Nicotine, Erection and Sexual Orgasm: Nicotine, the major psychotropic agent present in tobacco, which mimics the
acetylcholine action in the cholinergic nicotine receptors for inducing calm
feeling, is recognized as a
potent addictive drug for both in humans and laboratory animals. It mimics the
acetylcholine action on the cholinergic nicotine receptors, which in turn exert
stimulatory effects on the mesolimbic dopaminergic function. Thus, nicotine can
increase DA outflow in the nucleus accumbens and and the corpus striatum. It can
excite neuronal firing rate and increase bursting activity of DA neurons in the
substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA).
Repeated nicotine exposure enhances its locomotor and reinforcing effects and
modulated central dopaminergic function for neuroplasticity (in plain language,
addiction). Studies have found that boosting dopamine, serotonin and GABA
nervous function can help you overcome nicotine addiction. Our products
ViaPal-hGH-P and Pinealtonin (or 5-HTP) can help you out. -;;
and more in
Smoking increases inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production - Case Title: Pot and cigarettes smoking for 18 years resulted in no libido and impotence for no more sexual orgasm - the solution! (This links has been continuously updated. Warning: Benzo-[a]-pyrene, a carcinogenic component of cirgarette smoke has been shown to increase COX-2 expression and prostaglandin E-2 output in the vascular smooth muscles (for examples: arteries, heart, prostate, uterus, vagina, penis and clitoris) and oral epithelia cells. What does this mean to smokers' sexual life!) Reader: 6/03/2005> Dr Lin, Dr. Lin: 6/04/2005>You need a long-term liver and nervous detoxification with ViaPal-hGH-P (3-010), DeToxiA (1-017) and PinealTonin (2-001), plus L-Arginine 500 mg 3 times a day, Fish and Borage Oil(1000 mg each meal) to boost the prostaglandin E-1 and NO/Oxytocin synthesis to stimulate your testicular function. (please note that we are developing a very powerful L-Arginine complex called ArgiNOx to boost the NO and oxytocin synthesis and the liver Urea cycle in addition to detoxification.) You should read this link about the destruction of hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis - Pot smoking and drug abuse in conjunction with over-ejaculation practice are extremely destructively, due to the fact that pot or drug chemicals will take over the nervous synapses and mimic the action of primary neurotransmitters without producing the secondary neurotransmitters (NO and CO from acetylcholine, for examples) or hormone (melatonin from serotonin) essential to the recharge of the acetylcholine/paraysmpathetic nervous symptom and a heathy cardiovacular function and blood circulation . You get the following destructive chemicals (alternating and destroying gene expression) from smoking cigarettes - nitrosamines (TSNAs, including N-nitrosonornicotine, nicotine-derived nitrosamino ketone (NNK), N-nitrosoanatabine and N-nitrosoanabasine) and tar ( carcinogenic substances alternating genes), ammonia, carbon monoxide (poisonous gas by inhaling), nicotine, nitric oxide (poison gas by inhaling), aromatic amines ( 1-aminonapthalene, 2-aminonapthalene, 3-aminobiphenyl and 4-aminobiphenyl), benzo[a]pyrene, volatile carbonyls (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, acrolein, propionaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, methyl ethyl ketone and butyraidehyde), pyridine and quinoline, phenolic compounds ( hydroquinone, resorcinol, catechol, phenol, m+p-cresol, and o-cresol ), 1,3-butadiene, isoprene, acrylonitrile, benzene, toluene and styrene, hydrogen cyanide, mercury, lead, and much more. Formaldehyde can cause cancer and damage to your skin, lungs, stomach and bowels; hydrogen cyanide can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and vomiting; Benzene can cause cancer, particularly leukaemia; cadmium can cause brain, kidney and liver damage; lead can cause damage to the brain, kidney and red blood cells. Sexually, these chemicals cause sperm/semen production disorders and impotence, harder the arteries, and damage the brain, liver, heart, liver, kidneys, testicles (ovaries), prostate (uterus/cervix), and bladder in the long run, All the toxins are detectable in semen. Based on a lot of semen/sperm studies in the past, nicotine is associated
with change of the sperm membranes and sperm receptors and damage of
sperm DNA. Nicotine mimics acetylcholine and binds to the sperm cholinergic
receptor responsible for regulation of the sperm ability in fertilizing an
egg. Studies also show smoking resulted in an abnormal increase in seminal
leukocyte (White blood cells) counts and more than double in reactive
oxygen species levels. That is, cigarette smoking increases seminal leukocytic
counts and oxidization stress, as a sign of an inflammation within the male
reproductive tract leading to a poor semen quality and quantity.
