Sex, Orgasm, Post-orgasm (men and women), or Drug
Abuse Induced Headaches / Migraines / Vertigo / Shooting Pains / cramps / Sinus /Dizziness -
Excessive sex-induced stress, stressed-out liver, and exhaustion of the
extrahypothalamus-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis usually
activate HLA-B27, inflammatory cytokines and COX-2 for inflammatory responses
all over your body from your brain, eyes, ears down to your feet, legs and toes,
like you body is on fire.
You have to adjust your life style and nutrients to silence HLA-B27,
inflammatory cytokines and COX-2 expression. A lack of blood circulation or/and
an inflammation inside the brain results in headaches and dizziness.
Headaches, dizziness, ear ringing, eye floaters, impotence or weak erection
indicate your arteries and veins are inflammatory and constricted, particularly
in your brain and testicles. This also may cause vertigo, a
life-threatening risk. You also get depression, loss of mental focus and memory,
which implies exhaustion of dopamine,
acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA, and depletion of testosterone and DHT.
By the way, how are excessive stress hormones norepinephrine/epinephrine and the resulted
DHT, norepinephrine/epinephrine trapped in the scalp and prostate, or other
organs and skin during sexual arousal and orgasm, or even during extreme
psychological or physical stress? When you are in
sexual arousal, your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis releases a lot of
norepinephrine and your testicular function pumps out a lot of DHT in your
bloodstream, When your oxytocin level is high enough to your arteries dilation
during sexual arousal, your dilating arteries allow more
norepinephrine/epinephrine, DHT, histamine and prostaglandins to reach your scalp. However, after orgasm or
ejaculation, your prolactin level elevates to induce arterial constriction that
can cut off blood circulation to your brain, scalp, penis and testicles.
You may experience headaches, dizziness, weak muscles and joint, dry or itchy
skin, limp penis and shrunk testicles immediately right after ejaculation or
orgasm. And your skin and scalp become dry, tight and even itchy. Under
sexual exhaustion, your arteries and veins are also inflamed to further block
blood circulation; particularly, coronary arteries, heart, lungs and liver may
be inflammatory in response to excessive norepinephrine, prostaglandin E2, DHT
and histamine in the bloodstream. Thus, after orgasm or ejaculation, excessive
orgasm-resulted hormones or neurochemicals such as DHT, prolactin, prostaglandin
E2, histamine, glutamate, melanin,
and norepinephrine/epinephrine are likely trapped in certain areas such as scalp, prostate,
eyes, ears, nipples, face and skin (particularly, the pubis, perineum, scrotum,
labia major and minor.) The post-sex arterial constriction or poor blood
circulation exposes the hair follicles and prostate cells to the
excessively trapped DHT, prostaglandin E2, histamine, and norepinephrine/epinephrine
for destruction, without protection from melatonin, while prolactin and
norepinephrine/epinephrine disable the testicular function, leading to a low
testosterone and DHT release few hours after ejaculating or orgasm. The
post-sex testosterone and DHT in the bloodstream are essential to the
stimulation of nitric oxide release in the parasympathetic nervous endings for
the relaxation of the arteries and for recovery. Without sufficient testosterone
and DHT in the bloodstream, the arteries will be continuously constricted. For
sexually exhausted patients, their testosterone and DHT production mainly rely
on the skin neuroendocrine function with light stimulation and other internal
organs such as adrenal glands and brain tissues; and the arterial constriction
continuously shuts off the testicular function until their testosterone
and DHT level in the bloodstream elevate to a certain level. Therefore, it will
take about 5-7 days for the disabled testicular function to resume.For more Vertigo information, please click here (go
Example: His ER (Emergence Room) doctors puzzled about his UFO
sexual exhaustion symptoms: dizziness, headaches, ear buzzing (inner ear
or cochlea inflammation), neck stiffness, shoulders tightness and pains,
sleeping disorders, fatigue, short breathing racing heart, involuntary leg jerks
and hand shaking (hyperactive sympathetic nerves L1 and L2 for Parkinson
symptoms with dopamine, cholinergic serotonin and GABA nervous control
disorders), and water retention (too much vasopressin), as a result of
chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16084.htm
No-organic (non-tumor, non-cancer and non-mechanically damaged) Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness or
Vertigo results from a responsive disorder of the central or/and peripheral vestibular
system (i.e., vestibular nerve, brainstem, cerebellum, and ear structure change;
for detail of the ventricular system and its cerebrospinal fluid, please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventricular_system
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebrospinal_fluid
, respectively) to the neuro-chemistries and hormonal unbalances, excessive
stressors norepinephrine/epinephrine and excessive glutamate release or
accumulation (due to a shortage of the enzyme
acid decarboxylase and pyridoxal
phosphate to efficiently convert elevating glutamate into GABA during sex)
for excitotoxicity, abnormal release of cortisol (having an abrupt drop during
sex and orgasm, followed by an overshooting several hours later or in the next
morning), excessive prolactin with cortisol to lock up the pituitary-adrenal and
-testicular function for deficiency of androgen hormones and for delay of
recovery, nervous or tissue inflammation and/or constriction (including all
blood vessels, particularly the carotid arteries to the brain), or abrupt change of the object
lighting, the rapidly relative motion of the objects to the eyes, or sudden
change of the head position. Sex,
ejaculation, orgasm,
drugs (antidepressants,
blood pressure,
drugs, brain's blood sugar deficiency, water
intoxication, extreme high-protein diets, and natural
ageing can induce cerebrospinal neuro-chemistries and hormonal unbalances
(including excessive
stressors, drug chemistries and alcohol) in the cerebrospinal fluid,
cerebrospinal fluid pressure and volume change, nervous or tissue inflammation,
and vestibular constriction
or expansion tension for no-organic
(non-tumor or non-cancer) Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness or Vertigo. In this
link, we collect
enough cases to prove the non-organic causes (click here) and then offer solution
examples (click here).
Cerebrospinal fluid, produced by the choroid
plexus formed by specialized ependymal cells, circulates inside and around the vestibular
system, the brain and spinal cord. Its functions of cerebrospinal
- To deliver nutrients to the structures of the vestibular and nervous system;
- To removes waste from the brain and spinal cord in detoxifying the environment of the vestibular
and nervous system;
- To act as a shock absorber of the brain and spinal cord in
avoiding trauma resulted from impacts, falls, blows, etc.
- To support the transduction of the central nervous system, affecting
memory, focus, concentration, vision, hearing, nervous reaction speed,
mood, speech, control, blood pressure, breathing, seminal production,
erection, orgasm, and so on.
So, don't use drugs, alcohol or excessive stress hormones to pollute
the Cerebrospinal fluid, and keep the production mechanism of the choroid
plexus working properly.
Note: Semen contains a lot of GABA ( http://www.andrologyjournal.org/cgi/content/full/25/1/140
, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6237538?ordinalpos=1&itool=
) and beta-endorphin http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6291653?ordinalpos=1&itool=
, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2216060?ordinalpos=8&itool=
EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum), both of which
are the calm/inhibitory neurochemicals. For a healthy man, ejaculation
triggers glutamate-GABA conversion with the liver enzyme glutamate decarbozylase
while glutamine is converted to glutamate by the liver enzymes glutamate
synthase and synthelase. In a male rates model, the cerebrospinal
fluid(CSF)'s GABA and Asparagine/glutamate
concentration increases 1000% and 200%, respectively, and there is a small
decrements in amino accids such as serine, arginine, Alanine
and leucine (
). If there is a lack of the liver enzyme glutamate decarbozylase,
glutamate in CSF becomes too high and GABA becomes too low. This is why
ejaculation causes deficiency of GABA and excessive glutmamte for the brain and
nervous instability and sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight responses. Semen's
GABA and beta-endorphin in the vaginal and cervix can block the female dopamine,
oxytcoin and glutamate nervous excitation in the brain via the
pituitary-uterus/cervix vagal nervous pathway, Both GABA and beta-endorphin also
increase the female cerebrospinal fluid's GABA and beta-endocrine concentration
right after male ejaculation, leading to calming the female central nervous
system and reducing the oxytocin release. That is why premature ejaculation will
disable libido immediately, unless the semen's prostaglandin E2 and glutamate
can continue exciting the clitoral, G-spot, cervix and uterus vagal nerves.
However, semen/CSF's GABA and beta-endorphrine can help male and female
post-orgasm pains in the urethra, prostate, bladder, clitoris, vagina,
uterus, and tailbone http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/145/3/1331. Note:
Beta-endorphin is mainly produced by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and
-testicular/Ovarian axis in response to stress. A sexual exhaustion person
will fail to release sufficient beta-endorphin in help suppress pains. A
persistent sexual arousal person lacks of GABA and beta endorphin, but has a
high level of glutamate, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and/or histamine.
A high level of GABA and beta-endorphin in semen can prolong sex, but once the
male ejaculate, its female partner will lost sexual receptivity for no more sex
in a short time.
Why can sex, sexual arousal, ejaculation or orgasm induce Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness or
Vertigo ?
Orgasm or sexual arousal can burn out
acetylcholine/serotonin/dopamine/androgen hormone (DHEA/androstenedione/testosterone)
in the brain, with an abrupt elevation of cortisol release (with blocking of the
cortisol-cortisone conversion due to a sudden drop of 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid
DeHydrogenase Type II ) and dopamine/norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion,
and then induce an excessive release of oxytocin,
prolactin and epinephrine, where oxytocin and/or epinephrine (in the
sympathetic beta receptors) can cause excessive tissue volume expansion or engorgement
but cortisol/prolactin/epinephrine (in sympathetic nerves alpha-2 receptors) trigger COX-2 and PKC
over-expression for excessive
prostaglandin E-2 resulting in nervous aterial inflammation. On the other hand,
when prolactin and epinephrine ((in sympathetic nerves alpha-2 receptors)
continuously produce contraction against the nerves lack of the relaxation/elasticity/housekeeping hormone prostaglandin
E-1, you will experience persistent post-orgasm pains and headaches.
