Depression, Over-masturbation, Antidepression drugs, Excessive Orgasm, Erection Dysfunction and Orgasm dysfunction:

Why SSRIs and SNRIs antidepression drugs are so destructive, even gives you fight or/and flight responses as described in;
For cases examples for causes, click here;

For solutions for over-coming  the side effects of SSRIs or SNRIs antidepression drugs or achieving ultimate withdrawal , click here.

He said 'I've tried your products in the past and they have worked great for me.' chronic over-masturbation history at 5 times a day, having sex up to 8 times a day, penile pumping, amphetamine and SSRI antidepression drug use, and long sitting for back pain and erectile dysfunction
Drug abuse (Alcohol, Marijuana smoking and ecstasy) and chronic masturbation during puberty results in poor memory, foggy mind, frequent urination, urinary difficulty, depression, anxiety, low back pain, and knee pain
Breakup induced over-masturbation, over-ejaculation and porn addiction result in sexual exhaustion symptoms - inflammatory Pain (in the brain, back bone, groin, leg, abdominal, liver area, tailbone, penis, testicle, prostate area, and joints), ejaculation pain, semen leakage, unwanted discharge, low sperm count, watery ejaculation, inflammatory penile veins, impotence, premature ejaculation, blurry vision, buzzing ears, dry skin, memory loss, numbness, burning sensation, panic attack, frequent urination urgency, incontinence, anxiety, depression, rapid heart beat, short breath, cold penis, hypertension, mood swing, lost confidence, insomnia, and chronic fatigue symptoms.
Over-Masturbation addiction results in depression, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, low libido, no erection, memory loss, bady pains, anxiety, no confidence , hair loss and no sexual orgasm.
Starting over-masturbation before puberty results in sexual addiction, depression, compulsions, extreme insomnia,  extremely fast premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
Why this young man experiences erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, headaches and depression for no sexual orgasm
andropause - male menopause symptoms - depression, low mood, anger, mood swing, body aches and pains, no libido, dark eye circles, weight agin. severe allergies, blurry vision, sleeping disorders, hair loss and graying - solution.
Chronic overmasturbation results in frequent urination, memory loss, low back pain, depression, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation at age of 20
Either SSRIs antidepressants or Finasteride can cause blurry vision and fatigue.
Chronic use of methamphetamine results in deep depression, anxiety, eye floaters and penile shrinkage for no more sexaul orgasm
Antidepressant causes his testicular and penile shrinkage, testosterone and semen deficiency, perineum burning pains and inflammation, insomnia, and no libido - no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation since age 12 results in sexual exhaustion symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, weak erection, depression hair loss, eye floaters, ear ringing (Tinnitus), loss of mind focus and memory - and becomes a loser for no more sexual orgasm, but why?
8-year over-masturbation since age 13 results in sexual exhaustion symptoms such as ear buzzing, laziness, poor memory, depression, unwanted precum/semen discharge, pelvic pains and numbness (infalmmation with poor blood circulation) for no more sexual orgasm at age 21
Chronic over-masturbation /over-ehaculation promotes midelife crisis with sexual exhaustion symptom - chronic fratigue, longer than 7 days refraction (reconvery) time, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, dinzziness, memory loss, pelvic pain, sex pain, testicular pains, no morning erection, depression, anxiety, little sperm, penile pain, prostate pain, kidney pain, sundekn dark eye circles.
As usual, ecstasy destroyed his dopamine and serotonin nervous system and messed up his dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis for penile sharinkage, depression and ending love relationship
C-section cuts vagal nerves and produces the common side effects such as headaches, frequency urination, pelvic pain and numbness,sex pain, depression, anxiety,panic attack, thigh numbness, constipation, exccessive sweating and so on.
Chronic (24-year) over-masturbation / over-ejaculation since 13 result in sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido, eye floaters, anxiety, depression, poor concentration, stomach problems / pains, body pains ( hand pain, arm pain, leg pain, groin pain,  recum pain and anal pain.
Why chronic marijuana abuse leads to typical sexual exhaustion symptoms such as  premature ejaculation, sensitive glans, tension, performance anxiety, low libido, chronic fatigue symptoms, weak muscles, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, insomnia, depression, low motivation, and lack of confidence for no more sexual orgasm
Depression, anxiety, panic attack, premature ejaculation, and weak urination stream are the sympathetic nervous Fight and Flight responses to stimulation, as a result of severe serotonin and GABA nervous control disorders on the hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion
masturbating 3 times a day at age 15 results in Headaches, memory loss, blurry vision, depression and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm at age 19
Starting masturbation at age 8 and doing  over-masturbation  age 13 resulted in low back pain, premature ejaculation (in 1 minute), memory loss, no brain power, poor concentration, muscle weakness, depression, tiredness, and soft erection at age 16 now.
Chronic overmasturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms including eye floaters and flashers, ear ringing, depression, no libido, no morning spontaneous erection, weak erection, memory loss and no more sexual orgasm
Young physician / medical doctors' 12 year sexual exhaustion symptoms with ejaculating 1-2 times per day since age 10: severe eye floaters, photophobia, eye burning, neck/back pain/stiffness, IBS, abdominal/pelvic pains, and depression/anxiety for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation at 5 times a day resulted in low back pain, tailbone pain, testicular pain, neck pain and stiffness, dark eye circles, seminal production disorders, erectile dysfunction, headaches, fatigue, exhaustion, stress and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm at age 32
SSRIs drugs and cholesterol lower drugs castrates his hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis for low libido, erectile function and anxiety; even, PDE-5 erectile drugs won't work, except pounding his heart crazily.   How the adrenal, testicular and  liver P450 detoxification system orchestrate the metabolism of  LDL to androgen hormones (DHEA, testosterone and  DHT) and/or cortisol for better and/or worse
Why Over-masturbation since age 12 produces castration effects on his testicles for testicular shrinkage and testosterone deficiency and results in  tiredness, weakness, low back pain, anxiety and depression at age 23
Hypothyroid functions cause low testosterone production, low libido, impotence, low energy, lack of focus and low mood.  Why estradiol and its metabolites are harmful?
Formula for Stabilization of Depression and Mood Swings - craving for sex or food.
Starting masturbation at 10 results in weak erection and premature ejaculation, knee pains, and depression
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation singe age 5 results in sex addiction, persistent sexual arousal, weak back, foggy vision, high blood pressure, sickness, ear ringing, blurry vision, low back pain, anal/perineum pains, irritable bowel symptoms, loose stool, graying hairs, penile shrinkage, depression, testicular pain and  no more sexual orgasm - why and solutions!

SSRIs (or SSRIs/SNRIs) anti-depression drugs cause chronic excessive prolactin production (called HyperProlactimia, a pituitary functional disorder) to block the brain's dopamine nervous function in the hypothalamus-pituitary axis responsible for emotional and orgasm hormone oxytocin release,  and interfere with other neurotransmitter systems and syntheses and hormonal production by overloading the liver P45 detoxification system,  and blocks the spinal nervous transmission in the synapses with a flooding of serotonin due to the re-uptaking inhabitation action.  They alternate the gene expression of the dopamine D2 receptors, acetylcholine receptors,  and 5-HT (Serotonin) 2C receptors.  Blocking the dopamine and acetylcholine transduction in the synapses and dumping high level of prolactin in the bloodstream disable the erectile nervous function in the penis/clitoris and G-spot, the seminal production or vaginal lubrication and de-sensitizes the nerves in the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles,  clitoris, G-spot, vagina, cervix and uterus for no more sexual orgasm. The most critical problem is that  SSRIs drugs also block the hypothalamic/adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine conversion and the pituitary oxytocin release, essential to activation of the orgasmic contraction via the sympathetic nerves L1 and L2 in the prostate, seminal vesicles, penis,  uterus, cervix, vagina and clitoris. Thus, you will never achieve orgasm or produce semen with a a high level of prolactin and a low level of oxytocin in your blood stream and with the desensitized sensory and blocked parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves.  

SSRIs will kill your sexual function naturally via the destruction of the pituitary and liver function.   SSRIS drugs only inhibit the re-uptaking of serotonin in the nervous synapse, but actually decrease the serotonin synthesis in the nervous terminals due to their destruction effects on the liver P450. Taking SSRIs drugs may reduce the serotonin nervous action on the neuromsucular ending receptors in the guts, bladder, urethra, prostate and anus for incontinence. By the way, excessive prolactin in the bloodstream reduced the testosterone and DHT release from the testicles and ovaries, resulting in bone and muscle weakness, in addition to disabling sexual functions and responses and seminal production. 

SSRIs antidepressants cause neuroplasticity (deformation of synapses and outgrowth of serotonin neurons) for withdrawal symptom and addiction. They inhibit the reuptaking of serotonin  in the nervous synapse by blocking serotonin transporter, so that the serotonin neurotransmitter can continue acting its effects on the postsynaptic neurons and possible outgrow the postsynaptic neurons (positive neurplasticity) under a long-term use . However, the SSRIs won't increase (actually decrease) the neurotransitter synthesis due to its intoxification effects on the liver  Thus,  SSRIs stimulates more serotonin neurons, but cuts down natural serotonin release from the nervous terminals. The SSRIs drug  can also alter the temporal and spatial relationship between dopamine and serotionin signaling in the striatum which receives rich dopaminergic and more moderate serotonergic innervation. Under the high level of extracellular serotonin in the innervation synapses,  elevated by exogenous application or by using antidepressants to inhibit the serotonin transporters, the extremely dense striatal Dopamine Transporters can uptake serotonin into dopamine terminals. This can destroy the dopamine nervous function responsible for pituitary oxytocin, LH and FSH release associated with sexual and testicular functions. A weak dopamine nervous function also results in a high pituitary prolactin release for disable sexual function.,f1000m,isrctn 

For the sample solutions of depression, anxiety, stress and SSRIs induced problems, please click here now!
• said antidepression drugs  may be hazardous to your health insurance - 
• FDA: Possible suicide in kids link with SSRIs antidepressant -  
• FDA: Mixing migraine, depression meds risky -;_


Warning on Antidepressants
Possible Suicide, Severe Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks in Children and Adults and
CT scan and eye doctors could not see his chronic excessive-ejaculation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, eye problems, weak erection, depression, fear, suicidal thought, difficult thinking, hair thinning, back pain, loss of focus, persistent sexual arousal, premature ejaculation, no self confidence, and burry vision
Self sex abuse, abusive sex, overmasturbation with vibrator and waterjet abuse, bipolar hypersexual episode and  anti-depression drugs abuse result in urinary incontinence, depression, anxiety, frigidity, hypothyroidism, no libido, overweight and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation results in sexual exhaustion symptoms: Depression, stress , anxiety, emotional instability (Mood Swing), Attention Deficiency and Absence mind (losing mind concentration and   memory), 3. eye floaters or sun-light sensitive eyes, buzzing ears, low libido, exhaustion fatigue, premature ejaculation, Sleeping disorder and its associated symptoms-  drowsiness over-sleeping, blurred vision, hangover, Excessive Sweating, Fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion, Muscle weakness, Muscle Tremors/Twitching (pre-Parkinson's symptoms). Why?
8-year over-masturbation, as a result of child sex abuse by foster parents, gives him underdeveloped skeleton, eye floaters, depression, and  premature ejaculation for  no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-4 times a days since teenage years, results in no more hot semen stream to please wife, premature ejaculation in 30 seconds, having a hypersensitive glans penis, penile shrinkage, stress, fatigue, sleeping disorder, anxiety, ear ringing and buzzing, depression, headache, poor vision and no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepression drugs disable her hypothalamus-pituitary-vagina and -clitoris erectile axis for no more sexual orgasm
one-shot solution and cause for the UFO symptoms - daily neck/shoulder/knee/hip pain, buzzing ears, eye floaters, frequent urination, anxiety, depression, sinus congestion, digestive disorders, loose bowel movement and asthma. 

