Life-Enrichment & Love-Enhancement Solutions and Advices: The natural sex medicine - 1. Reconnection of the Governing and Conception Vessels Via el Condor’s (Eagle’s) Anal Breathing Sexual ChiKung – the Vagus-Spinal Nervous Stimulation Qi-Gong (打通任督二脈的老鷹迷走神功) 2. Audio lecture "Anal Breathing Qi-Gong - the Vagus and Spinal Nervous Stimulation 打通任督二脈的老鷹迷走神功 " 3. Anal Breathing Qi-Gong exercises and discussions - 4. Why do we sell the concentracted, tripple strength Omeage-3 Fish Oil ? and for what? Please read this insterested publication "The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases." in Experiemental Biology and Medicine. The whole article is given in . According to this study, you may need as high as 3000 mg omage-3 (3 pills of our Omega-3 Fish Oil) every day. Good News: He said 'I have taken you products periodically for some time and sexual function has improved considerably. Prior to taking your products my libido was almost non existent. If I did have sex (an orgasm) I was always very exhausted thereafter. ' New formula pro-dopamine, pro-acetylcholine, cardiovascular-friendly formulation ViaPal-hGH-V for faster recovery of post-orgasm exhaustion and illness symptoms ==> On superior penile size and growth for sexual orgasm and the limitation of the erectile angle with penile size - the cantilevel beam theory and the deflection induced tissues scarring ==> Semen for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? Maybe, the ram seminal plasma testosterone concentration is high enough for natural TRT. Practice anal breathing to pen the reflex arc of the tailbone nerves S1-S5 and Co , and shut down the ejaculation nervous reflex arc in the discs L1 and L2 for orgasm without ejaculation, to solve the premature ejaculation and to return semen back to the brain. Male orgasm without ejaculation- principle of the anal breathing for neuroplasticity of tailbone nerves S1-S5 Dopaminergic erectile pathways powered by DopaFibra! He said ' That evening when I went to bed (about 5 hours after taking my androgens) I lay in bed and had a spontaneous erection. It was the strongest I have had for a long time. It lasted 30 mins without stimulation from the hand.' Over-masturbation recovery! He said 'As a suffer of over-masturbation symptoms, I spent a period of two years on "ViaPal-hGH-J" which almost fully restored my sex drive, erection and mood.' How to avoid sexual exhaustion symptoms? ==> She said ' I previously ordered from you some time ago, Arginox, Mood Max and ViaGrowth. I find that it helps with hot flashes, and depression' for sexual orgasm. He, a drug abuser (marijuana, LSD, etc.) and over-masturbator, said ' I used an array of your products a few years back and had some good results. I didnt realise I had good results until I had a sexual encounter... ' He said 'I've been taking viapal-hgh-j and pinealtonin for 1 and half year now. During this time my testicles has grown pretty big.' He said ' I have been taking your products for quite some time and have notable success thus far. I noticed that now I have several very hard spontaneous erections throughout the day when I talk to my girlfriend' but how to reduce precum leakage and how to rejuvenate the hour-glass shaped penis He said ' I was taking your products just for 1 week i got cured very well.. I am using viapal-hgh-C and viapal-hgh-M on alternate days. Very excellent result.' Recover from street-drug damages , such as night fall, throbbing rear brain, stress, precum and semen leakage, and prolonging r induced efraction time He said 'Just wanted to give you my latest update after taking your products for the last 3 and half years. The great news is that recently my desire and erections have improved even though its cold.' and No more sexual exhaustion symptoms He said 'she feel that my penis is bigger and coupled with your products and VIP cream she is very high with me and when we have sex she will come around 2-3 times every day at around 30 minutes sex. Really thanks for your products' How to last longer than 30 minutes? His said 'I think ViaDopa is your best product because it elevates everything.' for colitis ==> He said 'I got my order of detoxia this morning and I feel great after just 1 tablet. I haven't felt like this in 6 years...Thank you for giving me my life back! ==> Penile ballooning grows his penis from 4.5 inches to 5.5 inches in about 2 months. He said ' i must appreciate you for your magic products:VIAPAL-HGH-J and ANGI-NOX, which help me out from ED.NOW i can have normal intercourse.' A chronic over-masturbation customer (since age 5!) said 'When I got to college I was on action love products and it helped. I was a college athlete and was always doing intense weight training. ' Products for good marriage life and hard erection He said 'Since getting back in the Midnight Cowboy business, your products have been helping a lot. Thank you.....Last week I serviced 10 clients in one day' How to benefit your body from serving 10 clients a day - the Old Taoism theory: extract the female essence via sexual intercourse and female orgasm He said 'Since getting back in the Midnight Cowboy business, your products have been helping a lot. Thank you...Last week I serviced 10 clients in one day' He said 'your products may have saved my life. After taking DopaFibra I felt my veins open up in my lower abdomen and blood draining down into the pelvis. But most importantly, I felt the vein/artery in my brain open up and could literally feel blood flowing through my brain, filling it up with blood.' He said 'I am seeing good results after only 4 days. I have been taking the low dose Vial Pal HGH-J in addition to one Arginox in the morning and one Pinealtonin before bed. I have not had the urge to masturbate, feel more self control, sleep well and wake up sooner without an alarm, no morning breath, pee less, etc. After only four days! I have noticed the positive effects of my nei gung practice are stronger ' He said ' I have taken your products for prostate pain and had great success with your products and advice' what products or packages to improve sperm production and to assist her to get pregnancy ==> He said 'I really believe you have not only improved my quality of life but quite probably saved my life also and many others.' ==> He said ' I've used your products before and loved them. It only took a month before things started working in supreme order again...I talked to my general practictioner and he is okay with me using your products.' ==> He said ' I've been on the ViaPal-hGH-N high dose for a couple of weeks now and I feel already pretty good. I'm not tired all the time anymore like I used to feel and I'm sleeping good. My testicles really seem to be growing. They are becoming full and heavy.' ==> He, 66 years old, said ' Eleven days ago, I started taking the Viapal N, plus 3000MG fish oil and one 50mg of 5-HTP daily. I take viapal N exactly as directed on the bottle. I also massage penis twice daily with VIP cream and I take Energia 3 times daily. My erection frequency has improved according to what I wanted when I started...morning erections everyday and frequent erections throughout the day. However, my physical well-bing seems to have doubled or tripled.' ==> He said ' 我用你的营养品很多年了,效果非常的好! (your products are very effective to me!) ' what propucts are for vegetarians? ==> He said' I have used your products and found them to be amazing. . However I feel like so many more people could benefit from your products if they knew about them. ' Yes, we have a re-sellers program. ==> He said' dear Dr Lin, 5 year ago i had a problem with blood in the seaman. your cure worked the problem went away and never came back. the seaman went from transparent back to white and no more blood. the military doctors were stumped.' Solution for non-organic throbbing headaches ==> He said 'Dr.Lin, So far your advise has helped me out. Many areas have had improvements. You were right about the seminal retention,' Why can semen or sperm retention cause pelvic pains, blue balls, testicular pains, prostate pains, frequent urination, sleeping disorders, short temper, anxiety, stress and premature ejaculation? ==> On optimal exercises for better health and sex ==> Yin and Yang classification in term of sex hormones and neurotransmitters; the role of liver; stopping breastfeeding triggers acne outbreak? and why? He said ' I have been doing really well with moodmax, pinealtonin, fish/borage oil. Generally, by bladder inflammation is better. I have also noticed that my hair is growing more.' ==> He said 'At the moment I am using the Viagrowth IV, which I find fantastic product so within 15 days when you start with clomiphene treatment, when tearing down again with all the viapal p. So I will keep you good news of recovery' Solution for sexual exhaustion symptoms, finasteride side effects, and hypothyroidism, including fatigue, depression, body coldness, hair loss, blurred vision, photosensitivity, ringing ears, back pain, genital and pelvic numbness, zero libido, bowel movement and urinary incontinence, prostatitis, penile shrinkage, premature ejaculation and Gynecomastia ==> Testosterone and DHT are essential to arterial vasodilation and to promotion of growth factors ==> He said ' I have been using your products for 10 years now and still benefit greatly. Lately I take moodmax, dopafibra, and 5htp. This combo is really ideal, the 5htp seems to be the key. My wife and I have a great sex life. ' On anal sex and stimulation ==> He said 'I've tried your products in the past and they have worked great for me.' chronic over-masturbation history at 5 times a day, having sex up to 8 times a day, penile pumping, amphetamine and SSRI antidepression drug use, and long sitting for back pain and erectile dysfunction ==> He said 'Things have slowly got better, I have more control over relaxing my pc muscles during sex and premature ejaculation is slowly improving, am able to get an erection without a problem.' Dr. Lin's advices for getting recovery from sexual exhaustion symptoms, tearing acne, and limiting ejaculation while giving her a lot of sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I used to have sex exhaustion symptoms but I got cured thanks to you and viaPal-hGH-J' ==> He said 'Hello Dr lin. I used to suffer from finasteride damage awhile back, i took your products for awhile and I have had a great deal of success,' but, what is the difference between finasteride and saw palmetto? ==> He said 'I have been taking Viapal-V for my penis enlargement process( 2nd order) and my wife has noticed a difference when I enter her.(thank God)' add DeToxiA to burn blood sugar. ==> He said ' I'm taking double dosage of DopaFibra I have less and less pain in the back I feel real good inside I gain on thickness and and I gain 1 1/4 inches ' why can a hard-rock erection in bed can become soft when standing up? ==> He said 'I'm really impressed by your products. I have been taking viapal-j plus omega-3 and omega-6 three times daily for one month, and I think I'm having really good results. I was thinking that I could be a lost case finasteride victim, but the first month give me great hope.' have improved his erection and libido ==> He said 'I need your help. I am 70 years old. Throughout my life I have never had a hard erection on a consistent manner, it fluctuated being mainly half-hard and being not there at all. From my childhood I have always been lightheaded, sort of spaced-out (still do) and I had eyefloaters. My stomach was never flat no matter how hard I worked -out. I have enlarged breasts. I have been using your products for a while. Eye floaters are gone, the erection though improved is not as firm as I would like it to be. ' Eat more Cruciferous vegetables or take DeToxiA for anti-aromatase, anti-estrogen and anti-neuroplasticity ==> He said 'Years ago I purchases some of your products and they were helpful to rejuvenating my sexual organs after damage by a penis pump which resulted in urine and semen leaking from my penis prematurely (premature ejaculation but also drippiness after urination) and less rigid erections.' Learning the Finger Pliers method, anal Breathing, Sexual Chikong, Screwing Method and Resonant Excitation Method for powerful sexual orgasm ==> He said 'i ordered viapal e this helped me a lot with sleeping problems and my anxiety, phobia and starting to get morning erections... Taking high amounts of viagrowth iv and dopafibra will make me horny to go back to my old ways this has happened to me before' Boosting the testosterone level solve the andropause induced insomnia, anxiety, phobias, aches, pains, thinning hair and erectile dysfunction with Viapal-hGH-E and DopaFibra ==> He said 'I have taken your products Via pal P- Mood max, Via growth Iv, dopa fibra argynox and pinealtonin last summer, problems went away.' stop precum/semen leakage and restore the neuroennocrine system to solve sexual exhaustion symptoms. ==> He said ' I'm on day 17 and my progress is coming along well. ' with for the best sleep and spontaneous morning erection with ViaPal-hGh-J and 5-HTP ==> He said 'My penis became a lot more numbed, in one night 4 years ago, because of sleeping with a lengthening device. I took your pills before, and it had many positive effects, ..' Repair the penile nervous damage induced by the penile extender lengthening device ==> He said 'Your products and advice cured my prostate pain 4 years ago.' Cholesterol medication drugs causes his prostate pain and frequent urination again. What is the solution now? ==> He said 'Hi doc. I have an update and a question. First, your Moodmax formula has really helped mitigate the digestive fires in my gastrointestinal tract. I rarely have pain in my stomach anymore. What an improvement!' ==> He said 'I've noticed my libido has increased tremendously and my erection has improved about 60%. Seminal leakage is also lesser. Hot flushes are getting better too.' with a low dose of ViaPal-hGH-E, (1 Moodmax +1 Pinealtonin in the mornings after breakfast and 1 Viagrowth IV and 1 Pinealtonin at dinner). ==> He said 'I am alive today because of what u do and i want u to know I appreciate it.' His wife took Plan B birth control pill result in serious outbreak of acne. Why and suggestive solution. ==> He said 'Got my package last monday. feeling very good. been having good bowel movements.' with ViaPal-hGH-J and DeToxiA ==> He said 'Hey! I've been taking 5-htp for my digestion and have had good results. There is less stomach pain and fullness.' on the serotonin-melatonin pair for switching the sympathetic nervous function to the parasympathetic tones for all your internal organs ==> He said 'My sex life is good thanks to your via pal products.' why a high fever gives him alopecia areata hair loss? and why doing heavy weight lifting causes frequent urination or bladder or prostate panic response? ==> An extremely sexual exhausted customer said ' Thanks a lot for your medicines , as you suggested low dose i am taking since 45 days and i think i am improving a lot. i am getting morning erections better than before' ==> He said 'She has been taking the same thing I have which is the Via Pal P along with the 5 Htp and AgiNox. She has not had any bleeding in the past 3 wks or so. I am assuming what we have been taking is helping with some of the dryness.' Progesterone domination can dry up the vagina and harden the tissues, nerves and blood vessels. ==> He said 'I am happy to say that ViaPal hGH-D works very well for me....The penis appears to be larger in the flaccid state now and there is very often a semi erection. Spontaneous erections are more often.' when your dopamine level is high, ViaPal-hGH-D is more effective than ViaPal-hGH-P ==> He said ' i was wondering ive got this friend and he said he was practising the ballooning aswell and in a month he gain an inch in length and 0.5 inch in girth and i havnt gained any thing like that.' Why? ==> He said ' A few years ago I used your products and was very satisfied with it. I used DeToxiA, Ginseng 4X+, ViaPal-hGH-E, VIP.' ==> He said 'ive been doing the balooning method so far and my penis looks slightly thicker,.., and penis gets bigger furthur on the edge from ejaculation,' What is the principle behind penile ballooning? And what cause the penis go limp from erection? ==> He said ' I have been battling with some minor depression issues for a few years now. I have used your products on and off during that time including "viapal hgh - J + Arginox" and Viapal hgh-C for depression and have found them quite effective. So thank you! ' ==> He said 'My bathroom function is almost normal now. Inflammation is almost all gone too!... I am very impressed by your knowledge and products. I do not see the point of going back to school when your information is more advanced than what is being taught. What is required to become a distributor of your products? What advice can you give for getting started?' ==> He said ' Hi Dr. Lin I've taken your products before for increase blood flow to my pelvic area and to help me hold my erection with Penisos and LoveLonger but lately i've being having alot of sex with my girlfriend and i've being ejacaulating about twice a day for about three months' Now, restore the over-ejaculation induced sexual exhaustion! ==> He said 'Dr. lin I have recently begun consuming your products and i feel more energy almost instantly. ' Foods for brain, health and sex ==> He said 'thank you first of all for your help with me and my wife i am currently taken product #3-010. my recent blood test shows that my cholesterol levels are perfect according to my doctor, and i am now able to achieve the one o'clock position.' Erecting to 1 o'clock postion is every man's dream! ==> He said ' I started back on your 5htp product to help my digestion. I put it under my tongue and so far it keeps digestive panic down very well, so thank you for that product.' ==> He said ' You and your products are making a big difference in the world.' release of his prostate and perineun pains. the side effects of antibiotics: allergy and asthma by over-stimulating the master cells and promoting the liver enzyme aromatic amino acid decarboxylase action, for excessive histidine-histamine conversion and prostaglandin D2 production. ==> He said 'thank you for your absolutely great products, real progress has been made with my injury since I have been taking ViaPal-hGH-J and PeniSos for about 2 months now. I would say things are 90% back to normal. The pain has been mostly resolved and I feel the scar tissue is becoming softer day after day, although there is still a lump about 1mm in thickness. My erections are much fuller and harder..' ==> He said ' i was ejaculating 5-7 times a week for almost 9-10 months and started to have lower back pains and joint pains. With moodmax the pains disappeared.... the problem is that everytime i have sex and succeed in not ejaculating, the next day I feel the desire to ejaculate' ==> He said 'Viagrowth III is very good to mitigate stress levels and keeping your brain sharp' Why over-eating can cause digestive panic and inflammatory responses by over-expanding the digestive tract. ==> He said 'Thank you again for your advice and your wonderful supplements. Now, I have been enjoying great sex and relationship with my girlfriend.' for more sexual orgasm ==> She said ' You have helped my husband, and we have used your products for a few years' solution for non-organic (non-cancerous/non-tumorous) bloody diarrhea, arthritis, hip pain, inflammatory pain and cramp, poor blood circulation, sleeping disorders, losing weight, headaches, and dizziness ==> He said ' You sent me some products to greece where i was living and it helped my wife a lot. She did a lot of drugs (extasy, coke, crystal meth, marijuana) And she has never had a regular period until i did some research and got her some of your products. Her period became regular, and 2 months later we got pregnant with our first child. she did not think she could have children, now we have 2, A girl 4 and a 2 boy, they are 22 months apart.' how to stimulate oxytocin and AVP (Arginine vasopressin) to open the psychiatric sexual energy channels for psychological and spiritual binding via the screwing sex and 3-point sexual position stimulation ==> He said ' sence I have taken the products,I have more energy,happier,ejaculation better,no headaches. ' with MoodMax and ViaGrowth-III. Solution for penile curvature correction ==> He said ' all i have to say is that viadopa works very well! yesterday i felt tired and drained and then took about 75% of a viadopa pill and felt like superman i had so much energy and strength it was crazy ' ==> He said ' For the past three years I have been taking your ViaPal-hGH-M for eye floaters that I had for many years and the product has worked very well for this type of problem.' Formula for powering the erection and reducing stress and anxiety ==> He said ' My sister is doing well on just 15 days of MoodMax and Pinealtonin. Energy and mood up. No yeast infections. Floaters and joints have some improvement. My dad doesn’t get up but maybe once a night to use bathroom. .... He has had drastic improvement in just 30 days. I am doing better also. My urgency and frequency have reduced by about 60% ,.... I started having Parkinson like shake. I was also having shakes after ejaculation during intercourse. I take 2 doprafibra a day and that has help reduce shakes. ' ==> He said 'have used products years ago and had good results. ' Solution for new problems such as testicular pain, prostate pain, penile shrinkage and erectile dysfunction ==> He said 'I have used your products for 5 months since May of 2008 with moderate success. Recently I reduced my antidepression dosage from 150mg to 75 mg as well as my blood pressure dosage from 300 mg to 150mg...' ==> He said ' Thank you again for your wonderful products. I can sustain powerful, spontaneous erections now on my own. It seems like taking the Ginseng 4X+ with ArgiNOx and ViaPal-hGH-J made a big difference healing wise.' ==> He said ' TI from India, read your site some 4 years back and also used your finger plier technique to satisfy my wife. Thank you for this technique.' Power the erection, balloon the penis, and practice anal breathing to prolong sex. The artificial progesterone in the birth control devices, injection or pills causes vaginal dryness. ==> He said ' For the past 3 weeks I have taken the advice of your website and taken proper herbal supplements to control the urge to masturbate. I feel more charged, more attentive, and more energized. I even wake up to erections in the morning now.' with LoveLonger Formula for powering the erection, improving the erection angle and reducing stress-induced arterial constriction in the penis and testicles. ==> He said ' today i had the best orgasm i've had in years thanks to your ballooning. ' ==> He said 'Btw Dr Lin you've restored my youth! All the scars from when I used to have acne have almost completely gone, and instead of people telling me that I look 40 now they tell me I look 20 again :) ' ==> He said 'I heard your products are amazing.' for Chronic prostatitis, as a result of excessive prostaglandin E2 production in the tissues ==> He said ' I have been using your product and have seen great results.' A weak dopamine-hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis deplete her libido. ==> He said ' good day sir, i've been taking viapal-hgh-o for about a year now and so far so good...although i've been taking low doses now .... after i started taking your products in january 2008, All of the problems listed above went away!!!' ==> He said ' i'm sure you remember me i have completely transformed my life and others around me using the links you have sent be over the past years to revert my seamen back to my 3rd eye. i have been practicing chi kung in order to revert my semen back in order to function in society. ' ==> He said '..Right now I am on the ViaPal-hGH-E,,, Results so far: I have been sleeping better in general...Last week I had sexual relations for the first time in 6 or 8 months,.... it was not as fatiguing as in the past, I think the floaters in my right eye are greatly reduced. My anxiety level is lower. The fatigue in my heart (connected the anxiety and discomfort in the body, especially with mild pain or tension in the right groin and penis) is less... Also the hyper-sensitivity to loud or startling sounds and bright lights has improved,..' ==> He said 'First, I can't find Moodmax on your product list. That product is fantastic for reviving shrunken balls and sex health. I'm 54....I tried to emulate Moodmax it by taking vitimins and griffonia seed powder and other herbs you include in Moodmax, but it just didn't do the same thing.' ==> He said 'I also take Viagrowth III, an amazing product that helped me graduate graduate school in the top 10.' ==> He said 'I have been on your regiment for a week and have already noticed positive effects in my mood, energy level, and decrease in urgency. ' The serotonin and GABA formula ViaPal-hGH-E is for frequent urination, OCD and paranoia ==> He said ' I know you said that you don't recommend mixing your products with alcohol, but I really feel like alcohol amplifies the potency of your products IMMENSELY... I get a super super rock hard erection, much more pronounced than when having the pills by themselves.' That is true for a low dose of alcohol to allow more ingredients to penetrate into the brain and nervous system, but without triggering the liver to release aromatase,and the pituitary to release prolactin, and depressing the dopamine nervous system. ==> He said ' I took pinealtonin over the last month or so and I must say it took care of my over excited state that was causing me to orgasm in only a couple of minutes. Now I'm having sex for extended periods of time and able to control my orgasm like I never believed.' ==> He said ' Recently I had professional degree exams and your products (5htp, arginox, via3, MM) made me pass with the highest score after not much study but hard study: I could get 8 hours of hard work without any problems and a perfect sleep pattern.... Thanks again for saying the truth in a society that encourage destructive practices! You’re a true soldier. Keep the good faith and live happy!' A fully recovery story of his sexual exhaustion symptoms. ==> He said ' i've been suffering from over masturbation alcohol and marijuana abuse symptoms since i was 18 and i'm 22 now i've taking your products a few times in the past and a lot of symptoms have went away...' ==> He said 'when i was 38 i began showing sighns of ED. When i joined a penis enhancement site i learned PE exercises as well as ballooning. Now im 45 and have rock hard erections. my penis grew from 5.5" to over 8.' with our formula. and he has found 'penis injuries are a great source of suicide.' ==> He said' I used your products for about a year almost a year ago. Recently, I have been having some problems.' why orgasm induces allergic responses, ashtma, sneezing, sinus, itchness, scalping burning sensation, and hair loss ==> He said ' First of all, I would like to say thank you for helping me out. I believe that the scares on my penis have disappeared as my penis now stands at 2 o'clock. ' ==> He said 'I have had some of your products a few years ago and liked them. ' Causes and solution for Shy Bladder (or Paruresis) and bladder and prostate nervous control disorders ==> He said 'Funny, but I'm finally able to live semi-normally after almost 2 years of hell. I've finally made enough progress to where my energy is good and my former EXTREME effects are fading. ' with ViaPal-hGH-P and Pinealtonin ==> He said 'I've received your products an already feeling alot of energy is running inside me, the pinaltonnin is very good it sends rushes to my head and its good for calming. ' ==> 61-years old customer said ' I have used your products that cure my prostate problems several years ago.' 