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Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
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Case Study: Dr. Lin helped her successfully develop her sexual orgasm.
(Another successful sexual orgasm story; and the feeling difference between the G-spot and Epicenter sexual orgasm ==>/cases/case8713.htm)

Reader: 12/1/1999>
Thank you for Heat Tea, your tips on developing my G-spot with your finger plier method, and the video demonstrations in the CD_ROM on the vaginal muscle exercises. Supprisingly, I experienced my first orgasm in my 30 years. It was very sucessful for me in this training program. My partner was amazed at my clitoral size when I was about to come. Last night, he repeated the procedures you suggested: Massaging the labia major first and then clitoral base/shaft/glans, and applying the finger plier massage to my clitoris and G-spot at the same time, as you said. He took several pictures of my clitoral engorgement during these massages. I erupted like a volcano. Then, he made me come again with his penis. I was almost blackened out with a lot of goose bumps. Is this normal? I am also attaching three photoes of my clitoral change(before stimulation, after clitoral massage, and after finger plier massage) to help you evaluate my sexual response.
Dr. Lin:12/5/1999>
Yes, it's normal. This is a typical response of the 2nd sequence of multiple orgasms in one love session. This also happen to men in the 2nd or 3rd ejaculation.
The third picture shows the Finger Plier Massage gave you Level-6 or 7 orgasm since your clitoral shaft was fully powered up. This implies that your G-spot protruded to the same degree as the clitoral enorgement. In the third picture, your pelvis experienced an expansion pressure due to the vaginal tenting or expanding effect (I call it the Power-up effect) which is the same effect as the Penile Ballooning Effect as termed as the Natural Penile Enlargement as described in
What your experience is the same as
/cases/case8478.htm (G-spot/Clitoral growth)
/cases/case8517.htm (unusual penile erection)
and more in /extra/enlarge.htm
We have consistently observed the same ballooning (expansion) effect on the male and female lovetools (the penis, clitoris, G-spot, vagina, and labia) when women are about to break the orgasmic barrier, as shown in
We use the degree of clitoral and G-spot engorgement to justify when we should trigger womem's orgasm.
Without proper engorgement, forced orgasm by diretly stimulating the Epicenter (orgasmic Pacemaker) will result in intercourse and post-orgasmic pains or cramps. If women can not balloon the G-spot and clitoris to an extreme state which they will feel expansion pressure against the grions and tailbone area, they should take 1 tablet of ViaGrowth-III and drink Heat Tea, 30-60 minutes before engaging sex. And during lovemaking, they should also watch a porn movie while their men work on their love tools in the course of cliroral massage, oral sex (clitoral licking and sucking while fingering the G-spot,) finger plier stimulation, and penile thrusting with a high attack angle.
It usually requires at least 20-30 minutes to power up the clitoral and G-spot to an extreme for achieving orgasm. To trigger the first orgasm (breaking the orgasmic barrier) in one love session, it requires a fully powered-up penis as shown in
It is very difficult for women to achieve orgasm without powering up the love tools. That is why most intercourses fail to give women orgasm.
However, if he use my 2-Point Excitation Method (simultaneous stimulation on the clitoris and G-spot, including the Finger Plier Method) to trigger your first orgasm, he can use his naturally erected penis, without fully powering up, to make you come for the 2nd time in a love session.
Your pictures demonstrate the tricks of how to orgasm, as I advised.
Can I use these pictures to help other sisters out? Do you allow me to put these photoes in this website or Love-and-Health Network?

Reader: 12/7/1999>
OK, if they help.
Dr. Lin:12/9/1999>
Thank you for your courtesy.

Updated Note (12/17/1999): The following picture shows the result of our clitoral/G-spot massages done in 1993.

Reader: 12/17/1999>
Last night, he used Vitamin E to lubricate my labia and massage my clitoral shaft, glans and base, while I was practicing "Moving a plastic egg" as described in /cases/case8649.htm and the CD-ROM Sexual ChiKong Demonstration. I experienced an unusual orgasm with a lot of discharge from my vagina as shown in the attached picture. It wetted my bedsheet. Can you tell me what was that? My clitoral glans became too sensitive to touch, but he followed your instruction to continuously rub the upper-left corner of my clitoral shaft and base, and G-spot after I started to orgasm and pushed out the plastic egg. I surfed the orgasmic waves for several minutes last night. Thank you for your tips.

Dr. Lin:12/17/1999>
It was the so-called "Female Ejaculation" from your uterus/vagina as a result of powerful uterine contraction (a combination of the G-spot, Epicenter amd Clitoris orgasms, named as the Level-7 Orgasm,) which flushed out your cervix mucus.
The cervic muscus is very thick and particulate, in the High-temperature Period (Medically, it is called Luteal Phase) of the menstrual cycling as shown in

It will become yellowish and taste sour if it has been trapped inside the vagin for several days.
Obvously, you have been in the Luteal Pase and never had sex for 2 or 3 days. The powerful orgasmic ejaculation has flushed the uterus/vaginal waste out of your vagina. The natural vaginal cleaness done by powerful orgasm is one of the benifits produced by frequent orgasm (2-7 times a week). If you can have orgasm 2-7 times a week, you don't have to dope your vagina with cleaness chemicals that may change your vaginal PH value for infection, and Your vagina will be always clean and tasty, and smell good.
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.