Chronic over-masturbation at least twice a day and up to 5-7 times since age 6 burned out his dopamine, cholinergic, serotonin and GABA nervous function and results in premature ejaculation (in seconds), penile shrinkage, erectile dysfunction,  ear buzzing, low back pain, depression, insecurity and low libido for no more sexual orgasm
Taking SSRis for chronic over-masturbation induced panic attack results in more panic attack, premature ejaculation, precum leakage, heart racing, blood in semen, low testosterone, high cortisol, pelvic pain, groin pain, prostate pain, body pains, blurry vision, dizziness, depression, anxiety, and difficult urination.
Sexual exhaustion symptoms with male menopause (andropause): memory loss, anxiety, sleeping disorders, and hypothyroidism; SSRIs antidepression drugs worsen the problems and produce more problems such as  no libido, loss of the penile and scrotum sensitivity,  low semen production, eye floaters, memory fog, headaches, depression, suicidal thoughts, no creative thought, no fantasy,  flu-like symptoms with chilliness,  low back pains, chronic fatigue, tiredness, frequent sympathetic Fight or Flight responses, mood swing, and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times daily since the high school year results in erectile dysfunction, no semen, eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss, ear ringing, constipation, incontinence, depression, anxiety, hypertension, fatigue and tiredness for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation for 30 years results in eye floaters, body pains, depression, numbness, drug abuse and sugar craving
Childhood sexual abuse, the resulted chronic overmasturbation since age 13, over-ejaculation, and drug abuse (marijuana) results in losing mind, erectile dysfunction, penile underdevelopment,  low back pain, and depression for no more sexual orgasm at age 22

Chronic over-masturbation since age 10 with stimulation of lingerie magazines or advertisements became sexual and masturbation addition, leading to sexual exhaustion symptoms with eye floaters, back pains, knee pains, ear ringing, headaches, memory loss and depression at age 23
Solution for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleep reversal syndrome, memory loss, no mind concentration, high cholesterol, bone pain, neck pain and depression with high cholesterol
Chronic over-masturbation since young, results in anxiety, panic disorder, blurry vision, body pains, eye floaters, dizziness, pelvic pain, unwanted prostatic fluid discharge (precum and semen leakage), depression, premature ejaculation, blood in semen/sperm, prostatitis, excessive cortisol, and testosterone deficiency (testicular castration) for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation results in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis without infection, low back pain, eye floaters, blurry vision, ear ringing (tinnitus), precum flooding, premature ejaculation, no libido, depression, anxiety, frequent urinary urgency (incontinence), penile pains,  groin numbness, ejaculation pain, post-ejaculation pains lasting for days, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and hemorrhoids rectal or anal venous enlargement and valve damage for no more sexual orgasm
50-year over-masturbation at 1-2 times a day results in weakness, depression, anxiety, and inflammatory testicular pains for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a day results in fuzzy vision, eye floaters, depression, stress, anxiety, panic attack, insomnia,  premature ejaculation, no motivation and aged skin for no more sexual orgasm at age 22.
antidrepression drugs, vibrator abuse and hysterectomy give her  no sexual pleasure or orgasm, but a lot of headaches, no concentration, stiff neck, low back pain and dizziness.
Chronic drug abuse (smoking marijuana) and overmasturbation destroyed his pituitary-testicular function (extreme low LH and testosterone level), and induced psychotic episode, hair loss, acne outbreak, fatigue, muscle loss, poor libido, impotence, depression, anxiety, no concentration and no more sexual orgasm; even testosterone replacement therapy won't help.
Excessive sex with over-ejaculation results in sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as  backache, buzzing ears, headaches, memory loss, depression, anxiety, ADD, bipolar, penile shrinkage and ejaculation without erection for no more sexual orgasm
Menopause, hysterectomy, anti-depression drug induce pituitary castration (HyperProlactimia) and vibrator abuse leads to inflammatory body pains, blurry vision, headaches, dizziness, depression, anxiety, panic attack, stiff neck and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in impotency, penile shrinkage, high blood pressure, dizziness, eye floaters, buzzing ears, no libido, fatigue, weakness, no sex for 10 years, spermatorrhea (involutary ejaculation or semen leakage), low/middle/upper back pain, and depression
Enjoying a lot of pot (marijuana)  coke (cocaine), methamphetamine, binge drank, cigarettes, over-masturbation, promiscuous/excessive sex resulted in poor concentration (Attention Deficiency Disorder or ADD), poor memory, over-reactive bladder, frequent urination, premature ejaculation, depression, eye floaters, ear buzzing, dizziness, seeing stars,  and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
He became impotent at 26 due to stretching exercises/penile weight lifting/penile pumps, and has experienced depression, stress, body heat, anxiety, panic disorders, sleeping disorder, cold hands/feet, asthma, ear ringing, heart racing, difficult breathing,  short breathing, suicidal thought, in particularly after masturbating.
Chronic masturbation every day since age 15 resulted in high blood pressure and low libido at age 23, followed by weak erection semen production disorder, no sex drive, no more morning erection, chronic back and neck pain, low testosterone (testicular functional disorder), insomnia, depression, palpitation, tiredness (fatigue), short breath, dizziness, memory loss, anxiety, and panic attack at age 33
Chronic over-masturbation results in non-bacterial (non-infected)  prostatitis, urinary urgency, weak urine stream, interstitial cystitis (IC), bladder inflammation, pelvic pain, prostate pain, penile pain,  low back pain, tailbone pain, rectal pain,  inflammatory eye pressure, eye itchiness and redness,  dark eye circles, eye oversensitity to light (pupil dilation), insomnia, ear buzzing, headaches, sadness, hair loss and graying,
He is experiencing all the symptoms of over-masturbation: memory loss, no concentration, weak mind, muscle weakness, blurry vision, eye floaters, buzzing ears, frequent urination, depression, anxiety, headaches, and dizziness
Menopause common systems:  blurry vision, eye floaters, depression. anxiety, inflammatory back and body pains.
Her chronic over-stimulation with sex toys  and excessive sex  at twice a day, 7 days a week, in conjunction with drug abuse (Methamphetamine, aka. methylamphetamine) and tubaligation,  resulted in vaginal enlargement, cyst, excessive wetness, unwanted yellowish vaginal discharge with yested fishy smell, depression, mood swings, memory loss and  burry vision
Her chronic over-masturbation several times a day since age 8 let her experience drug-like addiction and sexual exhaustion symptoms at age 12, and feel like a 70 year old woman at 20 with body pains and weakness, shivering hands and legs (Parkinson syndrome), brain disorders (slow learning), memory loss, and depression
Chronic over-masturbation since age 13 results in penile shrinkage, poor sexual performance, chronic depression, and ADHD. and then SSRIs antidepression and ADHD drugs further destroy his sexual function for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation, Over-ejaculation and excessive sex, with alcohol abuse, results in premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis,  prostate enlargement, frequent urination,  over-reactive bladder,  low back pain, testicular pain, abdomen pain, depression, anxiety, blury vision, headaches and memory loss for no sexual orgasm
SSRIs causes his erectile dyfunction and disables  serotonin synthesis for premature ejaculation.   Solution for erectile function and premature ejaculation.
Good Old Days Sexual exhaustion causes persistent body pains, patellar tendinitis (knee pains, ankles aches, buzzing ears, eye floaters, depression, anxiety, broken penis by CowGirl wild ride, jelqing penile damage, premature ejaculation, hair loss, weak erection (going limp), penile shrinkage and ADD, even if you cut down sexual frequency.
chronic over-masturbation since age 13 resulted in weak erection, going limp in a short time, no morning erection, sleeping disorder (short sleeping), penile bending and pains, peyronies, premature ejaculation in 5 seconds, post-ejaculation exhaustion, mood swings, body pains, blurry vision, eye flaoters, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, frequent urination,  penile leakage, depression, anxiety, and penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm
15-year Overmasturbation resulted in adrenal fatigue,  rectal pain, disillusioned disorders, dizziness, blurry dry eyes, eye floaters, muscle weakness, constant thirty (overheating by excessive norepinephrine), hair loss, brain fog, anxiety, depression, memory loss, erectile dysfunction, weak neuroimmune, and sinus infection   for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation sine age 5 gives him Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, semen leakage, extreme body heat, body aches, post-ejaculation exhaustion symptoms and depression for no more sexual orgasm at age 21.
Dopamine, cholinergic serotonin, GABA, endorphin nervous deficiency and excessive norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine, glutamate and prostaglandin E2 result in  premature ejaculation, autoimmune disorders,  no concentration, memory loss, stress, anxiety, allergy, sinus nasal congestion (inflammation), mood swing, hypersensitive to sounds, irritation, hearing disorders, depression, suicidal thought, sleeping disorders, tiredness, dark eye cycles, acne and vertigo-like motion sickness.
Sexual exhaustion induced sympathetic nervous Fight and Flight and cholinergic/vegal/parasympathetic/serotonin/GABA nervous control disorders for premature ejaculation, involuntary PC muscle contraction, depression, anxiety,  eye floaters and neuroplasiticity
Chronic over-masturbation / over-masturbation causes his psychological disorders; Anti-psychotic medication let him want to commit suicide when masturbating
She said 'Hi Dr. Lin. First I would like to say that you are an absolutely amazing human being. Your science is revolutionary, and its obvious to me that you truly care about humanity.'; On Trauma Nightmare, Visual Dream or Near-Death Phenomenon with Cortisol and Dimethyltryptamin (DMT)
Medical Breakthrough: The brain pacemaker via Vagus Nerve (the parasympathetic nerve from CN-X) for antidepression!  -  and (this implies that surgery cutting the vagus nerve sensory circuits can trigger depression!  The vagus nerves outflow reaches the pelvic cavity, including the uterus, bladder, urethra, vagina, clitoris, penis, prostate and testicles!) That is,  Vasectomy, C-sectionHysterectomy or any surgery cutting the vagus nerves can induce depression!