Generally, a
lack of prostaglandin E-1 results in tightness and rigidity of the tissues,
blood vessels and nerves in the post-orgasm state. With an excessive
inflammation hormone prostaglandin E-2 release, you will suffer a long-lasting
inflammation pains or cramps as long as your epinephrine
and prolactin level won't subside. (click here for case by
case explanation). some may also experience post-sex ear
ringing, blurred
vision, eye reddiness, or eye floaters, in addition to
pains. For men, a persistent elevation of prostaglandin E-2 also
indicates your testicular function is in trouble, at least, too exhausted and
have testicular pains as well ! For women, you will get low abdomen
(ovarian/uterine/clitoral) pains! This means sexual arousal, orgasm or
ejaculation can activate inflammatory factors and induce body cramp or
tightness. The sex-induced body chemistry change will also alternate the
chemistry of cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) due to the fact that any chemicals in the bloodstream can
diffuse though the
"Blood-CSF" barrier (or the so-called blood-brain barrier (BBB))
in the chroroid plexus of the vestibular system, where CSF is
secreted. Alcohol in the bloodstream can carry healthy or harmful
chemicals to pass through the BBB very easily and effectively. Therefore, when
harmful chemicals in your blood stream are high, don't add alcohol into your
bloodstream. Drinking alcohol with drugs will let the drug chemicals get into
the bloodstream without destruction by the liver's Cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A)
enzyme in the digestive system (for information, please read http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15003.htm.
) The inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 will also damage or loosen
the BBB. If you have inflammatory pains, you must stop drugs abuse since the
drugs chemicals can easily pass into the CSF under this condition. And You must
make sure your blood contains no neurotoxins.
He said ' your products do work because a lot of symptoms have
gone away.' Open up brain-blood barrier (BBB) with inflammation induced by
over-masturbation and alcohol allow more Marijuana toxins to get into the
brain/CNS (Central Nervous System)and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for
headaches, stomach pains, dizziness, eye floaters, fatigue, penile and
testicular shrinkage, excessively frequent nocturnal emission
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16710.htm
68 years old man used erectile drugs to have sex, but
eventually gets eye floater, headache, urinary incontinence and frequent urination.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16779.htm
CT scan and eye doctors could not see his chronic excessive-ejaculation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, eye problems, weak erection, depression, fear, suicidal thought, difficult thinking, hair thinning, back pain, loss of focus, persistent sexual arousal, premature ejaculation, no self confidence, and burry visison
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16776.htm
OverMasturbation since 13 at multiple times a day results
in sexual exhaustion symptoms in 31: Mood swing, depression,
anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, losing concentration, insomnia,
no libido, fatigue, laziness, irritability, short temper, panic
attack, muscle tension and cramp, headaches, excessive sweating (even in
the cold weather) , nausea, dizziness, tiredness, restless leg symptom
(RLS), paranoia, inflammatory nasal congestion, sinus and allergy for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16811.htm
Chronic (8 years) over-masturbation results in sex exhaustion symptoms with post-orgasm burning sensation, explosive head pain, sleeping disorder, muscle weakness, concentration and attention deficiency (ADD) ,
laziness, weak erection and no more sexual orgasm. Long-term abstinence won't reverse the excessive sex induced neuroplasticity.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16750.htm
His chronic Over-Masturbation and over-ejaculation give him eye flaoters, penile shrinkage, and premature ejaculation and her chronic abuse of vibrators burns out her hypothalamus-pituitary axis for vaginal scarring, migraines, anxiety and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16747.htm
chronic masturbation since age 13 results in sex headaches,
soft erection, erectile dysfunction, memory loss, and precum leakage
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16738.htm
Inflammatory pain alters blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junctional protein expression
Blood-Brain Barrier: Penetration of Morphine, Codeine, Heroin, and Methadone
after Carotid Injection
Blood-brain barrier leakage may lead to progression of temporal lobe epilepsy
Blood—Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier
Inflammation and the neurovascular unit in the setting of focal cerebral ischemia.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18824084 or
Perivascular spaces and the two steps to neuroinflammation.
The blood-central nervous system barriers actively control immune cell entry into the central nervous system.
Characteristics of compounds that cross the blood-brain barrier
Getting into the brain: approaches to enhance brain drug delivery.
Selected Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Esters may Provide Analgesia for Some Central Pain Conditions. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20703328
Low CSF gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in Parkinson's Disease. Effect of levodopa and carbidopa.
CSF GABA levels in Parkinson's disease.
Deficiency of electrolytes, deficiency of androgen hormones with excessive
stressors epinephrine or/and cortisol and excessive inflammatory hormones or
factors (for example, prostaglandin E2!), extreme vestibular temperature
(head and spinal overheating or overcooling), or excessive drugs and alcohol
in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid will result in dizziness or vertigo too; Sinus, or brain,
eye or middle ear inflammation or constriction will causes headaches, dizziness
or vertigo too.
Post-coital, post-orgasm headaches don't discriminate men with women, even
when some men can practice semen retention to have orgasm without ejaculation.
Most of men who can practice orgasm without ejaculation are likely producing
more prostaglandin E1 and endorphin with a high level of serotonin and GABA
nervous control to calm and overcome the nervous excitation produced by
dopamine, norepinephrine, glutamate, histamine and prostaglandin E2. These
men can avoid sexual exhaustion symptoms, like women. But, frequent orgasm can
not stop the effects of norepinephrine, glutamate, histamine and
prostaglandin E2, particularly when the cholinergic (vagal), serotonin, GABA
function are burned out and becoming to weak to suppress the inflammatory
hormone prostaglandin E2 production in the brain and pelvic cavity. Orgasmic headaches is a
result of excessive dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion in the
hypothalamus and hippocampus, where norepinephrine triggers excessive
inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production in the adrenergic alpha- and
beta-receptors of the noradrenergic receptors in the brain for inflammatory
responses. Post-coital, post-orgasm headaches occurs when orgasm induced norepinephrine/epinephrine/prolactin release
also constrict the brain arteries via the alpha receptors in the arteries when
the arteries lack of prostaglandin E1/E3 and nitric oxide production.
The orgasm-induced stress inflammation and arterial constriction will continue
until the cholinergic/vagal, serotonin and GABA nervous function regain their
control on the dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and restore
the dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular/ovarian axis for elevation of
dopamine, oxytcoin, DHEA, androstenedione, testosterone and DHT production and
for reduction of prolactin, cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine. For
sexually exhausted men and women, post-coital exhaustion can last few days or
even few weeks.
Post-coital, post-orgasm pelvic pains are the "pelvic headaches"
since the pelvic nervous systems behave like the brain's.
If you experience tone of them, you can take one of the following formula to help you out:
1. ViaPal-hGH-P(3-010) + ArgiNOx (1-018) + PinealTonin (2-002) + Vinpocentine 10 mg 3 times day + Fish Oil 1000 mg 3 times a day;
2. ViaPal-hGH-N(3-017) + PinealTonin (2-002) + Vinpocentine 10 mg 3 times day + Fish Oil 1000 mg 3 times a day; or
3. ViaPal-hGH-O(3-018) + PinealTonin (2-002) + Vinpocentine 10 mg 3 times day + Fish Oil 1000 mg 3 times a day.
For young men or young womem, take ViaPal-hGH-C(3-016)+ ArgiNOx (1-018) + Vinpocentine 10 mg 3 times day + Fish Oil 1000 mg 3 times a day.
• FDA: Mixing migraine, depression meds risky - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060720/ap_on_he_me/migraine_warning;_
He said' dear Dr Lin, 5 year ago i had a problem with blood in the seaman. your cure worked the problem went away and never came
back. the seaman went from transparent back to white and no more blood. the military doctors were stumped.' Solution for
non-organic throbbing headaches
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16677.htm
Depot shot caused her mental and physical problems -
fatigue ,stress ,anxiety, headaches, dizziness, back pain, light headedness, depression, panic
, loss of libido/unwanted discharge, body cramps, bone ache, loss and thinning of hair, skin problems, dry and extremely itchy hands,
dark eye circles, bad vision, memory loss, shakes, hot sweats, irritation, sleepless nights, Agoraphobia, nervousness, short
temper, mood swings, restlessness, exhaustion, frequency urination, constipation frequently, breast tenderness, nausea, sore swollen throat and no
concentration, for no more sexual orgasm.
Without effort, can you naturally get recovery from sexual exhaustion symptoms and
induced side effects, such as severe acne, watery ejaculation, high billirubin, memory loss, social disability, mypoia / poor eye sight,
erectile dysfunction, dark urine, oversleeping, body pains, head pains, and shaking ?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16725.htm
Headaches, blurry version and ear ringing result from inflammation. Use nutrients to silence the HLA-B27, inflammatory cytockines and enzyme COX-2 expression.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16690.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation since age 12 results in sexual exhaustion symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, weak erection, depression hair loss, eye floaters, ear ringing (Tinnitus), loss of mind focus and memory - and becomes a loser for no more sexual orgasm, but why?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16685.htm
Solution for orgasm headaches - restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14773.htm
Solution for tingling sensation, inflammatory headaches and itching
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16305.htm
C-section cuts vagal nerves and produces the common side effects such as
headaches, frequency urination, pelvic pain and numbness,sex pain, depression,
anxiety,panic attack, thigh numbness, constipation, exccessive sweating and so on.
Vitamin D, salt (NaCl) and minerals deficiency can cause nervous transduction
disorders for dizziness, headaches, ADD, migraines, ear ringing, blurry vision,
inflammation, muscle spasm and even edema
masturbating 3 times a day at age 15 results in Headaches, memory loss, blurry
vision, depression and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm at age 19
Exhausted hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis give him premature
ejaculation, testicular pain, penile shrinkage. headaches, sleeping disorders,
dizziness, visual disorders, eating disorders, joint pains, muscular weakness,
no libido, erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation at 5 times a day resulted in low
back pain, tailbone pain, testicular pain, neck pain and stiffness, dark eye
circles, seminal production disorders, erectile dysfunction, headaches, fatigue,
exhaustion, stress and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm at age 32
A heavy pot (marijuana) smoker has burned out his dopamine and serotonin for no
libido and headaches - a neuroplasticity problem with excessive norepinephrien, prostagaldnin E2 and glutamate
Chronic overmasturbation since age 6 resulted in hair loss, migraines
(particularly, during ovulation and menstruation), cold hands and feet,
extremely tight neck and jaw muscles, mild and sporadic tinnitus, losing ability
to have vaginal orgasm.
