Asthma, Inflammatory Sinus (Sinusitis), Stuffy Nose, Orgasm Sneezing, Allergy, Flu-like Sickness, Feverish Sickness, Chest pain, Costochondritis, and Sexual Orgasm Orgasm induces immune challenge in 2 ways: direct and indirect. The direct one is to respond to the foreign substances bringing to the contact organs including the mouth and sex organs. The indirect one is a neuro-immune response to the orgasm induced norepinephrine release from the hypothalamus and adrenal glands, leading to the elevation of Immunoglobulin (antibodies ). The problem is: Chronic elevation of the stress hormone norepinephrine and its induced immune suppression will collapse the immune system.Sex-induced Asthma, Sneezing, Sinus and Allergy: Chemical mediators, associated with asthma, sinsusitis and allergy, found in nasal polyps are as follows: histamine, serotonin, cytokines Interleukins (IL-1beta, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and especially the neutrophil-chemoattractant IL-8 and IL-12) , chemokines, growth factors , eotaxin, leukotrienes [(SRS-A or LTC4, LTD4, LTE4), LTB4]. ECF-A, norepinephrine, prolactin, kinins, TAME-esterase, and Prostaglandins E2, and maybe prostaglandin D2 as well. Excessive ejaculation and orgasm keep prolactin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine, inflammatory cytokine Interleukins, prostaglandin E2 too high, but serotonin too low. The growth factors are promoted by prolactin while the inflammatory cytokins and chemokins are activated by excessive stress hormones norepinephrine/epinephrine, and or/prolactin, leading to excessive inflammatory hormones prostaglandin E2 and histamine release. Orgasm-stress induced inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 can over-excite master cells to release histamine and the central histaminergic nerves. Histamine and its receptors are very dense in the hypothalamus; Psychological or physiological stress, including sex-induced stress, can induce significant alterations in both histamine synthesis and its concentration in several brain regions. During stress reactions, histamine may act as a neurotransmitter within the hypothalamus. A high density of brain mast cells in regions situated at the boundary between the central nervous system (CNS) and its surroundings such as in the circumventricular organs and median eminence can induce immediate hypersensitivity either in the CNS or in the periphery. This gave you orgasmic allergic responses, asthma, sneezing, sinus, itchness, scalping burning sensation, hair loss and premature ejaculation. Histamine, in turn, may also trigger the release of various stress hormones to prolong your sex-induced stress for several days. Orgasm induces immune challenge in 2 ways: direct and indirect. The direct one is to respond to the foreign substances bringing to the contact organs including the mouth and sex organs. The indirect one is a neuro-immune response to the orgasm induced norepinephrine release from the hypothalamus and adrenal glands, leading to the elevation of Immunoglobulin (antibodies ). Chronic over-masturbation, over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm generally exhausts dopamine, cholinergic/vagal(acetylcholine), serotonin and GABA nervous control with excessive hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine conversion for constant sympathetic nervous fight or/and flight, excessive norepinephrine-induced informatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production over your body cells from the head down to the toes, excessive norepinephrine-induced Immunoglobulin (antibodies such as IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM) elevation for neuroimmune weakness and disorders, constant elevation of the pituitary prolactin release for autoimmune disorders, and constant constriction and inflammation of your arterial and heart smooth muscles. The problem is: Chronic elevation of the stress hormone norepinephrine and its induced immune suppression will collapse the immune system. There are several symptoms associated with excessive norepinephrine-induced Immunoglobulin elevation and excessive immune-suppression prostaglandin E2 for neuroimmune weakness and disorders. For sexual induced asthma, sneezing, allergy and sinus, we will have to deal with the excessive norepinephrine induced IgE which triggers excessive release of both histamine and prostaglandin E2. The antibody IgE, which is found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes, is