Yes CD_ROM has it. 4. Orgasm will give her more energy, because orgasmic waves stimulates her pituitary for more hormone production. Massage her body. Take a bath or shower together. The more the physical and mental intimacies, the better your marriage. 5. The book will be available upon Year 2000 - Y2K edition. The CD_ROM costs $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping and handling. The CD_ROM owner will pay $30.00 plus ($5.00) for the Hard-cover, color-printed book (more than 300 pages in 80-lb coasting paper). This offer is invalid after the Hardcopy book is released! Taoism sexuality is empirical. From my engineering science training, I use medical advancements and engineering science to interpret the Taoism sexuality, based up our love experiments. We are continuously revising our webpages. There are more than 2000 webpages! Too much work. Welcome interlinking my webpages. |
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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved. |