Erectile dysfunction
Looking for Erectile Solutions(Click here) ?
But you have to Understand the common Causes
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation/excessive-orgasm can castrate your
hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular(ovarian) axis by arterial constriction and
inflammatory narrowness in your brain and pelvic organs (testicles, prostate,
seminal vesicles, penis, ovaries, uterus, vagina and clitoris) due to excessive
release of prolactin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, excessive binding of
norepeinephrine/epinephrine on the alpha-adrenergic receptors, the
norepinephrine/epinephrine induced excessive prostaglandin E2, and the post-sex
deficiency of nitric oxide and prostaglandins E1/E3 production. Once your
hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular(ovarian) axis is locked (tightened up), you
will lack of androgen hormones (DHEA, testosterone or/and DHT) to unlock it. In
the good old days, we castrated animal testicles by mechanically tightening up
the arteries to the testicles. Over-masturbation, over-ejaculation, excessive
sex or/and excessive orgasm produce the similar castration effects as the
mechanical one. To prevent the castration effects, you have to keep your blood
flow to your brain and testicles after having sexual activities and experiencing
sex-induced stress. The post-sex androgen hormones and oxytocin in your
bloodstream or/and residual semen are essential to keep arterial dilation via
the nitric oxide and cGMP release from the vegal/parasympathetic nervous
endings , as well as the action of the stress hormones norepinephrine and
epinephrine on the sympathetic nervous beta-adrenergic receptors where partially
blocking the alpha-adrenergic receptors may be required.
why does his erection fade quickly from a very stiff erection when he starts to move and why does his penis go limp to nothing in 5 minutes during sex?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16847.htm
He, 66 years old, said ' Eleven days ago, I started taking the Viapal N, plus 3000MG fish oil and one 50mg of 5-HTP daily. I take viapal N exactly as directed on the bottle.
I also massage penis twice daily with VIP cream and I take Energia 3 times daily. My erection frequency has improved according to what I wanted when I started...morning erections everyday and frequent
erections throughout the day. However, my physical well-bing seems to have doubled or tripled.'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16688.htm
A chronic over-masturbation customer (since age 5!) said 'When I got to college I was on action love products and it helped. I was a college athlete and was always doing intense weight training.
' Products for good marriage life and hard erection
He said 'I have been taking Viapal-V for my penis enlargement process( 2nd
order) and my wife has noticed a difference when I enter her.(thank God)' add
DeToxiA to burn blood sugar.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16552.htm
He said ' I'm taking double dosage of DopaFibra I have less and less pain
in the back I feel real good inside I gain on thickness and and I gain 1 1/4
inches ' why can a hard-rock erection in bed can become soft when standing up?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16530.htm
Taking Finasteride for 12 years and smoking pot (about 10 lbs) for 5years result in no libido, no erection and losing ability to have love relationship
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16839htm
Over-Masturbation addiction results in depression, high
blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, low libido, no erection, memory
loss, bady pains, anxiety, no confidence , hair loss and no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16842.htm
Sexual exhaustion symptoms: grey hair, testicular pain, penile pain, prostate pain, ejaculation pain, liver pain, spleen pain, precum leakage, frequent wet dream, pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction, tiredness and no concentration.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16838.htm
Chronic over-masturbation with pot (marijuana) smoking results in watery ejaculation, semen or precum leakage, hair loss,
backaches, back pain, allergic rhinitis, stomach cramps, frequent urination, excessive sweating, erectile dysfunction - going limp for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16793.htm
Medical marijuana shrinks his testicles and penis
and gives him premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16748.htm
His 7 month experiemental results with Finasteride: loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, low sperm ejaculation, testicular pains, low back pain, and
pelvic pain.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16803.htm
He is impotent, but she, hot and horny, doesn't believe in celibate marriage. how can they save marriage?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16695.htm
Her wild ride cracked his penis for erectile dysfunction
Marijuana smoking with chronic masturbation results in severe back pain, pelvic pains, sexual dysfunction, irritable bowel syndromes, and urinary incontinence. Solution: silence HLA-B27, inflammatory cytokines and COX-2 gene expression
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16739.htm
3-month penile pumping results in weak erection for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16830.htm
Over-masturbation hurts his middle-aged penis and let his penis go limp and ejaculate too fast, premature ejaculation, for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16828.htm
He have experienced sexual exhaustion symptoms: back pain, pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction, eye floaters and weak urinary stream, Prostate massage damaged his prostate for no feeling and no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16825.htm
Overmasturbation at several times a day results in prostate inflammatory pain, chronic prostatitis, weak erection (going limp), rosacea, eye floaters,
and frequent urinary urgency for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16821.htm
Chronic (8 years) over-masturbation results in sex exhaustion symptoms with post-orgasm burning sensation, explosive head pain, sleeping disorder, muscle weakness, concentration and attention deficiency (ADD) ,
laziness, weak erection and no more sexual orgasm. Long-term abstinence won't reverse the excessive sex induced neuroplasticity.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16750.htm
Over-masturbation and drug abuse, including marijuana, ecstasy and Alprazolam, result in low serotonin, GABA, dopamine
( too low to be turned into norepinephrine and epinephrine) and a high Phenylalanine level (insufficient enzymes for L-tyrosine,
L-dopa and dopamine syntheses and blocking L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP to cross the blood-brain barrier for the brain's serotonin deficiency),
leading to eye floaters, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction at age 19 for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16733.htm
Breakup induced over-masturbation, over-ejaculation and porn addiction result in sexual exhaustion symptoms
- inflammatory Pain (in the brain, back bone, groin, leg, abdominal, liver area, tailbone, penis, testicle, prostate area, and joints), ejaculation pain, semen leakage, unwanted discharge,
low sperm count, watery ejaculation, inflammatory penile veins, impotence, premature ejaculation, blurry vision, buzzing ears, dry skin, memory loss, numbness, burning sensation, panic attack, frequent urination urgency, incontinence,
anxiety, depression, rapid heart beat, short breath, cold penis, hypertension, mood swing, lost confidence, insomnia, and chronic fatigue symptoms.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16716.htm
His chronic Over-Masturbation and over-ejaculation give him eye flaoters, penile shrinkage, and premature ejaculation and her chronic abuse of vibrators burns out her hypothalamus-pituitary axis for vaginal scarring, migraines, anxiety and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16747.htm
pre-puberty over-masturbation and over-ejaculation at
about 3-4 times a day results in underdevelopment of the penis (only 4 inches in erection!)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16700.htm
On superior penile size and growth for sexual orgasm and the limitation of the erectile angle with penile size - the cantilevel beam theory and the deflection induced tissues scarring
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16713.htm
Antidepressant causes his testicular and penile shrinkage, testosterone and semen deficiency, perineum burning pains and inflammation, and no libido - no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16728.htm
Penile sensitivity, erection, semen retention and prostate pains
Chronic over-masturbation results in fatigue, memory loss, frequent urination, low back pain, weak erection and no orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16692.htm
Why do you go limp during sex and then ejaculate without
control? The sympathetic nervous Flight (going limp) and Fight (premature
ejaculation) during sex
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16689.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation since age 12 results in sexual exhaustion symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, weak erection, depression hair loss, eye floaters, ear ringing (Tinnitus), loss of mind focus and memory - and becomes a loser for no more sexual orgasm, but why?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16685.htm
Finasteride destroys 5-alpha reductase genes in the liver, pituitary,
muscles and testicles for zeroing sex drive, soft erection and muscle twitches,
low ejaculation volume and semen production disorders.
He said 'I've tried your products in the past and they have worked great
for me.' chronic over-masturbation history at 5 times a day, having sex up to 8
times a day, penile pumping, amphetamine and SSRI antidepression drug use, and
long sitting for back pain and erectile dysfunction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16660.htm
Over-masturbation have underdeveloped his penis, given him body pains, dizziness, frequent urination and high blood pressure
and failed him to satisfy his wife who bought several vibrators almost twice as his size
for vaginal enlargement and clitoral/vaginal erectile tissue scaring, nervous
damage and blood vessel damage
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16657.htm
Chronic over-masturbation in conunction with mixing alcohol and
antipsychotic drugs results in memory loss, absentmindedness, weight gain, hair
loss, overheating, exhaustion, weak erection, frequent urination, weak urinary
stream, weak semen ejaculation, retarded nail growth and dry skin
Finasteride shrunk his penis from 6 inches to 4.75 inches; and feminized his
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16549.htm
It is not easy to be a pornography actor and stronger man at the same
time. Multiple ejaculation per shooting causes sleeping disorder, hair loss and
thinning, soft erection and less semen release.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16425.htm
Chronic over-masturbation / over-ejaculation, alcohol abuse, weightlifting,
creatine use and so on result in testicular functional disorder with a very low
testosterone level (320 ng/dl), testicular pains and swelloness, and, of course,
erectile dysfunction.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16542.htm
Chronic over-masturbation /over-ehaculation promotes midelife crisis with
sexual exhaustion symptom - chronic fratigue, longer than 7 days refraction (reconvery)
time, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, dinzziness, memory loss, pelvic
pain, sex pain, testicular pains, no morning erection, depression, anxiety,
little sperm, penile pain, prostate pain, kidney pain, sundekn dark eye circles.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16540.htm
Chronic (24-year) over-masturbation / over-ejaculation since 13 result in
sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction,
low libido, eye floaters, anxiety, depression, poor concentration, stomach
problems / pains, bady pains ( hand pain, arm pain, leg pain, groin pain, recum
pain and anal pain.
Low testosterone causes insufficient erection for premature ejaculation
Sleeping positions affect night erection. sleep
like a fetus. Why your erection goes limp after getting out of the bed?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16331.htm
Chronic over-masturbation / over-ejaculation results in blurry vision, eye
floaters, ear ringing, excessive sweating, panic attack, headaches, joint pains,
knee pains, ankle pains, premature ejaculation, penile shrinkage, and semen
deficiency (weak watery ejaculation).
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times a day since 13 results in low sex
drive, weak erection and premature ejaculation in couple seconds for no more
sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation at 5 times a day resulted in low back pain,
tailbone pain, testicular pain, neck pain and stiffness, dark eye circles,
seminal production disorders, erectile dysfunction, headaches, fatigue,
exhaustion, stress and anxiety for no more sexual orgasm at age 32
Penile enlargement with penile weightlifting and later penile pump results
in erectile dysfunction and going limp during sex.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16456.htm
Super horny teenager having a great sex life expereinces erectile
dysfunction (going limp) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16443.htm
Chronic over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation with pot smoking and alcohol
abuse results in testicle discomfort, pelvic pains, premature ejaculation,
penile downward curvature, and feeling a shame of not giving his wife sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16436.htm
drug abuse (alcohol + methamphentamine + Cocaine) and over-masturbation (50
times a week) give him erectile problems, mood swing and tiredness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16427.htm
10-year out-of-control, addictive over-masturbation results in body
weakness, fatigue, premature ejaculation, nervousness, bipolar (mood swing)
anger or short temper, frequent urination, low back pain, penile and testicular
shrinkage, shyness, speech impairment, joint pains (arthritis), losing body
control ( out-of-control shaking and movement, Parkinson's syndromes),
persistent sexual arousal, impotence, psychological disorders and no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16415.htm
Chronic over-masturbation with pot (marijuana) and cigarette smoking since
age 15 results in erectile dysfunction, memory loss, penile coldness (no blood
flow, no androgen hormones), tremors or uncontrollable body shaking (
parkinson's syndromes), penile shrinkage, involuntary crying during masturbation
and ejaculation, and ear ringing for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16409.htm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation results in headaches, nervous
inflammatory pains in the brain, dizziness, memory loss, testicular pains,
depression, anxiety, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, penile
shrinkage, tremors, shakes, liver pain, chest pain, abdominal pains, diarrhea,
stomach upset, no appetite, racing heart to 120-130 per second, and no more
erection and sexual orgasm
SSRIs drugs and cholesterol lower drugs castrates his
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis for low libido, erectile
function and anxiety; even, PDE-5 erectile drugs won't work, except pounding his
heart crazily. How the adrenal, testicular and liver P450 detoxification
system orchestrate the metabolism of LDL to androgen hormones (DHEA,
testosterone and DHT) and/or cortisol for better and/or worse
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16401.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation singe age 5 results in sex
addiction, persistent sexual arousal, weak back, foggy vision, high blood
pressure, sickness, ear ringing, blurry vision, low back pain, anal/perineum
pains, irritable bowel symptoms, loose stool, graying hairs, penile shrinkage,
depression, testicular pain and no more sexual orgasm - why and solutions!
He said 'have used products years ago and had good results. ' Solution for
new problems such as testicular pain, prostate pain, penile shrinkage and
erectile dysfunction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16307.htm
Solution for middle-agers' premature ejaculation, soft erection, and
bowel/rectal incontinence
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16383.htm
Weight lifting kills his morning erection for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16394.htm
Chronic over-masturbation has shrunk his penis to a very small size and let
him ejaculate in 20 seconds during vaginal intercourse
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16374.htm
Over-masturbation gives him impotence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16371.htm
Penile enlargement stretching device damages and shrinks his penis for
erectile dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm, even PDE-5 inhibitor erectile
drug won't work.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16363.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times daily since age 12 results in blurry
vision, joint pain (arthritis), memory loss, hypertension, persistent sexual
arousal, leg and hip numbness, penile under-development and shrinking,
testicular shrinkage and testicles retracting into the pelvis.