Cases and Causes - the collection of human experiences associated with the causes depression and the side effects of antidepression drugs:
Chronic Over-masturbation up to 3 times daily and pot (marijuana) smoking gives anxiety, depression, panic attacks, constipation, low abdomen/pelvic inflammatory pains, erectiel dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation gage him sexual exhaustion symptoms (fatigue, insomnia, tirdness, muscle weakness, no concentration, low motivation, depression and frequent urination),  plus hypothyroidism and androgen deficiency (testicular functional disorders)
chronic Over-masturbation with watching pornography and pot smoking results in back pain, panic attacks, premature ejaculation, obsessively sexual addition,  depression, fatigue and sexual exhaustion.
chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation results in  low/middle/upper back and neck pain, Carpal Tunnel wrist pain, eye floaters, memory loss, frequent urination, depression, fatigue, ear buzzing and erectile dysfunction -solution
Solutions for senior couple's erectile function, vaginal/intercourse pains, ear buzzing, eye floaters, headaches, memory loss, depression, and  sexual orgasm
Excessive stress and androgen deficiency causes male pattern hair loss, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, frequent urination, depression and mood swings (sadness) for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation at 3-5 times a day since age 24,
chronic over-masturbation since age 13 results in erectile dysfunction, low libido, memory loss, low back pain, pelvic pain, depression, anxiety and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm at age 19
Penile pumping and penile exercises causes inflamed  thromrosed vein, weak erection, and weak ejaculation; chronic over-masturbation during age 14-21 results in depression, procrastination, sexual addiction (persistent sexual arousal), memory loss, no concentration, cloudy mind and frequent urination.
Over-masturbation/over-sex at 50 times a month for a year at age 40 results in sexual exhaustion-  depression, severe low back pain, testicular pains, dark eye circles, eye floaters, total exhaustion, severe brain fog, prostatitis, insomnia, anxiety, and no more morning erection.
Chronic over-masturbation, marijuana smoking and alcohol abuse resulted in poor visual symptoms (visual snow, starbursts, ghosting and doubling), eye pupil over-dilation, eye floater, anxiety, panic, and depression
Solution for low back, depression, hair loss, prostate inflammation, anxiety, eye floaters - exhaustion symptoms of the dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis.
2-year antidepression medication results in low libido, erectile dysfunction and tight scrotum (testicular function disorders) for more more sexual orgasm. How antidepressants disable the dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular (ovarian) axis for castration.
SSRIs antidepressant gave her weight gain, breast soreness, headaches, depression, paranoia, loss of muscle tone, dull dry feeling, dry eyes, eye twitching, no motivation,  lethargy and weakness; and bad withdrawal symptom when attempting to withdraw.

7-year over-masturbation results in dark yellow pee (kidney and liver on fire), low back pain, persistent sexual arousal, memory loss, depression and sex addiction for no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepressants disabled her sexual orgasm but gives her clitoral numbness,  and chronic vibrator use resulted in clitoral tingling sensation -solution
SSRIs Antidepressant withdrawal  gives her hyper sex drive and persistent sexual arousal and orgasm
Why Doubled-edge SNRIs antidepressants and Vibrator eventually disable her orgasm ability.
Chronic SSRIs antidepression drug use for OCD  results in orgasm dysfunction and Interstitial Cystitis(IC), the pelvic inflammation
Chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a day since age 6 and 1-year marijuana smoking results in memory loss, terrible eye floaters, dizziness, severe depression, frequent urination, anxiety, insomnia, neck tremors, severe leg tremors, and restless leg syndrome (Parkison's disease or symptoms) for no more sexual orgasm
Long-term side effects of 5-alpha reductase inhibitor Fibasteride - low libido, erectile dysfunction, low semen production, low penile and scrotum sensation, ejaculation orgasm dysfunction, memory loss, weakness, muscles loss, chronic fatigue, hangover, cold feet and hands, diarrhea, mood swing, depression, suicidal thought,  feeling of emasculation and evisceration for no sexual orgasm

Solution for excessive testosterone-estrogen conversion induced over-weight, outgrown male breasts (gynecomastia), weak erection, low libido, mood swing and depression
13-year Chronic over-masturbation / over-ejaculation since age 12 results in eye floaters, tinnitus, ear buzzing, major depression, low energy, self social isolation, poor vision, paranoia, anxiety, agoraphobia, low self-esteem, low confidence, loss of employment, personality disorder, short and long term memory loss, mental confusion,  inability to concentration and other psychological and physiological disorders.
Serotonin and GABA nervous deficiency and noradrenergic/sympathetic nervous excess can be caused by pregnant mother's caffeine or drug abuse or/and by individual chronic over-masturbation and drug abuse (marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin or other nervous toxins), leading to severe eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss, depression, anxiety, tachycardia, penile numbness,  and psychological disorders (including suicidal tendency) for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation results in depress and anxiety; then withdrawal of SSRIs antidepression drugs leads to persistent sexual arousal for over-ejaculation (repetitive ejaculation and persistent orgasm) and premature ejaculation; over-ejaculation gives him prostatitis, buzzing ears, blurry vision, body pain, dizziness, penile over-sensitivity (inflammatory responses), memory loss, pelvic pain, precum flooding, bloody semen (bloody ejaculation) and more depression.
Chronic over-masturbation since age 8, at 3 times a day during high-school and collage years, results in acne outbreak, depression, anxiety and stopping growth
Chronic over-masturbation and having sex since age 12 resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammation- whole body muscle pains, headaches, migraine, dizziness, blurry and blue vision, memory loss, frequent urination, pelvic pain, penile pain, testicular pain, precum or semen leakage, depression, hypertension, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction at age 36 for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 11-12 resulted in penile vriscose veins, spider veins, penile downward deformation with scarring tissues, testicular shrinkage, insufficient semen production, back pain, fatigue, depression, over-reacting bladder, prostate inflammation, urination disorders, precum and semen leakage, erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm at age 17.
Over-masturbation at twice a day with drug abuse (methamphetamine, marijuana, caffeine and alcohol) resulted in severe eye floaters, dizziness, constant buzzing ears, depression, insomnia, muscle tremor, ADD, fatigue and body pains for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic use of antidepression drugs gives her clitoral and G-spot erectile and orgasmic dysfunction; then, chronic use of a vibrator results in clitoral nervous damage, inflammatory pains and collagen scarring for no more sexual orgasm
Effects of SSRIs antidepressants ,  unwanted vaginal discharge, intercourse pain, sleeping disorders, vibrator induced  clitoris/G-spot/Vaginal damage for no sexual orgasm -solution. 
Why erectile drug + testosterone replacement won't work for erection sexual orgasm for patients having had antidepressants, opioids and anti-hypertensives
Solution for premature menopause and anti-depression drugs induced  sexual orgasm disorders, panic attack, vibrator-induced damage, and excessive wetness.
After 6 month masturbation at once a day at age 14, he has experienced erectile dysfunction, terrible fatigue, depression, anxiety, body pain, and  premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking, alcohol abuse and over-masturbation results in brain fog, mind haziness, loss concentration, dream state feeling, tiredness, eye floater, ear ringing, depression, and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm
Drug abuse (alcohol and marijuna) resulted in depression and anxiety; SSRIs antidepressant disables her orgasm ability.
Over-masturbation gave him depression and premature ejaculation; SSRIs antidepressant stop his serotonin synthesis for bad premature ejaculation after withdrawal
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation gave him memory loss, depression, stress, penile shrinkage, low libido, muscle pain and tightness in the neck/shouldes/low back/hips
Chronic over-masturbation since age 10 resulted in semen leakage, penile deformation, penile pain, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, urinary incontinence, and depression for no more sexual orgasm
14-year over-masturbation since age 18 resulted in penile death constant anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, IBS (irritable bowel syndromes), prostatitis and allergy for no more sexual orgasm
chronic marijuana abuse since age 14 resulted in penile pain, eye floaters, lightheadedness, anxiety, depression, prostate pain and urethral pain at age 23
Chronic over-masturbation during teenage results in post-orgasm sexual exhaustion symptoms - inflammatory headache and sinuses, memory loss, mood swings, depression and premature ejaculation - causes and solutions
Over-masturbation at 1-2 times a day during age 16-30 resulted in eye floater, retinal degeneration, memory loss, depression, anxiety, low back pain, fatigue, premature ejaculation and ejaculation addiction - solution.
Smoking marijuana enhances his over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms - penile deformation, memory loss, dizziness, ear business, eye floaters, tachycahrdia (rapid heart beating over 100 beats per minutes), semeinal production disorder and severe depression for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation enhanced by amphetamine resulted in Blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, impotence, penile shrinkage, sleeping disorder, depression and anxiety; then take antidepressants for HyperProlactimia and no more sexual orgasm
solution for doctor's sexual exhaustion symptoms: memory loss, frequent urination, depression, anxiety, premature ejaculation and prostatitis, as a result of chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation
Lithium depressed her dopamine nervous function for no libido and no sexual orgasm, but lithium withdraw gave her crushing orgasm headaches- why and solution.
Chronic over-masturbation at 2 times a day resulted in blurry vision, eye floaters, headaches, unwanted discharge (wet dream), depression, anxiety, and body pains for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-Masturbation and Pot smoking burned out his 18 year old brain, heart, testicles and penis for no libido, depression, hypertension, penile pain, testicular pain, seminal production disorder, severe premature ejaculation, memory loss, and persistent sexual arousal for continuously over-masturbating. 
Teenage young wife exhausted her middle-aged husband for sexual exhaustion symptoms- depression, headaches, hollowness, exhaustion, andrenal fatigue, urinary incontinence, memory loss and tinitis (ear ringing) for no sexual orgasm
why ejaculation or sexual orgasm induced awful depression, anxiety, body pains (dull throbbing gallbladder and liver pain) for a few day - Solution
Tubaligation gives her menstrual pain, PMS, ovulation groin and leg pain (sending her to Emergency Room several times), mood swings, anxiety, severe depression and migraines for peri-menopause symptoms at age 28
Birth control chemicals give her depression and the SSRIs depression drug castrates her pituitary for no clitoral and G-spot sensitivity and no sexual orgasm. DeToxiA helps the former pot smoker improve sex drive and erection hardness.