Drug abuse with pot (marijuana) smoking along with
anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and antidepression drugs results in severe head
pains, tremors ( parkinson's syndromes), loss appetite, leg pain, testicular and
scrotum pains, anxiety, blurred vision, hearing hallucinogenic voices, no
erection and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation results in headaches, nervous
inflammatory pains in the brain, dizziness, memory loss, testicular pains,
depression, anxiety, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, penile
shrinkage, tremors, shakes, liver pain, chest pain, abdominal pains, diarrhea,
stomach upset, no appetite, racing heart to 120-130 per second, and no
more erection and sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-4 times a days since teenage years, results in
no more hot semen stream to please wife, premature ejaculation in 30 seconds,
having a hypersensitive glans penis, penile shrinkage, stress, fatigue, sleeping
disorder, anxiety, ear ringing and buzzing, depression, headache, poor vision
and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16402.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms with male menopause (andropause): memory loss,
anxiety, sleeping disorders, and hypothyroidism; SSRIs antidepression drugs
worsen the problems and produce more problems such as no libido, loss of
the penile and scrotum sensitivity, low semen production, eye floaters,
memory fog, headaches, depression, suicidal thoughts, no creative thought, no fantasy,
flu-like symptoms with chilliness, low back pains, chronic fatigue,
tiredness, frequent sympathetic Fight or Flight responses, mood swing, and no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16353.htm
Excessive norepinephrine release during sexual arousal and upon ejaculation
induced intensive inflammatory headaches. solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16348.htm
Cause and solution for orgasm-induced abdominal pains, headaches, shooting
migraines, neck pains, and urinary incontinences due to chronic
over-masturbation with water jets..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16252.htm
antidrepression drugs, vibrator abuse and hysterectomy give her no sexual
pleasure or orgasm, but a lot of headaches, no concentration, stiff neck, low
back pain and dizziness.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16245.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 10 with stimulation of lingerie magazines or
advertisements became sexual and masturbation addition, leading to sexual
exhaustion symptoms with eye floaters, back pains, knee pains, ear ringing,
headaches, memory loss and depression at age 23
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16341.htm
Her boyfriend has demonstrated the destructive effects of over-masturbation and
over-ejaculation on the brain. He got bad headache, dizziness and neck pain next
days after masturbating 4 times a day.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16244.htm
Excessive sex with over-ejaculation results in sexual
exhaustion symptoms, such as backache, buzzing ears, headaches, memory
loss, depression, anxiety, ADD, bipolar, penile shrinkage and ejaculation
without erection for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16241.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in non-bacterial (non-infected)
prostatitis, urinary urgency, weak urine stream, interstitial cystitis (IC),
bladder inflammation, pelvic pain, prostate pain, penile pain, low back
pain, tailbone pain, rectal pain, inflammatory eye pressure, eye itchiness
and redness, dark eye circles, eye oversensitity to light (pupil
dilation), insomnia, ear buzzing, headaches, sadness, hair loss and graying,
Orgasm or ejaculation induces horrible headaches as a result of excessive
hypothalamic dopamine-norepinephrine conversion and the resulted inflammatory
hormone prostaglandin E2 production for overheating the brain.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16207.htm
Pornography addition, pre-puberty over-masturbation, penile exercises, and
weight lifting stressed his hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis
for sexual exhaustion symptoms: weak erection, premature ejaculation, penis
shrinkage, prostate pain, semen deficiency, penile bending, blurry vision,
post-sex headaches, urethral pain and semen leakage
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16197.htm
He is experiencing all the symptoms of over-masturbation: memory loss, no
concentration, weak mind, muscle weakness, blurry vision, eye floaters, buzzing
ears, frequent urination, depression, anxiety, headaches, and dizziness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16193.htm
Chronic Over-masturbationm / Over-ejaculation and excessive
sex, as much as 4 ejaculations in 24 hours sometimes, enlarged his
prostate, kille his libido, and give him a heavy head and body pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16180.htm
After having been sexually exhausted, he gets
post-ejaculation sexual exhaustion symptoms for few days: cold feet, bone/joint
pains (arthritis), body pains, hands pains, feet pains, eye floaters, headches,
memory loss, sleeping disorder (insomnia), excessive melatonin-Dimethyltryptamine(DMT)
conversion for vivid dream, prostatitis, and hair loss.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16163.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation, Over-ejaculation and excessive sex, with alcohol
abuse, results in premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis,
prostate enlargement, frequent urination, over-reactive bladder, low
back pain, testicular pain, abdomen pain, depression, anxiety, blury vision,
headaches and memory loss for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16178.htm
chronic over-masturbation since age 13 resulted in weak erection, going limp in
a short time, no morning erection, sleeping disorder (short sleeping), penile
bending and pains, peyronies, premature ejaculation in 5 seconds,
post-ejaculation exhaustion, mood swings, body pains, blurry vision, eye
flaoters, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, frequent urination, penile
leakage, depression, anxiety, and penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16165.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and few drug abuses with marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine,
harsh and alcohol let him experience panic attacks, strong tension, anxiety,
cold sweating (sympathetic nervous flight responses), muscular pains, penile
shrinkage, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, frequent
urination, memory loss, pelvic pain, testicular pain and numbness,
gastritis, and eczemas no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16123.htm
causes and consequence of the orgasm or ejaculation headaches - the brain and
testicular arteries are inflamed by the excessive norepinephrine-induced
inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 and, at the same time, constricted and
contracted by orgasm/ejaculation induced by excessive prolactin and
norepinephrine and epinephrine.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16115.htm
With sexual exhaustion, heavy-duty exercises induce extra norepinephrine,
epinephrine, prolactin, glucagon and cortisol release for producing extra
exhaustion effects that amplify his sexual exhaustion symptoms - severe fatigue,
spine pain, face tingling and cramp, muscle cramp, hard to breath, whole
body inflammation, kidney pain, back pain, difficult to walk, weak hip
joints and muscles, dark eye circles, poor blood circulation from the top
(brain) to the bottom (testicles, legs and feet), and
hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular disorders for androgen deficiency.
Chronic Over-masturbation and pot smoking results in erectile dysfunction at
age 22, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation, post-ejaculation
tiredness, depression, loosing balance, headache and memory loss for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16108.htm
causes and solutions for sexual exhaustion symptoms - body pains, eye
floaters, blurry vision, ear buzzing, headaches, chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis and poor semen quality and quantity for no sexual orgasm. Why his
doctors could not found his UFO symptoms induced by sexual exhaustion!? And
Antibiotics won't work but can cause excessive histamine release in certain
cells for allergic responses
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16082.htm
Cause and Solution for post-orgasm headaches, pains, restless leg syndrome (RLS), and sleeping disorders
Solutions for senior couple's erectile function, vaginal/intercourse pains, ear
buzzing, eye floaters, headaches, memory loss, depression, and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16053.htm
Over-masturbation since age 8 and pot (marijuana) smoking since age 17 results
in headache, fatigue, stiffness in muscles neck and back, cracking or popping of
the joints, lower backache, twitching of muscles, penile shrinkage, premature
ejaculation, leg pain, muscle pain, sensitivity to sunlight, hair loss,
buzzing and ringing in ears, eye floaters, loss of concentration, dream state
feeling, memory loss, semen leakage, brain fog, mind haziness, depression and
anxiety for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16063.htm
Her excessive orgasm at 6 times a love session results in post-orgasm headaches
and tiredness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16102.htm
5-year chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a day since
age 13 results in penile and testicular shrinkage, tiredness, no motivation,
weak erection, pains, eye floater, blurred vision, dark eye circles, red
eyes, eye dryness, ear buzzing, headaches, dizziness, hand shaking, Parkinson's
symptoms, memory loss, brain fog, low back pains, adrenal pains, anxiety, panic
attack, weak erection, precum/semen leakage, premature ejaculation, and seminal
production disorder for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16045.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times a day since age 12 resulted in body
weakness, eye floater, headaches, testicular and penile shrinkage, erectile
dysfunction, precum flooding and body cramp for no more sexual orgasm at age 22.
Chronically having excessive orgasms results in Post-coital, post-orgasm headaches, why and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16024.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at up to 4 times a day since age 14 results in mood
swing, short temper, headaches, losing concentration, pains in neck and
shoulders, poor eyesight, dark eye circles, dark genitals, and gray hair
for no more sexual orgasm.
Destructive over-masturbation practices at 3-5 times a day
resulted in brain fires and hydraulic shock waves, unconsciousness,
panics, rapid heart beat, hypertension, short breathing, chest weird feeling
urination difficulty, and frequent urination.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15882.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in depress and anxiety;
then withdrawal of SSRIs antidepression drugs leads to persistent sexual arousal
for over-ejaculation (repetitive ejaculation and persistent orgasm) and
premature ejaculation; over-ejaculation gives him prostatitis, buzzing ears,
blurry vision, body pain, dizziness, penile over-sensitivity (inflammatory
responses), memory loss, pelvic pain, precum flooding, bloody semen (bloody
ejaculation) and more depression.
Chronic over-masturbation at 2 times a day since age 9
results in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms - body pains, blurry vision,
buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, frequency
urination, urinary incontinence, unwanted seminal discharge in urine,
depression, anxiety, panic attack, hypertension, sexual anhedonia, body tremors, parkison's symptoms,
glans penile numbness, penile nervous damage and penile fibrosis for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15880.htm
cause and solution for menopause hot flushes, bad headaches and vaginal dryness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15846.htm
Low serotonin + high norepinephrine = Psychological stress
for inflammatory responses, hair loss, infection, eye floater, tension
headaches, joint pains, eye pains, pulsate tinnintus, slow mind reaction (ADD),
testicular and penile shrinkage, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15843.htm
Solution for excessive stress hormone norepinephrine induced inflammatory
responses in the brain (headaches and dizziness), blurry vision, tunnel vision,
eye floater, anxiety attack and lymph node swelling near the ears.
After sexually exhausting his the brain's and internal
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, he has gotten headache and felt death
and exhaustion from wet dream, even once a weak. Why he felt worse on the 2nd
day after ejaculation? He may have to rely on the Cutaneous Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (CHPA) function
to assist post-ejaculation or post-orgasm recovery.
Solution for excess orgasm stress induced headaches and head inflammatory pains,
inflammatory eyeballs
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15923.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and having sex since age 12 resulted in sexual
exhaustion symptoms with inflammation- whole body muscle pains, headaches,
migraine, dizziness, blurry and blue vision, memory loss, frequent urination,
pelvic pain, penile pain, testicular pain, precum or semen leakage,
depression, hypertension, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction at age 36 for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15856.htm
Why young men experienced sexual exhaustion induced hot flushes (premature
menopause symptoms), headaches, shaky hand and leg symptoms (parkinson's
symptoms) after ejaculating or orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15849.htm
Pornography triggers dopamine-norepinephrine conversion for psychological
stress; then, norepinephrine induces prostaglandin E2 production in your
hypothalamic preoptic area, adrenal glands, testicles, prostate, seminal
vesicles, bulbourethral glands and urethra for psychologically
stress-induce fever (brain overheating), body aches and pains, precum/semen
leakage and premature ejaculation/orgasm. Addiction on the norepinephrine and
prostaglandin E2 stimulation from pornography will produce withdrawal symptoms.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15815.htm
Causes and solution for shooting pains of hysterectomized women.
