Sex and Health How to use sex to improve your
health: The penis and clitoral/vulva/vagina/cervix, particularly
their skins and sub-layers, serve as the 2ndary neuroendocrine system
synthesizing neurotransmitters, sex hormones and prostaglandins, in addition to
their primary link of vagal nerves to the hypothalamus-pituitary which as as the
primary neuroendocrine system. The 2ndary neuro-endocrine function is
driven by the pelvic autonomic nervous system - the parasympathetic nervous
circuits S1-S5 and C0 from the tailbone and the sympathetic nervous circuits
from the spinal cord T12 and L1 - L5. A prolonged vaginal intercourse (about
30-90 minutes) fires up the heat on the penis and vagina to promote the
neuroendocrine function for health and well-being. It is the best medicine
for you. Please note that having sex longer than 90 minutes or so can use
up the essential enzymes in the hormonal and neurotransmitter production, and
trigger the Yin-type stressor cortisol release from the hypothalamus, adrenal
medulla and local skin to initiate the sympathetic nervous Fight (ejaculation or
precum flooding) or Flight (going limp) responses. The Old Chinese old Taoists
(men or women) used 8 penile-vaginal mutual massages (summarized as the
screwing sex method by Dr. Lin) without ejaculation to benefit health and
cure male and female sexual disorders. The theory of Dr. Lin's Screwing
Sex is based upon the fact that the skin and its sublayers under chemical or
mechanical stimulation serve as a 2ndary euroendocrine system supplementing the
main hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal, - testicular and thyroidal axis. All you
need is to have a prolonging penle-vaginal mutual massage without ejaculation or
How to kick the pornography addiction: Reduction of the inflammatory
hormone prostaglandin E2 production, Excessive epinephrine and norepinephrine
induces inflammatory responses, persistent sexual arousal, and brain/nervous
excitotocixity, and enhancement of the serotonin and GABA nervous modulation and control
semen retention, diet and sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight responses - high blood pressure, headaches, anxiety, depression, panic attack, sleeping disorder, ear ringing and yellow semen - no sexual orgasm ==> Solution for spastic pains sleeping disorders, night sweating, Arrthmia, dizziness and low libido and improving cardiovascular and liver function for sexual orgasm due to damage of vagus nerves and vasectomy Again, causes and solutions for interstitial cystitis (IC) - restoration of sexual orgasm Correlation of multiple sclerosis with vaginal enlargement for no sexual orgasm. ==> Stress induces variation of the testosterone level for no sexual orgasm Again, Cause and solution for blood ejaculation or urination due to breakage or inflammation of blood vessels- for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> Excessive sweating during sex in the cold weather is a result of excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion igniting sympathetic nervous fire (internal body heat) for no sexual orgasm. Over-masturbation causes his digestive panic, Fight or Flight, response for no sexual orgasm. Over-masturbation is addictive for ADD, sleeping disorder, nervousness, psychological disorders, depression, mental exhaustion, fatigue, excessive sweating, and no sexual orgasm - solution Solutions for Seizure response to sexual arousal or orgasm ==> Causes of blood congestion or circulation blockage and the vacuum-cupping massage solution for sexual orgasm ==> She said ' just wanted to let you know that the fish and borage oil worked very well. you are a genius' On restoration of the enzyme and gene expression disorders due to alcohol and drug abuses based upon Dr. Lin's natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy for more sexual orgasm Sexual exhaustion symptoms can not be solved by tranditional, non-traditional or witch doctors, detected by high-tech medical machines such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI or blood analyzer or solved by drugs (pain killers or whatever) ; Solution - Dr. Lin's Prostaglandin E-1/E-3 therapy for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> How Over-masturbation aggravate symptoms of depression and anxiety for no sexual orgasm! ==> Tricyclic antidepressant, a dopamine receptor blocker, sets his 