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Case Study: Ouline of powering up the penis and clitoris/G-spot/Epicenter for prolonged intercourse and multiple sexual orgasm (s).
Reader: 10/25/1999>
can't hold out long enough My girlfriend doesnt have an
orgasm easily and I want to satisfy her as much as she does me.
How can I get myself to hold out longer for her?
Dr. Lin: 10/27/1999>
How long you can hold?
Reader: 10/27/1999>
About 15 minutes hot and heavy.
Dr. Lin:10/28/1999>
You don't have the premature ejaculation problem.
Your problem is "mis-timing!"
Two ways to solve the problem (not your own problem):
1. Extending your ejaculation holding with Sexual ChiKong Breathing or Anal Breathing Methods -
The tricks of these methods are: during intercourse, applying a light pressure to your bladder and contracting the tail bone muscle between the anus and tail bone. You need some "off-line" practices whenever your body is in a relaxation state. It will take weeks or months to do it correctly.
and more in
2. Accelerating her sexual response with the clitroal shaft/glans massage to power up her clitoris (5-20 minutes). To make her come, her clitoris must be swollen to 3-5 times bigger than that in the flaccid state as shown in
A swollen clitoris is a measure of the G-spot/Epicenter enlargement, that is, an indicator of the vaginal expansion or the supercharge of her autorhythmic fibers (Orgasmic Pacemaker) in her Epicenter and the contractile around her uterus as shown in
When her clitoris reaches the powered-up state, you can trigger her clitoral orgasm by a continous cliroal massage, or vaginal orgasm with a simple penile thrusting, or high-level (Level-6 or -7) orgasms by a simutaneous stimulation of her clitoris, G-spot or/and Epicenter.
You can power up her clitoris by alternating the clitoral massage/stroking (as shown in clitpwr.jpg), the simultaneous massage of the clitoris/G-spot/Epicenter with my Finger Plier Method, or/and my 3-point Excitation Love Position as described in
If she as too much estrogen or too less testosterone in the bloodstream, it will be impossible to power up her G-spot for vaignal orgasm even if she is very wet. This situation can happen to any women who take birth control pill, medication medicines and drugs, are heavy smokers or drinkers, or experience hormonal change due to childbirth, stress or aging. In this regard, she should take Heat Tea to repower her nervous, endocrine, cardioviscular and liver functions. The G-spot can be powered to the same size as the swllon clitoris shown in lovetool.htm
Once her G-spot is swollen to that size, she will feel very itchy inside there and ask for penetration and thrusting . If you can power up her clitoris and G-spot before penetrating, she can orgasm within few minutes (1 minute if you have a powered-up penis with my 3-point Excitation Position) after both of you start to thrust each other. Your 15-minute ejaculation control timing can make her come more than twice!
She should periodically contract the vaginal muscle to develop a very itchy point in her vagina, and bring her mind into the focus of this point, her G-spot or Epicenter whichever becomes more sensitive. This is the most important sexual exercise for women, using intercourse to strengthen the vaginal muscle and to tighten the vaginal orifice. She should practice the Tai-Chi Yang-Kong Breathing as described in
3. Expanding (powering up) your penis to 120-140%, which pops a hidden section (extra 1-2 inches) of your penis out of your body during intercourse -
You have to hold the ejaculation back several times with the Sexual ChiKong Breathing to suppercharge the contracile fibers in your penile base/footing, groins and tail bone as described in
Under this situation, the penile cyclinders are expanded to the extreme that generates a high blood pressure inside the penis to interrupt the communication of the urethral nerve from the urethral orifice to the prostate. The urethral sensory nerve is marked as a green circle in
At this stage, the penis becomes semi-numbed.
If you hold up one more ejaculation, the penis will further expand to block the penile power-up nerves (the green dots) in the superior side of the penis as shown in fig6-17b.jpg, the penis will become fully numbed and no more penile expansion will occurs.
This is why a man can hold ejaculation for 60-120 minutes, as described in
Case8517.htm describes the feeling of a powered-up penis.
Women will experience the same feeling when the vagina is fully expanded.
Lovetool.htm shows the powered-up penis and clitoris/G-spot/Epicenter which maked her come 3 times in one love session until she called for ejaculation to finish the love action. We have usually used this lovemaking procedure since we entered our "adult" life. In this way, orgasm has instantly stimulated our brains (hypothamalus/pituitary) to produce more hormones to compensate the ejaculation loss. We have discovered high-power orgasm can energize our bodies, without feeling tiredness, sleepness or exhaustion after each lovemaking.