While over-masturbation with 3 orgasms in 2 hours
resulted in clitoral burning sensation and pains, vagina aches and
uncomfortable, painful persistent sexual arousal symptom (PSAS), legs pain, and
tension headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15800.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation gave him
memory loss, depression, stress, penile shrinkage, low libido, muscle pain and
tightness in the neck/shouldes/low back/hips
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15780.htm
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), orgasmic headaches and hyperhydrosis are a sympathetic nervous
Fight - panic and anxiety in your digestive system, brain and skin with a brain
inflammatory response.
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - weak
joints (arthritis), muscle stiffness and weakness, headaches, dizziness,
brain fog, and excessive sympathetic nervous wet dream (the sympathetic nervous
fight in the prostate during sleeping)
Chronic over-masturbation gives this 26-old young men sexual exhaustion symptoms
- lack of concentration and energy, tiredness, headache, no endurance,
post-masturbation low abdomen pain, leaky penis, precum flooding and dark eye circles
Why he experienced post-ejaculation or post-orgasm hangover and
penile/testicular pains
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15720.htm
The destructive testing results of over-masturbation from a 17-yearo-old boy - sexual exhaustion symptoms for no
more life and sexual orgasm, including, body pains, arthritis, testicular pain,
penile pain, prostate pain, back pain, face pain, gum pain, tinnitus (excessive
glutamate and inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2), headcahes, fatigue,
anxiety, nightmare, chilliness and shivering attacks,hypothyroidism, hot flashing/fever
(premature male menopause), cracking joints, fibromyalgia, impotence, Restless
Leg Syndromes (pre-parkinson's disease) and so on.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15655.htm
Pot smoking and alcohol result in memory loss, eye floaters, upper
abdominal/stomach pains (went to ER twice for MRI, scans, colonoscopy..),
vaginal dryness, uterine cramp and pain, post-sex low abdominal (uterine) pain,
allergies. sinus, puffy eyes, headaches, forehead tenderness and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15747.htm
Why great sex life can result in divorce and end his sex life with low libido and headaches.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15717.htm
Loving each too much with excessive ejaculation and orgasm gives him and her
sexual exhaustion symptoms - impotence, inflammatory pains, back pain, penile
shrinkage, sleeping disorder (insomnia), orgasm headache, neck pain, irregular
period, spotting, and premature orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15725.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 10 resulted in semen leakage, penile
deformation, penile pain, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, urinary
incontinence, and depression for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15743.htm
Chronic over-masturbation during teenage results in post-orgasm sexual
exhaustion symptoms - inflammatory headache and sinuses, memory loss, mood
swings, depression and premature ejaculation - causes and solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15700.htm
Having daily orgasm 1-4 times per day for the past 15-20 years, results in sexual exhaustion symptoms -
testicular/prostate/perineum/leg pains, muscle fatigue, headaches, blurry vision, eye redness, eye dryness, burning eyes, nervousness, high anxiety, panic attack, and frequent urination. for no more sexual orgasm.
His headache doctor, neurologist, eye doctor, chiropractor, and acupuncturist
could not help these UFO sexual exhasution symptoms
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15628.htm
Chronically over-excited by pornography resulted
in sexual exhaustion with excessive norepinephrine, epinephrine, glutamate and
histamine release for headaches, anxiety, stress, no concentration (ADD, attention deficiency disorder?) , eye redness,
low energy, fatigue, and going limp for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15636.htm
Tubaligation sent her into the pre-menopause and
pseudo-menopause state for anxiety, insomnia, mood swing, depression, hot
flushes, cold flushes, dizziness, ear ringing, blurry vision, bad headaches, eye
floaters, and panic attack.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15739.htm
After more than 5500 orgasms of excessive sex and over-masturbation, enhanced by marijuana,
he got psychosis, severe headache and inflammation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15617.htm
Solution for Sexual exhaustion symptoms with body pains, low back pain, low andomen pain, frequency, headache,
anxiety, fatigue, penile shrinkage and premature ejaculation - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15560.htm
Sexual Hangover - Sex or orgasm induced
headache, poor mentality, mood swings, dizziness and vertigo - solution for the
severe side effects of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15010.htm
Orgasm crying and the other common emotional and psychiatric responses in the limbic system, cerebral cortex and front lobes to
a powerful sexual orgasm - why?
Chronically enjoying multiple orgasms resulted in
blackout, blurry vision, pupil over-dilation, ear ringing (tinnitus), headaches,
neck pain and other nervous excitotoxicity and inflammatory symptoms
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15541.htm
Chronic (8-year) Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, depression, headaches, persistent tiredness, sore eyes, flushed face,
sympathetic nervous fires, constipation, memory loss, and frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15549.ht
Tubaligation resulted in shorter menstrual duration, headaches and back pains for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15615.htm
Over-masturbation causes excessive precum
release, ear buzzing, eye floaters, headaches, dizziness and memory loss.
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation
enhanced by amphetamine resulted in Blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, impotence, penile shrinkage, sleeping disorder, depression and anxiety; then take
antidepressants for HyperProlactimia and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15653.htm
Lithium depressed her dopamine nervous function for no libido and no sexual orgasm,
but lithium withdraw gave her crushing orgasm headaches- why and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15614.htm
Overmasturbation resulted in masturbation addiction, anxiety, insomnia, cold
shakes, high blood pressures, heart pain, short breath, acid reflux, memory
loss, elevated CK, migraine, shooting pain, heart-attack like chest pain, and
irritation for no more sexual orgasm, but for multiple emergency room visits.
Why all of his medical testing results are negative
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15606.htm
causes and solution for shooting pain in the right
temple and rear brain induced by masturbation, caffeine drinking or/and
alcohol, arrhythmias, sleeping disorder, frequent urination (prostate
enlargement), hot flashes and sweating when stressed.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15552.htm
causes and Solution for premature orgasm, vaginal
leakage, vaginal dryness, uterus tilting or prolapsed, and orgasm-induced nausea, anxiety, apprehension, stomachache, and cramps
The role of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in sexual arousal induced
sympathetic nervous fires and inflammatory pains and dizziness or headaches - on
the switching effect of cortisol on the epinephrine action on the adrenergic
alpha and beta receptors for erectile and orgasm responses
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15090.htm
Yang-type stressor epinephrine induces migraine headache;
Yin-type stressor cortisol induces vertigo, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision and
hangover; solution for all of them in restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15077.htm
What causes a headache with sexual orgasm? and solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15043.htm
solution for sex stress induced headaches during/after sexual arousal or orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14838.htm
Cocaine and alcohol gave him cerebellar infarction, enema and hemorrhage, and ventricular enlargement for
neck pain, headaches and high blood pressures; medication drugs won't help - no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15248.htm
Withdrawal of birth control pills can lead to dysmenorrhea (Menstrual pain),cramps, sweating, headaches, light-headness, peri-menopause symptoms
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15282.htm
Why sexual arousal induced his headache in the rear brain (cerebellum and brainstem) for no sexual orgasm - Solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15442.htm
She has experienced tubaligation induced peri-menopause symptoms such as
depression, headache, memory loss, anxiety, sexual dysfunction and vaginal
discharge for sexual dysfunction and no orgasm
of Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness or
He, a drug abuser (marijuana, LSD, etc.) and over-masturbator, said ' I used an array of your products a few years back and had some good results.
I didnt realise I had good results until I had a sexual encounter... '
He said 'your products may have saved my life. After taking DopaFibra I felt my veins open up in my lower abdomen and blood draining down into the pelvis. But most importantly, I felt the vein/artery in my brain open up and could literally feel blood flowing through my brain, filling it up with blood.'
solve his headaches and difficult thinking http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16731.htm
She said ' You have helped my husband, and we
have used your products for a few years' solution for non-organic
(non-cancerous/non-tumorous) bloody diarrhea, arthritis, hip pain, inflammatory
pain and cramp, poor blood circulation, sleeping disorders, losing weight,
headaches, and dizziness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16333.htm
He said ' sence I have taken the products,I have more
energy,happier,ejaculation better,no headaches. ' with MoodMax and ViaGrowth-III.
Solution for penile curvature correction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16318.htm
He said ' all i have to say is that viadopa works very
well! yesterday i felt tired and drained and then took about 75% of a viadopa
pill and felt like superman i had so much energy and strength it was crazy '
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16317.htm
He said 'I have taken Moodmax and also added 5-htp, Valerian Root, Ginsengx4,
Lecithin(4 gr), Evening primrose oil for 5 weeks now. They have relaxed me(
though i sleep a lot-feel sleepy), erections are way better and can keep them,
both during day time and night, during those i feel a warm feeling of healing
and happiness. ' Over-dosing the liver good foods will produce the Foie
Gras (fatty) liver and more sympathetic nervous fires (IBS and constipation);
with and exhausted hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, violent exercises or
spots results more inflammatory pains in the brain (headache), neck, eyes, ears,
bladder and prostate (urinary blockage) and no more sexual orgasm
She said 'I am very happy with your products, and not in terrible pain anymore.'
for recovery of body pain (neck,lower back, and shoulder pain radiating down my arm, blinding headaches), ear pain and vibration, ear ringing, eye floaters, incontinence,
jaw pain and severe headaches resulting from sexual abuse, excessive masturbation, marijuana abuse,
prescription nacrotic use and hysterectomy. How to deal with (quit) smoking addiction and incontinence.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15728.htm
She said ' After three weeks I am now starting to feel the benefits of your supplements, and am very pleased with the results.'
for body pain (neck, lower back and shoulder), blinding headaches, ear pain and
vibrating, eye floaters, incontinence, jaw pains, orgasm headaches induced by
sexual abuse, excessive masturbation, marijuana abuse, prescription narcotic use, and hysterectomy
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15660.htm
He said 'And during 30 days I have took your medicines, only the low dose, with very good results…'
for solving joint and back pains,arthritis, eye floaters, insomnia, headache, ear ringing (tinnitus),
and vertigo, and getting better erection without cramps, better sleeping,
hearing, memory, more muscular mass, much better glucose level, much less frontal
fat, much less pissing, better ejaculation control and so on
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15657.htm
He said ' I ordered my first shipment of ViaPal-hGH-J and ArgiNOx. I've been taking a supplement of fish oil and doing as you say in the instructions. I'm taking the lowest dosage. I had forgotten what it was like, it had been so long. I also found that I was able to work myself up to the point of orgasm, and then push it back down somehow and orgasm again without ejaculating and force it back down, but after the second time I couldn't hold it anymore and ejaculated. This stuff is amazing!!! I've noticed that I frequently get hard morning erections,';
on healing from Vitamin B-2
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15356.htm
He said ' I'm taking high dose of ViaPal-hGH-E + 2 ArgiNOx everyday. For some reason, i have gained a lot of control over my
masturbation habit.... I dont feel much dizzy anymore after taking high dose. Low back
pain is almost gone, brain feels very sharper, vision become more colourful.'
for restoration of sexual orgasm, persistent sexual arousal control, and health
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15318.htm
She said 'My husband has spent countless hours reading your website, and we have ordered from you before to our house in Salt Lake City. He is enjoying your
products very much and would like me to try them too if I can find the right program.'