'I am a user of your products with great success! My female friend is 42 yrs old and would like to have sex everyday.' how can you make her achieve orgasm as many times as she wants ==> He said 'I am an Acupuncturist and I have been using your products. I have gained the most benefit from pinealtonin. It has totally gotten rid of my premature ejaculation. I can't believe it! I have total control now. I now know that my sympathetic nervous system was in over drive and that I needed a boost of serotonin and gaba. I can't thank you enough! I sleep so much better and I am actually smarter! My skills in chess have improved dramatically! Amazing product! I've read on the internet that gaba doesn't always cross the blood-brain barrier, but your product works well for me. WHY???' ==> He said ' Penisos has worked wonders for my sex life, and I was just wondering how many capsules can I take per day? Typically I take 4 pills when I want to have sex, or can I take up to 6 pills to maximize my performance.' ==> He said ' moodmax is great with dopafibra for prolonging ejaculation, plus arginine is great for lots of erection.' yes, our 5-HTP can lower bad cholesterol LDL into androgen hormones for sex. ==> He said ' I am using the vacuum pressure for back pain and it is good. Can i use this for the liver accupressure points in the navel'? ==> Our creative customer did experiments by mixing VIP Cream with our products and applying the mixture to his penis , and said ' i am amazing about vip cream....When i mix vip cream + arginox, i wake up with a rock hard erection...when i mix vip cream + dopafibra, my penis seem more longer, i do it in the morning...and finally vip cream + penissos is helping me with my penis scar' ==> She said 'I suffer Blepharospasm, for two years now. I started taking your products two months ago: 3-010, and they seem to lessen my eye cramping somewhat' ==> He said ' Your products are working and I am very satisfied and will continue with your regime. ' Test her G-spot responses to the Finger Pliers stimulation He said 'since then i took your products for a few years and have been massaging my penis with VIP cream for 7 months but am currently not on your products. i had a curvature downward and somewhat to the right. they are both healing nicely..' Making love in a jacuzzi washed her natural vaginal lubrication for difficult penetration and bent his penis with pop sounds for no more sexual orgasm He said 'I have been a long time customer but i have never tried your VIP cream until yesterday. Ohh my God, it was wonderful. My fiancée and I went at it for about three hours straight.' He said 'I ejaculated four times in one session and after few days of rest my erection is all good to go again. I am currently taking Vipal-hgh-j 3015 and Agrinox for supplementation, and it works great.' He said 'I want to say how much I respect you and what a true genius you are in this new world of drug pushing and quick fixes. I have been taking your products since I was 24 and it has made a world of difference in my overall health. ' for sexual exhaustion symptom and brain and internal organ overheating He said 'your viapal products work great ...' for pain, sexual orgasm and erectile function; what is the sign of blood congestion? He said ' Thank you for the year long recovery my body is undergoing since last years terrible drug/alcohol/over-ejaculating induced male menopause symptoms. I wanted to believe I was getting better all these months but indeed, it has been a slow process due to the severity of my condition. Thankfully, I am just about 90% cured with your products.' decrease SHGB, prolactin, cortisol and estradiol for better sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'Thank you so much for your potent formulations which have proven to be very very effective. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have been using your products which have worked well'; solution for her Endometriosis, intercourse and prolapsed uterus and cervix. ==> He said 'I was taking moodmax and pinealtonin for a month twice a day, once in the morning and the evening. Its been working great, I feel very energetic and my prostate is calm and settled... My erection is going very well,..' He said 'Hello Dr. Lin doing holdbacks instead of ejaculation has cured my acne, stress and insomnia, thank you so much.' Now, about weightlifting induced sleeping disturbance or insomnia ==> He said ' thanks so much for your products, Dr. Lin. I've tried a lot of herbs on their own and in combination with one another, but your formulation is the best I've experienced.' A young over-masturbation, pot smoker said ' Some time ago you recommended me, variously, viapahl hgh-c and viapal hgh-j for depression symptoms. It really helped me out but I havent taken any for a while.' He said 'Thank you for such outstanding products'. 1/2 PeniSOS, 1/2 ViaGrowth-IV and a dropper of Fibra every day dramatically increase his sex drive and erection intensity. VIP Cream really give him a rock erection during intercourse. He said ' First of all, thank you! I used to have a large overmasterbation problem but now thanks to your website I am well on the way to recovery.' all of the sexual exhaustions such as 'Stress/Mood Swings, Weak erections, Sleep Problems, Lack of control over desire to masturbate, Watery Seamen, Lack of enjoyable orgasm' All of which have gone! Just to note my erections started getting a lot better...' He said 'i have been taking viagrowth4 pinealtonin and arginox each day and i am so happy with my good results my OCD is gone and i feel so much more relaxed,sleeping better and i am not getting up 5 times per night to go to toilet.I have also noticed my memory is so much better in such a short time.' For faster absorption, chew take the products with orange juice He said ' I started abusing with vibrators and everything else since I was 14 years old. Masturbating every day for 4 years, destroying my health in general. Fortunately five years ago ( I was 21 )I took a low dosage of via-4 and mood max and it helped me recover half way. ' for eye floater, depression, post-ejaculation burning and chest bone pains He said 'I have used pinealtonin to successfully detox from z0lpidem (as we discussed in a prior email); it took about a week. No anxiety, no sleep problems, no discomfort. ' get rid of sleeping-aid drugs. He said 'I have to say that the VIP cream is working pretty good.' why standing up can deflate his erection to the 3 o'clock position, but asleep and waking up can usally give him the 12 o'clock erection. ==> He said 'Your formulas are helping and slowly building me system back up.' for gradually eliminating the side effects of finasteride ==> He said ' After only 5 days on your supplement regime, I have seen probably a 95% reduction in pain... I even racked up over $10,000 in doctor and hospital bills (uninsured, unfortunately), with no resolve in the end, and no hope of any.' Solutions for pain- powering vagal/parasympathetic/serotonin/GABA nervous control, enhancing androgen hormone (DHEA, testosterone and DHT), endrophrin, alpha-MSAH, reducing dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion, and partially blocking the stress hormone binding in the alpha-adrenergic receptors. ==> She said 'my friend enjoys your products, thank you.' On Yin and Yang balance in term of neuro-immuno-endocrine function ==> He said ' I am happy to say i am happily noticing a difference taking your products. Thank you very much.' to solve over-masturbation issues, weak erection and premature ejaculation ==> VIP Cream improved his penile curvature in 3 months ==> He said ' I think your ViaPal hGH-P is the best product.' for restoration of health, erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been taking your products for nearly two weeks now and I feel great ! my body and brain feels strong and my penis is getting longer and thicker,' for penile ballooning enlargement and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' our products have helped fix my pre-cum problem so that I no longer have a wet patch on my underwear before sex!' but how to deal with antibiotic induced excessive histamine in the prostate, urethra and penis leading to hypersensitive penis and premature ejaculation ==> He said ' after 8 moths taking the prescription with your products, I'm feeling much better every day. And based on the good results I want to know your recommendations for a person very close to me.' Solutions for her Fibromyalgia ==> He said 'I took your advice and felt better and better' with ViaGrowth-III and Ginseng 4X+ for over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms including frequent urination, stomach cramps, penile shrinkage, weak erection, penile pains, testicular pains, tailbone pain, legs pain, and feet pain; how to troubleshoot persistent sexual arousal and pornography addiction ==> He said ' After 2 months eating soy beans(1 cup) each day, plus moodmax, plus extra 5-htp and zinc I have to say that prostatitis is improved a lot. i do not wake up to pee at night. and most other symptoms are steadily improving.' ==> He said ' I have taken your products in the past with great success and ready to purchase again...' ViaPal-hGH-E and ArgiNOx for anxiety and high blood pressure patients ==> He said ' I feel I may have Over-masturbated myself but I have ordered your products and they have worked VERY well all the pain and problems I had have almost completely disappeared!' ==> He said 'Its all going well, in 3 weeks I have gained about half and inch length and half an inch girth and my erection has gone from 4 o'clock to 2 o'clock.' with penile ballooning, anal breathing and our penile enhancement products ViaPal-hGH-J, ArgiNOx and VIP Cream. ==> He said 'First of all I would like to say thank you for your product. All though I dont think I am close to being 100% healed your products have certainly made a big difference. I have not masturbated in a month since last night and I have been taking your product ViaGrowth-III + MoodMax) for three weeks. My penis has returned to its normal size, my libido has returned, generally after I wake up every 2-3 days I get a 2-1 o'clock erection ' ==> He said 'The symptoms from Non Bacterial Chronic Prostatis have pretty much gone (after suffering them for almost 5 years!) so Thank you very much for advising me on taking the products' with ViaPal-hGH-J (ViaGrowth-III + MoodMax + DopaFibra), ArgiNOx and Pinealtonin. He said 'Today I was practicing your anal breathing method and I had a "injaculation" it felt great and gives me tons of energy.' He said 'I started my medication as per your prescription below from 1st June2008. Today I feel my self quite good and relaxed. I could concentrate on studies quite well than before and sexually feel strong also.' He said ' I bought your products before, they are the best vitamin supplements for overall health and especially sexual health!!' How to deal with hair loss, hair thinning, improvement of erectile hardness, better ejaculation control and letting her have more Level-7 sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I contact you a few years ago regarding some penile injuries due to jelqing. Your products really helped me out and I made a slow but full recovery' solution for the new penile suspensory ligament and vagal nerve damage. ==> He said ' pre cum has reduced. penis is enlarging and stronger (towards original size)' with 1-month ViaPal-hGH-J and Pinealtonin for restoration of penile size and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I can't believe it but it's been a year since I started taking your products. When I started, I was experiencing shortness of breath, terribly foggy mind, no memory whatsever, terrible dizziness and terrible anxiety. I was in hell. .... I have made improvements. My mind is better, less dizzy, more energy and no shortness of breath like I had. Now, learn meditation for serotonin and GABA neuroplasticity in the hypothalamus and hippocampus She said 'dr lin ive been taking via growth 4..mood max..5-htp..for years now ,i am very happy with this package. ' Formula to increase sperm count and volume ==> Penile ballooning and taking Viapal-hGH-O, MoodMax and 5-HTP erect his penis to the 2 o'clcok position and grow his penis beyond his physical limitation. ==> She said 'I have solved my excessive levels of cortisol, as well as my electromagnetic sensitivities!!' with a DC electromagnetic field ground bedroom ==> He said 'I am 27 yrs old, started masturbating after 12, my eyes were sensitive but your Via-J formula took care of that. Thank you.' Why ejaculating twice in one love session gives him back pain sometimes. ==> He said ' I am the 45 year old ex-drug/alcohol user who has been on the ViaPal-hGH-P treatment (3rd month). I am very pleased to report my condition is so much better. I have been getting hard morning erections on a regular basis and spontaneous erections are now starting and my libido is pretty good thanks to you Doctor!! Physically, I've never felt better, my eyesight sharp, my mind focused and my strength is getting better every day. I exercise regularly and I plan on continuing with your products perhaps indefinitely' ==> He said 'I have been taking a low dose viapal-hgh-J, ArgiNOx 2 times a day, 5-HTP 3 times a day, fish oil 3 times a day, detoxia, and vinopcentine 3 times a day. I have been taking this consistently for almost 2 weeks now. I have been feeling a lot better from my sexual exhaustion symptoms from penile exercises. I have been getting more frequent erections, and morning erections are becoming regular.' ==> He said '3 years ago, I used your products for about 3 months with great success.' for repair of a broken penis and then for penile enlargement ==> An ex-mild alcohol and drug abuser said ' I have now been on the ViaPal hGH-P for two months (since March 1st) and the improvement in the last 2 weeks has been dramatic. I have been alcohol and drug free for 4 solid months. On May 2nd, it was like someone turn the light on in a dark room. My sex drive suddenly appeared and my spontaneous erection was feeling real strong. Later that night, I had the best sex with my wife since 10 months ago. My mind was calm and cool as you say. My penis looks and feels healthy.' ==> He said 'I have been taking treatment for 1 month. I have noticed a big reduction in pain in my groin area, which occurred usually when i was sitting down' Don't use pornography to overheat your brain for inflammatory responses. ==> He said 'Dr. Lin my older brother refered me to your website he's being ordering products from you for over 4 years you've helped his sex life a great deal.' Now, how to restore from sexual exhaustion symptoms such as sleeping disorders (insomnia), penile shrinkage, low libido, watery/dark ejaculation (with oxidized blood), eye floaters, depression and girl's sexual dissatisfaction ==> He said 'I have been taking Viagrowth IV for about four months now. My adrenals are better than they have ever been, I have growth of just shy of 1 inch and hardness is great,' Administration of testosterone or DHT, either synthetic or bio-identical, will disable your testicular function and shrink your testicles and penis. ==> He said ' I recently purchased your via-pal J package and it seems to be working. ' how to stop or reverse hair loss ==> He said ' I am taking your detoxia, doprafibra & viagrowth 4. I seem to be losing so weight ,which is a good thing. ' ==> He said ' I JUST TO HAVE A 7 3/4 INCH BUT WITH YOUR VIA PAL SUPPLEMENTS I HAVE GAIN TO 8 1/2 TO SOMETIMES POWER UP 8 3/4 AND PRACTICED A LITTLE PENILE BALLOONING' advice for virgin's first time sex with a big, long penis ==> He said ' I have been told that eating fried Ox testicules makes the cannon harder.' and it does. This is one of our PeniSOS and ViaGrowth-III ingredients ==> He said 'Firstly, thanks again for your products, I'm finding them very effective. Now that I have restored my erection power to 12'o-clock, I wish to learn the anal-breathing technique.' ==> He said 'I have taken Moodmax and also added 5-htp, Valerian Root, Ginsengx4, Lecithin(4 gr), Evening primrose oil for 5 weeks now. They have relaxed me( though i sleep a lot-feel sleepy), erections are way better and can keep them, both during day time and night, during those i feel a warm feeling of healing and happiness. ' Over-dosing the liver good foods will produce the Foie Gras (fatty) liver and more sympathetic nervous fires (IBS and constipation); with and exhausted hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, violent exercises or spots results more inflammatory pains in the brain (headache), neck, eyes, ears, bladder and prostate (urinary blocakage) and no more sexual orgasm He said 'the work your doing is fantastic.' and what are the harmful effects or over masturbation for women? He said 'I no longer experience sex-exhaustion symptoms like before. instead, people notice bright look on me. I don't need to take antidepressants anymore because your medications boost my neuro-transmitters' and his penis becomes alive again He said ' My pre-cum is minimal now and my eye floaters are almost completely gone.' with ViaPal-hGH-P. Reduce the sympathetic nervous fight and flight responses for better libido and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'VIP CREAM IS AWESOME!!!! ' OK, you can use it once or twice a day. Using it during intercourse is the most effective way for the penis-vagina/g-spot massage. ==> He said ' I used your products in the past with success. I have new problems now. I have had stents put in my blood vessels ' OK, the formula for the cardiovascular conditions. ==> He said ' after almost 2 months of taking your products, I have improved eyesight. before is 3.75 left eye and 2.25 right eye. now it's 3.00 left and 1.75 right. WOW! is it because of viapal-hgh-O ?? ' What is Flaxseed oil for? Fish Oil is the direct source of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) for prostaglandin E3 and for iincrease of the conversion of GLA to prostaglandin E1 instead of inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 ==> She said 'I am very happy with your products, and not in terrible pain anymore.' for recovery of body pain (neck,lower back, and shoulder pain radiating down my arm, blinding headaches), ear pain and vibration, ear ringing, eye floaters, incontinence, jaw pain and severe headaches resulting from sexual abuse, excessive masturbation, marijuana abuse, prescription nacrotic use and hysterectomy. How to deal with (quit) smoking addiction and incontinence. ==> An over-masturbation pot smoker said 'I have been seeing results like my hair growing back slowly, relief of stomach pains and testicles and no more jumping pulses around my body as much. ' with ViaPal-hGH-J, ArgiNox, PinealTonin and DeToxia. why wet dream or ejaculation shrinks the testicles? ==> He said 'Just wanted to say that the reason I believe my progress gets stronger is because I am developing more ejaculation control.' Reducing ejaculation frequency and scaring tissues in the triggering zone help improve ejaculation control He said ' I am taking ViaPal J for 2 months which did a great job in removing my sex-exhaustion symptoms.' Ok, products for sharp vision, intellectual function, faster response and memory He said ' I have tried your Viagrowth products as well as practicing your ballooning method, and my penis has grown to 5 in. in length, but the girth is up to 6 in.! I would like to grow more length than girth, since it has started to hurt my wife when we have sex.' Ok, use her vagina to help you grow longer. ==> He said 'I just got healthy from prostate nervous damage from your formula' with ViaPal-hGH-C. He said 'I had a lot of problems. But with your advice and the information on the fourm I managed to completely recover all my erection problems. ' on practice sex without ejaculation. He said ' I have been doing the anal contraction during intercourse, and also expanding my abdomen to withhold ejaculation. It works very well. .. I find that doing this I can have sex for 45 minutes and drive her wild with orgasms.' on sexual energy and neurochemical exchange during the penile-vagina intercourse A chronic over-masturbation, marijuana abuser said ' I was recommended the Via J and took it, with great results! ' He said 'Arginox and Viagrowth seem to work really well. I can be stimulated really fast without the urge to squeeze my pc muscles. My glans/penis felt almost numb when I did this.' for last longer during sex. and why? the combination effect of GABA, serotonin, glycine, agmatine and endorphin on the sexual nervous systems. ==> He, a pot smoker, said 'I am noticing that taking the viapal-hgh-j does actually heighten sexual response and ballooning ability, but I also don't have the "burning" in my prostate after sex.' for better sexual orgasm with anti-inflammation healing, androgen hormones, and beta-endorphin He said 'I have been taking Viagrowth III and Moodmax and I have had fantastic results! My semen has turned white again and I have been able to become fully erect after ejaculation.' for restoration of health, erection, semen production and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'First I would like to say you are a genius, you should be given a medal or some kind of award, your products are amazing!' Now how to repair a damaged clitoris with our ViaPal-hGH products and Finger Pliers Method ==> He said 'I have ordered your product. viagroth-J. It worked great when I used it. ' how to improve self control, post-ejaculation anxiety, guilty and hair loss He said 'I am on the viapal-hgh-j formula and it is great I tell you. Thank you. I do feel it tingling down there a lot and night erections are more frequent after 2 1/2 weeks.' Licorice root, like St. John's Wort, is a weak monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor in preserving dopamine and serotonin from oxidization to DOPAL and 5-HIAA for better erection and sexual orgasm He said 'Your anal breathing method has finally cured my premature ejaculation! I completely surprised my gf with hour-long sex! Thank you! Still needs a bit of work though. Your penile massage technique is growing it too. I've found that your method of penile massage and holding ejaculation back around 5 times actually improves the body and makes the mind more alert - i.e. a drug, as you put it :)' for more orgasm. Yes, sex is a drug! how to remove Chi blockage for resolving leg pain, arthritis, and fuzzy sensation. ==> She said ' After three weeks I am now starting to feel the benefits of your supplements, and am very pleased with the results.' for body pain (neck, lower back and shoulder), blinding headaches, ear pain and vibrating, eye floaters, incontinence, jaw pains, orgasm headaches induced by sexual abuse, excessive masturbation, marijuana abuse, prescription narcotic use, and hysterectomy ==> He said 'Started taking this three days ago! Results already!' with PinealTonin solving his painful stomach cramps, testicular pain, and stress ==> He said 'And during 30 days I have took your medicines, only the low dose, with very good results…' for solving joint and back pains,arthritis, eye floaters, insomnia, headache, ear ringing (tinnitus), and vertigo, and getting better erection without cramps, better sleeping, hearing, memory, more muscular mass, much better glucose level, much less frontal fat, much less pissing, better ejaculation control and so on ==> She said ' i use your products daily--via growth 4-- mood max-- dopafibra--arginox---5htp,... because of the good ive experienced with your products, i feel u can offer some info to help me; i feel i can trust u and value your advice ' ; solution for improvement of degenerative disc induced low back pain with heavy physical jobs ==> He said 'Thank you for providing such a fantastic site. My friend recommended your site to me as he is very impressed with the products you have provided to him' causes and solutions for retarded ejaculation, seminal production disorder, hangover, watery ejaculation, and urinary incontinence for hard erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I must really thank for your help during my prostate problems I had several years ago. Your medications cured me.' now how to solve the sympathetic nervous Flight response - going limp during sex for no sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have noticed that my penis has been getting larger since I have been taking the products that you prescribed for me. I even had to start using a larger brand of condoms.' for better erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been a user of your products over the last year or so and have great success with them.' On the nervous destruction and toxin by the dopamine-norepinephrine inhibitors for no sexual orgasm He said 'I am now convinced of the validity of your products...I am now waking at night with good firm erections that last for a good time...I have not experienced this very often in many years.' regulating your ejaculation and orgasm frequency for health and love! She said ' I was taking products to have a tighter vagina and they seemed to be working' Dr. Lin's vaginal rejuvenation formula for menopause women to enjoy sexual orgasm He said 'i started masturbating at age 8, got dam bad premature ejaculation and weak erections, i started your products i can now have sex for the first time in my life at age 23....' He said ' Great news! Passed my drug test, no problems!... MoodMax has worked amazingly!' how to solve the over-masturbation induced hip and joint pains (arthritis) and to increase the urinary flow for more sexual orgasm She said' Thank you very much for recommending me ViaPal-hgh-J and Agrinox. It really helped, and I have regular periods now. My acne is not as bad, no out of control inflammation. Thank you. ' on the normal clear vaginal discharge and pheromone for sexual orgasm He said' I'm taking the products for about 2 months, the results are great in my mood, I sleep better.' optimizing your cortisol level for anti-inflammation with exercises for sexual orgasm He said ' Congratulations and thanks for your great site and products. Long Live the Engineer Lin!! You Rock man!' On Male Level-7 orgasms ==> He said 'Fortunately lately I've been testing these skills. It's amazing how breathing can prolongue pleasure.' with anal breathing and sexual Chi Kong for more sexual orgasm ==> On Sexual Energy Exchange during intercourse for the Tao of Love - He said 'I will continue to use your products for time to time and hang on to your words of wisdom.' on sexual energy exchange during intercourse for more sexual orgasm ==> He said MoodMax and 5HTP along with controlled ejaculation have completely prevented my sexual exhaustion symptoms of the past: ringing ears, depression, mood swings. I just make sure I take them after I ejaculate. ' on the effects of cold weather on the hormonal and neurotransmitter production and sexual orgasm Chronic over-masturbating pot smoker real experiences with help from our products. The ultimate solution is to stop pot smoking, alcohol abuse and taking our nervous and liver detoxification and rejuvenation formula for restoration of health and sexual orgasm He said 'It appears the ViaPal HGH-P is beginning to work after only 2 days.' DeToxiA can turn the negative, side effects produced by progesterone cream into the positive ones. He said ' I have to say I am taking your LoveLonger product and I am loving it. Thank you!.' on the refraction time and abstinence duration for restoration of sexual exhaustion conditions He said ' I have been able to improve a lot in the past weeks. I even managed to hold out for almost 55 minutes while using the anal breathing technique.' Stepwise chikong inhaling for increasing the oxygen (O2)and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (the hypercapnic effect) in the penis and brain for relaxation and better orgasm control during intercourses; the horse-rider love-making posture for prostate/PC muscle relaxation and for control of anal muscle (orgasm) contraction He said ' On the behalf of my friend thank you very much, he said a small dosage of ViaPal-HgH-J has taken his powerful orgasms to another level, and his rock-hard erection too. He can last longer also when taking Mood Max.' He said 'I am still taking ArginoX, DetoxiA, MoodMax, 5-HTP, Fish Oil, and a supplement each day. I have noticed hair growing back in places that were dead.' how to regrow your hair. He said 'because i stop taking your pills all i gained i lost for example my eye floater and ear buzzing come back..' Solution for Tinnitus: dopamine, serotonin and GABA control the L-Glutamate excitation of the type I auditory neurons connected to the cochlear inner ear's hair cells; Solution for eye floater and clear vision with dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin and GABA ==> Use the screwing technique and her vagina to perform multi-stage penile ballooning for more sexual orgasm by varying the love-thrusting speed from 0.625 to 2.5 strokes (cycles)/second ==> He said 'i took detoxia yesterday and today, and my afternoon sleepiness/fatigue/extreme tiredness has almost vanished. I had more energy then i used to after just 1 day of taking it. I had a lot of hot flashes today, even little bit of sweating from hot flashes. You must be thinking why these hot flashes have made me happy,...' DeToxiA works as the fertility drug that blocks estrogen acting the pituitary for more testosterone production, testicular function and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have been on your ViaPal-hGH-J, Fish Oil for 2 months now and my lower back pains and sensitivity to sunlight in eyes is completely gone..' Avoid ejaculating twice in one day to shorten the refraction time of the exhausted pituitary and adrenal glands for better sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have been on your ViaPal-hGH-J, Fish Oil for 2 months now and my lower back pains and sensitivity to sunlight in eyes is completely gone..' Avoid ejaculating twice in one day to shorten the refraction time of the exhausted pituitary and adrenal glands for better sexual orgasm ==> He said 'hello dr lin, i have in the past used your products and i can say that they have worked good for me in the past for testicle pain..' excessive sex induces prostate abrasion and prostaglandin E2 production for urinary symptoms. ==> He said 'Vip cream works great for heating her up fast before penetration.' Bouncing her clitoris with your balls in a back-entry lovemaking position? ==> He said ' i thank your products work for me. now i'm getting back to my normal life . focus on study instead of sex. i eliminate watching porn. thanks .' how to regrow your height. ==> He said 'I have been using the Via-pal-hgh-p and pineal tonin for almost 2 weeks. pains near the anus while sitting for a long time has been considerably reduced . similarly the pains in the calf muscles are also reduced. no fatigue has been felt.' how to rejuvenate an exhausted, stressed body for better health and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' my pain in the groins have disappeared and i have been taking it for 12 days.' what will be the after-effects next? Penile enlargement, semen production, hard erection and better libido and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' This is my 3 month using ur products. I guess my penis grow a bit longer now.' do the penile ballooning with VIP Cream while taking ViaPal-hGH-P, DeToxiA and ArgiNOx, to increase both penile length and girth. ==> She said ' thanks to the supplements I was the wettest I have ever been during sex. Also I forgot to mention last week that I have a very fresh smelling vagina now. I used to have a really odd smell due to vaginitis... My vagina is swelling nice when aroused' ==> He said ' Now she is able to have 1 orgasm while I'm on top and we both cum when she's on top. So we couldn't be happier.' on double-body motion and 3-point excitation techniques and clitoral erection for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I love your products. I use viagrowth IV, MoodMax, DopaFibra, 5htp, and fish oil 1000 mg.... I now a healthier body leads to a healthier life and better love life.' reduce the liver aromatase for less testosterone-estrogen conversion and weight loss ==> She said 'I was on some pills for inflammation after intercourse (I cant remember what you prescribed to me) and the pills worked.' for better sexual orgasm without post-intercourse pains, Dyspareunia or vaginismus ==> He said 'VIP Cream is great. It really works from outside in.' but Why? ==> He said 'Doc. your Viagrowth products and Finger Plier Method is invaluable to kick start her tenting. I really don't want to have sx. without using your products and Methods on her because I know she will org.' Sexual orgasm is more important than sexual frequency ==> He said 'it make my penis experience multiple erection, not only every morning, and now during my work, i experience erections often..' with ViaPal-hGH-J and ArgiNOx. On the penile ballooning effects - multiple stage erection for penile enlargement ==> Our customer's experience about how to repair a broken penis for restoration of erection, correction of penile curvature and peyronies disease (penile scarring), and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I have used your 2-Point Excitation (hand) and the results have been fantastic for my lady... She has told me that it was the most intense intimate experience she has had.' for her most powerful sexual orgasms! ==> He said 'I have used your product viapal p for two years now, with good results. i have hard erections and my wife orgasms within 1-3 minutes every time we have sex.' give her multiple orgasms in an 1-hour lovemaking ==> He said 'I am taking regularly fish oil and your products viapal-p. It is my guess that hair are darkening at a slow pace.' why you can ot accelerate hair darkening. ==> A Mexican 23 years old, drug-abused and vasectomy customer said ' I bought the products and have noticed a big difference. Ejaculation pain is already gone!' for restoration of pain-free ejaculation and sexual orgasm. ==> Epicenter orgasm drives her crazy and produces more oxytocin, far beyond the G-spot orgasm can ==> Our long-term customer experienced hour-long multiple orgasms! How? What? ==> She said 'I followed your advice in your recent email, and have AFTER 14 YEARS DEPENDENCY now managed to withdraw from the antidepressant medication! In the past, this has caused me great problems as the withdrawal effects were severe, but attempting to withdraw whilst taking your products and advice proved to be an easy and non problematic way to finally rid myself of antidepressant medication.' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I remember ordering your ViaPal-hGH-J and 5-HTP products from your recommendation, and I took them for about 4-5 months......The results of the healing is that I can have sexual intercourse now and some feeling has been restored to my penis ' after all of his doctors failed to treat his rubber-band-tightening penile and testicular damage in a wild sex ==> He said 'I began taking ArgiNox and ViaPalHghP last Wednesday 8-15..... I loved on my girlfriend for at least an hour with total control over when I wanted to orgasm. My girlfriend was incredibly satisfied and came 4 times. She was begging me to come so she could rest. I actually had a double climax when i did orgasm. ==> He said ' I've been using VIAGROWTH for a while, and I have to say it has improved my sexual capabilities beyond my expectations!...Since taking VIAGROWTH III have trained myself to withhold ejaculation, and can now hold my ejaculation when it nears my level,' On the factors affecting on penile erection angle and sexual orgasm ==> A Virginia Tech student said ' let me say that your products are amazing and I've recommended many of my friends to your site... The girls have also noticed a difference :)' for penile enlargement, premature ejaculation solution and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I came upon your site in 2000 when I was sexually insecure and wanted to prolong my lovemaking. I ejaculated too quickly and this caused many problems in my love life. Since 2000, I have practiced your methods of multiple male sexual orgasm and have succeeded greatly! I now have as many as 6-10 orgasms during intercourse and, since mastering the techniques of tailbone usage to stimulate the prostate without ejaculation, can continue to make love for a nearly unlimited amount of time. ' Dr. Lin's great invention of sexual orgasm technologies for loving couples. ==> She said 'After using your products, I can now have an orgasm much more easily.' without using a vibrator. solution for repair of vibrator-induced clitoral nervous damage (over-sensitive nervous endings) for better sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I'm writing to let you know that your products are fantastic-i am taking viagrowth 4 and pinealtonin-and i have found my mood and well being has changed for the best-i am more even keeled and have less anxiety.' Now, solution for premature ejaculation and prolonging sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' It is been a long time since I ordered your products. They have worked in sexual sensitivity. My Clitoris has grown big and I am told I am the biggest ever since. My pussy has been tight as well and I have been able to squeeze.' how to repair an enlarged and damaged clitoris and vagina after rough sex with a very huge penis (10+ inches) for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> His question 'after I recover from sexual exhaustion, will my dosage of ViaPal J produce the ballooning method easier? ' and how to meet his girlfriend sexual appetite of having sex everyday with the penile ballooning, anal breathing and Finger Pliers method ==> He said 'i would just like to thank you for everything, i'm feeling much better now that i'm on your products. ' one prolonged, endurance exercises on stressors and hGH production ==> He said ' The last products I ordered from you worked very well. Just like you told me. I had severe burning sensation and tension between my shoulder blades and behind my neck and trapezius muscles.' vacuum-cupping massage can improve the muscle flexibility and strength for physical test and more sexual orgasm. Our products can pass the police academy's drug screening. ==> He said ' It had been 1 month I'm taking ur products. I seem to work well and my penis had grow slightly longer to about 6.7inches from previous 6.3inches. My horny girlfriend like my penis and i use to screw her mostly every day in the morning. She like the 3 point method and i make her cum fast with my hard penis. I can last for about 30minutes now.' how to grow the glans for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been taking your product ViaPal-hGH-M for the past few months with good results for eye floaters.' how to improve anxiety control for better relationship and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Hey just thought I'd let you know of some of the effects that I noticed as soon as I started taking PinealTonin' - read people minds, hear extremely high-pitched sound only the dog can hear, and keep perfect time like a metronome - beyond sexual orgasm ==> His question ' what's making my penis become bigger in the flaccid state and cause me to have more erections at night when I'm sleeping?' with ViaGrowth-IV, Moodmax PinealTonin, and ArgiNOx. on positive or negative Exercises on sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Formerly I made purchases for ViaPal-hGH-C, ViaPal-hGH-J of which ViaPal-hGH-C I found much helpful int erms of preventing ejaculation for more than 1 hour.' for more sexual orgasm; LoveLonger is the solution for young men's premature ejaculation without erectile dysfunction ==> He said 'I have no words to appreciate the effect of your anal breathing technique. I did it for two days only and the effect was unexpected, i could hold ejaculation as long as i wanted.' On the mechanical, chemical and biological process of penile ballooning for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have just started the sexual chi-kong! wow. i cant believe how good i feel inside and its only been 5 days. I already find myself getting better at holding myself from cumming. The best part is the new energy i feel. ' ==> He said 'i am on my 41st day of via-pal-hgh-J so far the results have been good. i have noticed a great increase in my overall mood, and i no longer have anxiety' for restoration of sexual orgasm and health ==> He said ' I'm taking high dose of ViaPal-hGH-E + 2 ArgiNOx everyday. For some reason, i have gained a lot of control over my masturbation habit.... I dont feel much dizzy anymore after taking high dose. Low back pain is almost gone, brain feels very sharper, vision become more colourful.' for restoration of sexual orgasm, persistent sexual arousal control, and health ==> She said 'I have been taking your medicines now for well over a month, and have found some really encouraging results!' with ViaPal-hGH-P and ArgiNOx for withdrawal of SSRIs antidepressants and restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I am currently on ViaPal hGH-J, ArgiNOx and DetoxiA for restoring my health and sexual life after drug abuse, alcoholism and SSRI treatment. I have seen very good results so far: my mood has improved, I sleep at normal times and do not wake up during the night, and the blood flow has increased in all my body including my penis. I have already noticed increased ejaculation volume, and it shoots out with much force than before.' for healing and restoration of an exhausted/abuse body toward sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Hello, Doctor 'Black Belt'! Your products are amazing and the information is top-notch and essential - thank you.' how to make young women to achieve a powerful sexual orgasm without penetration ==> He said ' I have tried the anal breathing technique that you describe on your homepage and it works really well. I am now able to have multiple, long lasting orgasms without ejaculation. Thanks for your good work. ' ; effects of sexual frequency and varicocele on semen production. ==> He said ' My wife used to have endometriosis before getting pregnant. She used detoxia before getting pregnant for about 4 months.' how to avoid recurrence of endometrioses and to reduce the episiotomy scar for better sexual orgasm ==> His road of recovery from severe sexual exhaustion symptoms - restoration of life-term sexual orgasm with our products and God. ==> He said 'I tell you Via-GrowthIV start to work for me!! I take 1/2 capsule in the morning to kill my lower back pain during the day and 1/2 at night.' how to reduce persistent sexual arousal for recovery from sexual exhaustion system and ejaculation and orgasm addiction. He said ' I started taking them yesterday and I already notice some improvement in my condition! My eyes are less oversensitive to light than they used to be. Also, I slept like a baby last night which is something I haven't done for years!' for solving pot-smoking induced problems and restoration of erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' when I was on regular finasteride, I had penile shrinkage, and very low libido. But when I stopped, after about a month my drive and size came back with the help of your products.' Do you have a safe finateride dosage? ==> He said ' i have been taking 5-htp for a week now and all i have to say is ive always suffered from anxiety and been a total stressaholic. I was a consistant overmasturbator for years. My spontaneous erections have came back within the last few days.' why serotonin deficiency causes erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm disorders. ==> He said 'I have been takeing your products about two months now. They seem to do good.' for improving erection and getting rid of the prostate/urinary drug for better orgasm ==> He said 'This is just a thank you note... Don't know how this could be expressed, but your knowledge is one of the most important I have ever discovered in my life... After months of healing with your ViaPal-hgh series my body doesn't even get tired a run at the beach,...' Recovery from misled over-masturbation for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'after eating the 5 htp i have reduce the times of masturbation' ; our 5-HTP reduces inflammation-induced persistent sexual arousal symptoms and over-masturbation habits for recovery of sexual exhaustion ==> He said ' She exploded! 14 days after quitting birth control, she finally had an orgasm... and it was a huge one. She initiated the sex act, which I was not even going to try again for a while. After everything was erected, I kept the rhythm steady at 2.5 hz. Within two minutes, she erupted! Thank you so much.' with Dr. Lin's resonant excitation of sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I'm experiencing HUGE improvement in dietary self control with Moodmax+Ginseng twice a day and pineal tonin 3 times a day. I've lost 6 pounds in 1 month. ' for ejaculation control and more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' The cupping has increased circulation, and has made me much more potent!' for more erection and sexual orgasm, and even reduce his erecting curvature. ==> A personal trainer said 'i feel so much better when taking your products'; how to boost testosterone level with our products and cupping massage ==> ViaPal-hGH-M helps him to cut the norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibiting antidepressant to 30% in just one week for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm. ==> How to go though the point of no-return multiple times for multiple male sexual orgasms - the role of melatonin in suppression of prostaglandin E2 for orgasm without ejaculation - Dr. Lin experiences on male multiple orgasms ==> He said ' i want to thank you for changing my whole life you are a miracle man you help the sexual community achieve greatness through safe natural sex with your research and products. you've also changed my father's life ' Ok. how to boost DHEA and HGH production for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I'm presently taking the 3-010 products and doing really well. The hair loss has nearly stopped.'; again, on hair regrowth factors. ==> He said ' I ordered the products you advised me to get and they have worked wonders on me. ' On penile ballooning for a bigger penis and more sexual orgasm ==> She said 'i was referred by a good friend who is using your product and is extremely happy with it..' On rejuvenation of the hypothalamus-pituitary oxytocin release, the repair of the vibrator-induced clitoral and G-spot damage, and the resolution of the eating disorder, bulimia, for sexual orgasm ==> She said 'Hi Dr. Lin. First I would like to say that you are an absolutely amazing human being. Your science is revolutionary, and its obvious to me that you truly care about humanity.'; On Trauma Nightmare, Visual Dream or Near-Death Phenomenon with Cortisol and Dimethyltryptamin (DMT) ==> He said ' our site is a wealth of knowledge - you have the power to heal many more problems than just sexual ones. keep up the good work :)' beyond sexual orgasm; lowering LDL cholesterol naturally! ==> He said ' I'd like to start by saying that your Via-PalhGh-P cured my sexual dysfunction....Now I get aroused with just the thought of having sex. I last very long, in fact I sometimes have to force myself into certain positions in order to orgasm, it is amazing, I control my orgasm now.' for recovery from the sexual destruction by SSRIs and Finasteride; solution for birth-control pills induced intercourse pains, colorful vaginal discharge and PMS / bad cramp ==> She said 'Six weeks ago, I started a full-time job. I have not worked for 3 years because of my neuro-endocrine problems. Your products have helped me to start working again.' on healing with the pineal melatonin and pituitary hGH release for restoration of health, sexual orgasm, spinal and neck injuries and EMF sensitivities. ==> He said 'I got PinealTonin and I've been taking it with apparently good results; now I don't go to pee as often, and I don't need to wake up at night.' solution for the prostate and bladder nervous disorder. ==> His question ' Dr LIN I have notice that taking detoxia instead of dopa-fibra often give me daytime erection, how come? ' for more sexual orgasm. He said ' I'm glad to say that my erections are harder and I noticed a slight increase in the size of my penis' with ViaPal-hGH-P and ArgiNOx for recovery for hair drug destruction - for sexual orgasm He said 'My past problem of painful prostate several years ago is gone. I have been healthy for more than 2 years now. Your products healed me in about 1 year time span. Thank you! ' Dr. Lin's formula for boosting senior couples' sexual power. He said 'I have been following your advice for years, and you have helped me to deliver many orgasms. It is amazing to me that so few scientists and researchers understand the mechanisms of female orgasm... in fact, you're pretty much the only one who seems to have a strong understanding of it! ' on resonant excitation for uterine and heart orgasmic contraction in response to the Finger Pliers sexual stimulation on the clitoris and G-spot ==> She said 'My husband has spent countless hours reading your website, and we have ordered from you before to our house in Salt Lake City. He is enjoying your products very much and would like me to try them too if I can find the right program.' Solution for her problems induced by her over-heated sympathetic and epinephrine nervous system: chronic vaginal yeast infection, gum inflammation, bladder infection, joint stiffness, body pains and headaches ==> He said 'Your products for 5 months know and I feel much better, my erections are getting stronger and with higher angle then it was before.' and got recovery from his penile damage for better sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I ordered your "viagrowth IV and moodmax" and took them as directed. Immediately i noticed a difference. My head originally had a very stressed out and tense feeling. Within minutes of taking the combination, my head just felt relaxed immediately.' and got 70% recovery of his sexual exhaustion in 2 months for better sexual orgasm ==> She said ' My vestibulitis is gone since taking your products (thanks!) ' the natural solution for Group B Step Infection after sex, for better sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I noticed my penis grew or thickened if I masturbated in the morning and stopped just before orgasm (and repeated that about 5 times).' Holding ejaculation back 3-5 times is the basic key of the penile ballooning method for penile enlargement and more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I notice that 5-HTP can help stressed individuals to have better erections and sex drive.... the combo of Viagrowth III + Moodmax on my girlfriend last night--awesome !!! She was indeed much more turned on than usual...' what are the differences between 5-HTP and antidepression drugs, the serotonin reuptaking inhibitors. ==> He said ' i would just like to say iam feeling really well with your treatment all my overeating has disapeared and the depression has lifted and i feel a lot more energentic than wanting to sleep all day i would just like to thank you for your advice and products they truly are amazing' with ViaPal-hGH-M for solving anxiety, depression and sexual orgasm ==> She said' I started your Val-M series along with the VIP cream 3 shorts weeks ago. For the first time in 10 years I have been able to have pain-free sex! This is a miracle and you cannot believe how amazed I am, as I was skeptical.' solution for vulva pain, vaginal pain, intercourse pain and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Hey Dr Lin your PinealTonin is the BEST invention on the planet! It fixed my problem with being tense all the time.' more sexual orgasm for speech nervous control. ==> He said 'I have been a big fan of your 5-htp now for years. When I am angry or frustrated, I take it and it calms me down more than any meditation. It has no side effects, and does not make us sleepy after I got used to it. My mom takes it too when she has fibromyalgia.' Effectiveness of 5-HTP depends how much the molecule pass through the blood-brain barrier into the cerebrospinal fluid and serotonin nervous terminals. ==> He said 'I have had chronic prostrate pain in the past, your supplements helped me to pain free life-Thank you!' Now, ViaPal-hGh-P and ArgiNOx for better erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' There is some very good news I wish to share with you. I’m 26 yrs old and for the FIRST TIME EVER I had sex without sildenafil citrate! All thanks to your help and your fantastic products.....ALL my joint pain disappeared and my lower back felt strong. I began feeling strong and energetic.' his experiences of health restoration from chronic over-masturbation and Finasteride destruction - for sex orgasm ==> He said 'hi your cure for blood in my sperm fixed the has been over 2 years now and the problem went away thank you.' Solution for sex-induced headache, neck pain and tightness and irregular cardiosvacular output during sex orgasm ==> He said 'your products have been giving me more erection in morning and during day dreaming, GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' On Baby Belly Breathing for the Anal Breathing Method. ==> He said 'I felt great in just 3 days after taking ViaPal-HGH-P + 5-HTP + Fish Oil. As my girlfriend loves the load, from just 3 days make.' solution for his retarded ejaculation and sexual orgasm ==> On Penile enlargement, breast enlargement, refraction time for 2nd ejaculation, urinary dripping, and the CD-ROM book - Resonant Excitation of Sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I've noticed that 5-htp can actually enlarge(balloon & elongate) the penis.... I ejaculated last night at around 2.00am,and at about 7.00am i had a spontaneous erection!WOW!! 5-htp is so underrated for the wonderful effects it works on the body & Penis!For more ejaculation volume?' Tricks of 5-HTP in helping penile enlargement, spontaneous night erection and prolonged sex orgasm ==> He said ' At the moment I can get to sleep. the muscle twitching only happens 3-5 times in one day. I don't jump out of sleep for no reason.' Improve muscle nervous control with PinealTonin, ArgiNOx and MoodMax ==> He said 'I can sustain A strong erection for over an hour with control over ejaculation and orgasms that are multiple and extremely pleasurable...Awesome news.. Thank You.' with ViaPal-hGH-J and anal Breathing. On the effect of precum chemistries (prostaglandins E1 and E2) on erection and ejaculation control ==> He said ' Dr Lin, your products are amazing. The inflammation is gone, cramps are nearly completely gone. My mind is more stable, no more mood swings.' for restoration of brain functions and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I appreciate all of your help very much. I would be lost without you in terms of what to do so that my body can recover and become comfortable and normal functioning again.' Our customers' encouragements