Smoking-related oxidization stress may explain reduced sperm fertilizing capacity and increased
oxidative damage to sperm DNA among male smokers
He said ' I have been using your products for four months now and have had great improvements. I have recovered from watery ejaculation, painful orgasm,numbness in penis,back aches, joint aches, and sleeping disorders, high anxiety, severe depression. All conditions i received from over masterbating, over- ejaculating, pot smoking, drinking, excessive eating, smoking cigarettes. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm; His warning on use of a tight condom acting as a cockring for penile damage ==> He said ' Well, I can already tell you some very positive things after only nine days of treatment!... I'm noticing quite a bit more semen upon ejaculation! And it's no longer watery, but actually has substance to it, and it's shooting farther! It's quite amazing, really; I didn't expect to see any sort of benefit for months! Now, another thing I never expected of this: I've quit smoking entirely.' for restoration of sexual orgasm and hair; On alcohol (red wine) and our products; how to extract wine substances without side effects of alcohol. ==> Chronic Over-Masturbation and over-ejaculation since 16 and drug abuse (smoking marijuana, narcotics and cigarettes) since 19 result in young impotency, premature ejaculation, ear ringing. eye floaters, and hypertension no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbation with drug abuse, ranging from marijuana, ecstasy, mushrooms, medication pills, cigarettes and so on, results in erectile dysfunction and water ejaculation (no semen) at age 18! ==> Several-year marijuana and cigarettes smoking results in impotence; even a high dose of erectile drug PDE-5 inhibitor won't work ==> Penile operation for bedwetting (??!!/) can damage the penile nerves, marijuana and cigarettes smoking causes testicular disorders for penile shrinkage, so does weightlifting ==> Enjoying a lot of pot (marijuana) coke (cocaine), methamphetamine, binge drank, cigarettes, over-masturbation, promiscuous/excessive sex resulted in poor concentration (Attention Deficiency Disorder or ADD), poor memory, over-reactive bladder, frequent urination, premature ejaculation, depression, eye floaters, ear buzzing, dizziness, seeing stars, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) ==> Good-old-days bad habits - marijuana smoking, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse and over-masturbation accelerate sexual ageing for erectile dysfunction and penile shrinkage from 8 inches to 7 inches. Ok, tune up your sexual engine, overhaul your transmission and paint your wagon for your new attractive 26-year old girlfriend. ==> Chronic over-masturbation, drug abuse and smoking result in post-ejaculation blurry vision, pelvic pain, and stomach cramps for no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbation, drug abuse, addiction, marijuana smoking, and cigarette smoking resulted in concentration loss, fatigue, premature ejaculation, penile shrinkage, erectile dysfunction - no sexual orgasm ==> Chronic pot smoking (marijuana abuse) and cigarrettes smoking resulted in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation (lasting only 1 minutes) for no sexual orgasm ==> Chronic pot smoking (marijuana smoking), cocaine abuse, alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking resulted in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm ==> Self destruction practices - over masturbation, alcohol abuse, pot smoking and cigarette smoking) resulted in blurry vision, concentration loss, sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbation, pot (marijuana) and tobacco smoking resulted in memory loss, pelvic pain, eye floater, dizziness, precum flooding and depression for no more sexual orgasm Chronic pot and cigarette smoking and ephedra (ephedrine) abuse resulted in tachycardia, panic attack, anxiety, hypoglycemiam, weight gain and no more sexual orgasm Chronic over-masturbation, pot smoking, alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking induced excessive inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production and collagen-hardening for penile varicose veins, varecoseles, penile pain, prostatitis, and testicular pain for no more sexual orgasm. ==> chronic over-masturbation and drug abuse (alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and cigarette smoking) killed her brain/nervous systems, clitoris and vagina for no more sexual orgasm marijuana chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes and penile enlargement jelqing exercises chemically and mechanically killed his erectile dysfunction, induced premature ejaculation and bad testicular feeling for no sexual orgasm Chronically over-masturbation and smoking (pot and cigarettes) killed his brain/nervous systems, testicles and lungs for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm ==> Chronic over-masturbation with drug abuse (cocaine/ecstasy and marijuana), loud music and cigarettes resulted in since age 13 resulted in nervous inflammation, ear ringing/ buzzing/cracking/popping/spluttering, memory loss, mind concentration difficulty, and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm. ==> Alcohol, pot smoking and cigarettes killed his brain and penis for low libido, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm ==> Penile jelqing exercises and smoking caused his penile varicose veins and tissue hardening for no more sexual orgasm. Chronic Pot and cigarette smoking and caffeine abuse resulted in constant sympathetic nervous Fires for no more erection or sexual orgasm - solution ==> Pot smoking and cigarettes killed his semen and sperm production for no sexual orgasm and infertility ==> Cigarette and pot smoking and blood pressure medication drugs killed his libido and penis for no more sexual orgasm ==> Evidences show destruction of pot (marijuana) smoking, resulting in low libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low seminal production for no more sexual orgasm ==> smoking cigarettes and pot and alcohol abuse kills his brain and penis (going limp!) for low back pains and no more sexual orgasm. ==> Over-masturbation, excessive cigarette smoking, and smoking marijuana has killed his erection for no more sexual orgasm. Pot (marijuana) smoking, ecstasy, cocaine and cigarettes smoking has killed his 22 years old brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm ==> abuse of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, crack and cigarettes results in no more libido, erection, semen production and sexual orgasm. ==> Self destruction with chronic over-masturbation , spot smoking, alcohol abuse, and cigarettes smoking for chronic prostatitis, penis and testicle shrinkage, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, eye floaters, body aches, low back, stiff neck, anxiety and sleeping disorder for no more sexual orgasm Chronic abuse of creatine/caffeine/alcohol/cigarettes (legal drugs) and pot and ephedra (illegal drugs) for erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm - solution! ==> Boy, pre-puberty over-masturbation, penile milking self destruction, pot smoking, cigarette smoking, and alcohol abuse have killed his brain/nervous systems and penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm ==> Chemical and mechanical destruction of the brain/nervous system and testicles/penis by pot (cannabis/marijuana) smoking, alcohol, cigarettes, and penile enlargement exercises for psychological instability, no more erection and no sexual orgasm! ==> Previous Abusing of drugs ( marijuana ,alcohol, LSD, and cigarettes ) has continuously caused this 24-yr young man's erectile dysfunction and instant (15-second) premature ejaculation for no more erection and sexual orgasm ==> Cigarette, Marijuana, and DHT inhibitor finasteride killed his libido and erection and shrunk his penis for no more sexual orgasm ==> Smart young man abused MDMA (Ecstacy), Marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes for psychological instability, penile shrinkage and no more sexual orgasm. ==> |
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved. |