18 year old brain, heart, liver, kidneys and digestive system on fires for face stiffness (acetylcholine nervous disorder), cramps, headaches, swallowing difficulty , dry mouth , constipation , stomach pain , kidney pain , fast heart beat , watery and itchy eyes , allergy , swelling skin, red spots on skin, whole body numbness, out of control eye blinking and no sensitivity for no more sexual orgasm. ==> Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm exhausts the vagus nerve or/and interferes vision or hearing nervous function, you will lose your natural healing force of restoring sexual exhaustion - no more sexual orgasm ==> Why this young man can not get a recovery from sexual exhaustion due to over-masturbating, twice a day during late teens - no more sexual orgasm. ==> Drug abuse (pot smoking, alcohol, LSD, ecstasy..) and over-masturbation/ over-ejaculation burned out his 27 years old body and mind for eye floaters, tinitus (ear ringing), hair loss and graying, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, depression, and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm, and leaded his doctors melting down all the high-tech medical machines, X-ray and CT scan, for nothing. ==> A 30-year old over-masturbator, with an 18 years over-masturbation long history, said ' I am happy to report that I have already experienced some noticeable changes in my sexual function in just TWO WEEKS of taking your Viapal-hGH-P, 5-HTP, and DeToxiA as recommended. Also per your suggestion, I have included Borage Oil and Fish Oil, 3000 mg of each one daily. Of course, I have also gotten my over-masturbation habit under control in order to effectively budget my seminal inventory and allow for recuperation.' for more sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy ==> He said ' Whoa DR Lin!!! Its working!!I am currently on viapal-J + 5Htp since 3/14/04 . The short circuit migraine/constriction feeling on the left rear brain is gone. My sense of hunger is almost back to normal, my digestion has also improved.. ' On Sexual Orgasm for life. On Optimal Ejaculation for more sexual orgasm - also On Over- and Under- Ejaculation ==> The effects of cholesterol drugs and testosterone injection or replacement therapy on the penis, testicles and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'My wife and I are so impressed with your Viagroth M supplements that we thought we would ask you about our son. ' on what are the natural remedies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases? the Natural Prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 therapy! ==> He said ' Hello, I have been taking the fish oils and the borage oils now for 4 weeks. I am also very pleased with your products and my hair as well as my wife's hair is turning dark again. My wife has been almost white since her late 30's This is nothing short of a miracle. Thank-you.' for more sexual orgasm! On Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapeutic formula ==> On seminal retention and prostate-cancer protection, and of course, on Over-masturbation and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'when i take your detox pill i feel really relaxed and think clearly do you know why that is.' a full detoxification of the liver and nervous system for better health and sexual orgasm ==> Retarded ejaculation, prostate seminal production disorder, and no more sexual orgasm - shutting the prostate seminal production to protect the brain and central nervous system.. ==> He said 'I am just finishing up ViaPal HGH P. I feel great...' ; maximize your sexual performance and kick out bad habits for better sexual orgasm ==> He said ' By the way, about your 5-htp. ANOTHER GREAT PRODUCT. ... last week when I got the attack, I opened an additional capsule and poured the powder beneath my tongue (sublingually). It COMPLETELY stopped the migraine progressively over a one hour period. WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS!'; more sexual orgasm without headaches and migraine or panic attack. ==> He said ' 5-HTP tends to dilates blood capillaries in the brain & neck.' for more sexual orgasm; why , how, and the burning phenomena of bad cholesterol. ==> Methamphetamines kills his brain and penis for no more Sexual orgasm - why and solution. ==> Over-masturbation + Street drugs (cocaine, pot, ..) = Burning out of the brain's