give us more orgasm. ==> He said ' I take viagrowth 3 on occasion and I use fibra before sex. Works very well.' on natural repair of damaged tunica albuginea and its sheathing spongy corpus cavernosa and Corpus Spongisosum for erection and sex orgasm ==> He said ' I am greatful for your advices on supplements which work very well.' solution for father's post-ejaculation inflammatory pains in prostate, hip joints and L3/L4 discs after sexual orgasm ==> A long-term customer said 'Your product and the information on your site truly has changed my life.' for health and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I just wanted to say: SUCCESS! Baby breathing has made a big difference for me, and I was able to last as long as I wanted and bring her to orgasm 3 times.' The first step of the anal breathing method is baby breathing for prolonged sex, premature ejaculation problem, and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' First of all, I want to say congratulations! Your products have helped me last from 30 seconds to 3 hours (if I want to), and bring my refraction time from 1 week down to 1 hour. You deserve a medal.' for more sex and sexual orgasm - solution of premature ejaculation with ViaPal-hGH formulas ==> He said ' Your products have worked very well for my wifes menapause symptoms and libido and has improved my erections. My wife has had a partial hysterectomy about 30 years ago and then vaginal repair about 12 years ago. Her ability to feel inside has improved dramatically. In the last few years my erections haven't been like they were when I was 20 but your medications have improved them. We really like the VIP cream, it's outstanding. ' with ViaPal-hGH-M, Heat Tea, ViaPal-hGH-P, DeToxiA and ArgiNOx for more Sex (sexual) orgasm . A Pot smoker and cocaine abuser said 'I 'VE TAKEN YOUR PRODUCTS BEFORE AND I GOTTA SAY THEY TRULEY WORK. I STILL H AVE MOODMAX , VIAGROWTH IV AND 5HTP WHICH I STARTED TAKING AGAIN ABOUT TWO DAYS AGO. THE TINGLING IN MY LEGS STOPPED AND THE WIERD FEELING OF DIZZINESS AND FAINT HAVE GONE AWAY A BIT ALTHOUGH I STILL FEEL IT EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE ( ABOUT EVERY TWO HOURS). IT SEEMS LIKE I CAN CONTROL THE ANXIETY A LITTLE BIT MORE WITH THESE PRODUCT. ' for regaining control of life and Sex (sexual) orgasm . Young hero from Iraq said ' I have been buying your products for over 2 years and I want to say I am extremely happy with the result.' for stress handling and mind concentration. He said ' I have your viapal p package. Yesterday I took your product and also a shot whiskey. I had an extra hard erection,...' for more sexual orgasm. On effects of alcohol and citrus juices on absorption of the ingredients He said ' My progress is going stronger than ever with improvement to my penis curvature thanks to you!! I am taking 1 dopra, and 1 mood max, oils, arginine, and 12 mg of dhea a day. ' for restoration of penile health and sexual orgasm He said ' I have tried most of you advices on orgasm and they work!' How about Penile enlargement exercises? increase the elasticity of the erectile tissues, nerves and blood vessels in the tunica albuginea and its sheathing spongy corpus cavernosa first. Penile ballooning is a friendly penile enhancement method for sexual orgasm He said ' We have tried your finger plier and the three point for great results.' for her sexual orgasm; The Finger Pliers method indicates she needs a powerful hard erection to get a proper stimulation in order to compensate her vaginal looseness due to many childbirths ==> He said ' My wife had very powerful second orgasm that lasted a long time, about 25-35 seconds, which is about 3 times longer than normal for her intercourse orgasm. ' with vagina/cervix screwing, penile ballooning, anal breathing, and 3-point excitation method for his powerful erection and her multiple sexual orgasms ==> He said 'I just wanted to let you know that your products are great. I had took your products initially to help improve my penile exercise damage, which has shown great improvement since.' for restoration of more sexual orgasm ==> A 51-year old pot smoker said ' doc, I been taking via package p with htp5 for the last year and 2 months. Im a 51 year old male. After 30 years of marijuana smoke ive stopped. I ejaculate about 2 times a week and have sex with my younger wife as much as she wants ,about 5 times a week.' man! slow down. she has too may sexual orgasms. ==> He said ' Is it ok to take one extra viagrowth, for example in the morning? I tried it for a couple of days and it seemed to make it grow bigger " for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' We are both doing great. She threw away her anti depressant drugs since taking Viapal M and feels much better, hehe. She is so much better! I've been on Viapal P for over two months and I've never felt better in my life. ' for more sexual orgasm; on Chinese medicine's Asthma care ==> A long-term, loyal custom said ' I’ve enjoyed your products throughout the years and I know first hand how great your products really are.' why did her clitoris become too sensitive to touch after achieving sexual orgasm? and solution? ==> He said ' I just re-ordered your ViaPal-J and am loving it a lot.' How to increase ejaculation volume and how to use it as an erectile drug for more sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' Before I started taking your products, I had terrible sleep disruptions. I could not even sleep with my husband. . . . After taking your products for only 1 month, I was able to start sleeping with him again. Now I fall asleep normally and sleep most of the night.' Beware that excessive orgasm can cause sleeping disorder, pains, cramps and mood swing. ==> He said ' Your medicines are working wonders. I can maintain sex for ages now, and delay ejaculation a long time, and am close to being able to tolerate my partners orgasm! ' for more sexual orgasm; please be ware of extensive over-ejaculation leading to muscle and joint weakness and inflammatory soreness ==> He said ' We are take some your products, which we have found to work well and are making good progress in solving our problems.' for more sexual orgasm. Now, practice the penile ballooning for penile enlargement and the screwing sex for vaginal tightness. ==> He said ' I bought your vacuum device. I did my whole body several times for about 3 months and it really worked, especially around my shoulder, chest, arms, and upper back. I did my lower back also and it worked well, to the point where my aches fully disappeared.... You suggested me to take (moodmax, viagrowth 3, dopafibra, and pinialtonin) plus fish & borage oil, and L-Arginine. These supplements worked really well.' Power the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' You prescribed ViaPal-hGH-M for me about 4 years ago to help with prostate enlargement/prostatitis and weak erection. It helped with prostatitis, ' causes and solutions of chronic prostate enlargement due to formation of prostate collagen scar under chronic inflammation induced by pot, drug abuse and alcohol for no more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' The ViaPal-HgH-P has done so much already....I can't tell you how much my mood has mind feels like it's getting clearer everyday. I haven't felt this way in years.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. Dr. Lin didn't invent sexual exhaustion symptoms, but you do. ==> He said ' I am recovering from a semi-dead penis.' but how about a proper ejaculation frequency for sexual orgasm after recovery ==> Now, he starts to believe Pot Smoking and cocaine abuse destroyed his sex life and caused anxiety, sleeping disorders and brain/nervous breakdown no more sexual orgasm, but it may be too late to save his sex life. But, our ViaPal-hGH-J revived his spontaneous erection again! ==> He said ' I've regained most of my nervous control, by that I mean sensitivity and oxytocin. I can now hold off my orgasm for a longer time during the pre-climax phase... This seem like pretty permanent results.' for life-term sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'So far the products have been working great, the precum during bowel movement has reduced dramatically since I began taking the products not even a month ago. I also seen improvement in my other problems.' for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have dissolved a scar on my urathra thanks to your products and advice. I have nighttime erections, spontaneous erections, and I feel great. My curve is healing, scars have healed, glans impotence is gone, seman quality and quantity great.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. No more penile pains with great improvement of penile curvature. On the prolonging prolactin effect on the testosterone production. ==> He said 'I just got my second round of viapal hgh-P, Arginox and other nutritional supplements and am having GREAT success. I feel fantastic. I have taken and studied herbs all my life and have never had such a good result so fast.' Get rid of antidepression drugs for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have been taking ViaPal-P for 45 days now along with ArginoX. I sleep better, feel better, don't need caffeine anymore and generally do not feel anxious anymore.' for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm ==> A young over-masturbator / pot smoker said 'I have been taking your ViaPal-hgH-J + 5-HTP. I was sexually exhausted from over masturbation. Your products help me get very strong erection now and my penis has grown even bigger than it was.' for restoration of sexual orgasm; now, how to deal with acne and hair loss. ==> He said' The last time I contacted you was back in march when I was having a dribbling symptom at the end of urination due to prostate inflammation and you prescribed for me viapal-ghg-j(with 5-HTP calcium, magnesium, vit D, Fish-flax-borage. After 3 months, my penis grew one inch without doing massage, my erections were more massive and powerful then I could ever imagine, and watery ejaculation became thick and pure and my urine stream was just absolutely perfect. I was completely in bewilderment over how phenomenal your supplements and advice had worked. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm; beware of side effects of over-counter drugs on sex ==> He said ' Ok, I tried the ViaPal 3-010 and the 2-002 and I feel this helped out a great deal ' advice for middle-aged and senior mens sexual orgasm ==> His experiences: ViaPal-hGH-P and ArgiNOx stopped his bloody ejaculation ==> He said 'The ViaPal hGH-P and the Argi-nox and the VIP Cream have done this: penis and testicles larger and healthier and ballooning is much better! ' for restoration of sexual orgasm and penile and testicles enlargement. ==> He said ' I am on your Via-J and 5htp dosage. My eyes are better now, sunlight doesnt hurt my eyes anymore. Thank you.' for restoration of sexual orgasm; one post-ejaculation induced prostaglandin E-2 for more ejaculation urgency and re-erection and solutions. ==> He said ' Ive been using vial p and htp 5 for about a year now , im 50 and things are going much better than before. I ejaculate about 2 times a week. I have sex with my 28 yearold wife about 5 or six times a week. ' how to give her sexual orgasm multiple times in one love session ==> He said ' when I started using your products and reducing my ejaculation to 2-3 times a week. I have made amazing improvements, so much that I can now have sex three times in a night.' Warning - excessive ejaculation in one will result in sexual exhaustion for no more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I seem to brew a lot more semen, and I also pee less frequently. I think my prostate has shrung, because I have to pee every 4-6 hours even with drinking bottles of water... and I no longer have to contract my prostate to assist my erection' for the erectile and prostate healing and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I am 44, was in a couple long relationships had sex about everyday. Now I am in between ladys. I have taking ViaPal-hGH-P, detoxia, arginne, and oil as you recommended' on hair protection factors and refraction time for optimal sex and sexual orgasm ==> She said ' When I received them by mail, I immediately took them to a naturopathic doctor who is treating me for electromagnetic sensitivity and adrenal fatigue. He uses muscle-testing to test for compatibility. I tested very strong for your products and he replaced the natural HRT he had me on with your products..... That is amazing! Your products have normalized my polarity!' on correction of the adrenal function and severely sleeping disorder (insomnia). ==> He said ' taking your products and fish and borage is the best for healing the damage done by masturbating starting at the age of 8 years old, ..... the major pain is completely gone, ...., and urgency to piss has gone way down. I also have calmed my nerves and am able to resist masturbating ( before i used to have to every night)' how to practice anal breathing for sexual orgasm without ejaculation . ==> His question: ' When i take penialtonin; HOw comes my night/morning erections are much harder/long lasting than if i DONT take penialtonin? ' for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' i came across your ballooning technique. i have to say that i am excited about the results because after just one session i measured a 1 inch increase' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been taking ViaPal-hGH-P The heavest dosage for almost a year. I also take Agrinox and 5htp twice a day along with the fish oil and borage oil 3 times a day. Also use the VIP cream almost everyday a least 5 time a week to massage my penis. I have increase close to an inch in length the best I can tell. ' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I want to thank you for your outstanding products. I used your products to cure bloody ejaculation from over masturbation about a year ago. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm; Don't keep your prolactin level high with chronic over-ejaculation or it will shut down your semen production. ==> He said ' ive been taking viapal hgh-j with arginox for a month at the lowest dosage, to treat depression/ anxiety. it has made a big difference, so thank you.' for restoration of sexual orgasm; penile regrowth requires hGH, DHT, prostaglandins, oxytocin and Nitric Oxide production by your body. ==> He said ' Your products have cured me of a problem I never thought would be cured- seminal leakage! Your products (viap-J) in conjunction with your wise advice (especially reducing ejaculation to 1-2 times per week) has cured me of the excessive pre-cum, seminal leakage.... Using the VIP cream daily has completely cured my penis which was numb.... The VIP cream has definitely improved my penis curvature ' for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I am so incredibly grateful for everything you have done for He said 'Doctor thank for all your products. I have grew my penis and my my gf clitoris and nipples thanks to vip cream are much bigger.' for more sexual orgasm; breast size vs sexual orgasm; breast enlargement surgery destroys the nipple's vagus nerves for no sexual orgasm. He said 'I've added Mood Max to the other items I've been getting from you. A few days ago I noticed that I am sleeping better than I have for years and that now I very seldom get up at night to go to the bathroom... By the way, I am over 30 years old but it seems to work for me sexually also.' for restoration of sexual orgasm for seniors He said 'I am happy to say that I was able to feel the vibrations up my spine after practicing your anal breathing techniques. The feeling is amazing' for sexual orgasm without ejaculation. He said 'Well It's been one month on Viapal-hgh-p and it feels great no more orgasmic pains, orgasms improving and erections feel better. I accidentally had sex 2 times, but with ejaculation no pains, great product.' how to beat the daytime work stress for more sexual orgasm. He said 'I drink my piss twice yesterday. I got an hard erection this morning when i touched my penis which hasn't happened in months.' how to produce a crystal-clear first morning pee for urine therapy and more sexual orgasm. He said 'I HAVE BEEN YOUSING YOUR PRODUCTS SINCE MAY 2002 THE QUALITY OF YOUR PRODUCTS AND YOUR GENERIOUS ADVICE IS SECOND TO NONE.YOU HAVE HELPED ME TEN FOLD AND WHAT YOU PREACH I PRACTICE IN MY DAILY LIFE.MY BODY AND MIND HAVE BEEN HEALED FROM ON AND OFF DRUG ABUSE OVER A 10 YEAR PERIOD.' with our brain food formula ViaPal-hGH-N (Viagrowth-IV+MoodMax+ArgiNOx) for restoration of sexual orgasm from drug abuse spinal injuries, spinal cord surgery, oxytocinergic nervous pathway, genital numbness, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm He said I have used all 1 jar of VIP cream 2xday and satisfied with increase growth of penis.' on permanent penile enlargement for permanent sexual orgasm but nobody exists alive so far and your penis dies before your body does ==> He said ' I just wanted to say thank you very much again, Ive regained so much sensitivity and size it isnt funny..... Also, my overall quality of life has improved since I have a lot more energy than I ever had before, this is the first semester in college that I have the drive to be perfect in all my classes.' - for perfect academic achievement and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' ive been using vipal-hgh-j on the lowest dose for about a month now and the vip cream and pinealtonin for about a week and i have already seen a great improvement. not only are my erections harder and bigger but i am having sex for much longer now. im also feeling alot happier.' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' We have taken the order of product that you recommended of Viapal hghP,agrinox and VIP cream and are pleased with the results.' for rejuvenation of aged body and restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have seen good improvements in ejaculation control, recovery, erection strength, and also an improvement in my skin.' with ViaPal-hGH-J and 5-HTP for restoration of sexual orgasm; Now more for healing acne scar ==> He said 'I am seeing an increase in sensitivity and and increase in blood flow and erectile size since about a week ago (when i started using your products)... Also, my hair feels softer and is beginning to get darker than it ever has been before' for restoration of sexual orgasm from Finasteride destruction with ViaPal-hGH-J, ArgiNOx and VIP Cream. He said ' Hi, limiting my ejaculation and taking your pills has helped my breathing and nervous condition. Your information is true and your products work.' please avoid multiple ejaculation in one day. Please beware that birth control shot produces a long-term sexual destruction for no sexual orgasm ==> He said' DR.Lin I had a circumcision last year. I am currently using your VIP cream to help restore some sensitivity. It is working very good.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. Which other products can help? ==> He said ' Hey im on my 4th week of no ejaculation + Viagrowth IV every other day + 5-htp 2x day + Urine Thepary 2oz each morning ... i had 1 hour morning erection this morning!!!! it would not go down!!! ' he needs 2 or 3 girl friends in one love session to fire his new cannon for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I am so incredibly grateful for everything you have done for me so far! My erection is back for good now, and what your miracle products did for my health remains truly without precedence. ViaPal-HgH-J helped me to rejuvenate my penile erectile nerves and revive my dead penis after a very severe penile injury, after I ruptured both of my spongy tissues with one of the jelqing/stretching exercises I had found on the internet.' Re-grow Corpora Cavernosa and penile nerves, heal penile varicose veins, improve penile curvature, solve penile pains, stop precum, and restore libido and sexual orgasm. ==> A prostate-surgery patient said ' Been using our products off and on for a year or so but I've using the ViaPal M for about two months. I'm please with results so far.' for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' ive been taking viapal hgh-c with arginox for a month now to help depression, and it seems to have worked quite well....' for restoration of sexual orgasm. LoveLonger sorted out his premature ejaculation too. ==> A heavy-drug abuser said ' I must say your product works like magic, i never thought i would heal again...... As now i notice that there was a big improvement to my brain and mind. I am less thinking nonsense and less feeling low (low-self-esteem) and less anxious. I would say, i am really surprise that i can heal becuase i thought that i am suffering a worst problem.' for brain and neuro-endocrine rejuvenation for sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' By the way I had purchased some of your products to help with blood in my semen and it has worked;' and what is the possible solution for Primary Bladder Neck Obstruction? for restoration of sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' Hi! I ordered your cd and i'm very glad that i did it! Thank you for making such a good work! ... I gave her three explosions of resonant orgasms each one ranging from 20 to 35 seconds.' to burn out her acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA nervous system and to let her experience sexual exhaustion symptoms, including tiredness, aggression, anger, mood swings and leg cramps, due too many sexual exhaustion orgasms. Please Don't not use Dr. Lin's sexual tricks so many orgasms so many times in one love session! ==> He said ' Dr Lin you've restored my youth! All the scars from when I used to have acne have almost completely gone, and instead of people telling me that I look 40 now they tell me I look 20 again ' for more sexual orgasm . ==> He said 'I have been on ViaPal-hGH-P for 3 month now (lower recommended dose) plus 2 ArginOx a day and 2 to 3 Fish Oil a day. You advised me on those to combat my sudden sexual exhaustion. I like the way I can now make love with some stamina, I have a 20 minutes session about 4 to 5 times a week.' for more sexual orgasm. On ejaculation frequency vs. our nutritional supplements ==> He said ' I have used your dopafibre, viagrowth, and arginox and have achieved much harder erections than I used to.' how to let his girl enjoy his 7 x 6 inches penis for more sexual orgasm. ==> He is recovering his impotence done by the prostate-enlargement medication drug (Finasteride, the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor ) with ViaPal-hGH-P plus ArgiNOx for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I'm taking ViaPal-hGH-C and Arginox instead of taking fluexonine. I think it's working as my moods have been much less severe,' for getting rid of antidepression drug and for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> She said ' I ordered the VIP cream for my hubby for his penile curvature,we are really seeing results.' on the restoration of erection, semen production and sexual orgasm from the high-blood pressure condition. ==> He said ' I have been taking your ViaPal-hGH-S for about a week with your minimum dosage. I have noticed already that I am sleeping much better and wake up very refreshed every morning. I also have no pain in my back and joints which I have been dealing with for over three years despite going to my Chiropractor regularly.' on the restoration of erection, semen production and sexual orgasm from diabetes, high-blood pressure and high cholesterol conditions and pot smoking induced hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular destruction ==> He said 'I have been taking your products for 5 months now to solve my ed, pe and anxiety problems after a few times ecstasy abuse/overmasturbation and penile injections and I have to thankfully report that I have gotten rid of the anxiety, depression and pe problems.' On the SSRIs negative effects on sexual orgasm and well beings ==> He said ' I bought two of your VIP creams and they are excellent I have really felt a lot less pain from masturbation'; on the penile ballooning for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I just want you to know that i really enjoy ur Hight Attack Angle position, i drove my gf crazy:), also with ur 3 point excitation method, it REALLY WORK!' for more sexual orgasm; Ok, How to enlarge your penis. ==> He said ' I have using your products for 4 years. I used to have a burning and very painful prostate. All those symptoms have been gone for 2 years. Thank you!' for restoration of sexual orgasm without ejaculation burning and pains. ==> He said ' ive been taking lovelonger to help premature ejeculation (which it had a really big effect on, thanks)' for prolonging sexual orgasm; solution for young people's depression, sadness and despair ==> She said ' I was taking the Viapal-hgh J and arginox to get more intense orgasms and I got pregnant, finally after 6 years of trying, I'm so happy ' for life-term sexual orgasm. some advices for pregnant women ==> He said ' Love your supplements Thanks' but hysterectomy killed his wife sex for no more sexual orgasm - solutions ==> She said ' I don't know how to thank you for ending my partner's 30 years of suffering with your wonderful products(ViaPal-hGH-P:ViaGrowth-IV/MoodMax/DopaFibra and ArgiNOx)within 36 hours of taking them! Only God knows how many doctors he saw just to begin to understand his post-orgasm symptoms, but none of them could help him until I found your products! ' for restoration of his sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have been using your products for four months now and have had great improvements. I have recovered from watery ejaculation, painful orgasm,numbness in penis,back aches, joint aches, and sleeping disorders, high anxiety, severe depression. All conditions i received from over masterbating, over- ejaculating, pot smoking, drinking, excessive eating, smoking cigarettes. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm; His warning on use of a tight condom acting as a cockring for penile damage ==> He said ' Dr. Lin, First I wanted to thank you for getting rid of my Prostate pain. I ordered a combination of ViagriwthIV, Moodmax, Pinealtonin, and Dopfibra about a year ago. At the time I was suffering from Cronic pain in the Prostate. After three weeks of your products, I was pain free!' Cholestrol reduction drugs can drop your testosterone and DHT level for induction of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 release for pains/soreness and no more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Thank you for your products. I am a very pleased repeat customer. our products ViaPal-hGH-J and VIP Cream let her constantly stay 'in heat' for more sexual orgasm. On the male ejaculation process - chemically and mechanically ==> He said ' after reading your site i have purchased your product viagrowth I for my overmasterbation problems, it worked' for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I had a really stiff neck and felt really nervous today, but after taking the 5-htp I felt fantastic and it released my neck tension and pains. This stuff really lights you up and makes you feel great.' for more sexual orgasm. Our 5-HTP is for your eyes and ears too. ==> He said 'Hello DR, I have been purchasing your products for some time and I can testify how these products have really helped and aided me as did others around me who have took interest through word of mouth.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Ive been taking via-pal-hgh-j and penisos+5htp for a few weeks now and my symptoms of kidney and testicle pain are getting better. Also my urine is getting more clear, and has less oily bubbles in it.