Do you want want to learn the historical lessons? (click here)

Sample Solutions and Antidepression Drug Withdrawal: 
He, a drug abuser (marijuana, LSD, etc.) and over-masturbator, said ' I used an array of your products a few years back and had some good results. I didnt realise I had good results until I had a sexual encounter... '
He said ' I have been battling with some minor depression issues for a few years now. I have used your products on and off during that time including "viapal hgh - J + Arginox" and Viapal hgh-C for depression and have found them quite effective. So thank you! '
He said ' I started back on your 5htp product to help my digestion.  I put it under my tongue and so far it keeps digestive panic down very well, so thank you for that product.'
He said 'I have used your products for 5 months since May of 2008 with moderate success. Recently I reduced my antidepression dosage from 150mg to 75 mg as well as my blood pressure dosage from 300 mg to 150mg...'
He said ' My sister is doing well on just 15 days of MoodMax and Pinealtonin. Energy and mood up.  No yeast infections.  Floaters and joints have some improvement. My dad doesn’t get up but maybe once a night to use bathroom. ....  He has had drastic improvement in just 30 days. I am doing better also. My urgency and frequency have reduced by about 60% ,.... I started having Parkinson like shake. I was also having shakes after ejaculation during intercourse. I take 2 doprafibra a day and that has help reduce shakes. '
He said 'I've received your products an already feeling alot of energy is running inside me, the pinaltonnin is very good it sends rushes to my head and its good for calming. '
He said 'I am an Acupuncturist and I have been using your products.  I have gained the most benefit from pinealtonin.  It has totally gotten rid of my premature ejaculation.  I can't believe it!  I have total control now.  I now know that my sympathetic nervous system was in over drive and that I needed a boost of serotonin and gaba.  I can't thank you enough!  I sleep so much better and I am actually smarter!  My skills in chess have improved dramatically!  Amazing product!  I've read on the internet that gaba doesn't always cross the blood-brain barrier, but your product works well for me.  WHY???'
A young over-masturbation, pot smoker said ' Some time ago you recommended me, variously, viapahl hgh-c and viapal hgh-j for depression symptoms. It really helped me out but I havent taken any for a while.'
He said 'Dr. Lin my older brother refered me to your website he's being ordering products from you for over 4 years you've helped his sex life a great deal.'  Now, how to restore from sexual exhaustion symptoms such as sleeping disorders (insomnia), penile shrinkage, low libido, watery/dark ejaculation (with oxidized blood), eye floaters, depression and girl's sexual dissatisfaction
He said 'I have been a user of your products over the last year or so and have great success with them.' On the nervous destruction and toxin by the dopamine-norepinephrine inhibitors for no sexual orgasm
He said 'I no longer experience sex-exhaustion symptoms like before. instead, people notice bright look on me. I don't need to take antidepressants anymore because your medications boost my neuro-transmitters' and his penis becomes alive again
He said' I'm taking the products for about 2 months, the results are great in my mood, I sleep better.' optimizing your cortisol level for anti-inflammation with exercises for sexual orgasm
He said MoodMax and 5HTP along with controlled ejaculation have completely prevented my sexual exhaustion symptoms of the past: ringing ears, depression, mood swings. I just make sure I take them after I ejaculate. ' on the effects of cold weather on the hormonal and neurotransmitter production and sexual orgasm
She said 'I followed your advice in your recent email, and have AFTER 14 YEARS DEPENDENCY now managed to withdraw from the antidepressant medication! In the past, this has caused me great problems as the withdrawal effects were severe, but attempting to withdraw whilst taking your products and advice proved to be an easy and non problematic way to finally rid myself of antidepressant medication.'  for more sexual orgasm
He said 'I'm writing to let you know that your products are fantastic-i am taking viagrowth 4 and pinealtonin-and i have found my mood and well being has changed for the best-i am more even keeled and have less anxiety.' Now, solution for premature ejaculation and prolonging sexual orgasm.
She said 'I have been taking your medicines now for well over a month, and have found some really encouraging results!' with ViaPal-hGH-P and ArgiNOx for withdrawal of SSRIs antidepressants and restoration of sexual orgasm.
ViaPal-hGH-M helps him to cut the norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibiting antidepressant to 30% in just one week for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm.
He said ' I'd like to start by saying that your Via-PalhGh-P cured my sexual dysfunction....Now I get aroused with just the thought of having sex. I last very long, in fact I sometimes have to force myself into certain positions in order to orgasm, it is amazing, I control my orgasm now.' for recovery from the sexual destruction by SSRIs and Finasteride; solution for birth-control pills induced intercourse pains, colorful vaginal discharge and PMS / bad cramp
He said 'I notice that 5-HTP can help stressed individuals to have better erections and sex drive.... the combo of Viagrowth III + Moodmax on my girlfriend last night--awesome !!! She was indeed much more turned on than usual...' what are the differences between 5-HTP and antidepression drugs, the serotonin reuptaking inhibitors.
He said ' i would just like to say iam feeling really well with your treatment all my overeating has disapeared and the depression has lifted and i feel a lot more energentic than wanting to sleep all day i would just like to thank you for your advice and products they truly are amazing' with ViaPal-hGH-M for solving anxiety, depression and  sexual orgasm
He said ' We are both doing great. She threw away her anti depressant drugs since taking Viapal M and feels much better, hehe. She is so much better! I've been on Viapal P for over two months and I've never felt better in my life. ' for more sexual orgasm; on Chinese medicine's Asthma care
She said 'I just wanted to thank you for alleviating a severe depression I was in after my tuba ligation 2 years ago. I did not expect the sudden improvement in my overall wellbeing when I started taking your products for sexual dysfunction. ...  I look forward to more incredible and unexpected results from the use of your products.' Solution for peri-menopause menopause symptoms due to natural ageing, surgery and tubaligation - restoration of sexual orgasm.
He said 'I just got my second round of viapal hgh-P, Arginox and other nutritional supplements and am having GREAT success. I feel fantastic. I have taken and studied herbs all my life and have never had such a good result so fast.'  Get rid of antidepression drugs for restoration of sexual orgasm. 
He said ' ive been taking viapal hgh-j with arginox for a month at the lowest dosage, to treat depression/ anxiety. it has made a big difference, so thank you.' for restoration of sexual orgasm; penile regrowth requires hGH, DHT, prostaglandins, oxytocin and Nitric Oxide production by your body.
He said ' ive been taking viapal hgh-c with arginox for a month now to help depression, and it seems to have worked quite well....' for restoration of sexual orgasm.  LoveLonger sorted out his premature ejaculation too.
He said ' I'm taking ViaPal-hGH-C and Arginox instead of taking fluexonine. I think it's working as my moods have been much less severe,' for getting rid of antidepression drug and for restoration of sexual orgasm
He said 'I have been taking your products for 5 months now to solve my ed, pe and anxiety problems after a few times ecstasy abuse/overmasturbation and penile injections and I have to thankfully report that I have gotten rid of the anxiety, depression and pe problems.' On the SSRIs negative effects on sexual orgasm and well beings
He said ' ive been taking lovelonger to help premature ejeculation (which it had a really big effect on, thanks)' for prolonging sexual orgasm; solution for young people's depression, sadness and despair
He said ' Well, my anxiety's has 95% completely disapeared! How? I doubled my 5-HTP intake to 250 to 300 milligrams a day!' Solution with 5-HTP, MoodMax, ViaGrowth-IV and ArgiNOx for restoration of health (headaces) problems and sexual orgasm
ViaPal-hGH-P helps him get rid of the SSRIs anti-depression drug and headaches of 6 years for restoration of sexual orgasm
She said 'THANK YOU SO MUCH for your great products! .. His mood is better and he's not depressed. The other night he woke me up during the night to make love to me...It was great!' more sexual orgasm.
He said ' Wow, so much of my research is confirmed by your website and so much of of my past makes sense now! ... The prostatitis is pretty much gone and the dizziness and lightheadedness is gone... Meanwhile, I have read reports on your website on erection ballooning..., it looked like it went from a 6.0 to 8.5 inches'  and got rid of antidepression drugs for restoration of sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-M and Fish Oil
He said 'I am currently taking the via pal packages to try to heal my penile nerve damage.... I am now able to attain 12 oclock erections with no bending and i often wake in the morning with erections.' for penile rejuvenation and sexual orgasm. Why the spontaneous erection in the middle of the day disappears? and the long-term damage of SSRIs anti-depression drugs.
She said ' we've ordered your products before & not only have we found them to be a great help, ... ' On effects of birth control implant and antidepression drugs on women's hair loss; solution for eye floaters and post-sex involutary cries.
He said 'I've personally used your products and think they are great.' for sexual orgasm; Prostaglandin E-1, NO and Oxytocin can heal body and mind.
She said ' Recently, I shared some of the "heat" tea with a friend, who had been experiencing a significent amount of depression recently. Within minutes (literally!), she was in a much happier mood, feeling better than she had in years.' for more sexual orgasm! Solution for depression.
A senior medical student said ' I have already been taking ViaPal-M for around 2 1/2 weeks and I must say that the results have been significant improving my symptoms of anxiety, poor memorization, acne, depression, etc. ' for sexual orgasm, and questioned on medication drugs for psychological and physiological disorders.
She said 'I have been using ViaPal-hGH-P for a month or so and am very pleased with the results. I am amazed at how much you know!'  for more sexual orgasm and fully getting rid of anti-depressant drug.
He said ' Im feeling really good taking moodmax and 5 htp. I feel very happy and im smiling. I am getting many erections while I drive to school and home.' for more sexual orgasm.
He said 'My penis has grown a full inch when erect and stays very hard now. My wife has cut back on her depression medicine since using viagrowth-IV, also she is horny always. Your herbs have turned on a switch inside of her that I cant even shut off. She is like a orgasm machine at age 37.' for more sexual orgasm.
He said 'My girlfriend is really enjoying your products. It has helped her to ditch her anti-depressants...' for more sexual orgasm.
He said ' I was thrilled with the results of the products that you suggested for me.'; VIP Cream helps his Peyronies disease; ViaPal-hGH-M gives him restore his 1-o'clock hard erection erection and stamina under the castration effects of anti-depression drugs; now, He wants to ejaculate and orgasm more quickly, but how?
He said 'Thanks for your amazing products. Your Viapal-hgh-M + Ginseng 4X have completely helped lifted me from my 4-year suicidal depression in just a few weeks!' On the Chemical Brain Wash for happiness and sexual orgasm for better life.
He said 'I took MoodMax and Viagrowth IV to very good results and was soon able to return to normal sexual activity very quickly.'; How to get rid of the side effects of antidepressant drugs on her vaginal dryness and irritation for better orgasm..
She said ' his sperm count was 44 million ... the usual or normal sperm count is 14-20 million' after on ViaGrowth-IV and Fibra and getting rid of SSRIs antidepressants; Now, how to lay a healthy egg for making a baby at age 45; more sexual orgasm!
She said 'the Viagrowth IV works great with the fibra' for his Bi-polar
Young women's sexual dysfunction - vaginal dryness and no sexual orgasm
He said 'thank you for the change your advise and products have bring into my life' with ViaPla-hGH-M and DopaFibra for better health, erection and sexual orgasm.
He said ' i liked it ' with ViaGrowth-II for his depression, schizophrenic type psychiatric disorder and anxiety after his 2 -month experiment - restoring mental & physical health and sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-M
Causes and solutions of Interstitial Cystitis; for health and sexual orgasm. He said 'Tonight I had the best sex I have had with my girlfiend in QUITE some time!!! Also, i Feel as if my depression has literally been halved in 2 weeks of taking your products!!!!! You have made a customer for life.'
Her great achievement - He said 'She reached orgasm 3 out of the last 4 times' with help of ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax, even under the influence of SSRIs antidepressant;
He said 'The CD is very comprehensive and the Via-Growth helped removed my low back pain...'; now how to deal with the SSRIs antidepressant's addiction
She said 'I have already noticed dramatic results in my overall health and well being.' for Sexual Orgasm; but, please slow down and don't overdose your body!
She said 'I began to take ViaGrowth IV and I felt better almost instantly.' for antidepression and sexual orgasm.\
He said ' It is now back to being bigger' even he's taking SSRI antidepressants.
ViaPal-hGH-D gives drug/alcohol abusers a hard 2 o'clock erection and helps hold pee up for many hours. The next step is 'lasting longer' for sexual orgasm - solution!
He said 'I have been using ViaPal-hGH-D for about two weeks now and feel great.'; solution for her depression and sexual orgasm.
Customers with blood-pressure or heart conditions love ViaPal-hGH-X for better sexual orgasm
Dr. Lin's formulas have helped the drug abuser restore health, erection and sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's formula solved his adrenal insufficient, chronic fatigue and depression.
ViaGrowth-IV strengthens her vaginal muscle, helps her achieve orgasm and rejuvenates her body.
The erectile drug User confirms Dr. Lin's liver and hormonal dynamics for sexual orgasm!
Dr. Lin's formulas reverse the side effects of the hair regrowth drug and restore erection for sexual orgasm!
Dr. Lin's formula reverses the chemical castration of antidepressants. 

