Parkison's disease, Parkinsonism, masturbation, sex and orgasm
Parkisonism is the most common problems associated with excessive sex and
high-frequent multiple orgasms. This problem is a result of from androgen hormone
deficiency and a lack of dopamine nervous control.
Over-masturbation or high-frequent multiple orgasms result in chronic (neuroplastic) excessive hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine conversion,
leading to an abrupt drop of the dopamine nervous function, an excessive
pituitary prolactin release, and the castration effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis due to arterial constriction.
That is, muscle weakness (androgen deficiency) and/or dopamine/motor
nervous control disorders causes Parkinson's syndromes.
Chronic over-masturbation, over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm generally burn out your dopamine, cholinergic/vagal(acetylcholine) , serotonin and GABA nervous control with excessive hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine conversion for constant sympathetic nervous fight or/and flight, excessive norepinephrine-induced informatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production over your body cells from your head to your toe, excessive norepinephrine-induced Immunoglobulin (antibodies such as IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM) elevation for neuroimmune weakness and disorders, constant elevation of the pituitary prolactin release for autoimmune disorders, and constant constriction and inflammation of your arterial and heart smooth muscles.
Chronic elevation of sex-induced excessive norepinephrine and prostaglandin E2 in the limbic system and central nervous system with a weak serotonin and GABA nervous control result in brain evolution, known as neuroplasticity, for addiction of sexual pleasure rewarding; with the neuroplasticity, excessive sympathetic nervous and prostaglandin E2 stimulation on the sex organs, such as the penis, prostate, and seminal vesicles for men and the clitoris, vagina, cervix and uterus for women, facilitate constant in-heat inflammation and erection for persistent sexual arousal for frequent, sexual orgasmic addiction. To reverse the brain evolution of sexual addiction, you will have to power up your cholinergic, serotonin and GABA nervous control on your hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine conversion. Brain evolution is a long-term process. It can be in either the positive or negative direction, depending what stimulation the brain and central nervous system get. Generally, cholinergic/vagal nervous stimulation in conjunction with restoration of serotonin and GABA nervous control will produce positive brain evolution for good.
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation/excessive-orgasm can castrate the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular(ovarian) axis by arterial constriction and inflammatory narrowness in your brain and pelvic organs (testicles, prostate, seminal vesicles, penis, ovaries, uterus, vagina and clitoris) due to excessive release of prolactin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, excessive binding of norepinephrine/epinephrine on the alpha-adrenergic receptors, the norepinephrine/epinephrine induced excessive prostaglandin E2, and the post-sex deficiency of nitric oxide and prostaglandins E1/E3 production. As a result of arterial constriction and inflammatory narrowness (leading to arterial thrombosis and atherothrombosis!
http://jem.rupress.org/cgi/content/full/204/2/311 ;
http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/cgi/content/full/300/2/393 ;
http://jem.rupress.org/cgi/content/full/204/2/311 ), your brain, testicles, penis, (clitoris, vulva, G-spot, vagina, uterus and ovaries for women) feet and hands get low blood supplies and less androgen hormones and nuerochemicals, but more inflammatory hormone production and stress hormones. And, it will take a long time for you to get recovery from sexual exhaustion and post-sex inflammation. You may also wonder why your penis or clitoris go limps and your vagina become dry in the middle of sex. When your adrenal and testicular (or ovarian) function are disabled, you will have to rely on the skin neruoendocrine function to elevate your androgen hormones. Please also note that prostaglandin E2 also inflame veins too -
http://atvb.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/18/10/1655 ,
http://ajpcell.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/281/3/C1038 ,
http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=199422 , and
When your arteries and veins are either inflamed or constricted, your blood
circulation won't reach the inflamed or constricted areas and your sensory
nerves will give you pains, numbness or cramps. And, your motor nerves
will be out of control too.
For more explanation on the nervous disorders and and
toxins produced by excessive sex or orgasms,
please go to
Parkinson's syndrome, Shaking/Tremor and adrenaline rush.
Have some Examples first:
Chronic over-masturbation during late teen years gives him premature ejaculation
(termed as Prostate Parkison's Disease), muscle tremors and weak erection for no
more sexual orgasm at age 25
Depot shot caused her mental and physical problems -
fatigue ,stress ,anxiety, headaches, dizziness, back pain, light headedness, depression, panic
, loss of libido/unwanted discharge, body cramps, bone ache, loss and thinning of hair, skin problems, dry and extremely itchy hands,
dark eye circles, bad vision, memory loss, shakes, hot sweats, irritation, sleepless nights, Agoraphobia, nervousness, short
temper, mood swings, restlessness, exhaustion, frequency urination, constipation frequently, breast tenderness, nausea, sore swollen throat and no
concentration, for no more sexual orgasm.
Without effort, can you naturally get recovery from sexual exhaustion symptoms and
induced side effects, such as severe acne, watery ejaculation, high billirubin, memory loss, social disability, mypoia / poor eye sight,
erectile dysfunction, dark urine, oversleeping, body pains, head pains, and shaking ?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16725.htm
chronic over-masturbation results in chronic depression,
suicidal tendencies, eating disorder, dulling pains and frustration, and
then, turns into marijuana self abuse for weak musculature, epicondylitis,
body pains, eye pain, brain fog, inability to concentrate, mental
disorders, painful stomach, tinnitus, tremors, dizziness, joint pains, and insomnia
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16707.htm
chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation at 6 times a week at age 66 results in the "shake" in the chest, sleeping disorders, leg and chest tingling, and exhaustion.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16673.htm
Finasteride destroys 5-alpha reductase genes in the liver, pituitary, muscles and
testicles for zeroing sex drive, soft erection and muscle twitches, low
ejaculation volume and semen production disorders.
OverMasturbation since 13 at multiple times a day results
in sexual exhaustion symptoms in 31: Mood swing, depression,
anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, losing concentration, insomnia,
no libido, fatigue, laziness, irritability, short temper, panic
attack, muscle tension and cramp, headaches, excessive sweating (even in
the cold weather) , nausea, dizziness, tiredness, restless leg symptom
(RLS), paranoia, inflammatory nasal congestion, sinus and allergy for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16811.htm
10-year out-of-control, addictive over-masturbation results in body
weakness, fatigue, premature ejaculation, nervousness, bipolar (mood swing)
anger or short temper, frequent urination, low back pain, penile and testicular
shrinkage, shyness, speech impairment, joint pains (arthritis), losing
body control ( out-of-control shaking and movement, Parkinson's
syndromes), persistent sexual arousal, impotence, psychological disorders and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16415.htm
Drug abuse with pot (marijuana) smoking along with
anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and antidepression drugs results in severe head
pains, tremors ( parkinson's syndromes), loss appetite, leg pain, testicular and
scrotum pains, anxiety, blurred vision, hearing hallucinogenic voices, no
erection and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation results in sexual exhaustion symptoms: Depression, stress , anxiety, emotional instability (Mood Swing), Attention Deficiency and Absence mind (losing mind concentration
and memory), 3. eye floaters or sun-light sensitive eyes, buzzing ears, low libido, exhaustion fatigue, premature ejaculation, Sleeping disorder and its associated symptoms- drowsiness
over-sleeping, blurred vision, hangover, Excessive Sweating, Fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion, Muscle weakness, Muscle Tremors/Twitching (pre-Parkinson's symptoms).
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16407.htm
His ER (Emergence Room) doctors puzzled about his UFO
sexual exhaustion symptoms: dizziness, headaches, ear buzzing (inner ear
or cochlea inflammation), neck stiffness, shoulders tightness and pains,
sleeping disorders, fatigue, short breathing racing heart, involuntary leg jerks
and hand shaking (hyperactive sympathetic nerves L1 and L2 for Parkinson
symptoms with dopamine, cholinergic serotonin and GABA nervous control
disorders), and water retention (too much vasopressin), as a result of
chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16084.htm
His over-masturbation starting at age 13 resulted in elevation of prolactin, low
sex drive, erectile dysfunction, muscle spasms and twitching, back/leg/arm/hip
pains, muscle tightness and pains, joint cracks and pop in the wrists, knees,
legs, and elbows, penile shrinkage, burning and cold sensation in the
groins/butts/legs/feet, testicular pains, precum flooding,
post-ejaculation/-orgasm allergic responses (watery eyes, sneezes and runny
nose) and prolonged refraction time..
Parkinson's syndrome, Shaking/Tremor and adrenaline rush
results from excessive
hypothalamic/adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine(adrenaline) conversion
as a result of weak cholinergic/vagal/parasympathetic/serotonin/GABA nervous modulation on the
noradrenergic/adrenergic/ sympathetic nervous function, in conjunction with a
low dopamine nervous control on the cerebral cortex and its somatic nervous
system (SNS) Tremor or Parkinson's syndrome is a disorder caused by crossing
electrical dispatch of hyperactive sympathetic nervous effecting on the somatic
(voluntary) nervous system. That is, when the sympathetic nervous action
voltage is too high, the sympathetic nervous division of the autonomic
(involuntary) nervous system (ANS) send the electrical pulses to the SNS, like a
spark electrical signal jumping over form one nervous circuit to another one,
leading to involuntary movement of skeleton muscles or joints. This is the same cause for premature
ejaculation. Both ANS and SNS are the division of the Peripheral Nervous
System (PNS).
PNS includes sensory receptors, sensory neurons, motor neurons and effectors.
Sensory receptors are activated by a stimulus, internal or external. The
stimulus generates an electronic signal which transmits in a sensory
neuron. The sensory neuron relays the signal to the Central Nervous System
(CNS). The CNS processes the signal, and transmits a message back to an effector
organ through a motor neuron via ANS, or/and to the skeleton muscles and joints
via SNS. The ANS turns on the sympathetic nervous action that activate the
internal organs to prepare you for Fight and Flight, while the SNS enables you
to react (fight or flight) consciously/voluntarily to environmental changes.
When the ANS's sympathetic nervous signals jump over to SNS, you can get
involuntary cramps, tremors or shaking in your body. On the other hand,
excessive norepinephrine and/or epinephrine in the sensory receptors of the
sympathetic nervous system can also constrict/narrow the local blood vessels,
compress or/and inflame the nerves, and then activate the SNS
affector muscles to involuntarily produce local cramps, tremors and shaking
without mediation of CNS and PNS, as a alarm signal. This and muscle and
nervous/capillary stress fatigue (for example, repetitive muscular, blood-vessel
and nervous stress and strain, for poor blood circulation) are the most common
factors of causing muscular cramps and spasms.
When over-masturbation, excessive sex or orgasm burned out your brain's acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin and nervous systems and
hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis have been burned out. You got the Parkison's disease symptom!
Parkinson's symptoms or tremors can show up right after
sex or masturbation. The symptoms can last for few days or longer, until neurotransmitters dopamine and acetylcholine and hormones
DHEA, testosterone, DHT and oxytocin level are restored. Most of
sex-induced Parkison's patients also experience memory loss (Alzheimer's
disease), lost concentration, attention deficiency, confusion, mood swing
or depression. Sample Solutions (click here)?
Chronically excessive sexual arousal, over-ejaculation (overmaturbation),
excessive orgasms or/and drug abuse induce excessive
dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion, and hyperativate the enzyme Monoamine
oxidases (MAO) expression for dopamine-DOPAL conversion, where DOPAL stands
for 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde. DOPAL is a potent neurotoxin to cause
Parkinson's-like brain lesions, and its resulted cognitive impairment is very
similar to autism. In addition to DOPAL, norepinephine and epinephrine can be
converted to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycoaldehyde (DOPEGAL) by MAO. DOPEGAL has been
found to trigger apoptosis and cause the loss of CNS neurons. Therefore, the
synergic destructive effects of both DOPAL and DOPEGAL accelerates death of
nerve cells, as seen in SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and
dysfunctional disorders of development and aging.
MAO exists virtually in all mammalian cell types, with the
notable exception of the erythrocyte. In humans, there are two types of MAO: MAO-A
and MAO-B. Both
are found in neurons,
hypothalamus, cerebral cortex (conscious control center), cerebellar cortex,
pons, medulla oblongata, substantia nigra, caudate, astroglia,
skins, and skeletal muscles. Outside the brain and central nervous system,
the liver, gastrointestinal
tract , adrenal glands, kidnes, heart, lungs, and placenta
have about 60-90% MAO-A and 10-40% MAO-B, but, MAO-B is mostly found in blood
MAO's are enzymes
that catalyze
the oxidation
of monoamines.
They are found bound to the outer membrane of mitochondria
in most cell types in the body. After placenta, liver contains the highest
level of MAO, followed by kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, hypothalamus,
substania nigra, lungs, intestine, caudate, medulla oblongata, pons, cerebral
cortex and cerebellar cortex. That is, the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands,
heart, hypothalamus and substania nigra are likely aged by the MAO-deaminated
or oxidized toxins DOPAL, DOPEGAL, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic
acid (5-HIAA, as discussed below) faster than the other organs, and the
liver will be damaged first.
The main substrates of MAO-A include dopamine, serotonin,
norepinephrine, epinephrine, octopamine, tyramine and tryptamine; the main
subtstrates of MAO-B include dopamine, phenylethylamine,
(PEA), benzylamine, MPTP
(1-methyl 4-phenyl
tyramine, and tryptamine.
MAO plays the key roles in the development of
neurodegenerative disease, including not only its putative role in
converting an exogenous protoxin to a toxin, as mentioned above, but also its role in the formation
of peroxides generated from the oxidative metabolism of dopamine. MAO
catalyzed deamination of dopamine to DOPAL and production of hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) depend on concentrations of dopamine within the
cytoplasm. Hydrogen peroxide, if not detoxified by glutathione peroxidase, can
be converted by iron-mediated Fenton reactions to toxic hydroxyl radicals ( -OH)
that induce lipid peroxidation and cell death. MAO-A breaks down serotonin
into 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic
acid (5-HIAA) and steals serotonin from arylalklamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT),
resulting in depleting the melatonin synthesis. Melatonin plays the key role
for the mechanisms of circadian rhythm for healing the damaged cells while
5-HIAA is responsible for the developments of certain tumors
or cancers.
Graveyard workers are at risk due to hyperactivities of MAO.
Most recent studies also indicate there is significant positive correlations between platelet MAO activity and cortisol
measures. In normal sexual activities, orgasm or ejaculation is supposed to drop the cortisol
level and to elevate norepinephrine and
epinephrine level. If MAO turns serotonin into 5-HIAA and depletes serotonin
production during or after sex, the post-sex elevation of norepinephrine and
epinephrine will activate the MAO action on the adrenal cortex for excessive
cortisol elevation several hours after the cortisol drop induced by ejaculation
or orgasm. Cortisol overshooting suppresses the adrenal DHEA production
and testicular function, resulting depletion of androgen hormones in the
brain, and then causes post-sex hangover, memory loss and
depression in the next few days. Maintaining a high level of cortisol
will suppress immune function, promote atherosclerosis, and damage and kill
brain cells eventually. Excessive sex, orgasm or ejaculation, or/and drug
abuse for pleasure rewarding or/and sexual enhancements can let you experience
both hypocortisolism and hypercortisolism in your daily life when the cortisol
diurnal rhythm is disturbed or the cortisol level is too low in the
certain time of a day, but becomes over-shooting in the other time. The
complicated symptoms induced by sexual practices was named as Sexual Exhaustion
Symptoms by Dr. Lin, as given in http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9848.htm.
- Hypocortisolism:
an abrupt drop of cortisol with symptoms of Addison's
disease symptoms and others,
including: fatigue, muscle weakness, weight
loss, vomiting, diarrhea or digestive panic responses, headache, sweating, bipolar, mood swing, OCD, and joint and muscle pains; goiter; vitiligo; dark eye circles; darkening (hyperpigmentation) of the skin, including areas not exposed to the
sun, such as groins nipples, penis, testicles, labia majors and minors, and the
inside of the cheek (buccal mucosa); orthostatic hypotension; cravings for
salt or salty foods due to the urinary losses of sodium.
- Hypercortisolism: an
excessive level of cortisol in the bloodstream resulting in the so-called Cushing's
syndrome and others,
including: rapid weight
gain or central
obesity; moon
face; excess sympathetic nervous sweating,
(dilation of capillaries); thinning of the skin for easy bruising or
inflaming, particularly in the penis, testicles, face, breasts, hands, legs
and other mucous membranes; purple or red striae
insomnia; reduced libido;
; psychosis;
depression; anxiety;
persistent hypertension
(due to cortisol's enhancement of epinephrine's
vasoconstrictive effect and binding into the adrenergic alpha-2 receptors); insulin
resistance (especially common in ectopic
ACTH production), leading to hyperglycemia
(high blood
sugars) which can lead to diabetes
mellitus; heart
disease; hyperpigmentation, resulting from Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
production as a byproduct of ACTH synthesis from Proopiomelanocortin (POMC);
abnormal mineralcorticoid
to worsen the hypertension and to hypokalemia; gastrointestinal
disturbances; immune disorders; impairment of wound healing; osteoporosis
since the cortisol suppresses adrenal, testicular and ovarian function.
With an exhausting hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, patients may experience
some of hypocortisolism symptoms during sex or in couple hours after sex,
followed by some of hypercortisolism symptoms several hours or in next
days after sex. This will puzzle your medical doctors.
.In particular, at the sexual exhaustion state, the constant elevation of
excessive prolactin (mimics Hyperprolactinaemia) suppress sensitivity of
prolactin-negative feedback on hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic
(TIDA) neurons for persistently low dopamine synthesis, blocks the beta-adrenergic
receptors and nitric oxide nervous mechanisms and promotes norepinphrine and
epinpehrine binding to the alpha-adrenergic receptors for vasoconstriction and
restriction of blood flow to the brain and genitals, and destroys or
desensitizes the hypothalamic androgen receptors, as described in
Cutting down the brain and genital blood circulation naturally alternates the
neurotransmitters and hormonal syntheses, the major brain nervous function
including the dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA, noradrenergic,
adrenergic, glutamate, oxytocin, nitric-oxide(NO), vagal and autonomic nerves
functions, and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and
-testicular(-ovarian) function.
He said ' My sister is doing well on just 15 days of MoodMax and Pinealtonin. Energy
and mood up. No yeast infections. Floaters and joints have some
improvement. My dad doesn’t get up but maybe once a night to use bathroom. .... He
has had drastic improvement in just 30 days. I am doing better also. My urgency and frequency have reduced by about 60% ,....