Solution for her problems induced by her over-heated sympathetic and epinephrine
nervous system: chronic vaginal yeast infection, gum inflammation, bladder
infection, joint stiffness, body pains and headaches
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15174.htm
He said ' I ordered your "viagrowth IV and moodmax" and took them as directed. Immediately i noticed a difference. My head originally had a very stressed out and tense feeling. Within minutes of taking the combination, my head just felt relaxed immediately.'
and got 70% recovery of his sexual exhaustion in 2 months for better sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15167.htm
He said 'hi your cure for blood in my sperm fixed the problem.it has been over 2 years now and the problem went away thank you.'
Solution for sex-induced headache, neck pain and tightness and irregular
cardiosvacular output during sex orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15083.htm
ViaPal-hGH-P helps him get rid of the SSRIs
anti-depression drug and headaches of 6 years for restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14251.htm
He said ' I had a really stiff neck and felt really nervous today, but after taking the 5-htp I felt fantastic and it
released my neck tension and pains. This stuff really lights you up and makes you feel great.'
for more sexual orgasm. Our 5-HTP is for your eyes and ears too.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14508.htm
He said ' what is weird is that i had flu ,but since taking your
products, i had no fever at all, the easiest flu i had in whole my life!? why?'
for restoration of sexual orgasm. Excessive Prostaglandin E-2 production during
flu causes fever and body aches and pains.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14099.htm
He said ' Wow, so much of my research is confirmed by your website and so much of of my past makes sense now!
... The prostatitis is pretty much gone and the dizziness and lightheadedness is gone...
Meanwhile, I have read reports on your website on erection ballooning..., it looked like it went from a 6.0 to 8.5 inches'
and got rid of antidepression drugs for restoration of sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-M and Fish Oil
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13646.htm
He said 'It's hard to believe its been only 24hrs ago I started treatment and
the intensity of the headaches have definitely improved.' The ultimate solution
for the headaches induced by sexual arousal, orgasm or ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13384.htm
She said ' i am glad to notify you that it's unbeleavable how i have managed to get almost all my problems eliminated.as of now',
no more depression, hypertension, painful periods due to fibroids, migraine
headache, vaginal muscle weakness, urinary sensation reaction, nausea, chronic sinuses,
painful nipples, and low libido, but for sexual orgasm; on the pineal gland gene expression disorder.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12813.htm
He said ' Whoa DR Lin!!! Its working!!I am currently on viapal-J + 5Htp
since 3/14/04 . The short circuit migraine/constriction feeling on the left rear
brain is gone. My sense of hunger is almost back to normal, my digestion has
also improved.. ' On Sexual Orgasm for life.
He said 'on taking your products for the second time round with these being
via-pal-hgh j and 5-htp my migraines are permently gone feel way more energised
and more focused' for restoration of sexual orgasm; How to start your anal
breathing practice!
He said ' I found that simply taking the 5htp made my headaches go away' and
dopafibra, 5htp, viagrowth IV, and moodmax improve his semen taste for more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11996.htm
He said ' By the way, about your 5-htp. ANOTHER GREAT PRODUCT. ... last week
when I got the attack, I opened an additional capsule and poured the powder
beneath my tongue (sublingually). It COMPLETELY stopped the migraine
progressively over a one hour period. WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS!'; more sexual orgasm
without headaches and migraine or panic attack.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11323.htm
He said ' 5-HTP tends to dilates blood capillaries in the brain & neck.'
for more sexual orgasm; why , how, and the burning phenomena of bad cholesterol.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11305.htm
He said 'I am nearly at the end of my course of ViaPal-HGH-P (3-010) and I
have experienced excellent results. I no longer suffer from extreme fatigue,
blurred vision, buzzing ears or nasal congestion after ejaculation. Thank you
very much for your help!' on retaining the brain concentration after ejaculating
or having sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11147.htm
She said ' I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue during the early months of
2000 and your recommended treatment had me back to normal within two weeks.';
Solution for her friend's Insomnia.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11082.htm
He said 'I have been using your products before and they have worked
perfectly when i have been with women.' on the effect of over-masturbation or
over-ejaculation on the integrity of tissues, nerves and blood vessels.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10844.htm
A young drug abuser's long road of nervous rejuvenation for sexual orgasm -
no more headaches after taking ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for 1 month..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11223.htm
He said '- almost cleared up eye floaters -- eliminated some creaking,
painful joints - not as sensitive to light - ... I'm now MoodMaxed!' for
restoration of sexual orgasm from sexual exhaustion with ViaPal-hGH-M
Cases of Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness or
starting masturbation at age 11 at 10-15 times a
day and smoking pot regularly killed his 18 years old brain and endocrine system
for inflammatory pains, stiffness and headaches.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15690.htm
A pornography victim with chronic excessive sex and over-ejaculation during
puberty gets cold feet, cold hands, headaches, poor blood circulation, leg
soreness (inflammation) and spasm, low abdominal pains, testicular pains,
urinary difficulty (prostate or urethral inflammation or bladder nervous control
disorders), cloudy urine (semen leakage), chest pains, anxiety, knee or joint
pains, joint cracking, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15596.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2 times a day resulted in blurry vision, eye floaters, headaches,
unwanted discharge (wet dream), depression, anxiety, and body pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15555.htm
Chronically over-masturbating st 5 times a day since age 13 resulted in typical sexual exhaustion symptom
at age 19 for no more sexual orgasm, but panic attack, extreme anxiety,
hot flashes, short breathing, lightheadedness, brain burning sensation, memory
loss, brain electric shocks, heat electric shocks, heart asthma, high blood
pressure, weak eye sight, shoulder pain, joint clicking or cracking, depression, and fatigue.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15517.htm
Why chronic excessive sex and orgasm gave her seizure and blackout? a result of dopamine and acetylcholine deficiency,
arteries constriction, brain blood deficiency, and brain inflammation upon
sexual orgasm.
Causes and Solution for dizziness, migraine, headache and vertigo induced
by sexual arousal and sexual orgasm.
Antidpressants killed her sexual orgasm; then she used Vibrator to destroy her
clitoris and G-spot, to give her stomachache, bad headache, shoulder pain, back
pain, nipple desensitization, and yeast infection; and finally got hysterectomy for ultimate destruction.
semen retention, diet and sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight responses - high
blood pressure, headaches, anxiety, depression, panic attack, sleeping disorder,
ear ringing and yellow semen - no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15410.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 13 results in
typical sexual exhaustion at age 22 - loss memory, dizziness, vertigo, no
concentration, dullness, headache, back pain, leg pain, neck pain, penile
pain, penile underdevelopment, premature ejaculation, anxiety disorders, panic
attack, depression, stress, tremor, body shaking and no life- no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15402.htm
Chronic over-masturbation causes his sexual
exhaustion and antidepression medication worsens his condition for
frequent urination, dizziness, and headaches, insomnia, nausea, tiredness, occasional black spots in vision ( eye floaters), and
retarded ejaculation (seminal production disorder and oxytocin deficiency for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15335.htm
Deficiency of brain chemistries - androgen
hormones (DHEA, androstenedione, testosterone and DHT ) and/or acetylcholine,
serotonin, GABA, oxytocin, nitric oxide, prostaglandin E1, resulted in
vertigo, headaches, vision fuzziness, anxiety and fatigue - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15328.htm
Penile beading resulted erectile dysfunction, penile
pain, deformation and scarring (Peyronies disease), lightheadedness, dizziness and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15291.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in pains in the right
forehead, neck and low back pain for no sexual orgasm.
Chronically over-masturbating at least 18 times a week since age 13 results in
frequent urination, fatigue and headaches for no more sexual orgasm at age 18
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15241.htm
When erectile drugs won't work but give you headache and nausea, you need Dr.