More Cases and Examples:

Pot smoking and chronic over-ejaculation resulted in eye floaters, low back pain, depression, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction - solution
taking 4-month antidepressants kills his libido for no more sexual orgasm
SSRIs antidepressant chemically castrated his pituitary and killed his penile nerves for penile numbness and no more sexual orgasm solution
After SSRIs antidepressant chemically castrated her pituitary and killed her clitoral and G-spot nerves, she abused a vibrator for mechanical and abrasive nervous damage of the vulva and vaginal opening and for painfully inflammatory orgasms with a dull ache and congestion - solution
Over-Masturbation/Over-ejaculation (overmasturbation/overejaculation) resulted in masturbation addiction, peristent sexual arousal symptom, hair loss, memory loss, sleeplessness, Insomnia, depression, premature ejaculation and brain damage for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Overmasturbation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse resulted in blurry vision, eye floater, backache, memory loss, hair loss, attention deficiency disorder (ADD), depression, and so on, for no more sexual orgasm ==>
Antidpressants killed her sexual orgasm; then she used Vibrator to destroy her clitoris and G-spot, to give her stomachache, bad headache, shoulder pain, back pain, nipple desensitization, and yeast infection; and finally got hysterectomy for ultimate destruction.
She has experienced tubaligation induced peri-menopause symptoms such as depression, headache, memory loss, anxiety, sexual dysfunction and vaginal discharge for sexual dysfunction and no orgasm
Why SSRIs drugs can not stop his big anxiety and panic attack after a 30 minute masturbation without ejaculating. ==>
Typical over-masturbation/over-ejaculation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms with dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA, epinephrine/sympathetic nervous disorders with excessive inflammatory hormone production for no sexual orgasm -solution.
Chronic over-masturbation causes his sexual exhaustion and antidepression medication worsens his condition for  frequent urination, dizziness, and headaches, insomnia, nausea, tiredness, occasional black spots in vision ( eye floaters), and retarded ejaculation (seminal production disorder and oxytocin deficiency for no more sexual orgasm
Promiscuous/ excessive sex burned his hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis for psychological and physiological disorders and then antidepressants tranquilizers poisoned his liver for HyperProlactimia, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
Menopause, antidepression drugs, high blood pressure medication, diabetes and sexual orgasm
Serotonin nervous disorder gives him premature ejaculation; SSRIs andepression drugs cause his erectile dysfunction, and PC muscles (kegel ) exercises worsen his premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Solution for perimenopause symptoms (or Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, PMDD ) for restoration of sexual orgasm
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal fatigue - solution. Mistreatment with SSRIs antidepression drugs result in dead clitoris and vagina for no more sexual orgasm
Pot (marijuana) smoking, over-masturbation and then anti-depression drugs destroyed his erectile function and semen production for no more Sexual orgasm
taking 6 months antidepression drugs resulted in no libido, no erection, clear-watery ejaculation (no semen)  and penile sensation for no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation during childhood and puberty resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - loss concentration, memory loss, hair loss, sleeping disorder, insomnia, urinary incontinence, anxiety, depression, premature ejaculation and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation with multiple ejaculation in one love session or one day, resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, neck pain, stiffness, low back pain, pelvic pain, testicle pain, memory loss, sleeping disorder, stress, depression, anxiety, irritability, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and persistent sexual arousal for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation gave him sexual exhaustion symptoms and taking selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs) for sleeping disorder, stress, anxiety, irritability and deficiency of androgen hormones.
Chronic (8-year) Over-masturbation resulted in anxiety, depression, headaches, persistent tiredness, sore eyes, flushed face, sympathetic nervous fires, constipation, memory loss, and frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating since age 7 results in hip pain, pelvic pain, knee pain, eye floater, poor vision, ear buzzing, dizziness, memory deficiency, frequent urination, depression and apathy for no more sexual orgasm
C-section, SSRIs antidepressant and pain killer resulted in  no libido and sexual dysfunction; chronic vibrator abuse gave inflammatory sexual arousal and orgasm, female urinary ejaculation ( gushing )  and sexual exhaustion symptoms - such as body pains, back/neck pain, tingling sensation, cramps, numbness, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, inflammatory eyeball, blurry vision. eye floater, ....
Chronic over-masturbation, pot (marijuana) and tobacco smoking resulted in memory loss, pelvic pain, eye floater, dizziness, precum flooding and depression for no more sexual orgasm 
Solution for sexual exhaustion symptoms and the side effects of SSRIs antidepressants - depression, ear ringing, Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), joint aches, dry eyes, fatigue, blurry vision, low back pain, insomnia, knee pain, low libido and erectile dysfunction.
SSRIs antidepression drugs gives her addition (neuroplasticity) and hyperprolactimia for low libido, clitoral and vaginal numbness and no sexual orgasm
SSRIs antidepression drug shut down his semen and oxytocin production for no sexual orgasm; but withdrawal of the SSRIs drug gave him instantaneously premature ejaculation upon vaginal penetration -solution!
Why drug abuse and antidepression drugs result in excessive prostaglandin E-2 and epinephrine release to induce psychological disorders ( mood swing, anger, and aggression), extremely headaches, shooting pains low stomach swelling, body pains, body heat, light headedness confusion, uncontrollable over-masturbation (persistent sexual arousal), particularly during ovulation, for no more sexual orgasm
SSRIs causes chronic excessive prolactin release (HyperProlactimia) for no more sexual orgasm - solution
Over-masturbation gave him anxiety, sleeping disorder (insomnia), bold head and fatigue; SSRIs antidepressant shut down his semen production and sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation gave him blurry vision, depression, tremors, memory loss, exhaustion and other sexual exhaustion symptoms - solution; what are the possible long-term problems resulted from semen retention or ejaculation shutdown with SSRIs anti-depression drug.
anti-depressants killed his semen production and sexual orgasm, PC exercises gave him groins pains and frequent urination with weak urinary stream and vasectomy triggered his premature menopause (andropause) for sexual dysfunction
Hypertension, diabetes condition and SSRIs andidepression drugs give me impotence for no sexual orgasm; the PDE-5 inhibitor erectile drugs won't work.
Anti-depression medication killed her libido and sexual orgasm
SSRIs drugs killed his erection and semen production for no more sexual orgasm
Tubaligation accelerated her menopause transition for depression and erectile dysfunction; then, using a vibrator and taking SSRIs to killed her clitoris and brain/pituitary function for no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking and over-ejaculation burned his brain and nervous systems and caused his psychological disorders; then , took SSRIs antidepression drugs to shut down his sexual function for no libido and no more sexual orgasm. ==>
Over-masturbating with a vibrator and shower massager since age 7, birth control shot, C-section, and anti-depression drugs chemically and mechanically castrated her brain/nervous function, clitoris, G-spot and vagina for no more sexual orgasm.
Why SSRIs anti-depression drugs also shrink his body, in addition to his penis, for no sexual orgasm?
When antidepression drugs won't help premature ejaculation and erectile drugs PDE-5 inhibitors won't help erection, you have nothing left for sexual orgasm!
Why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical toys can not solve this medical student prostate/urethral/perineum pains induced by chronic over-ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - Solution - Dr. Lin's poor man's Prostaglandin E-1/E-3 Therapy with the low-tech vacuum-cupping massage; On what are differences between 5-HTP and SSRIs antidepressants.
antidepression drugs causes his semen production disorder and oxytocin deficiency for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and heavy pot smoking gave him depression and ocd and then taking OCD and antidepression for no more sexual orgasm .
6-month SSRIs antidepression medication resulted in  erectile dysfunction, semen production disorder (dryness), and penile desensitization for no more sexual orgasm due to a constant elevation of prolactin
SSRI antidepression drug locked up his pituitary-testicular axis for no more libido and sexual orgasm.
chronic over-masturbation and medication drugs damaged his liver and nervous systems for elevation of liver enzymes, pelvic/perineum pains, low-back pains, testicles pains, nausea and indigestion for no more sexual orgasm
andtidepression drugs killed her brain, libido and sexual function; chronic vibrator use destroyed her clitoral and G-spot nerves, blood vessels and erectile tissues for no more sexual orgasm.
Antidepression medication blocked his progesterone-DHEA//androstenedione/testosterone/DHT conversion for feminization his face - for no more sexual orgasm
Causes and solutions of erection and ejaculation induced headaches form middle aged men with antidepression drugs for no sexual orgasm
Anti-depression/anti-anxiety and erectile drugs killed his brain, penis, testicles and sperm/semen production for lightheadedness, headaches, and stomachaches, infertility and no sexual orgasm
Antidepression drug killed her sexual orgasm - solution.
Serotonin nervous disorders and pineal functional disorders resulted in premature menopause, depression, and sex-induced headaches for no more sexual orgasm - solution for sex-induced headaches
Pot smoking, pre-puberty masturbation, SSRIs antidepression drugs killed his 18 years old brain, liver, prostate and penis for premature ejaculation and underdeveloped penis - for no sexual orgasm
Antidepression serotonin and norepinephrine reuptaking inhibitors induced her inflammatorily persistent sexual arousal, resulting vibrator abuse for no more sexual orgasm but body pains!
Antidepression drugs killed his 21 years old penis and semen production for no more sexual orgasm
Hysterectomy caused depression and then taking SSRIs antidepression drugs disabled her pituitary-clitoris vagus nerve link for no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking caused depression and then  anti-depression drugs and pot chemicals killed his 25 year old  brain and penis for fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, ear buzzing and eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm.
Pot smoking, chronic over-masturbation and taking SSRIs antidepression and acne drugs since age 10 killed his 16 years old brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs drug killed her sex for no sexual orgasm
Withdrawal of SSRIs antidepression drugs induced migraine, horrible light and noise sensitivity, and nausea for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
SSRIs drugs causd her orgasmic shooting pain and severe headaches for no more sexual orgasm
antidepression drugs killed her sexual orgasm.
Antidepression drug killed his brain, penile erection and semen production for no more sexual orgasm
Antidepression drug killed his brain and penile erection; and then, penile injection damaged his erectile tissue and nerves for no more sexual orgasm
SSRIs anti-depression drugs and Finasteride killed his brain, liver and hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis for no libido, high anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, low concentration, premature ejaculation, low testosterone, high estrogen and borderline thyroid - no more sexual orgasm
She complained antidepression drug killed his libido, erection, passion, semen production disorder, and sexual orgasm  with HyperProlactimia - How to restore sexual orgasm to save marriage NOW!
Lithium (for bipolar or mood swing) killed his liver and hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis for abnormal high DHEA, Pregnenolene, FSH, Prolactin and Etiocholane level with a low testosterone synthesis for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted in psychological and physiological disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms (brain/nervous and sexual destruction) and taking tons of ADHD and antidepression drugs for ultimate brain destruction and no more sexual orgasm !
Again, Hysterectomy has killed her sex and caused psychological / physiological disorders; then she took antidepression drugs and used a vibrator and vaginal plugs to destroy her clitoral and g-spot nerves for incontinence and no sexual orgasm - the suggested solution
Hysterectomy has killed her sex and caused psychological / physiological disorders; then she took antidepression drugs and used a vibrator and vaginal plugs to destroy her clitoral and g-spot nerves for no sexual orgasm. How to get rid of the drugs and Vibrator for restoration of sexual orgasm
Deficiency of oxytocin (or HyperProlactimia),  or/and antodepression drugs resulted in no more  sexual orgasm ===>
SSRIs antidepression drugs gave him impotence for no more sexual orgasm in few days
anti-psychotic drugs and antidepressants killed his erection and sexual orgasm; on detoxification of the nervous and liver systems for restoration of sexual orgasm