I started having Parkinson like shake. I was also having shakes after ejaculation
during intercourse. I take 2 doprafibra a day and that has help reduce shakes. '
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16308.htm
Water-jet masturbation results in frequent urination urgency even with an empty
bladder, and clitoral pain, fatigue and legs and hands shaking for no more sexual orgasm
Girl chronic over-masturbation results in sided body pains, extreme
weakness, shivering legs and hands (onset of restless leg or hand
syndromes), memory loss, no concentration, and persistent sexual arousal syndrome.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16035.htm
Chronic over-masturbation with pot (marijuana) and
cigarette smoking since age 15 results in erectile dysfunction, memory loss,
penile coldness (no blood flow, no androgen hormones), tremors or
uncontrollable body shaking ( parkinson's syndromes), penile shrinkage,
involuntary crying during masturbation and ejaculation, and ear ringing for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16409.htm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation results in headaches, nervous
inflammatory pains in the brain, dizziness, memory loss, testicular pains,
depression, anxiety, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, penile
shrinkage, tremors, shakes, liver pain, chest pain, abdominal pains, diarrhea,
stomach upset, no appetite, racing heart to 120-130 per second, and no
more erection and sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 1-3 times a day since age 12 results in constant
stress, anxiety, tremors, acne outbreak, and hypersensitive penis
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16260.htm
Having sex 2-3 times a day results in erectile dysfunction, poor penile blood
circulation, low back tightness, performance anxiety (going limp and premature ejaculation) and limb shaking (Parkinson's syndrome) for no
more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16119.htm
Leg random spasms (or Restless Leg Symptom) during sexual arousal, orgasm and
after sex - an autonomic nervous control disorder due to excessive noradrenergic/sympathetic
nervous action, an initial Parkinson's symptom
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16187.htm
Precum, semen and/or sperm leakage are due to inflammation of the prostate,
seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands; arthritis, eye tremors and loose
stool result from excessive norepinephrine/epinephrine induced inflammatory
hormone prostaglandin E2 production in conjunction with high prolactin and low
testosterone/DHT, excessive sympathetic nervous Fight and Flight in the
eye, and the inflammatory/panic responses in the digestive tract,
Chorea Huntington patient experiences Parkison's symptoms
over one-week semen retention, but get depression after ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16154.htm
Sex worker having 2 clients or more per day, over-masturbation habits, and
drug abuse with cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy and alcohol experiences sexual
exhaustion symptoms with no libido, sex fear, depression, anxiety, colitis,
diarrhea, stomach and pelvic pains, ear ringing. muscle weakness, insecure,
nervousness, body shaking, memory loss, frequent urination, urinary
incontinence, and vaginal discharge for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16122.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation 2-3 times a day with pornographic addiction and pot
(marijuana) smoking gives him anxiety, cool feet, panic attacks, body shaking,
eye/ear/neck/shoulder pains, and eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16111.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking results in erectile dysfunction at
age 22, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation, post-ejaculation
tiredness, depression, loosing balance, headache and memory loss for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16108.htm
Over-masturbation since age 8 and pot (marijuana) smoking since age 17 results
in headache, fatigue, stiffness in muscles neck and back, cracking or popping of
the joints, lower backache, twitching of muscles, penile shrinkage, premature
ejaculation, leg pain, muscle pain, sensitivity to sunlight, hair loss,
buzzing and ringing in ears, eye floaters, loss of concentration, dream state
feeling, memory loss, semen leakage, brain fog, mind haziness, depression and
anxiety for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16063.htm
What do you expect from over-masturbation, pot smoking, alcohol abuse, MDMA,
Speed and Cocaine ? bad memory, erectile dysfunction, vision dissorders, low
libido, brain fog, hair loss, gum bleeding, premature ejaculation, urinary
urgency but peeing nothing, muscle tightness and spasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16074.htm
5-year chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a day since
age 13 results in penile and testicular shrinkage, tiredness, no motivation,
weak erection, pains, eye floater, blurred vision, dark eye circles, red
eyes, eye dryness, ear buzzing, headaches, dizziness, hand shaking, Parkinson's
symptoms, memory loss, brain fog, low back pains, adrenal pains, anxiety, panic
attack, weak erection, precum/semen leakage, premature ejaculation, and seminal
production disorder for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16045.htm
10-year chronic over-masturbation results in depression, anxiety, eye
floaters, lack of concentration, muddy thinking, stiffness in back and neck,
muscle twitching, and low back pain
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16036.htm
Cause and Solution for post-orgasm headaches, pains, restless leg syndrome (RLS), and sleeping disorders
Chronic over-masturbation at 3-5 times a day since age 12,
results in a long recovery / refraction time (7 days), penile and prostate
abrasive itching and burning sensation, hair loss and thinning, weak mind
and body (parkison's symdrome) for no more sexual orgasm at age 27!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16018.htm
Over-masturbation at 1-2 times a day resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms -
low libido burning sensation in the back and arms, body tremors (packison's
syndrome), electric sensation, eye pains, allergy/itching (excessive histamine release)
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16004.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a day since age 6 and 1-year marijuana
smoking results in memory loss, terrible eye floaters, dizziness, severe
depression, frequent urination, anxiety, insomnia, neck tremors, severe leg
tremors, and restless leg syndrome (Parkison's disease or symptoms) for no more
sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2 times a day since age 9
results in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms - body pains, blurry vision,
buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, frequency
urination, urinary incontinence, unwanted seminal discharge in urine,
depression, anxiety, panic attack, hypertension, sexual anhedonia, body tremors, parkison's symptoms,
glans penile numbness, penile nervous damage and penile fibrosis for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15880.htm
Why young men experienced sexual exhaustion induced hot flushes (premature
menopause symptoms), headaches, shaky hand and leg symptoms (parkinson's
symptoms) after ejaculating or orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15849.htm
The destructive testing results of over-masturbation from a 17-yearo-old boy - sexual exhaustion symptoms for no
more life and sexual orgasm, including, body pains, arthritis, testicular pain,
penile pain, prostate pain, back pain, face pain, gum pain, tinnitus (excessive
glutamate and inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2), headcahes, fatigue,
anxiety, nightmare, chilliness and shivering attacks,hypothyroidism, hot flashing/fever
(premature male menopause), cracking joints, fibromyalgia, impotence, Restless
Leg Syndromes (pre-parkinson's disease) and so on.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15655.htm
Drug abuse (methamphetamine, marijuana and alcohol) and
over-masturbation result in severe depression, social anxiety, body pains,
buzzing ears, eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss, persistent muscle tremors (parkinson's
disease), severe ADD, penile numbness, prostate pain, hypertension, masturbation
addition (persistent sexual arousal), penile deformation and no more orgasm;
Penile enlargement exercises, jelqing and stretching hardened his erectile
tissues for no more erection.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15837.htm
A vibrator is to induce prostaglandin E2 release in facilitating and triggering orgasm, but
excessive orgasm (multiple orgasms in one night) or over-masturbation in one
shot burned out her dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA nervous systems
and exhausted her hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/ovarian axis for sexual
exhaustion symptoms in the next day, including fibromyalgia, tiredness, fatigue,
brain fog, stiffness, etc.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15623.htm
Overmasturbation resulted in Parkinson's symptom - restless or shivering legs
and hands - due to abrupt drop of dopamine for excessive dopamine-neorepinephrine-epinephrine-DOPEGAL
(3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde) and dopamine-DOPAL(3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic
acid) conversion, leading to neurotoxicity and nervous death for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15611.htm
Over-masturbation at twice a day with drug abuse (methamphetamine, marijuana,
caffeine and alcohol) resulted in severe eye floaters, dizziness, constant
buzzing ears, depression, insomnia, muscle tremor, ADD, fatigue and body pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15830.htm
His sexual exhaustion symptoms - blurry vision, whistling ears, memory
loss, body pain, anxiety, involuntarily arms and legs shaking (parkison's
symptoms), tiredness, oversleeping, chest pain, could not be detected by MRI of
the brain, PEV of the eyes, EEG of the brain activity, or any high-tech medical instruments.
causes and solution for shooting pain in the right
temple and rear brain induced by masturbation, caffeine drinking or/and
alcohol, arrhythmias, sleeping disorder, tremor (parkinson's symptom), frequent urination (prostate
enlargement), hot flashes and sweating when stressed.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15552.htm
Chronic over-masturbation before puberty at few times a day resulted sexual
exhaustion symptoms - premature ejaculation, testicular pain, persistent sexual
arousal, muscle twitching, fatigue, dry eyes, excessive blinking, sleeping
disorder (excessive sleep), hand dermatitis, memory loss, no motivation,
thinning hair, urinary difficulty, urethral burning sensation, serotonin and
dopamine deficiency for no more sexual orgasm at age 22, although his
testosterone level is still high.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15742.htm
Menopause symptoms -anxiety, stress insomnia, or/and orgasm disorder?
taking antidepressants, antipsychotic or sleeping aid drugs depressed her
dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis for extra problem -Restless Leg
Syndrome - the Parkison's nervous disorder
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15631.htm
Why he experienced Parkison's responses - leg
twitching and shaking just before ejaculating - for no sexual orgasm -solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15403.htm
Now he believes in the effects of excessive
masturbation, because he is suffering from sexual exhaustion symptoms for no
more sexual orgasm; again, suffering is believing
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15418.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 9 results in brain emptiness, numb feeling,
no concentration, wood swing, OCD, excessive throat mucus, fast heart
beat, wobbling walk, dizziness, body cramps and no more erection.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15757.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation with
multiple ejaculation in one love session or one day, resulted in
sexual exhaustion symptoms, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, neck pain,
stiffness, low back pain, pelvic pain, testicle pain, memory loss, sleeping disorder, stress,
depression, anxiety, irritability, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and persistent sexual arousal for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15568.htm
Typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm - loose joints,
muscle twitching, ringing in the ears, low back ache and stiffness, fatigue,
tiredness, exhaustion, light headedness, nervous pains, eye floaters,
depression, anxiety, negative thought patterns, lack of concentration, short
memory loss, and fuzzy thoughts.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15200.htm
cause and solution for sexual orgasm or post-orgasm induced parkisonism or tremor (shaking)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15096.htm
Over-masturbation induced tremor ( Parkison's disease or parkisonism) for no sex and
sexual orgasm! Parkison's disease, masturbation, sex and orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15025.htm
Sexual exhaustion, brain functions and IQ score
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14994.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 5 or 6 killed his 19 year old
brain, neuroendocrine function, prostate and penis for inflammatory body
pains, loss memory or concentration, ADD, dyslexia, confusion, dizziness,
depression, persistent sexual arousal, mood swings, heart palpitations, shaking
(Parkinson's symptoms), out-of-control surges of electricity, and no sexual orgasm
Sample Solutionss:
He said ' good day sir, i've been taking viapal-hgh-o for
about a year now and so far so good...although i've been taking low doses now
.... after i started taking your products in january 2008, All of the problems
listed above went away!!!'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16265.htm
He said ' Your medicines are working wonders. I can maintain sex for ages now, and
delay ejaculation a long time, and am close to being able to tolerate my partners orgasm!
' for more sexual orgasm; please be ware of extensive over-ejaculation leading
to muscle and joint weakness and inflammatory soreness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14942.htm
Dr. Lin doesn't care about if you believe him or not, but you
have to pay for your self-destructive sexual behaviors anyway.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14924.htm
He said ' when I started using your products and reducing my ejaculation to 2-3 times a week. I have made amazing improvements, so much that I can now have sex three times in a night.'
Warning - excessive ejaculation in one will result in sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14858.htm
He said ' taking your products and fish and borage is the best for healing the damage done by masturbating starting at the age of 8 years old,
..... the major pain is completely gone, ...., and urgency to piss has gone way down. I also have calmed my nerves and am able to resist masturbating ( before i used to have to
every night)' how to practice anal breathing for sexual orgasm without
ejaculation .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14817.htm
He said ' Your products have cured me of a problem I never thought would be cured- seminal leakage! Your products
(viap-J) in conjunction with your wise advice (especially reducing ejaculation to 1-2 times per week) has cured me of the excessive pre-cum, seminal leakage.... Using the VIP cream daily has completely cured my penis which was numb.... The VIP cream has definitely improved my penis curvature
' for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14762.htm
He said ' I am so incredibly grateful for everything you have done for me so far! My erection is back for good now, and what your miracle products did for my health remains truly without precedence. ViaPal-HgH-J helped me to rejuvenate my penile erectile nerves and revive my dead penis after a very severe penile injury, after I ruptured both of my spongy tissues with one of the jelqing/stretching exercises I had found on the internet.' Re-grow Corpora Cavernosa and penile nerves, heal penile varicose veins, improve penile curvature, solve penile pains, stop precum, and restore libido and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14677.htm
He said ' I have seen good improvements in ejaculation control, recovery, erection strength, and also an improvement in my skin.'
with ViaPal-hGH-J and 5-HTP for restoration of sexual orgasm; Now more for
healing acne scar
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14719.htm
He said 'I have been on ViaPal-hGH-P for 3 month now (lower recommended dose) plus 2
ArginOx a day and 2 to 3 Fish Oil a day. You advised me on those to combat my sudden sexual exhaustion.
I like the way I can now make love with some stamina, I have a 20 minutes session about 4 to 5 times a week.' for more sexual orgasm. On ejaculation
frequency vs. our nutritional supplements
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14626.htm
He said 'I have been taking your products for 5 months now to solve my ed, pe and anxiety problems after a few times ecstasy
abuse/overmasturbation and penile injections and I have to thankfully report that I have gotten rid of the anxiety, depression and pe problems.'
On the SSRIs negative effects on sexual orgasm and well beings
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14591.htm
He said ' I have been using your products for four months now and have had great improvements. I have recovered from watery ejaculation, painful orgasm,numbness in penis,back aches, joint aches, and sleeping disorders, high anxiety, severe depression. All conditions i received from over
masterbating, over- ejaculating, pot smoking, drinking, excessive eating, smoking cigarettes.
' for restoration of sexual orgasm; His warning on use of a tight condom acting as a cockring for penile damage
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14523.htm
Overmasturbation resulted in masturbation addiction, anxiety, insomnia, cold
shakes, high blood pressures, heart pain, short breath, acid reflux, memory
loss, elevated CK, migraine, shooting pain, heart-attack like chest pain, and
irritation for no more sexual orgasm, but for multiple emergency room visits.
Why all of his medical testing results are negative
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15606.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation gave him sexual exhaustion symptoms - low abdominal
and pelvic pains, anxiety, ADD (attention deficit disorder), eye floater, weak
erection, urinary difficulty, frequent urination and leg muscle twitching,
and then taking hair regrowth 5-alpha reductase inhibitor drug for ultimate
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15603.htm
Chronic over-masturbation gave him blurry vision, depression, tremors, memory
loss, exhaustion and other sexual exhaustion symptoms - solution; what are the
possible long-term problems resulted from semen retention or ejaculation shutdown with SSRIs anti-depression drug.
Chronic over-masturbation since age 13 results in
typical sexual exhaustion at age 22 - loss memory, dizziness, vertigo, no
concentration, dullness, headache, back pain, leg pain, neck pain, penile
pain, penile underdevelopment, premature ejaculation, anxiety disorders, panic
attack, depression, stress, tremor, body shaking and no life- no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15402.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at about 3 times a day and drug abuse killed his 20
years old brain and body for emotional imbalance, blurred thinking, weakness leg
imbalance, weak erection and blurred vision for no life and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15220.htm
Excessive sex caused his poor concentration, deteriorating
eyesight, mood swings, sleeping disorder, persistent sexual arousal, anxiety,
stress and depression for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15000.htm
Chronically Over-masturbating since age 8 or 9 resulted in premature male
menopause (andropause), sexual exhaustion symptoms, eye floaters, ear
ringing, premature ejaculation, anxiety, hot flashes, and persistent
sexual arousal (pelvic inflammatory congestion) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14988.htm
Chronic over-masturbating / over-ejaculating since age 11 results in depression,
weakness, erectile dysfunction, ear ringing, brain damage and no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation let him experience sexual
exhaustion, major depression, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, pressuring
headaches, anti-social behaviors, constant Fight-or-Flight symptoms, sexual
blockage, schizophrenia and kundalini syndrome for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms (premature ejaculation, insomnia,
rosacea, poor erection problems, depression, hair loss, difficulty gaining weight, dark
eye circles, lack of focus and creativity and emptyness) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14925.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in pains in low back and
back head, stress, anxiety, frequent urination, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14921.htm
Masturbating 3-5 times a day for 2-3 weeks resulted in erectile dysfunction,
dizziness, ear ringing, eye floaters, vision disorder and low back pains for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14920.htm
Having sex 3 times a day resulted in constant vomiting (serotonin and vagal
nervous disorders), inflammatory pains in groins/ prostate/ testicles, and
dehydration for no more erection or sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14910.htm
Solution for young men's post-ejaculation fatigue and exhaustion
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14905.htm
Over-masturbation at a rate of 2-4 times every day for 14
years resulted in memory loss, weak erection, hair loss and small penile size
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14917.htm
Masturbating 5 days in a row resulted in irritation, mood swing, hair loss, and
sleeping disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14911.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation,
erectile dysfunction, penile curvature, mood swings, anxiety and memory loss for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14908.htm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 12 for sexual
exhaustion and hair loss, and then taking Finasteride, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor,
resulted in severe semen leakage, penile shrinkage, fatigue, tiredness,
impotence, premature ejaculation, urinary difficulty and perineum/prostate pains
and cramps for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14902.htm
He experienced with jitters, anxiety and panic attacks from
over-masturbation and takes ViaGrowth-III and Ginseng 4X+ for restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14894.htm
Chronic over-masturbating at 1-2 times a day resulted in minor
strokes, sharp back head pain, eye floaters, right-side head numbness, and
muscle/stomach/back/testicles pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14885.htm
Chronically over-masturbating/over-ejaculating 2-3 times daily
resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory responses everywhere for
frequent urination, joint pain, weak erection, watery ejaculation, balding
scalp, difficult focusing, premature ejaculation, pre-hypertension, and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in fatigue, eye floaters, ear
buzzing, depression, back ache/stiffness and lack of concentration for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14877.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 3-4 times a day since age 10 burned out his 18-year
old brain and nervous systems and resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms,
chronic fatigue, depression, no concentration, huge anxiety and severe eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14831.htm
Chronic over-masturbation ( compulsive masturbation at a rate
of 5-8 times every day) since age 8 resulted in severely sexual exhaustion,
weakness, fatigue, headaches, ear ringing and poor eyesight for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14822.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 5-10 times daily resulted
in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory pains in the brain, eye balls
(blurred vision), penis, and testicles, with losing memory, penile deformation
and shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm, but persistent sexual arousal for more masturbation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14788.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation at 2-3 times daily resulted in headaches,
memory loss, depression and nausea for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14781.htm
Over-masturbation destroyed his life for memory loss, sever fatigue, thinning
hair, lose skin, severe weight loss, lost appetite, poor eyesight, bones squeaking,
shoulder dislocation, drowsiness, sleepiness, premature ejaculation, penile
shrinkage and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14742.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since 12 resulted in dizziness, back pain, neck pain,
headaches, sore joints and knees, penile bending and low ejaculation volume for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14737.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since age 13 destroyed
dizziness, fatigue, tiredness, blurry vision, sore muscles, weakness, drowsiness,
yawing, watery eyes, memory loss, low back pains, and light headedness for no more sexual orgasm.
Why the high-tech medical instrucments such as CT Scan, MRI, and hearing tests found nothing wrong!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14709.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation shrank his penis; how to regrow the
shrunk penis for more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14705.htm
Solution for over-masturbation/over-ejaculation induced frequent urination,
perineum/testicles /low-abdomen/pelvic/urethra/prostate pains or Interstitial Cystitis (IC),
for restoration more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14488.htm
What you expect from chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drugs abuse
(pot and meth)? sexual exhaustion symptoms, testicular/penile/perineum/prostate
pains, frequent urination (even the bladder is empty), seminal production
disorder, depression, tiredness, instant/premature ejaculation and impotence for
no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at a rate of 8-10 times a day for 35
years resulted in erectile dysfunction, testicular function disorders, muscle twitching,
jerking movements, Gynecomastia, low libido, eyefloaters, Sciatica and muscle pain,
emotional numbness and Post-Trauma Stress Disorders for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14699.htm
Chronic over-masturbation for 15 years resulted in aching pains in the
prostate/perineum area, soft erection, going limp in short time, penile
hypersensitivity and premature ejaculation in 1 minutes for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14650.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation and blood pressure
medication drugs shut down his semen production with oxytocin deficiency for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-ejaculation can cause high blood pressure
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14642.htm
Chronic Over-masturbating once a day since 15 causes this 20
years old man's pains in the low abdomen upper thigh, testicles and penis, and
stiffness in the lower back for no sexual orgasm.
over-masturbation + pot + alcohol = psychological/physiological disorders and No Sex and
sexual orgasm - Solution for the extreme cases
Masturbating over 5 times a day screwed up his 16-years old
brain for sexual exhaustion symptoms - contraction pressure in his brain and
eyes, fatigue, tiredness, mind-contraction disorder and memory loss for no more
sexual orgasm. Why his doctors neurologist could not realize the destruction of over-masturbation
Chronic over-masturbating at least twice a day has resulted in
typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for this 15 years old boy for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13500.htm
Warning again: there is no natural method to repair the damaged prostate, bulbourethral glands, nervous systems and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase gene expression in the adrenal medulla and hypothalamus. for
restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13663.htm
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation since age 12 resulted in sexual exhaustion
symptoms - forgetfulness, poor memory, low back pains, testicle pains, pelvic
pains, fatigue, depression and tiredness, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13923.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in panic attacked, depersonalization and society
anxiety for no more sexual orgasm; Restoration the function of the
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis with ViaPal-hGH-M and ArgiNOx
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13705.htm
He said 'I have been using your products Moodmax, ViaDopa, and Pinealtonin, which all work great.'
Now how to ballooning the penis and how to brew semen for more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14281.htm
He said ' I have to tell you that I am quite happy with your
products.' ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for chronic over-masturbation induced erectile
dysfunction and premature ejaculation - restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13611.htm
He said 'my sex exhaustion's been getting better and better sine i've been taking your products.'
advice for a bigger and thicker penis and more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13498.htm
He said ' Damn! Dr. Lin, you're the man!! .. My penis is on its way back to
normalcy thanks to you! ' rescuing his penis from pot and over-masturbation with
ViaPal-hGH-M, DeToxiA, ViaPal-hGH-J, Fibraand Ginseng 4X+; Dr Lin's personal
experiences with the natural healing power of the prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and NO (Nitric
Oxide) for restoration of health and sexual orgasm!
He said ' thank you so much for your sharing of knowledge and your products!, your viapal-hgh-e helped me alot to cure my sexual exhausted symptons'
for restoration of health and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13480.htm
He said 'I'm happy to report that after a year of taking your wonderful products i feel alot better than if i hadn't been taking them at all so thank you for that,......, Also i used ejaculate in less than a minute of sexual stimulation but now on average i can last about 10
minutes. for restoration of sexual orgasm from over-masturbation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse.
A senior medical student said ' I have already been taking ViaPal-M for around 2 1/2 weeks and I must say that the results have been
significant improving my symptoms of anxiety, poor memorization, acne, depression, etc. ' for sexual orgasm, and questioned on medication drugs for
psychological and physiological disorders.
He said '- almost cleared up eye floaters -- eliminated some creaking, painful joints
- not as sensitive to light - ... I'm now MoodMaxed!' for restoration of sexual orgasm from sexual exhaustion with ViaPal-hGH-M
He said ' I have been using your ViaPal-hGH-J for almost two months now.... I can now have hard long-lasting erections and find I can last longer in
bed.' for more sexual orgasm. Enhance your mind now.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12855.htm
He said 'I feel the heat flow up my spine and to my third eye I last about
20 mins which is better than 1 second like i used too.' with practicing Sexual
ChiKong breathing for more sexual orgasm. Mind and prostate relaxation is the key for prolonging sex.