Lin's neuro-endocrine rejuvenation formula for acetylcholine/ NO/ cGMP erectile
rejuvenation and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15221.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since age 13 results in critical
sexual exhaustion at age 18 for fatigue, tiredness, low libido, blurred vision,
weakness, erectile dysfunction, drowsiness, yawing, watery eyes, low back pain,
premature ejaculation, light headedness, sleeping disorder, no
concentration, anxiety, depression, semen production disorder, penile
deformation and shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15209.htm
Typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm - loose
joints, muscle twitching, ringing in the ears, low back ache and stiffness,
fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion, light headedness, nervous pains, eye floaters,
depression, anxiety, negative thought patterns, lack of concentration, short
memory loss, and fuzzy thoughts.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15200.htm
Birth control shot produced long-term side
effects on the liver and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal function for body pains,
headaches, sinus, ear pain, chronic fatigue, skin itches and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15165.htm
Solution for menopause headaches or migraines; headache medication drug ruins
her love relationship and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15160.htm
Solution for chronic back pain and headaches - restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15126.htm
Experiences of sexual exhaustion due to low testosterone: more eye floater,
joint and muscle pains, Occipital Neuralgia (pains in the head, neck, shoulder
and behind the ears, both sides of head) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15107.htm
His experience on Over-masturbating 1-2 times a day since age 12, 'My symptoms include....dizziness...heart
palpitatins...wheezing when i breath sometimes..but when i stop for about 1 month the symptoms get better..Why do all doctors say, its totally normal, do it as much as you like?' for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15089.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation results in dizziness, headache,
stomach pain, mood swing, angry, fatigue, back pain, neck pain and sleeping
disorder (insomnia) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15086.htm
Chronically over-masturbating at 5 times every day and pot
smoking induces chronic dizziness, headaches, parkinsonism and pains in the
neck, penis, testicles for no more sexual orgasm. - solution: Detoxification of
blood and cerebrospinal fluid and restoration of the damaged brain-blood barrier
due to inflammation
cause and solution for post-ejaculation or post-orgasm headaches, light
headiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and ear ringing - for sexual orgasm health
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15064.htm
8-year over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation,
poor vision, dizziness and lower back pain for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15007.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 5 or 6 killed his 19 year old
brain, neuroendocrine function, prostate and penis for inflammatory body
pains, loss memory or concentration, ADD, dyslexia, confusion, dizziness,
depression, persistent sexual arousal, mood swings, heart palpitations, shaking
(Parkinson's symptoms), out-of-control surges of electricity, and no sexual orgasm
Solution for headaches up and after sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14951.htm
Causes and solutions for post-orgasm blurred vision and migraine headaches - on
restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14946.htm
Spinal injury or damage can cause a lot of inflammatory pains upon or
after sexual orgasm or ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14933.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation let him experience sexual
exhaustion, major depression, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, pressuring
headaches, anti-social behaviors, constant Fight-or-Flight symptoms, sexual
blockage, schizophrenia and kundalini syndrome for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in pains in low back and
back head, stress, anxiety, frequent urination, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14921.htm
Sex stress induced headaches for no more sexual orgasm -solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14903.htm
chronic drug abuse with alcohol, pot, cocaine and magic mushroom, in conjunction with over-masturbation,
resulted in depression, chronic back pains, muscle stiffness, inflammation,
headaches, poor blood circulation, numbness, fatigue, no concentration, ear
buzzing and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14909.htm
C-section and hysterectomy resulted in extreme pains, low libido, vaginal
dryness, abdomen swelling, headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14891.htm
Chronic over-masturbating at 1-2 times a day resulted in minor
strokes, sharp back head pain, eye floaters, right-side head numbness, and
muscle/stomach/back/testicles pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14885.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since age 13 destroyed
dizziness, fatigue, tiredness, blurry vision, sore muscles, weakness, drowsiness,
yawing, watery eyes, memory loss, low back pains, and light headedness for no more sexual orgasm.
Why the high-tech medical instrucments such as CT Scan, MRI, and hearing tests found nothing wrong!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14709.htm
Again and again, why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical
toys can not solve your headaches/ prostate/urethral/perineum/leg pains induced by the excessive
prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of
over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for sever headaches, chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis, impotence, frequent urination, testicles/ pelvic /groins /legs pains - Interstitial
Cystitis (IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14685.htm
Anti-depression/anti-anxiety and erectile drugs killed his brain,
penis, testicles and sperm/semen production for lightheadedness,
headaches, and stomachaches, infertility and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14372.htm
Why drug abuse and antidepression drugs result in excessive prostaglandin E-2
and epinephrine release to induce psychological disorders ( mood swing, anger,
and aggression), extremely headaches, shooting pains low stomach swelling, body
pains, body heat, light headedness confusion, uncontrollable
over-masturbation (persistent sexual arousal), particularly during ovulation,
for no more sexual orgasm
Solution for male and female orgasm headaches - restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14328.htm
Serotonin nervous disorders and pineal functional disorders
resulted in premature menopause, depression, and sex-induced headaches for no more sexual orgasm
- solution for sex-induced headaches
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14304.htm
Solution for ejaculation/orgasm-induced tremor for restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14294.htm
-----Why men and women can
experience headaches, pains and cramps during sexual arousal, during
ejaculation/orgasm, or in the post-orgasm or post-ejaculation for many hours or
days ??? An abruptly excessive dopamine-epinephrine-epinephrine conversion
and excessive release of prolactin shuts down the prostaglandin E-1 in the
tissue and triggers a power contraction against the nerve which becomes too rigid
(inelastic or inflexible due to a lack of prostaglandin E-1) to withstand
the constracting (compressing) strains and stresses from the adjacent
tissue and blood vessel. solution? 1. boost the serotonin and GABA
nervous modulation on the dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion in the
hypothalamus and pituitary glands, and thus achieve the reduction of the
prolactin release but the enhancement the oxytocin release; 2. enhance the
prostaglandin E-1 synthesis ------
Sexual headaches, migraines and ear ringing, earaches induced by amphetamine
(ADHD drug), coffee and alcohol in a hysterectomy woman
Chronic over-masturbation ( compulsive masturbation at a rate
of 5-8 times every day) since age 8 resulted in severely sexual exhaustion,
weakness, fatigue, headaches, ear ringing and poor eyesight for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14822.htm
chronic Over-masturbation resulted in ear ringing, dizziness, sweating, vertigo,
nausea, heart racing, hypertension and no more sexual orgasm sent him to ER.
Chronically over-ejaculating up to 5 or 6 times per session singe age 12
resulted in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating 5-10 times daily resulted
in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory pains in the brain, eye balls
(blurred vision), penis, and testicles, with losing memory, penile deformation
and shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm, but persistent sexual arousal for more masturbation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14788.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times daily since age 10 resulted in sexual
exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory pains in testicles, low back, legs,
and groins, with losing concentration and mind and mood swing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14787.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation at 2-3 times daily resulted in headaches,
memory loss, depression and nausea for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14781.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation prior to puberty
(before producing semen) resulted in ear ringing, fuzzy vision, eyes sensitive
to light, anxiety, dizziness and no semen production - for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14756.htm
Young girl's Sexual fantasies induce a shooting pain in her head and neck -
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14738.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since 12 resulted in dizziness, back pain, neck pain,
headaches, sore joints and knees, penile bending and low ejaculation volume for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14737.htm
What cause the sympathetic nervous fires to burn out your body for frequent
urination (over-reactive bladder) with an empty bladder, sore throat, headaches,
body shakes or trebles, premature ejaculation, impotence, precum flooding,
painful ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm. why penile jelqing
exercises and PC muscles worsened this problems.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14675.htm
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation and drugs abuse (pot smoking + medication
drugs) killed his brain and nervous systems for anxiety, sleeping disorder,
severe migraines, semen production disorder, erectile dysfunction (impotence)
and no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation 2-3 times a day resulted in destruction of the
dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA nervous system and turned his brain
into an over-heated engine for low libido, pelvic pains , testicular burning
sensation, erectile dysfunction (going limp), mood swing, sleeping disorder,
depression, loss concentration and mind and hot flushes (spinal and brainstem
over-heated) for no more sexual orgasm. Girlfriend starts to see other men!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14633.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and pot smoking
resulted in orgasm headaches, ear ringing, sleeping disorders, depression, erectile
dysfunction, and acne outbreak for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14629.htm
Chronic over-masturbation has burned out his brain/nervous
systems (dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA) for light-headedness,
fatigue and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14619.htm
Over-ejaculating in 4 or 5 consecutive days resulted in
experiencing chills and migraine headaches for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14610.htm
cause and solution of orgasm shooting pains in the neck and head -
restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14584.htm
Solution for orgasm-induced headaches and pains - for restoration
of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14562.htm
chronic over-masturbating 6 times a day during 13-18 years old
resulted in ugly read headaches, neck stiffness and whole body pains - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14546.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in psychological disorders, fatigue, head and
neck pains, Parkison-like tremor, insomnia, inflammatory head and sinus pressure
for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation induced anxiety, panic attack,
stress, fatigue, body pain, poor concentration, digestive disorder (fires),
headaches, and acne for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation gives him severe body pains in the
neck and throat and persistent sexual arousal for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14506.htm
Over-masturbating twice a day since 15 killed his 17 years old
brain, heart, hair, eyes and muscles for heart murmur, dull hair, dizziness, eye floaters, lack of concentration, sore
muscles - of course for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14494.htm
Puberty's over-masturbation burned out his brain and nervous systems
for light-headedness, absent-mindedness, fuzzy vision, depression and fatigue for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14483.htm
Causes and solutions of erection and ejaculation induced headaches form middle
aged men with antidepression drugs for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14478.htm
Chronic over-masturbation induced penile bending (collagen scar
spreading), post-ejaculation headaches, precum flooding and urinary urgency for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14474.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a days resulted in erectile dysfunction
(going limp) and dizziness - solution for restoration of sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14428.htm
Ejaculation/orgasm caused his memory loss, speech/spelling difficulty and
headache for no more sexual orgasm -Solution.
Anti-depression/anti-anxiety and erectile drugs killed his brain,
penis, testicles and sperm/semen production for lightheadedness,
headaches, and stomachaches, infertility and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14372.htm
Chronic over-masturbation induced inflammatory pains, dizziness and premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking killed his
brain/nervous function for blurred vision/eye floaters, mental and physical fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression,
weakened hearing, mood swing, loss of concentration, low memory, hair loss, long-hour sleeping, body pains
and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14348.htm
Penile pumping, erectile drugs, beta-blockers and migraine headaches
drugs killed his penis for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in extreme headaches and stomach stress and
panic responses for no more sexual orgasm.
coital migraine - orgasm or ejaculation induced shooting headaches for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14283.htm
Solution for Sexual-arousal, orgasmic and post-orgasm headaches
- restoration of more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14155.htm
Young girl's masturbation produces a splitting headache between the eyes for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14241.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation (excessive orgasm)
at a rate of 3+ times since age 5 resulted in severe headaches, high blood
pressure and erectile function for the end of sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14225.htm
Having sex 4 or 5 times a day killed his 23 years old brain
and cardiovascular function for severe sex headaches and extreme
hypertension with blood pressure 190/70 (measured in the hospital) - the end of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14212.htm
Why Pornographic movies caused his headaches, premature ejaculation and
panic responses for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14201.htm
Why in-menopause women experiences headaches and blurred vision induced by sexual orgasm or masturbation
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14163.htm
Chronic masturbating and ejaculating once a day since age 10
resulted in non-bacterial Urethral Tract Infection (???),
burning sensation, dizziness, and pains in perineum, low back and joints for no more sexual orgasm.