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times daily since the high school year
results in erectile dysfunction, no semen, eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss,
ear ringing, constipation, incontinence, depression, anxiety, hypertension,
fatigue and tiredness for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16359.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and self sexual abuse since age 11 results in
chronic prostatitis, burning tingling, weak erection, hair loss, ear ringing and
penile bending for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16355.htm
Chronic overmasturbation at several times per day since age 13 results in
sinus problems, allergy, visual problems, hair loss, erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation in seconds, sleeping disorders, and frequent urination
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16334.htm
Abuse of cock-ring made him become impotent for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16325.htm
Several-year marijuana and cigarettes smoking results in impotence; even a
high dose of erectile drug PDE-5 inhibitor won't work
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16311.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation (Multiple ejaculation
practices ) results in urinary urgency, premature ejaculation, anxiety, frequent
toilet trips, erectile dysfunction, and body overheating during intercourse for
no more sexual orgasm
Penile operation for bedwetting (??!!/) can damage the penile nerves,
marijuana and cigarettes smoking causes testicular disorders for penile
shrinkage, so does weightlifting
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16285.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-5 times a day since age 15 results in hair
loss and then taking DHT blocker/inhibitor causes penile shrinkage for weak
erection and premature ejaculation ( ultra-sensitivity of the penis)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16275.htm
Good-old-days over-masturbation causes precum flooding, testicular tender
and swollen pains, erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm at age 42.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16269.htm
20 year Over-masturbation at 1-2 times per day with pornography stressed
out his hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis for obesity,
hypertension, psoriasis, arthritis and hypogonadism
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16256.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms,
such as erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis without infection, low back
pain, eye floaters, blurry vision, ear ringing (tinnitus), precum flooding,
premature ejaculation, no libido, depression, anxiety, frequent urinary urgency
(incontinence), penile pains, groin numbness, ejaculation pain,
post-ejaculation pains lasting for days, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and
hemorrhoids rectal or anal venous enlargement and valve damage for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16254.htm
His over-masturbation starting at age 13 resulted in elevation of prolactin,
low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, muscle spasms and twitching,
back/leg/arm/hip pains, muscle tightness and pains, joint cracks and pop in the
wrists, knees, legs, and elbows, penile shrinkage, burning and cold sensation in
the groins/butts/legs/feet, testicular pains, precum flooding,
post-ejaculation/-orgasm allergic responses (watery eyes, sneezes and runny
nose) and prolonged refraction time..
Excessive sex with over-ejaculation results in sexual exhaustion symptoms,
such as backache, buzzing ears, headaches, memory loss, depression, anxiety,
ADD, bipolar, penile shrinkage and ejaculation without erection for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16241.htm
5-month ecstasy abuse burned her husband's penis as well as his dopamine and
serotonin nervous systems for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2 times a day since age 13 results in erectile
dysfunction (going limp) at age 20.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16203.htm
Pregnancy, orgasm disorders (due to
high placenta's progesterone) and penile erection; the high estrogen and
progesterone level in the pregnant woman's vaginal secretion can shrink the
penis and disable the erection; the natural protection of pregnancy
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15997.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation with pot (marijuana) smoking and alcohol abuse
gives him premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, hypertension and burning
sensation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16233.htm
Chronic masturbation every day since age 15 resulted in high blood pressure
and low libido at age 23, followed by weak erection semen production disorder,
no sex drive, no more morning erection, chronic back and neck pain, low
testosterone (testicular functional disorder), insomnia, depression,
palpitation, tiredness (fatigue), short breath, dizziness, memory loss, anxiety,
and panic attack at age 33
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16230.htm
Hypothyroid functions cause low testosterone production, low libido,
impotence, low energy, lack of focus and low mood. Why estradiol and its
metabolites are harmful?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16159.htm
Why do the PDE-5 inhibitors stop working for erection?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16162.htm
Heavy pot smoker experiences severe lower back pain frequent urination,
ejaculation disorders -watery ejaculation, premature ejaculation, weak erection
(going limp) and low sex drive (no libido)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16152.htm
Weight training kills his erection and libido, why? Weight Training induced
excessive cortisol, prolactin, norepinephrine and epinephrine for arterial
constriction and partially blocking blood circulation to the brain, testicles
and penis for no sexual orgasm.
Sida Cordifolia and Ephedra gave him amphetamine
nervous toxins glaucoma, exhaustion, sleep apnea, erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation, in conjunction with over-masturbation, for no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16166.htm
Good-old-days bad habits - marijuana smoking, cigarette smoking, alcohol
abuse and over-masturbation accelerate his sexual ageing for erectile
dysfunction and penile shrinkage from 8 inches to 7 inches. Ok, tune up your
sexual engine, overhaul your transmission and paint your wagon for your new
attractive 26-year old girlfriend.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16088.htm
Our creative customer did experiments by mixing VIP Cream with our products
and applying the mixture to his penis , and said ' i am amazing about vip
cream....When i mix vip cream + arginox, i wake up with a rock hard
erection...when i mix vip cream + dopafibra, my penis seem more longer, i do it
in the morning...and finally vip cream + penissos is helping me with my penis
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16134.htm
He said 'How amazingly accurate are your listing of symptoms for various
conditions.' chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking gave him eye floaters,
depression, erectile dysfunction (going limp)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16049.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in impotency, penile shrinkage, high
blood pressure, dizziness, eye floaters, buzzing ears, no libido, fatigue,
weakness, no sex for 10 years, spermatorrhea (involutary ejaculation or semen
leakage), low/middle/upper back pain, and depression
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16232.htm
Over-ejaculation with daily masturbation and intercourse results in eye
floater, penile numbness, erectile dysfunction, and semen production disorders
for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16177.htm
Finateride gives him erectile dysfunction, post-ejaculation prostate and
urethral burning sensation, intestinal inflammation, coldness in the genital
area, eye redness, blurry vision, pelvic pains, low libido, penile and
testicular pains, ear ringing and watery ejaculation for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16120.htm
SSRIs causes his erectile dyfunction and disables serotonin synthesis
for premature ejaculation. Solution for erectile function and
premature ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16148.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 12 resulted in urinary incontinence, eye
floaters, knee pains (arthritis), precum flooding, inflamed penile veins and
arterial contrition induced testicular castration for erectile
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16143.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 1-2 a day since childhood resulted in low
sexual drive, no sexual arousal (dopamine and oxytocin deficiency), anxiety,
sleeping disorders, and going limp.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16142.htm
15-year Overmasturbation resulted in adrenal fatigue, rectal pain,
disillusioned disorders, dizziness, blurry dry eyes, eye floaters, muscle
weakness, constant thirty (overheating by excessive norepinephrine), hair loss,
brain fog, anxiety, depression, memory loss, erectile dysfunction, weak
neuroimmune, and sinus infection for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16140.htm
Having sex 2-3 times a day results in erectile dysfunction, poor penile
blood circulation, low back tightness, performance anxiety (going limp and
premature ejaculation) and limb shaking (Parkinson's syndrome) for no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16119.htm
chronic over-masturbation every day since age 14 with pornography and
heavy-duty weightlifting results in lack of concentration, blurry vision,
abdominal pain, low back pain, memory fog, anxiety, mood swings, erectile
dysfunction, seminal production disorders and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16113.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation up to 3 times daily and pot (marijuana) smoking
gives anxiety, depression, panic attacks, constipation, low abdomen/pelvic
inflammatory pains, erectiel dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16110.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation and pot smoking results in erectile dysfunction
at age 22, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation, post-ejaculation
tiredness, depression, loosing balance, headache and memory loss for no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16108.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation at 2-3 times a day since age 12 results erectile
dysfunction, going limp before penetration, and then premature ejaculation in 30
seconds, for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16107.htm
He has experienced first-handed sexual exhaustion symptoms - testicular
shrinkage, penile shrinkage, precum leakage, premature ejaculation, blurred
vision, memory loss, no concentration, and poor blood circulation for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16076.htm
Her hardcore weightlifting, bodybuilding fiance experiences erectile
dysfunction, with creatine, but mo steroids abuse for his erectile function
(going limp), seminal production disorders and no more sexual orgasm
Solution for classical penile jelqing (beating) damages- inflammatory pains,
tingling sensation, groins weakness and pains, penile shrinkage and low libido
(sexual exhaustion symptoms).
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16090.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation at twice a day results in
erectile dysfunction (going limp), premature ejaculation in 2 miuntes, and
post-ejaculation/post-orgasm sickness (feeling dead and faint, tiredness,..)
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16100.htm
25-year over-masturbation results in hair loss, prostate dull pains,
migraines, semen production disorders, erectile dysfunction, high BPH, and
swollen prostate for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16087.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation results in erectile dysfunction,
blurry vision and gonads pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16098.htm
chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation results in low/middle/upper
back and neck pain, Carpal Tunnel wrist pain, eye floaters, memory loss,
frequent urination, depression, fatigue, ear buzzing and erectile dysfunction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16070.htm
Low testosterone with a high estrogen causes hair loss, prostatitis, and
erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16065.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 12 results in erectile dysfunction and
penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16061.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at twice a day since age 14, and then
practice of over-masturbation without ejaculating with pornography abuse for 2
years since age 23 results in erectile dysfunction, prostate pain, penile pain,
premature ejaculation, cold penis and testicles, penile and testicular shrinkage
into the body for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16060.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation at 3-5 times a day since age 24,
with pot smoking, results in hair thinning, mood swing, brain fog, precum
leakage, penile shrinkage from 8.5 inches to 6.5 inches, erectile dysfunction,
asthma, and persistent sexual arousal at age 32, for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16052.htm
5-year chronic over-masturbation at 3 times a day since age 13 results in
penile and testicular shrinkage, tiredness, no motivation, weak erection, pains,
eye floater, blurred vision, dark eye circles, red eyes, eye dryness, ear
buzzing, headaches, dizziness, hand shaking, Parkinson's symptoms, memory loss,
brain fog, low back pains, adrenal pains, anxiety, panic attack, weak erection,
precum/semen leakage, premature ejaculation, and seminal production disorder for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16045.htm
Chronic pot smoking (marijuana abuse) and alcohol abuse results in weak
erection, impotence, penile and testicular shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
Penile pumping and penile exercises causes inflamed thromrosed vein,
weak erection, and weak ejaculation; chronic over-masturbation during age 14-21
results in depression, procrastination, sexual addiction (persistent sexual
arousal), memory loss, no concentration, cloudy mind and frequent urination.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16039.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 2-3 times a day since age 12 resulted in body
weakness, eye floater, headaches, testicular and penile shrinkage, erectile
dysfunction, precum flooding and body cramp for no more sexual orgasm at age 22.
chronic over-masturbation at 2-5 times a day since age 15 results in
thinning hair, bold head, chronic joint pain, low back pain, premature
ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (going limp)
Over-masturbation/over-sex at 50 times a month for a year at age 40 results
in sexual exhaustion- depression, severe low back pain, testicular pains,
dark eye circles, eye floaters, total exhaustion, severe brain fog, prostatitis,
insomnia, anxiety, and no more morning erection.
Why erectile drugs won't work any more, but let him suffers from precum
leakage and back pains.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16008.htm
Our products can help Spinal cord injury patients to improve sexual life,
including erection and ejaculation control.
Solution for low back and leg pains, blurry vision, memory loss, premature
ejaculation, panic attack, and erectile dysfunction - exhaustion symptoms of the
dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis.
Chronic masturbation at 6-8 times every day from the age of 15 till
the age of 28 resulted in impotence, penile shrinkage, chronic asthma, skin
disorders (eczema ? excessive histamine!), stress, anxiety, panic
responses, memory loss, poor concentration, hair loss, premature ageing and
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15994.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation at 5-7 times a week since 12
results in hair loss, prostate pain, penile pain, low back pain, anxiety, ear
buzzing, painfully and weakly frequent urination, penile curvature (damage),
memory loss, leg and toe numbness, penile shrinkage, post-ejaculation pain, and
erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15992.htm
Pot abuse and daily masturbation results in eye floaters ADHD, memory loss,
weak erection, sugar craving, sleeping disorder (insomnia), pornography
addiction, and persistent sexual arousal, but no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15985.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in porn addiction, obsessive sexual
behaviors, migraines, pollen allergy (excessive histamine release), chronic
fatigue syndrome (adrenal exhaustion), thyroid disorders, testicular failure,
low immune, erectile dysfunction, low libido, and even heart attack for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15965.htm
2-year antidepression medication results in low libido, erectile dysfunction
and tight scrotum (testicular function disorders) for more more sexual orgasm.
How antidepressants disable the dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular
(ovarian) axis for castration.
http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15949.htm Long-term side effects of
5-alpha reductase inhibitor Fibasteride - low libido, erectile dysfunction, low
semen production, low penile and scrotum sensation, ejaculation orgasm
dysfunction, memory loss, weakness, muscles loss, chronic fatigue, hangover,
cold feet and hands, diarrhea, mood swing, depression, suicidal thought,
feeling of emasculation and evisceration for no sexual orgasm
Porn addiction and over-masturbation since age 13 results in weak
erection, going limp, post-ejaculation prostate pain, premature ejaculation, and
watery ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15940.htm
PDE-5 inhibitor erectile drug induced 5 hours erection, priapism, resulted
in pain in perineum, penile burning sensation, and erection difficulty,
impotence, for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15938.htm
Chronic over-masturbation at 1-2 times a day since age 12 results in
weak erection, premature ejaculation, water semen and frequent urine leakage for
no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at 8/9 times a day for the past 7-8 year results
in no more morning erection, low testosterone, high LH, testicle shrinkage, no
libido and no more erection for sex and sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation results in premature ejaculation, erectile
dysfunction (going limp), precum leakage, urethral itching/sensation,
penile/groin/leg/prostate inflammatory pains, hair loss, irritation, anxiety,
mood swing, loss concentration and absent mindedness for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation since 14 results in fatigue, tiredness, low
back pain, stress, anxiety, weak erection, premature ejaculation, semen leakage,
memory loss, eye floater, fuzzy vision, dark/black eye circle, thin hair, white
hair, and hair loss at age 19, for no more sexual orgasm
Porn addiction with over-masturbation/over-ejaculation has burned out his
acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and GABA nervous function and exhausted his
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis for sympathetic nervous
Fight and Flight responses, precum leakage, premature ejaculation, going limp
and impotence
Chronic over-stress in war zone results in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), depression, panic and erectile disorders
due to serotonin/GABA neuroplasticity in hypothalamus, hippocampus and adrenal
glands - Dr. Lin's proposed solution for neuroplasticity reversal.
Couple-week PC Muscle Exercises resulted in weak erection, premature
ejaculation, groin pains, and perineum pain.
Solution for excessive testosterone-estrogen conversion induced over-weight,
outgrown male breasts (gynecomastia), weak erection, low libido, mood swing and
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15891.htm
Exhaustion of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis
shut down his sexual function (losing libido) and erection (going limp), the
sympathetic nervous flight responses to sexual stimulation, for protection of
his brain and organs with excessive prolactin for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15633.htm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation resulted in dark eye circles, frequent
urination, anxiety, blurry version, memory loss, pornography addiction and
erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation at about twice a day during puberty, following by
using the erectile drugs PDE-5 inhibitors for impotence, resulted in poor
vision, stress, anxiety, mood swing, and hair loss for no more sexual orgasm -
you can prove the sexual exhaustion symptoms yourself too! why Not?
