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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms
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Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]<
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>Readers testified Dr. Lin's "Penis Power-up Method" - Expand your penis.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case7506.htm

Case Study ->The Natural Penile Enlargement Method - Ballooning Method, for better sexual orgasm.(unedited) This is a Copyrighted method for users' private use only! Our readers said "It works!"
Reader: 10/16/1998>My Question for you Dr.Lin is. IS there any way to increase the size of my penis naturally if so please let me know i am 26 years old.
Dr. Lin:10/17/1998>( Updated News: 6/11/1999 - We have successfully tested a Human Growth Hormone releaser and erection promoter called ViaGrowth-III and ViaGrowth-IV (to be available in 12/1999 or 1/2000) to help you enlarge and repower your penis. Warning: This product will give you frequent erection and increase your sexual frequency and ejaculation volume. It will promote secretion of 5-alpha reductase to burn your testosterone into dihydrotesterone (DHT) , increase the Nitric Oxide level in your bloodstream to relax the penile arteris and tissues for erection, and genertate more bioelectricity for the parasympathetic, sexual nerves to continuously actuate erection. Hormone burst and burning will heat up your body (your fingers and toes too) and the penis, create a erection pressure in your low back (tail bone) and grions, and stimulate the penile tissues to expand. If you can not have an initially natural erection which is a pre-requirement for the penile enlargement, you must take ViaGrowth products to repower your endocrine, liver, cardiovascular and nervous functions which are essential to "regrow" your penis.

The Natural Penile "Enlargement" can be done by inflating the spongy cylinders in the penis with cooperating works of the Blood Circulation, Automatic Nervous (ANS), and Endocrine Systems. The principles and procedures are given in the attached graphs Pensruc.jpg (click here) and Enlarge.jpg(click here). Please read them carefully. This method has been copyrighted, but I disclose it for our readers' private use, not for commercial purposes. Basically, it will use a lot of bioelectricity in the parasympathetic, sexual nerves of the ANS to create an extreme hydraulic blood pressure inside the penile cylinders, while the Endocrine system continues to produce free testosterone to charge the ANS. You have to charge your ANS first by raising the testosterone level in your bloodstream. Let your ANS create a hydraulic blood pressure down there. Then, massaging the penis base and footing will direct the blood flow to expand the spongy cylinders to an extreme. I call this method "Ballooning Method". This method is an extension of my penis Power-up method that requires no herbal supplements.
The piezoelectric effect due to the compression of the pubis on the penile expansion process also generates an extra bioelectricity to increase the power in the sexual nerves.
Once you groundbreaks this natural enlargement of your penis, your penis will naturally expand to that ultimate size so long as your ANS has enough bioeletricity to drive your blood circulation down there. Your heart beats will be around 90-110 beats per minute. A lower heart beating rate won't work well, while a higher heart beating rate, resulting in "Premature Ejaculation", won't do it easier. If you have a high-blood pressure, you need ViaGrowth products to help you out.
Why can the ballooning effect numb the penis? Please read


For herbal supplements, please go to

UPDATE: (3/13/1999)
Readers Experiences with the Penile Power-up/Ballooning Method:
Penile Ballooning (Enlargement) Method works pretty well and then how to give her Level-7 sexual orgasm
Dr. Lin's Penile Power-up Method works for him, lasting for 40-60 minutes and more sexual orgasm. Blood Congestion and Hormone disorder causes penile and vaginal shrinking and uterus prolapsing. Her are the Solutions.
Readers testified Dr. Lin's "Penis Power-up Method" - Expand your penis.

Updated: (10/15/1999)
How to Practice the Natural Penile Enlargement for sexual orgasm!
He experienced an unusual erection and sexual orgasm with ViaGrowth-III which is for the Natural Penile and G-spot Enlargement
Dr. Lin's Penile Power-up Method works! Why? More sexual orgasm!
He said Dr. Lin's Natural Penile Enlargement (Power-Up or Ballooning) Method wroks well, for sexual oragsm.
Sexual ChiKong, Ejaculation Frequency, and Penile Enlargement for more sexual orgasm
Taoism sexuality and engineering science for sexual orgasm

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.