Chronic over-ejaculation resulted in low energy, thinning hair, very low blood
pressure, low-back pains, bad joints, trouble concentration and depression for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14689.htm
Teenager's over-masturbation more than 3 times a day resulted in erectile
dysfunction and penile deformation for no sexual orgasm!
Chronic over-masturbating since age 13 resulted in urethral scalding
pains, severe premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and low-abdomen/pelvic pains for no
sexual orgasm - solution for young men.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14888.htm
Over-masturbation, Pot smoking (cannabis abuse), amtihistamine, benzodiazepines,
alcohol and creatine abuses resulted in impotence, urination burning
sensation, fatigue, depression, premature ejaculation, stress and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation prior to puberty
(before producing semen) resulted in ear ringing, fuzzy vision, eyes sensitive
to light, anxiety, dizziness and no semen production - for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14756.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation at about 3 times a day, 4 times a
week since age 10 resulted in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in impotence, depression,
anxiety, premature ejaculation and suicidal tendency for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation/ over-ejaculation shrank his penis and testicles and
let him ejaculate in a couple of minutes for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14690.htm
Again and again, why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical
toys can not solve your headaches/ prostate/urethral/perineum/leg pains induced by the excessive
prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of
over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for sever headaches, chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis, impotence, frequent urination, testicles/ pelvic /groins /legs pains - Interstitial
Cystitis (IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14685.htm
Again, why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical
toys can not solve your prostate/urethral/perineum pains induced by the excessive
prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of
over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for chronic non-bacterial prostatitis,
impotence, penile pains, urination and dowel movement burning sensation, , pelvic pains - Interstitial
Cystitis (IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14683.htm
Why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech
medical toys can not solve your prostate/urethral/perineum pains induced by the
excessive prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a
result of over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis, impotence, frequent urination, pelvic pains - Interstitial Cystitis
(IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14682.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted in depression and impotence for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14706.htm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 13 burned out his
18-year old brain's dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA nervous function
for sympathetic nervous Fight or/and Flight responses - erectile dysfunction,
premature ejaculation, stress and anxiety - no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14681.htm
Chronic over-masturbation crocked his penis and resulted in
impotence for no more sex and sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbating twice a day since age 11 resulted in
urinary obstruction (collagen tissue outgrowth in the prostate urinary tract) and weak urinary stream for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating 3-4 times a day killed his 16 years old
brain for for losing mind concentration and failing his studies - for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation and drugs abuse (pot smoking + medication
drugs) killed his brain and nervous systems for anxiety, sleeping disorder,
severe migraines, semen production disorder, erectile dysfunction (impotence)
and no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and drugs abuse (pot, mushrooms, acid, cocaine and
meth) killed his 21 years old brain and penis for no more erection, libido and sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in testicular and
low-back pains, weak erection and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking shrank his testicles and cut off his
semen production for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in semen and precum
leakage, testicles pains, penile and testicle shrinkage premature,
erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14659.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation age 10 resulted in
eye floaters and erectile dysfunction for no more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14655.htm
Chronic ecstasy abuse and over-ejaculation killed his brain,
libido and penis for no sexual exhaustion. even, erectile drugs won't help.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14640.htm
Chronic over-masturbation 2-3 times a day resulted in destruction of the
dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA nervous system and turned his brain
into an over-heated engine for low libido, pelvic pains , testicular burning
sensation, erectile dysfunction (going limp), mood swing, sleeping disorder,
depression, loss concentration and mind and hot flushes (spinal and brainstem
over-heated) for no more sexual orgasm. Girlfriend starts to see other men!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14633.htm
Over-ejaculation caused penile inflammatory pains for no more sexual orgasm . On
role of prostaglandin E-2 in your life - the good, the bad and the ugly, and the
healing role of prostaglandins E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide. The effects of NSAIDs on healing
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14631.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and pot smoking
resulted in orgasm headaches, ear ringing, sleeping disorders, depression, erectile
dysfunction, and acne outbreak for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14629.htm
Typical and common symptoms for the chronic over-masturbators/Over-ejaculators
and pots smokers - non-bacterial prostatitis, urinary difficulty, shy bladders,
back pains, seminal production disorder and leakage, low libido, erectile
dysfunction, urination burning sensation, anal burning pains and spasms, pelvic
pains/cramps and bowel constipation for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14628.htm
Chronic over-masturbation has burned out his brain/nervous
systems (dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA) for light-headedness,
fatigue and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14619.htm
Chronically Over-Masturbation/ Over-ejaculating at a rate of 1-3 times a day
since age 13 killed his 18 years old brain and penis for erectile dysfunction
(going limp) for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14612.htm
Chronically Over-ejaculating for 4 years resulted in premature
ejaculation and no libido for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14611.htm
Over-ejaculating in 4 or 5 consecutive days resulted in
experiencing chills and migraine headaches for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14610.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at a rate of 3 times a day since age 15 resulted in a serious kind of jerky moves with
his fingers (losing finger control with dopamine and acetylcholine nervous
disorders) for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14609.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 15 burned out his 21-year
old brain (dopamine, acetylcholine. serotonin and GABA nervous function) for
sexual exhaustions symptoms with prostate/urethral abrasion and excessive
inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 release for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14606.htm
Violent masturbation abraded the penile neuro-muscular endings and chronic over-over ejaculation resulted in acetylcholine deficiency and in inflammation induced collagen scar for formulation
for penile numbness and penile varicose veins for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14605.htm
Chronic over-masturbation damaged his testicles for no sperm production and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14604.htm
3-months use of Finasteride (5-alpha reductase) resulted in
erectile dysfunction, no libido, short temper (mood swing) for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14600.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking killed his 18-year brain and
penis for importence, no libido and premature ejaculation - no more sexual orgasm.
chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation (2-3 times a day) resulted
in severe inflammation in everywhere, for testicles (epididimytis), urethra
(burning), impotence, and kidney pains for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation/over-ejaculation causes
his non-bacterial prostatistis, pelvic pains, no libidio and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation with kegel exercises (to induce persistent sexual
arousal) resulted in chronic fatigue, groin pains, penile over-sensitivity
(premature ejaculation), penile damage (with excessive prostaglandin E-2 and
induced collagen release), erectile dysfunction, earring, depression, penile and
testicular shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14577.htm
Over-masturbation induced inflammation in the groins, glans penis, penile veins,
bulbourethral glands and prostate and resulted in erectile dysfunction, precum/semem leakage, vein inflammation, and semen
production disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14574.htm
Chronically Over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since age 13 resulted
in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, hair loss, low back pains,
precum flooding and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14567.htm
Drug abuse, over-masturbation and alcohol abuse killed his 22 year old brain,
liver, endocrine function and penis for psychological disorders
(depression), fuzziness, low back pains, erectile dysfunction, premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14563.htm
Pot and over-masturbation gave him very humiliated sexual experiences
(unable to erect when she is ready to be penetrated!) for no more sexual orgasm
14-years old boy got post-ejaculation aches and pains for no more sexual orgasm
excessive dog sex once or twice a day for about 1.5-2 hours (or 2.5 hours)
daily resulted in dog sexual exhaustion with urinay incontinence and in her
persistent sexual arousal and sexual addiction for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in erectile dysfunction (going limps) and
premature ejaculation (in one minute), loss concentration, and sleeping
disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14552.htm
chronic over-masturbation and medication drugs damaged his liver and nervous
systems for elevation of liver enzymes, pelvic/perineum pains, low-back pains,
testicles pains, nausea and indigestion for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14548.htm
chronic over-masturbation, pot smoking, cigarettes caused his
low back pain, sweaty palms/feet, cold hands/feet, low energy/libido, no
concentration, anxiety/depression for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14547.htm
chronically over-masturbating 6 times a day during 13-18 years old
resulted in ugly read headaches, neck stiffness and whole body pains - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14546.htm
chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation killed his 18 years
old brain and penis for erectile dysfunction (going limp!) - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14545.htm
Chronic over-ejaculating 3 times days gave him waist and
penile/testicles pains and impotence for no more sexual orgasm, but his wife is
threatening to commit adultery!
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in psychological disorders, fatigue, head and
neck pains, Parkison-like tremor, insomnia, inflammatory head and sinus pressure
for no sexual orgasm.
chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in frequent urination (even
the bladder is empty), testicular and pelvic pains, low back pains, semen
production disorder, and bloody ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm -
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14531.htm
Chronic over-masturbation, alcohol abuse and pot smoking
shrunk his penis and testicles for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14528.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted i n chronic fatigue, back pains, groins
pains, inflammatory penile over-sensitivity, damaged penile tissue, erectile
dysfunction, eye floaters, earring ringing, depression, premature ejaculation,
and penile shrinkage; and then practiced penile enlargement exercises and PC
exercises o worsen the conditions for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14527.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in impotence and penile
shrinkage (1 inch!) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14524.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and drugs abuse (pot, psychedelics
and stimulants ) results in ejaculation without erection for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14517.htm
Over-ejaculation resulted in erectile dysfunction, low-back pains, depression,
eye floaters, poor vision, poor concentration, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14515.htm
ALCOHOL) and over-ejaculation killed his brain,
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis for no more sex and sexual
orgasm, but penile shrinkage, impotence and premature ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14509.htm
Pot smoking, alcohol abuse and Chronic over-ejaculating resulted impotence,
body/face numbness and panic response for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14507.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age of 8 and drug abuse (pot, medication drugs,
magic mushroom) for sexual exhaustion and premature ejaculation - no more
erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14499.htm
Chronic over-masturbation for sexual exhaustion symptoms with
precum flooding for no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14498.htm
All night long sex with ecstasy, marijuana, alcohol, and erectile
drugs destroyed his parasympathetic erectile nervous system and serotonin
nervous control for premature ejaculation, no more erection and no more sexual orgasm
- the end of sex life
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14497.htm
Chronic Over-masturbating induced COX-2 over-expression for
over-production of prostaglandin E-2 for urethral burning sensation and penile
pains - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14496.htm
Over-masturbating twice a day since 15 killed his 17 years old
brain, heart, hair, eyes and muscles for heart murmur, dull hair, dizziness, eye floaters, lack of concentration, sore
muscles - of course for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14494.htm
Over-masturbating twice a day since 15 killed his 17 years old
brain, heart, hair, eyes and muscles for heart murmur, dull hair, dizziness, eye floaters, lack of concentration, sore
muscles - of course for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14494.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in weak eyesight, severe light
sensitivity, loss of concentration and memory, dizziness, anxiety, restless
leg syndrome, excessive sweating digestive disorder, low libido,
impotence, knee failure and so on, for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14491.htm
Over-masturbating 1-3 times a day during puberty burned out his brain and nervous systems
for fatigue, absent-mindedness, no more erection, no libido, no erection and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14484.htm
Puberty's over-masturbation burned out his brain and nervous systems
for light-headedness, absent-mindedness, fuzzy vision, depression and fatigue for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14483.htm
6-year over-masturbation resulted in 1.5-inch penile shrinkage,
watery/clear ejaculation, and kidney pains for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14477.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted in brain
destruction, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14481.htm
Chronic over-masturbation induced penile bending (collagen scar
spreading), post-ejaculation headaches, precum flooding and urinary urgency for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14474.htm
Over-masturbating twice a day killed his 22-year old penis and
brain for no more erection and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14470.htm
Over-Masturbation and Pot smoking killed his brain, testicles
and penis for erectile dysfunction, sexual exhaustion, blurry vision and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14466.htm
Trubulus over-stimulates his pituitary for excessive sex, premature ejaculation, and over-ejaculation, leading to severe sexual
exhaustion and severe abrasion of your prostate for bloody ejaculation,
impotence and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14460.htm
His doctor's prescription of ejaculating 2-3 times a day resulted in low libido
and pains in the pelvic cavity, perineum and tailbone for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14455.htm
Chronic over-masturbation let his penis go limp during sex for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14452.htm
Chronically over-masturbating for 2.5 years resulted in
low back pain, testicular pains, groins pains, urethral/penile pains, erectile
dysfunction, painful erection, chronic constipation and elevation of
theliver enzymes LST and AST (liver damaged index enzymes) for no more sexual
orgasm, but pains.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14451.htm
Chronically over-masturbating at 4-5 times a day resulted in
bedwetting, depression, anxiety, gambling addition, ADHD and premature
ejaculation for no sexual orgasm. Medication drugs kills penile sensitivities,
semen production and dripping after urination.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14450.htm
Chronic over-masturbation with drug abuse (cocaine/ecstasy and marijuana),
loud music and cigarettes resulted in since age 13 resulted in nervous
inflammation, ear ringing/ buzzing/cracking/popping/spluttering, memory loss, mind concentration difficulty, and erectile dysfunction
for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14447.htm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 13 resulted in impotence at age 22 for
no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14446.htm
Chronically Over-ejaculating 3 times a day and Chronically having high dose of caffeine
killed this 23 years old brain and penis for erectile dysfunction, ejaculating
without erection, fatigue and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14440.htm
Masturbating 5 times a day every day for 2 years turned 25 year old man to an
old man for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14439.htm
Drug abuses (alcohol, marijuana, mushroom, LSD, MDMA, cocaine,
antidepression drugs) and over-masturbation killed his brain and sex for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14433.htm
Chronic Over-Masturbation resulted in anxiety, ADD, and sleeping disorder for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14432.htm
Chronic Over-Masturbation resulted in chronic non-bacteria prostatitis, frequent
urination, back pains, testicular pains, penile pains, groin pains, perineum
pains, low abdomen pains and persistent sexual arousal for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14431.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a days resulted in erectile dysfunction
(going limp) and dizziness - solution for restoration of sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14428.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation since age 8 resulted in chronic poor
concentration, bad OCD, psychosis symptoms, hypersensitivity, serotonin nervous
disorders for sugar and dairy products craving, tiredness, buzzing ears,
and bad eye floaters for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14425.htm
Chronic over-masturbation naturally results in blood
ejaculation and chronic inflammatory pains and sensation in the pelvis,
prostate, penis, testicles, perineum and tailbone for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14423.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in eye floaters, balckout,
blurred vision and fussy eyes, gray hair. hair loss and ring ears - for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14418.htm
Chronic Over-Masturbation at 3 times a day since age 15 resulted in eye
floaters, skin dryness, and sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
(capable of having sex twice a month only since age 20) - solution
Excessive over-masturbation triggered his panic attacks for no sexual orgasm
solution for over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation induced sexual
exhaustion systems - back pain, sympathetic nervous fires, stress,
fatigue, excessive sweating, sleeping disorder, hip/leg pains and Irritable bowl
syndrome - for restoration of sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in impotence and constant
seminal leakage for no more sexual orgasm
Excessive over-masturbation let him experience numerous
tremors at the neck, upper back and lower back and white blurs for no
sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and acne drug killed erection and
caused premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14394.htm
Ejaculation/orgasm caused his memory loss, speech/spelling difficulty and
headache for no more sexual orgasm -Solution.
Chronic over-ejaculation/over-masturbation resulted in
masturbation addiction, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, eye pains, depression,
fatigue, and weakness for no more sexual orgasm
Enjoying great sex resulted in eye floaters, over-sensitive eyes (over-dilated
pupils), ear buzzing, joints weakness and pains, poor skin, sleeping
disorder, and weak immune for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation caused bursitis and rheumatoid arthritis
for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in dizziness, headache, depression and memory loss for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation induced inflammatory pains, dizziness and premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Enjoying great sex resulted in watery ejaculation, penile
shrinkage, body pains and stomach panic responses to excessive epinephrine for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating since age 10 exhausted his 15 years
old brain and nervous system for erectile dysfunction, low libido and sleeping
disorder - no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in eye floaters and low back pain
(stiffness) for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in extreme headaches and stomach stress and
panic responses for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation since age 14 resulted
in depression (serotonin nervous disorder), sleep disorder (serotonin nervous
disorder), restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement (dopamine nervous
disorders), chronic fatigue (acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous and
adrenal/testicular disorders) for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation 5-6 times a day since age 12 resulted in penile
deformation, exhaustions, depression and low back pain - no more sexual orgasm. On the penile deformation curvature!
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in eye floaters and ear buzzing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14337.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation at a rate of 3 times a day for 2 years killed his 18
years old brain, penis, prostate and bulbourethral glands for erectile
dysfunction, seminal/precum leakage and penile shrinkage - no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14331.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 10 resulted in semen production and
testicular disorders, eye floaters, ear buzzing, speech impair,
depression, weak joints, male menopause (andropause) and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm;
don't be a sexually destructive tester.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14325.htm
Enjoying sex 2-3 times a day every killed his 21 years old brain, neuro-endocrine function
and penis for impotence and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14322.htm
Chronic over-masturbation killed erection and put his marriage
on the rock; even erectile drug won't help; penile injection resulted in penile
deformation (the so-called Peyronies Disease) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14319.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation resulted in typical
sexual exhaustion with sympathetic nervous Fight (premature ejaculation in 4-5
strokes) and Flight (going limp) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14318.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 13 resulted in typical sexual exhaustions
symptoms -weak eyesight, severe light sensitivity, loss of concentration and
memory, laziness, dizziness, anxiety, restless leg syndrome, excessive sweating,
stomach cramp and more, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14317.htm
Chronic Pot smoking and over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for
8 years resulted in erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety, stress and ear
ringing (tinnitus) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14309.htm
chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation, alcohol abuse and
pot smoking gave him severe brain and liver functional disorders and then he is
taking SSRIs, antipsychotic and anti-anxiety drugs for final castration, erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14306.htm
Chronic over-masturbation 2-4 times a day for 3 years resulted
in eye floaters for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14301.htm
Pot smoking, pre-puberty masturbation, SSRIs antidepression
drugs killed his 18 years old brain, liver, prostate and penis for premature
ejaculation and underdeveloped penis - for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14300.htm
Chronically over-masturbating/over-ejaculating 5 times a
day since age 13 grew his 35 years old neuro-endocrine system into 70 year old
for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14295.htm
Chronically Masturbating 6 times a day since age 15 makes his 18-years old penis
function like a 70 years-old one for no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14293.htm
Now, he has the first-hand ill-experiences resulted from chronic over-masturbation - for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14289.htm
Over-masturbating 2 times a day for 6 years shrink his 43-year old penis for sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14272.htm
Teenager's Over-masturbation experiences for depression, hair loss, acne
outbreak, penile underdevelopment, premature ejaculation (in 1 minute!)
and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14270.htm
Pot smoking + Over-masturbation killed his 18 years old brain and penis for
erectile dysfunction (going limp), precum flooding and premature ejaculation for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14266.htm
Intensive Workout and over-masturbation exhausted his 24 years old adrenal
function for chronic elevation of cortisol and epinephrine - No More sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14262.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation resulted in insomnia, restless leg syndrome, social anxiety/excessive sweating/facial
flushing, depression, laziness, premature ejaculation, and eye floaters for divorce and no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating for 3 months resulted in the digestive sympathetic
nervous fight or flight response to elevation of epinephrine release from the
adrenal medulla for no sexual orgasm! No stomach medicines can help.
Chronically over-masturbating/over-ejaculating for 4 years since age
14 resulted in semen and precum leakage and a peeing burning sensation for no
more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14244.htm
Chronically over-masturbating/over-ejaculating since age 12 killed his 26 years
old brain, nervous systems, prostate and penis for mind-concentration loss, low
back pains, hearing loss, tiredness, Parkison's symptoms (hands and head
shaking), and ejaculation burning for sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14243.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-7 times a day since age 13
forced his 20 years old brain to shut down his 70 years old penis for no more
erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14238.htm
Over-masturbating twice a day during 13-18 years old gave this 24-year old man a
2-3 days refraction (recovery) time, like a 50 years old man have, for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14236.htm
Enjoying too many orgasm before puberty resulted in low
libido, frequent urination, and cortisol elevation - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14223.htm
Sex is a most strange, addictive drug without ingredients.
Sexual exhaustion symptoms won't let him be unhooked - no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14218.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation (Sex
Overdosing) resulted in chronic namely tiredness, a very poor memory, depression and irritability, and muscular
pains no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14216.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 13 resulted in chronic erectile dysfunction
and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14215.htm
Having sex 4 or 5 times a day killed his 23 years old brain
and cardiovascular function for severe sex headaches and extreme
hypertension with blood pressure 190/70 (measured in the hospital) - the end of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14212.htm
Enjoying sex 4 times a day everyday for 3 years resulted in extremely sexual
exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm, but chronic fatigue, kidneys pains,
ear ringing, testicles pains, poor digestion, headaches, short memory, and more health nightmare and daymare.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14196.htm
Over-masturbating/Over-ejaculating 3-5 times a day Killed his 15 year old brain
and prostate for premature ejaculation, loss concentration, tiredness and
depression - no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14189.htm
Extremely drug abuse and over-ejaculation resulted in destruction of his nervous
control, body pains, persistent sexual arousal, ejaculation urgency, frequent
urinary urgency with peeing difficulty, precum flooding and prostate enlarge for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14187.htm
Chronic over-masturbating since 12 burned out his 18 neuro-endocrine system for
hair loss, very blurred vision and excessive precum and semen leakage (too Wet!)