responsible for activation of mast cells to release histamine, and for triggering cytokines like interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-13 (IL-13) and other inflammatory mediators to release inflammatory hormone and immune-suppressor prostaglandin E2. Thus, overshooting of IgE causes allergy, sneezing and hypersensitivity. Elevation of the stress neurohomrone norepinephrine will generally trigger the elevation of IgE for allergy, sneezing and hypersensitivity, and activates enzyme Cyclooxygenase-2 (also known as COX-2) to oxidize arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2. Excessive psychological or physical stress, excessive sex, over-exposure to sunlight or intensive heat, air pollution, or pollen can overshoot IgE for allergy, sinus, headaches and other inflammatory diseases. IgM is found in blood and lymp fluid in response to an infection. It promotes other immune system cells to destroy intruders. However, Excessive elevation of IgM indicates ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency, or humoral immune defect. IgG is found in the body fluid, very important in fighting against bacterial and viral infections. Norepinephrine is not supposed to increase IgG antibodies. IgA is found in the areas of the body, that exposed to foreign substances. Those areas include the nose, breathing passages, digestive tract, ears, eyes, and vagina. IgA antibodies protect the body surfaces against outside foreign substances. Sexual intimacy may elevate IgA in response to the secretion from the mouth, vagina, uterus and cervix and other sexual aid substances for men, and to the secretion of mouth, the ejaculation fluid and sexual aid substances for women. It is supposed to be an immune challenge. Chronic over-stimulation of the immune system with excessive stress neurohormone norepinephrine and its induced immune suppressor prostaglandin E2 will breakdown the immune adaptive ability and collapse the the adaptive immune system, leading to immune disorders. Thus, if your norepinephrine and prostaglandin E2 are not overshooting, immune stimulation with norepinephrine will improve the adaptive immune system to combat pathogens, the alternative term "infectious agents" or the common name "germs." The other immune complements of the innate immune system, known as the complement system which is not adaptable and won't change overtime in an individual's lifetime, can be recruited and brought into action by the adaptive immune system. The complement system is a biochemical cascade that clears pathogens by attacking the surface of foreign cells. It contains over 20 different proteins, circulating in the blood and bathing the tissues in an inactive form. In response to the recognition of foreign cells, the proteins become sequentially activated, working in a cascade in which the binding of one protein will promote the binding of the next protein in the cascade. It is the major humoral component of the innate immune response. The complement cascade is a double-edged sword. While protecting against the invasion of foreign cells, the complement system has the potential to be extremely damaging to host tissues via its induced inflammation and phagocytosis. A long-term stimulation of the complement system may lead to many diseases associated with an immune component, such as Barraquer-Simons Syndrome, asthma, lupus erythematosus, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis (inflammatory destruction of blood vessels including both arteries and veins)), kidney basement membrane diseases, nephritis (kidney inflammation), hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells), arthritis, autoimmune heart disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, ischemia-reperfusion injuries, and autoimmune disorders, and to the diseases of the central nervous system such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's diseases, parkinsonism, and other neurodegenerative conditions. Ref:
His over-masturbation starting at age 13 resulted in elevation of prolactin, low
sex drive, erectile dysfunction, muscle spasms and twitching, back/leg/arm/hip
pains, muscle tightness and pains, joint cracks and pop in the wrists, knees,
legs, and elbows, penile shrinkage, burning and cold sensation in the
groins/butts/legs/feet, testicular pains, precum flooding,
post-ejaculation/-orgasm allergic responses (watery eyes, sneezes and runny
nose) and prolonged refraction time..