Suffering is Believing.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15310.htm
He said 'I have been taking Viapal-V for my penis enlargement process( 2nd
order) and my wife has noticed a difference when I enter her.(thank God)' add
DeToxiA to burn blood sugar.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16552.htm
He said 'I took your advice and felt better and better' with ViaGrowth-III
and Ginseng 4X+ for over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms
including frequent urination, stomach cramps, penile shrinkage, weak erection,
penile pains, testicular pains, tailbone pain, legs pain, and feet pain;
how to troubleshoot persistent sexual arousal and pornography addiction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15929.htm
He said 'I must really thank for your help during my prostate problems I had
several years ago. Your medications cured me.' now how to solve the
sympathetic nervous Flight response - going limp during sex for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15632.htm
Penile enlargement weightlifting and pumping results in erectile dysfunction
and glans damage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15861.htm
Psychological stress, due to business loss and then overmasturbation,
results in sleeping disorder (insomnia), penile deformation, erectile
dysfunction, instant premature ejaculation before vaginal penetration, digestive
disorders, weak eyesight, and ear itching sensation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15863.htm
Low serotonin + high norepinephrine = Psychological stress for inflammatory
responses, hair loss, infection, eye floater, tension headaches, joint pains,
eye pains, pulsate tinnintus, slow mind reaction (ADD), testicular and penile
shrinkage, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15843.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and having sex since age 12 resulted in sexual
exhaustion symptoms with inflammation- whole body muscle pains, headaches,
migraine, dizziness, blurry and blue vision, memory loss, frequent urination,
pelvic pain, penile pain, testicular pain, precum or semen leakage, depression,
hypertension, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction at age 36 for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15856.htm
Overindulgence in pornography and over-masturbation during age 20-25
resulted in erectile dysfunction, instantly premature ejaculation, hair loss and
constipation. Body builder noticed penile shrinkage - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15825.htm
Why weight lifting kills his sexual
function and erection, and gives him premature ejaculation
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15649.htm
Chronic inhaling of glucocorticoide steriod resulted in water ejaculation,
hair loss, erectile dysfunction, no libidio, and penile shrinkage for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15806.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and alcohol abuse resulted in erectile
dysfunction, preamrure ejaculation and semen production disorder for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15801.htm
Enjoying too much sex resulted in exhaustion of the
dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and serotonin and GABA nervous
control for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and no more sexual
orgasm (leaking ejaculation)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15791.htm
Pot smoking and pornography addiction resulted in no ejaculation control
(severe premature ejaculation), erectile dysfunction, no morning spontaneous
erection, over-sensitized glans damage, low back pain, constipation, semen
leakage, and psychological disorders.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15799.htm
Body builder noticed penile shrinkage - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15765.htm
Intense exercises lowered his libido and shrank his penis.
Finasteride killed his seminal production, shrank his penis and grew his
breasts and abdomen.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15755.htm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation (at 2 times a day) destroyed his
parasympathetic nervous erectile function in despite of a high testosterone
level for this young man. This is why the PDE-5 inhibiting erectile drugs won't
premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, less concentration, impatience,
anxiety, aggression, less confidence, hatred, dark eye circles and sexual
addition (persistence sexual arousal) can induce by low serotonin (melatonin),
oxytocin, dopamine and cortisol level with a high level of glutamate, histamine,
prolactin, testosterone and DHEA
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15703.htm
After his acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine, serotonin and GABA
nervous system, neuro-endocrine function and liver system has been damaged or
blown up by excessive norepinephrine, epinephrine, glutamate, histamine,
cortisol, prolactin, prostaglandin E2, or/and excessive Monoamine oxidases (MAO)
toxins such as 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL),
3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycoaldehyde (DOPEGAL), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), he could not heal his damaged brain,
neuro-endocrine system, liver and prostate, associated with the sympathetic
Fight (premature ejaculation) and Flight (going limp), by simply stopping
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15629.htm
Chronic over-masturbation, drug abuse, addiction, marijuana smoking, and
cigarette smoking resulted in concentration loss, fatigue, premature
ejaculation, penile shrinkage, erectile dysfunction - no sexual orgasm
Prostate removal resulted in impotence, and penile injection scarred and
crooked his penis for no sexual orgasm
The neurotransmitter profile associated with erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation, despite of a high testosterone and DHT level.
Chronic over-masturbation / over-ejaculation results in sexual exhaustion
symptoms - lower back ache, knee cracking, buzzing ears, blurry vision, memory
loss, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, weakness, fatigue and
laziness for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15626.htm
Thyroid disorder (hypothyroidism, or "hyperthyroidism induced by T3
medication") with high T3, but low TSH and T4, under T3 or T4 medication drugs,
causes the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular functional disorder
for low libido , erectile dysfunction, muscle and joint aches (arthritis),
fatigue, loss of concentration, and sleeping disorders. It may be due to liver
and kidney functional disorders with excessive 5'-deiodinas in the bloodstream
Sexual exhaustion symptoms - the nervous excitotoxicity with
excessive epinephrine for sympathetic nervous Fight and Flight responses for
going limp, erectile dysfunction, low libido, premature ejaculation and no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15534.htm
Either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism causes weak erection and premature
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15504.htm
Penile pumping scarred his erectile tissues, nerves, and arteries and turned
his penis into a tiny, hardened collagen-scar sausage for no more erection and
sexual orgasm - solution!
Solution for penile pumping damage, penile-enlargement pills induced
sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight, semen production, erectile function and
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15441.htm
Hernia repair surgery resulted in groin soreness, testicular shrinkage, low
libido and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
How and where DHT is synthesized for penile growth; the role of testicular
function in DHT production; Diabetes causes penile shrinkage or underdevelopment
His question ' what's making my penis become bigger in the flaccid state and
cause me to have more erections at night when I'm sleeping?' with ViaGrowth-IV,
Moodmax PinealTonin, and ArgiNOx. on positive or negative Exercises on sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15347.htm
Solution for Sexual exhaustion symptoms with body pains, low back pain, low
andomen pain, frequency, headache, anxiety, fatigue, penile shrinkage and
premature ejaculation - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15560.htm
Penile milking and jelqing enlargement exercises inflamed his penis and
damaged the erectile nerves and blood vessels for erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation.
Why drug and alcohol abuse, with diabetes, resulted in high blood pressure,
heart attack, erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
Hernia surgery can cut off a part of the penile blood circulation and
erectile nerves for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm - a typical
varicose vein (Varicocele) surgery can cut off the testicular major blood
circulation and over-heat the testicles for premature testicular ageing,
erectile dysfunction, testicular and low abdominal pain and no more sexual
Finasteride killed his liver and testicular function for penile shrinkage,
erectile dysfunction, low semen production, and no sexual orgasm; on the role of
the liver enzyme 5-alpha reductase in DHT production, semen production and
penile growth.
Why did he get penile pumping damage for no more erection and sexual orgasm?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15242.htm
A young man's Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are associated
with an extremely low Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Serotonin, GABA,
Glutamate and DHEA level - a typical example of brain/ nervous and adrenal
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15203.htm
Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal fatigue let his penis go limp up vagina
penetration and his 8 months wife is still a virgin for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15113.htm
Why did his penis shrink? for no Sex orgasm (OK, Go to
penile enlargement essentials)
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15011.htm
Over-masturbation and pot chemicals thin his penis by hardening tunica
albuginea for no weak erection and sexual orgasm; on penile growth and
enlargement factors
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15029.htm
prolonged use of sildenafil citrate may increase the risk of fibrosis in the
penis -
Over-use of the erectile drug sildenafil citrate resulted in penile numbness
for no more sexual orgasm
Bad News: He has been swallowing large quantities of her stringy, brown
vaginal discharge to shrink his penis 1 inch for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14141.htm
Why hardcore weightlifters and bodybuilders experiences erectile
dysfunction, with creatine, but mo steroids abuse for no more erection and
sexual orgasm - On the effects of the heart rate to erection and sexual
His wife had affairs in her office with a big penis for sexual orgasm, since
he could erect properly.
taking 6 months antidepression drugs resulted in no libido, no erection,
clear-watery ejaculation (no semen) and penile sensation for no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15053.htm
Anal breathing training let him experience dry orgasm with tailbone muscle
contraction during sleeping; why a strong erection lifts the testicles up .
Post-ejaculation induced prostaglandin E-2 can trigger midnight spontaneous
erection, but don't be fooled to ejaculate again for pains and
physical/psychological disorders - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14881.htm
Simple Rule: Protect your liver or lose your erection!
OK! I would like to tell you How to become a victim of penile enlargement
practices for no sexual orgasm
Warning! Warning - Her wild ride on his weakly
erecting penis broke or smashed his love tool for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10184.htm
Dopaminergic erectile pathways power by DopaFibra! He said ' That evening when I went to bed (about 5 hours after taking my androgens) I lay in bed and had a spontaneous erection. It was the strongest I have had for a long time. It lasted 30 mins without stimulation from the hand.'
He, a drug abuser (marijuana, LSD, etc.) and over-masturbator, said ' I used an array of your products a few years back and had some good results.
I didnt realise I had good results until I had a sexual encounter... '
He said ' i must appreciate you for your magic products:VIAPAL-HGH-J and ANGI-NOX, which help me out from ED.NOW i can have normal intercourse.'
He said 'Just wanted to give you my latest update after taking your products for the last 3 and half years.
The great news is that recently my desire and erections have improved even though its cold.' and No more sexual exhaustion symptoms
He said ';I am enjoying your products,' AND he wants become a
Midnight Cowboy again! Suggestion: Learn Dr. Lin's techniques to make your partners achieve orgasm without ejaculation.
He said 'I'm really impressed by your products. I have been taking viapal-j
plus omega-3 and omega-6 three times daily for one month, and I think I'm having
really good results. I was thinking that I could be a lost case finasteride
victim, but the first month give me great hope.' have improved his
erection and libido
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16519.htm
He said 'Years ago I purchases some of your products and they were helpful
to rejuvenating my sexual organs after damage by a penis pump which resulted in
urine and semen leaking from my penis prematurely (premature ejaculation but
also drippiness after urination) and less rigid erections.' Learning the Finger
Pliers method, anal Breathing, Sexual Chikong, Screwing Method and Resonant
Excitation Method for powerful sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16515.htm
He said 'i ordered viapal e this helped me a lot with sleeping problems and
my anxiety, phobia and starting to get morning erections... Taking high amounts
of viagrowth iv and dopafibra will make me horny to go back to my old ways this
has happened to me before' Boosting the testosterone level solve the andropause
induced insomnia, anxiety, phobias, aches, pains, thinning hair and
erectile dysfunction with Viapal-hGH-E and DopaFibra
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16514.htm
He said 'I've noticed my libido has increased tremendously and my erection
has improved about 60%. Seminal leakage is also lesser. Hot flushes are getting
better too.' with a low dose of ViaPal-hGH-E, (1 Moodmax +1 Pinealtonin in the
mornings after breakfast and 1 Viagrowth IV and 1 Pinealtonin at dinner).
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16444.htm
He said 'My sex life is good thanks to your via pal products.' why a high
fever gives him alopecia areata hair loss? and why doing heavy weight lifting
causes frequent urination or bladder or prostate panic response?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16413.htm
An extremely sexual exhausted customer said ' Thanks a lot for your
medicines , as you suggested low dose i am taking since 45 days and i
think i am improving a lot. i am getting morning erections better than before'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16404.htm
He said 'I am happy to say that ViaPal hGH-D works very well for me....The
penis appears to be larger in the flaccid state now and there is very often a
semi erection. Spontaneous erections are more often.' when your dopamine level
is high, ViaPal-hGH-D is more effective than ViaPal-hGH-P
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16398.htm
He said 'ive been doing the balooning method so far and my penis looks
slightly thicker,.., and penis gets bigger furthur on the edge from
ejaculation,' What is the principle behind penile ballooning? And what
cause the penis go limp from erection?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16386.htm
He said 'thank you first of all for your help with me and my wife i am
currently taken product #3-010. my recent blood test shows that my cholesterol
levels are perfect according to my doctor, and i am now able to achieve the one
o'clock position.' Erecting to 1 o'clock postion is every man's dream!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16372.htm
He said ' i was ejaculating 5-7 times a week for almost 9-10 months and
started to have lower back pains and joint pains. With moodmax the pains
disappeared.... the problem is that everytime i have sex and succeed in
not ejaculating, the next day I feel the desire to ejaculate'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16349.htm
He said 'Thank you again for your advice and your wonderful supplements.
Now, I have been enjoying great sex and relationship with my girlfriend.' for
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16343.htm
He said ' Thank you again for your wonderful products. I can sustain
powerful, spontaneous erections now on my own. It seems like taking the Ginseng
4X+ with ArgiNOx and ViaPal-hGH-J made a big difference healing wise.'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16301.htm
He said ' For the past 3 weeks I have taken the advice of your website and
taken proper herbal supplements to control the urge to masturbate. I feel
more charged, more attentive, and more energized. I even wake up to
erections in the morning now.' with LoveLonger Formula for powering the
erection, improving the erection angle and reducing stress-induced arterial
constriction in the penis and testicles.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16293.htm
He said ' I have been using your product and have seen great results.'
A weak dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis deplete her libido.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16266.htm
He said ' good day sir, i've been taking viapal-hgh-o for about a year now
and so far so good...although i've been taking low doses now .... after i
started taking your products in january 2008, All of the problems listed above
went away!!!'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16265.htm
He said 'First, I can't find Moodmax on your product list. That product is
fantastic for reviving shrunken balls and sex health. I'm 54....I tried to
emulate Moodmax it by taking vitimins and griffonia seed powder and other herbs
you include in Moodmax, but it just didn't do the same thing.'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16257.htm
He said ' I know you said that you don't recommend mixing your products with
alcohol, but I really feel like alcohol amplifies the potency of your products
IMMENSELY... I get a super super rock hard erection, much more pronounced than
when having the pills by themselves.' That is true for a low dose of alcohol to
allow more ingredients to penetrate into the brain and nervous system, but
without triggering the liver to release aromatase,and the pituitary
to release prolactin, and depressing the dopamine nervous system.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16216.htm
He said ' moodmax is great with dopafibra for prolonging ejaculation, plus
arginine is great for lots of erection.' yes, our 5-HTP can lower bad
cholesterol LDL into androgen hormones for sex.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case16146.htm
He said 'I have been a long time customer but i have never tried your VIP
cream until yesterday. Ohh my God, it was wonderful. My fiancée and I went at it
for about three hours straight.'
He said 'I ejaculated four times in one session and after few days of rest
my erection is all good to go again. I am currently taking Vipal-hgh-j 3015 and
Agrinox for supplementation, and it works great.'