nervous systems for psychological disorders, parkinson's disease, memory loss, ADD, eye floaters, ..... and no sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I've been using your techniques for about 6 months and i must say results are pretty amazing. My penis measures 19 cm.' for more erection and sexual orgasm; on stress-induced health problems and their solution. ==> She, a senior TCM doctor, said 'The formulations are remarkable. I have been taking them for just 4 days. I was feeling pretty run down. I feel better already! ' for health and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Since I started taking ViaPal-hGH-D I wake up every morning with an erection and I'm 65 yrs old. ' for more sexual orgasm; on the difference between the ViaPal-hGH formulas and the erectile drug. ==> He said 'My girlfriend is really enjoying your products. It has helped her to ditch her anti-depressants...' for more sexual orgasm. ==> Smart young man abused MDMA (Ecstacy), Marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes for stupidity, psychological instability, penile shrinkage and no more sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue during the early months of 2000 and your recommended treatment had me back to normal within two weeks.'; Solution for her friend's Insomnia. ==> ACNE / pimple outbreaking and masturbation - a side effect of sexual orgasm? ==> Typical sexual exhaustion symptoms caused by over-masturbation for eye floaters, ear ringing, weak limbs, urinary/bowel incontinence, pains here and there, premature ejaculation, weak erection/impotency and no more sexual orgasm. ==> Over-masturbation for body functional disorders, of course, for no more sexual orgasm ==> On the cause and solution of the post-orgasm or orgasmic headaches and pains. ==> How to resolve the addiction and side effects of anti-depression medication drugs for sexual orgasm. ==> He said'Very happy with your Via-Pal-HGH-J/5-HTP,..After the run, I'm very CALM!, focused and relaxed.' and more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Thanks for your amazing products. Your Viapal-hgh-M + Ginseng 4X have completely helped lifted me from my 4-year suicidal depression in just a few weeks!' On the Chemical Brain Wash for happiness and sexual orgasm for better life. ==> Solution for re-occurring yeast infection and vaginosis and sexual orgasm. ==> ViaPal-hGH-M, a complete pro-acetylcholine/pro-serotonin (de-stressed) food formula for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, PMS, pre-menopause - menopause symptoms, Irritable bowel symptoms, urinary incontinency, memory loss, eye floaters, body pains or cramps, and of course, sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Excellent! I will say that of anything, your product has helped my stomach out a lot!', beyond sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'Thank you for your wonderful products." with ViaPal-hGH-M; How to help fight the male Gynecomastia and Beer Belly. ==> A complete formula for OCD, ADD, depression and sexual orgasm. ==> Why the over-masturbator's sexual exhaustion and chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) won't heal automatically; on causes of retrograded ejaculation and penile curvature. ==> Can having sex too frequently and with multiple partners cause recurring prostate infections? yes, for no sexual orgasm Teenager's impotence and sexual exhaustion symptoms due to over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm. Why male insects die from mating? An Over-ejaculator's sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm. Melted High-tech medical machines! ==> sharp orgasmic pain in the front head during sexual orgasm.! ==> Middle-aged man's destructive experiences with over-masturbation since his puberty for no sexual orgasm.! ==> Penile injection for an impotent over-masturbator or over-ejaculator for penile deformation and no sexual orgasm Side effects of Monthly progestin-estrogen based birth control shot for the total brain and ovarian castration, weight gain, sleeping disorder, fatigue, depression, tiredness, irritation, painful sex, low libido, and no sexual orgasm ==> What causes little death during sexual orgasm? He said 'thank you for the change your advise and products have bring into my life' with ViaPla-hGH-M and DopaFibra for better health, erection and sexual