Sex-induced Chest pain and Costochondritis: Over-ejaculation, over-masturbation, excessive sex, excessive orgasm or drug abuse can induce heart/arterial inflammation and arterial narrowness and constriction; the arteries are inflamed, narrowed and constricted by the excessive inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 and the binding of the norepinephrine and epinephrine in the alpha-adrenergic receptors in the blood vessels and tissues. Orgasm/sex-induced stress also induces cardiac mast cell activation and histamine release into the bloodstream. Chronic excessive norepinephrine and its induced excessive histamine and prostaglandin E2 promote the development of atherosclerosis, coronary inflammation and cardiac ischemia, besides environmental toxins such as smoking (nicotine, pot, etc.). In myocardial ischemia, excessive norepinephrine release causes severe arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Recent studies shows histamine H3-receptors can provide a negative feedback control for the release of norepinephrine from the sympathetic nervous endings, and for a number of other neurotransmitters such as histamine itself, dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine, and serotonin. But, this negative feed control can be easily breakdown by excessive stress. On the other hands, histamine H1 and H2 receptors promote cardiac disorders. Reduction of endogenous histamine release or/and blockade of histamine H1 and H2 receptors can protects against ischemia. This is why there are a lot of reports about sudden death or cardiac arrest during intercourse or masturbation when histamine stimulates H1 and H2 receptors more than H3. And, severe allergy can cause cardiac arrest. However, what happens when histamine over-stimulates H3 but understimulate H1 and H2? In this regard, you will like to experience the sexual exhaustion symptoms resulted from post-sex deficiency of dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin and GABA. Unfortunately, in the most of sexual exhaustion symptoms we have collected, it seems H3 fails to negatively feedback control the norepinephrine and histamine release since sexual arousal, orgasm or ejaculation always triggers the hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine conversion and histamine release when you are in the exhaustion state of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. For those with premature ejaculation, precum flooding, or premature orgasm, the sex organs start to release excessive histamine when norepinephrine and its induced prostaglandin E2 start to heat up the brain, sex organs and noradrenergic/adrenergic/sympathetic nervous systems. Our readers' urinary analyses always showed an excess of norepinephrine and a severe deficiency of serotonin. This indicates that under the stimulation of excessive inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 and prolactin in sexual exhaustion conditions, H3 fails to negatively reduce histamine and norepinephrine release, but it positively and successfully block the dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and GABA release in the nervous terminals. Ref:
In the News: Asthma medication can cause heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and other potentially deadly problems - A chronic inflammatory condition of medium and large arteries will result in chest pains,
heart attack, asthma, difficult breathing, ear ringing, eye inflammation and
Note: Asthma is mainly induced by
excessive release of prostaglandin D2 from the master cells. Under asthma
attack, the master cells release excessive prostaglandin D2 resulting in
constriction and tightness of airways. Prostaglandin E1 or/and E2 analog
sprays can release the constriction and tightness of airway tissues and
nerves. This is the positive, emergency use of prostaglandin E2
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in constant semen/precum leakage, chronic asthma, watery ejaculation and sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm
She said PeniSOS/Fibra help her diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, and lousy sinus ! (?) Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted memory loss, low back ache, fatigue, loose joints, ear buzzing, eye floaters and sinus - no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbation resulted in psychological disorders, fatigue, head and neck pains, Parkison-like tremor, insomnia, inflammatory head and sinus pressure for no sexual orgasm. Chronic Over-ejaculation/over-masturbation resulted in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms - tiredness, body and penile underdevelopment, bad sinus headaches, lower back pain, mood swings, premature ejaculation, curved penis, sleep disorder and frequent unation for no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbating from age 14-31 results in all of the sexual exhaustion symptoms, some fatigue, graying of hair, hair thinning, eye floaters, sinus, ear aches, and sleeping disorder for no more sexual orgasm. On the arylalklamine N-acetyltransferase gene expression disorder in the pineal gland and retina for circadian rhythm and viusal nervous disorders. Over-masturbating 2-5 times for Sexual Exhaustion symptoms - no more sexual orgasm, but memory loss, tiredness, sleeping disorder, low-back pain, sinus. headache, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. ==> Young man's Over-masturbating and pot smoking cause all kinds of exhaustion symptoms and brain disorders - penile/prostate/testicular/back pains, erectile dysfunction, tiredness, depression, fatigue, blurred vision, ear ringing, sinus, short breath, nausea, loss