Why antibiotic drugs won't solve the root of the problem - the prostaglandin E-2
over production induced by sexual exhaustion
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14145.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in
stomachache, excessive gas in the intestines, frequent urination with colorless
fluid (like female ejaculation fluid!), dizziness, lightheadedness, and prostate
disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14138.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 3 resulted in her extreme sexual
exhaustion symptoms - depression, loss of concentration and memory, ADD chronic
fatigue, cardio disorders, body pains, weak and vibrating/shaking muscles,
extreme sensitively G-spot (too much prostaglandin E-2) for no touching,
vaginal/uterine dryness, headaches, nervousness, eye inflammation, blurred
vision, light-sensitive eyes (pupil over-dilation or inflammation), eye redness
and much more, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14132.htm
Post-orgasm headaches and PSA elevation are related to
excessive prostaglandin E-2 release - due to too much / frequent sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14315.htm
Enjoying sex 4 times a day everyday for 3 years resulted in extremely sexual
exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm, but chronic fatigue, kidneys pains,
ear ringing, testicles pains, poor digestion, headaches, short memory, and more health nightmare and daymare.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14196.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in high blood pressure,
blurred vision (near blindness), depression, ear ringing, deep migraine
headache, and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14107.htm
Why orgasm or clitoral stimulation induced her headaches for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14097.htm
9-month Pot smoking resulted in eye floaters, depression, anxiety, high blood
pressure, headaches and foggy brain for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14085.htm
Why Masturbation caused his severe headaches and brain dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14072.htm
Child molestation and resulted over-masturbation since age 5
with 2-7 times a day gave her persistent sexual arousal, obsessive compulsive
masturbation behavior for dizziness, passout, blackout, eye floaters, blurred
vision, headaches, back pains, and so on, for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14066.htm
Why she experienced severe headaches prior sexual orgasms
- an nervous inflammatory response due to excessive production of
prostaglandin E-2 resulting from excessive epinephrine and cortisol release - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14042.htm
Orgasm induced headaches for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14033.htm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 6 resulted in severe headaches
and ear ringing for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14024.htm
MRT and CT scans can not see recurring headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness
induced by excessive sexual orgasm or over-ejaculation - the action of the
inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 in the brain and nerves.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case140229.htm
Over-masturbation and Over-ejaculation resulted in a weak
erection (even having a big penis) and severe inflammatory responses with
excessive prostaglandin E-2 release for premature ejaculation (before vaginal
penetration with a useless big penis), back pains, post-orgasm headaches, ear ringing,
eye pains and redness, sleeping disorder and no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14019.htm
Causes of post-ejaculation pains in testicles, prostate, penis, groins, legs,
head, neck or other body parts, and varicose veins are the same for no more sexual orgasm - solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13977.htm
Ejaculation induced his tiredness, headache, exhaustions, sleeping disorder, and
fatigue for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13938.htm
Causes and Solution for post-ejaculation internal healing, blurred vision,
headaches, body weakness and heart-attack-like sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13708.htm
Causes of post-orgasm lightheaded dizziness and bad mood for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13289.htm
How to measure the penile length for her sexual orgasm; how to solve the
persistent post-ejaculation/post-orgasm headaches for restoration of sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13253.htm
Why he has experienced orgasm-induced severe headaches and
post-sex painful migraines for No more sexual orgasm - Solution!
Again, why his doctors, medication drugs and MRI or whatever medical toys can not solve/detect his non-organic
pains in prostate, testicles, joints, head, rectum, anus and perineum, and IBS no more sexual orgasm
Why Chronic Over-masturbation or intensive sexual activity or orgasm
induces headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14014.htm
Causes and solutions of the post-orgasm dizziness - restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13880.htm
Cause and solution of young girl's orgasmic convulsion and Parkinson-like
responses and chronic and severe migraines for restoration of enjoyable sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13869.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in post-ejaculation
headache, dizziness, tender testicles, palpitations, sleeping disorder, neck
aches, memory loss, depression, and eye oversensitive to light for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14001.htm
Withdrawal of SSRIs antidepression drugs induced migraine,
horrible light and noise sensitivity, and nausea for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13897.htm
Solution for post-ejaculation/post-orgasm headaches and sinus due to excessive
epinephrine-induced inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 release by sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13867.htm
Post-ejaculation induced dizziness and faintness after
acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin nervous systems were burned out for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13889.htm
SSRIs drugs causd her orgasmic shooting pain and severe headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13862.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - headaches, ear ache,
dizziness, shallow breathing, fast heart rate, paleness and panic attack
for no more s exual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13454.htm
Orgasmic panic attack and headaches killed his sexual orgasm - why and solution
Solution for menopause women's problems - hot flashes
(flushing), depression, headaches, vaginal dryness, and orgasmic dysfunction - restoration sexual orgasm
Chronic masturbation sine age 11 resulted in hair loss,
dizziness, back pains, etc. for no sexual orgasm at age 19!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13968.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in post-ejaculation
headaches, dizziness, and losing concentration for no more sexual orgasm
His experiences with Hallucination drug LSD (lysergic acid
diethylamide) and over-masturbation gave him severe headaches, body pains and
chronic fatigue, muscular dystrophy,... and so on for no more sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation and nervous pain medication drugs resulted in his pre-orgasm or
pre-ejaculation headache for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13818.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in the Typical Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms at age 19 for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13779.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for brain/nervous
self destruction, strange Headaches, Memory loss, blurred Vision and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13763.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, stress, headaches, allergies and
semen production disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13725.htm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in bioplar disorder, pains in
head/neck/shoulders/back/legs/testicles for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 4-5 times a week burned his 56-year old brain for headaches after sexual orgasm
Masturbating over 5 times a day screwed up his 16-years old
brain for sexual exhaustion symptoms - contraction pressure in his brain and
eyes, fatigue, tiredness, mind-contraction disorder and memory loss for no more
sexual orgasm. Why his doctors neurologist could not realize the destruction of over-masturbation
Chronic Over-masturbating 2 or 3 times a day since 16 resulted
in post-sex blurred vision, head pressure, dizziness, nausea, excessive
sweating, fatigue, high blood pressure and semen production disorder for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13610.htm
Chronic pot smoking resulted in severe headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13596.htm
Chronic pot smoking, alcohol abuse and antidepression drug
(norepinephrine/serotonin reuptaking inhibitors) caused persistent headaches and
pains and stomach pains after sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13592.htm
Cause and Solution for headaches induced by sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13488.htm
why orgasm trigger intense headaches and chest pains for no more sexual orgasm!? Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13450.htm
Cause and solution of masturbation-induced shooting pain in the head for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13537.htm
Solution for young girl's masturbation-induced headaches for restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13396.htm
chronic over-masturbating since age 13 burned his hair,
brain, liver, adrenal gland, testicles, penis and prostate for sexual exhaustion symptoms and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13313.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation caused his impotence and post-ejaculation headaches for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13265.htm
Why sexual orgasm induces headaches, dizziness and anxiety for few
days? a deficiency of acetylcholine and serotonin and an excessive
dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine release due to phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase gene expression.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13157.htm
Having 3 intercourses (ejaculations) in one night triggered a chronic, post-ejaculation headaches for no sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation results in sexual-arousal, orgasmic and
post-orgasm headaches and blurred vision for no more sexual orgasm - solution
Solution for headaches during sexual arousal and restoration of sexual orgasm !
Chronic Over-masturbating 3 times a day results in depression,
nervous irritation, schizophrenia- like symptoms, ear floats, and ear rings for no sexual orgasm.
Why Over-masturbation causes his chronic headaches for no sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12935.htm
Again, he has proved Dr Lin's sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13127.htm
OCD drug and pot smoking resulted in constant headaches, low libido and
impotence for no more sexual orgasm!
Chronic over-masturbation caused his vision disorder and headache for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation since 14 results in an explosive pressure in the
19-year old brain and eye floaters with fuzzy version for no more sexual orgasm, while MRI detected nothing!
Sexual arousal and orgasm induce headaches and dizziness for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms and physiologic and
psychological disorders can not be solved by medication drugs and conventional
doctors - Registered nurses' real experiences for no sexual orgasm; Here is the solution.
Tubaligation and C-section cause her low libido, peri-menopause PMS, menstrual
cramps and headaches for no more sexual orgasm - Dr.Lin's solutions and advices.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12884.htm
causes and solutions of sex-stress induced headache during arousal, sexual
orgasm, ejaculation, or post-orgasm/post -ejaculation.
Chronically vaginal Fisting results in bowel movement
incontinence and orgasmic pain and headaches for no more sexual orgasm - solution!.
Solution for orgasm and post-ejaculation headaches and lower back
pains, and for osteoarthritis - for sexual orgasm without pains, cramps, and headaches.
Solution for orgasm and post-orgasm headaches, hypertension and
depression - for sexual orgasm without pains, cramps, and headaches.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12797.htm
Why he experienced bloody ejaculation, excessive stress and dizziness for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12784.htm
Solution for peri-menopause women's intense head pains for upon sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12728.htm
Causes and solution of orgasm headaches due to chronic over-burning of
acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12727.htm
Solutions for Seizure response to sexual arousal or orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12725.htm
Excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and a
lack of prostaglandin E-1 synthesis induce orgasmic and post-orgasm
(post-ejaculation) headaches for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12732.htm
Over-masturbating 2-5 times for Sexual Exhaustion symptoms - no more sexual orgasm,
but memory loss, tiredness, sleeping disorder, low-back pain, sinus. headache, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12718.htm
causes for the sex-induce sharp pains in the neck and head during a high
sexual arousal - solution for the pains and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12172.htm
Sexual arousal causes his sharp in the right head and eye for no sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12655.htm
She has been getting severe orgasm headaches for no more sexual orgasm - why
and solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11862.htm
Why she experiences headaches upon sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12024.htm
Cause and Solution for post-ejaculation headaches and body pains - for more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12131.htm
Solution for post-ejaculation headaches and body pains - for more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11970.htm
Why she experienced orgasmic headaches and body pains for many hours for no
sexual orgasm - solution!
Chronic Over-masturbating since 14 causes this 25-year old man's
postal-ejaculation headaches and painful eyes for no more sexual orgasm
Your doctors can not solve non-disease sexual exhaustion symptoms due to
gene & enzyme expression disorders induced by over-ejaculation or excessive
sexual orgasm for no life orgasm - Solution: Dr. Lin's natural prostaglandin E-1
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation has given this 41-years old man a
full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm, beyond
the ability of his urologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, and etc.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12451.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drugs abuse killed his brain and
nervous functions for chronic headaches, blurred vision, ear ringing and no more
sexual orgasm. Here is Dr. Lin's Brainwash Engineering treatment.