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14161.htm
Over-massurbating since age 11 resulted in pelvic cramps,
nervousness, premature ejaculation, depression, joints aches, hair loss, penis
over-sensitive and shrinkage, erectile dysfunction, penile scar and weak
vision for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14153.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation resulted in prostate and
testicle inflammation and pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14153.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 3-6 times a day turned his 19-year old
hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular function to be 70 years old for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14151.htm
Chronic masturbating and ejaculating once a day since age 10
resulted in non-bacterial Urethral Tract Infection (???),
burning sensation, dizziness, and pains in perineum, low back and joints for no more sexual orgasm.
Why antibiotic drugs won't solve the root of the problem - the prostaglandin E-2
over production induced by sexual exhaustion
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14145.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times a day since age 10
resulted in depression, eye floaters, ear buzzing, weak joints, and poor memory
and concentration for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14143.htm
6-month over-ejaculation at 3-5 times every day resulted in
inflammatory pains and aches in the penis, perineum, prostate, pelvis and rectum, difficulty
in emptying the bladder, and semen production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14139.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in
stomachache, excessive gas in the intestines, frequent urination with colorless
fluid (like female ejaculation fluid!), dizziness, lightheadedness, and prostate
disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14138.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation since age 11 induced a
whole lot of sexual exhaustion symptoms at age 25, a 5000-year coincidence
for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14136.htm
Oops! Over-masturbation, pot smoking and alcohol killed his 19 years old brain, liver and penis for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14128.htm
Enjoying sex 3 times a day with enhancement of pot smoking
resulted in his pelvic pains and her orgasm dysfunction - for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14124.htm
10-year over-masturbation resulted in penile shrinkage , no libido,
non-bacterial UTI (Urethral Tract 'Infection'!) , and pains everywhere,
particularly in urethra, penis, and bladder for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14123.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation at a rate of 2-3 times a day
since age 13 resulted in erectile dysfunction at age 18 for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14121.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 13 resulted in erectile dysfunction with
persistent sexual arousal (nervous inflammation), fatigue, and tiredness for no more sexual orgasm, at age 24
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14110.htm
Vasectomy caused his pelvic and testicle pains while chronic over-masturbation resulted in joint/back/muscle pains,
eye floaters, and ear ringing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14109.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in joint pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14108.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in high blood pressure,
blurred vision (near blindness), depression, ear ringing, deep migraine
headache, and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14107.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 11 resulted in sexual
exhaustion symptoms - depression, memory loss, ADD/ADHD symptoms, rear
brain and neck pains, erectile dysfunction, mood swings, sleeping
disorder and anxiety at age 20 for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14102.htm
Solution for chronic over-masturbation induced sympathetic
nervous fires - digestive panic, diarrhea, retching, flactulence and enlarged
prostate for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14094.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in chronic
premature ejaculation and testicular pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14090.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking killed his 18 years old
brain, nervous systems, and testicular function for tremors (leg shaking) and testicular pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14080.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking killed his 17 years old
brain, nervous systems, prostate, penis and rectum for premature
ejaculation, IBS, dizziness, impotence for no more sexual orgasm - the end of his sex life at age 17.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14078.htm
Chronic Over-ejaculation resulted in premature age for eye floaters and poor
vision for no sexual orgasm. Again, why his doctors could not see his eye floaters?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14073.htm
Why Masturbation caused his severe headaches and brain dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14072.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in bladder irritation, urethral
tenderness / soreness, persistent sexual arousal with inflammatory pains,
excessive precum leakage, IBS, fatigue, and body pains for no sexual orgasm.
Again, why his doctors and drugs couldn't solve his sexual exhaustion symptoms.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14071.htm
Over-masturbation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse resulted in erectile
dysfunction (going limp), body pains, headaches, eye floaters, blurred vision
for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14070.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation 2-3 times a day for 5 years resulted
in nausea, loss of memory, lack of concentration, depression, fatigue, low
libido, sleep disorder, frustration, premature ejaculation, erectile
dysfunction, penile shrinkage, pains in testicles/pelvic area/low abdomen
and excessive digestion gas release for no more sexual orgasm, and being dumped
by his girl friend he loved so much!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14068.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation resulted in
inflammatory pains and semen production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14060.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation at several times a
day since age 10 resulted in sexual exhaustion - low libido, erectile dysfunction, prostate
enlargement, and chronic prostate/perineum pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14059.htm
Chronic Over-ejaculation (enjoying too much sex) resulted in sexual exhaustion -
low libido (dopamine burning out and excessive prolactin release), erectile
dysfunction, and chronic testicular/low-back/groin pains (due to excessive
prostaglandin E-2 release) for no more sexual orgasm. Testicular pains
indicates the destruction of the testicular function.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14058.htm
Over-masturbation caused his semen production disorder with insufficient oxytocin release
but excessive prolactin from his pituitary for infertility and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14057.htm
Pot smoking, chronic over-masturbation and taking SSRIs antidepression and acne
drugs since age 10 killed his 16 years old brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14055.htm
Why chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation or drug use
resulted in the sympathetic nervous Fight (premature ejaculation) or Flight
(going limp) responses to sexual encounter for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14053.htm
Chronic masturbation with a vibrator severely damaged his
penis, testicles, prostate, rectum and anus for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14051.htm
Chronic over-masturbation for a strong penis (!??) resulted in
breaking up with girlfriend (due to penile shrinkage and weak erection!) and enlarging penile varicose and spider veins for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14049.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation resulted in impotence and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14048.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation since age 10 forced his 19-year
old brain to shut down his seminal production for protection of the rest of the body and, of course, for no seminal ejaculation (but, just like female
ejaculation with a heavy urethral stimulation) and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14038.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking caused premature
ejaculation and erectile dysfunction for divorce and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14035.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 12 for a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion
symptoms , including psychological disorders - no more sexual orgasm, but who care for your self destruction!?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14032.htm
pot chemicals + Over-ejaculation + alcohol screwed your brain/nervous, liver, kidneys, testicles, prostate and penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm, but severe premature ejaculation.,
depression and psychological and physiological disorders
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14026.htm
Over-masturbation and Over-ejaculation resulted in a weak
erection (even having a big penis) and severe inflammatory responses with
excessive prostaglandin E-2 release for premature ejaculation (before vaginal
penetration with a useless big penis), back pains, post-orgasm headaches, ear ringing,
eye pains and redness, sleeping disorder and no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14019.htm
Chronic Over-ejaculation/over-masturbation resulted in typical sexual exhaustion
symptoms - tiredness, body and penile underdevelopment, bad sinus headaches, lower back pain, mood swings, premature ejaculation, curved
penis, sleep disorder and frequent unation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14011.htm
Chronic Over-ejaculation/over-masturbation let his 22 years old body
experience typical sexual exhaustion symptoms, like a 70 years old grandpa, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14010.htm
Over-ejaculation/over-masturbation resulted in testicular
pains, watery ejaculation and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14009.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in post-ejaculation
headache, dizziness, tender testicles, palpitations, sleeping disorder, neck
aches, memory loss, depression, and eye oversensitive to light for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14001.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation, pot smoking and Finasteride use resulted in blurred
vision, ear earring, fatigue, foggy brains, pains in the hips and joints, sleeping disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13997.htm
Over-ejaculation and drug abuse (pot, cocaine and ecstasy) killed his 20 years
old brain and penis for premature ejaculation, weak erection and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13990.htm
11-year pot smoking, 4-year ecstasy and cocaine abuse and chronic
over-masturbation resulted in perfect impotence, ringing ears, eye floaters, blurred vision, fatigue, depression, lack of concentration, paranoia and
anxiety for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13984.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation 2-3 times a day gave him eye
floaters, snow vision, fatigue and low-back pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14013.htm
His Chronic Over-masturbation experiences for sexual exhaustion symptoms - of
course, no more sexual orgasm. Why this young man can not get a recovery from sexual exhaustion
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13983.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation and drug abuse (pot and ecstasy
) resulted in whole-body pains, watery ejaculation, blur vision, perineum
spastic contraction,.. and so on, for no more sexual orgasm - solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13978.htm
Chronically Over-masturbating twice a day for 25 years results
in sexual exhaustion, no libido, pains and inflammation in
testicles/back/hips/kidneys/adrenal glands, no semen production, penile
numbness, prostatitis, anxiety, stress, depression and 24/7 fight or flight for no more erection and sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13966.htm
Over-masturbation, anti-psychotic and pot killed his brain, penis and
prostate for no more erection and sexual orgasm, but severe premature ejaculation !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13965.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation caused his eye floaters, sleeping disorder, tiredness,
fatigue, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13952.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since 11 resulted a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion
symptoms - stress, headache, lack of concentration, memory losses, suicidal thoughts, penis
shrinkage and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13948.htm
Chronic Over-ejaculation (multiple ejaculation) resulted in pains in the
testicles, penis, perineum, groins and legs, panic attack and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13940.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13939.htm
Ejaculation induced his tiredness, headache, exhaustions, sleeping disorder, and
fatigue for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13938.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for 16 years
resulted in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms - erectile dysfunction, testicle
shrinkage, semen production disorders, pains and cramps in the low back and
tailbone, stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, hair loss, Gynecomastia,
and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-ejaculation, chronic pot smoking and ecstasy resulted in impotence (dead penis) for no more sexual orgasm
His and her post-orgasm sexual exhaustion symptoms -
sympathetic nervous panic and inflammatory responses, low back pains, low
abdomen pains/cramps, perineum inflammatory pains, and so on, for no sexual orgasm - solution
His Story: Chronic over-masturbation (sexual exhaustions), pot smoking
(brain/nervous destruction/overtaking) and penile breakage during sex can end
your sex life easily for no more sexual orgasm
When you combined finasteride with pot smoking and over-masturbation, your sex
life should be over for no more erection or sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14018.htm
over-masturbation + pot + alcohol for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, premature ageing and
no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13942.htm
Over-masturbation, pot smoking and drug abuse
resulted in severe seminal leakage, premature ejaculation, delayed urination
(shy bladder), testicle pains penile shrinkage, sleeping disorders, back pains, numbness in
the thighs, lower abdomen pains, stress, and erectile dysfunction (going limps) for no sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13877.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual
exhaustion, pains and cramps in the low back and perineum, stress, anxiety,
fatigue, depression, hair loss, prostate abrasion, precum and semen leakage,
premature ejaculation, impotence and Gynecomastia for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13871.htm
Pot smoking and over-ejaculation/over-masturbation killed his libido and erection for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating 5+ times every day resulted in severe eye floaters, memory
loss, shy bladder (frequent urinary urgency but peeing nothing) and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13864.htm
Chronic masturbation sine age 11 resulted in hair loss,
dizziness, back pains, etc. for no sexual orgasm at age 19!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13968.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in Spermatorrhoea (semen leakage
during urination or bowel movement) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13858.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation, IBS and pelvic pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13455.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - headaches, ear ache,
dizziness, shallow breathing, fast heart rate, paleness and panic attack
for no more s exual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13454.htm
Over-masturbation and chemical substances abuses resulted in
muscular twitches/pains, joint/bone inflammation pains, and frequent urination for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13847.htm
Solution for Teenager's over-masturbation experiences with eye floaters for restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13846.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted in severe eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13833.htm
Chronic over-masturbating 2-3 times everyday resulted in premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13832.htm
Chronic over-ejaculation at 2- 4 times a day resulted in
chronic prostatitis - prostate abrasion and inflammation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in post-ejaculation
headaches, dizziness, and losing concentration for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms for
nervous numbness, no libido and no more sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbation induced body pains/cramps/numbness, fatigue and itchiness for no more sexual orgasm
; doctors, drugs and high-tech medical toys can not solve the problem.
Chronic over-masturbation gave him sexual exhaustion symptoms, killed his 19
years old brain, hair, penis and prostate for premature ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm
When your doctors and high-tech medical toys can not see
your blood ejaculation, your blood vessels are in trouble for breakage - no more sexual orgasm - the consequence of chronic over-ejaculation
Chronically over-masturbating 6-7 times a day since age 15
resulted in constantly pre-ejaculation fluid and semen leakage and in premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13809.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation at a rate of 2-10 times a day since age 14 resulted in extreme sexual exhasution with reddish eyes, eye floaters, skinny body, dark nails, low back pain, and thigh soreness for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13784.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in the Typical Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms at age 19 for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13779.htm
Chronic pot smoking and over-ejaculating resulted in inflammatory pains in the testacies,
legs and stomach for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13856.htm
Over-ejaculation resulted in frequent urination, prostate and perineum pains for no more sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13775.htm
Chronically over-masturbating resulted prostate and bladder nervous control
disorders (frequent urination) and knee pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13773.htm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 6-7 resulted in OCD, schizophrenia symptoms, ringing ears and BAD eye floaters for
no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13772.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for brain/nervous
self destruction, strange Headaches, Memory loss, blurred Vision and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13763.htm
Chronically over-ejaculating/over-masturbating resulted in infertility
eye floaters and retarded ejaculation (semen production disorder) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13757.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted in psychological and
physiological disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms (brain/nervous and sexual
destruction) and taking tons of ADHD and antidepression drugs for ultimate brain
destruction and no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13751.htm
Drug abuse (speed) and chronic over-ejaculation caused his erectile dysfunction
and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13740.htm
Having sex 3 or 4 times a day resulted in sexual
exhaustion symptoms, constant wet dream every night, and blurred vision for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13734.htm
Over-masturbation at 5-10 times a day screwed up his 16 years old brain, body/mind and penis for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13726.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, stress, headaches, allergies and
semen production disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13725.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation, penile shrinkage,
erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure and irregular cardiovascular function for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13723.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 5 resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms before 20 for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13718.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in panic, anxiety, fear, OCD
symptoms, tiredness, fatigue, neurosis and psychosis for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13709.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation caused his erectile dysfunction,
depression and seminal production disorders for no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13679.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times every day since 14 activated
inflammation factors for body pains and tiredness, in addition to penile
shrinkage, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13692.htm
Pot smoking and over-ejaculation have burned out his 21-year
old brain and penis for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, sweating profusely, mood swings,
depression, sleeping disorder, hand tremor, and hot/cold flushes for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation and pot smoking burned his
brain for premature ejaculation and pains in the testicles and low abdomen - no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 4-5 times a week burned his 56-year old brain for headaches after sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating since 11 resulted in erectile
dysfunction and premature ejaculation in 10 seconds for no more sexual orgasm at age 18
Chronically Over-masturbating / Over-ejaculating 3-5 times a
day resulted in ear ringing, testicular shrinkage, depression, anxiety, erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and
street/medication drugs abuse (pot, ecstasy, cocaine, SSRIs, antidepression and
psychotic drugs killed his brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation 2-3 days resulted in low-abdomen, testicle and leg
pains, brain disorder (craving for marijuana!) and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation resulted in frequent
urination, premature ejaculation, and tiredness for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation since age 13
resulted in a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms - blood
ejaculation, physical, psychological or neurological disorders for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating 4 times a day since age 13 resulted
erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation with precum flooding at age 21 for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation resulted in post-ejaculation
anxiety attack, chest and body pains, short breathing, anxiety, slow brain responses for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and cocaine abuse resulted in eye floaters and fuzzy version for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbating 2 or 3 times a day since 16 resulted
in post-sex blurred vision, head pressure, dizziness, nausea, excessive
sweating, fatigue, high blood pressure and semen production disorder for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13610.htm
Enjoying too much sex resulted in a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion
symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13601.htm
Several all-nigh-long sex with ecstasy, marijuana and erectile drug for
excessive ejaculation resulted in premature ejaculation, no libido, fatigue,
depression, lost concentration, and infertility for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13593.htm
Over-masturbation exhausted his testicular function and semen production and
caused premature hair loss for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in erectile
dysfunction , eye floaters, and acne outbreaking for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating 2-4 times aday resulted in rapid heartbeat, poor
cholesterol ratio (liver disorder), hair loss, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, penile
shrinkage and limp, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-Masturbation/Over-ejaculation resulted in knee and back pains
for no sexual orgasm
Why his eye doctor could not see his eye floaters induced by chronic
over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm - solution
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation results in insomnia,
depression, prostatitis and urethral tract infection for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-ejaculation for 2 rounds in each love session resulted in
severe penile pains and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronically over-masturbating 5-7 times a day since 7 years
old resulted in chronic prostatitis, semen production disorder, pains in the
penis/ testicles/low back/stomach, and low libido for no sexual orgasm - solution
chronically over-masturbating 2-4 times a day caused penile vein and valve inflammation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-ejaculation ruined this 16-year old boy's sex life for no sexual
orgasm, but impotence and penile numbness
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in eye
floaters, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation (seminal production disorder) no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating exhausted his brain and erectile
nervous system, ruined his prostate nervous control, penile tissue and seminal vesicles semen
production for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation caused his weak erection, excessive
precum, irritation, tiredness, memory loss, and pains/cramps in groins, abdomen,
stomach; Finasteride shrunk his penis and grew his breast for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-Masturbating 3 times a day resulted in
chronic prostatitis, anxiety, sleeping disorder, and pains in the penis,
testicles, prostate, legs and low back; jelqing penile enlargement shrunk his
penis for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-Masturbation resulted in psychological and physiological disorders for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation killed his erectile and seminal production for no
more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since age 13 resulted in
sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight ( doing limp during sexual encounter) for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation + pot smoking + meth + cocaine = parkison's symptoms +
impotence + premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13474.htm
masturbating several times a day since 18 resulted in trouble focusing,
weak erection, premature ejaculation and premature hair loss for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13471.htm
15-year old boy's over-masturbation resulted in testicular
pains, frequent urination, and easy sickness for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13458.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in constant penile/testicular
pains, burning sensation, frequent urination and suicidal tendency for no more sexual orgasm.
No medication drug works. Here is a solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13454.htm
Over-masturbating since 13 and drugs abusing (marijuana, speed,
mushrooms, and etc.) since 16 resulted in nervous numbness, weak immune to cold,
impotence, fatigue, and frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13453.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, palpitations, body pains, fatigue
and other sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm! why his doctors
can not detect the problems and why you can not get healed naturally!?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13426.htm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation resulted in testicular pains and
testicular and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13438.htm
Over-ejaculation/over-masturbation shrunk his penis from 8 to 5 inches for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating and pot smoking since age 13 killed his 19 year old brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating/over-ejaculating 3-4 times a day caused his premature ejaculation in 30 seconds for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13422.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation /ejaculation resulted in Dr. Lin's typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13397.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, panic attacks, eye floaters, high blood pressure, slow puberty, acne,
and depression for no more sexual orgasm. Why cannot you get a natural recovery by self healing from over-masturbation?
Chronic over-ejaculation/over-ejaculation resulted in severe testicle pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13395.htm
Over-ejaculation due to excessive sex and over-masturbation resulted in more
ejaculation urgency (ignited by prostaglandin E-2) for hair loss and no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-ejaculation/Over-masturbation caused premature ejaculation and
blood ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm at age 18.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13385.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation since 14 resulted in prostate and urethral
sensation and pain, penile pains, and scrotum tender for no more sexual orgasm -solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13367.htm
Over-masturbating for more than 25 years since age 11 resulted in low
libido, no motivation, nervousness, heart palpitations, dizziness, bodyaches and
all the symptoms of aged people, for no more sexual orgasm - the solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13360.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in sexual exhaustion symptoms, erectile
dysfunction, precum leakage and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13356.htm
Chronic over-masturbation killed his testicular function for low testosterone, high pituitary LH, testicle shrinkage and hardness,
penile and scrotum shrinkage - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13340.htm
Enjoying too much sexual pleasure for 5 years resulted in impotence and
premature ejaculation (in seconds after penetration) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13336.htm
Over-masturbating for 14 years resulted in low libido,
frequent urination, excessive precum release, testicular pains, stiff neck, body
pains and aches, and memory loss for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13333.htm
Over-masturbating for 10 years caused his testosterone drop and LH and FSH
elevation, a pre-warning of testicular failure, at age 25, for no more libido and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13332.htm
Over-masturbating 3 times a day resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - eye
floaters, testicular pains, frequent urinating and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13327.htm
chronic over-masturbating since age 13 burned his hair,
brain, liver, adrenal gland, testicles, penis and prostate for sexual exhaustion symptoms and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13313.htm
Over-ejaculation, alcohol abuse and pot smoking resulted in left-body tightness for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13309.htm
Chronic over-ejaculating twice in a love session gave him penile pains for no more sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13304.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in urinary
incontinence (frequent urinary urgency but peeing nothing) and penile pains for no more sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13303.htm
Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, panic attacks, eye floaters, high blood pressure, slow puberty, acne,
and depression for no more sexual orgasm. Why cannot you get a natural recovery by self healing from over-masturbation?