memory, dizziness, migraines, low libido and so on, for no more sexual orgasm. ==> Hypertension, diabetes condition and SSRIs andidepression drugs give me impotence for no sexual orgasm; the PDE-5 inhibitor erectile drugs won't work. ==> Medical school's student experiences sexual exhaustion symptoms: memory loss, severe anxiety, hair loss, ear ringing, sleeping disorder ( insomnia) and heart racing for no more sexual orgasm ==> Over-masturbating 3 times a day in average since 11 kills his 16 years old brain and nervous systems for bad eye floaters, eye light sensitivity, high blood pressure, irregular cardiovascular output, and losing concentration. ==> Over-masturbation and pot chemicals thin his penis by hardening tunica albuginea for no weak erection and sexual orgasm; on penile growth and enlargement factors ==> Side effects of Calcium Channel Blockers for no sexual orgasm ==> Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation let him experience sexual exhaustion, major depression, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, pressuring headaches, anti-social behaviors, constant Fight-or-Flight symptoms, sexual blockage, schizophrenia and kundalini syndrome for no more sexual orgasm. ==> Chronically over-masturbating/over-ejaculating 2-3 times daily resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory responses everywhere for frequent urination, joint pain, weak erection, watery ejaculation, balding scalp, difficult focusing, premature ejaculation, pre-hypertension, and no more sexual orgasm ==> Solution for sex-induced stress and panic attack, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disorders - side effects of sexual orgasm ==> chronic Over-masturbation resulted in ear ringing, dizziness, sweating, vertigo, nausea, heart racing, hypertension and no more sexual orgasm sent him to ER. ==> Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation resulted in severe premature ejaculation (ejaculating before penetration) and irregular cardiovascular function for no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-ejaculation resulted in eye floaters, chronic sore joints, heart palpitations, constant digestive disturbances and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm; A long-term semen or sperm retention caused another inflammation problem. ==> Penile pumping, erectile drugs, beta-blockers and migraine headaches drugs killed his penis for no more sexual orgasm. Chronic over-masturbation 1-2 times a day since age 9 resulted in eye floaters and hypertension for no more sexual orgasm. ==> Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation (excessive orgasm) at a rate of 3+ times since age 5 resulted in severe headaches, high blood pressure and erectile function for the end of sexual orgasm! ==> Having sex 4 or 5 times a day killed his 23 years old brain and cardiovascular function for severe sex headaches and extreme hypertension with blood pressure 190/70 (measured in the hospital) - the end of sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation, penile shrinkage, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure and irregular cardiovascular function for no more sexual orgasm ==> Causes and Solution for post-ejaculation internal healing, blurred vision, headaches, body weakness and heat-attack-like sexual orgasm ==> Over-masturbation causes his sexual exhaustion symptoms,psychological disorders, sympathetic cardiovascular disorder, and diabetes for no more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I'm in the process of reducing my medication successfully.' with Viapal-hGH-M; can a high-blood patient take a stronger formula with DopaFibra? ==> He said 'I have noticed many improvements,... I have some high blood pressure but it has lowered since I started taking Via palhGHx.' On the Penile Ballooning with a high blood pressure condition for sexual orgasm. ==> A 75-year young customer said ' I have started getting erection in the morning for the first time in years!!' and drops the blood pressure after having a low dose of ViaGrowth-IV for 1 month; looking for a high-power formula ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for better health, erection and sexual orgasm. ==> Impotence and erectile dysfunction due to Hypertension drugs; On the Clitoral hood (foreskin = hood + labia minors), relationship between male and female sex organs, and nervous mechanism of sexual orgasm. Penile pumping damage, cockring damage or beta blockers can deform or shrink the penis for no sexual orgasm ==> An 1-year customer said "thank you for your wonderful products." for health and sexual orgasm - on the benefits and side effects of Yohimbe; the tricks of our formulas ==> Diabetes, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, venous leakage and sexual orgasm. ==> Hypertension, Kidney's Renin action, and false prostate enlargement - for no erection and sexual orgasm ==> Customers with blood-pressure or heart conditions love ViaPal-hGH-X for better sexual orgasm ==> He sad 'ViaPal-hGH-X is the only supplement working for me.' for heart and blood-pressure patients' Health and Sexual Orgasm ==> An erectile user with high-blood pressure likes the full spectrum-hormone releaser for better sexual orgasm. ==> Dr.Lin's formula helps a 65-year old tree grow new sprouts and tender leaves for hard erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Your products are certainly helping the healing process. ' - more sexual Orgasm ==> |
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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin(click here). Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved. |