orgasm. Solution for male orgasm dysfunction and ejaculation disorder; the prostate functional disorder and the seminal deficiency for no sexual orgasm ==> She said ' We have used some of your products before and were very pleased with the results.' Blood-pressure medication drugs cases his sexual dysfunction; Unsatisfied sex causes her Vasocongestion - pelvic congestion; how to have a Level-7 sexual orgasm ==> Excessive sexual orgasm, excessive histamine release, rear-brain and neck pain, orgasmic nasal congestion, allergic responses, and dark eye circles. ==> Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation results in persistent orgasmic headache for no more sexual orgasm. Reader's experiences on over-masturbation, sexual exhaustion systems and recovery - no more sexual orgasm. Over-ejaculation, over-masturbation and excessive orgasm produces the same types of physical and psychological disorders for being afraid of sexual orgasm. ==> Chronic over-masturbation / over-ejaculation produces sexual exhaustion symptoms - psychological and physical disorders for no more sexual orgasm. ==> Bipolar disorder, asthma, heartburn, depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, no sexual orgasm - solution. ==> On bloody ejaculation or blood in semen upon sexual orgasm. ==> Over-masturbation, hair loss, sexual exhaustion, psychological disorder, and Fibromyalgia syndromes for no sexual orgasm ==> Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms for no more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I don't foresee you going to hell because of your products.' Tricks for stay young mind and body; prevention of the diabetic damage and old timers' diseases. ==> Diabetic patients need ViaPal-hGH-S for nervous rejuvenation, erection, seminal/sperm production and sexual orgasm. ==> On the Liver P450 Detoxification and the liver protection for health and sexual orgasm ==> Cholesterol, liver functions, diabetes, drugs, health, erection, and sexual orgasm. ==> The old advice: one ejaculation for her multiple sexual orgasm(s) but not multiple ejaculations for her no sexual orgasm. ==> Female excessive sexual orgasm causes psychological disorder and post-orgasmic pains and cramps, as male over-ejaculation does. ==> Causes and solutions of Interstitial Cystitis; for health and sexual orgasm. He said 'Tonight I had the best sex I have had with my girlfiend in QUITE some time!!! Also, i Feel as if my depression has literally been halved in 2 weeks of taking your products!!!!! You have made a customer for life.' ==> He said ' you're having a great business with lots of biochemical/bioelectric answers to many of the "unknown" problems the medical society can't understand' for rejuvenation, better health and sexual orgasm - with Dr. Lin integrated health solutions form Vacuum-cupping massage to dietary supplements.! ==> She said 'I have already noticed dramatic results in my overall health and well being.' for Sexual Orgasm; but, please slow down and don't overdose your body! ==> The ViaPal-hGH formulas are for anti-ageing, de-stress, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, prostate, heart, liver, and all the organs health and then more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'it has a better taste and seems more powerful than the old one!' on Ginseng 4X+; Now, how to deal with hemorrhoids. ==> ViaPal-hGH-M is a solution for fibromyalgia and sexual orgasm A full solution for the symptoms associated with over-ejaculation and over-masturbation and for restoration of health and sexual orgasm - ViaPal-hGH-M and Vacuum-cupping Massage Over-ejaculation, marijuana, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, sleeping disorder, facial numbness, prostatitis, urethritis, retrograde ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm. ==> Destruction produced by Male or Female Over-Masturbation for no sexual orgasm. ==> Sexual Exhaustion Headaches? for no sexual orgasm. Let your doctors melt down their MRI, PET, Ultrasonic Scan or whatever diagnostic machines first! Solutions for sexual exhaustion and over-ejaculation symptoms and for restoration of health, erection and sexual orgasm. ==> Solutions for Severe damage of over-masturbation or over-ejaculation - restoration of sexual orgasm Extremely Sexual Exhaustion and brain's disorder due to over-masturbation no sexual orgasm. Child