He said 'your viapal products work great ...' for pain, sexual orgasm and
erectile function; what is the sign of blood congestion?
He said 'Thank you for such outstanding products'. 1/2 PeniSOS, 1/2
ViaGrowth-IV and a dropper of Fibra every day dramatically increase his sex
drive and erection intensity. VIP Cream really give him a rock erection
during intercourse.
He said ' First of all, thank you! I used to have a large overmasterbation
problem but now thanks to your website I am well on the way to recovery.' all of
the sexual exhaustions such as 'Stress/Mood Swings, Weak erections, Sleep
Problems, Lack of control over desire to masturbate, Watery Seamen, Lack of
enjoyable orgasm' All of which have gone! Just to note my erections started
getting a lot better...'
He said 'I have to say that the VIP cream is working pretty good.' why
standing up can deflate his erection to the 3 o'clock position, but asleep and
waking up can usally give him the 12 o'clock erection.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15981.htm
Penile ballooning and taking Viapal-hGH-O, MoodMax and 5-HTP erect his penis
to the 2 o'clcok position and grow his penis beyond his physical limitation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15862.htm
He said ' I am happy to say i am happily noticing a difference taking your
products. Thank you very much.' to solve over-masturbation issues, weak erection
and premature ejaculation
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15958.htm
He said 'Its all going well, in 3 weeks I have gained about half and inch
length and half an inch girth and my erection has gone from 4 o'clock to 2
o'clock.' with penile ballooning, anal breathing and our penile enhancement
products ViaPal-hGH-J, ArgiNOx and VIP Cream.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15910.htm
He said 'First of all I would like to say thank you for your product. All
though I dont think I am close to being 100% healed your products have certainly
made a big difference. I have not masturbated in a month since last night and I
have been taking your product ViaGrowth-III + MoodMax) for three weeks. My penis
has returned to its normal size, my libido has returned, generally after I wake
up every 2-3 days I get a 2-1 o'clock erection '
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15909.htm
He said '1.my pre cum has reduced. 2.my penis is enlarging and stronger
(towards original size)' with 1-month ViaPal-hGH-J and Pinealtonin for
restoration of penile size and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15883.htm
He said ' I am the 45 year old ex-drug/alcohol user who has been on the
ViaPal-hGH-P treatment (3rd month). I am very pleased to report my condition is
so much better. I have been getting hard morning erections on a regular basis
and spontaneous erections are now starting and my libido is pretty good thanks
to you Doctor!! Physically, I've never felt better, my eyesight sharp, my mind
focused and my strength is getting better every day. I exercise regularly and I
plan on continuing with your products perhaps indefinitely'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15838.htm
An ex-mild alcohol and drug abuser said ' I have now been on the ViaPal hGH-P
for two months (since March 1st) and the improvement in the last 2 weeks has
been dramatic. I have been alcohol and drug free for 4 solid months. On May 2nd,
it was like someone turn the light on in a dark room. My sex drive suddenly
appeared and my spontaneous erection was feeling real strong. Later that night,
I had the best sex with my wife since 10 months ago. My mind was calm and cool
as you say. My penis looks and feels healthy.'
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15818.htm
He said 'I have been taking Viagrowth IV for about four months now. My
adrenals are better than they have ever been, I have growth of just shy of 1
inch and hardness is great,' Administration of testosterone or DHT, either
synthetic or bio-identical, will disable your testicular function and shrink
your testicles and penis.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15802.htm
BALLOONING' advice for virgin's first time sex with a big, long penis
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15792.htm
He said 'Firstly, thanks again for your products, I'm finding them very
effective. Now that I have restored my erection power to 12'o-clock, I wish to
learn the anal-breathing technique.' ==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15773.htm
He said 'I have taken Moodmax and also added 5-htp, Valerian Root,
Ginsengx4, Lecithin(4 gr), Evening primrose oil for 5 weeks now. They have
relaxed me( though i sleep a lot-feel sleepy), erections are way better and can
keep them, both during day time and night, during those i feel a warm feeling of
healing and happiness. ' Over-dosing the liver good foods will produce the
Foie Gras (fatty) liver and more sympathetic nervous fires (IBS and
constipation); with and exhausted hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, violent
exercises or spots results more inflammatory pains in the brain (headache),
neck, eyes, ears, bladder and prostate (urinary blockage) and no more sexual
He said ' I have tried your Viagrowth products as well as practicing your
ballooning method, and my penis has grown to 5 in. in length, but the girth is
up to 6 in.! I would like to grow more length than girth, since it has
started to hurt my wife when we have sex.' Ok, use her vagina to help you grow
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15711.htm
He said 'I had a lot of problems. But with your advice and the information
on the fourm I managed to completely recover all my erection problems. ' on
practice sex without ejaculation.
He said ' I have been doing the anal contraction during intercourse, and
He said 'First I would like to say you are a genius, you should be given a
medal or some kind of award, your products are amazing!' Now how to repair a
damaged clitoris with our ViaPal-hGH products and Finger Pliers Method
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15681.htm
He said 'I am on the viapal-hgh-j formula and it is great I tell you. Thank
you. I do feel it tingling down there a lot and night erections are more
frequent after 2 1/2 weeks.' Licorice root, like St. John's Wort, is a weak
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor in preserving dopamine and serotonin from
oxidization to DOPAL and 5-HIAA for better erection and sexual orgasm
He said 'I am on the viapal-hgh-j formula and it is great I tell you. Thank
you. I do feel it tingling down there a lot and night erections are more
frequent after 2 1/2 weeks.' Licorice root, like St. John's Wort, is a weak
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor in preserving dopamine and serotonin from
oxidization to DOPAL and 5-HIAA for better erection and sexual orgasm
He said 'And during 30 days I have took your medicines, only the low dose,
with very good results…' for solving joint and back pains,arthritis, eye
floaters, insomnia, headache, ear ringing (tinnitus), and vertigo, and getting
better erection without cramps, better sleeping, hearing, memory, more muscular
mass, much better glucose level, much less frontal fat, much less pissing,
better ejaculation control and so on
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15657.htm
He said 'I am now convinced of the validity of your products...I am now
waking at night with good firm erections that last for a good time...I have not
experienced this very often in many years.' regulating your ejaculation and
orgasm frequency for health and love!
He said 'It appears the ViaPal HGH-P is beginning to work after only 2
days.' DeToxiA can turn the negative, side effects produced by
progesterone cream into the positive ones.
He said ' On the behalf of my friend thank you very much, he said a small
dosage of ViaPal-HgH-J has taken his powerful orgasms to another level, and his
rock-hard erection too. He can last longer also when taking Mood Max.'
He said 'I have used your product viapal p for two years now, with good
results. i have hard erections and my wife orgasms within 1-3 minutes every time
we have sex.' give her multiple orgasms in an 1-hour lovemaking
He said 'I remember ordering your ViaPal-hGH-J and 5-HTP products from your
recommendation, and I took them for about 4-5 months......The results of the
healing is that I can have sexual intercourse now and some feeling has been
restored to my penis ' after all of his doctors failed to treat his
rubber-band-tightening penile and testicular damage in a wild sex
He said 'I began taking ArgiNox and ViaPalHghP last Wednesday 8-15..... I
loved on my girlfriend for at least an hour with total control over when I
wanted to orgasm. My girlfriend was incredibly satisfied and came 4 times. She
was begging me to come so she could rest. I actually had a double climax when i
did orgasm.
He said ' I've been using VIAGROWTH for a while, and I have to say it has
improved my sexual capabilities beyond my expectations!...Since taking VIAGROWTH
III have trained myself to withhold ejaculation, and can now hold my ejaculation
when it nears my level,' On the factors affecting on penile erection angle and
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15395.htm
A Virginia Tech student said ' let me say that your products are amazing and
I've recommended many of my friends to your site... The girls have also noticed
a difference :)' for penile enlargement, premature ejaculation solution
and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15380.htm
He said ' I ordered my first shipment of ViaPal-hGH-J and ArgiNOx. I've been
taking a supplement of fish oil and doing as you say in the instructions. I'm
taking the lowest dosage. I had forgotten what it was like, it had been so long.
I also found that I was able to work myself up to the point of orgasm, and then
push it back down somehow and orgasm again without ejaculating and force it back
down, but after the second time I couldn't hold it anymore and ejaculated. This
stuff is amazing!!! I've noticed that I frequently get hard morning erections,';
on healing from Vitamin B-2
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15356.htm
His question ' what's making my penis become bigger in the flaccid state and
cause me to have more erections at night when I'm sleeping?' with ViaGrowth-IV,
Moodmax PinealTonin, and ArgiNOx. on positive or negative Exercises on sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15347.htm
He said ' Hello, Doctor 'Black Belt'! Your products are amazing and the
information is top-notch and essential - thank you.' how to make young women to
achieve a powerful sexual orgasm without penetration
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15297.htm
He said ' when I was on regular finasteride, I had penile shrinkage, and
very low libido. But when I stopped, after about a month my drive and size came
back with the help of your products.' Do you have a safe finateride
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15270.htm
He said ' i want to thank you for changing my whole life you are a miracle
man you help the sexual community achieve greatness through safe natural sex
with your research and products. you've also changed my father's life ' Ok. how
to boost DHEA and HGH production for more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15225.htm
He said ' I'd like to start by saying that your Via-PalhGh-P cured my sexual
dysfunction....Now I get aroused with just the thought of having sex. I last
very long, in fact I sometimes have to force myself into certain positions in
order to orgasm, it is amazing, I control my orgasm now.' for recovery from the
sexual destruction by SSRIs and Finasteride; solution for birth-control pills
induced intercourse pains, colorful vaginal discharge and PMS / bad cramp
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15202.htm
He said 'Your products for 5 months know and I feel much better, my
erections are getting stronger and with higher angle then it was before.' and
got recovery from his penile damage for better sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15168.htm
He said ' I have your viapal p package. Yesterday I took your product and
also a shot whiskey. I had an extra hard erection,...' for more sexual orgasm.
On effects of alcohol and citrus juices on absorption of the ingredients
He said ' My progress is going stronger than ever with improvement to my
penis curvature thanks to you!! I am taking 1 dopra, and 1 mood max, oils,
arginine, and 12 mg of dhea a day. ' for restoration of penile health and
sexual orgasm
He said ' Your medicines are working wonders. I can maintain sex for ages
now, and delay ejaculation a long time, and am close to being able to tolerate
my partners orgasm! ' for more sexual orgasm; please be ware of extensive
over-ejaculation leading to muscle and joint weakness and inflammatory soreness
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14942.htm
He said ' I bought your vacuum device. I did my whole body several times for
about 3 months and it really worked, especially around my shoulder, chest, arms,
and upper back. I did my lower back also and it worked well, to the point
where my aches fully disappeared.... You suggested me to take (moodmax,
viagrowth 3, dopafibra, and pinialtonin) plus fish & borage oil, and L-Arginine.
These supplements worked really well.' Power the
hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14930.htm
He said ' I've regained most of my nervous control, by that I mean
sensitivity and oxytocin. I can now hold off my orgasm for a longer time during
the pre-climax phase... This seem like pretty permanent results.' for life-term
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14918.htm
He said ' I have dissolved a scar on my urathra thanks to your products and
advice. I have nighttime erections, spontaneous erections, and I feel great. My
curve is healing, scars have healed, glans impotence is gone, seman quality and
quantity great.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. On the prolonging prolactin
effect on the testosterone production. ==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14904.htm
He said ' I seem to brew a lot more semen, and I also pee less frequently. I
think my prostate has shrung, because I have to pee every 4-6 hours even with
drinking bottles of water... and I no longer have to contract my prostate to
assist my erection' for the erectile and prostate healing and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14848.htm
He said ' I am 44, was in a couple long relationships had sex about
everyday. Now I am in between ladys. I have taking ViaPal-hGH-P, detoxia,
arginne, and oil as you recommended' on hair protection factors and refraction
time for optimal sex and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14847.htm
His question: ' When i take penialtonin; HOw comes my night/morning
erections are much harder/long lasting than if i DONT take penialtonin? ' for
restoration of sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14789.htm
He said 'Well It's been one month on Viapal-hgh-p and it feels great no more
orgasmic pains, orgasms improving and erections feel better. I accidentally had
sex 2 times, but with ejaculation no pains, great product.' how to beat the
daytime work stress for more sexual orgasm.
He said ' Hey im on my 4th week of no ejaculation + Viagrowth IV every other
day + 5-htp 2x day + Urine Thepary 2oz each morning ... i had 1 hour morning
erection this morning!!!! it would not go down!!! ' he needs 2 or 3 girl friends
in one love session to fire his new cannon for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14684.htm
He said 'I have been on ViaPal-hGH-P for 3 month now (lower recommended
dose) plus 2 ArginOx a day and 2 to 3 Fish Oil a day. You advised me on those to
combat my sudden sexual exhaustion. I like the way I can now make love with some
stamina, I have a 20 minutes session about 4 to 5 times a week.' for more sexual
orgasm. On ejaculation frequency vs. our nutritional supplements
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14626.htm
He said ' I have used your dopafibre, viagrowth, and arginox and have
achieved much harder erections than I used to.' how to let his girl enjoy
his 7 x 6 inches penis for more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14614.htm
He is recovering his impotence done by the prostate-enlargement medication
drug (Finasteride, the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor ) with ViaPal-hGH-P plus
ArgiNOx for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14613.htm
He said 'I have been taking your products for 5 months now to solve my ed,
pe and anxiety problems after a few times ecstasy abuse/overmasturbation and
penile injections and I have to thankfully report that I have gotten rid of the
anxiety, depression and pe problems.' On the SSRIs negative effects on sexual
orgasm and well beings
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14591.htm
He said ' I've regained my size of 7.5 inches... Penile pain is completely
gone.... Most amazingly, the peyronies disease that i had developed (the scar
tissue) has become significantly better...Impotence is getting better and I can
begin to feel the onset of spontaneous erections.' with ViaPal-hGH-E and VIP
Cream for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14444.htm
He said ' I purchased the 3-017 and have been taking them for a week and a
half. My symptoms cleared up immediately and I must say your products have
certainly saved our marital sex life....... But the Via-Pal-N is awesome. I
don't feel weird, it doesn't upset my stomach, and I'm actually sleeping better
at night. Plus I can get fully erect and hold it - this is awesome! We've had
sex 7 of the last 12 days - my wife is ecstatic!' for more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14350.htm
When your blood flow shoots up to your brain, instead of your pelvic area,
your penis goes limp - for no sexual orgasm! Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14291.htm
Penile stretching exercises resulted in poor low body blood circulation,
penile nervous damage and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm! OK,
healing with prostaglandin E-1 and Nitric Oxide!
