Medical Breakthrough: The brain pacemaker via Vagus Nerve (the parasympathetic nerve from CN-X) for antidepression!  -  and implies that surgery cutting the vagus nerve sensory circuits can trigger depression!  The vagus nerves outflow reaches the pelvic cavity, including the uterus, bladder, urethra, vagina, clitoris, penis, prostate and testicles!)
Warning: Surgery operation of sex organs may destroy the nerves and arteries responsible for your engorgement/erection and orgasmic responses. Avoid the surgery (even C-section)  if possible:: for vasectomy, click here; for hysterectomy click here; for tubaligation, click here; for penile pumping self destruction, click here; for penile enlargement exercises - self destruction, click here; for vibrator-induced destruction. click here.
Considering the skin serves as a neuroendocrine organ for neurotransmitter and hormonal production ( ),  the penile, clitoral, vulva, vaginal and cervical skin damage by abrasion, over-masturbation, violent sexual activities or surgery can mechanically cause tissue scarring and cellular death and , and disable the skin neuroendocrine function.  The street drugs, medication drugs,  or birth control chemicals poisoning and damaging the skin neuroendocrine cells also chemically produce the same destructive results.

Problems associated with C-section (bikini cut)  (click here); C-section won't preseeve vaginal tightness?

The role of cervix in the Epicenter's sexual orgasm - the brief history of Dr.Lin's discovery and the other researchers' studies on the vagus nerves to the cervix, uterus, G-spot and clitoris. Save your vagus nerves, uterus and cervix for sexual orgasm if possible

He said ' My wife used to have endometriosis before getting pregnant. She used detoxia before getting pregnant for about 4 months.' how to avoid recurrence of endometrioses and to reduce the episiotomy scar for better sexual orgasm
He said 'Doctor thank for all your products. I have grew my penis and my my gf  clitoris and nipples thanks to vip cream are much bigger.' for more sexual orgasm; breast size vs sexual orgasm; breast enlargement surgery destroys the nipple's vagus nerves for no sexual orgasm.
Starting-masturbation at age 7 results in impotence and venous leakage, and penile revascularization surgery for permanent penile destruction, shrinkage and pain
A prostate-surgery patient said ' Been using our products off and on for a year or so but I've using the ViaPal M for about two months. I'm please with results so far.' for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm

episiotomy without stitching the perineum back results in vaginal enlargement for no sexual orgasm
Penile operation for bedwiting (??!!/) can damage the penile nerves, marijuana and cigarettes smoking causes testicular disorders for penile shrinkage, so does weightlifting
Hysterectomy, oopherectomy (ovariectomy) and ballder suspension surgery shrank and desensititized her genital
Vaginal tightness surgery or AP repair can further damage the vaginal erectile tissues and nerves for scarring and erectile dysfunction - no more sexual orgasm
Penile  implant shrinks his penis from 6.5 inches to 3 inches and causes premature ejaculation in couple strokes.
Why Frenuloplasty produced collagen scars and abraded the neuro-muscular endings for sensation and dull pains during sex - no sexual orgasm
Varicocele surgery cuts off the major testicular blood circulation for decreasing the testicular androstenedion, testosterone and DHT production.
C-section gives her low abdominal and vaginal numbness for no more feeling or sexual orgasm
Why vasectomy can give aged men sexual-exhaustion-like symptoms such as prostatitis, ejaculation pain,  blurry vision, eye floater, ear ringing, mental focus loss, anxiety, panic attack and pains in pelvic floor, prostate, perineum, urethra, bladder, low back, legs, feet and joints for no sexual orgasm. 
Hernia repair surgery resulted in groin soreness, testicular shrinkage, low libido and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
Tubaligation gives her menstrual pain, PMS, ovulation groin and leg pain (sending her to Emergency Room several times), mood swings, anxiety, severe depression and migraines for peri-menopause symptoms at age 28
Over-masturbation since age 10 resulted in varicoceles for poor testicular blood circulation and penile shrinkage and pain; varicoceles surgery won't help. ==>
Child birth, followed by vaginal rejuvenation surgeries, tore, thinned and scarred her vaginal erectile tissues for vaginal enlargement and no more sexual orgasm;  Kegel exercises won't help.
Hernia surgery can cut off a part of the penile blood circulation and erectile nerves for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm - a typical example!
varicose vein (Varicocele) surgery can cut off the testicular major blood circulation and over-heat the testicles for premature testicular ageing, erectile dysfunction, testicular and low abdominal pain and no more sexual orgasm
Collagen G-spot injection can turn your G-spot erectile tissues, nerves and blood vessels into dead collagen scars for urinary problems and no more Sexual orgasm
hernia surgery can cause impotence for no sex orgasm
Her female ejaculation resulted from urinary incontinence and why the URETHRAL SUPPORT SLING surgery killed her sexual orgasm
spinal injuries, spinal cord surgery, oxytocinergic nervous pathway, genital numbness, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
Vaginal surgery won't help her tighten her vagina for sexual orgasm
Breast implant can damage vagus nerves for interference of sexual responses and orgasm - solution!
C-section caused vaginal enlargement; vaginal repair surgery further damaged the vaginal blood circulation and nerves and caused vaginal weakness for yeast infection; a prolapse uterus resulted in intercourse pains and urinary incontinence.
Her bladder sling repair surgery killed her sexual orgasm
Again, Kegel exercises and Vaginal surgery didn't help her improve vaginal tightness for sexual orgasm
Why and how C-section destroyed her sexual orgasm?
Transobturator(TOT) Sling and cystoscopy caused her vaginal air pumping for no more sexual orgasm.
Surgery of Peyronie disease screwed up this penis for no more sexual orgasm
Breast implant and hysterectomy are not for sexual orgasm; Now how to restore sexual orgasm
Tension-free Vgainal Tape (TVT) installation resulted in clitoral pains for no more sexual orgasm
C-section and excessive vaginal wetness for vaginal looseness and  no sexual orgasm; Kegel exercises won't work! Why and solution.
Penile enlargement surgery for permanent penile destruction and no more sexual orgasm
Penile jelqing damage, followed by penile implant surgery, for the Massive penile destruction - absolutely no more sexual orgasm!
C-section caused her vaginal numbness (vaginal death!) for no sexual orgasm.
Hernia surgery killed her clitoral and vaginal nervous sensitivity for no sexual orgasm.
Prostate reduction surgery resulted in venous leakage for semi erection and no more sexual orgasm.
Prostate surgery for no erection or sexual orgasm.
Prostate removal also removes most of the erectile, orgasm-control or semen production nerve for no more sexual orgasm.
Pot smoking and penile surgery results in impotence and penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm.
abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) cuts her vagus nerve and blocks the energy pulses of sexual orgasm to her brain.
why breast enlargement is for no sexual orgasm..
Penile implant shrank his penis from 5.5 inches to 5 inches for no sexual orgasm. On the expansion of the glans penis.
Why hysterectomy or breast enlargement surgery causes physiological and psychological disorders for no sexual orgasm
Why C-section is so destructive for no more sexual orgasm
Penile implant has shrunk his penis from  9 x 7 inches down to 6 x 6 inches for no more sexual orgasm
Clitorectomy grounds the erectile and orgasmic nervous circuits for no more sexual orgasm
Vaginal reduction surgery causes her intercourse and peeing pains, vaginal and urethral abrasion, and  urinary incontinence for no sexual orgasm.
A female physician experience with C-section - hypesthesia, vaginal and rectal de-sensitivity, and difficulties for achieving sexual orgasm due to destruction of the vagus/L1/L2 nerves and blood circulation with surgery scars in the low abdomen, pubis and uterus..
Sticky vaginal discharge is due to the cold palace, a deficiency of the Kidney Yang (androstenedione) in the uterus and cervix and a deficiency of Master Yang (dopamine) in the brain for no more sexual orgasm; her cervical operation solved nothing, but gave her more troubles.
cubital tunnel surgery results in powerless hands and fingers for no more sexual orgasm.
Prostate surgery results in retro-ejaculation and penile surgery of Peyronie's Disease kills the penile sensitivity for no sexual orgasm.
episiotomies should not affect vaginal looseness and more sexual orgasm
Solutions for painful sex due to the episiotomy scar, prolapsed or titled uterus/cervix - restoration of  sexual orgasm
On the Solution for penile, clitoral, G-spot and vaginal damage - the prevention and melting of collagenous scar tissue and the restoration of the erectile tissue for penile erection, vaginal tightness/narrowing, and sexual orgasm.
Why C-section (bikini cut) causes touching and orgasmic pains in the clitoral area - Painful sexual orgasm.
Penile surgery for Peyronies disease or penile pain for no more sexual orgasm.
Vaginal surgery for vaginal enlargement and looseness and no more sexual orgasm - why
Nervous damage and blood circulation blockage by C-section for clitoral shrinkage, pelvic numbness and no more sexual orgasm
Tubaligation causes her vaginal and clitoral numbness for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation right after a hernia operation causes urinary difficulty and pain, and ejaculation pain for no more sexual orgasm
Why a hernia operation caused penile bending.
Tubaligation brings this young woman into a pseudo-menopause transition state for bladder infection and long, heaving menstrual bleeding and pains enough to hospital emergency - of course, no more sexual orgasm.
C-Section, over-masturbation and peri-menopauses causes diminishing of sexual orgasm!
C-Section and Fibroid removal surgery do affect sexual orgasm due to nervous damage and surgery scar tissues.
Tubaligation causes young woman's low libido ( having sex once or twice a month) for no more sexual orgasm and possible marriage dysfunction!
Tubaligation and peri-menopauses causes her vaginal dryness for no sexual orgasm, but tubaligation won't cause hot flashes.
Penile damage and surgery for no sexual orgasm.
Vaginal surgery scar causes intercourse pain; his weak erection and PC muscle exercises causes premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
Vaginal reduction surgery causes intensive intercourse pains for no sexual orgasm.
young women's tubaligation results in vaginismus, longer periods, heavier bleeding, irregular periods, post-sex pain and psychological disorder for no sexual orgasm. Tubaligation can bring your ovaries into an pseudo-menopause transition state.
Effects of C-section (Cesarean) and hysterectomy on sexual orgasm
Hysterectomy and sexual orgasm - solutions
He said ' But the VIP cream is certainly helping, and the curvature scar tissue is actually feeling softer already after just 60 days.'; VIP Cream can also help dissolve other scar tissues in the vagina or clitoris
Penile injection results in penile shrinkage and curvature ( peyronies disease !); prostate surgery causes impotency.
Vaginal Tightening and the side effects of tubaligation on sexual orgasm.
On Peri-menopause pains; Psychological and physiological Impacts of Hysterectomy on women are beyond sexual orgasm.
Side effects of prostate surgery for no erection and sexual orgasm.
Prostate surgery, damage of the parasympathetic nerves, incontinence, impotence, Prostaglandin E-1, alpha blocker, and erection for sexual orgasm.
Tension free Vaginal Tape (TVT) repair of stress incontinency will negatively affect G-spot sexual orgasm.
Prostaglandins production, massage, temperature, and pains in low abdomen/back, groins, testicles and tail bone - no sexual orgasm.
Nervous destruction by a penile surgery in an attempt to correct the penile curvature.
Kidney removal results in less seminal production and sexual orgasm
C-section, long-hour sex, vaginal abrasion, and sexual orgasm
Hysterectomy and vaginal reconstruction results in sexual dysfunction and his premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
hysterectomy, C-section and their side effects on health and sexual orgasm.
Excessive estradiol grows labia minors (and vaginal lining for no sexual orgasm)
Prostate removal and Sexual Orgasm
Vasectomy or hysterectomy is not a plumbing job, but associated with the bioelectric circuitry for erection and sexual orgasm
Side effects of vaginal reduction surgery - killing sexual orgasm
Surgery scars in the piriformis tendon cause orgasmic pain painful sexual orgasm - solution.
Solutions for Penile surgery resulting in no sexual orgasm; mechanism of  male/female multiple sexual orgasm (s)
Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation surgery destroyed her sexual orgasm, why?.
Suggested solutions for Erectile dysfunction caused by trans-urethral-prostatectomy and a curved penis.