Abuse, Anal Sex and Over-Masturbation result in urinary / bowel incontinency and sexual exhaustion for no sexual orgasm. Why incontinence is occurred? and male insects mate to die? the endless over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm. Why ejaculation causes spinal cord and upper back pain? the overheating sympathetic fight or flight for no sexual orgasm ==> Health damage due to Over-Ejaculation for no more erection and sexual orgasm. Overuse of Vibrator causes levator ani syndrome - pain and soreness in the rectum and vagina for no sexual orgasm - solutions. Marijuana for impotence, ejaculation dysfunction and no sexual orgasm. ==> Side effects of SSRIs antidepressants for no erection and sexual orgasm. ==> Birth Control Shot has killed her health and sexual functions for no sexual orgasm ==> Solution of headache and nausea due to sexual orgasm; solutions for stress-related problems. ==> Over-modulation of SSRIs antidepressants on the brain's and nervous functions for less seminal/lubrication production, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm. ==> Destruction and restoration of health, well-being and sexual orgasm ==> On Anti-depression drugs, erection dysfunction and Sexual Orgasm ==> Ejaculation with blood for no Sexual Orgasm ==> SSRIs antidepressants, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I want you to KNOW that your 'pills' have done more for me..' beyond sexual orgasm. ==> Causes and solutions of eye floaters associated with sexual dysfunctions and drugs for no orgasm. ==> Childbearing, pregnancy, estrogen, progesterone, hypothyroidism, diabetes, birth control, weight gain, menstruation, and sexual orgasm ==> Her great achievement - He said 'She reached orgasm 3 out of the last 4 times' with help of ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax, even under the influence of SSRIs antidepressant; How to deal with SSRIs withdrawal syndromes and overcome the side effects of alcohol on the body functions. ==> ViaPal-hGH-D reversed the prostate enlargement with DHEA and androstenedione for urinary consistence, hard erection and sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'following your advice my husband has a new penis' and 'I had 30% less flow - relief' from heavy menstruation with your CD-ROM and products. For better sexual orgasm ==> Rejuvenation of damaged nerves and arteries due to diabetes, masturbation or vibrator - for sexual orgasm ! ==> Effects of stress on brain's/neuro-endocrine, cardiovascular, liver, kidney and sexual functions for no sexual orgasm ! Hypothyroidism, libido and sexual orgasm Over-masturbation, brain's disorder, parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous functions, and sexual orgasm - the Little Death ==> Causes and solution of visual nervous and sensing disorder and eye floaters ==> Menopause, hormonal replacement therapy, and sexual orgasm ==> NOTE: Our products will give you a dynamic sexual life by promoting functions of your Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Liver and Nervous Systems, all of which form a power axis for erection, engorgement and orgasms for both sexes. Introduction of ViaGrowth-IV, the spectrum nutrition formula that powers and modifies brain function: It contains the precursors of neurotransmitter molecules and natural spectrum-hormone agents. Increasing their level in the brain and bloodstream re-links the communication between the brain and all the targeted organs, and amplifies signals from the nerve cells. It also power the liver to perform detoxification that reduces side effects of drugs, alcohol, smoking, birth control pills and environmental toxins on the body function and aging. In effect, it acts like drugs, but, in realty, it is a natural nutrition formula. ViaPal-hGH-D or -X takes advantage of ViaGrowth-IV power, plus stress-hormone reducers and stress-hormonal receptor blockers, to rejuvenate natural body functions for health, sexual erection/engorgement, and sexual orgasm. This formula is to power the brain's Acetylcholine action, that is, parasympathetic nervous function (Yin Chi in the Chinese Medical concept), to assist the sympathetic dopamine action (Yang Chi). Note: We have a new version of ViaGrowth-IV without hormones for young men and women problems. It is called MoodMax.
Semen production and prostate cancer prevention for sexual orgasm.