Over-masturbating 2 times a day for 6 years shrink his 43-year old penis for
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14272.htm
He said ' ... I have been reading your cd, page for about 4 months. I order
viapal hgh j, 5-htp, with l arginine magensium and calcium. I have also train
chi kong and try to do the balloning. Well I started with 4 o'clock erection, pe
and testicle pains, now I have 12 o'clock erection, I can last for ver very
long, ....' for restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14237.htm
She said ' Your products helped my boyfriend in one night even though he is
always having trouble with his erection. He was skeptical but he couldn't deny
that it was as strong in one night of pills ' as compared to the erectile drug
sildenafil citrate (PDE-5 inhibitor) for her sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14036.htm
He said ' I want to thank you because your products worked as you say they
will and the value I got from them went beyond what I expected.' with ViaPal-hGH-J,
DeToxiA and PinealTonin in detoxification of anti-psychotic and bipolar
medication drugs for restoration of normal erection and sexual orgasm.
He said 'I am currently taking the via pal packages to try to heal my penile
nerve damage.... I am now able to attain 12 oclock erections with no bending and
i often wake in the morning with erections.' for penile rejuvenation and sexual
orgasm. Why the spontaneous erection in the middle of the day disappears? and
the long-term damage of SSRIs anti-depression drugs.
He said ' Im 6 weeks into taking your products and have noticed my eye
floaters have nearly completely disappeared and my erections are coming back'
for restoration of sexual orgasm; how emotional anger and frightens can damage
your body and kill your sex.
He said ' Why does PinealTonin give me an erection all night when I take
before bed.' On the pineal function and melatonin action on the parasympathetic
nervous healing and restoration for erection and sexual orgasm
He said ' Damn! Dr. Lin, you're the man!! .. My penis is on its way back to
normalcy thanks to you! ' rescuing his penis from pot and over-masturbation with
ViaPal-hGH-M, DeToxiA, ViaPal-hGH-J, Fibra and Ginseng 4X+; Dr Lin's personal
experiences with the natural healing power of the prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and NO
(Nitric Oxide) for restoration of health and sexual orgasm!
8 consecutive year over-masturbation / over-ejaculation results in sex
addiction, watery ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15959.htm
Marijuana, Pot smoking, alcohol abuse and creatine overdose resulted in low
libido, weak erection, bad premature ejaculation (less than one minute), penile
shrinkage, anxiety, high blood pressure and hypertension for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15812.htm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation (at 2 times a day) destroyed his
parasympathetic nervous erectile function in despite of a high testosterone
level for this young man. This is why the PDE-5 inhibiting erectile drugs won't
Over-masturbation, alcohol abuse, smoking marijuana and pornography tripled
his brain, liver, adrenal, testicular, penile and prostate damage for severe
premature ejaculation (ejaculating in seconds), penile deformation and penile
shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15729.htm
Masturbating over 20,000 times between age 12 and 48, resulted less libido
at age 16, premature ejaculation in 10 seconds at age 19, impotence, peeing
semen, prostate pain, prostatitis, yeast and candida for no more sexual orgasm.
chronic Over-masturbation shrank his penis; jelqing penile enlargement
exercises damaged his penis for a collagen lump for no more erection and sexual
Chronic Over-masturbation at 4 times a day resulted erectile dysfunction,
penile shrinkage, inflammatory penile veins, and premature ejaculation for no
more sexual orgasm; she cannot take this any more!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15600.htm
Over-masturbation at 3 times a day resulted in body pain, buzzing ears, eye
floaters, dizziness, memory loss, hypertension, depression, no libido,
weak erection, penile deformation, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15584.htm
Excessive sex or over-masturbation resulted in penile shrinkage, premature
ejaculation (even impotence!), eye floater, ear buzzing (tinnitus), low back
pain, concentration loss and memory loss for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15577.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation with multiple ejaculation in
one love session or one day, resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms, fatigue,
restless leg syndrome, neck pain, stiffness, low back pain, pelvic pain,
testicle pain, memory loss, sleeping disorder, stress, depression, anxiety,
irritability, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and persistent sexual
arousal for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15568.htm
Steroid abuse destroyed his adrenal and testicular function and shrunk his
penis for no more sexual orgasm
Penile enlargement stretching and jelqing exercises damaged his penis for
erectile dysfunction and no sensitivity. no more sexual orgasm!
Chronically overmasturbating 2-6 times daily or 7-10 times sometimes since
age 12 resulted in no libido, erectile dysfunction, eye floater, ear ringing,
anxiety, panic attack, and memory loss for marriage problems and no more sexual
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in severe sexual exhaustion symptoms -
erectile dysfunction, going limp, penile shrinkage, from 4.5 inches to 3 inches
in the erectile state, premature ejaculation, digestive panic (constipation,
acidity and indigestion), eye floaters, and hair loss for no more sexual orgasm
9-year pot smoking (marijuana) resulted in sexual exhaustion, weak erection,
and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Solution for middle-aged men's sympathetic Nervous Fight (precum flooding or
premature ejaculation) and Flight (going limp) with pre-hypertension conditions.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15385.htm
Over-masturbation addiction resulted in weakness, body pains, premature
ejaculation and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15332.htm
chronic over-masturbation at 5-6 times a day resulted in prostate pain and
impotence for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15331.htm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms -
depression, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, chest pain, testicular
pains, perineum pain, anal pain, prostate pain, precum leakage, irregular heart
beat, short breath, low back pain, feet/hand numbness - no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15329.htm
Childhood over-masturbation resulted in an underdeveloped penis for erectile
dysfunction and no more sexual orgasm
chronically over-masturbating 3-5 times a day resulted in
pituitary-testicular failure, retarded ejaculation (no semen production),
erectile dysfunction, hair thinning and graying, acne, sleeping disorder,
concentration problem, depression and no muscle for no more sexual orgasm
Finasteride killed his sex, semen production, erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15260.htm
Chronic over-masturbation since age 10 resulted in premature ejaculation and
penile underdevelopment for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15243.htm
Steroid abuse shrank his testicles and penis and grew his breasts (gynecomastia)for
no more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15240.htm
When erectile drugs won't work but give you headache and nausea, you need
Dr. Lin's neuro-endocrine rejuvenation formula for acetylcholine/ NO/ cGMP
erectile rejuvenation and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15221.htm
Chronically over-masturbating 3-7 times a day from age 12 to 19 for erectile
dysfunction, destruction of testicular and adrenal function (extreme low
testosterone level), and woman-wild-ride fracture, ultimately resulted in penile
deformation, shrinking from 9 inches to 5 inches for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15213.htm
Over-ejaculation and meth abuse resulted in penile, urethral, testicles and
prostate pain and inflammation for impotence, frequent urination, difficult
urination, tiredness and depression - no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking initially heightened his sex, but eventually gave him impotence
and no libido for no more sexual orgasm and no more girlfriend.
Over-masturbation caused his eye floaters, ear ringing, deformed penis and
impotence for more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation and pot (marijuana) smoking destroyed his
testicular function for no more erection or sexual orgasm
penile enlargement stretching exercises with kegel PC exercises resulted in
permanent penile bruising, limp, coldness and testicular shrinkage for no more
erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15153.htm
anti-depressants killed his semen production and sexual orgasm, PC exercises
gave him groins pains and frequent urination with weak urinary stream and
vasectomy triggered his premature menopause (andropause) for sexual dysfunction
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15152.htm
Over-masturbation at 3 times daily since age 6, with 8 years of heavy drug
and alcohol abuse resulted in testicular failure at age 25 for erectile
dysfunction, precum leakage and premature ejaculation without erecting - no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15151.htm
why acute or prolonged exercises can cause erectile dysfunction for
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular (ovarian) disorders - no sexual
orgasm. a Young man's experience
When his 10-inch penis can not give her sexual orgasm, can a hot, fresh dog
semen help?!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14263.htm
Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, going limp, and why you can
last longer after the 2nd ejaculation, but not for erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15028.htm
Over-masturbation, marijuana chemicals, opium, and morphine killed his
brain, parasympathetic/ serotonin/ GABA nervous system, liver and penis for no
more sexual orgasm; one causes of IBS and solutions for all ==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15106.htm
Diabetes hardens the penile erectile tissues, nerves and blood vessels;
penile enlargement exercises damaged the inelastic penile erectile tissues,
nerves and blood vessels for erectile dysfunction
Chronic over-masturbation up to 12 times a day resulted in inflammatory
epididymis, varicose veins (inflammatory veins), pelvic pains, irritation, mood
swing, hair loss, impotence, insomnia, and penile shrinkage for no more sex
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15091.htm
Chronic over-masturbation /Over-ejaculation and pot (marijuana) smoking
killed his hyopthalamus-pitutray-adrenal and hyopthalamus-pitutray-testicular
axis for erectile dysfunction, testicles pains (testicular pains), penile pains,
pelvic pains (perineum pains) or IC (Interstitial Cystitis) and low back pains
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15051.htm
Pot (marijuana )smoking and over-masturbation killed his brain and penis for
low libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and no more sex orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15039.htm
Testicular shrinkage means testicular disorder for erectile dysfunction,
infertility (low sperm count) and no more sexual orgasm
ephedrine hydrochloride can cause sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight for
erectile dysfunction, pains and frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm
Why the ADD/ADHA drug causes his erectile dysfunction and premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 12 for sexual exhaustion and hair
loss, and then taking Finasteride, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, resulted in
severe semen leakage, penile shrinkage, fatigue, tiredness, impotence, premature
ejaculation, urinary difficulty and perineum/prostate pains and cramps for no
more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14902.htm
Penile jelqing exercises cause premature ejaculation and penile inflammation
(inflammatory erection induced by excessive prostaglandin E-2) and damage for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14857.htm
Prostaglandin E-2 can induce frequent urination (for sleeping disorder) and
inflammatorily hard erection in the middle night after sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14842.htm
Genetic deficiency of serotonin and GABA causes father-sons obsessive
masturbation for impotence and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14826.htm
Porn movies initiated his chronic Over-masturbation since age 12 for
disabling his 9-inch penis - no more sexual orgasm.
6-month SSRIs antidepression medication resulted in erectile
dysfunction, semen production disorder (dryness), and penile desensitization for
no more sexual orgasm due to a constant elevation of prolactin
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14792.htm
spinal injuries, spinal cord surgery, oxytocinergic nervous pathway, genital
numbness, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
creatine killed his penis and libiod and caused his rectum to bleed for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14718.htm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted soft erection for no
more sexual orgasm! The women laughed at him about his penis.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14711.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation resulted in impotence,
depression, anxiety, premature ejaculation and suicidal tendency for no more
sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation/ over-ejaculation shrank his penis and testicles
and let him ejaculate in a couple of minutes for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14690.htm
Blockage of perineum circulation, alcohol abuse and coffee overdose killed
his erection no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14668.htm
Penile enlargement exercises and PC muscle exercises cause his erectile
dysfunction, urinary urgency (with weak stream), precum flooding and premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14607.htm
3-months use of Finasteride (5-alpha reductase) resulted in erectile
dysfunction, no libido, short temper (mood swing) for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14600.htm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation/over-ejaculation causes his
non-bacterial prostatistis, pelvic pains, no libidio and impotence for no more
sexual orgasm
Penile enlargement stretching exercises caused his erectile dysfunction for
no more sexual orgasm -solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14580.htm
Penile enlargement and Kegel (PC) exercises caused his premature ejaculation
(from 45 minutes to instant ejaculation) and erectile dysfunction for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14579.htm
Drug abuse, over-masturbation and alcohol abuse killed his 22 year old
brain, liver, endocrine function and penis for psychological disorders
(depression), fuzziness, low back pains, erectile dysfunction, premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14563.htm
Why PDE-5 inhibitors won't work during sexual encounter, but trigger
erection after couple hours sleeping; why blood pressure and cholesterol
medication drugs causes liver and testicular functional disorder for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14560.htm
Pot chemicals damaged his hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular function for low
libido, erectile dysfunction, sperm production disorder and no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14555.htm
Chronic over-masturbation let his penis go limp during sex for no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14452.htm
Masturbating 5 times a day every day for 2 years turned 25 year old man to
an old man for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14439.htm
When your sexual arousal and erection is driven by the inflammatory hormone
prostaglandin E-2, you will get testicular/prostate/penile pains and premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14419.htm
Chronic over-masturbation and acne drug killed erection and caused premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14394.htm
Alcohol, pot smoking and cigarettes killed his brain and penis for low
libido, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14371.htm
Chronic over-masturbation for 1.5 year at 2 or 3 times a day resulted in
erectile dysfunction, groins pains, testicular pains, and Epididymis for no more
sexual orgasm.
Enjoying sex 2-3 times a day every killed his 21 years old brain,
neuro-endocrine function and penis for impotence and no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14322.htm
Again, a long-distance biking damaged his erectile nerves and blood
circulation for penile numbness, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
When antidepression drugs won't help premature ejaculation and erectile
drugs PDE-5 inhibitors won't help erection, you have nothing left for sexual
Pot (marijuana) chemicals initially enhanced sex for over-ejaculation and
sexual exhaustion and then destroyed and took over his 18-years old brain and
nervous systems for erectile dysfunction, severe back pains and no sexual
Heavy pot smoking for about 4-5 years killed his brain and penis for no more
libido and erection - don't mention sexual orgasm any more!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14176.htm
Penile injection produced 6-hour Priapism (persistent erection) and then
killed his penis for no erection or sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14137.htm
Why after playing a basketball game, his 18-year old won't erect for sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14133.htm Don't mix weightlifting and
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm since a
She complained antidepression drug killed his libido, erection, passion,
semen production disorder, and sexual orgasm with HyperProlactimia - How
to restore sexual orgasm to save marriage NOW!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13768.htm
She needs a rock hard penis to get sexually satisfied, but her spot-smoking
boyfriend can not make it. Solution for restoration of sexual orgasm !