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. On inflammation and semen/precum leakage ==> He said 'i took some lovelonger for two months and it really helped me to last longer during sex. ' What are the other methods to avoid premature ejaculation and prolonging sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Your product have help me alot. The pain in my leg is almost completely gone and my right testicle is bigger and fuller than it has ever been. ' How to solve premature ejaculation for prolonging sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' After being in your via growth 3 , i feel better when it comes to controling. It even got rid of some testicular pain which the urologist couldnt figure out.' On the penile ballooning essentials for more sexual orgasm - solution ==> He said ' I have cured my problems. PE, erectile damages and so on they are all gone.' and wants extra sexual orgasm power after healing. ==> He said ' Your products are amazing!! My body is back to normal - no more stomach pains and I feel great!! ' for restoration of sexual orgasm without digestive panic responses to ejaculation or orgasm ==> This 81-year young man said ' AFTER USING VIP CREAM THESE FEW DAYS I BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE ANSWERS TO RETURN ERECTIONS, AND CLIMAX--EJACULATIONS TO ME, AND WITH A GOOD SPERM COUNT AS WELL AS THE REPAIR OF THE DAMAGED TISSUES ON MY PENIS , AND THE REPAIR OF MY PROSTRATE. .... (The VIP Cream on her parts REALLY brings her to a new level of climax!!!!!!!!!) ' for more sexual orgasm ==> This 76-year young man said 'Thank you for your product recommendations. I am satisfied that they are helping. Please tell me your recommendation for my wife's interstitial cystitis' for restoration of health and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I've regained my size of 7.5 inches... Penile pain is completely gone.... Most amazingly, the peyronies disease that i had developed (the scar tissue) has become significantly better...Impotence is getting better and I can begin to feel the onset of spontaneous erections.' with ViaPal-hGH-E and VIP Cream for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I creamed the penis glans neck to cure damages done by jelquing. I couldnt believe that my whole penis became thicker! And it was really visible. ' for restoration of his damaged penis for sexual orgasm! On the 'Permanent' Penile Enlargement and the Anal Breathing for lasting longer. He said ' I have noticed that my prostate has shrunken since i have been using Mood Max and Dopafibra for about a month because of not having to frequently urinate, the pains and cramps have receded '; a long way of solving the chronic prostate inflammation and pains/cramps for restoration of sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'I have been taking moodmax and viagrowth-3 to reverse my sexual exhaustion(excessive masturbation). They seem to work except that I get too many reflex erections.' How to reduce unwanted spontaneous erection while taking the products for restoration of sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'I have been on your product (ViaPal-hGH-M) for the last three months. It is a wonderful product and it has helped my eye floaters.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' This is my first day starting out ViaPal-Hgh-J. I just took a tablet of moodmax with a few sips of orange juice an hour before breakfast as you instructed in the morning. After going to class, I took a one hour nap and woke up having what seemed like an erection that stayed for 5 minutes and would not go down.' restoration of the morning erection after a nap for sexual orgasm. She, 53 years young, said 'I did order the ViaPal-hGH-M. After a using it a short time I was able to have a clitoral orgasm, which hasn’t happened in a year or more.' Solution for menopause women's (Hot Mama's ) problem and sexual orgasm. He said 'I have been using your products as a male to my greater satisfaction and am still using it.' for more sexual orgasm; how to resolve her birth-control-shot induced peri-menopause symptoms for making a baby. He said 'I´ve been taking the lowest dosage of your via pal J for neally a week now and its been working great!' for more sexual orgasm; when to take ArgiNOx. He said ' Well, my anxiety's has 95% completely disapeared! How? I doubled my 5-HTP intake to 250 to 300 milligrams a day!' Solution with 5-HTP, MoodMax, ViaGrowth-IV and ArgiNOx for restoration of health (headaces) problems and sexual orgasm He said 'I order some of your products last year with good success,' for restoration of psychological and mental problems and for more sexual orgasm He said 'I am using your VIP for damage repair, and it has been effective. Can having an erection for too long damage your penis? ' a safe duration of prolonging an erection for penile enlargement/repair and more sexual orgasm He said 'The remedy you prescribed for me, below, solved my problem within a few weeks, and I want to thank you for your advice and instructions...I no longer feel my age (69), thanks to you, but sexually much younger' Let the old tree produce new spouts for sexual orgasm He said ' I have been on your treatment for nine weeks now. I don't have much in the way of tinnitus or light sensitivity problems any more.. ' on progress of sexual exhaustion treatment with 5-HTP, DopaFibra, MoodMax, Fish and Evening Primrose oil, L-Arginine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I purchased the 3-017 and have been taking them for a week and a half. My symptoms cleared up immediately and I must say your products have certainly saved our marital sex life....... But the Via-Pal-N is awesome. I don't feel weird, it doesn't upset my stomach, and I'm actually sleeping better at night. Plus I can get fully erect and hold it - this is awesome! We've had sex 7 of the last 12 days - my wife is ecstatic!' for more sexual orgasm ==> Wife wants a deeper penetration to have sexual orgasm with Epicenter/cervix stimulation. Solution. ==> She said ' they worked very well and I think I used them for 3 months. Now I am much better at having orgasms, although mostly not during intercourse...and I was completely free of the pre-menopausal symptoms..,.' the New formula for night sweating and racing heartbeats during sleeping - and for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'i have used ur products dont know for how long but after that i donot feel semen leaking when i intercourse with gf (actually my wife) now' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been using your products Moodmax, ViaDopa, and Pinealtonin, which all work great.' Now how to ballooning the penis and how to brew semen for more sexual orgasm! ==> He said' I have finished taking the Via GrowthIV, Dopra fiber, Pinnealtonin, Argenine and carnitine... I must say that my erections are stronger and i feel better. Also, the ringing in my ears has stopped' for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> ViaPal-hGH-P helps him get rid of the SSRIs anti-depression drug and headaches of 6 years for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said About 7 weeks ago I started taking Viapal-J and 5HTP and have seen good results in regards to erection power, recovery, and ejaculation control.' for more sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' ... I have been reading your cd, page for about 4 months. I order viapal hgh j, 5-htp, with l arginine magensium and calcium. I have also train chi kong and try to do the balloning. Well I started with 4 o'clock erection, pe and testicle pains, now I have 12 o'clock erection, I can last for ver very long, ....' for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Thank you very very much and your advice to take ViaPal-P, Evening primrose oil, salmon and fish oil, megnasium, calcium with D and L-Argininne... I am about half throgh with my first bottles and feeling very good about sexual health and get up fresh in the morning not tired. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Hello dr.lin .. i want to thank you that my acne is 98% breakouts are gone. no more pimples, scares are going away fast ' after the liver Phase II detoxification kicked in for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' My sexual exhaustion symptoms have nearly all gone, just have a few eye floaters and my erections have come back..' a natural healing process for health restoration and to sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have been taking your products for some time now ( Viapal J and 5HTP also with L-Arginine, Fish and Borage Oil and Vitamin D) I no longer have testicle ache and back pain. And my Erections are much stronger and 1 o'clock position. I usually most of the time wake with an erection now or if not my penis is flaccid but full and nice.' a long way to sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I did my right shoulder first because it had been sore. It worked great almost immediately the soreness was gone.' with vacuum-cupping massage - a solution for pains and blood congestion and restoration of sexual orgasm ==> Once you master anal breathing, focusing your mind into your tailbone muscle will trigger tailbone/spine vibrational waves for sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' Well, I can already tell you some very positive things after only nine days of treatment!... I'm noticing quite a bit more semen upon ejaculation! And it's no longer watery, but actually has substance to it, and it's shooting farther! It's quite amazing, really; I didn't expect to see any sort of benefit for months! Now, another thing I never expected of this: I've quit smoking entirely.' for restoration of sexual orgasm and hair; On alcohol (red wine) and our products; how to extract wine substances without side effects of alcohol. ==> He said 'Hi the good news after taking your products as i told you my wife became pregnant thank god she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy this week thank god ' for life-time sexual orgasm. How to reduce the triglyceride level and liver ALT enzyme ==> He said 'The Viapal -hGH-J is working very well already, my frequent urge to urinate and prostate pain is slowly going! - My penis feels firmer as well. Amazing stuff!' for restoration of bladder, prostate and penile nervous disorders for sexual orgasm. ==> Morning cold shower followed by a warm massage is very effective for testosterone production; the feeling of anal breathing is a sequence of autorhythmical tailbone vibration pumping energy up to the spine and brain - a tailbone sexual orgasm without prostate contraction or ejaculation ==> She said 'THANK YOU SO MUCH for your great products! .. His mood is better and he's not depressed. The other night he woke me up during the night to make love to me...It was great!' more sexual orgasm. ==> Screwing sex and Anal Breathing let him couple her powerful orgasmic contraction waves into his tailbone/spine and then brain to induce his powerful, sexual orgasm in his brain - extracting her Yin to renourish his Yang ==> He said ' what is weird is that i had flu ,but since taking your products, i had no fever at all, the easiest flu i had in whole my life!? why?' for restoration of sexual orgasm. Excessive Prostaglandin E-2 production during flu causes fever and body aches and pains. ==> Tricks of the anal breathing method and incorporating it into intercourse for a long-lasting sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'after 2 days on your recommendation I have started to get some night erections again and have seen some improvement during the day.' with ViaPal-hGH-P and PinealTonin for restoration of sexual orgasm and prostatitis. Why his doctor recommended PC/Kegel exercises worsening his premature ejaculation (ejaculating before penetration!) ==> He said 'I used VialPalhGH P for several months and derived a positive effect from it. I discontinued it several months ago because it appeared to have healed my problems.' for more sexual orgasm. How to use penile ballooning to stretch your circumcised foreskin! ==> He, 66 years old, said 'I have been taking ViaPal-hGH- D and DeToxia for one month now. Eye floaters are gone, I sleep like a log and feel great. I feel very optimistic... when I urinate there is more force in the stream. No more dribbling.' for the restoration of sexual orgasm ==> She said ' Your products helped my boyfriend in one night even though he is always having trouble with his erection. He was skeptical but he couldn't deny that it was as strong in one night of pills ' as compared to the erectile drug sildenafil citrate (PDE-5 inhibitor) for her sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Your products are working great. I've had some incredible sex these past few weeks. .. You've made a huge difference in my love life.' for more sexual orgasm! How to do anal breathing and stop the side effects of excessive cortisol resulting from a high dose of eurycoma longifolia (androstenedione-like plant hormone) ==> He said ' Actually, I am starting to notice the increase in testosterone as an overall sense of well being, assertiveness, mental sharpness, some increase in penis size and erection, and overall confidence. ' with ViaPal-hGH-P for restoration of sexual orgasm. How to boost prostaglandin E-1 and Nitric Oxide production for healing a damaged penis ==> He said ' Your ballooning method is just outstanding.' for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Your products are great, I feel like a new man after my first order, within the first 12 hours. ' for no more depression, but more erection and sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' my erection is coming back now !! after 5 months on ViaPal-HgH-J ! my entire penile spongy tissue Corpora cavernosa have grown back after i almost completely broke them down with one of the jelqing/stretching exercises !' restoration of a damaged penis for sexual orgasm ! ==> He said ' I have been taking your supplements for nearly four weeks now. My symptoms started to change after two weeks noticing that my libido started to return. ... Her libido is slowly returning as is her ability to lubricate vaginally. Her orgasmic function and intensity are dramatically improved on your supplements..' with our products for more sexual orgasm ! ==> He said 'Love you products, they work incredibly.' on improving skin care for more sexual orgasm ! ==> He said ' I had testi pain at epidermus. Glad to say pain has gone ! also shoulder pain has gone. Great stuff.' with a low dose of Viagrowth-IV and MoodMax for restoration of health and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have been finding the results from using your VIP cream amazing. It has helped me heal some minor damage and scarring to my penis incredibly quickly,..' for sexual orgasm and healing. ==> He said ' I use your products and love them.' C-section blocked her sexual orgasm ==> She said 'Your products work!' Our customer's post-hurricane Wilma support gives us more sexual orgasm. He said ' i have started taking what you told me and i am getting very very hard morning erections the thing that worryies me is that they dont go down very fast it takes ages.... my girlfriend made me ejaculate last night and even after that it did not go down very quick' for more sexual orgasm; On the differences between the puberty long-term erectile (for penile growth) and Priapism conditions. He said ' I have been taking moodmax+5-HTP for a week and a half. And oh my God! Dr.Lin I took 1 pile of moodmax and 1 of 5-HTP in the first night and the next day I could open my eyes so wide without pain.' MoodMax and 5-HTP are for restoration of vision and sexual orgasm He said ' I have been diabetic for 23 years type 1 insulin dependent. I have been taking your val pal s with good results in erection.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. Boost the prostaglandins E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide production for healing the nervous and blood vessel damage as a result of diabetes. He said ' I want to thank you because your products worked as you say they will and the value I got from them went beyond what I expected.' with ViaPal-hGH-J, DeToxiA and PinealTonin in detoxification of anti-psychotic and bipolar medication drugs for restoration of normal erection and sexual orgasm. A Finasteride victim said ' I had sex for the first time last night after having the ViaGrowth III 30-60 minutes before sex. I had a hard penis (like I always do after this pill) and it felt very natural. ... So I am a big fan of ViaGrowth III.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. He said ' Your products are great and they work. ' for the body detoxification and the restoration of sexual orgasm; How to trigger night spontaneous, hard erection for penile (vaginal) tissue repair and regrowth for enlargement (vaginal tightness) during sleeping. He said ' After taking your products, I am feeling lot better. ' for the liver detoxification and the restoration of sexual orgasm; Finasteride victims require a long-term restoration of the 5-alpha reductase gene in the brain, testicles, bones and joints. He said 'Thank you very much for your product. It works wonders for me. You gave me advise to order ViaPal-hGH-P. However, we made a mistake in our last order and we ordered ViaPal-hGH-X. Amazingly, this product also works for me.' the new order link for restoration of sexual orgasm He said 'I am currently taking the via pal packages to try to heal my penile nerve damage.... I am now able to attain 12 oclock erections with no bending and i often wake in the morning with erections.' for penile rejuvenation and sexual orgasm. Why the spontaneous erection in the middle of the day disappears? and the long-term damage of SSRIs anti-depression drugs. He said ' I have been taking Viaphil J for about a week now and am pretty happy. I can tell it is slowly clearing up my acne.' for more sexual orgasm; On skin flushing response to alcohol - a good warning sign with a lack of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) to let you stop drinking! He said ' I enjoy using your products and I'll tell you that sex with them is better than sex without.... and my girl says she feels like im getting bigger inside her,..' for more sexual orgasm; on the principle of the Penile Ballooning for penile enlargement. He said 'i was able to massage the VIP cream with my erection rock hard ... and and the bend went away and my erection got soft ,but my penis straightned up and seemed to be more fuller and very flexible.' for restoration of the natural penile erection curve for more sexual orgasm He said ' Im 6 weeks into taking your products and have noticed my eye floaters have nearly completely disappeared and my erections are coming back' for restoration of sexual orgasm; how emotional anger and frightens can damage your body and kill your sex. He said ' I want to thank you!!! for saving my sex life!!!!!!, I`m writing you my long awaited testimonial after 5 months from severe penile damages, your stuff works! its the real deal!' Restore his broken penis (severely damaged by stretching device, over-masturbation and jelqing ) to an 1 o'clock erection. Now how to shorten your refraction time. Why VIP Cream grows her nipples for more sexual orgasm; it actually helps grow the clitoral and penile glans too. He said ' I have been using your techniques and some of my many products I just ordered( Via growth-Dopa Fibra-Mood Max,Verdina,energia,fibra,VIP cream,detoxia,pinealtonin) as well as the cd rom....It was at least 1 inch bigger and full and just plain awesome.' for a bigger penis and more sexual orgasm He said 'my foreskin seems to be really growing..i have roll over of skin on the glands alot now' with VIP Cream for more erection size and sexual orgasm He said 'I Love DeToxia, superb, cleaning the body is the first thing I should have done a long time ago with Detoxia. I want to order more products from you.' for restoration of sexual orgasm via body/mind/nerves/blood detoxification. He said ' Your 3-point-excitation method works great! My wife gets a very intense orgasm when riding my long penis, and she comes fast. Afterwards she's totally satisfied and cant go on anymore.' He said 'My emotional state is more relaxe He said ' I have added evening primrose & flax seed oil to the ViaPal-hGH-P, fish/borage oil & arginine/orinthine..i have noticed since adding it my testicles are becoming bigger and fuller like they are inflated and my penis seems more flexible and inflated.' The effect of prostaglandin E-1/E-3. Nitric Oxide and Oxytocin on testicular and penile health for more sexual orgasm He said 'My emotional state is more relaxed, I fully empty my bladder while urinating, my prostate feels cool and relxaxed when I ejaculate. The biggest positive result is when I was having sex with my girlfriend doggystyle I let loose a hot jet of baby batter on her backside. The orgasm was very intense and the batter was thicker and whiter. She commented how it felt like I put a gallon of it on her.' with ViaPal-hGh-E for more sexual orgasm - How to make love with a crooked glans He said ' its been almost 3 weeks, my acne is clearing, and i feel that i lost a lot of excess fat, i didnt have that much to begin with but my muscles definitely look more defined,..' with ViaPal-hGH-C for more sexual orgasm He said ' Wow, so much of my research is confirmed by your website and so much of of my past makes sense now! ... The prostatitis is pretty much gone and the dizziness and lightheadedness is gone... Meanwhile, I have read reports on your website on erection ballooning..., it looked like it went from a 6.0 to 8.5 inches' and got rid of antidepression drugs for restoration of sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-M and Fish Oil ==> He said ' have been trying your recommendation and it seems to be working fine. the irritation seems to be gone, the blood has disappeared from the semen and the semen was transparent and now has returned to its normal color of white.' with ViaPal-hGH-P and PinealTonin; on burning bad cholesterol into androgen hormone and managing menopause symptoms for mores sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I've been practicing your techniques. They are amazing!' what is the difference between anal breathing induced orgasm and ejaculation sexual orgasm? ==> He said ' Her urinary incontinence has almost completely disappeared. Her doctor was very surprised, because his prognosis was that she may always have some degree of problem. She was able to stop taking the medication that she was on to treat this problem, which didn’t help the condition very much anyway. To sum things up, Dr . Lin, I am 100% convinced that you are correct about this. Dog sex provides an effective therapy for at least some of the underlying causes of female urinary incontinence.' for restoration of sexual orgasm with Dog Sex (Biofeedback Heat Therapy)! On thermal and bioelectric beneficial effects of the penis and semen on the female continuous orgasm, vagina/urethral health, vaginal tightness and urinary continence ==> Why the anal breathing is very safe and effective for ejaculation and sexual orgasm control. ==> He said ' I'm just trying to spread the word about a wonderful product IN ADDITION to your great formulas. ' for recovery from sexual exhaustion and for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> Trick of anal breathing for ejaculation control and sexual orgasm with tailbone contraction. ==> He said ' I have to tell you that I am quite happy with your products.' ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for chronic over-masturbation induced erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation - restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I'm now in my 3rd month of treatment using Viapal HGH-P, fish and borage oil and 5-HTP, so far, so good. - penis is no longer shrunken, - penis is thicker when erect(semi hard at the 3 o'clock position), - no more pain in left testicle, groin and legs, - skin rashes have cleared, - cardiovascular system better, no more pain in lungs, - lost ten pounds, - muscles look leaner, - healthy complexion, - less urge to urinate, - somewhat stronger urine flow' for restoration of health and sexual orgasm; On repair of blasted urethral tissues ==> He said 'I LOVE YOU MAD LOVE DOCTOR !!! After just one day of taking ViaPal-hGH-P + 5-HTP I got several repeat morning erections with no side effects, after months of never having morning erections, hooray!!!' for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm ==> She said ' a couple months ago I wrote to you about my problem with vestibulitis. your prescribed that i take vial pal hgh j along with borage oil, fish oil, and 5-htp. ... my doctor, who is one of the few vulvodynia and vestibulitis specialists in the country, is amazed by my rapid progress.' for solving vestibulitis, quitting pot smoking and restoring sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' First of all, my morning erections are back, weaker or stronger but they happen everyday now. Besides, there is no more pre-cum flooding and all kind of pains are gone. The blood-flow in the shaft has increased and the head of my penis is no longer cold. Sensitivity of the whole glans has also improved. I noticed also, that some of the varicose veins that occurred after the injury are becoming less visible now. ' with ViaPal-hGH-J for healing the jelqing-damaged penis for restoration of sexual orgasm He said ' I applied some VIP cream to her vagina. Wow!.... before I even entered her she started moaning saying ''honey it's so hot, oh honey it's so hot..... I entered her rock hard and she had waves of explosive orgasms.... or maybe one really long orgasm I couldn't tell.' for incredible sexual orgasm. Why VIP Cream produces the heat waves to make her erupt so quickly? He said ' The Viapal-hGH-J is working! I am now able to attain hard morning erections which 'spring back' when pushed downwards. Thanks so much... I have learnt a lesson indeed.