Marrying the Chi concept with the nervous/endocrine functions for more sexual orgasm. ==> Birth Control Pill affects the balance between Prolactin and Oxytocin for no sexual orgasm. ==> He has regained his 2-o'clock erection with Dr. Lin's formula for sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's formula can kill pains and restore sexual exhaustion for erection and sexual orgasm. ==> The SSRIs antidepressants for erectile and orgasmic dysfunction, NO sexual orgasm. ==> MDMA or (ecstasy), marijuana, sexual Chi-Kong and sexual orgasm. ==> Let Heat Tea reverse the side effects of antidepressants for sexual orgasm. ==> ViaGrowth-IV and ViaPal-hGH-X for heart and blood-pressure patients to have sexual orgasm. ==> How to increase Orgasm hormone Oxytocin and reduce orgasm inhibitor Prolactin for more sexual orgasm. ==> Solutions for pains in the prostate and testicles, no sexual orgasm ==> Why overexercises kill erection and sexual orgasm? ==> Why you experience weak erection, impotence, premature ejaculation or dryness/ frigidity (women) for no sexual orgasm ==> Childbirth blue? Why Heat Tea or ViaGrowth-III/FibraTea can enlarge the G-spot for sexual orgasm ==> Our happy supplements ViaGrowth-IV and ViaPal-hGH-D give you more erection and sexual orgasm. solve menstrual pains and cramps too. ==> Sharp back pain, erection and sexual orgasm ==> New Natural Hormonal Replacement Formula, ViaPal-hGH-D, for Penile Hard Erection/Enlargement, Clitoral/G-spot Engorgement/Enlargement, Ejaculation Volume and Vaginal Self Lubrication; pains and cramps; more sexual orgasm ==> ReGrow your hair and penis for sexual orgasm ==> Young men should not take androstenedione, tribulus terrestris, ephedrine and caffeine for sexual orgasm ==> ViaGrowth-I/FibraTea is doing great; How to prevent penile shrinkage due to weight lifting for sexual orgasm! ==> Side effects of loading too much Tribulus Terrestris: Too much sex for sexual orgasm! ==> ViaGrowth products can help you recover impotence for sexual orgasm even your damage by abusing sexual stimulant. ==> Plant hormones, LastLonger (an Alpha Blocker and an adrenaline suppresser) and Sexual Chikong help cool prostate and control ejaculation for sexual orgasm. ==> Heat Tea gives you the happy hormones Acetylcholine, Dopamine and Norepinephrine to restore your multiple sexual orgasm (s). ==> Solutions for Overmasturbation and and weak erection, for sexual orgasm. ==> The effects of Coffee and Fibra Tea on Erection and sexual orgasm ==> Tumors, Cancers, Hormonal Replacement Therapy, Erection, and sexual orgasm. ==> How to Restore a broken penis for erection and sexual orgasm. ==> Solution for sexual exhaustion, back/groin pains, weak erection, premature ejaculation, and sexual orgasm. ==> Vasectomy, ejaculation, and sexual orgasm. ==> Let Heat Tea reverse the side effects of antidepressants for sexual orgasm. ==> No erectile drugs; But, How to restore erection for health and sexual orgasm. ==> ViaGrowth products for therapeutic purposes of sexual exhaustion and sexual orgasm! ==> She said Heat Tea is really working for her sexual orgasm! ==> He experienced unusual power of ViaGrowth-III and worries - more sexual orgasm! ==> Solution for pains/cramps after ejaculation - the sexual orgasm problem! ==> Start masturbation at age 8 and impotence at age 18 - solutions for Sexual orgasm. ==> Intercourse Bleeding can result from estrogen deficiency. Too much Sexual orgasm? ==> Solve his blood pressure and erection problems for her Sexual orgasm. ==> He said Dr. Lin's formulas restore his hard erection for Sexual orgasm. ==> How Birth Control Pill dampens health and sexual orgasm and how Heat Tea works ==> Solutions for Pains in the butts, neck, low back or hands/legs - sexual orgasm free pain/cramp ==> Male menopause, birth control pill, and sexual orgasm ==> Solutions for Young men's erectile problems - reclaiming sexual orgasm. ==> Solution for inability of holding erection for Sexual orgasm. ==> Solutions for nauseous sexual orgasm. ==> Long-term customer looking for ViaGrowth-IV for maximizing sexual orgasm ==> Vacuum-cupping Massage users said it is worthwhile to get it, more sexual orgasm! ==> She said His Doctor recommends Heat Tea for him! More sexual orgasm and well being! ==> Dr. Lin's formulas reverse the side effects of the hair growth drug and restore erection for sexual orgasm! ==> The erectile-drug User confirms Dr. Lin's liver and hormonal dynamics for sexual orgasm! ==> Feature Topics: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin(click here). Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved. |