Chronic over-masturbating since age 14 resulted in
typical, sexual exhaustion symptoms - anxiety, hypertension, digestive panic
response with gas release, eye floaters, muscle shivers/pains, memory loss,
and depression for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13292.htm
Chronic over-masturbating 2-3 times a day resulted in typical, sexual
exhaustion symptoms - anxiety, depression, panic attacks, blurry vision, eye
floaters, muscle shivers, confusion, memory loss, sadness and depression for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13291.htm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation resulted in unbearable testicle pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13288.htm
Chronic Over-masturbating 3-5 times a day resulted in
persistent, post-ejaculation stomach pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13272.htm
Over-masturbation and Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder for
psychological/physiological no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13269.htm
Pot smoking, alcohol abuse and over-masturbation for urination difficulty
/sensation, penile pains and eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13268.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 14 results in sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13267.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation caused his impotence and post-ejaculation headaches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13265.htm
Over-masturbation caused hair loss and acne outbreak due to
excessive testosterone-DHT conversion; then, drinking alcohol and taking Finasteride
shrunk his beautiful penis from 7.5 inches to 1.5 inches for impotence and no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 3-4 times per day shrunk his 25-year old penis at about 25% off for no more sexual orgasm! Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13251.htm
30-year over-masturbation/excessive orgasms result in typical sexual
exhaustion symptoms - anxiety, muscle tingling, blurred vision, ear ringing and
buzzing, fuzzy memory and concentration disorder for No more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13248.htm
Over-masturbating twice a day for the past 8 years for
excessive wetdream 4 times a week (prostate nervous disorder) resulted in
mental/physical weakness, depression, dizziness, fuzzy vision, confusion, and
heavy head (no mind concetration) for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13228.htm
Over-masturbation and a high dose of creatine resulted in erectile
dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13222.htm
Chronically over-ejaculating every day for about 15 years resulted in
Hydrocele, abdomen pains, constipation, anxiety stomach spasm no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13216.htm
Chronically over-masturbating several times a day for about 3 years resulted
in severe premature ejaculation in seconds for no sexual orgasm - finishing sex before intercourse
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13215.htm
Having sex more than 5 times a night resulted in erectile dysfunction (going limp quickly) for no more sexual orgasm
Excessive and intensive sex for a week resulted in severe penile pains and damage for no more sexual orgasm
Having sex 3-4 times a day and masturbating at least twice a day resulted in
testicle and groin pains for no more sexual orgasm. Why his doctors, specialists
and pain killers could not solve his pains? Here is the Dr. Lin's Natural prostaglandin E-1 solution.
Having sex or masturbating 1-2 times a day resulted in severe hair loss for
no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13200.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation naturally resulted in sexual
exhaustion symptoms - body pains, ear ringing, non-bacterial prostatitis /
urethritis, and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm!
Having 3 intercourses (ejaculations) in one night triggered a chronic, post-ejaculation headaches for no sexual orgasm!
Again, Retarded ejaculation caused by the exhaustion of the prostate seminal production is similar to the Type-2 Diabetes caused by the exhaustion of the pancreas insulin production, for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13183.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at a rate of more than 1-2 times a day since age 10 resulted in impotence, no libido, suicidal depression,
no motivation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13170.htm
Over-masturbation and drug abuse resulted in eye floaters, prostate disorder,
precum flooding, premature ejaculation, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13161.htm
Chronic over-masturbating 3 times a day resulted in frequent urinating,
pain in the prostate area, slight pain in testicles, blisters on head of penis,
change in color of the penis head...for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13151.htm
Chronic over-masturbation more than 5 times a day resulted in severely sexual
exhaustion symptoms for psychological, psychiatric, physiological disorders for no sexual orgasm,
beyond the abilities of his doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13150.htm
Chronically over-ejaculating 2-4 times a day results in persistently constant penile pain, ejaculation and post-ejaculation pains for no
more sexual orgasm, beyond his doctors' abilities and capacities.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13137.htm
Again, he has proved Dr Lin's sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13133.htm
Over-Masturbation, alcohol, and drug abuse (marijuana, psychedelic
mushroom/shrooms)caused his body pains, frequent urination, prostatitis, testicle pain, low
libido, jelly-like semen, stress, anxiety, depression and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13127.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms by chronic over-masturbation for low libido, weak erection, losing hair, poor concentration, tiredness, anxiety, premature
ejaculation and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13124.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 3 times a day since age 13 turns this 25 years
old young man into 60 years old for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13123.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since age 12 caused
his erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation - going limp and ejaculating upon penetration for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13120.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking killed his erection and libido and of
course, psychological disorders, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13115.htm
Chronic over-masturbation caused his post-ejaculation Parkinson's symptom for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation caused his vision disorder and headache for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation can alternate the gene expression of phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase
for hot blood, Hyperhidrosis and no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm can
result in cardiovascular disorder, in addition to losing concentration, tiredness, stress for no sexual orgasm.
Having sex 1-3 times a day for 2 weeks exhausted his 50-year
old brain and penis for erectile dysfunction (going limp) and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation causes his depression, sleeping disorder,
frequent urination and prostate enlargement for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation since 14 results in an explosive pressure in the
19-year old brain and eye floaters with fuzzy version for no more sexual orgasm, while MRI detected nothing!
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking result in sever low back pain for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking results in frequently random muscle
spasms, twitching and tinnitus (ear ringing) for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms and physiologic and
psychological disorders can not be solved by medication drugs and conventional
doctors - Registered nurses' real experiences for no sexual orgasm; Here is the solution.
Why ejaculation induces his eye redness for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation results in a fast ejaculation within 10-20 seconds
for no sexual orgasm; on the effects of salmon fish head and Omega-3 on
neurotransmitters and semen chemistry for erection and ejaculation control.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13130.htm
Over-masturbation causes 14 year old boy's eye floaters and brain disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation since age 15 causes his anxiety, irregular heart
beating, sweating, shoulder pains, premature ejaculation, and low libido for no more sexual orgasm at age 18.
Chronic Over-masturbation and Pot smoking cause horrible sharp
pains in his testicles, low left abdomen and back for no more sexual orgasm.
His real experiences on sexual exhaustion symptoms (including eye floaters, ear ringing,..) and type-2
diabetes can be associated with over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating / over-ejaculating 5-6 times since age 7 brought this
25-year old man into male menopause and sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-Masturbation since age 12 results in erectile dysfunction
premature ejaculation, no more libido and no more sexual orgasm at age 18
Chronic over-masturbation since age 8 and pot smoking results
in eyefloaters, tiredness, headaches, back pains, and impotence at age 16 for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation results in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation 4-5 times a day sends this 19 year old man to a psychiatric facility for no sexual orgasm.
On quitting masturbation
Chronic over-ejaculation 3-4 times a day results in erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation at 3-4 times a day results in severely sexual
exhaustion systems - pains in the kidneys and stomach, erectile dysfunction,
penile shrinkage, memory loss, mood swings, depression, hair loss, and varicocele
(testicular varicose veins) for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation results in sexual-arousal, orgasmic and
post-orgasm headaches and blurred vision for no more sexual orgasm - solution
Chronic Over-masturbation 2-3 times a day sine age of 13
results in quite severe eye problems - dryness, enlarged pupils (like a dying
man's), severe redness for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation results in pains in joints, low back and tailbone for no
more sexual orgasm. Again, your doctors can not detect or solve the sexual
exhaustion symptoms.
Over-ejaculating 4-5 times a row results in severe sexual exhaustion symptoms -
psychological and physiologic disorders for more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation results in pains and cramps in the prostate/perineum/anus, premature ejaculation, no libido and no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation causes his prostatitis, curved penis,
premature ejaculation, weak erection, depression, and ejaculation without sexual
orgasm, beyond all his doctors' abilities
Chronic over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation (sex overdose) 3-4 times a day has
killed his brain for poor concentration, perineum and prostate pains, low
abdomen pains, fatigue, tiredness, and poor school grade from A to C - no more
sexual orgasm. Why your doctors can not detect and solve your sex overdose induced symptoms?
Over-masturbation during 16-19 results in depression/anxiety, leading to a
chronic use of antidepression drugs for chemical castration of the brain for low libido and no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation results in psychological and physiological
disorders and forces this 24-year old man out of study and work for
no more sexual orgasm, beyond all his doctors' ability.
Chronic over-masturbation has shut down his semen and sperm production for male infertility and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbating 3 times a day results in depression,
nervous irritation, schizophrenia- like symptoms, ear floats, and ear rings for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation + Pot smoking result in light headedness, panic
attacks, kidney pains, back pains, sleeping disorders, night chills and sweating for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12977.htm
Chronic over-masturbation kills his 19 year old penis - going limp upon sexual arousal, for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating from age 14-31 results in all of the sexual
exhaustion symptoms, some fatigue, graying of hair, hair thinning, eye floaters, sinus, ear
aches, and sleeping disorder for no more sexual orgasm. On the arylalklamine N-acetyltransferase gene expression disorder in the pineal gland and retina for circadian rhythm and viusal nervous disorders.
Over-ejaculation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse causes his eye floaters,
water ejaculation, sleeping disorder (pineal gland gene expression disorder),
penile and testicular shrinkage (testicular failure) for no more sexual orgasm
Why Over-masturbation causes his chronic headaches for no sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12935.htm
Over-masturbating 4 times a day since 11 results in penile
shrinkage from 6 inches to 5 inches, erectile dysfunction (going limp), and hair loss at age 26 for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation causes his digestive panic, Fight or Flight, response for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation is addictive for ADD, sleeping disorder,
nervousness, psychological disorders, depression, mental exhaustion, fatigue,
excessive sweating, and no sexual orgasm - solution
Over-masturbation since 12 results in low back pains, wetting bed, penile
numbness, impotence, hair loss and other sexual exhaustion symptoms at age 24 for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12966.htm
Over-masturbation + Pot smoking + opium have killed his brain and nervous
function for no more energy for work and study, no libido or no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12964.htm
Why Over-masturbation or/and Over-ejaculation cause sexual exhaustion, chronic
fatigue, inflammation, eyefloaters, ear buzzing no more sexual orgasm -why?
Over-ejaculation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse causes his eye floaters,
water ejaculation, sleeping disorder (pineal gland gene expression disorder),
penile and testicular shrinkage (testicular failure) for no more sexual orgasm
Typical results of over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Typical sexual exhaustion symptoms due to over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm
Masturbating 4-6 times a day has killed his brain and penile for impotence and no sexual orgasm.
What you expect from over-masturbation, pot smoking, alcohol abuse and sport
supplement abuse? Absolutely No life! of course, no sexual orgasm.
Self destruction with chronic over-masturbation , spot
smoking, alcohol abuse, and cigarettes smoking for chronic prostatitis, penis
and testicle shrinkage, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, eye
floaters, body aches, low back, stiff neck, anxiety and sleeping disorder for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and drugs abuse (cocaine, speed..) result in
eye floaters, anxiety, ear ringing, back pains (kidney area), heart/chest
aches, palpitations, erectile dysfunction, hernia, varicoceles,
and testicle varicose veins for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating since 8 results in erectile disorder and eye floater for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation has burned his 18-years old brain/nervous
systems, body, mind and penis for panic attack, depersonalization, stress,
anxiety, body pains, blurry vision (pupil over-dilation), bad memory, and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 14 causes his severe eye
floaters and dryness, ear buzzing, hearing loss, anxiety, and chest pain for no more sexual orgasm
Alcohol and Caffeine Abuse and Over-Masturbation causes his
bladder empty disorders, frequent urination, excessive precum flooding, erectile
disorders (going limp) and low libido - the global sympathetic nervous Fight or
Flight action - for no more sexual orgasm
Having sex 5-6 times a day has caused his constant precum leakage,
uncontrollable semen discharge, prostate and urethral burning pains for no more sexual orgasm
Masturbating 5 times a day shut down his
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis with a constantly
excessive epinephrine and prolactin for no more erection, libido and sexual orgasm
Got married, but fails to penetrate her vagina due to over-masturbation induced impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation since 10, 2-year pot smoking, and ecstasy
abuse have killed his 18-year old brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation causes his prostate/perineum/tailbone/pelvic
pains and inflammation, blood ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and impotence for no more sexual orgasm - solution!.
Over-masturbation results in frequently wetting bed - a severe
prostate and bladder nervous disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating 5-6 times a day during puberty has killed his brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm.
Having sex 2 times every day causes chronic pains in the low back pains and penis for no more sexual orgasm.
This 21-years man experiences a direct correlation between
his frequency of 'attacks' and frequency of 'masturbation' and between
masturbation and eye floater - no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation has killed his 24 year old brain/nervous function and penis
for impotence, bladder and prostate nervous disorders, wetting bed, and emotional - for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating 3-5 times a day has killed his 18 year old penis for impotence
and no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation has burned his 18-year old serotonin nervous
function for premature ejaculation, extreme depression and panic attack - for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-ejaculating 8 times in 2 days results in an bladder infection and frequent
bladder spasm (urinary incontinence!) for no more sexual orgasm.
Enjoying too much sex results in youth impotence (going limp during sex) and
premature ejaculation - the sympathetic nervous Fight and Flight response to
sexual excitement for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbating 4 times a day forces this 21-years old brain's
dopamine and acetylcholine nervous systems to shut down his semen production and
prostate prostaglandins synthesis for no more ejaculation and sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculating several times in 20-50 minutes have abraded his prostate and elevated a high
PSA release for many days - for self destruction and no more sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbating 2-3 times since age 9 gives him the
typically sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbation since 11 has killed his 18 year old penis for no
more erection and sexual orgasm
Pot smoking + Over-masturbation = self destruction for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and direct prostate
stimulation for impotence and penile numbness - no more sexual orgasm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms can not be solved by traditional, non-traditional or
witch doctors, detected by high-tech medical machines such as X-ray, CT
scan, MRI or blood analyzer or solved by drugs (pain killers or whatever) ;
Solution - Dr. Lin's Prostaglandin E-1/E-3 therapy for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12711.htm
Over-masturbating 2-5 times for Sexual Exhaustion symptoms - no more sexual orgasm,
but memory loss, tiredness, sleeping disorder, low-back pain, sinus. headache, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12718.htm
Over-masturbating 2 times a day results in pains in his rectum/anal area, lower back,
prostate and urethra for no more sexual orgasm while all medical test results are normal !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12683.htm
She has sexually exhausted her 21-year old husband for no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12682.htm
Couple-day over-ejaculation and over-masturbation have
destroyed his nervous control for a constant leakage of precum and semen and alternated his gene and enzyme expression for body
pains, penile/prostate/testicle pains, and immune disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12704.htm
Over-masturbating 4-5 times a day resulted in impotence at age 24 for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12691.htm
Chronic over-masturbation causes his anxiety, stress, guilt,
depression and sadness for no more sexual orgasm. It is a brain functional disorder!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12674.htm
Over-Masturbation and Pot smoking kills his penis and love,
for penile and testicle veins, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12660.htm
Abuse of the androgen medication drug for over-ejaculation and
the resulted sexual exhaustion symptom - severe stomach pains, sleeplessness,
fatigue, erectile dysfunction, urination difficulty, body pain etc. for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12648.htm
Why over-masturbation or over-ejaculation results in chronic prostatitis,
urethritis, and pains in the penis, prostate, urethra, testicles, pelvis,
groins, tailbone and even legs or feet for no more sexual orgasm?
Solution: Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 Therapy for correction of the gene and enzyme expression.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12647.htm
Over-masturbation causes pains in his tailbone, perineum, groins,
penis and testicles for no more sexual orgasm; the illogical solution - chemical castration for
no more erection and sexual orgasm ?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12644.htm
Why over-masturbation can enlarge the holes and ducts for
hernia, semen / sperm / precum leakage, vaginal enlargement and vaginal flooding - for no more sexual orgasm..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12641.htm
Over-masturbation and Drug abuse (Pot smoking, alohol, cocaine, special K, ecstasy
and other party drugs) have killed his 20 years old brain and penis for body pains, tinitus, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression
and no more sexual orgasm; even the university psychiatric clinic gave him up.
Your doctors can not solve non-disease sexual exhaustion symptoms due to gene &
enzyme expression disorders induced by over-ejaculation or excessive sexual orgasm for no life orgasm -
Solution: Dr. Lin's natural prostaglandin E-1 therapy
Over-ejaculating 2-3 times trauma for no sexual orgasm. Why religious medication can not help?
Over-masturbation causes his acne, frizzy hair, urinary
incontinence, eye floaters, premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Typical sexual exhaustion symptoms induced by chronic over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm alternates the
Dopamine D1 and D2 gene expression for sympathetic nervous fires - no sexual orgasm -solution..
Over-masturbation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse results in psychological and
physiological disorders for premature ejaculation, depression, anxiety, stress,
mood swings, poor memory, fuzzy vision, chronic fatigue and exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm.
Young man's post-ejaculation nervous disorder in the hands and legs - the sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation results in low libido, soft erection, premature
ejaculation, and penile pain for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating many times a day since age 4 and
pot smoking result in hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, visual
disorder and distortion, severe eye floaters, anxiety, panic response, short
memory, de-personalization and de-realization for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation at several times a day results in
low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, shrunk testicles, weak memory, short temper and palpitation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12582.htm
Chronic over-masturbation (3 times a day!) and pot smoking (4 times a week)
causes his chronic prostatitis for no more sexual orgasm, but pain!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12578.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in a flooding of precum (pre-ejaculation
fluid) upon arousal for premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation for almost 20 years has alternated this
34 years old nervous gene expression for erectile dysfunction and retarded ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation has destroyed this 23 years old erectile nervous
mechanism and the serotonin nervous modulator of the sympathetic nerves in the
prostate and bulbourethral glands for erectile dysfunction and precum/semen
leakage (premature ejaculation - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12570.htm
Over-masturbating for 10 years kills his 22 years old
brain/nervous function, penis, prostate, urethra and cardiovascular function for
exhaustion, fatigue, stress, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, premature
ejaculation, poor memory, high-blood pressure and no libido for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12568.htm
Chronic over-masturbation for 8 years results in claustrophobia, anxiety, and
depression for no more sexual orgasm. why the SSRIs antidepression drugs produce more anxiety, stress and suicidal tendency
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12562.htm
Why his penile stretching enlargement exercise for 2 days results in
youth (teenager's) impotence, glans shrinkage, premature ejaculation and low libido for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12560.htm
Over-ejaculation causes his bloody ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12559.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since 13 results in penile and prostate pains, urination burning sensation, and bloody
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12554.htm
Destructively Over-masturbating 2 or 3 times a day has burned his 27 years old
brain/nervous systems for body pains, premature ejaculation, bloody ejaculation
and urine, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, urinary incontinence and pains for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12548.htm
why chronic over-masturbation produces a lot of pains in this 18 years old testicles, groins, and legs for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12543.htm
Over-masturbating 3-4 times a day since age 11 has caused this 19 year old man to ejaculate in less than 1 minutes and to lose his hair for no
more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12525.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 1-3 times a day have
exhausted his 29 year old brain, mind and body for erectile dysfunction,
sleeping disorder, concentration problems, low back pains, and penile shrinking
from 8 inches to 6 inches - no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating at least twice a day since age
12 has burned out the 20-years old brain and nervous functions for sexual
exhaustions, penile damage, watery ejaculation, eye floaters, severe stress,
severe depression and OCD for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
Over-masturbation /Over-ejaculation causes his testicle and
pelvic pains for no more sexual orgasm - why he can not get healed naturally?
Dr. Lin's advices to a porn actor: Avoid multiple ejaculation in one day; Knock out all your partners with one and only one ejaculation for
the most violent sexual orgasm by rhythmically stimulating the clitoris and blending the G-spot and Epicenter/cervix at the same time; Drink your own first
morning pee - the Natural Spectrum Hormone Therapy.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12460.htm
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation has abraded this 25 year old prostate and
urethra for no more sexual orgasm; how can Yohimbe and 5-HTP benefit your cardiovascular and prostate functions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12510.htm
Over-Masturbation or excessive penile friction causes an excessive histamine release and an over-expression of enzyme COX-2 for an
over-production of prostaglandin E-2, leading to penile pains and inflammation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12490.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation has given this 41-years old man a
full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm, beyond
the ability of his urologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, and etc.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12451.htm
How Over-masturbation aggravate symptoms of depression and anxiety for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12413.htm
Heavy pot smoking, alcohol abuse, over-masturbation and brain
injury gives this 25 old brain and penis sexual exhaustion, stress, fatigue,
anxiety, urinary incontinence, premature ejaculation and erectile/ejaculation penile pain for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation has caused this 21-year old man's impotence and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12511.htm
Over-masturbating since age 8 has caused this 20-years old man's excessive precum release and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12494.htm
Over-masturbation since puberty have caused his frequent urination (but peeing nothing or a little), bloody urination, premature ejaculation, weak
erection and suicidal thought for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12410.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation causes a chronic elevation of prolactin for seminal /
sperm production disorder, low libido, orgasmic disorder for infertility and no more sexual orgasm!