Antidepression drug let her lose self-esteem in enjoying sex and sexual orgasm
Cholesterol drugs and antidepression drugs caused sleeping and sexual disorders for no more sexual orgasm.
After antidepression drugs shut down his semen production and orgasm function,  dopamine (D2) receptor agonist drugs can not help semen production for sexual orgasm - Solution.
Tubaligation sent her into Peri-menopause/PMS and then antidepression drugs killed her sex and marriage for no more sexual orgasm.
SRRIs drugs caused his hypothalamus-pituiary-adrenal and -testicular disorders and disabled his oxytonergic nervous action for nervous de-sensitization, sleeping disorder, emotional instability, memory loss and hair thinning and discoloring, and no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and street/medication drugs abuse (pot, ecstasy, cocaine, SSRIs, antidepression and psychotic drugs killed his brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm
Antidepression SSRIs drugs killed his brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm - solution
Drug abuse (pot, cocaine, cigarettes, blood-pressure drugs and antidepression drugs) resulted in erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm
Pot addiction and antidepression drugs killed his brain and sex for headaches and no sexual orgasm.
Heavy pot smoking for 4 years with OCD and antidepression drugs killed his 24 old penis and semen production for no more sexual orgasm.
Antidepression drugs (SSRIs and Norepinephrine/Serotonin reuptaking inhibitors) shut down his semen production and orgasm function for no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs and anti-bipolar/ Schizophrenia drugs shrunk his penis 2 inches shorter for no more sexual orgasm.
Antidepression drug caused his persistently sexual dysfunctionand semen production disorder for no more sexual orgasm - Solution
antidepression drugs (serotonin and norepinephrine  inhibitors), bipolar drugs and  ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) drugs killed his semen production, penile sensitivity and erection for no sexual orgasm
SSRIS drugs cause ejaculation pains or sensation for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation at a rate of more than 1-2 times a day since age 10 resulted in impotence, no libido, suicidal depression, no motivation for no more sexual orgasm
The SSRIs drug for OCD kills his libido and erection for no more sexual orgasm, and ruins his love relationship
Chronic use of antidepression drugs blocked his penile development for Gynecomastia and HyperProlactimia for premature ejaculation and no sexual orgasm.
Unsatisfied sex, due to antidepression drugs, forces a newly wedded woman to look for a divorce - no sexual orgasm.
A Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptaking inhibition drug kills her libido for no sexual orgasm
Anti-depression drugs shrunk her clitoris and G-spot for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation during 16-19 results in depression/anxiety, leading to a chronic use of  antidepression drugs for chemical castration of the brain for low libido and no sexual orgasm.
A SSRIs anti-depression drugs has shut down his semen production, orgasmic function, penile nervous sensitivity, and  prostaglandin E-1 synthesis in the penile tissue in few days for no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepression drug has killed her brain, libido, sexual excitement and orgasm for no sexual orgasm
The SSRIs drug for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder's (OCD) treatment has killed this 26-years young medical doctor's libido, penis and testicles for anxiety and no more sexual orgasm
Why the SSRIs anti-depression drug has chemically castrated his brain and penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm!
Pot (marijuana) smoking and over-masturbation kills his 19-year old brain, penis and testicles for depression, panic attack, muscle spasms, penile and testicular shrinkage and pains, penile bending eyefloater, blurry vision, varicoceles and more, for no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs or/and Pot smoking kill his brain/nervous function and penis for  no more semen production and no more sexual orgasm
C-section cut her vagus , parasympathetic S2-S4, sympathetic L1/l2 nerves to her clitoris, uterus and cervix for depression, and sexual disorder; then antidepression drugs totally castrates her brain's hypothalamus and pituitary glands (HyperProlactimia), disables her nervous sensitivity and promotes prostaglandin E-2 synthesis for immune suppression and painful intercourse (vaginismus)for no sexual orgasm.
Taking Birth control pills and anti-depression drugs = using 2 big stones to smash a little bird,  for no more sexual orgasm
Tricyclic antidepressant, a dopamine receptor blocker, sets his 18 year old brain, heart, liver, kidneys and digestive system on fires for face stiffness (acetylcholine nervous disorder), cramps, headaches, swallowing difficulty , dry mouth , constipation , stomach pain , kidney pain , fast heart beat , watery and itchy eyes , allergy , swelling skin, red spots on skin, whole body numbness, out of control eye blinking  and no sensitivity  for  no more sexual orgasm.
Anti-depression drugs shrank his penis for no sexual orgasm..
The SSRIs antidepression drug has castrated her boyfriend's brain for no sexual orgasm
Hysterectomy has killed her sex and caused psychological / physiological disorders; then she took antidepression drugs and used a vibrator and vaginal plugs to destroy her clitoral and g-spot nerves for no sexual orgasm
The sex destruction road map from hormone-based birth control  and antidepression drugs to the vibrator abuse for no more sexual orgasm - the death of the clitoris and G-spot
SSRIs anti-depression drugs causes his erectile dysfunction and then penile pumping deforms his penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation for 8 years results in claustrophobia, anxiety, and depression for no more sexual orgasm. why the SSRIs antidepression drugs produce more anxiety, stress and suicidal tendency
Birth control pills caused her psychological and physiological disorder for no sexual orgasm; then she is on the sex-killer anti-depression drugs for more sexual destruction!  here is the solution.
SSRIs antidepression drugs have killed his seminal production for no more sexual orgasm
SSRIs antidepression (Serotonin Selective Re-uptaking Inhibitors) and antipsychotic (a serotonin/dopamine antagonist) drugs shrank his penis for no sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation has burned out this teenager's brain for chronic depression and then he took anti-depression for total castration into a suicidal stage - no more sexual orgasm
anti-depression/stress/anxiety/insomnia drugs causes his erectile dysfunction and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm - Solution
The ultimate solution for chronic fatigue syndromes, depression, seminal production disorder and ejaculation pain or sensation - the restoration of health and sexual orgasm
SSRIs anti-depression drug killed his libido, nervous sensitivity, prostate semen production and love relationship for no more sexual orgasm.
Antidepression drugs causes erectile dysfunction and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm - why and solution.
the SSRIs antidepression drug has disabled her sexual orgasm - why and solution
SSRIs anti-depression drug kills her sexual orgasm -solution!
He said ' I wanted to let you know that I am seeing good results in the last two and half weeks with the Via Pal M package.' on how to make a successful withdrawal from severely SSRIs anti-depression drug addition for more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs anti-depression drugs have killed her sexual orgasm - why and solution.
Why medication drugs can cause erectile and sexual orgasm disorders?
Her brain and sexual castration by hormone-based Birth control and SSRIs anti-depression drugs brings her to the edge of divorce by him due to her inability of having sexual orgasm
Taking SSRIs drugs for 8 years results in prostatitis and prostate numbness for no seminal production and no more sexual orgasm
A combination of the chemical and mechanical castration by antidepression drugs and a vibrator for no more sexual orgasm, but for urinary incontinence.
Anti-depression drugs cause his erectile and orgasmic dysfunction - of course for no sexual orgasm
A long-term side effects of anti-depression drugs on nervous sensitivity and seminal production for no sexual orgasm
The SSRIs anti-depression drug numbs her clitoris and G-spot and kills her libido and sexual orgasm
Birth Control pills, ADD drug and Vibrator kills her clitoris and G-spot nerves for no sexual orgasm.
Anti-depression drugs kills her libido and clitoral and g-spot sensitivity for no more sexual orgasm; even a clitoral piercing and vibrator won't work..
Anti-depression drugs are not for male and female menopause, but for no more seminal production and sexual orgasm. but why your doctor prescribes them for you ? shutting down your sexual/orgasm function for protecting your brain - the ultimate solution!
Medication or street drugs that interfere the nervous transduction to the testicles, prostate and seminal vesicles causes seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
An anti-depression drug numbs his penis, causes his impotence, and cuts off his seminal production for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
SSRIs drug kills her sexual orgasm
The vibrator-induced vaginal damage,  the chemical castration of ant-depression drug, and laser-vaginal reduction are for no more sexual orgasm
SSRIs Anti-depression drugs kills this young girl's sex for no more libido or sexual orgasm!
An anti-depression drug has shut down his prostate's seminal production for no ejaculation and no more sexual orgasm. - Why and Solution!
How to solve the anti-depressant withdrawal symptoms for sexual orgasm and ejaculation control.
Over-masturbation causes anxiety/depression/ADD/ADHD , and then use anti-depression/ADD/ADHD drugs to shut down sexual function for premature ejaculation,  no more erection, no more sexual orgasm in order to preserve the brain's acetylcholine and serotonin nervous functions. if you can not beat it, kill it!
SSRIs anti-depression drugs kills her sexual orgasm - solution!
The SSRIs anti-depression drug killed her sexual function for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
SSRIs antigepression drug causes his sexual dysfunction -low libido and retarded ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
SSRIs anti-depression drug (antidepressant) is gradually killing this young woman's sexual orgasm in a few months.
Anti-depression drug causes his ejaculation pain for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation, drug abuse (Marijuana and others) and antidepression drugs have fully destroyed this young men's sexual function and orgasm - solution
SSRIs anti-depression drugs kills libido and sexual orgasm - Solution.
==> Creatine or/and anti-depression drugs kill erection and sexual orgasm..
Male menopause, antidepression drugs, and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm - solution.
Anti-depression drug kills her sex and orgasm - solution
==> ==>
Anti-depression drug kills her sexual response and orgasm and leads to over-stimulation of her G-spot and urethral nerves for urinary incontinence .
Antidepression/ADHT drugs kill her libido for no sexual orgasm - solutions
Why this young girl's clitoris stays 'hidden' under the side effects of the high blood pressure drug (beta blocker) and anti-depression drug for no more sexual orgasm.
Young Doctor's sexual and orgasmic dysfunction and headache due to anti-depression drugs and pain killer for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
Anti-depression, birth control and blood-pressure drugs kill her sexual function for no sexual orgasm.
Birth control pills cause her depression and then she takes anti-depression drug - two stones kill one bird (sexual orgasm)! or, maybe, 3 stones smash one poor bird.
The anti-depression drug, a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine,  decreased her libido and killed her sexual orgasm.
The antidepression drug, a weak inhibitor of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, causes her PMS and menstrual server pains and cramps - solutions
Antidepressants kill her sexual orgasm -solution.
The antidepression drug, a weak inhibitor of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, causes her severe neck pain
Why the anti-depression drug - a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine kills his erection and sexual orgasm. on the natural birth control.
Yes, ViaPal-hGH-M or -P can help you out for hard erection, seminal production and sexual orgasm when you are on anti-depression drugs.
Anti-depressant killed her orgasm and then she used a vibrator to kill the health of her clitoris, urethra, bladder, vagina, cervix, uterus and pelvic nerves for constant clitoral/vulvar pain, urethral irritation and  urinary pre-incontinence symptom.
Over-masturbation and anti-depression drug killed his sex and caused premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm - solutions.
The anti-depression drug - a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, kills her libido and sexual  orgasm - solution.
Over-masturbation gives him psychological disorder,depression, anxiety, stress, prostatitis, impotence, watery/clear ejaculation (no semen/ no sperm for male infertility!) for no more sexual orgasm
Antidepressants/OCD medication and over-masturbation killed her clitoris and G-spot for no more sexual orgasm.
Death of a young girl clitoris and G-spot for no sexual orgasm
SSRIs antidepressants cause young woman's sexual disorder for no sexual orgasm.
SSRIs Anti-depression and insomnia drugs cause impotence and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Radiotherapy damages prostate; penile injection causes penile deformation; Anti-depressants causes impotent; what can you do for your sexual orgasm?
Anti-depression drug and street drugs kills his seminal production and sexual orgasm; on the effect of Prostaglandin E-1 on erection and Prostaglandin E-2 on orgasm for men and women.
Anti-depression drugs killed his seminal production and sexual  orgasm; penile pumping damaged his penis.