Migraine attack, ear ringing, blurred vision and neck pain for no sexual
orgasm! When RI and CT scan can not detect the problems, ViaPal-hGH-M can solve
these non-organic nervous disorders.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12338.htm
Post-ejaculation/post-orgasm stomach ache, cramps, diarrhea, prostate pain,
IBS ... - the nervous disorder of the 2nd and 3rd brain for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12285.htm
Middle-aged men's ejaculation and post-ejaculation headaches for no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12230.htm
Over-ejaculation causes his light head, faint and pains in the prostate,
perineum and low back for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12344.htm
Abdominal (stomach) pain due to digestive nervous panic response to
ejaculation/ orgasm for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12304.htm
Drug abuse (ecstasy, pot...) causes this young man's constant headaches,
stress and anxiety for No more life and, of course, no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12228.htm
Starting masturbation 3 times a day since 14 results in eye floaters,
headache, and flashing light for no sexual orgasm, beyond the ability of his eye
doctors and neurologists; here is the solution for these severe sexual
exhaustion symptoms
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12277.htm
cause and solution for post-orgasm depression - excessive sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12246.htm
again, Young man's post-ejaculation/post-orgasm dizziness, vomiturition and
digestive panic responses for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12280.htm Post-orgasm
shoulder pain and arm weakness for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12279.htm
Why a forced ejaculation induced his post-ejaculation panic attach in the
midnight for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12266.htm
Young man's post-ejaculation/post-orgasm dizziness, vomiturition and
digestive panic responses for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12199.htm
Puberty Over-masturbation starts to cause his post-ejaculation headache,
fatigue and ear ringing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12188.htm
masturbating twice a day for four years causes this teenager's post-orgasmpainful
headaches and ear buzzing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12175.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation causes this young man's
premature ejaculation, severe eye floaters, eye sensitive to light, light
headaches, dizziness, watery ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12098.htm
Over-masturbation causes this teenage boy's blurred vision, weak erection,
headaches, hypoglycemia, confusion and faint for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11949.htm
Vasectomy causes his seminal production disorder, testicular pain, head pain
and dizziness, and penile desensitization for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11945.htm
Wild sex with 9 orgasms in one night triggered his losing awareness,
dizziness, headaches, ear ringing, anxiety, hair loss and brittle, body shaking,
panic attacks, losing concentration and mind for no more sexual orgasm.
Tubaligation brought this 28 years old woman into the peri-menopause state
for PMS pains, irregular period and headaches - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11861.htm
Orgasmic or post-orgasmic pains and cramps, Peri-menopause symptoms and PMS
for no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11792.htm
Over-masturbation causes his panic response, stress, anxiety, chronic
headache, poor vision, poor concentration, drowsiness, lighthead, and muscle
shaking or twitching, for no more sexual orgasm.
Causes and solutions for unconventional headaches beyond drugs and doctors'
abilities - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12099.htm
Midlife men's sexual dysfunction for sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11914.htm
Over-masturbations results in sexual exhaustion for poor
memory/concentration, headaches, body pains, low libido, drowsiness and no more
sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation gives this young woman's post-orgasm dizziness for
no more sexual orgasm
Solution for young men's pots-ejaculation headaches, dizziness,
prostate/urethral abrasion, and frequent urination - for more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11797.htm
Solution for orgasmic headaches and seminal production for more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11779.htm
Solution for post-orgasm headache and for more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11678.htm
Cause and solution of headaches due to sexual orgasm and ejaculation..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11508.htm
Why sexual orgasm causes her temporary partial hearing loss?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11645.htm
Over-masturbation causes his stupidity, headaches, bad eye floaters, pains
and psychological disorders for for no sexual orgasm
Ejaculation causes his headache, tiredness, fatigue, runny nose and sore
throat (allergy responses) for no more sexual orgasm - Solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11434.htm
Cause and Solution for shooting pains or headaches during or after sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11375.htm
2-1/2 months Hormone-based birth control results in vaginal brown discharge,
low abdomen pains/cramps, headaches and frequent urination for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12628.htm
Solution for headaches due to sexual orgasm or ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11296.htm
orgasm headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11408.htm
Orgasmic or post-orgasm headaches - causes and solution for the pains or cramps induced by the sexual stress upon or after sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11356.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's pains in the low back / hip / neck, headaches, eye floaters, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11734.htm
Cause and Solution for Semi-seizure upon orgasm or ejaculation
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11352.htm
On neck pain and headache upon orgasm or ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11725.htm
Cause and Solution for headaches during or after sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11402.htm
Causes and solution for orgasmic headaches - for more sexual orgasm without headaches
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11289.htm
Over-masturbation causes his eye floaters, tiredness, loss of concentration, ear buzzing and panic attack -solution.
Victim of chronic over-masturbation and penile enlargement exercises - sexual exhaustion, nervous disorders, headaches, sweating, penile deformation
and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11418.htm
Over-masturbation since 11 results in testicular/perineum/anal pains and cramps,
sleeping disorders, headaches and acne for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbator's sexual exhaustion experiences for no sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11417.htm
Chronic over-masturbation or over-ejaculation results in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation (no semen!),
lack of concentration, low memory, severe headaches, weight gains, eye floaters, fuzzy vision and etc., at age of 30, for no more sexual orgasm -
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11343.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation causes his eye floater, headache, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11321.htm
Young man's persistent headaches in the post-orgasm state - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11263.htm
Solution for headaches and pains due to ejaculation or sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11335.htm
Why Melatonin can cause a deep, but short sleep for another
type of sleeping disorder if the brain's Automonic Nervous system (ANS) is still
in the sympathetic mode during sleeping? It causes Premature ejaculation too! How ViaPal-hGH-M can help you!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11168.htm
Over-masturbation causes a 16-year old boy's ejaculation/post-ejaculation headache for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11299.htm
How to avoid blackout or seizure orgasm - excessive sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11251.htm
Teenager's Over-masturbation at 3-30 times a day causes dizziness, headaches, seminal production dysfunction, and digestive disorders for no more sexual orgasm!.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11220.htm
Young man's over-masturbation symptoms - eye floaters, back/hip pains, mental and physical fatigue, headache, premature ejaculation,
watery ejaculation - for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11150.htm
Orgasmic headaches or migraines for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11146.htm
Orgasmic or ejaculation headache for sexual orgasm ? Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11129.htm
post-ejaculation tiredness, fatigue, headache, spontaneous semen linkage, constipation for no more sexual orgasm - the burning of sympathetic nervous
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11144.htm
Pains or cramps induced by sexual orgasm; why? and what implication?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11098.htm
solution for low back pains, eye floaters, headaches and more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11193.htm
Causes and solutions for Ejaculation or post-ejaculation (orgasm or post-orgasm) headaches -
one of the disorders induced by sexual orgasm due to an excessive dopamine-adrenalin (adrenaline, epinephrine) conversion.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10956.htm
On the cause and solution of the post-orgasm or orgasmic headaches and pains.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10805.htm
His experiences with over-masturbation - deficiency of the brain's acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10736.htm
Orgasm drains her and lets her pass out - why and solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10728.htm
Sexual Excitement and erection causes headaches for no sexual orgasm - causes and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10715.htm
Responses of a sexually exhausted brain and nervous system to sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10694.htm
Why sexual orgasms cause headaches or/and pains / cramps.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10682.htm
He said 'My abrasion has resolved itself. No, not from your products but from you sexual chi kung technique.... Low back
pain was also resolved.. ' Beware of the brain's responses to the non-ejaculation sexual-orgasm psychic
power when your serotonin level is too low!.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10666.htm
Orgasm headache and shooting pain in the read head and neck; on the side effects of ViaPal-hGH-M on the body function.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10631.htm
On the Post-ejaculation and pelvic Congestion pains in the prostate, testicles, low back, groins, tail bone, perineum and legs
for no sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10662.htm
Orgasm headache in the rear brain and shooting pain in the neck and
shoulders for painful sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10629.htm
An typical example of orgasm-induced stress, anxiety, heavy head /
shoulders / limbs, and cardiovascular dysfunction for terrified sexual orgasm and brain/nervous disorders.
Shooting headaches during sexual arousal and in post ejaculation for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10624.htm
Over-masturbation results in eye floaters, seminal leakage, post-sex
headache, and excessive wet dream for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10616.htm
He said 'I’ve been using your Viapal hGH-P w/5-HTP and VIP cream and I’m finally getting some good
progress' for improving PQ (Penile Quotient); how to enlarge CQ/GQ (Clitoral Quotient and G-spot Quotient) and solve orgasmic/PMS/menstrual
headaches/pains/cramps for more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10525.htm
Over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation staring at age 8 causes his orgasmic or ejaculation pains, erectile dysfunction and premature
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10586.htm
causes and solution for shard shooting throbbing,
pulsating pains in the rear brain, neck and shoulders upon sexual orgasm.
Penile pain - the headache of your Little Head; the engineering solution for your 2nd brain.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10517.htm
Headache upon sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10512.htm
Solution for severe shooting pains in the neck and rear brain upon sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10499.htm
coital cephalalgia (headache induced by sexual arousal or orgasm) for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation results in persistent orgasmic headache for no more sexual orgasm.
Cause and solution for orgasmic headache and stomach ache upon ejaculation and sexual orgasm - the orgasmic stress responses.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10255.htm
Cause and Solution of orgasmic convulsions upon ejaculating - the seizure response to sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10241.htm
Excessive sexual orgasm, excessive histamine release, rear-brain and neck pain, orgasmic nasal congestion, allergic responses, and dark eye circles.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10263.htm
Orgasm headches, Fibromyalgia, sleeping disorder, hormonal replacement therapy, artificial progesterone, and painful sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10388.htm
Warning sign of orgasmic convolution for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation, hair loss, sexual exhaustion, psychological disorder, and Fibromyalgia syndromes for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10155.htm
Female excessive sexual orgasm causes psychological disorder and post-orgasmic pains and cramps, as male over-ejaculation does.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10032.htm
Effects of stress on brain's/neuro-endocrine, cardiovascular, liver, kidney and sexual functions for no sexual orgasm !
Brain's and nervous functions, Orgasm Headache, and nausea associated with excessive sexual orgasm (Orgasmic Stress); on anorgasm, stress effects and de-stress.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9814.htm