How to solve sexual exhaustion symptoms induced by
over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation or excessively sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbating since 14 causes this 25-year old man's postal-ejaculation headaches and painful eyes for no more sexual
Frequent, chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation kill his
18-years old brain and penis for premature ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 3 or 4 times a day since 14 has burned out
his 18 years old brain and penis for stress, anxiety, psychological disorder,
stiff neck/shoulders, mimic Parkinson's symptoms, and of course, no more sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation and Excess orgasm since pre-puberty causes
his 18 years old's post-ejaculation pains in his butts and penis for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation since 14 results in erectile dysfunction (going limp!) low back pain, blurred vision, twitchy and stiff neck (producing
crack sounds), attention disorder (poor mind concentration!) and penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm!
Chronic over-masturbation and spot smoking have caused his prostate and testicular pains for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation causes this 38years old's full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms - impotence, premature ejaculation,
testicle shrinkage, precum leakage, eye floaters (blurred vision), Ear ringing (Tinitus),
urinary incontinency, pains or cramps in groins/ low back/tailbone, anxiety, fatigue, depression, hair loss, and more for no more sexual orgasm.
chronic Over-masturbating 1 or 2 times a day since 15 and chronic drug abuse (pot smoking and ecstasy) has burned out
his 24 years old 'smart' brain and penis for stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, social isolation, psychological disorder, and of course, no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation causes this 20-years old's full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms - eye floaters, light-sensitive eyes,
prostatitis, urethritis, sporadic twitching of muscles, IBS, constipation, and more for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drugs abuse killed his
brain and nervous functions for chronic headaches, blurred vision, ear ringing
and no more sexual orgasm. Here is Dr. Lin's Brainwash Engineering treatment.
Why over-ejaculation and excessive sexual orgasm is so destructive - a 18-year boy's experience.
Over-ejaculation or excessive sexual orgasm can induce a prolactin flooding and
an oxytocin cutoff in the post-ejaculation or post-orgasm state for a loss of interest, emotion, libido and sex.
Over-masturbating since 14 lets this 18 years old boy
experience anxiety, depression, eye floaters and penile shrinkage from 9 x 2
inches to 8.2 x 1.6 inches for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation since 8 after watching a porn movie resulted in body pains, erectile dysfunction, penile shrinkage, and sever
premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Why chronic over-masturbation since age 7 or 8 results in a
chronic premature ejaculation in less than a minute for no more sexual orgasm.
A 30-year old over-masturbator, with an 18 years over-masturbation long
history, said ' I am happy to report that I have already experienced some noticeable changes in my sexual function in just TWO WEEKS of taking your
Viapal-hGH-P, 5-HTP, and DeToxiA as recommended. Also per your suggestion, I have included Borage Oil and Fish Oil, 3000 mg of each one daily. Of course, I have also gotten my over-masturbation habit under control in order to effectively budget my seminal inventory and allow for recuperation.'
for more sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12290.htm
An 18-year old boy's over-masturbation and over-ejaculation results in premature impotence and anxiety no more sexual orgasm. Why has he failed to heal
himself by simply stopping ejaculation?
Finally, a 21-year old heavy-duty pot-smoking, post-hernia-operation over-masturbator
said ' my urinary incontinence is absolutely GONE AWAY... Thanks for your great product Dr.Lin !!'
Restoring his sexual orgasm in only 1 month!.
He said ' thank you for the wonderful products that you make. the pain in my hip is 90% gone my eye sight is getting better.
... all my joints feel 100% better my knees my shoulder are so much better thanks to you and your products. i think that my muscles are growing..'
the road of rejuvenation from sexual exhaustion to sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12047.htm
He said' I used your ViaPAl-hGH-S package a few months ago, the pain I used to experience in my testicles during ejaculation ceased after just one week. I also found that I lost a lot of body fat without changing my dieting patterns.'
for more sexual orgasm. On rejuvenation of penile tissue, nerve and blood vessel damaged by chronic over-masturbation for penile ballooning.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11976.htm
An endocrinology doctor's experience with over-masturbation or over-ejaculation, resulting in prostatitis, urethritis, erectile dysfunction, low libido, and pains in penis, low
back, perineum and anus for no more sexual orgasm -Solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11918.htm
A realistic measurement of the testosterone level for an 18-years old, pot smoking, over-masturbator - an explanation of the testicular
destruction by over-masturbation and pot smoking for erectile dysfunction,
premature ejaculation, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12007.htm
Vibrator use causes her frequent urination and urethral sensation and burning and irregular menstruation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12076.htm
A pornographic website designer's over-masturbation /over-ejaculation results in
chronic non-bacterial prostatitis and urethritis for self-destruction and no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12218.htm
Over-masturbation, pot smoking, penile exercises and PC muscles exercises kills
his 22 year old penis for no erection and no more sexual orgasm
Crazily Over-masturbating 7-8 times in 24 hours give this
25-years old a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm!
Chronic Over-masturbation has caused this 33-years old's mood swings,
depression, hair loss, stress, fatigue, and sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm
35-years Chronic Over-masturbation has caused this 44-years old's
depression, seminal production disorder, baldness, fatigue, pains, sleeping
disorder, weak urinary stream, low libido, and blurred vision for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation since 13 causes this 19-years old's erectile and orgasmic dysfunction and semen production disorders for no more
sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation several times a day causes this 30 years old's
lightheadedness, chronic fatigue, soar muscles, blurred vision, and more for no sexual orgasm.
Blood tests, MRI, CT scan and X-ray detect nothing wrong.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12403.htm
Over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation 4 or 5 times a day have caused eye floaters for no sexual orgasm! solution, beyond the ability of
his doctor!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12393.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation has caused his body pain and enlarged his hernial hole for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12389.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking (drug abuse) causes this 22-years old man's erectile dysfunction, pains in bum/back, muscle convulsions, eye
floaters, post-ejaculation fatigue and mindless, post-ejaculation face nervous disorder, headaches, and more for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation lets this 24-years old experience all the
sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm! solution!
Over-masturbation causes this 19-years old boy's Ear ringing (Tinitus) for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating twice a day every day since age 18 results in penile senseless, weak erection, ejaculation disorder
(seminal production disorder), prostate enlargement (abrasion), and back pains, for no sexual orgasm - solution.
Over-masturbation has caused this 19 old young man's mind emptyness, penile and prostate pains, and
frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation at 3-5 times a day since age 13 has caused this 24 old young man's erectile dysfunction, chronic
exhaustion and depression for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation has alternated this 19-years old boy's
brain/nervous functions for pains in the testicles/penile/groins/low abdomen/low
back/everywhere, eye floaters and suicidal thought for no more sexual orgasm,
beyond ability of his psychologist and urologist and SSRIs antidepression drugs.
The brain/nervous function destructed by over-masturbation can not be healed naturally!
An 18-years old boy's over-masturbation and jelqing causes his erectile
dysfunction, , seminal production disorder (orgasmic dysfunction due to a
flooding of prolactin), and penile VARICOSE VEINS AND SPIDER VEINS for no more sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12363.htm
After he spent all his money, why all his doctorS and all the prescription drugS can have never solved his non-bacterial prostatitis and
prostate swelling with frequent urination, perineum heat/pains, and hair loss, leading to no more sexual orgasm - Here is Dr. Lin's cheap solution - The
Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12346.htm
Sexual exhaustion due to a low serotonin level and an
excessive sympathetic nervous fire for weak erection, premature ejaculation,
back pains, sleepiness, fatigue, restless, hair loss, stomach ache and no sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12371.htm
Over-masturbation has destroyed his 3 brains function for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, prostatitis, chronic fatigue, burning eyes, indigestion
and collagenous penile deformation - no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12336.htm
Over-ejaculation causes his light head, faint and pains in the prostate,
perineum and low back for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12344.htm
Over-masturbation has enlarged his inguinal hernia hole hole and shrunk his penis for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12332.htm
A chronically direct prostate stimulation with a butts plug
electrostimulation has sexually exhausted his body and mind for no more sexual orgasm
and made him addicted to anal stimulation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12321.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 12 causes his erectile dysfunction and anxiety at age 27 for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12342.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm exhausts the vagus nerve or/and interferes vision or hearing nervous function, you will lose your natural healing force of restoring sexual
exhaustion - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12348.htm
Over-masturbation / over-ejaculation causes his female-like ejaculation,
seminal production disorder, urethral/prostate burning sensation, and bladder/testicular pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12333.htm
Over-masturbating 3-4 times a day causes his anxiety, eye floater and ear ringing for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12329.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation 1-3 times a day causes his sexual exhaustion and premature ejaculation - solutions..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12322.htm
Chronic over-masturbation, pot smoking and drug abuse stoped his penile growth for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12337.htm
Over-ejaculation causes his erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12328.htm
Over-masturbation has caused the deformation of his 24-years old penis and forced his brain to shut his seminal production for
for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12313.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation has burned out this teenager's brain for chronic depression and then he took anti-depression for total castration into a
suicidal stage - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12299.htm
Over-ejaculation caused his bloody ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12312.htm
Why over-masturbation/over-ejaculation induces his irregular cardiovascular
function for no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12347.htm
Over-masturbation since 13 shrinks and crooks this 18 years
old penis, and causes premature ejaculation in 1-2 minutes for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12294.htm
Puberty over-masturbation exhausted his pituitary-testicular function and shrank
his testicles and penis for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12286.htm
Chronic Over-masturbating and Pot Smoking kill his 19-years old penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12306.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation gives this 27 years old young man a 60 years old body for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12284.htm
Starting masturbation 3 times a day since 14 results in eye floaters, headache, and flashing light for no sexual orgasm, beyond the
ability of his eye doctors and neurologists; here is the solution for these severe sexual exhaustion symptoms
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12277.htm
Over-masturbating 4-5 times a day since age 15 kills his 24-year old penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 3 times a day for a week let this 25 year old man experience erectile dysfunction ( going limps upon penetration)
and penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12282.htm
3-months intensive Over-masturbation kills this penis for no more erection and sexualorgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12264.htm
Chronically, religiously over-masturbating 1-3 times a day since age 13 causes, groins pains, depression, anxiety, lost concentration,light-oversensitive eye, weakness and palpitations
for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12238.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation burns this 21 year old 's brain and nervous functions for going limp and peeing urgency during sex and oozing out
semen during ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12249.htm
cause and solution for post-orgasm depression - excessive sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12246.htm
Over-masturbation, Pot ( Marijuana) smoking, and drug abuse causes this 18-year old boy's erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm!.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12206.htm
having sex 4-6 times a day has exhausted this 19-year body for no more erection and no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12200.htm
Over-masturbation causes his brain functional disorders, stress, anxiety and depression for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12221.htm
Over-masturbation and over-ejaculation (4-5 times a day!?) cause 16-year old boy's premature impotence and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12219.htm
Over-masturbating since 7 gives this 18 years old boy's
impotence and varicose veins, and penile jelqing deforms his penis for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12240.htm
Over-masturbating 2-4 times a day since 12 results in an under-developed penis and in ejaculation disorder for possible infertility and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12178.htm
Over-masturbation over-burns acetylcholine and serotonin, resulting in an excessive dopamine-adrenalin conversion for young man's restless
hand shakiness - a Parkinson symptom, and for no more sexual orgasm..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12235.htm
masturbating twice a day for four years causes this teenager's post-orgasmpainful headaches and ear buzzing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12175.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation and pot smoking for 25 years results exhaustion, depression, irritability, lack of concentration, pains in the coccyx/lower back and overall feebleness,
etc for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12179.htm
Over-masturbation since 12 lets this 29-year old soldier experience sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12168.htm
Chronic over-masturbation has shrunk his penis and caused his urinary incontinence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12154.htm
Over-masturbation causes his memory and concentration loss for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12182.htm
Over-masturbation (sexual abuse) by his mom, twice a day, during his puberty results in
premature ejaculation and frequent flooding of precum for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12151.htm
Over-masturbation (4 times a day since 11) has caused this 31years old man's non-bacterial prostatitis, urinary difficulty, low-back pain, testicular pain,
perineum pains, low libido, erectile dysfunction, muscle tightness and swelling for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12144.htm
He lost 1.5 inches of his penis due to Over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12162.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation (2-3 times a day!) gives blurred vision, dizziness, hair loss, and undergrowth for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12148.htm
Over-masturbating 3-4 times a day causes this 18-year old's impotence and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm. On why an optimal
ejaculation frequency can help erection and ejaculation control.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12134.htm
Over-masturbating 3-4 times a day has disabled his testicular function; then testosterone shot has destroyed his testicular function and over-loaded
his liver function for no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12117.htm
21 doctors, 4 urologists, 3 cameras, 3 prostate massages, 17 urine tests and a lot of antibiotics could not solve his Over-Masturbation
induced prostate, urethral, testicle, perineum, tailbone and groin pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12108.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation let this 21-years old lose mind concentration, wet bed, feel dizzy/depressed/anxious, and have suicide
thoughts for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12165.htm
Over-masturbating several times a day before puberty has given this 18 year old boy frequent peeing, ejaculation urgency, prostate abrasion, acne, anxiety, stress,
and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12124.htm
Over-masturbation (2-3 times a day since 13) has caused this 30 years old man's sexual exhaustion and impotence for no more sexual orgasm.
His girl friends have left.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12145.htm
Over-masturbation causes this 16-year old joint pains and stomach cramps for no sexual orgasm; On the body self-healing power.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12130.htm
This 20-year old man has become impotent due to chronic puberty over-masturbation and pot smoking for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12123.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation causes this young man's premature ejaculation, severe eye floaters, eye sensitive to light,
light headaches, dizziness, watery ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12098.htm
Her chronic over-masturbation since age 7 results in muscular weakness, leg and hand pain, excessive wrinkles, and looseness for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12105.htm
Over-masturbating 3-6 times a day has shrunk his penis from 8 inches to 5 inches and caused penile deformation for no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12118.htm
Chronic Over-Masturbation and drug abuse ( marijuana, cocaine..) for penile/testicle/pelvic pains and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12107.htm
So far, no body can escape from the consequence of over-masturbation or over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12104.htm
Puberty Over-masturbation starts to cause his post-ejaculation headache, fatigue
and ear ringing for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12188.htm
Over-masturbation during puberty results in groin pains for no sexual orgasm in midlife..
Over-Masturbation or/and over-ejaculation causes this 22-year old frequent urinating urgency and instant premature ejaculation for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12096.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation gives him hair loss, buzzing ear, tiredness, loss concentration, muscle weakness, cold hands/feet/penis and premature ejaculation
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case112065.htm
Over-masturbation since 11 results in impotence at age 21 for no sexual orgasm
- why he can not erect his penis for sex, but he still get some erection by solely masturbation alone with porn movies- the effect of adrenalin induced by
sexual stress and anxiety
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12091.htm
Young man's over-masturbation results in prostate pain, non-organic prostatitis, urethritis, premature ejaculation, and urinary
out-of-coordination for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12089.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation, Drug abuser and PC flexes causes his sexual anxiety and stress and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case112077.htm
Boy, pre-puberty over-masturbation, penile milking self destruction, pot smoking, cigarette smoking, and alcohol
abuse have killed his brain/nervous systems and penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case112061.htm
Starting Over-masturbating (3-6 times a day) at about 14-15 years old results in impotence and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm at age 22!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12054.htm
Starting Over-masturbation at about 10 years old results in mind numbness, anxiety, depression, stress and bipolar for no more sexual orgasm
- solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12053.htm
Pot smoking + Over-masturbation cause this 18-year boy's erectile dysfunction
and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12031.htm
Over-masturbation kills her clitoris for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12032.htm
Over-masturbating since 12 gives this young man chillness, low cardio output, penile shrinkage, low libido, chronic prostate pain, weak urinating stream, leg
vein pain, moodiness, and depression for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12071.htm
Puberty Over-masturbation gives him an underdeveloped penis, premature ejaculation and frequent asthma for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12049.htm
Solution for burning sensational pains or cramps in legs, feet, anus, penis and groins due to Over-Masturbation or Over-ejaculation,
and for restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12023.htm
Sexual Exhaustion symptoms - low-abdomen/groin pulling pains/cramps, testicular pains, digestive panic responses (stomach cramp and diarrhea), watery ejaculation, low-back pain, no libido, frequent mid-night urination, low
testosterone level, fatigue, exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm but poor semen and sperm quality - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12016.htm
Solution for stomach pains induced by over-masturbation, over-ejaculation or excessive sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12029.htm
Over-masturbation causes his depression, sleepiness, sleep disorder, stress, anxiety, digestive disorder (nervous fire), poor
concentration, and pot smoking for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12021.htm
Over-masturbation causes this 19-years old student's premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, testicular/penile/perineum pain,
depression, and head numbness for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12015.htm
Over-masturbation since 13-14 causes his eye floater, blurred
vision, urinary incontinence, automatic semen leakage... for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12007.htm
Drug abuse and Over-ejaculation caused his ACNE outbreaking; and ACNE drugs gives him erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation by blocking testosterone-DHT conversion; solution for body
detoxification, ACNE, hard erection, lasting longer and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12052.htm
Over-masturbation gives this 26-year old man a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual
orgasm, and turns him into a potential suicide bomber!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11998.htm
Solution for the post-ejaculation or post-orgasmic brain/nervous disorder, trauma and fatigue - for sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11980.htm
Over-masturbation gives this 20-year old man sexual exhaustion symptoms, particularly post-ejaculation pain for for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11999.htm
Over-masturbation gives this 20-year old man a full spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11997.htm
Over-ejaculation / over-masturbation results in love breaking, urethral / prostate pains, testicular pains, body pains, joint stiffness for no sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11982.htm
Over-masturbation cause his testicular/ penile pain and shrinkage, premature ejaculation, muscular pain/cramp, low libido and testicular
failure for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11963.htm
Over-masturbation causes his chilly feeling, anxiety, stress, tension, depression, fatigue, hand sweating, memory and concentration loss
(stupidity), penile deformation, eye floater, vision sunlight sensitivity,
ear buzzing, premature ejaculation, seminal production disorder, frequent urination, weak
urinary stream, and bladder voiding disorder for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11950.htm
Over-masturbation causes this teenage boy's blurred vision, weak erection, headaches, hypoglycemia, confusion and faint for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11949.htm
Obsessively Over-masturbation causes his youth impotence for being humiliated - no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11940.htm
Over-masturbation since 13 gives this 19-year old man's eye floaters and snow vision for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11933.htm
Teenager's over-masturbation results in impotency, low libido, premature ejaculation, seminal leakage, watery semen, losing mind focusing and
concentration, and sleeping disorder for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11925.htm
Over-masturbation since age 11 has caused semen leakage during peeing or sexual arousal for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11921.htm
Over-masturbation causes this teenager's impotency, semen leakage without erection and, of course, premature ejaculation for
no more sexual orgasm - Solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11917.htm
Extreme penile damage by chronic Over-Masturbation and penis-enlargement exercises for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11910.htm
Over-masturbation and drug abuse (pot smoking & hallucinogenic mushrooms) causes this 18-years old boy's impotency, water ejaculation (no
semen), low back pains, eye floaters, light illusion patterns, fatigue, confusion, depression, anxiety and irritability for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11937.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's hair loss, penile and testicular shrinkage, poor eyesight, memory loss, and muscular weakening for
no sexual orgasm; DHT blocker farther shrinks his penis.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11948.htm
Over-masturbation causes his chronic testicular pains and dizziness for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11959.htm
The 18-year old boy's over-masturbation causes pubic/perineum pains, impotence and premature ejaculation without an erection for no sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation causes urination problems and a precum or semen leakage for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11908.htm
solution for bloody ejaculation and pain in testicles, penis and prostate due
to over-masturbation / over-ejaculation - for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11903.htm
Over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation gives him a chronic chest muscular pains, arm and head numbness for no more sexual orgasm - solution with Dr. Lin's
Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11884.htm
Over-masturbation since 11 causes his frequent and constant semen and precum leakage for premature ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11878.htm
Over-masturbation causes his panic response, stress, anxiety, chronic headache, poor vision, poor concentration, drowsiness,
lighthead, and muscle shaking or twitching, for no more sexual orgasm.
Wild sex with 9 orgasms in one night triggered his losing awareness, dizziness, headaches, ear ringing, anxiety, hair loss and brittle, body shaking, panic
attacks, losing concentration and mind for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation results in youth impotence for no more sexual orgasm. Why you cannot control your penis?
Solutions for the sexual exhaustion symptoms due to Chronic over-masturbation - restoration of health and sexual orgasm .
Starting over-masturbation at 9 results in vaginal deformation at 19 for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation causes his stupidity, headaches, bad eye floaters,
pains and psychological disorders for for no sexual orgasm
His experiments with the effects of masturbation on his brain, mind, and neuro-immune response - it is like a short or grounded circuit in the
brain/nervous system for no sexual orgasm
He said ' after using your herbs from Jan this year I feel my life has changed, my mind and my feeling about life and every aspect of my life simply changes into something
great, .. ' on penile re-growth for more sexual orgasm.
He said 'First of all I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing product! You are truly the greatest doctor and healer ever!
' for no more pains, aches or stiffness, but more sexual orgasm.
Female over-masturbation, ear buzzing, eye floater, losing mind concentration, and shortened menstruation for no sexual orgasm. On the benefits
of lovemaking for women.