Special Topics:
How to heal the vaginal scar tissues and damaged nerves for sexual orgasm.
Intercourse with a large penis for sexual orgasm by avoiding pain.
Vasectomy may result in the roller-coaster change of mood and erection, for no sexual orgasm
Side effects of Vasectomy for no sexual orgasm
C-Section, tube tightening, and hysterectomy weaken testosterone and estrogen production for no sexual orgasm.
Side effects of Vasectomy for no sexual orgasm
Side effects of Vasectomy on Sexual Orgasm?
Side effects of Vasectomy for no sexual orgasm
He is trying to straighten up his curved penis (due to circumcision) for sexual orgasm
Side effects of Vasectomy for no sexual orgasm
Elevating testosterone and tuning vaginal muscle (no Hysterectomy , Hysterectomy?) for sexual orgasm
Clitoral surgery for no sexual orgasm
Female circumcision and sexual orgasm
Ovarian removal, Libido, Heat Tea and sexual orgasm.
Vasectomy, semen production and sexual orgasm. 
Vasectomy, ejaculation problem, and sexual orgasm. 
Vasectomy, ejaculation disorder, and sexual orgasm. 
Exercises for uterine prolapsing, vaginal reduction surgery and sexual orgasm.
Testosterone/DHEA, Hormone Replacement Therapy, vaginal muscle strength, vaginal reduction and sexual orgasm ==>
Causes and solutions of unknown low-abdomen pains and cramps - no hysterectomy! associated with sexual orgasm!
Surrey, peyronie disease, erection and sexual orgasm
Vaginal Reduction surgery and sexual orgasm.
Penile Enlargement Surgery destroyed the penis for no Sexual Orgasm.