Epinephrine and testosterone overheated his brain for sympathetic
nervous Fight or/Flight responses for erectile dysfunction (going limp)
upon intercourse and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14050.htm
Erection-induced groin pains for no more erection or sexual orgasm -
Over-masturbation and Over-ejaculation resulted in a weak erection (even
having a big penis) and severe inflammatory responses with excessive
prostaglandin E-2 release for premature ejaculation (before vaginal penetration
with a useless big penis), back pains, post-orgasm headaches, ear ringing, eye
pains and redness, sleeping disorder and no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14019.htm
Creatine shrunk his penis for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13906.htm
Pot killed his 23-year old brain and penis for no more erection and sexual
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation, penile
shrinkage, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure and irregular
cardiovascular function for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13723.htm
SSRIs antidepression drugs gave him impotence for no more sexual orgasm in
few days
ADHD norepinephrine reuptaking inhibitor caused his seminal leakage and
erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
< Another jelqing victim faces erectile dysfunction, penile collagen
scar development, and urinary constriction problem for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13673.htm
6-year Pot Smoking killed his erection and libido for no more sexual orgasm
Cholesterol-reduction drug caused his erectile dysfunction for no more
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13521.htm
Penile enlargement by jelqing exercises and penile extender killed his 23
years old penis, prostate and seminal/sperm production for no more erection or
sex orgasm. but prostate inflammation, impotence, and abnormal ejaculation and
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13512.htm
finasteride caused his psychological and physiological disorder for losing
his manhood, strength, immune, numbness, thin/brittle hair, sleeping disorder,
and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13473.htm
Finasteride killed his erection and libido and causes his testicular pain
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13455.htm
Over-masturbation + pot smoking + meth + cocaine = parkison's symptoms +
impotence + premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13474.htm
Pot smoking and over-masturbation resulted in testicular pains and
testicular and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13438.htm
Vasectomy killed his sex life, erection and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13373.htm
Creatine induced severely sensitive bladder and kidneys and erectile
dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13352.htm
Creatine killed his penis - Detoxification of the liver and kidneys for
restoration of erection and sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13235.htm
Ecstasy (MDMA) screwed his 18-year old brain and penis for no more
sexual orgasm. Please don't end your sex life before age 80, not 18!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13221.htm
Finasteride killed his 22-year old penis for no more erection and sexual
Reader's experiences with finasteride for impotence , pain in testes ,
abnormal liver, breast enlargement and no more sexual orgasm - possible
bone and muscle shrinkage too!
He said 'First thank you for such great products. I've been using ViaGrowth-IV
to help increase my Penis size, and staying power, and it works wonderfully. '
for more sexual orgasm. Menopause women should take ViaPla-hGH-M
He said ' I am a male 45 years old with no any health problem at all. The
same old problem never cured except for few weeks after using your VG IV. My
sexual desire is more than excellent and have no ED at all. All I want is to
reach the climax i.e. feel the orgasm.' Reviving the dopamine, acetylcholine/NO
and oxytocinergic nervous function for sexual orgasm.
He said 'Your medium dosage of (MoodMax, 5HTP + Dopa Fibra, Dopa Fibra,
MoodMax) has been great.' for more sexual orgasm. How to shut down and
boost your oxytocinergic nervous action for control of libido, erection and
sexual orgasm.
She said 'I just ordered the Vialpal M for women going thru menopause it
work great for me with the night sweats.' On the side effects of lowering
cholesterol and sinus drugs on the erectile function and sexual orgasm.
He said 'About my results so far: i no longer contract my PC muscle for
erections, during state of arousal, i no longer am flooded with pre cum.., and
my semen looks thick and white.' with ViaPal-hGH-J (or ViaPal-hGH-P) and
DeToxiA; On the effects of sympathetic nervous beta and dopamine D2 receptors
gene expression on the penile ballooning ( 1-2 o'clock erection) for
sexual orgasm
He said ' I used the products as you advised. The results were amazing. I
was able to have good sex almost everyday for 2 weeks. Penis was hard, long and
hot.' in addition to solving his urinary dripping problem, for no more sexual
orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-P, 5-HTP and DeToxiA.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12842.htm
He said ' I have been using your ViaPal-hGH-J for almost two months now....
I can now have hard long-lasting erections and find I can last longer in bed.'
for more sexual orgasm. Enhance your mind now.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12855.htm
finasteride killed his penis for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case15041.htm
Pot chemicals finally got him with sympathetic nervous Flight ( erectile
dysfunction and going limp) and Fight (premature ejaculation in 1-2 minutes),
downgraded from 30-80 minutes, for no more sexual orgasm, but breaking up and
bad sexual relationship, even with a low dose of marijuana and a low ejaculation
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13301.htm
Over-masturbation and a high dose of creatine resulted in erectile
dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13222.htm
Having sex 3 times for 6 months resulted in erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13174.htm
Steroid abuse destroyed his 23 year old hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular
axis for penile and testicle shrinkage, and no more erection and sexual orgasm
Pot smoking has shrunk his penis to half (50% discount of its original size)
for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Vasectomy causes his erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12993.htm
Why his penis goes limp when he is about to have sex? for no more sexual
Intensive stretching, jelqing and kegel exercises kills his erection for no
sexual orgasm.
Vasectomy causes his erectile dysfunction, numbness, irritation, and
orgasm/ejaculation pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12934.htm
Over-masturbating 4 times a day since 11 results in penile shrinkage from 6
inches to 5 inches, erectile dysfunction (going limp), and hair loss at age 26
for no sexual orgasm
Why lowering cholesterol and blood-pressure drugs kill sexual functions for
no more sexual orgasm.
A story about the chronic over-ejaculation induced penile shrinkage and
erectile dysfunction (going limps) for no sexual orgasm; when she wanted him to
go deeper, he could not make it!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12971.htm
Over-masturbation causes his prostatitis, curved penis, premature
ejaculation, weak erection, depression, and ejaculation without sexual
orgasm, beyond all his doctors' abilities
Abusing anabolic steroids shrinks a superman's penis about 2.5-3 inches for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12941.htm
Penile enlargement pills and chronic over-masturbation caused him erectile
dysfunction and penile pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13495.htm
Over-masturbation has alternated the gene/enzyme expression in his brain,
liver, adrenal, prostate and testis gene expression for typical sexual
exhaustion symptoms and finasteride (5-alpha reductase inhibitor) screws up his
liver and testis - both for penile shrinkage (2 inches short!), erectile
dysfunction (going limp), premature ejaculation, prostate abrasion, semen
production disorder and no more sexual orgasm
Enjoying too much sex results in youth impotence (going limp during sex) and
premature ejaculation - the sympathetic nervous Fight and Flight response to
sexual excitement for no more sexual orgasm.
Alcohol and Caffeine Abuse and Over-Masturbation causes his bladder empty
disorders, frequent urination, excessive precum flooding, erectile disorders
(going limp) and low libido - the global sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight
action - for no more sexual orgasm
When the erectile drug (PDE-5 inhibitor) can not help you maintain your
erection, your brain and nervous systems are too exhausted to support your
sexual function for sexual orgasm.
Over-ejaculation causes 16-old boy impotence and premature ejaculation for
no more sexual orgasm; she got mad when he could no longer erect, but come too
fast in less than 1 minute.
Young men's erectile dysfunction - going limp during sex for no more sexual
orgasm. why and solution.
Why this 18-old virginal penis goes limp during first sexual encounter for
no orgasm
He said ' Been using your products ViaGrowth IV, Penisos, energia,
Ginseng,and Vip cream for about two and a half weeks now and I can really see an
improvement erections getting better and good god man orgasm Unbeleivable. I'm
cuming in quarts the amount of semen is amazing ' for more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12741.htm
He, a medical student, said 'I am currently on around 2-3 months of having
used your products, and there is no doubt about the significant improvements I
have noted in my penis size, ejaculation quantity, and frequency.' How to
boost your brain/nervous and liver function for both brainstorm and lovestorm
- more sexual orgasm.
He said ' I've ben taking Viapal J for the last month and I must say the
results are very very good : 1-2 o'clock strong/very strong erections that can
last for 30-45 minutes. 'for more sexual orgasm. On the best way to take the
products, the citrus juice (Cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) inhibitors) and herbs
interaction and the alcohol-herbs interaction.
The cellular chemistry of premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12610.htm
He said ' Your formula is great...excellent...superb....,,, your product is
great....it gave me my confidence back and my love life back.' for more sexual
Pot smoking and over-masturbation killed his 18 years old brain for no more
erection and sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case14248.htm
Chronic over-masturbating and pot smoking resulted in erectile dysfunction ,
hair loss, and testicular pains for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13550.htm
Chronic over-masturbation for erectile dysfunction (going limp, the
sympathetic nervous Flight action) and premature ejaculation (the sympathetic
nervous Fight action) for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13178.htm
Having sex 1-3 times a day for 2 weeks exhausted his 50-year old brain and
penis for erectile dysfunction (going limp) and no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking and alcohol abuse kill his 18-year old brain and penis for
erectile dysfunction ( going limp before penetration) for no more sexual orgasm
She is very frustrated by her pot-addicted boyfriend's premature ejaculation
and erectile dysfunction (going limp) for no sexual orgasm.
One-year pot smoking has killed his 18-year old brain and penis for no more
sexual orgasm
Why this 26-year virgin's penis went limps upon penetration for no more
sexual orgasm.
The SSRIs drug for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder's (OCD) treatment has
killed this 26-years young medical doctor's libido, penis and testicles for
anxiety and no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating 4-5 times a day resulted in impotence at age 24 for no
more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12691.htm
Anti-depression drugs shrank his penis for no sexual orgasm..
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12667.htm
High-blood pressure medication shrank his penis and testicles and cut off
his semen production for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12604.htm
Over-masturbation and pot smoking have caused his erectile dysfunction,
nervous insensitivity, semen production disorder and urinary incontinence for no
more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking causes his erectile dysfunction at age of 25 for no sexual
Meth ( methamphetamine) has killed the 25-year old brain and nervous system
for depression, poor memory, arousal disorder and erectile dysfunction for no
sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation results in low libido, soft erection, premature
ejaculation, and penile pain for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation have killed his 19 years old
brain/nervous systems and penis for no more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12581.htm
Jelquing penile enlargement exercises deformed and shrank his 18 years old
penis and Pot smoking screwed up his 18 years old brain for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12546.htm
Chronic Drug abuse (ecstasy and cocaine) have burned out his brain/nervous
functions for erectile dysfunction, penile shrinking, vaso-constriction, and
premature ejaculation (in 10 strokes) for no sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating 1-3 times a day have exhausted his 29
year old brain, mind and body for erectile dysfunction, sleeping disorder,
concentration problems, low back pains, and penile shrinking from 8 inches to 6
inches - no more sexual orgasm
Why his glans penis fails to expand during an erection?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12501.htm
This 63-years young customer aid 'Just wanted to say your products seem to
work excellent..... And why has the quantity increased so much? ' for a longer
sex ( 1 hour erection without going limp!), more ejaculation volume, better
semen quality, more sexual orgasm (16 spasms) .
He said 'I believe your ViaPal-hgh-M has kicked in and I'm getting back to
normal.' for more sexual orgasm; why does the prostate BP drug cause erectile
dysfunction and what is the natural solution?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12083.htm
Why this 20-year old man experiences orgasmic dysfunction and
withdrawal for no sexual orgasm. On the role of prolactin and oxytocin in
the sexual and orgasmic functions and in the switching of sympathetic nervous
beta and alpha receptors for orgasmic contraction for men and women.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12488.htm
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation cause his varicose vein, penile
and prostate pains, and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12542.htm
Alcohol abuse causes his weak erection for premature ejaculation in 2
minutes without sexual orgasm
Forced erection by erectile drugs or penile pumping or exercises can
stimulate the penile tissue to produce collagen for penile deformation and
shrinkage - for no more sexual orgasm; Here is the Solution - Natural
Prostaglandin E-1 therapy
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12167.htm
causes and repair of Venous leakage, and Prostaglandin E-1 for erection and
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11889.htm
anti-depression/stress/anxiety/insomnia drugs causes his erectile
dysfunction and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm - Solution
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12197.htm
Why androstenedione helps this middle-age last whatever he wants for more
sexual orgasm?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11803.htm
A realistic measurement of the testosterone level for an 18-years old, pot
smoking, over-masturbator - an explanation of the testicular destruction by
over-masturbation and pot smoking for erectile dysfunction, premature
ejaculation, and no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12007.htm
The Cholesterol-reduction drug can cause penile deformation and shrinkage
for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12417.htm
The hair regrowth drug finesteride, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor causes his
erectile dysfunction and pains in his penis, testicles and groins for no more
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12360.htm
Over-masturbating 3 times a day for a week let this 25 year old man
experience erectile dysfunction ( going limps upon penetration) and penile
shrinkage for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12282.htm
having sex 4-6 times a day has exhausted this 19-year body for no more
erection and no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12200.htm
Over-masturbation and marijuana have killed his erection no sexual orgasm
He said 'Thank-you, I am pleased with your product. It works exactly as you
promised it would..' Viapal-hGH-M is for improvement of cardio function
and for both for men and menopause and peri-menopause women to have more sexual
orgasm. On the action of DopaFibra and Fibra on the brain.
He said ' I have found that using a low dose of viapal-hgh-j and then having
1 tablet of moodmax, doprafibra, 5-htp and 2 droppers of ginseng 4x together 60
minutes before sex can make me have a hard erection and have sex for 1 hour
without ejeculating.' for more sexual orgasm
When the PDE-5 inhibitor drugs fail to erect your penis, your
parasympathetic nervous erectile function is fully shut down for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12351.htm
Penile stretching exercises damaged his penis and causes pains and spasms
in the PC muscle, precum (pre-ejaculation fluid) flooding, and premature
ejaculation without erection for no more erection and no more sexual orgasm !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12214.htm
Antidepression drugs causes erectile dysfunction and seminal production
disorder for no more sexual orgasm - why and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12191.htm
The effect of vasectomy on the testicular function, semen production,
erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12038.htm
Over-ejaculation causes his erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12328.htm
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation burns this 21 year old 's brain and
nervous functions for going limp and peeing urgency during sex and oozing out
semen during ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12249.htm
oops! Jelqing penile exercises have damaged this 18-year old penis for a
weak erection and no more sexual orgasm.
Pot smoking lets this 18-year old to start experience erectile and orgasmic
dysfunction and seminal production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and pot smoking cause this 20-year old man's impotence and
premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12202.htm
This young man's experiences with abuse of Ecstasy (MDMA), speed, Pot
smoking, and over-ejaculation/over-masturbation results in youth impotence for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11993.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation, night sweating, weak erection and male menopause
for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11975.htm
The hair re-growth drug Finasteride have caused his erection and libio for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12150.htm
He lost 1.5 inches of his penis due to Over-masturbation for no more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12162.htm
Obsessively Over-masturbation causes his youth impotence for being
humiliated - no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11940.htm
methamphetamine causes his impotence , premature ejaculation, and seminal
production disorder for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11907.htm
Over-masturbation since 14 results in erectile dysfunction (going limp!) low
back pain, blurred vision, twitchy and stiff neck (producing crack sounds),
attention disorder (poor mind concentration!) and penile shrinkage for no sexual
When the PDE-5 inhibitor inhibits nothing, your brain has shut down
your parasympathetic nervous erectile mechanism to protect the life-support
organs and brain itself for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11883.htm
Ecstasy and over-masturbation destroyed his brain and nervous systems for
penile shrinkage, premature ejaculation, nervous muscle spasm and no more
sexual orgasm - Solutions.