<SSRIs or Other antidepressants and Sexual Castration>

 When you are on pills, medication or street drugs or you have over-masturbated yourself, you become depressive, your love tools are shrinking or less responsive, your seminal or lubrication productions are dried up, and your orgasm gradually disappear. Then, you work so hard to polish your love tools in order to regain erection or/ and orgasm.  So, What are the surprised results you may expect? The death of the penis, clitoris or/and G-spot for no orgasm and beyond (click here for various cases)

SSRIs antidepressants are very destructive. First, they kill the liver functions that produce essential enzymes for hormone and neurotransmitter production. Without sufficient sexual hormones and neurotransmitters acetylcholine and dopamine, your health is downgraded and sexual functions and responses are destroyed. Fortunately, our ViaPal-hGH-E (de-stress/pro-serotonin formula), ViaPal-hGH-M (the pro-seroronin/pro-melatonin formula) and ViaPal-hGH-P (pro-dopamine formula) can help you out.
Antidepressant causes erectile dysfunction; the erectile drugs have many side effects; solution for erection and sexual orgasm.
Vibrator - one of the causes for orgasmic dysfunction in lovemaking for no vaginal, sexual orgasm. What are the other causes?
Birth control pills or/ and anti-depression drugs fully castrate her, of course, for no sexual orgasm.
Restoration of sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation and penile shrinkage caused by antidepression drug medication, for sexual orgasm.
Side effects of anti-depression drugs on sexual and orgasmic functions and seminal production for no sexual orgasm.
SSRIs anti-depressant + Sexual Exhaustion can castrate a teenager.
Effects of SSRIs antidepressants on sexual health and orgasm.
Over-coming antidepression, penetration/intercourse pain and ejaculation pain for sexual orgasm
On Effects of SSRIs antidepresssant on sexual functions; On the penile ballooning method for sexual orgasm.
Vasectomy, anti-depression drugs, and over-active bladder (another type of urinary incontinences) for no sexual orgasm.
Dietary supplement ViaPal-hGH-M is the formula for ADHD,depression, low-back pain, sleeping disorder, erectile dysfunction, penile ballooning, and seminal production.
Anti-depression drugs cause sexual dysfunction; the solution for stress, anxiety, depression and sexual dysfunction.
A long-term use of antidepressants causes erectile/ejaculation or orgasmic dysfunction, penile shrinkage, & premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm - Solution!

Male menopause, antidepression and sleeping-air drugs, over-masturbation, erectile dysfunction, vasectomy, and no sexual orgasm.
The SSRIs antidepressant killed her sexual health and orgasm in 7 months - very effectively!
SSRIs and Prostate Drugs cause sexual dysfunctions - impotence and then premature ejaculation for no ejaculation and no sexual orgasm.
Hysterectomy produces menopause, depression and thyroidism; the medication drugs causes vaginal dryness and soreness for no sexual orgasm.
Bipolar disorder, asthma, heartburn, depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, no sexual orgasm - solution.
Why birth control pills, implant or shot causes sexual dysfunctions for no orgasm - solutions.
Solution for pelvic, rectal and tailbone pains caused by menopause, medication drugs, and chemical birth control drugs.
Antidepression drug kills libido and causes sympathetic fires for no more sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepressants causes seminal production disorder and delayed or retarded ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
SSRIs antidepressants can dry up seminal production and kill sexual orgasm.
Reader's experiences on medication and street drugs, and funny laws about vibrators and sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepressants have killed her sexual orgasm. Here is the solution.
Solution for over-masturbation symptoms, increasing ejaculation volume, erection power, and Sexual Orgasm - avoiding the SSRIs antidepressants
Our products deal with any depression - for hard erection and sexual orgasm.
Overuse of Vibrator (due to SSRIs )causes levator ani syndrome - pain and soreness in the rectum and vagina for no sexual orgasm - solutions.
Side effects of SSRIs antidepressants for no erection and sexual orgasm.
Male midlife crisis and female golden age for sexual orgasm - the dopamine and testosterone drives
Nervous damage due to SSRIs antidepressants and Ecstasy for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
Overcome the side effects of SSRIs antidepressants on sexual orgasm.
Over-modulation of SSRIs antidepressants on the brain's and nervous functions for less seminal/lubrication production, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
On Anti-depression drugs, erection dysfunction and Sexual Orgasm
Damage of Sex Organs by the Vibrator, SSRIs antidepressant, and Penile Enlargement exercises for no sexual orgasm
Birth control pills, clitoral/labia/vaginal/intercourse pains, VAGINISMUS and no sexual orgasm
SSRIs antidepressants, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm.

Causes and solutions of eye floaters associated with sexual dysfunctions and drugs for no orgasm.
Effects on the Hair Growth Drug on erection, sperm production and sexual orgasm
Birth control injection or pills and sexual orgasm
Let ViaGrowth-IV and DopaFibra overcome the sides effects of birth control pills or injection on sexual orgasm.
Low dopamine results in high Prolactin for breast tenderness and milking and for no sexual orgasm
Beta-Blocker drugs and a low testosterone level produce Peyronie conditions for crooking and bending the penis for no sexual orgasm - the suggested solutions.
Alcohol, erection and sexual orgasm
Hypertension, Kidney's Renin action, and false prostate enlargement - for no erection and sexual orgasm
Caffeine, stress hormone, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
A compromise solution for growing hair and penis - restoring erection and sexual orgasm
Effects of alcohol, drugs, smoking and diabetes on the liver and nervous functions associated sexual orgasm
Get ride of SSRIs antidepressant and return to Level-7 sexual orgasm! Here is the How-to

The role of the liver in male and female 'penile erection' and sexual orgasm. And How to castrate yourself!
ViaPal-hGH-D powers the liver, cardiovascular and brain/neuro-endocrine functions for healing, stress release, antidepression, erection and sexual orgasm!
Solutions for drug addiction and erectile dysfunction - restoring sexual orgasm!
The ultimate solution for depression, sexual exhaustion, impotence, frigity and better sexual orgasm .
Why Medication/streets drugs and Birth Control Pill can disable sexual orgasm - the brain/nervous, liver, adrenal and ovarian (or testicular) functions
The erectile drug, allergy, his erection, liver function, birth control pill and her sexual orgasm.
Side effects of Birth Control Pills for no sexual orgasm.
Drug abusing results in orgasm dysfunction; over-ejaculation causes post-intercourse pain and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.