Too bad! He has proved himself that over-masturbation causes his sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as premature ejaculation, eye floaters, hair loss,
fatigue,... and so on, for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11864.htm
Over-masturbation gives this Teenager full-body pains,(penile, testicular, perineum,
prostate and tailbone pains and aches), prostate abrasion and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11848.htm
Over-masturbation causes his youth impotency for no erectile and sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation causes his eye floater and poor vision for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11842.htm
Pot (marijuana) smoking and Over-masturbation cause this young man's erectile
dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11840.htm
Chronic over-masturbation gives him hair loss, laziness and fatigue for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation during puberty results in instantaneous ejaculation upon penetration for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation since age 8 results in sexual exhaustion and
sexual urgency for ejaculation and no sexual orgasm. How to break the sexual urgency addiction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11839.htm
Solution for eye floaters, ear buzzing, anxiety, depression,
and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11832.htm
Over-masturbation and drug abuse (marijuana, speed, ecstacy, cocaine, heroine and so on) have fried his 21-years old brain and nervous
systems for the unbearable body pains and cramps, particularly in the penis, testicles, groins, perineum, anus, tailbone, and low abdomen, for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11817.htm
Over-masturbations results in sexual exhaustion for poor memory/concentration, headaches, body pains, low libido, drowsiness and no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation gives this young woman's post-orgasm dizzinesss for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation since 14 causes this young man's prostatitis (prostate abrasion), premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and
depression for no more sexual orgasm
Why over-masturbation causes penile/ testicular vein damage - varicocele, varicose vein and spider vein
for no more sexual orgasm.
Ecstasy and over-masturbation destroyed his brain and nervous systems for penile shrinkage, premature ejaculation, nervous muscle
spasm and no more sexual orgasm - Solutions.
Over-masturbation since pre-puberty results in youth impotence, premature ejaculation , and low-back weakness for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation since 12 causes this young man's blurred vision/eye floaters, buzzing ears, fluttering heart and the usual fatigue and musclular
Over-masturbating 2-3 times a day causes teenager's semen leakage and ear buzzing for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation since 11 results in testicular/perineum/anal pains and cramps,
sleeping disorders, headaches and acne for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and ecstasy causes young man's premature ejaculation no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbating since 11 causes erectile dysfunction, instantaneously premature ejaculation, penile/testicle pains, ear
buzzing/ringing, drowsy and sleepy fatigue, blurred vision or eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm - solutions.
One-time Multiple ejaculation causes his Non-Bacterial prostatitis /
urethritis for no more sexual orgasm. Antibiotics can not solve it and the C-Scan,
MRI, and X-Ray and PSA tests show nothing wrong! Here is why and Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11778.htm
Starting over-masturbation prior to puberty and drug (ecstacy) abuse give him an 2-inches 'erecting' penis, instantaneous ejaculation, Hallucinations,
retarded brain function, testicular pains/shrinkage, eye floaters, ear buzzing, body pains or cramps.....
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11746.htm
Causes of penile/prostate pain or sensation and leg sensation in the post ejaculation or sexual orgasm - Over-masturbation!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11773.htm
Low-back pain, seminal emission and leakage due to over-masturbation and over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11762.htm
Over-masturbation causes pains and cramps in groins, low back,tailbone and abdomen for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11743.htm
Over-masturbation causes ejaculation with blood for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11742.htm
Over-masturbation causes his psychological disorder and instability, headaches, dizziness, depression, low-body pains and cramps for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11736.htm
Over-masturbation causes teenager's premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11761.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's pains in the low back / hip / neck, headaches, eye floaters, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11734.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's pains in the lower back, knee, ankles and legs, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11732.htm
Young virgin's impotency due to over-masturbation and pot (marijuana) smoking for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 3 times a day results in non-bacterial prostatitis, ear ringing, urinary incontinence, kidney pain and
post-masturbation light head for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
Over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since 13 results in impotency and watery, premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
excessive masturbation and stretching/jelqing have damaged the right side of his penis for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and marijuana have killed his erection no sexual orgasm
Don't mix over-masturbation and violent sports, or you get more than sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11697.htm
Over-masturbation /over-ejaculation causes his burning sensation in the waistline and stomach, and his low-body pains and cramps
for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation results in pains, cramps and pink (bloody) ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11672.htm
Excessive precum and semen leakage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11679.htm
female over-masturbation and hormone-based birth control results in clitoral desensitization for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11685.htm
Young man's sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11813.htm
Over-masturbation causes young man's sexual exhaustion, mental fatigue, eye floater, watery ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11766.htm
Penile rubber band and over-masturbation result in penile deformation ( Peyronie
Diease? no virus!), erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11671.htm
Over-masturbation since 9 results in server premature ejaculation and weak erection, and more, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11663.htm
Over-masturbation lets this 17-yr old experience weak erection, anxiety, panic attack, depression and impotence for no
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11661.htm
Why sexual exhaustion and over-masturbation symptoms, particularly to the level of eye floater, won't be healed
by stopping masturbation - no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11650.htm
Over-Masturbation since 13 causes this 19-year old boy's premature ejaculation in 30 seconds for no more sexual orgasm.
Over_masturbation + Street Drugs + medication drugs = no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11656.htm
Over-masturbation gives this young man all of the sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronically over-masturbating for 10 years causes this young man to constantly leak semen and precum for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically Over-masturbating 4 times a day for 20 years has caused this 29 years old's severe pain in the testicles, low abdomen and
legs and the ultimate impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation causes his erectile dysfunction and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
Cause and solution of blood ejaculation - on the effect of the Prostaglandin E-1 and E-2 on tissue, nerve, joint, blood
vessel/valve and sexual orgasm.
How do you know if you can get a recovery from over-masturbation? A young over-masturbator's question for sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation since 8 results in weakness, wet dreams, loss of concentration, leg/hand numbness (paralysis), and so on, for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation since 10 has causes his ADD, losing concentration, stupidity, hair loss and no more sexual orgasm!
On Over-Masturbation and heavy duty exercises.
Heat can increase the production of sexual hormones and relaxin/elastin Prostaglandin E-1 for pain relief and for more ejaculation
frequency and sexual orgasm leading to more low-back pain
Yes, You can prove the destruction of over-masturbation for the sexual exhaustion symptoms and no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11626.htm
The beginning of Over-ejaculation symptoms (post- ejaculation perineum and anal pains ) for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11611.htm
Over-ejaculation and Pot smoking causes his pains and cramps for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11610.htm
Over-masturbation since 11 caused his ADHD and premature ejaculation and shrank his penis for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11613.htm
Over-masturbation since age 10 gave him impotence and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm at age 18 - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11607.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 4 or 5 causes her orgasmic difficulty - restoration of the desensitized
/ shrunk clitoris for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11602.htm
Over-masturbation has shut down his prostate's seminal production, so that he has experienced the urethral female ejaculation for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11599.htm
Young man's Over-masturbating and pot smoking cause all kinds of exhaustion symptoms and brain disorders - penile/prostate/testicular/back pains,
erectile dysfunction, tiredness, depression, fatigue, blurred vision, ear ringing, sinus, short breath, nausea, loss memory, dizziness, migraines, low
libido and so on, for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11580.htm
Over-masturbating since 12 results in all kinds of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11579.htm
Again, Over-masturbation during puberty forced the brain to shut down the prostate's seminal production for protection of the rest of the body and, of course, for no seminal ejaculation
(but, just like female ejaculation, if any) - Solution of restoring the prostate's seminal production.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11567.htm
Over-masturbation since 11 causes his poor thinking, non-concentration and
low social interactivity for no more sexual orgasm, and possible testicular failure!.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11594.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation since puberty have burned his brain/nervous function and let him suffer from sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
- solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11561.htm
Teenager's crazy experiences with Ecstacy (MDMA) and over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11583.htm
The natural solution for the teenagers' weak erection and over-masturbation/over-ejaculation induced testicle pains for restoration of
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11564.htm
chronic Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation causes his extreme fatigue, restlessness, anxiety, depression, stiff achy joints and mussels,
loss of fine motor coordination, blurred vision, and ringing ears with a substantial loss of
hearing, premature ejaculation, weak erection and no libido for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11545.htm
Over-masturbation causes this 29-yr old's prostatitis, burning and frequent urination for no more sex and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11539.htm
Over-masturbation, Drugs abuse and PC exercises causes his anxiety, impotency and premature ejaculation for no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11540.htm
Over-masturbation, drug abuse (Marijuana and others) and antidepression drugs have fully destroyed this young men's sexual function and
orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11535.htm
Again, Over-masturbation during puberty causes this 22-yrs old's weak erection without morning erection for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11568.htm
Young man's sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm - solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11533.htm
Over-masturbation and Pot (marijuana) smoking have shrunk his 38-year old penis for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11506.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation + Pot (marijuana) smoking have caused this 20-yr old man's penile shrinkage, hair loss, blurred
vision, memory loss, fatigue, penile pains and deformation, premature ejaculation and impotency for
no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11492.htm
Over-masturbating since 11 results in blurry vision, eye floater, poor memory, gray and thinning hair and frequent urinating for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11497.htm
(more explanation in http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11510.htm)
why over-masturbation and penile stretching exercises cause penile deformation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11499.htm
Typically sexual exhaustion symptoms ,resulting from chronic over-masturbation, for no more erection and sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11490.htm
An impotent story due to over-masturbation or over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm and ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11509.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking for no more seminal production and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11543.htm
Chronic over-masturbation causes his premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation (no semen!), headache, mood swing, no concentration, low memory, bad eye floaters.....
for no more sexual orgasm - solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11486.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's erectile dysfunction and ejaculating nothing during sex and his prostate seminal production
disorder for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11477.htm
Solutions for chronic over-masturbators to solve sexual exhaustion, chronic fatigue, low back pain, erectile dysfunction,
and premature ejaculation for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11467.htm
Starting over-masturbation too young causes this 21-yrs old
man's groin/testicular/penile pains, prostatitis and Varicose veins for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11463.htm
Staring over-masturbation during puberty causes his low abdomen tension, urinary burning sensation, frequent urination, and low back
pain for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11450.htm
Ejaculation causes his headache, tiredness, fatigue, runny nose and sore throat (allergy responses) for no more sexual orgasm -
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11434.htm
Chronic Over-Masturbation causes low back pain, sore joints, hair loss/thinning, dry eyes, ear ringing, depression, ACNE, aged skin.... for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11429.htm
Middle-aged chronic over-masturbator/over-ejaculator's sexual exhaustion experiences - body pain, weakness, depression, premature ejaculation,
burning out for for no more sexual orgasm - Solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11419.htm
Victim of chronic over-masturbation and penile enlargement exercises - sexual exhaustion, nervous disorders, headaches, sweating, penile deformation
and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11418.htm
Over-masturbator's sexual exhaustion experiences for no sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11417.htm
Ejaculating 20 times in one causes this young man's 'Kidney Failure' (swelling face / fluid retention) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11399.htm
Over-masturbation and Drug abuse (amphetamines, MDMA,...) cause this young man's ejaculation headaches, depression, sleeping disorder,
stress, anxiety.... for no more sexual orgasm - Solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11397.htm
Why over-masturbation, excessive sexual orgasm or excessive stress causes hair loss.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11396.htm
A combination of Over-masturbation and drug abuse is very destructive to sexual orgasm and marriage - the historical lesson!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11350.htm
Over-masturbations causes seminal blasting and abrasion of his prostate for prostatitis, premature ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11401.htm
Cause and solution of the testicle pain in sexual intercourse or masturbation due to over-masturbation during puberty for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11370.htm
Victims of sex education - no more sex orgasm.
Over-masturbation causes teenager's sexual exhaustion, extreme lower back pain, and penile shrinking from 7 inches to 5 inches for no more sexual orgasm.
Extreme over-masturbation since childhood and smoking
marijuana causes his severe pain in the neck and rear brain, anxiety, and
more; spending thousand $$$$$.$$ in MRI, CAT and many doctors for nothing!
An over-masturbation young man (starting over-masturbation at age of 8!) said 'Thank you Dr. Lin for your product ViaPal HgH J. I've been taking it for almost 2 months now and it is definitely helping my pain in the glans problem. '
Now, He wants a power-up penis and lasts longer than 30 minutes for more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11225.htm
Over-masturbation since 12 causes this 30yr's bad eye floaters with fuzzy/blurred vision and other sexual -exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual
orgasm - Solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11422.htm
Natural self-healing remedy for young Over-masturbators for restoring the brain and then sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11374.htm
Over-masturbation causes his eye floaters, tiredness, loss of concentration, ear buzzing and panic attack -solution.
Jelqing damaged /shrank his 20yr old penis; PC flexes damaged his prostate; over-masturbation gave him a full
spectrum of sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more Sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11364.htm
Over-masturbation results in shutting the prostate seminal production to
protect the brain and central nervous system for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11373.htm
Chronic over-masturbation or over-ejaculation results in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation (no semen!),
lack of concentration, low memory, severe headaches, weight gains, eye floaters, fuzzy vision and etc., at age of 30, for no more sexual orgasm -
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11343.htm
Over-masturbation / over-ejaculation causes watery/clear ejaculation, ejaculation and orgasm dysfunction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11336.htm
why antibiotics won't work for testicular (epididymites) or penile pains due to over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11332.htm
Chronic Over-Masturbation causes his mood swing, depression, loss of concentration, and severe eye floater for no more Sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11366.htm
Over-masturbation makes this 21yr old young man become impotent for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11398.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation causes his eye floater, headache, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11321.htm
over-masturbation for chronic prostatitis, varicose veins, and hypertension; penile pumping for venous leak and nervous damage; all for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11355.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation results in poor vision and severe premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11426.htm
Ejaculation or sexual orgasm seems to fry this teenage boy's brain; OK, adding his experience into our 5000-year statistics .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11313.htm
Young man experienced the initial stage of the sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11344.htm
Over-masturbation causes a 16-year old boy's ejaculation/post-ejaculation headache for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11299.htm
Over-masturbation for erectile dysfunction, VARICOSE VEINS, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11292.htm
The results of chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drug abuses for painful life and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11315.htm
Young man's chronic prostatitis, loss of concentration, fatigue, premature ejaculation, and pains the penis, testicles, groins, perineum
and tailbone for no more sexual orgasm - solutions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11318.htm
Young couple's sexual / orgasmic disorders started with a hyper-active sex - a couple times per day for no sexual orgasm - solutions for sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11287.htm
Masturbating twice a day since 12 lets this 25-year old Young man be impotent for no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11345.htm
Over-masturbating 2-3 times daily since 13, now he experiences premature ejaculation upon vaginal penetration for
no more sexual orgasm.
His new girlfriend is very upset about this.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11257.htm
Chronic over-masturbation fails this young man and destroy his Intelligence and emotional quotients. No more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11249.htm
Chronic over-masturbation problems - psychological and emotional instability, hair and memory loss, premature ejaculation....for no
more ejaculation. Solutions !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11239.htm
Over-ejaculation causes groin pull pains forr no sexual orgasm - solutions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11283.htm
Starting over-masturbating 5 times a day at the age of 13 results in chronic prostate disorders (no-organic/non-bacteria
prostatitis) and chronically digestive panic (gas, and diarrhea) for no sexual orgasm - why over-masturbation induced damage won't heal itself by fully stopping
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11140.htm
Teenager's Over-masturbation at 3-30 times a day causes dizziness, headaches, seminal production dysfunction, and digestive disorders for no more
sexual orgasm!. Or results in impotence, low-back /neck pains, premature ejaculation, and penile shrinkage (from 7 inches down to 4-5 inches!)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11220.htm
Chronic over-masturbation kills this teenager' intelligence. No more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11248.htm
Typical sexual exhaustion problems - fatigue, back pain, eye floaters, digestive disorders, weight loss, anxiety, stress, etc. for no
more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11234.htm
Over-Masturbation causes this younger man's eye floaters, poor concentration/memory, mood swing, long-hour sleeping, neck and back pains for no
more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11214.htm
Over-masturbation causes impotence and sexual exhaustion symptoms for a 18 year teenager - no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11236.htm
Teenagers - if you can still have a morning erection, your erectile dysfunction can be recovered by stopping over-masturbation for
recovery of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11166.htm
Teenager's sexual exhaustion by over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11250.htm
Another Chapter: Starting masturbation at age 7 results in all sexual
exhaustion symptoms at age 26 for no more sexual orgasm.
Starting masturbation at age 7 results in all sexual exhaustion symptoms at age 27 for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11158.htm
Young man's over-masturbation symptoms - eye floaters, back/hip pains, mental and physical fatigue, headache, premature ejaculation,
watery ejaculation - for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11150.htm
Young man's jelqing, over-masturbation, and PC muscle flex exercises cause premature ejaculation, fatigue, eye floater,
impotency, penile damage (bending) and no more sexual orgasm - solutions
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11132.htm
Typical sexual exhaustion symptoms caused by over-masturbation for eye floaters, ear ringing, weak limbs, urinary/bowel incontinence, pains
here and there, premature ejaculation, weak erection/impotency and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11123.htm
Over-masturbating 3 times a day during puberty causes
teenager's premature ejaculation and urinary urgency for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11165.htm
An example of sexual exhaustion evolution for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11152.htm
A classic example of sexual exhaustion symptoms induced by Over-masturbation for eye floaters, ear pressure (ringing), dizziness, memory
loss, sleeping disorder, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, and no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11107.htm
Over-Masturbation and pains in the low back and groins for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11143.htm
Solutions for Young man's sexual exhaustion, premature ejaculation and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11138.htm
Young man's Sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm, but pains and stress! Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11130.htm
Over-masturbation causes a 25 years old young man to experience male menopause for watery ejaculation, testicular failure, and
no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11127.htm
Over-Masturbation has brought this 25-year young body into male menopause for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11097.htm
Young virgin's over-masturbation gives him sexual exhaustion systems for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11095.htm
Over-masturbation 4 times a day for 7 years brings a 24-year old body into male menopause for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11093.htm
Drug abuse (ecstacy and cannabis) and over-masturbation kill young brain and nervous functions for psychological instability and sexual
dysfunction- no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11075.htm
Pre-puberty Over-masturbation and medication drug interaction exhaust young man's sexual function and orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11087.htm
An 18-year old teenager's impotence due to chronic over-masturbation since age 5-6 for penile shrinkage, no more erection or sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11090.htm
Over-masturbation during puberty causes scattering brain, mood swing, shame bladder, urinary difficulty, erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11063.htm
Over-masturbation has shrunk teenage girl's clitoris for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11057.htm
Over-masturbation symptoms - eye floater, carbohydrates over-sensitivity, high blood
sugar, heart palpitations, erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido and so on, for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11065.htm
Excessive sex causes excessive testosterone-DHT conversion for ACNE outbreaking
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11054.htm
Over-masturbation causes teenager's impotency and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm - solution .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11041.htm
Over-masturbation during puberty and PC muscle exercises cause this teenager's premature ejaculation
upon penetration for no more sexual orgasm - Here is Why?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11025.htm
Over-masturbation causes young man's impotency and depression for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11029.htm
Teenagers' over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm.
Underaged boys' over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and her wild ride broke his penis for no erection and sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and the biking damage of the perineum for pains and no erection - no sexual orgasm. Solutions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11009.htm
Over-masturbation causes his dimmed vision, testicular pain, prostate pain and memory loss for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11008.htm
His over-masturbation causes premature ejaculation and takes away his pride and confidence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11006.htm
Over-ejaculation (15 times a week at age of 33) shrunk his penis for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11002.htm
Ok. one more over-masturbation young man experiences sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10994.htm
Childhood over-masturbation causes this young man's
severe premature ejaculation and impotency for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10980.htm
A bad combination of Estacy, strict vegetarian diet and Over-ejaculation has shrunk his testicles to a pair of almond nuts and his
penis, and numbed the sex organs for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10978.htm
Over-masturbation causes this teenager's ADD, depression, premature ejaculation, seminal leakage, and penile shrinkage
for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10967.htm
Her sex life is great (this means excessive sex!) but her clitoris and G-spot are
dead for no sexual orgasm, due to puberty over-masturbation with a water jet and
the chemical castration by birth control pills for intercourse pains, vaginal
abrasion and vaginal dryness .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10972.htm
Over-masturbation causes his impotency and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10963.htm
Over-masturbation / over-ejaculation causes teenager's low back pain, poor memory, penile shrinking and impotence for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10952.htm
Severe damages caused by over-masturbation, over-ejaculation, pot smoking and wild rides for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10951.htm
Teenager's over-masturbation causes his urinary (bladder and prostate) disorder - peeing little even when the bladder is full. no more sexual orgasm!.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10943.htm
Over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation causes his post-ejaculation pains in his anal and rectal area for no sexual orgasm..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10941.htm
His 3-year Over-masturbation shrinks his 18-year old penis from 6 inches down to 4 inches in the erecting state for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10936.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's buzzing ears, eye floaters, back pain and gray hair for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10927.htm
Again, Over-masturbation since puberty causes this teenager's sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10922.htm
Over-masturbation since puberty causes this young man's sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10921.htm
C-Section, over-masturbation and peri-menopauses causes diminishing of sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10916.htm
Young man's experiences with over-masturbation, smoking pot
and drug abuse of Speed for brain disorders, impotence and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10901.htm
Over-masturbation and anti-depression drug killed his sex and
caused premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm - solutions.