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. On repair of the damaged penile erectile tissue. He said ' Why does PinealTonin give me an erection all night when I take before bed.' On the pineal function and melatonin action on the parasympathetic nervous healing and restoration for erection and sexual orgasm He said ' About 2 years ago I tried VIP-Cream (Alone), for penile hour glass, and it did its job very well.' Excessive sex re-damaged his penis for no sexual orgasm - Solution! Solution for Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome and interstitial cystitis induced by COX-2 over-expression and inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 in the pelvic cavity tissue and for control of unwanted, spontaneous sexual orgasm A vasectomy victim said ' I have been taking the products you suggested and they are helping. I had my vasectomy reversed (Jan. 2005)and the pain is almost completely gone now. I am once again waking up with erections and premature ejaculation is gone ejaculation volume is getting larger. ....I noticed premature ejaculation stopped as soon as I started using your products and I have never understood how the vasectomy caused this problem but I do know the reversal and your products have done wonders to help restore my sexual health.' no more pain and no more premature ejaculation - for restoration of the vasectomy-damaged testicular and sexual orgasm ==> She said ' well, last night i took a moodmax before sex, & not only was it the best sex ever, but i was actually LAUGHING afterwards! ' for her best sexual orgasm ever. He said ' you have good products.... When I take the high dosage my semen is nice thick and white.' with ViaPal-hGH-J. How to boost semen and sperm productions for more sexual orgasm and making babies. He said 'The scar tissue is also very slowly beginning to dissolve after VIP cream massage twice a day now. ' for restoration of jelqing damage and sexual orgasm He said 'my sex exhaustion's been getting better and better sine i've been taking your products.' advice for a bigger and thicker penis and more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I just purchased your VIP Cream and I have to say that I love it! The very first time I used it I noticed that not only did I maintain an erection but it looked and felt like I was 20 again! Not to mention my Penis was slightly longer than it has ever been. I didn't realize that this would happen but I'm not complaining!!!' for restoration of sexual orgasm . ==> DopaFibra dissolved her burning scar and stopped her hair loss for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' thank you so much for your sharing of knowledge and your products!, your viapal-hgh-e helped me alot to cure my sexual exhausted symptons' for restoration of health and sexual orgasm ==> She said 'I did have him try the finger pliers, I think it takes some practice, but I did have an intense orgasm the other night, my body felt like it was pushing down on his fingers I thought I could be peeing at one point. Thanks for the tricks!!!!!!!!' for more sexual orgasm. When he can not finish it, the magic Finger Pliers method can. ==> She said ' I ordered some products from you for Vaginal improvement it DEFINATELY WORKS. My vagina is very sensitive and there are ridges in it and it is very gummy.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said '.. like you advised for my damage from creatine for approximately 3 weeks, i have noticed my problems i had becoming less and less and am very pleased with the results.' for restoration of sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-J, 5-HTP , DeToxiA, Fish and Borage Oil. ==> They said 'you make our lives happy again & sex good!' for more sexual orgasm even with ecstasy abuse 5 years ago. Our 5-HTP can take an action on the brain and nervous systems i n 30-60 minutes. How to reduce the involuntary muscle (jaw) clenching (parkinson's symptom). And he said ' my eye floaters are ALREADY starting to clear up! its only been 2 days!' ==> She said ' your advice really worked my husband took via growth III and now I am pregnant I thank g-d for sending me to you thank you Dr Lin ' for a life-term sexual orgasm; ViaPal-hGH-J helped her husband's VARICOSE VEINS, sperm/semen production! ==> He said ' I think the prostaglandin E-1 has finally almost healed the prostate and urethra nerves. ' with MoodMax, DopaFibra, ViaGrowth-IV and PinealTonin for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I used your ballooning techniques to break up scar tissue from bad circumcision, and Im much happier with myself, thank you!' On improvement of a damaged brain for sexual orgasm ==> Dr. D said 'Thanks for great neutraceuticals. I am on the second set of via pal hghP with the cal/mag and fatty acids you suggested. It is definitively improving my prostate symptoms. Most nights no or only 1 trip to the bathroom.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. How to take our products with the alpha-1A blocker drug Tamsulosin hydrochloride. ==> She said ' we've ordered your products before & not only have we found them to be a great help, ... ' On effects of birth control implant and antidepression drugs on women's hair loss; solution for eye floaters and post-sex involutary cries. ==> His question ' What is Viagrowth 4 doing to her thats so effective?' for her sexual orgasm ==> She said ' I noticed a tighter vagina.... I like the pills you send one of them I take and I fall asleep in 20 minutes and sleep like a baby :)' with Viapal-hGH-M. Now how to help him stay hard and stop hair loss for more sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' I have been taking lowest dose viaPal hGH_M for 3 months, I am 41. Very pleased with plumping of labia! PMS symptons gone for 2 months... Thank for your amazing products and help so far.' On sailing through menopause transition and restoration of sexual orgasm ==> She said 'I bought the moodmax, dopafibra, and via growth III and the vip cream about a year ago. I was on the dosage of one tablet of each per day. I didn't use it full time. I noticed improvments when I was using it' for clitoral pains/shrinkage, abdomen pains/cramps, inner leg nervous pains, and restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said 'It's hard to believe its been only 24hrs ago I started treatment and the intensity of the headaches have definitely improved.' The ultimate solution for the headaches induced by sexual arousal, orgasm or ejaculation. ==> He, a heavy drinker and pot smoker, said 'I have been taking your product for a week and I feel great !' for restoration of body and mind, and more sexual orgasm. He said 'I have benefited a lot from your products.' for seminal leakage control and more sexual orgasm. How to solve mother's fibromyalgia. The influence of drug abuse and over-masturbation on the Pineal and retinal functions resulted in sleeping disorders for no more sexual orgasm.. He said ' I want to thank you, I purchased ViaPal-hGH-J ( Highly satisfied ) I`m on my way for restoration, from when I had erectile dysfunction from jelqing and stretching. Its getting better,,.' for more healthy life and sexual orgasm. He said ' Dr. Lin, i've taken the time to look up many of the compounds you put in your products, and i'm extremely impressed. No wonder my sex drive is so high, and i feel so healthy.' for more healthy life and sexual orgasm. On safety and benefts of red wine, coffee, Aspirin and CLA. He said 'I have been using 2 tablets of MoodMax, 1 ViaGrowth IV and 2 5-HTP, as well as L-arginine 2 times a day and Borage oil 3 times a day for about a week. I feel incredibly healthy.... you gave me what other doctors, with all their technological advances, couldn't. you gave me my teen body.' for restoration of health and sexual orgasm The man-on-the-top 3-point excitation love position for sexual orgasm His performance report " I don't know if it was that the medication helped alone or perhaps also that I was also feeling a little more relaxed knowing that I had some help, but I had no problems and though it only lasted about 15 minutes, it lasted and was great. We held eachother, talked and held eachother for about another hour and a half and then were intimate again. I was finally able to be on top and performed well. ' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I'm very pleased with the general results. I come from a yahoo support group of Finasteride takers who have a lot of problems caused by this hairloss drug. Some of the members of this group have started with your products with good results.' Repair of the 5-alpha reductase receptor gene and the liver for restoration of sexual orgasm He said ' after two months of taking Viapal-J wth 2000mg l-arginine per day, and 400 mg magnesium/calcium, as well as 1000 borage oil, per day,,, no more frequent urination,,,My penis is thicker and bigger than it was two months ago.,,, more involuntary erections ,, No more testicle pain,,, On the other hand (the bad side of it), is that even though these erections are harder, and most of the time its very difficult to bend them downwards,,, ' for more sexual orgasm. He said 'Yesterday I did the anal breathing technique and the penile ballooning, and I lasted as long as I wanted. Before sex I took 1 Dopa fibra and 2 5-HTP. After 45 minutes I decided to ejaculate! It felt awesome, for the first time in my life I feel like I am in control, my penis was numbed, and after screwing for a while I was trusting hard and fast for at least 20 minutes resulting in a powerful orgasm for my wife.'; How to unlock her energy gate in her clitoral vagus nervous terminal for more sexual orgasm. He said 'I also notice my foreskin seems to be coming back, WOW..'; On Dr. Lin's penile regrowth factors for more sexual orgasm. He said 'I've been experimenting with your anal breathing techniques and kegels as well. When I do kegels I do ejaculate quicker. When I do anal breathing that doesn't happen.' for prolonging sex and more sexual orgasm. He said ' I just wanted to let you know that the treatments you recommended have been working very well... Ive tested the natural e-1 therapy for 2 weeks at first and noticed gains in my size both length and the width of my penis it seemed like it cause more blood to flow naturally. Also my erections were rock hard and it made me last longer in bed.' for more sexual orgasm. On permanent penile enlargement. He said ' I am taking the ViaPal-Hgh-P I also add the 5-HTP both for penile ballooning and ejaculation control. I recently added L-Arginine to this which man has changed things dramatically...,since adding the L-Arginine last month I have noticed I can hold an erection much longer then ever before. Even with no stimulation. Strange. I also stopped smoking marijuana too.....Lastly I have to tell you that my wife has never had such intense and long orgasms as much as the past few weeks. She begs for me to give her deep penetration almost nightly. It is amazing to have her worship my penis this way, so thank you for all the help over the past year.' for more sexual orgasm. He said ' they seemed to help a lot. I used them correctly for about three weeks and I started to get a lot better (including penile massage).' Rejuvenate a damaged penile tissue with prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and NO for restoration of sexual orgasm He said 'I have been experimenting with your anal breathing technique, and I am happy to say that I am definitely making progress on my PE. I am beginning to have real control over my tailbone muscles. ' tricks of circulating Chi by the Anal Breathing Method for controlling premature, sexual orgasm Drug abuse (marijuana, mushrooms, cocaine, ether, speed, Oxycodone, cigarettes and esoecially alcohol) results in his anxiety, depression, premature ejaculation, and eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm; He said 'My friend Steven reports good results from your products so I was interested in what products you think might help me recover from my previous lifestyle.' He said ' Damn! Dr. Lin, you're the man!! .. My penis is on its way back to normalcy thanks to you! ' rescuing his penis from pot and over-masturbation with ViaPal-hGH-M, DeToxiA, ViaPal-hGH-J, Fibraand Ginseng 4X+; Dr Lin's personal experiences with the natural healing power of the prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and NO (Nitric Oxide) for restoration of health and sexual orgasm! He said 'I practice your 3 point system. It works great.' but how to avoid her sexual exhaustion symptoms resulting from the Level-7 super sexual orgasm produced by the 3-point excitation method ! He said ' I have been taking your Viapal C for a month and a half now at the heaviest dosage - want to get better quicker! ... I feel that my addiction to masturbation has been cured thanks to you! ' for regulation of sexual orgasm ! He said 'i have been practising your anal breathing method and i can now control when i come i lasted last nite for 50mins and my girl had multiple orgasms she loves it'; Sexual KungFu and anal breathing is the way to enjoy multiple sexual orgasms. He said ' Your products are great. When should I receive my health membership number?' for more sexual orgasm He said 'I've personally used your products and think they are great.' for sexual orgasm; Prostaglandin E-1, NO and Oxytocin can heal body and mind. He said 'I just received the vacuum cupping massage kit and I can't tell you how great this tool is.' for improvement of the blood circulation - restoration of health and sexual orgasm He said ' I have wonderful news! My spontaneous erections are returning here and there throughout the day and my semen is thick and white! ' with ViaPal-hGH-J, 5-HTP, Borage and Fish Oil, and L-Arginine for restoration of pot smokers' sexual orgasm and impotence; how to improve the curvature of a crooked penis induced by erectile drugs and over-masturbation.. He said 'I tried your Penile Ballooning method and managed to get my penis from 5.8 inches to about 6.5 inches ' for penile enlargement and more sexual orgasm. How to grow more and last longer than 40 minutes! He said 'I have been using moodmax now for almost a month, along with 5htp and sometimes fibra tea (once a week) ... My hair is growing back, my PE is gone!' for more sexual orgasm. She said ' I have been using your ViaPal-hGH-P with EXCELLENT results. In fact, I feel like it has been a miracle in my life.' for more sexual orgasm. He said ' Sex is getting better and better. My wife has multiple orgasms everytime we have sex now and I feel better and better. Thanks so much for your advices and products, you should get a Nobel prize or something !' ; On the effects of Fish Oil, Borage Oil and L-Arginine on Heath and sexual orgasm He said ' Thanks Dr. Lin I used your Viapal-M for 2 months and took 1000Mg of fish oil three times a day and 1000mg of flax oil three times a day. I have now been off your product for about a month and my sexual exhaustion problems have almost completely gone away.' for restoration of sexual orgasm He said 'I feel the heat flow up my spine and to my third eye I last about 20 mins which is better than 1 second like i used too.' with practicing Sexual ChiKong breathing for more sexual orgasm. Mind and prostate relaxation is the key for prolonging sex. He said 'I want to thank you for your products. I cannot begin to tell you how great it was for us to be able to have her squirt, and boy did she. I had no idea of the quantity of fluid that would come out or how forceful the ejaculation would be, I know for a fact that the movies that I have seen are indeed real!!!' with Heat Tea and L-Arginine! A realstic experiment for a healthy female ejaculation pumped out by an extremely powerful sexual orgasm! He said 'My wife is changing from the inside and the outside. It looks like she is loosing weight that she had gained from her pregnancy a year ago. She has more energy, does not complain anymore about being tired. She gets very wet during sex, and her g-spot is huge, when I enter her vagina, I can feel it immediately. I think it is 3-4 times her normal size.' for a lot of sexual orgasm with Heat Tea. She said 'I just wanted to tell you that I am restored! My vagina's tighter and I am very hapy with the results of viapal-hgh-J.....' for more sexual orgasm. He said ' I have been practicing the balloon method with almost every sexual encounter I've had with my partner,(about 4-5 x's a week) with the goals of enlargement and control. I have been successful in lasting as long as I please,' how to use the multiple stage erection to balloon your penis for more sexual orgasm. He said 'Last night I lasted for about 15 minutes with my wife in the doggy style position, that is the longest I have every experienced.......I tried using the sexual chi kong and anal breathing technique and it worked,..' how to last longer than 30 minutes for more sexual orgasm. She said 'I first wanted to thank you, for your products ViaPal-hGH-M and VIP cream. They are everything you said they would be. ' for her Multiple Sclerosis and restoration of sexual orgasm He said 'First thank you for such great products. I've been using ViaGrowth-IV to help increase my Penis size, and staying power, and it works wonderfully. ' for more sexual orgasm. Menopause women should take ViaPla-hGH-M He said 'The chikong breathing worked! I thought your site was just after my money, but when I tried your advice my control over ejaculation was exactly like you said. The ballooning trick also worked and I was able to control (for the first time in my life) as long as I wanted' for more sexual orgasm He said 'I'm happy to report that after a year of taking your wonderful products i feel alot better than if i hadn't been taking them at all so thank you for that,......, Also i used ejaculate in less than a minute of sexual stimulation but now on average i can last about 10 minutes. for restoration of sexual orgasm from over-masturbation, pot smoking and alcohol abuse. He said ' The heat tea works great with my wife. She orgasms powerful and fast during intercourse.' Heat Tea can give you more sexual orgasm too. He said 'I have been using your ViaPal-hGH products and i cannot imagine what my life would have been like without you.' On practices of penile exercises and penile ballooning for penile growth - the role of prostaglandin E-1, NO, oxytocin and DHT. He said ' I'll have to say I'm surprised that I'm already doing better. My erection pain is mostly gone, after having been a problem for over a year.' with ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP plus Fish Oil/Borage Oil/Vitamin-D/Calcium/Magnesium to overcome the side effects of the prostate and hail regowth drugs and jelqing damage. Now how to maximize your sexual power via the dopamine, acetylcholine and oxytocinergic nervous systems. He said ' I am a male 45 years old with no any health problem at all. The same old problem never cured except for few weeks after using your VG IV. My sexual desire is more than excellent and have no ED at all. All I want is to reach the climax i.e. feel the orgasm.' Reviving the dopamine, acetylcholine/NO and oxytocinergic nervous function for sexual orgasm. He said ' The products have really helped me and i have also changed my lifestyle.' for restoration of sexual orgasm from drug and alcohol abuse and over-masturbation addition. He said 'Your medium dosage of (MoodMax, 5HTP + Dopa Fibra, Dopa Fibra, MoodMax) has been great.' for more sexual orgasm. How to shut down and boost your oxytocinergic nervous action for control of libido, erection and sexual orgasm. He said 'I ordered ViaPal-hGH-J, 5-HTP, Detoxia, Fish borage oil Calcium/mag/vit d for Marijuana use and Over-Masturbation. I have been taking it for a 4 weeks and am feeling quite a bit better.' on the side effects of pain killers on sexual orgasm. This 61-year young customer said 'I have used Viagrowth IV, Doprafibra, Fibra tea, 5htp, and Energia with good results. Even though I have high blood pressure and I take medication, I have had no problems using these products. In fact my blood pressure has gotten lower.' How to have sex over 1 hour with an aim-high erection for more sexual orgasm without ejaculation. She said 'I have found they give me a feeling of fullness and engorgement in my vagina and sex feels wonderful.' for more sexual orgasm, with ViaPal-hGH-J, PeniSOS and DeToxiA He said 'I ordered ViaPal-hGH-J, 5-HTP, Detoxia, Fish borage oil Calcium/mag/vit d for Marijuana use and Over-Masturbation. I have been taking it for a week and am feeling quite a bit better' for restoration of sexual orgasm. On causes of dark eye circles. She said 'I just ordered the Vialpal M for women going thru menopause it work great for me with the night sweats.' On the side effects of lowering cholesterol and sinus drugs on the erectile function and sexual orgasm. A young pot smoker said ' he symptoms of my prostate problems have all but cleared up; no lower back pains, no urination problems such as post urination dribbles, difficulty in urination, and cloudy urine... In addition my sex drive has seen a huge boost and my erectile function seems to be completely restored. It took about two weeks for the treatments to take full effect,' for more sexual orgasm and quitting spot addition. He said 'I've been taking your products and has been using your anal breathing method and it is working very well.' On exercises and penile enlargement for sexual orgasm. She said 'wow!! Dr. Lin...Its all true.Last year we put in for my first supply,and I definitely starting feeling better within the first 4 days.... As soon as I started my pills- my boyfriend started getting hard-ons-like never before,and he's not on any of your pills yet... am in my first week again of being on them-and same results- I am much hornier-he's got hard-ons,and ready and able to make love,and I just generally feel better and feel sexier.' for more sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-M. He said 'About my results so far: i no longer contract my PC muscle for erections, during state of arousal, i no longer am flooded with pre cum.., and my semen looks thick and white.' with ViaPal-hGH-J (or ViaPal-hGH-P) and DeToxiA; On the effects of sympathetic nervous beta and dopamine D2 receptors gene expression on the penile ballooning ( 1-2 o'clock erection) for sexual orgasm He said 'The ViaGrowth-IV (2 tablets a day) and Fibra is working great.' now how to solve her Urinary Tract Infection for sexual orgasm She said 'I use your VIP cream and it has helped me tremendously with the skin damage (vestibulitis and hyperplasia) that I was experiencing.' for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I am using mood-max for prolonging the time to reach orgasm. I have a pretty good control over it; especially I use your ballooning technique.' Now how to let her achieve sexual orgasm first, even without your ejaculation. ==> He said ' Ive tried the ViaPal-M (MoodMax, ViaGrowth IV, DopaFibra, and 5-HTP). They work great... Your products seem to have really made an incredible recovery to my loss of sensation and libido. Its all back.' A great recovery from abusing body building supplements for sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Ive had a varicose vein for about 6 months now, and up until recently, I thought it was the main cause for my erection problem. A week ago, I tried your fibra for the first time and I got a pretty much 100% erection, it would have been fully 100% except I was driving and I had to be home soon....I had to drive around a while to let it subside......heh....anyways." what is the action of Fibra for sexual orgasm ? ==> He said ' dr lin thank you for the vacuum cupping device you sent. i am getting relief from my muscle cramps.' on the alternation of the screwing technique and the advanced CAT position for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' About 6 weeks ago I started with vialpal-hgh-m, along with fish oil, borage oil, zinc, cal-mag and quertine and it has cleared up my back pain, frequent urination and ejaculation bleeding.' how to solve severe premature ejaculation for the restoration of sexual orgasm ==> Dr. Lin's natural prostaglandin E-1 with ViaPal-hGH-M and Fish and Borage Oil solves his chornic urethritis and urinary track infection for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have recently tried your Fibra and it is great....probably one of your best products in my opinion.' A natural prolactin blocker for multiple sexual orgasm(s). ==> He said ' I used your medicine and also your advise I am getting good results.' on the prolonging sex and deep vaginal orgasm tricks for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been ordering your products and have been very satisfied with their effects. ' for more sexual orgasm. How to detoxify his girlfriend's marijuana-polluted brain/nervous, liver and cardiovascular system! ==> He said ' I have been using your ViaPal-hGH-J for almost two months now.... I can now have hard long-lasting erections and find I can last longer in bed.' for more sexual orgasm. Enhance your mind now. ==> He said ' Ive been using viapal-hgh-j for about 3 weeks with fairly positive results.' for more sexual orgasm. On interaction of alcohol with our products. ==> He said ' I have been using via pal-hgh-p for several months with great results. My overall performance has improved dramatically.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I used the products as you advised. The results were amazing. I was able to have good sex almost everyday for 2 weeks. Penis was hard, long and hot.' in addition to solving his urinary dripping problem, for no more sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-P, 5-HTP and DeToxiA. ==> A progressive report from a 22-year old heavy drug abuser (cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, cigarettes, and alcohol) for restoration of health and sexual orgasm under a nervous detoxification and rejuvenation program with ViaPal-hGH-J, DeToxiA, and Borage/Fish Oil. ==> She said ' i am glad to notify you that it's unbeleavable how i have managed to get almost all my problems of now', no more depression, hypertension, painful periods due to fibroids, migraine headache, vaginal muscle weakness, urinary sensation reaction, nausea, chronic sinuses, painful nipples, and low libido, but for sexual orgasm; on the pineal gland gene expression disorder. ==> He said 'Thank you so much for a wonderful product. I have been use the VIAPAL-hGH-X for four days now, and can't believe the difference it made.' on blocking the prolactin release for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I am taking viagrowth-II twice daily, and I love it by itself.' for more sexual orgasm; no extra zinc is needed with a high dose of Vitamin C ==> He said ' I have been on your products for about a month, and recently placed next month's order. My penis has an hourglass shape, due to an accident to my erect penis as a child. I have just STARTED to notice the scar tissue dissolving away and getting a little softer. The damaged area around the middle is a little less constricted.' Restoring his damaged penis for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Trust all is well. It is about two weeks that I have been taking the products. Things seems to be heading in the right direction. My morning erections are happening again and it feels firmer. Last weekend my energy was more intense and went for a little longer time.' Restoring his damaged penis for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' your ViaPal-hGH-M is amazing. I just tell you that at 41, I am getting similar results that I did when I was 21.... now its looks almost as think as my wrist. Man, your formula is amazing.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I really like your ViaPalHgH-X package! It works better than i thought, after trying quite a few different ones. I feel more energetic, and cum volume has increased, and with regular waking up erections and spontaneous full erections just by erotic thinking during the day, when I sort of "checking it". My girlfriend is quite happy with my longer erection times.' Fix the penile damage with the natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy and the rules for prolonging sex for more sexual orgasm ==> She said ' Recently, I shared some of the "heat" tea with a friend, who had been experiencing a significent amount of depression recently. Within minutes (literally!), she was in a much happier mood, feeling better than she had in years.' for more sexual orgasm! Solution for depression. ==> why our products can reduce menstrual flow for more sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' I am overly-pleased with your products, and this is why: Not only is my scar tissue in my penis softer and less noticeable, with improved blood flow... but something else completely unexpected has improved. ..I am noticing that the small bumps are flatter, smaller, and seem to be slowly disappearing. You can imaging my shock.' for more sexual orgasm ==> She said ' what exactly is in that dopafibra that is making me feel like I am 'in heat'?? I have to know. I have taken it for three days and I feel 17!' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' dr lin, I am on the road to recovery from over ejaculation and drug abuse using your brainwash therapy.' promote prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 synthesis for healing prostate abrasion bleeding and restoring sexual orgasm. ==> Advices for lasting longer and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Been using your products ViaGrowth IV, Penisos, energia, Ginseng,and Vip cream for about two and a half weeks now and I can really see an improvement erections getting better and good god man orgasm Unbeleivable. I'm cuming in quarts the amount of semen is amazing ' for more sexual orgasm ==> A crazy young man ballooned his penis from 7 to 8 inches in one day; conditions for the extremely penile ballooning for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'since I've begun doing your chi kung exercises, that I've noticed the some of the hair on my beard going from gray to black ' for more sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's endometriosis theory and why the Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy with ViaPal-hGH-M can work well, in addition to sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Ironically, after discontinuing the pr?pecia and using your products, my hair has begun to grow back.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Your formula is great...excellent...superb....,,, your product is gave me my confidence back and my love life back.' for more sexual orgasm ViaPal-hGH-M and DeToxiA have helped her resolve her chronic bladder disorder/ incontinence, vulva pain (Vulvodynia & vestibulitis ) & throat infection (tonsils), restore her menstrual cycle, and smooth out her PMS Pains/Cramps, for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> She said ' just wanted to let you know that the fish and borage oil worked very well. you are a genius' On restoration of the enzyme and gene expression disorders due to alcohol and drug abuses based upon Dr. Lin's natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy for more sexual orgasm He, a medical student, said 'I am currently on around 2-3 months of having used your products, and there is no doubt about the significant improvements I have noted in my penis size, ejaculation quantity, and frequency.' How to boost your brain/nervous and liver function for both brainstorm and lovestorm - more sexual orgasm. She said ' Viagrowth IV is even powerful(tented clitoris) with half a tablet...And the VIP cream is impressive.' for sexual orgasm. How to restore a prolapsed uterus for sucking his penis during orgasm and how to prevent female sexual exhaustion after orgasm. He said ' Hi Dr Lin I just want to congratulate you and your business team for such a great products '. Thank you! W are erecting even harder than before after the 24-hours blow job by Hurricanes Frances and Jeane. He said ' I've ben taking Viapal J for the last month and I must say the results are very very good : 1-2 o'clock strong/very strong erections that can last for 30-45 minutes. 'for more sexual orgasm. On the best way to take the products, the citrus juice (Cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) inhibitors) and herbs interaction and the alcohol-herbs interaction. He said ' I manage to successfully discontinue antihistamine before bed and replace it with 5-HTP. I feel much better now. Many thanks to you and your wonderful products.' for more sexual orgasm. On our 20% off discount policy. He said ' I just began practicing your Penile Enlargement and Anal Breathing methods. In less than two weeks, I went from holding my ejaculation 5 seconds to a merely 15 minutes if not more!' for sexual orgasm; on lasting longer and semen retention; on sex during her period. He said '- almost cleared up eye floaters -- eliminated some creaking, painful joints - not as sensitive to light - ... I'm now MoodMaxed!' for restoration of sexual orgasm from sexual exhaustion with ViaPal-hGH-M Dr. Lin's sex-induced nervous exhaustion theory for no sexual orgasm - the theory has been packed in the product bottles. She said ' Thanks for the VIP cream. It worked the first time i used it.... I was very sensitive when we had intercourse, and i was able to climax.' for restoration of sexual orgasm He said 'i love your cd-rom. thank you very much' what is the best position to continue her orgasms after making her to achieve first sexual orgasm? A senior medical student said ' I have already been taking ViaPal-M for around 2 1/2 weeks and I must say that the results have been significant improving my symptoms of anxiety, poor memorization, acne, depression, etc. ' for sexual orgasm, and questioned on medication drugs for psychological and physiological disorders. He said ' hello dr. lin the pils are working thank you verry matsch ' for sexual orgasm. How to improve the hemorrhoids with ViaPal-hGH-M and Fish/Borage Oil! This 51-years young man said 'I ordered your viagrowth formula last month. After two weeks of talking it I was very happy to notice that my prostate and back pains improved dramatically. Incontinence was gone.' for the first step of restoring erection and sexual orgasm This 63-years young customer aid 'Just wanted to say your products seem to work excellent..... And why has the quantity increased so much? ' for a longer sex ( 1 hour erection without going limp!), more ejaculation volume, better semen quality, more sexual orgasm (16 spasms) . She said ' I have recently purchases VIP cream and wanted to know the exact effects. Before I purchased it I rarely had any orgasms... Today we I became aroused it took very little time for me to have an orgasm while masturbating. ' What is the exact effects of VIP Cream on sexual orgasm? He said ' after almost 2 months on your products, i've realized that i no longer have constant chronic fatigue! i started to notice that about 3 weeks into taking vial-pal-hgh-j...... the scar tissue in my penis doesn't feel as hard and bulky as it was a month ago. I'm doing at least four 30 minute VIP heat massages a day.' for restoration of sexual orgasm. He said ' So far I have been real happy with your products. My adult acne has almost completely cleared and I am feeling better since I injured by penis spongy tissue.' for more sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy He said ' your method does give my penis a 140% size and make it very numb'. How to prolong more than 30 minutes penile ballooning without ejaculation for more sexual orgasm He said 'I have been practicing some of the ideas you have given me before. I have to say I am now in control of my ejaculations!!! I can use the anal breathing to balloon my self, and my wife has orgasm after orgasm 95% of the time ' Why the Finger Pliers stimulation is more powerful than a hard penile stimulation and how to emulate the Finger Pliers stimulation with the 3-point Excitation Method for more sexual orgasm ? He said ' After taking ViaPal-hGH-M, my two-year long testicular pains has almost gone!' for restoration of sexual orgasm. He said ' i had been using ur moodmax and doprfibre + gensing 4x for a week and had sex with great results.... and i had sex 3 times in that day almost doubling what i did in 1 whole year!' Solving his premature ejaculation for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have purchased your ViaPal-hGH-J pack and have been very happy with the results with an improvement after only 2 weeks.' how to balloon your penis and her clitoris/G-spot/vaginal/urethral erectile tissues for more sexual orgasm! ==> He said " I have read your CD manual and it is excellent! I have brought my wife out of a 8 year vibrator only orgasm! ' and made her to achieve a brain-convoluting, Level -7, sexual orgasm. ==> Fibra helps him solve pot belly and bitch tits for more sexual orgasm ==> A pot smoker said ' My mood instantly picked up , and today i was able to sustain a very hard erection for 20 minutes prior to orgasm. That was simply a test, and I will heed your advice, and no longer masturbate. I was simply amazed that your products are helping me to lift my depression (along with therapy) as well as noticeably increase my libido in only two days!' for more sexual orgasm. ==> A 30-year old over-masturbator, with an 18 years over-masturbation long history, said ' I am happy to report that I have already experienced some noticeable changes in my sexual function in just TWO WEEKS of taking your Viapal-hGH-P, 5-HTP, and DeToxiA as recommended. Also per your suggestion, I have included Borage Oil and Fish Oil, 3000 mg of each one daily. Of course, I have also gotten my over-masturbation habit under control in order to effectively budget my seminal inventory and allow for recuperation.' for more sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy ==> A long-term pot smoker said ' After 6 weeks of taking a low dose of Viapal 3014 as you advised, I have got rid of the prostate pains and perineum pains, and am feeling like I have a much higher sex drive.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have sexual functioning again.' with ViaPal-hGH-P; Re-Grow his circumcised foreskin, enlarge his penis, restore his orgasm and penis sensitivity after jelqing damage, and shrink his enlarged prostate back to normal for peeing and solve his urinary tract infection (UTI) for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> VIP Cream and Finger Pliers method gave her over-erected clitoris, lips and G-spot and excessively multiple sexual orgasms, like having sex with 5 men; on the solution of the pains and cramps induced by an excessive orgasm for women in peri-menopause and menopause and with a prolapsed or titled uterus. ==> He said 'your products are great' after taking them couple days - how long to detoxify/rejuvenate the damaged liver and seminal production mechanism destroyed by the hair drug Finesteride, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, and to restore the penile sensitivity, destroyed by over-masturbation and Finesteride, for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I came to you for premature ejaculation and penis size. You recommended ViaPal-hGH-M. Within a day or so I started feeling my penis rock hard and wider. I have been on it for about 2 weeks now and I have gone from about 10-20 sec. to 45 min. masturbating. I am even able to hold the erection after ejaculation and go another round.' and more for bowel movement continence, work out, burning fat and muscle growth; on solution for the side effects of Tubaligation and C-section on his wife psychological and physical disorders for restoration of sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Dear Dr. Lin, my wife has successfully replaced her ert with your product Moodmax and viagrowth4,..' for more sexual orgasm. On a full spectrum natural Hormonal Replacement Therapy. A 26-year old former pot smoker said 'I have just re-ordered your products because they have already helped me in less than 1 month with clearer mind, thicker and more semen, and no more bloody ejaculation.' On weight lifting and sexual orgasm! He said 'I find your finger pliers method a very good way to heal some of the damages.' - Restoring his wife's sexual orgasm without relying on a vibrator! He said ' I have been taking Viagrowth III and Dopafibra and i am starting to notice that my body is getting more defined!', so he get this side effect for his body and sexual orgasm - our engineering products are only for the orgasm engineering problems. Finally, a 21-year old heavy-duty pot-smoking, post-hernia-operation over-masturbator said ' my urinary incontinence is absolutely GONE AWAY... Thanks for your great product Dr.Lin !!' Restoring his sexual orgasm in only 1 month! He said ' I've been taking half a tablet of Moodmax, Dopafibra and Viagrowth 4 for epidermis pain after ejaculation....After 3 weeks and reduction in ejaculation frequency to every 4 days the pain has gone' for restoration of sexual orgasm He said ' Hello Doc! am happy to report that a week after going on the low dose of your ViaPal-hGH-P package, am able to easily achieve a 2 oclock erection!! which i can hold for a good 30min love coupling!! Am even scared of what will happen after 3wks of your therapy! Thank you! ' On the sexual ChiKong and anal breathing for 1-2 hours intercourse and Sexual Orgasm - a practice lesson for the beginners. He said ' Whoa DR Lin!!! Its working!!I am currently on viapal-J + 5Htp since 3/14/04 . The short circuit migraine/constriction feeling on the left rear brain is gone. My sense of hunger is almost back to normal, my digestion has also improved.. ' On Sexual Orgasm for life. He said ' I've been taking ViaPal-hGH-M (3-014) for a few days now since you advised me on my condition. I had prostatitis and even though the main symptoms were gone..' ; reduce the perineum nervous stress, improve the perineum circulation, and boost the testosterone level for more sexual orgasm He said 'on taking your products for the second time round with these being via-pal-hgh j and 5-htp my migraines are permently gone feel way more energised and more focused' for restoration of sexual orgasm; How to start your anal breathing practice! He said ' the size of my penis when at a resting state has changed from 4in to 5in. Also, my erection size changed from 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 ' with penile ballooning and anal breathing techniques for more sexual orgasm. ViaPal-hGH-M helps him drop his blood pressure naturally and cut down the blood pressure dosage for regaining erection. How to have a more powerful and prolonging erection for sexual orgasm. He said 'I believe your ViaPal-hgh-M has kicked in and I'm getting back to normal.' for more sexual orgasm; why does the prostate BP drug cause erectile dysfunction and what is the natural solution? ==> He said 'I've taken your PeniSOS and Fibra Tea for a month. One effect is that all pre-ejaculation fluid has gone away.' for lasting longer and more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Nothing short of a miracle! My life has miraculously turned around in the course of a few months. .... We attempted sex for the first time last week and it resulted in me being able to maintain an erection and control my orgasm for one hour! She told me that she has only experienced 5 orgasms in 3 years and I provided her with TWO orgasms in one night! I was able to give her an orgasm each day for the next 3 days! She now claims that I did the impossible and that I'm the greatest lover she's ever had!' for more sexual orgasm. On the quality of precum and semen for a bigger, prolonging erection or a premature ejaculation ==> He said ' I just wanted to say that your information on the epicenter gave my girlfriend an orgasm that she has never even come close to. She cried, and could not control it.' due to an extremely powerful sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Thanks Dr. Your anal breathing and power-up method has successfully helping me to solve the premature ejaculation. ' for reclaiming his confidence and her sexual orgasm ==> Greetings from Macedonia, he said ' they give me a great feeling and they seem to have the strongest influence on Concentration and Mind. ' with ViaPal-hGH-J; now learn the anal breathing sexual kungfu for sexual orgasm without ejaculation. ==> He said ' It has relieved my bladder symptoms' with our Dr. Lin's special formula - 5-HTP plus a therapeutic dosage of Fish and Borage Oil and ready for more ejaculation and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' i have been purchasing your products for about 4 months now for my wife. and they have helped a great deal!' for her Interstitial Cystitis (IC), fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, sleeping disorder, vaginismus (penetration/intercourse pains) and restoration of sexual orgasm - This serious case has been abandoned by the medical societies. ==> He said ' thank you for the wonderful products that you make. the pain in my hip is 90% gone my eye sight is getting better. ... all my joints feel 100% better my knees my shoulder are so much better thanks to you and your products. i think that my muscles are growing..' the road of rejuvenation from sexual exhaustion to sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have ordered MoodMax couple week ago. Now I’m screaming for some more.' for young sexual disorder and orgasm ==> Why medication drugs can cause erectile and sexual orgasm disorders? ==> He said ' Having been on the products for two months, I've already noticed significant improvement.' in dealing with over-masturbation and drug abuse for restoration of penile sensitivity, glans damage, seminal production and sexual orgasm ==> The progressive improvement of an Ecstasy abuser with Viapla-hGH-P and 5-HTP for restoration of erection, seminal production, and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been buying your products which are very good.' for sexual orgasm. How do you know you have over-ejaculated yourself! ==> He said 'I love your products, and your penile ballooning method, they are excellent.' for sexual orgasm, His circumcised foreskin finally become the limitation of his penis growth. On re-growth of the circumcised foreskin for ballooning the penis longer. ==> She said ' I have been using your Viagrowth and DopraFibra products and like them very much.' On natural weight loss for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have begun to take your products(dopa fibra, mood max, and 5 htp) and have had improvement. THe pain in the testicular area is minimal and far less frequent, and the same can be said for the other pains.' Restoration of health for sexual orgasm. what are the Factors affecting pain ? ==> He said ' I found that simply taking the 5htp made my headaches go away' and dopafibra, 5htp, viagrowth IV, and moodmax improve his semen taste for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Thank you again for your amazing products. I have firmer erections and more girth in my penis....... also my prostate has returned to its normal size.' for penile enlargement after years of over-masturbation, alcohol and drug abuse. How to rejuvenate the skip-deep sensory nerve for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' i broke my penis four years ago and found your website about a year ago...that has healed quite well thanks to your advice.' how to last longer and improve semen quality and quantity for sexual orgasm and feeling good. ==> An Australia doctor said ' You have helped enormously with my patient who had lost her sense of smell and taste, and also the one with incontinence. They are both markedly improved.' on solution for chronic fatigue, overweight, hearing loss and tinnitus. ==> He said 'we all should recommend you for a noble prize in your field of study.' after experiencing the powerful Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy for prolonging his erection and sexual orgasm, increasing his semen production, darkening his hair, dropping his bad cholesterol level and blood pressure, eliminating his body pains ... ==> He said' I used your ViaPAl-hGH-S package a few months ago, the pain I used to experience in my testicles during ejaculation ceased after just one week. I also found that I lost a lot of body fat without changing my dieting patterns.' for more sexual orgasm. On rejuvenation of penile tissue, nerve and blood vessel damaged by chronic over-masturbation or diabetes for penile ballooning. ==> He said ' I am a very healthy 65 yr old man and I have a wonderful 25 year old Asian Wife. We enjoy lovemaking almost everyday. I can completely satisfy her with a combination of oral and screwing with the help of your plier method. She is enjoying multiple climaxes... ' Dr. Lin's Formulas for more sexual orgasm. ==> This young customer said ' you have completely turned my life around it has got rid of my crule depression more interest in life helped me down stairs and up stairs.yes fully powered peneis all do..' by ViaPal-hGH-J in overcome his over-masturbation and street drug abuse for sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' I ordered your products Moodmax, Viagrowth-IV and 5htp for vaginal looseness right before Christmas.... I can say Your products really work. Thank! You have a customer' for Vaginal Tightness and more sexual orgasm! ==> She said 'My husband has been taking your supplements to correct a prostate problem and has had good success using them.' On solution for PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)-- irritability, extreme mood swings, depression, sleep problems, anger, etc. and sexual orgasm ==> He said' after less than a week of using ViaG IV and DopaFibra, I can already feel the increase in my libido and erectile flow-- thanks!' on the therapeutic GLA and EPA dosage for more sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'I am feeling very good now taking mood max,the hair has stop falling down and my health and mind has improved thanks to your products and your advices. ' for restoration of sexual orgasm and stopping hair loss. ==> Dr. Lin's Prostatitis solutions - the restoration of sexual orgasm with Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapy. ==> He said ' Apart from sex, your products will help my brain-injury aftereffects.' Restoration of his injured brain for sex orgasm ==> He said ' The blood at the end of my urine stream has vanished. Thank you so much!' for restoration of sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been taking your products for a couple of weeks and I am very impressed! They have restored my sexual drive and made lovemaking much better' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' dear dr lin WOW it worked!!!! i took borage oil 1 capsule a day,3 capsules fish oil and 6 capsules of flaxseed per day.....RESULT- longer sexual intercourse didnt cum as quick and a much harder penis that increased in length by 1 inch and a fatter girth my girl loved my 8inch cannon. i notice also after doing your breathing method i can shoot my big cannon for another round i also take your moodmax and viagrowth4 great stuff' for more sexual orgasm and having Merrier X'mas and happier holidays! ==> He said ' im using your products over the last 3 months and my penis got pretty long and thick.(6.5 inches long/5.5 in diameter thickness). My penis hurts my girlfriends pussy.. ' how to avoid penetration and intercourse pains with a thicker penis for more sexual orgasm ==> A young man experienced with the penile ballooning effect with an extra prostaglandin E-1 and testosterone-DHT conversion for more sexual orgasm ==> His experience with anal breathing for more sexual orgasm - transformation of sexual energy from the prostate to the anal-tailbone muscle ==> He said ' I've been on the viapal-P and 5_htp and I've added the borage and fish oil to the mix and I've had a spontaneous erection tonight! I know it sounds silly, but I actually did NOT have to manually stimulate myself in order to acheive a rock hard erection!" for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'your Products have completely turned around my life, my confidence and the way I feel. I will be a life long member.. ...., VIP Cream works wonders as it directly feeds my unit the food it needs, I notice growth when I use it each day for 5 minutes.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Im using ViaGrowthIII, MoodMax and DopaFibra over the past two months. Ive achieved great results. I have hard rock 2 oclock erections now, with a more muscular looking penis, and almost 1/2" longer, going to 6'5" now.' for more sexual orgasm; please avoid spot smoking in the crazy new year party! ==> He said ' I got some great results with your ballooning method and ViaPal-hGH-P. My penis kept getting thicker during my 2 hour erection, I couldn't stop, wow. I kept feeling the energy in the tip of the penis.' for penile enlargement and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I ordered your mood max and my eye sight has gotten a lot better and it even helped my arthritis i can hold my hand still without it shaking and my mind feels a lot smoother and faster.' on how to reduce precum and regrow the penis for more sexual orgasm at age of 18. ==> He said ' I wanted to let you know that I am seeing good results in the last two and half weeks with the Via Pal M package.' on how to make a successful withdrawal from severely SSRIs anti-depression drug addition for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'My wife and I are so impressed with your Viagroth M supplements that we thought we would ask you about our son. ' on what are the natural remedies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases? the Natural Prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 therapy! ==> He said ' I practice the ballooning technique and am almost 9 inches when ballooned. She said my penis is the biggest one she has been with.' He needs a flood insurance for her flooding - on female ejaculation causes and solution ==> He said ' I just wanted to tell you that your anal breathing technique is OUTSTANDING! I tried it for the first time, didn't even have to practice, and it seems I can last an infinite amount of time, much much longer than before.' for more sexual orgasm; On the factors affecting the penile size in the flaccid and ballooning state. ==> He said ' Thank you for a wonderful set of products and information! I have enjoyed them and I believe they have assisted me and my wife to enjoy sex more and conceive a child on our first try!' for a life-term sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' After only FOUR DAYS of taking a low dose of Viapal-hGH-P, 5-HTP, and DeToxia, as well as taking a break from masturbation as you advised, my stubborn acne condition is improving a lot without my having to see a dermatologist! ' ; how to improve hair / skin conditions and prostate function for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I took your advice and began to use your products (5HTP, mood max, and via growth) to heal the seminal blasting that I had caused and it worked!!! I no longer feel that swelling and burning feeling during the day." How to heal the nervous damage and disorder in the PC muscles, bulbourthral glands and prostate due to PC muscle stretching exercises and over-ejaculation for ejaculation control. ==> He said ' Hello, I have been taking the fish oils and the borage oils now for 4 weeks. I am also very pleased with your products and my hair as well as my wife's hair is turning dark again. My wife has been almost white since her late 30's This is nothing short of a miracle. Thank-you.' for more sexual orgasm! On Dr. Lin's Natural Prostaglandin E-1 therapeutic formula ==> He said ' our anal breathing exercise have done wonders for me in the bedroom. I can now have multiable orgasms thanks to you.' how to sustain erection for penile ballooning and more sexual orgasm! ==> The Australia Custom inspector don't like the name of PeniSOS used for Aphrodisiacs and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' At last after having prostate problems for 1 1/2 years I am finally able to urinate better and am starting to feel the benefits of the vacuum massage.' how to deal with the prostate problem more effectively for sexual orgasm. ==> Ecstasy and over-masturbation destroyed his brain and nervous systems for penile shrinkage, premature ejaculation, nervous muscle spasm and no more sexual orgasm - Solutions. ==> He said 'I am now starting to notice the effects of the drugs, mainly viapal M. I think my nerves are starting to repair. I have been massaging the root penis and base to gain the 1-2 clock position and vacuum cup massage.' for more sexual orgasm. The old wound soldier never dies or fades away! He said ' At your suggestion, I have begun taking 5-HTP and ViaPal-hGH-P and am feeling great.' and questioned how our products can help her boost her G-spot sensitivity and