The facts:
Victim of over-masturbation and smoking pot for no sexual orgasm: symptoms and solutions.
Obsessisive Cumpulsive Disorder and Antidepressants, resulting in sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm. sexual orgasm.
All-night long erection and sex with erectile drugs causes PRIAPISM (permanent destruction of the penis) the for no sexual orgasm - another type of
Chemical Castration.
Birth control injection and sexual orgasm.
Abuse of steroids resulting in penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm.
Special Topics! 
Overdose of Birth Control pill/injection can disable the ovarian function for no sexual orgasm and a permanent loss of conception ability.
Hypothyroidism, birth control pill/injection, weight loss drugs, and sexual orgasm
The side effects of Birth control pills and sexual orgasm
Frequent clitoral orgasms with vibrator makes young girl develop behavior problems, and then she has been drugged for no sexual orgasm.
Bill control pill has killed her sexual orgasm - why and solution
Get rid of pain killers and antidepressants for sexual orgasm
Allergy shots and anti-histamine for  no sexual orgasm- solutions
Birth control bills, Liver's Cytochrome P450 detoxification, and sexual orgasm
Promoting sexual orgasm hormone Oxytocin, and reversing side effects of SSRIs antidepressants.
Smoking pot and Overmasturbation, two stones smash one 'bird' for no sexual orgasm!
Antidepressant for no sexual Orgasm and no more vaginal suction.
Drug side effects - dry skin, painful sex and no sexual Orgasm
Birth control pill causes testosterone deficiency and intercourse pain for no sexual orgasm - Solutions
ephedrine + caffeine + aspirin + birth control pill for no sexual orgasm
18-year old's impotency resulting from smoking Marijuana + Overmasturbating for no sexual orgasm.
ViaPal-hGH-X can help cardiovascular functions, and powers erection and sexual orgasm
Workout supplements Tribulus terrestris, Creatine and Ephedrine can screw up your erection and sexual orgasm
How to produce a Level-7 full-body sexual orgasm; Creatine and HTP for no sexual orgasm!
Long-term use of SSRIs antidepressants causes premature ejaculation and no sexual orgasm
Childbirth + SSRIs antidepressants = no sexual orgasm
The SSRIs antidepressants for erectile and orgasmic dysfunction, NO sexual orgasm.
Birth Control Pill affects the balance between Prolactin and Oxytocin for no sexual orgasm.
How to increase Orgasm hormone Oxytocin and reduce orgasm inhibitor Prolactin for more sexual orgasm.
Our customers' confidence is our goal; Dr. Lin's sexual teaching in the CD_ROM makes him have sex for 2 hours and gives her a lot of sexual orgasm (she threatens to bring her friends to take care of him).. 
MDMA or (ecstasy), marijuana, sexual Chi-Kong and sexual orgasm.
Let Heat Tea reverse the side effects of antidepressants for sexual orgasm. 
ViaGrowth-IV and ViaPal-hGH-X for heart and blood-pressure patients to have sexual orgasm.
ReGrow your hair and penis for sexual orgasm
Young men should not take androstenedione, tribulus terrestris, ephedrine and caffeine for sexual orgasm
Young lady, how to overcome the side effect of birth control pill on your sexual orgasm
How to overcome the side effects of birth control pill on sexual orgasm!
Antidepressants, Dr.Lin formulas, and Improving sexual orgasm 
Marijuana and sexual orgasm.
Heat Tea can reverse side effects of Hormone Replacement drugs and Antidepressants for sexual orgasm 
Full-spectrum Hormone releasers for powerful erection and more sexual orgasm 
Dr. Lin's formulas reverse the side effects of the hair regrowth drug and restore erection for sexual orgasm!

Heat Tea gives you the happy hormones Acetylcholine, Dopamine and Norepinephrine to restore your multiple sexual orgasm (s).
Tumors, Cancers, Hormonal Replacement Therapy, Erection, and sexual orgasm.
Radiation/chemotherapy treatment, heart medication,...and ViaPal-hGH-E for sexual orgasm
How Birth Control Pill dampens health and sexual orgasm and how Heat Tea works
Male menopause, birth control pill, and sexual orgasm
Natural contraceptive method for more sexual orgasm!
Let Heat Tea reverse the side effects of antidepressants for sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and the Lockup of endocrine function by Hormone Replacement Therapy for premature ejaculation and no sexual orgasm!==>
Let Heat Tea dewater your vaginal lining and supercharge your G-spot and Epicenter nerves for sexual orgasm
Birth Control Pill (medication), Aging, and Mechanism of sexual orgasm
Birth Control Pill for no sexual orgasm! Solution!
Young man wants Drugs for reducing erection during massage; too much sexual orgasm 
Chemical Castration Drugs slow down the brain, endocrine and nervous functions, deactivate the liver and kidney functions, and disable the communication between the Autonomic Nervous System and the sex organs, to cause sexual dysfunction for men and women. Don't overdose your body with medicines, drugs, alcohol, smoking and birth control pill or injection. They make you sick and cause sexual dysfunction for men and women. If you have experienced or are experiencing their side effects, or even if your body has been damaged by them, our dietary supplements can help you reverse or mitigate their damage done on your body, reactivate or protect your brain, liver, endocrine and nervous functions, regulate your cardiovascular function and kidney's renin-angiotension (blood-pressure control) mechanism, restore your health, get rid of depression, make you happier, and mitigate or avoid their side effects. In Other Words, Dr. Lin and His Dietary Supplements Will Make You Happier! We want you to be happier!
Women's orgasmic dysfunction result from the improper charge of the bioelectric cells in the Contractile Fibers around the uterus and in the Autorhythmic Fibers (Orgasmic Pacemaker) in the Epicenter. Orgasmic dysfunction is caused by aging, smoking, alcohol, baby blue, childbearing, birth control pills, antidepressants, birth control bills/implant/injection , high-blood pressure drugs, diabetes drugs, pain killers, and so on, that block the brain to release the hormone messenger to the Epicenter. Beware of the chemical castration drugs you take everyday!
Heat Tea and ViaPal-hGH formulas are the ultimate solutions for the problems. Why? We used Heat Tea to pinpoint the location of the Orgasmic Pacemaker in the Epicenter for women and the Ejaculation Control Valve for men, so that we can resolve the side effects of drugs on sexual and orgasm responses. And, we use ViaPal-hGH (and/or Heat Tea) package to power the penis (clitoris/G-spot), resulting in penile erection (clitoral engorgement) as shown in . ViaPal-hGH Packages are the most powerful Natural Hormonal Replacement Formulas for Senior and middle-age men and women 
Men experience the same chemical impact on the endocrine, liver, kidneys and nervous systems as women does. If premature ejaculation is caused by excess testosterone in the body, with a hard erection, a light dose of these chemical castration drugs can prolong intercourse. I experienced the effects of alcohol, allergic drugs and pain killers on the prolonging intercourse when I was young. However, the long-term use of the drugs will result in chemical castration. You should take a precaution on the drug abuse. Since the weak erection also cause premature ejaculation, men who have a weak erection should not use these drugs. The solutions for premature ejaculation and weak erection are given in "Premature Ejaculation." and "Erectile Dysfunction.", respectively, for different age groups and physical conditions.

 PS: You can prevent cancers, tumors, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiac problems by eating more green foods and beans/seeds/"nuts." That is why we introduce Mighty (Magic) Greens which is the food for life! Magic Greens is Item 4-001 in

General Solutions:
Reversing Side Effects of Medication Drugs for sexual orgasm
Birth control pill or long-term medication is a double-edged sword for no sexual orgasm.
Low-back pain, birth control pill, and sexual orgasm 
Why testosterone therapy alone won't work for health and sexual orgasm?
Solution for alcohol, drugs and depression for your erection and sexual orgasm
Antidepressants have destroyed her libido and sexual orgasm. solution - Heat Tea!
Hair Growth drug, 5-alpha reductase, dihydrotestosterone and sexual orgasm.
Period and orgasmic pain or cramp are caused by uterine contraction. Solutions for sexual orgasm and pleasure 
General solutions for Erection and Ejaculation Control for sexual orgasm. 
Reader said: Viagrowth III and Paragon have produced a very positive effect on libido and depression in 3 days! Of course, more sexual orgasm! 
ViaGrowth-III and Heat Tea are the romantic-good-old-day product for libido and sexual orgasm! 
Birth Control Pill disabled her vaginal, sexual orgasm, or his erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation did?
Birth Control Pill/implant/injection have disabled her sexual orgasm!
She is chemically castrated by birth control pill for no sexual orgasm.
Dryness, Birth Control Pill, Heat Tea, and sexual orgasm.
Anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, Anti-Migraines drugs, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm.
Pituitary tumor medication, testosterone, 5-Alpha Reductase and Sexual
Orgasm Mechanic Penile Enlargements weaken the erection for no sexual orgasm! Solutions!
Solutions for Beta blocker, her sexual orgasm and libido.
Antiseizure medication kills her sexual orgasm. How to restore her sexual orgasm capacity?
Menorrhagia (menstrual problems) and sexual orgasm!
Let Dr. Lin formula repower a young ADD-damaged liver and endocrine system for sexual orgasm!
Anti-depressants causes a testosterone deficiency for orgasmic pain and cramps. the Sexual Orgasm Problem.
The Universal Tao of Sex for plant/animal propagation and human Sexual orgasm.
Heat Tea or ViaGrowth-I will bring Chemotherapy patients back to sexual orgasm.
Heat Tea and ViaGrowth can help solve Manic Depressive and Multiple Personality for sexual orgasm - abuse of anti-seizure, -manic/-depressive drugs and so on.
Cigarettes and marijuana will deactivate your parasympathetic nervous system for no sexual orgasm
Solutions for the shrinking penis caused by Anti-prostate cancer drugs: for restoring Sexual Orgasm
Antidepressants gives her no sexual orgasm. Solutions!
Birth Control Pill makes no sexual orgasm again.
How to Evaluate the effect of the birth control pill on her capacity for sexual orgasm.
Birth control injection or implant for No sexual orgasm.
Hysterectomy + Antidepressants: Murderers team with robbers for No sexual orgasm.
An abrupt change of sexual response indicates that there is a hormone change in either your or his body- the real sexual orgasm problem!
You need Heat Tea to charge the pacemaker of sexual orgasm.
Vaginal dryness caused by an underactive endocrine system for no sexual orgasm! Chemical Castration!
Birth Control Pills and sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's formula reverses the chemical castration of antidepressants. Long-term subscribers get 20% off.
Heat Tea can reverse the Chemical Castration for better sexual orgasm!
Let Dr. Lin's formula reverse her aging for multiple sexual orgasm(S)!
Dr. Lin's formulas can help senior couples to reverse Chemical Castration for better sexual orgasm!
Don't load too much chemicals into your body; Let Dr. Lin's Natural Hormone Enhancers help you out for sexual orgasm.
Birth control pills/implant/injection can block the bioelectric charge of the autorhythmic fibers for no sexual orgasm!
Let Heat Tea and Vacuum-Cupping Massage help the sympathetic reflex dystrophy patient for sexual orgasm.
The Hair Growth drug grows hairs by shrinking the penis, for no sexual Orgasm.
Shrinking penis syndrome for no sexual orgasm, women surfer too! 
Ultimate solutions for heart patients to solve sexual dysfunction.

Click "In Love We Trust!" for Classified Orgasmic File Expansion (More Orgasmic Files)

Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 
Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin(click here). 
Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.