Over-masturbation causes this young man's ADD, back injury, and psychological disorder, of course, for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbator's experiences for psychological instabilities, body pains/cramps/stiffness, eye floaters and loss of concentration.
Young man's experiences with over-masturbation for psychological and physical disorders and no sexual orgasm.
After multiple ejaculations he ejaculated blood for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation disarms the prostate's seminal production for no ejaculation and sexual orgasm.
Young man's sexual exhaustion symptoms due to over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation causes this 21 old man's sexual exhaustion symptoms and
hair loss for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation induced sympathetic fires overheat this young man's body for no sexual orgasm.
Chronically compulsive Over-masturbator's experiences for no sexual orgasm.
His Experiences with the over-masturbation induced brain and nervous
disorders and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10859.htm
A medical student's experiences on Over-masturbation and Over-ejaculation for no
sexual orgasm, but penile and testicular pains and premature ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10852.htm
Teenager's over-masturbation results in psychological disorders (ADD, stress, anxiety, losing concentration, absented mindness..),
erectile dysfunction and hair loss for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10829.htm
His over-masturbation induced problems for no more sexual orgasm, which can not be solved by his neurologists, endocrinologists, urologists, gastroenterologists,
reumotologists, and many others; Ok here is the solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10818.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation and penile enlargement pill cause his impotence for no sexual orgasm. Now, he
wants to enlarge his penis !!!!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10802.htm
He is experiencing sexual exhaustion due to over-ejaculation
and over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm, but she is desirous of regular - solution
Solution for the Young over-masturbator's erectile dysfunction and psychological disorder.
Young over-masturbator experiences eye floaters for no sexual orgasm.
PC muscles exercise causes his premature ejaculation; excessive ejaculation shrinks his penis for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation during puberty bended his penis and causes erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10795.htm
Over-masturbation causes his Sexual Exhaustion - muscle spasm, depression, sleeping disorder, digestive disorder,.., for no more sexual orgasm
- the total solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10790.htm
Over-masturbation and drug abuses causes his prostatitis, low libido and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10759.htm
Over-masturbation during puberty causes youth impotence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10758.htm
teenager's youth impotence due to over-masturbation in puberty for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10742.htm
Over-masturbation plus drug abuse causes his ADHA, Obessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10738.htm
His experiences with over-masturbation - deficiency of the brain's acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10736.htm
Young man's experiences with over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10730.htm
Chronic Over masturbation causes death of the penis and sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10719.htm
Chronic Over- (compulsive) masturbation causes liver functional disorders and sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10718.htm
Over-masturbation causes his sexual exhaustion symptoms,psychological disorders, sympathetic cardiovascular disorder, and diabetes for
no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10709.htm
Over-masturbation gives him psychological disorder, depression, anxiety, stress, prostatitis, impotence, watery/clear
ejaculation (no semen/ no sperm for male infertility!) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10699.htm
Responses of a sexually exhausted brain and nervous system to sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10694.htm
His Over-masturbation since 9 results in endless seminal leakage,
ADD and bad memory for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10693.htm
Over-masturbation gives his 20-year old body a lot of back pain
for more no sexual orgasm - the sexually logical and illogical solution for the pains.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10686.htm
starting masturbation too young, resulting in excessive pre-cum, premature ejaculation, excessive wet dream, and over-excitation by
pornography for no sexual orgasm - solutions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10684.htm
Over-masturbation with water jets and/or vibrators results in
nervous damage for no sexual orgasm - solutions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10685.htm
Starting masturbation at 11, resulting in hernial pain or digestive / stomach panic or incontinence, and erectile dysfunction at 18 for no
more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10683.htm
After 16425 times of ejaculation in last 10 years, his young penis and
prostate are dead for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10681.htm
Over-masturbation causes hypothyroidsim, chronic fatigue, skin
disorder, weak immunity, absented mind, scattering brain, chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis and urethritis, and low libido -Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10679.htm
Groin, penile testicular, ejaculating or orgasmic pain - engineering solution for the engineering problems
Young Over-masturbator got nasty sexual exhaustion symptoms for premature ejaculation, weak erection and brain disorders.
Over-masturbation causes digestive disorders, sleeplessness, dizziness, and hypertension for no sexual orgasm - solution.
His over-masturbation cause prostatitis, low back pain, urinary urgency without a full bladder, irregular cardio activity for no more sexual
orgasm - Solution!
Over-masturbation, eye floater and low back pain - solution; The Tao of Love and sexual orgasm.
Not all 5-HTP are created equally; ViaPal-hGH-M is the solution for chronic fatigue and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10321.htm
Starting over-masturbation at age 6 or 7 results in erectile dysfunction, psychological disorder, and seminal production
disorder at age 20 for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10655.htm
Why the over-masturbator's sexual exhaustion and chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) won't heal automatically;
on causes of retrograded ejaculation and penile curvature.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10608.htm
Young man's over-masturbation during puberty results in
penile shrinking and testicular sagging - solution for erection and sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10647.htm
Over-masturbation, broken penis, chronic prostatitis,
brain disorder, premature ejaculation and hair loss for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10653.htm
Over-ejaculation, hair growth drug, and creatine results in depression, ADD, premature ejaculation, weak erection, and urination urgency
upon orgasm for no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10648.htm
Over-masturbation results in eye floaters, seminal leakage, post-sex
headache, and excessive wet dream for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10616.htm
Over-masturbation brought a 28 year old young man into a male pseudo-menopause state for no more erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10615.htm
Solutions for body pains induced by sexual exhaustion: taking either ViaPal-hGH-M (rejuvenating the 3
brains to restore sexual function) or chemical castration (shutting down sexual function).
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10607.htm
addiction of over-masturbation leads to depression, anxiety and frequent urination (due to prostate's seminal blasting and high PSA) - for
no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10599.htm
Hyper-masturbation + pot smoking + anti-depression/anti-manic medication drugs causes teenagers' impotence, premature ejaculation and low-back
pain for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10595.htm
Over-masturbation and/or Over-ejaculation causes his psychological and emotional disorder. ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP can help him
rejuvenate his 1st, 2nd and 3rd brain for health, erection, better relationship, and sexual orgasm.
abuse of street drugs + over-masturbation causes depression, anxiety, ADD, testicular shrinkage, and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
His orgasmic or ejaculatory dysfunction when his seminal bank account has been illegally over-drafted and his prostate
cannot produce cash flow (semen) for sexual orgasm. Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10574.htm
Jelqing and over-masturbation have shrunk a 16-year old penis for no
more erection and sexual orgasm.
Why his penis is dead for no ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm - the rejuvenation of the 2nd brain and head.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10560.htm
Destructive masturbation during puberty causes teenager's impotence for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10576.htm
Cause of ear ringing upon and after sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10558.htm
Solution for post-ejaculation/post-orgasmic pain, sexual/orgasmic dysfunction - the same food for both men and women to have
better health and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10556.htm
Young woman's over-masturbation causes pelvic and clitoral nervous damage - the damage of the 2nd brain and little head -
for incontinence, pelvic over-sensitivity, urethritis, over-reactive bladder syndromes, irritable bowel syndromes, and,
of course, no more sexual orgasm.
Sexual exhaustion due to over-masturbation and pornographic addiction for no more sexual orgasm.
Add one case to our statistics of Over-masturbation for eye floater, low back pain, buzzing ears and more for no sexual orgasm.
One more over-masturbation victim's experiences for no sexual orgasm.
Pre-puberty over-masturbation, drug abuses or birth control chemicals can cause an underdeveloped or shrunk penis or clitoris / G-spot
by suppressing the androstenedione/ testosterone / DHT production.
Teenager's over-masturbation causes back pain, impotence, pubic pain, stress, fatigue, penile pain, and morefor no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10509.htm
Young man's over-ejaculation and over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm? The destructive sexual practice - a full discharge of the brain/nervous
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10507.htm
Excessive ejaculation or sexual orgasm causes bloating.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10510.htm
Young man's sexual exhaustion, impotence, high PSA, penile deformation, and marijuana for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10500.htm
Factors of causing vaginal losseness and enlargement and penile shrinkage - the solutions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10491.htm
Eye floaters and body pains due to starting over-masturbation or over-ejaculation before puberty.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10504.htm
Over-Masturbation is not for fun at all - a young man's experience - no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10495.htm
Suggested formulas and programs for a Compulsive Masturbator to retsore health and sexual functions.
Why over-masturbators need Viapal-hGH-M to stabilize the brain and the acetylcholine/parasympathetic and serotonin nervous functions for
solving eye floaters and other sexual exhaustion symptoms - and for sexual orgasm again.
Over-masturbation causes his bipolar and the biopolar drug kills his sexual orgasmn.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10481.htm
Over-masturbation since childhood, penile pain, hair loss, and penile insensitivity
Teenager's impotence and sexual exhaustion symptoms due to over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm.
Why male insects die from mating?
Save an underaged teenager's brain and penis - stopping the premature sexual practice - no sexual orgasm.
An Over-ejaculator's sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm. Melted High-tech medical machines!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10464.htm
Over-masturbation causes body pains and psychological disorder for no sexual
orgasm - solution with ViaPal-hGH-M.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10458.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms, prostatitis, and eye floaters for no sexual orgasm - the solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10434.htm
A young chronic over-masturbator's experiences for no sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10430.htm
Young man's Typical symptoms of sexual exhaustion - low-back and pelvic spasm pains, blurry vision, tiredness, watery ejaculation,..., for no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10416.htm
Middle-aged man's destrutive experiences with over-masturbation since his puberty for no sexual orgasm.!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10411.htm
Middle-aged man's body pains, penile, testicular pain, hernia pain, whatever pains, weak ejaculation and urination, and erectile dysfunction
for no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10410.htm
Blood in Semen, Enlarged Prostate, Weak Erection and Weak Ejaculation for no erection and sexual orgasm
Solutions for young men's sexual exhaustion and restoration of sexual orgasm
Teenager's prostatis and urethritis for no more sexual orgasm - if sex causes your problem, shut down your sexual functions.
Sexual exhaustion, erectile dysfunction, blur vision and penile curvature due to over-masturbation or over-ejaculation since puberty, for no sexual orgasm
Penile injection for an impotent over-masturbator or over-ejaculator for penile deformation and no sexual orgasm
A chronically masturbating teenager experiences youth impotency; on the Yohimbe safe dosage and the elimination of its side effects.
another example of sexual exhaustion due Over-Masturbation for no sexual orgasm
Young man's orgasmic and post-orgasm headache due to excessive sexual orgasm and over-ejaculation.
Chronic over-masturbation since puberty results in psychological disorder and stomach pains and cramps for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation shrank his penis from 9 inches to 6.5 inches for no more sexual orgasm.
Starting over-masturbation in childhood causes the death of her clitoris for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically Excessive clitoral stimulation causes clitoral pain and
numbness for no more sexual orgasm - the death of the Clitoris.
coital cephalalgia (headache induced by sexual arousal or orgasm) for no sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation or over-masturbation causes bloody ejaculation and prostatitis for no sexual orgasm.
Causes of bloody ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Warning sign of orgasmic convolution for no sexual orgasm
Extremely sexual exhaustion and male menopause due to childhood and chronic
over-massurbation for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10312.htm
Over-Masturbation + chronic long-hour sitting = severe body pain for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10307.htm
Over-masturbation results in psychological instability, pains in the penis/testicles/groins/tailbones/low back, and prostatitis/urethritis - the
illogical solution: chemical castration for no more erection and sexual orgasm for young people ???????
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10277.htm
Excessive Masturbation causes severe headaches and dizziness for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10278.htm
If excessive sex causes your sexual exhaustion problems, street or medication drugs can kill your sex and solve your problems - the logical solution: chemical castration for no more erection and sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10276.htm
Women's over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10274.htm
He said 'I have been using the ViaPal-hGh-M and DetoxiA for about three weeks now and I am feeling much better!..
I don't ache, my mind is clear and calm....' for better erection and sexual orgasm;
and Enjoy the CD-ROM!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10242.htm
He said 'Ive noticed good effects already.' with ViaGrowth-II; solution for eye floaters, stopping hair loss, and prostate
functions - for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10235.htm
Excessive sexual orgasm, excessive histamine release, rear-brain and neck pain, orgasmic nasal congestion, allergic responses, and dark eye circles.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10263.htm
Over-masturbation results in body pains, joint cracking and premature -ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10289.htm
Solution for orgasmic convolution and feeling loss for more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10279.htm
On the natural healing of the sexual exhaustion or over-masturbation symptoms - no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10231.htm
The beginning of the sexual exhaustion symptoms by over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10229.htm
Over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion symptoms affect marriage for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10222.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - why and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10217.htm
why he ejaculated blood in the 3rd ejaculation of a lovemaking session, of course, not for sexual orgasm ?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10196.htm
Starting Over-masturbatiom during puberty results in sexual exhaustion symptoms for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10203.htm
Solution for over-masturbation symptoms and penile shrinkage; On Penile Ballooning essentials
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10192.htm
The classical sexual exhaustion case due to over-masturbation since age 11, for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10190.htm
Chronic over-masturbation / over-ejaculation produces sexual exhaustion symptoms - psychological and physical disorders for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10166.htm
Over-masturbation, hair loss, sexual exhaustion, psychological disorder, and Fibromyalgia syndromes for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10155.htm
Chronic over-masturbation causes psychological disorders, body pains, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and
prostatitis/urethritis for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation + Weight lifting for sexual exhaustion - singing ears, running eyes and low-back pains - no sexual
orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10187.htm
Middle-age men's over-ejaculation and over-masturbation pain for no sexual orgasm.
Sexual Exhaustion Headaches? for no sexual orgasm. Let your doctors melt down their MRI, PET, Ultrasonic Scan or whatever diagnostic
machines first!
He said ' feel great improvement.' for his youth impotency with ViaGrowth-IV, Moodmax, and VIP Cream, and 'very slowly showing
improvement.' for his bad 30-degree penile curvature.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10123.htm
He said 'My prostate pain and premature ejaculation are solved.' with LastLonger and ViaPal-hGH-D; vacuum-cupping massage solved his back
pain; Solutions for memory loss, absentedmindness, facial numbness and out-of-control eyelids.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10102.htm
Over-masturbation produces brain/nervous dysfunction for stress, anxiety, psychological disorders and no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation have killed his penis and hair for no more sexual orgasm.
Solution for over-masturbation induced problems - prostatitis, urethritis, fibromialgia, peripheral neuropathy, scoliosis, back pains/cramps.
increase your Penile Quotient (PQ) via improvement of your IQ and EQ with LastLonger or ViaPal-hGH-J for more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation symptoms for no sexual orgasm - if MRI, X-Ray or other scanners can not See them, conventional doctors can not
solve them.
Why your doctors melt down their MRI, PET and X-Ray machines but can not solve chronic over-ejaculation induced body pains/cramps, seminal
depletion, prostate and urethral abrasion? No sexual orgasm
So, his doctors have melted down their MRI, CAT, SCANS, SCOPES or whatever machines but can not solve chronic, over-ejaculation induced
testicles and body pains/cramps, prostate and urethral abrasion; Chronically Smoking marijuana for no sexual orgasm.
A full solution for the symptoms associated with over-ejaculation
and over-masturbation and for restoration of health and sexual orgasm - ViaPal-hGH-M and Vacuum-cupping Massage
Young chronic over-masturbator get seminal leakage when excited - no sexual orgasm.
Cause and solution for young men's post-ejaculation penile
soreness and pain, a result of over-ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Misleading of Masturbation, Penile exercises and Penile enlargement for eye floaters, poor vision and no sexual orgasm.
Child Abuse, Anal Sex and Over-Masturbation result in urinary / bowel incontinency and sexual exhaustion for no sexual orgasm.
Medical Student needs help for prostatitis and heartburn due to starting over-masturbation before puberty - NO more sexual orgasm
Solutions for sexual exhaustion and over-ejaculation symptoms and for restoration of health, erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10034.htm
Over-masturbation symptoms: Weak erection, premature ejaculation, memoryloss, ADD, muscle pain, vision degrading, exhaustion, depression, insomnia
.... for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10030.htm
Examples of Over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation: thin hairs, male baldness, bloody ejaculation, fuzzy vision, losing memory and mind, and
other psychological disorders for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10038.htm
Excessive ejaculation causes sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10182.htm
Sexual dysfunction caused by Over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10233.htm
Prostatitis or urethritis due to Over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10230.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms due to over-masturbation during childhood (child-abuse) - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10207.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms due to over-masturbation during puberty - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10206.htm
Over-masturbation at a young age causes depression, ADD, premature ejaculation and penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10186.htm
Teenager's over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion symptom for sexual orgasm; how to get rid of the over-masturbation habit.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10183.htm
Over-ejaculation, over-masturbation and excessive orgasm produces the same types of physical and psychological disorders for being afraid
of sexual orgasm.
Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation and marijuana produce psychological instability - solution.
Pre-puberty masturbation causes sexual dysfunction for premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation causes premature ejaculation before penetration, for no sexual orgasm
Functional destruction of the brain and nervous systems by Over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm.
Sexual exhaustion due to over-masturbation, losing IQ, EQ and Penile Quotient (PQ)
for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation, seminal dryness, sperm production, infertile, and sexual orgasm.
another over-masturbation or over-ejaculation victim for Sexual exhaustion and no sexual orgasm- solution.
Thin ejaculation, testicular pain, bladder and penile irritation for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-ejaculation results in pains, impotence and watery ejaculation! Solutions!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10046.htm
Young men's impotence results the over-discharge of the parasympathetic battery due to over-masturbation during puberty.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10044.htm
Dopamine deficiency, testicular functions, Parkinson's disease and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10028.htm
Over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation causes prostatitis, urethritis and penile varicose veins for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10023.htm
Starting over-masturbation at puberty causes impotency, urination disorder, and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10022.htm
Over-masturbation causes Young men's menopause for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10019.htm
Starting Over-masturbation from preteen results in blurred vision, headaches, and ejaculation with blood for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10015.htm
Teengaer's Over-masturbation results in tension headache and eye floaters (the snow vision) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9999.htm
Teenager's over-masturbation results in erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9991.htm
Misleading of Penile Enlargement to Over-masturbation for severe premature ejaculation, penile shrinkage and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9988.htm
Ecstacy + Orver-masturbation = dead penis and brain for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9987.htm
Over-masturbation / over-ejaculation results in youth erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and eyefloaters - for no sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbation during puberty causes premature ejaculation and youth erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Wildly over-masturbation deforms the penis for no sexual orgasm
Solutions for Severe damage of over-masturbation or over-ejaculation - restoration of sexual orgasm
osteitis pubis should be renamed as Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation pubis - pains in groins, abdomen legs and low body for sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-ejaculation causes body pains/cramps, seminal depletion, prostate and urethral abrasion for no sexual orgasm.
Jelqing and over-ejaculation causes youth erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9967.htm
Extremely Sexual Exhaustion and brain's disorder due to over-masturbation no sexual orgasm.
Over-ejaculation and violent exercises don't mix - they can kill your knee and lower back for no sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation induced symptoms and the solution - for Sexual Orgasm
Solution for the brain disorder due to Over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation - for health, erection and Sexual Orgasm
Why incontinence is occurred? and male insects mate to die? the endless over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-ejaculation increases the PSA level (for prostate enlargement) and
reduce seminal production for impotence and no sexual orgasm; why and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9920.htm
Typical results of Over-ejaculation or Over-masturbation for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9913.htm
A 5000-year sexual wisdom on the brain damaged by over-masturbation, over-ejaculation and excessive sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9900.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms - depression, lower back pain, hair loss, insomnia, weak erection, premature ejaculation and so
on for no more sexual orgasm
He said ' she told me that my erection and size of my penis have
decreased.' after 8 month over-ejaculation practices for no more sexual orgasm .
Bipolar-disorder (manic-depression) induced Over-masturbation, resulting in pelvic pains and prostatitis - no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9905.htm
A 5000-year wisdom in a bottle for resolution of over-masturbation damage and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9899.htm
LastLonger can help young men reverse over-masturbation symptoms for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9897.htm
Over-masturbation causes this pseudo-prostatitis, eye floaters and constipate for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9895.htm
Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation causes prostatitis and brain's / nervous dysfunctions - for No sexual orgasm. The
engineering solutions!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9885.htm
Solution for pain in the groins, pelvic muscles, anus, tail bone (low back) , penis and testicles due to over-ejaculation - No sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9884.htm
Over-Masturbation within a year fully destroy his brain functions for depression, schizophrenia, and catatonia - of course, for no sexual orgasm!
Over-ejaculation or over-masturbation causes low-back, groin and testicle pain for no sexual orgasm.
Perfect example for the health destruction done by over-masturbation or over-ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
Female hard-masturbation for sexual orgasm causes urethral burning and frequent urinary urgency.
Child Sexual abuse, over-masturbation, over-ejaculation, ejaculation dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
Rejuvenation of damaged clitoral and G-spot nerves due to over-masturbation or vibrator, for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9861.htm
Solution for Sexual exhaustion due to over-masturbation and for restoration of sexual orgasm