Vasectomy shrunk his penis from 9 inches to 5-6 inches and causes premature
ejaculation and psychological instability for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11741.htm
Solution for doctor's erectile dysfunction and seminal production -
restoration of sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11820.htm
Anti-depression drugs cause his erectile and orgasmic dysfunction - of
course for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12276.htm
Penile injection for penile deformation, the erectile drug for headaches;
Yohimbe for seminal leakage, ear ringing, and ... for no more sexual orgasm
Pot smoking has killed young man's erection and libido and caused watery
ejaculation (no semen!) for no more sexual orgasm - the end of sex life.
over-masturbating 2-3 times a day since 13 results in impotency and watery,
premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution.
An anti-depression drug numbs his penis, causes his impotence, and cuts off
his seminal production for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11720.htm
Constant semen leakage for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation,
of course, no more sexual orgasm.
ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP can help repair the damage due to penile pumping and
extreme exercises for restoration of erection, semen production and more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11660.htm
High-blood pressure drugs shrunk this 46-yrd old man's penis from 6" to
3.75" for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11727.htm
Again,How and why do cholesterol-reduction drugs reduce his penis and sexual
orgasm - what is the alternative?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11775.htm
How and why do cholesterol-reduction drugs reduce his penis and sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11624.htm
A vibrating massager has damaged his penis for no more erection and
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12136.htm
Hysterectomy induced psychological and Physiological disorders for no sexual
Warning - Estrogen Cream as a lovemaking lubricant will
shrink the penis.
On Optimal Ejaculation for more sexual orgasm - also On Over- and Under-
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11598.htm
His experiments with a hair re-growth drug for penile shrinkage, losing
libido, no more sexual orgasm at age 19 - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11608.htm
Over-masturbation causes this young man's erectile dysfunction and
ejaculating nothing during sex and his prostate seminal production disorder for
no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11477.htm
Former monk's sexual dysfunction due to sexual absentness, vegetarian diets
and seminal retention for no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11386.htm
Sexual dysfunction caused by Semen Retention for no sexual orgasm - How
monks disable their prostate's seminal production and then disarm their penises.
And how a woman has an atrophy vagina.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11243.htm
He said ' In a word: AWESOME! That's the simplest way to describe your
remedies. ..., but your Viapal-hGH-P and 5-HTP combo now has me feeling and
performing better than I did even when I was a teenager! I had a date last night
that ended up in a wild sex session, and she was impressed with my erection
hardness, stamina, and ejaculation volume and force. I think my erection was
even a little bigger than usual too.' - Dr. Lin's advice: give your partner(s)
multiple sexual orgasm(s) but limit yourself only one ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11331.htm
He said 'I feel like a New Man I have No Erection Problems. My erection are
very firm and long lasting. I had to take a weaker dosage because I was waking
up and walking around with an erection for long periods..' for more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11119.htm
He said 'I have been taking Viapal HGH J for about three weeks. I'm also
taking GINSENG 4X+ to stop hair loss. I see long standing erection and my penis
is really hard.'; on how to improve the penile erection angle for her better
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11209.htm
He said 'I must say your Via Pal Hgh M package is the best, absolutely
incredible.' for more erection and sexaul orgasm .
He said 'First time in my 15 years marriage that my wife surrenders and
praise me for my big solid penis after I managed to control ejaculation more
than 4 times using yr anal breathing.' more sexaul orgasm for her.
He said said ' I purchased the viapal p pack and had sex a couple days later
with a girl I met. We had sex off and on for about 6 hours and my erection was
amazingly hard as a rock.' On solution of retarded ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10847.htm
He said 'we work SO well together sexually. I am taking moodmax, twice a day
at the moment and I walk around with erections almost constantly! She can notice
this and it makes me so happy.' - for more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10712.htm
Pot smoking has killed his erection and libido for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case13162.htm
Prostate Radiation implant causes erectile dysfunction and semen production
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12601.htm
Jelqing penile enlargement exercises causes his weak erection (impotence),
penile and urethral pains, urination sensation, and severe premature ejaculation
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12247.htm
Over-masturbation since 11 results in impotence at age 21 for no
sexual orgasm - why he can not erect his penis for sex, but he still get some
erection by solely masturbation alone with porn movies- the effect of adrenalin
induced by sexual stress and anxiety
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12091.htm
Pot smoking, amphetamines, speed and over-masturbation kills his 22 years
old brain and penis for ringing ears, eye floaters, muscle pain, poor blood
circulation, stupidity, loss concentration, panic attack, irregular
cardiovascular function, prostate disorder, penile shrinkage and impotence
for no more sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12308.htm
Penile pumping damage for no more erection and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11664.htm
Over-masturbation and Pot (marijuana) smoking have shrunk his 38-year old
penis for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11506.htm
When the PDE-5 inhibitor won't work, you brain's has shut down your
parasympathetic nervous erectile function to preserve your vagus nervous
function for your guts; solution for erection and sexual orgasm
When the PDE-5 reuptaking inhibitor inhibits nothing and a vasodilator
penile injection dilates nothing, you have a severe nervous dysfunction for no
more sexual orgasm !
Ephedrine + Caffeine kills erection for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11619.htm
Chronic Over-masturbation causes his eye floater, headache, erectile
dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11321.htm
Smart young man's stupid experiences with Street drugs for brain damage,
erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11198.htm
An impotent story due to over-masturbation or over-ejaculation for no more
sexual orgasm and ejaculation.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11509.htm
Over-masturbation causes teenager's sexual exhaustion, extreme lower back
pain, and penile shrinking from 7 inches to 5 inches for no more sexual orgasm.
Young Pot smoker and Drinker's general problems - his erection goes limp and
impotent and then he loses passion during lovemaking - no sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11137.htm
Penile damage by a cock ring or rubber band ; brain/nervous damage by
over-masturbation/over-ejaculation, drug/steroid abuse for no more seminal
production, erection or sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11125.htm
causes and solution for venous leak; sexual dissatisfaction or unfulfilling
causes devoice; the Tao of Love for sexual orgasm
Penile damage by Cock ring for penile numbness, impotence and no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11043.htm
Over-masturbation causes teenager's impotency and penile shrinkage for no
more sexual orgasm - solution .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11041.htm
Why his erection goes limp when he is ready to penetrate, but not in hand
jobs or masturbation? no good for sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11019.htm
Young man's premature ejaculation due to weak erection and impotency for no
sexual orgasm. He comes in 2 minutes with an escort.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10748.htm
Marijuana smoker's weak erection and premature ejaculation for no more
sexual orgasm - solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10720.htm
Solutions for premature ejaculation and weak erection due to over-
masturbation and over-ejaculation for restoration of hard erection, seminal
production and sexual orgasm
Venous Leakage, Chronic prostatitis, penile injection for no sexual orgasm,
but crocking the penis - solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10646.htm
Venous leakage, mechanics of inflating a tubeless tire, self-healing, porn
movies and what sexual orgasm is
She said ' When he had taken your products in the past he/we were very
satisfied with the results.'; solution for eliminating the side effects of blood
pressure drugs and for vaginal tightness and more intensively sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10598.htm
Middle-aged man's body pains, penile, testicular pain, hernia pain, whatever
pains, weak ejaculation and urination, and erectile dysfunction for no more
sexual orgasm - Solution!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10410.htm
3-week jelqing exercises cut his erection down to 50% for no more sexual
Jelqing causes a middle-age man's weak erection for no sexual orgasm
Even Oral sex can not keep his penis alive; instead, oozes a little fluid
out for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11070.htm
How to prevent the penis from going limp during lovemaking for better sexual
orgasm; why his penis goes limp in his performing turn.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10370.htm
Why his erection goes limp in penetration sex, but not in oral sex, hand
jobs or masturbation? no good for sexual orgasm.
Role of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and Progesterone in sexual orgasm
He said 'Viagraowth 1 and fibra together is amazing!' for having the 1-12
o'clock erection again and sexual orgasm; on the causes and solutions for the
post-ejaculation pain.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10208.htm
Chronic over-masturbation results in erectile dysfunction and premature
ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - why and solution.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10217.htm
Reduce your PSA level to break off the prostate self-stimulation cycling
that causes over-masturbation or over-ejaculation - for hard erection and sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9985.htm
He said ' I could do it for an hour with a strong erection using the VIP
Cream.' VIP Cream for penile enlargement and vaginal tightening for more sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10126.htm
He said 'that your products are excellent and that I have now realised
incredible results from the ballooning method.' from 6 to 8+ inches in length
and from 4.5 to 6.5 inches in thickness, like her wrist, and gave her a 'huge'
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10012.htm
Why his erection goes limp during sexual encounter for
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10037.htm
Penile Damage by a cock ring for no sexual orgasm.
Erectile dysfunction is a brain's/nervous bioelectric disorder, but not a
plumbing problem. Penile injection damages the penile spongy tissues, and
generates scars for crooking the penis for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10048.htm
Why he ejaculates prematurely during penetration sex, but not during oral
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10124.htm
On Dosage of Yohimbine ( the Yohimbe chemical) for erectile dysfunction and
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10075.htm
Marijuana causes teenager's sympathetic nervous "Fight or Flight" for
Premature Ejaculation and Flight = Erectile Dysfunction, no more sexual orgasm
for her.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11089.htm
Marijuana causes impotence, premature ejaculation, and orgasmic dysfunctions
for no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9954.htm
Marijuana for impotence, ejaculation dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9840.htm
Jelqing and over-ejaculation causes youth erectile dysfunction for no sexual
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9967.htm
Penile stretching and jelqing causes penile damage for no erection and
sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9784.htm
Why he experiences erectile pain and has an ice-cold penis for erectile
dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9816.htm
Male midlife crisis and female golden age for sexual orgasm - the dopamine
and testosterone drives
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9754.htm
Young man's sexual stress causes temporary impotence for no sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case10040.htm
Men has menopause too! Solution for male menopause, more erection and sexual
Solutions for Male menopauses, over-masturbation, erectile dysfunction,
penile shrinking, body pain, hair loss, Insomnia, losing memory and mental
clarity, and sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9815.htm
Let DopaFibra and ViaPal-hGH-D maximize your
brain-pituitary-testicular functions for a larger penis and more ejaculation
volume with extra firing power for sexual orgasm.
Over-modulation of SSRIs antidepressants on the brain's and nervous
functions for less seminal/lubrication production, erectile dysfunction and no
sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9725.htm
On Anti-depression drugs, erection dysfunction and Sexual Orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9711.htm
An 18-year old boy's premature impotence for no more sexual vaginal
penetration and no more sexual orgasm.
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12198.htm
Young victim of penile vacuum pumping for impotence and no sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepressants, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm.
His penis shrunk 40-50% due to Over-ejaculation and over-masturbation for no
sexual orgasm.
Penile pumping results in impotence! The Solution for erection restoration
and sexual orgasm ?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9486.htm
Impotence - why your brain does not allow you to erect your penis for
sexual orgasm ?
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9485.htm
Teenagers' Drug/Supplement/Pill abuse and over-masturbation for no sexual
orgasm and erection
Effects on the Hair Growth Drug on erection, sperm production and sexual
The role of the liver in male and female 'penile erection' and sexual
orgasm. And VAGINISMUS !
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9098.htm
Young men's Ejaculation pain, Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation
- Solutions for health and sexual orgasm
Solution for premature male menopause due to over-masturbation -
sexual orgasm.
Beta-Blocker drugs and a low testosterone level produce Peyronie conditions
for crooking and bending the penis for no sexual orgasm - the suggested
Restore health and nervous functions from over-masturbation for better
erection, lasting longer and sexual orgasm
Hyperthyroid, acetylcholine, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
Diabetes, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9366.htm
Vasectomy, low testosterone level, penile shrinkage, hair loss and growth,
detoxification and penile enlargement for sexual orgasm
Overdosed sport supplements and stressful job and bodybuilding results in
erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Neurophysiology of erection and Sexual Orgasm, and hysterectomy.
MoodMax is for young men and teenagers sexual exhaustion and impotency -
solution for sexual orgasm
Caffeine, stress hormone, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
Sex is in the brain, but requires support from the liver, for erection and
sexual orgasm
Solution for Young men's midlife menopause and sexual orgasm.
Solutions for middle agers' problems - inconsistence, weak erection,
premature ejaculation, and no sexual orgasm
ViaPal-hGH-D help him erect his penis up to the 1 o'clock position with one
testis, for lasting longer and more sexual orgasm.
A compromise solution for growing hair and penis - restoring erection and
sexual orgasm
How to induce erection with no testicles - for sexual orgasm
Drug abuse, smoking pot and over-masturbation for no erection and sexual
orgasm; Solutions: power and balance the brain's Acetylcholine, Dopamine,
Serotonin and GABA ( GHB !) systems.
The extreme of over-masturbation practices for no sexual orgasm, impotence
and premature ejaculation; even the erectile drug won't work. Solutions!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9122.htm
ViaPal-hGH-D powers the liver, cardiovascular and brain/neuro-endocrine
functions for healing, stress release, antidepression, erection and sexual
Over-Masturbation has killed his liver and neuro-endocrine functions for no
erection and sexual orgasm!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9096.htm
Starting masturbation too young results in weak erection for no sexual
orgasm. Solutions!
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9123.htm
She wants a lot of sexual orgasm, but he can not make it for her. Solutions!
Solutions for midlife transition - more erection, penile enlargement, and
sexual orgasm
The ultimate solution for depression, sexual exhaustion, impotence,
frigidity and better sexual orgasm .
==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case9089.htm Solution for Venous leak for
weak erection and no sexual orgasm.
Obsessisive Cumpulsive Disorder and Antidepressants, resulting in sexual
dysfunction for no sexual orgasm. sexual orgasm.
Why his erection goes limp in the middle of intercourse for no sexual
orgasm? Solution!
When the erectile drug won't work for erectile dysfunction due to
over-masturbation or Over-ejaculation.. for no sexual orgasm.
Vacuum Penile pumping weakens erection and over-discharges the
parasympathetic battery for no sexual orgasm.