The effect of partial hysterectomy on female ejaculation, upon sexual orgasm. 
Female Circumcision, Clitoridectomy, and sexual orgasm.
Restoring sexual disorders (no Orgasm and intercourse pain) due to Child Birth, with Heat Tea, Clitoral massage and Finger Pliers Method for sexual orgasm.
The effect of Caesarean section on Hormone Deficiency and sexual orgasm!
Over-Circumcision for no sexual orgasm
Removal of the Cervix, Birth Control Pill, and sexual orgasm!
Does hysterectomy or the endocrine disorder cause labia minora to grow?
Hysterectomy and sexual orgasm!
Testosterone therapy won't work for hysterectomy patients under deactivated liver and adrenal functions: No sexual orgasm.
Does the breast (penis) enlargement affect the sexual life?
Can I improve my sexual performance by enlarging my penis?

Existence of the G-spot Orgasm and more sexual orgasm

Back-up Theories and Principles:

 Where is sexual energy from? And Use of sexual orgasm?
Direct stimulation of the prostate drives him nut! too much sexual orgasm!
She experienced Level-7 sexual orgasm!
Middle agers can double their sexual orgasm with Dr.Lin CD_ROM and ViaGrowth products!
Multiple orgasms result in the female sexual exhaustion, too much sexual orgasm! ViaGrowth-III can help!
How to overcome the tilted uterus for sexual orgasm!
Nipple suction induces sexual orgasm!
Means for Penile enlargement - the strange male mind! and sexual orgasm!
Masturbation, good or bad, why? and sexual orgasm!
How to restore the sexual orgasm capacity from sexual exhaustion!
Erectile dysfunction and sexual-orgasm disorder are physiological, not psychological!
Senior woman wants to continue enjoy Level-7 sexual orgasm!
How to elevate the male capacity for sexual orgasm!
Sexual Orgasm is the little death, but how do you know if she fakes sexual orgasm!
Birth Control Pill disabled her vaginal, sexual orgasm, or his erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation did?
Dr. Lin feels guilt since his Finger Pliers Method makes her come in consecutive sexual orgasm (s)!
He has been trained by Dr. Lin as a super sex machine for a lot of female sexual orgasm!
Young Virgin experienced the clitoral sexual orgasm!
How to promote the brain function for solving frigidity for sexual orgasm
Multiple ejaculations, super male sexual orgasm, female ejaculation, and kosher sex for more sexual orgasm
The Tao of Love for better sexual orgasm!
Herbal supplements for more female ejaculation during sexual orgasm!
Orgasmic incontinence - too much sexual orgasm! Possible solutions!
She wants the Epicenter sexual orgasm, but his penis is shrinking! Solutions!
Dr. Lin's sexual techniques help him completely control ejaculation for better sexual orgasm
The relationship of the stimulation points for both sexes for sexual orgasm!
==> Practice Sexual Chikong Intercourse to tighten the vagina muscle for better sexual orgasm!
Why he can't hold an erection for sexual orgasm!
Epicenter's sexual orgasm is very violent!
Natural erection is a meter of the male body age for sexual orgasm
Endura or ViaGrowth plus Paragon can increase the penile sensitivity for more erection and sexual orgasm

Click "In Love We Trust!" for Classified Orgasmic File Expansion (More Orgasmic Files)

Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.