The erectile drug, allergy, his erection, liver function, birth control pill
and her sexual orgasm.
How to Reverse aging for erection and sexual orgasm - the stress-hormone
busters and the parasympathetic nervous power generators!
He said 'Fibra + Ginseng Power Max numb my penis' for prolonging intercourse
and ViaGrowth products for more sexual orgasm !
He gains 2 inches with Dr.Lin's Natural Penile Enlargement Method for more
sexual orgasm
He said 'your strange products have shrunk my prostate' for more erection
and sexual orgasm.
ViaPal-hGH-D powers his penis like a rock-hard rod and the 3-Point Love
Position gives her eruptive orgasms.
Welcome back to the One O'clock Club; Let ViaPal-hGH-D wake your tigress for
sexual orgasm.
Priapism causes no erection and no sexual orgasm
Retired Neurosurgeon needs ViaPal-hGH-D for erection and sexual orgasm.
You need more than testosterone for erection and sexual orgasm - the liver
Over-masturbation, weak erection, premature ejaculation and sexual orgasm
Weak erection results in penile shrinking and breaking for no sexual orgasm
ViaGrowth-IV powers the liver function for synthesis of Nitride Oxide and
cGMP for erection and sexual orgasm.
Solution for Premature Ejaculation resulting from weak erection, for sexual
Unlocking the brain's Hormone Negative Feedback Controller for erection and
sexual orgasm
Dr. Lin's formula solved his prostate problem and let him hold back
ejaculation more often, erect much harder, and last much longer for more sexual
orgasm - he said 'he could not squeeze it any more!'
Shorting the erectile bioelectric circuit for hard erection and sexual
A compromise solution for growing hair and penis - restoring erection and
sexual orgasm
Restoration of Erectile Dysfunction for Sexual Orgasm
( Click Here for How_To )
Erectile Dysfunction is caused by an undercharge of the bioelectric cells in
the Contractile Fibers around the prostate due to the underactive
parasympathetic, sexual motor nerve; Premature Ejaculation
(PE), by a supercharge of the bioelectric cells in the prostate's Autorhythmic
Fibers due to the hyperactive sympathetic, sexual motor nerve. Who should
take the blame for erectile dysfunction? Aging, overejaculation, smoking,
alcohol, stress, antidepressants, high-blood pressure drugs, diabetes drugs,
pain killers, and so on, block the brain to release the hormone messenger to the
Contractile Fibers.
Beware of the chemical castration drugs you take everyday!
(Note: the 2nd type of Chemical Castration is erectile drug : All-night
long erection and sex with erectile drugs causes PRIAPISM (permanent destruction
of the penis) the for no sexual orgasm.
If you take any erectile drugs or herbs, you need a spectrum hormonal
releasing formula to power your parasympathetic function (Yin Chi or
Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter) for promoting your brain/nervous/endocrine/liver
functions. Otherwise, a long-term use of erectile drugs or herbs may result in
severe side effects, permanent impotence or even death. Why? Please read:
Solutions for premature ejaculation and weak erection due to over-
masturbation and over-ejaculation for restoration of hard erection, seminal
production and sexual orgasm
Promoting Yin to assist Yang for erection and Sexual Orgasm with side
effects of killing all the pains and cramps in the body.
Aging (weak Acetylcholine action) and Stress Hormone Adrenaline kill
erection and sexual orgasm
Kiegel Exercise for female sexual orgasm, but not for male prolonging sex -
why? Understanding the mechanisms of penile erection and sexual orgasm
Solution of premature ejaculation for middle agers and seniors, or impotent
young men, for more sexual orgasm
what function does the prostate have during sex?
Restoration of the Parasympathetic function for erection and healing
premature ejaculation for sexual orgasm
Recharge your bioelectric system for powerful erection and sexual orgasm!
Semen leakage (premature ejaculation!), weak erection and sexual orgasm
Suggested solutions for Erectile dysfunction caused by
trans-urethral-prostatectomy and a curved penis.
The Woman-on-the-top Position requires a hard erection to prevent penile
Penile Enlargement Exercise results in penile shrinkage and no sexual orgasm
ViaPal-hGH-D can help back-operation patients for erection and sexual orgasm
Solutions for middle agers and seniors to power erection and prolong sex and
sexual orgasm
Semen leakage, weak erection and sexual orgasm
Why he goes soft during sex for no sexual orgasm?
Solutions for young men's erection problem and sexual orgasm.
Solution of Premature Ejaculation due to a shrinking penis, for Sexual
He said 'Your products are certainly helping the healing process. ' - more
sexual Orgasm
Solution for venous leakage for more erection and sexual Orgasm
He said 'Your ViaGrowth-IV works as advertised." - more erection and sexual
Solution for premature ejaculation, resulting from weak erection, and for
sexual Orgasm.
Causes and Solutions of mildlife depression, erection and Sexual Orgasm
Dr.Lin's lovemaking methods re-ignite her fire, passion and hope for sexual
Restoration of sexual exhaustion pain, erection and ejaculation control for
sexual orgasm
Grow the muscle and shrink the penis for weak erection and no sexual orgasm
Find out the sexual orgasm solutions.
Hair regrowth drugs, erection power, and Finger Pliers Method for sexual
Solution for penile pumping damage! no erection and sexual orgasm
Why the erectile drug gives you weak erection and erection/low-back pain for
no sexual orgasm?
Long-term use of SSRIs antidepressants causes premature ejaculation and no
sexual orgasm
Consideration of taking Hormonal Replacement Therapy or Herbal Supplements
for sexual orgasm
He said 'your products improved my erection function' for sexual orgasm
Let ViaPal-hGH-D restore a solid erection and make you last longer for more
sexual orgasm.
He said 'it works great' for hard erection, elimination of masturbation, and
sexual orgasm.
He has regained his 2-o'clock erection with Dr. Lin's formula for sexual
You don't need Testosterone Replacement Therapy any more with ViaPal-hGH-D
for more erection and sexual orgasm
Dr. Lin's formula has powered his penis to 1 o'clock for 2 hours, giving her
multiple sexual orgasm(s).
Marrying the Chi concept with the nervous/endocrine functions for more
sexual orgasm.
The SSRIs antidepressants for erectile and orgasmic
dysfunction, NO sexual orgasm.
ViaGrowth-IV and ViaPal-hGH-X for heart and blood-pressure patients to have
sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's formula can kill pains and restore sexual exhaustion for erection
and sexual orgasm.
MDMA or (ecstasy), marijuana, sexual Chi-Kong and sexual orgasm.
Our products are to power erection for sexual orgasm.
Why overexercises kill erection and sexual orgasm?
you experience weak erection, impotence, premature ejaculation or dryness/
frigidity (women) for no sexual orgasm
Our happy supplements ViaGrowth-IV and ViaPal-hGH-D give you more erection
and sexual orgasm. solve menstrual pains and cramps too.
Sharp back pain, erection and sexual orgasm
She said "You can't erect successfully.." for sexual orgasm
New Natural Hormonal Replacement Formula, ViaPal-hGH-D, for Penile Hard
Erection/Enlargement, Clitoral/G-spot Engorgement/Enlargement, Ejaculation
Volume and Vaginal Self Lubrication; pains and cramps; more sexual orgasm
ReGrow your hair and penis for sexual orgasm
Young men should not take androstenedione, tribulus terrestris, ephedrine
and caffeine for sexual orgasm
Solutions for young men's impotence, weak erection and premature ejaculation
for sexual orgasm
Tumors, Cancers, Hormonal Replacement Therapy, Erection, and sexual orgasm.
Recharge the parasympathetic nerves for erection and sexual orgasm.
Solutions for the curved penis due to weak erection, for more sexual orgasm
Solutions for middle agers' premature ejaculation and sexual orgasm!
Male menopause, bodybuilding, erection and sexual orgasm
Starting Overmasturbation from age 12 for premature ejaculation, impotence
and no sexual orgasm; Solutions!
How to Restore a broken penis for erection and sexual orgasm.
Midlife transition, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and sexual
No erectile drugs ;But, How to restore erection for health and sexual
ViaGrowth products for therapeutic purposes of sexual exhaustion and sexual
orgasm! ==>http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case8643.htm
He experienced unusual power of ViaGrowth-III and worries - more sexual
Too wet and middle agers' problems - Solutions for Sexual orgasm.==>http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case8628.htm
Start masturbation at age 8 and impotence at age 18 - solutions for Sexual
Solve his blood pressure and erection problems for her Sexual orgasm.
He said Dr. Lin's formulas restore his hard erection for Sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's Penile Massage Method and ViaGrowth-II have fixed his curved penis
for sexual orgasm
Hot issues of middle-age couples - vaginal size, erection and sexual orgasm
Male menopause, birth control pill, and sexual orgasm
Solutions for Young men's erectile problems - reclaiming sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's Penile Massage and ViaGrowth-II can help you redevelop your penis
for sexual orgasm
Let ViaGrowth-III and massage revive your underdeveloped penile tissue to
straighten erection up for sexual orgasm!
How to power up the penis, last longer and resonate her sexual orgasm!
Dr. Lin's formulas reverse the hair grower's side effects and restore
erection for sexual orgasm!
Overmaturbation and the Lockup of endocrine function by Hormone Replacement
Therapy for premature ejaculation and no sexual orgasm!==>http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case8588.htm
Long-term customer looking for ViaGrowth-IV for maximizing sexual orgasm
Dr.Lin's formulas and penile enlargement method for hard erection,
prolonging intercourse and sexual orgasm
It is his penile problem for no sexual orgasm, not your vaginal problem
Why he loses his erection during 90% of lovemaking for no sexual orgasm?
Mechanical Penile Enlargements by Vacuum Penile Pump, Penile Weight Lifting,
or Penile Fitness can break your penis
Masturbation, aging, erection, curved penis, ViaGrowth Products and
sexual orgasm
He said Dr. Lin's Natural Penile Enlargement (Power-Up or Ballooning) Method
works well, for sexual orgasm.
Old Customer wants to restore his 1-o'clock erection
for sexual orgasm.
He ejaculated with blood for no sexual orgasm!
Young man's overejaculation for his May-September
marriage results in impotence and no Sexual Orgasm.
An erectile drug user with high-blood
pressure likes the full spectrum-hormone releaser for better sexual orgasm.
An erectile drug user said Dr. Lin
formulas help him for better erection and looks for better control of sexual
Her sexual orgasm requires his hard erection. solution!
Male G-spot? Massage the scrotum/testicles for more sexual orgasm
ViaPal-hGH-P for libido, hard erection and sexual orgasm
Full-spectrum Hormone releasers for powerful erection and more sexual orgasm
Let ViaGrowth products reverse aging for more sexual orgasm
Sexual ChiKong and ViaGrowth products help strengthen erection for more
sexual orgasm
Let ViaGrowth-II to repower young man's erection for sexual orgasm
ViaGrowth-II & Ginseng for Male Menopause; Heat Tea for her sexual orgasm
Sexual orgasm can repower your pituitary (brain function) if you do it
Solutions for the sexual dysfunction induced by Biking and exhausted
exercises, for sexual orgasm.
Child Molestation, Premature Ejaculation and sexual orgasm
Why testosterone therapy alone won't work for health and sexual orgasm?
Let ViaGrowth-II help maintain your erection for sexual orgasm
Vaginal loosing or penile erection problems for no orgasm. solution!
ViaPal-hGH-P or -E for more ejaculation volume and semen, more erection
power and more Sexual Orgasm.
Quit smoking, change sexual practice and take supplements for extending
Sexual Orgasm.
The fully engorged clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter, with a hard penis, are
essential for sexual orgasm and pleasure.
What cause sexual orgasm to disappear! You work too hard for no sexual
Screwing each other every morning for resolving Vaginal Smell and Discharge,
and improving Erection and Ejaculation Control.
An erectile drug user with high-blood pressure likes the full
spectrum-hormone releaser for better sexual orgasm.
The full-spectrum hormone releasers can help men and women to regrow or
enlarge their sex organs for better sexual Orgasm.
If you can experience Clitoral orgasms, you should able to have Vaginal
sexual Orgasms; the problem is his weak erection!
Let ViaPal-hGH-P reverse the weak erection, premature ejaculation, and
sexual orgasm dysfunction caused by antidepressants.
Let ViaPal-hGH or ViaPal-hGH-P reverse your calendar age for more sexual
LastLonger and Sexual ChiKong Intercourse prolong erection and intercourse
for sexual orgasm!
Let Vacuum-Cupping Massage help recover paralyses of T-11 and T-12 for
Erection and Sexual Orgasm
How to have consistent Refraction Time for more Sexual Orgasm
He uses Dr. Lin techniques for 3-hour sex and give her Level-7 sexual
orgasm, but want to learn more for consistent performance.
Football player wants a home run in the bedroom and more Sexual Orgasm for
his wife!
What is ViaPal-hGH and how it does for more Sexual Orgasm?
57/58 Young, Loving Couple wants to grow young and enjoy more Sexual Orgasm.
Advice: Restoring erection and learning sexual ChiKong breathing for Sexual
Let Vacuum-Cupping Massage and ViaGrowth-III spectrum hormones revive the
damaged tissues neurons for erection and sexual orgasm!
ViaPal-hGH or ViaPal-hGH-P provides a balanced hormone spectrum for diabetes
to have erection and sexual orgasm!
Reader said: Viagrowth III and Paragon have produced a very positive effect
on libido and depression in 3 days! Of course, more sexual orgasm!
ViaGrowth-III and Heat Tea are the romantic-good-old-day product for libido
and sexual orgasm!
Shape of a naturally erected penis for sexual orgasm
Middle agers' problems -Want more sperm, harder erection and more sexual
ViaGrowth-III, LastLonger, Penile Ballooning Method, and Sexual ChiKong
Intercourse for better sexual orgasm!
Reversing Over-maturbation and blood congestion that kill his body, for
sexual orgasm!
ViaGrowth-III + Paragon can erectile drug users with hepatitis c for sexual
Middle agers can double their sexual orgasm with Dr.Lin CD_ROM and ViaGrowth
Let ViaGrowth heat up your sex organs for sexual orgasm!
Let ViaGrowth rejuvenate old engines for sexual orgasm!
Masturbation, good or bad, why? and sexual orgasm!
How to restore the sexual orgasm capacity from sexual exhaustion!
How to restore the CNS bioelectric level for erection and sexual orgasm!
How to benefit from sexual orgasm: the difference between Masturbation and
Weak erection and premature ejaculation can heighten each other for no
sexual orgasm.