solve her chronic urinary tract infection for sexual orgasm He said 'Love the products....... my eyesight is so much improved...... I wonder why this is? ' for more sexual orgasm - the electric engineering solution for eyesight and eye floaters. He said 'Thank-you, I am pleased with your product. It works exactly as you promised it would..' Viapal-hGH-M is for improvement of cardio function and for both for men and menopause and peri-menopause women to have more sexual orgasm. On the action of DopaFibra and Fibra on the brain. He said 'I make my wife reach the first orgasm using the 3 point excitation method as per recommended and it is really a good and fast technique.' how to make he achieve sexual orgasms many times in a love session, on restoration of the vaginal tightnss and prolapsed/titleed uterus/cervix, and the secret of my penile regrowth against natural ageing. He said 'Thanks for the help Ive been getting good results with advice...Also, even though I got good results from your ballooning method, going from 5-8 inches.' on penile and testicle regrowth for more sexual orgasm. He said 'Your products worked as said. ' for sexual orgasm.' Solution for neck and shoulder congestion. She said ' We love your website and are learning so much from it. ' for more sexual orgasm. Solution for his lasting longer and her vaginal tightness, intercourse pain, Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis. He said ' I have found that using a low dose of viapal-hgh-j and then having 1 tablet of moodmax, doprafibra, 5-htp and 2 droppers of ginseng 4x together 60 minutes before sex can make me have a hard erection and have sex for 1 hour without ejeculating.' for more sexual orgasm He said 'I have been taking the viagrow iv and growth suppliments for over 60 days... I am noticing a considerable change in my testicle growth size.' on how to grow the penis for more sexual orgasm with high blood-pressure medication. He said 'I have been taking the Viapal-hgh-P for a month now and I defintely feel better.' for more sexual orgasm. On the body self-detoxification responses to the overdosing of our products. He said ' have had improvement with my erections, lasting longer, more often, and harder with your product ViaPal-hGH-P and Vacuum cupping device. ' for more more sexual orgasm He said I am having really good results from your Viagrowth IV, much stronger erections and more control, my wife is very pleased' with more sexual orgasm. On 20% off discount offer. He said ' After very satisfying orgasm my penis gets hard again and we continue. The problem is that I've yet to reach the second orgasm. I'm currently taking VaiPal-hGH-J,DetoxiA,5-HTP. I've discontinued my allergy medication. ' OK, have more seminal production and sexual orgasm with Viapal-hGH-P, DeToxiA and 5-HTP He said ' after using your herbs from Jan this year I feel my life has changed, my mind and my feeling about life and every aspect of my life simply changes into something great, .. ' on penile re-growth for more sexual orgasm. He said 'Thanks LOT ...i have got some improvement after 10 years...I have got some control on night emssions ....Thanks Lot again. Moodmax and htp helped me. on jump start formulas for hard erection and sexual orgasm He said 'I am using the Vigrowght 4 with Fibra and the result is phenomenal.' advices: Our products are not for pregnant women to have sexual orgasm He said ' By the way the VIP cream is excellent! (..).' How to increase the seminal and sperm production and improvement sperm motility for making babies and more sexual orgasm. He said ' I have been practicing your ballooning method since 1998. I went from 5inches to 7 inches. Then you told me I have probably reached my full potential, that my foreskin was limiting me, which I believe is correct.' on the penile and hair re-growth for more sexual orgasm. He said ' I am taking viapal HGH-M for recovery from sexual exhaustion due to drug abuse and over masturbation. Results have been good as i have told you in past emails and i think i am about 50% recovered..' on the recovery of the weak testicular function for sexual orgasm. He said ' I HAVE NO PROBLEM GETTING AN ERECTION AT 12:00 POSITION SINCE I HAVE TAKEN YOUR PRODUCTS AND DETOXIFIED MY SYSTEM'; how to produce an upward curve for sexual orgasm. He said 'Yesterday I gave her dopafibra and ViaGrowth-IV in the evening before we had sex and she climaxed loudly for a few orgasmic contractions in doggy style position (took a long time however) 5 minutes of fast stimulation'; What a powerful Epicenter sexual orgasm is! She said 'I love your products! They work.' for more sexual orgasm; Simple Qalification for the HealthClub membership 20% off discount His question: 'Why does Fibra Tea and Viagrowth IV work so well together?' for more sexual orgasm Self-stimulation by the dynamical movement of the cervix/uterus and bladder against the Epicenter for female horniness, wet dreams, and deep-vaginal sexual orgasm, but maybe pains or cramps too if the uterine prolapse or tilting is severe enough. He said ' Your products have shown NO side effects. In fact it helps me in my meditation as well. I can sense/feel the energy flow with your products,.. '; On balance diets and supplements for more sexual orgasm and the safety of using Kava Kava. He said ' Anyway, over the last two weeks I have noticed a significant improvement... I no longer produce anywhere near the same amount of precum that I used to. In the last two weeks I have been holding an erection for 30 minutes on average without ejaculating, this combined with you prescribed 5HTP is working. ' for lasting longer and more sexual orgasm . He said 'First of all I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing product! You are truly the greatest doctor and healer ever! ' for no more pains, aches or stiffness, but more sexual orgasm. He said 'Thank you very much for your beautiful products. I can now say that with MoodMax and Dopa Fibra I have become not only the happiest guy on the planet but also a sex god.' and cure his ACNE for more sexual orgasm. He said ' I have been using your products for a while now and am also recommending them to friends. They are a godsend! You are a pioneer and true genius in this field.' On circumcision, premature ejaculation, penile ballooning and sexual orgasm. He said ' You told me to take all 3 bottles together at once twice a day. Well, guess what, after 3 days it worked! ' with ViaPal-hGH-C. On the solutions for young men's premature ejaculation, erection and more sexual orgasm. She said ' I tried your products awhile back and found they were very helpful ' On hGH for tissue, hair and nervous rejuvenation, and ViaPal-hGH-M for the improvement of ADHD, mind and memory, the menopause /peri-menopause /PMS symptoms, and the restoration of libido and more sexual orgasm. He said ' my pre cum load that comes out has went tremendously after doing the anal breathing for just 4 days ' On the Step-by-Step Penile ballooning procedures for penile enlargement and more sexual orgasm. She said ' I had a tilted uterus, because I had had uterine cramps after orgasm and corrected that with the Via Pal herbs.' restoration of sexual orgasm for no more intercourse or orgasm pains or cramps. He said ' I must commend you that your products appear to have worked to solve that problem while making me feel really good.' However, chronic alcoholism has started to destroy his libido and erection again. How to get a recovery from alcoholism for more erection and sexual orgasm He said ' Hey Doc, Just wanted to let you know that your products really work for me. 1. 5-htp works so well that all I want to do it to have sex and sleep sexual orgasm...., 3. I noticed my penis length has increased as a result of ballooning and hardness so much...' how to avoid vaginal air trapping with lovemaking positions, how to make the penis aim high, and how to let her vagina suck your penis for more sexual orgasm He said ' Detoxil worked well for me and started to get rid of severe lumps i had from toxins in my mouth so detoxia should really work well and get rid of the lumps quickly. I find i have mental clarity hours after i take one pill as well.' - detoxification of the blood and brain/nervous system for the restoration of sexual orgasm. He said ' About 10 months ago I followed your recommendation and used the ViaPal-hGH-M combination to treat the causes of bloody semen and to help reduce my swollen prostate. The blood in my semen went away about 2 weeks after using your product ....' on the long-term treatment of the prostate disorders due to chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for sexual orgasm. He said 'just a quick thanks for your advise i have grown my hair to a thicker head of hair and it has gone to a dark black like i was when i was a kid,' for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I have been taking viapal HGH-M for over a month to help me recover from sexual exhaustion from over masturbation and chronic marijuana smoking, which i did for 6 years daily. I have experienced significant recovery from the viapal HGH-M and am pleased with results.' on the recovery road to more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I can't tell you how happy I am with these products, they really do work! They have helped to make my hair noticeably thicker and my sex drive is so high now,' for more hair and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Chronic Fatigue is somewhat better after one week.' with Viapal-hGH-M; on the role of Alpha Lipoic Acid in the nervous rejuvenation and the most powerful nervous rejuvenator DeToxiA + ViaPal-hGH-P + 5-HTP for drug abusers to restore sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I currently take a low dose of Viapal-hGH-P and a high dose of 5-HTP. I've discovered that a good side effect of your products is that it helps clear up and suppress my acne, since your products detoxify the liver.' A Weight loss diet with high protein and high fiber for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Your products are awesome'; On the healing time of the prostate abrasion after a seminal blasting - the factors for the safe ejaculation frequency and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have been using the ViaPal-hGH-M now for about two weeks and have experienced great success with the product. ' what products can accelerate the de-training of the prostate nervous reflexion for an hour-long lovemaking and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have been taking your ViaPal-hGH-P formula in conjunction with 5-htp for almost 4 months now and am quite pleased with the results.' enjoy a long-lasting, hard erection for her sexual orgasm, even with taking the growth drug DHT-inhibitor. ==> He said ' I am the 55 yr old man who had the Burning & Pressure in the Prostate area. All that has stopped as of 2 weeks ago. I feel pretty good now! I have been taking the ViaPal-hGH-M for 6 weeks. ' On safety ejaculation frequency after healing and how to improve the prostate/urethral tissue quality for more sexual orgasm ==> ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP help him restore penile sensitivity and reduce ACNE outbreak. ==> He said ' dopafibra makes my dick big.' on the foreskin growth for penile ballooning; and the infant natural breathing for the anal breathing method and Sexual ChiKong Breathing (Tai-Chi Yin Kong) for more sexual orgasm ==> This sexual exhausted young man said ' After 6 months of using your products, my sex life has virtually return to NORMAL.' for more sexual orgasm; On dosage of ViaPal-hGH-C ==> How our products can help the women's menstrual cycling (sex hormonal synchronization ) and flow for more sexual orgasm, after the brain/pituitary-ovarian axis was shut down by the the hormone-based birth control or due to peri--menopause ==> He said 'I have been taking the ViaPal-hgh-P for one week now... I had sex three times today with my girlfriend and she was surprised at how I was able to keep going without an orgasm... I think you have saved my life.' A long-term solution for detoxification of marijuana residual chemicals and alcohol; resolution of panic attacks for more sexual orgasm! ==> Restoration of libido and sexual orgasm after completing the breastfeeding. ==> He said 'I am now on the Via-J, vacuum massage, and VIP treatment....The pain is alleviated from the massage, which is very nice since before the pain was quite unbearable. ...I can also tell a difference in blood flow and circulation.' - for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'With your wonderful anal breathing technique i can masturbate for as long as i want and experience many dry orgasms,' on Seminal Retention and Sexual orgasm ==> He said 'dear, i find that garlic super charges me when taken with your products.' for more sexual orgasm; on garlic power with some cautions; demonstration of the PeniSOS power. ==> A 45yr old woman said ' He has been taking your supplements with great results but is not sure what I should be taking to help my symptoms.' ViaPal-hGH-M is formulated for peri-menopause and menopause symptoms and sexual orgasm for both men and women. ==> He said 'when i take your detox pill i feel really relaxed and think clearly do you know why that is.' a full detoxification of the liver and nervous system for better health and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Great website. Your techniques, have made my penis over 7 inches in length, and 6 3/4 inches in girth, and I am close to a 2 o'clock errection, ' how to repair and re-grow the glans penis for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' In a word: AWESOME! That's the simplest way to describe your remedies. ..., but your Viapal-hGH-P and 5-HTP combo now has me feeling and performing better than I did even when I was a teenager! I had a date last night that ended up in a wild sex session, and she was impressed with my erection hardness, stamina, and ejaculation volume and force. I think my erection was even a little bigger than usual too.' - Dr. Lin's advice: give your partner(s) multiple sexual orgasm(s) but limit yourself only one ejaculation. ==> He said ' Thank you so much for your help. I have been taking your products for (2 weeks) and I am much better!' the resolution of the chronic penile pain and the release of the congestion pressure against prostate for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I started using the anal breathing techniques you recommend, and I've noticed greater control.' - how to incorporate it into lovemaking for a long-hour lovemaking and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' By the way, about your 5-htp. ANOTHER GREAT PRODUCT. ... last week when I got the attack, I opened an additional capsule and poured the powder beneath my tongue (sublingually). It COMPLETELY stopped the migraine progressively over a one hour period. WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS!'; more sexual orgasm without headaches and migraine or panic attack. ==> He said 'I am taking ViaPal M and seeing results....One day I ballooned for an hour. This is having a good effect on my love making; I am lasting longer inside of my wife.' Why Lovemaking is good for Penile ballooning & how the cervical/vaginal secretion (Prostaglandin E-1) can help your penile ballooning for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' It seemed to work well. I no longer have insomnia problems but my erectile dysfunction has reappeared. ..., Note: BTW, my orgasm were pretty wild while I was taking your products.' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Hello dr Lin I have tried the via pal-hgh-p for about a week now my erection is improving it surprizingly has grown at east one half inch' ; on how to improve penile size and erection angle and last for longer than an hour, and how to make women come without ejaculation for more sexual orgasm. ==> On the role of DHT in the penile Growth, Repair (Re-Growth) and structure for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'i am using your viapal- hgh-c package currently on the lowest dosage (one of each). am glad with the results and am feeling more in balance'; on boosting the brain function for the withdrawal of SSRIS anti-depression drugs and on the treatment of premature ejaculation for sexual orgasm ==> He said ' 5-HTP tends to dilates blood capillaries in the brain & neck.' for more sexual orgasm; why , how, and the burning phenomena of bad cholesterol. ==> The returning customers can simplify the re-ordering process of our products for health and sexual orgasm ==> Formulas and eating for menopause and diabetes conditions with stress and anxiety and for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Dear Sir; Thanks for a wonderful product! I really like it, and I especially appreciate your re-labeling policy...' for better health and more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'when i purchased some of your excellent moodmax, i found all eye symptoms abated and felt much better.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He feels alive again with our products for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I've been using your VIP cream and it seems to be working well. ' for penile repair and for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Thank you for the ViaPal-hGH-J! I've already started to see some improvement with only being on it a few days! '; Questions about the ejaculation frequency associate lovemaking / masturbation or healing for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'first of all, may i thank you for your miracle products, they have totally transformed my life.' ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP have rejuvenated his damaged penis and resumed his seminal production for ejaculation and sexual orgasm through normal vaginal intercourse. ==> He said 'i have been taking dopafibra and its a great formula i find it even works on me the next day' how does DopaFibra work for sexual orgasm? ==> He said 'I am just finishing up ViaPal HGH P. I feel great...' ; maximize your sexual performance and kick out bad habits for better sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been a customer for 2 1/2 years now and have been extremely happy with all of the results it has given my wife and I. But one result in particular we are most proud of - the conception of our baby...' beyond sexual orgasm - it's a life orgasm! ==> He said 'My eye floaters are starting to go away. ' with a low dose of Viapla-hGH-M for better vision and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I Have used your products with great success,' but want to know more about the Anal Breathing Technique - for more sexual orgasm. sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Thank you for your great products and advice...' with ViaPal-hGH-J; formulas for cardio exercises and penile ballooning; Tricks for penile enlargement with lovemaking - extracting the female essence to enlarge your penis; and she has gradually restored her libido disabled by birth control pills. Lovemaking positions for the hyper-orgasm Epicenter/cervix stimulation. ==> How to blend her cervix and uterus to achieve multiple sexual orgasms for both of you. ==> He said 'I am the user of Viapal-hGH-X and VIP Cream. The result is very good.' He wants to regrow his penis and last longer for more and more sexual orgasm. ==> An over-masturbation young man (starting over-masturbation at age of 8!) said 'Thank you Dr. Lin for your product ViaPal HgH J. I've been taking it for almost 2 months now and it is definitely helping my pain in the glans problem. ' Now, He wants a power-up penis and lasts longer than 30 minutes for more sexual orgasm. ==> A young drug abuser's long road of nervous rejuvenation for sexual orgasm - no more headaches after taking ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for 1 month.. ==> MoodMax and Kava Plus help reduce this young man's prostate pain significantly. What is the long-term solution for the post-ejaculation prostate pains and penile enlargement for more sexual orgasm. ==> His experiences in penile ballooning practices for sexual orgasm; on the rarely retarded digestive absorption due to over-masturbation and the product dosage ==> He said 'I received your product (Viapal-hGH-J package) 3 days ago and I find that its really great.'; Don't over-dose your body for excessive sexual orgasm; On the natural Birth Control method. ==> He said 'I have been taking Viapal HGH J for about three weeks. I'm also taking GINSENG 4X+ to stop hair loss. I see long standing erection and my penis is really hard.'; on how to improve the penile erection angle for her better sexual orgasm. ==> A vasectomized customer said' I ordered your viapalhghp and after taking the maximum dosage i finally saw an improvement in my sex drive....,My total t level was 681ng/dl ' for better ejaculation control and sexual orgasm; On increasing sperm production after a vasectomy reversal for baby making. ==> He said ' My girlfriend finds the finger plier great! The sensation is so deep and intense '; How to synchronize her brain response to the vaginal/uterine contraction with the Finger Pliers stimulation for a powerful sexual orgasm; On the direct stimulation of the prostate - for premature ejaculation. ==> He said ' I stop doing masturbation/PC flex as much and did a lot of the butt exercise and now I m lasting 2hrs.'; On natural vaginal lubrication for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'After reading your articles and putting them into practice especially the 3 point stimulation and the penis ballooning my wife has had some incredible orgasms.' Why the 3-point Excitation method makes her achieve sexual orgasm like a volcano eruption. His video tapping proves it. ==> the Anti-stress Center looks for natural medicines. ==> He said 'i had a spontaneous erection with my girlfriend last night and it seemed to be powered up straight away with me just kissing her and thats it. my girlfriend commented on how huge it had become it felt more harder and it was thicker around the shaft . ' with our DopaFibra and ViaGrowth-IV; On safety of multiple ejaculations in one love game. ==> He said 'I am feeling better with your products and want to say Thank You! I have been telling friends and family about your web site.' On the stimulation of the human Growth-Hormone (hGH) production with our products and sexual practices. Yes! sex can help the hGH production, but how! ==> He said ' I've been using your techniques for about 6 months and i must say results are pretty amazing. My penis measures 19 cm.' for more erection and sexual orgasm; on stress-induced health problems and their solution. ==> She said 'I have been using ViaPal-hGH-P for a month or so and am very pleased with the results. I am amazed at how much you know!' for more sexual orgasm and fully getting rid of anti-depressant drug. ==> He said ' Im feeling really good taking moodmax and 5 htp. I feel very happy and im smiling. I am getting many erections while I drive to school and home.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> His first experience on the penile ballooning effect and vaginal suction pleasure - the Tao of lovemaking for more sexual orgasm; on ageing and the penile ballooning method. ==> He said 'I have been on Via Pal HGH P and 5HTP for a week now and cut ejaculation down to every other day, instead of 2-3 times a day and I feel revitalized, more positive, energetic, panic feeling is diminishing.' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I am nearly at the end of my course of ViaPal-HGH-P (3-010) and I have experienced excellent results. I no longer suffer from extreme fatigue, blurred vision, buzzing ears or nasal congestion after ejaculation. Thank you very much for your help!' on retaining the brain concentration after ejaculating or having sexual orgasm ==> He said 'My results are good and I am happy about the change the breathing exercises and products have shown.' How to eat for better sexual orgasm. ==> A young impotent, drug abuser and over-masturbator said ' I took a dopafibra and moodmax and it almost immediately got work. I could feel my nerves rejuvenating and oxygen flow through my penis(With non of my irritating symptoms).' ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for brain/nervous and penile rejuvenation and recovery of sexual orgasm ==> A 40-year old pot smoker's erectile recovery from his 24-year pot smoking damage; he said 'Starting to have morning erections that last about 10-15 minutes instead of the 2 to 3 minutes that was happening before. ' with our products for penile ballooning and more sexual orgasm. ==> She, a senior TCM doctor, said 'The formulations are remarkable. I have been taking them for just 4 days. I was feeling pretty run down. I feel better already! ' for health and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' things have improved since using your Via Growth IV and applying your techniques. I now have an even better than 2 oclock erection and very hard (I am 37) ..... OK, so, now I am able to give her multiple orgasms (10-15) and she has never had them before. '; How to give her more and more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I feel like a New Man I have No Erection Problems. My erection are very firm and long lasting. I had to take a weaker dosage because I was waking up and walking around with an erection for long periods..' for more sexual orgasm ==> She said ' have been taking Viagrowth IV and Moodmax for only a week (Still waiting on the 5htp) and the urine incontinence I was suffering with is GONE! Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!' for more sexual orgasm; On formula for menopause and peri-menopause women. ==> He said ' After I started on your product, my back pain went away and I get an erection early in the morning and am more interested in sex.' how to continue to have more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue during the early months of 2000 and your recommended treatment had me back to normal within two weeks.'; Solution for her friend's Insomnia. ==> He said 'Thank for your products, it works for us!! ' for more sexual orgasm; On our product re-labeling for international shipping. ==> He said ' via-pal-hgh-j is great i'v only been on it for 5 days but i'm starting to feel better with mental clarity and more energy, i havent felt this good in years ' for restoration of health and sexual orgasm from over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion; on the brain nutritional sources of our products. ==> A 67 years young customer said ' I was at you home in Boc Raton about 4 years ago. I purchassed some of your excellent products.'; now how to resume the seminal production and penile sensitivity for sexual orgasm again by ViaPal-hGH-M, medication drug reduction, and over-masturbation reduction. ==> A long-term lady customer said 'Your products seem to be working good.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> The Penile Ballooning Method helps his penis grow 1 inch , but he want more!!?? ==> Love from Philippines - He said ' They are very good. The biggest thing I notice is my back pain is gone. Also it is helping me in my erection.' for more orgasm ==> He said ' I've been taking your ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for a little over a month,... My woman is impressed with how I can now shoot a massive load of semen deep inside her. Not only is my retarded ejaculation problem corrected now, but I also have gotten rid of the pains in my lower back, hands, and arms.' for more sexual orgasm from vaginal intercourse. ==> He said ' I've never in my life (that I can recall) had a "powered up" 2 o'clock erection until I started taking your supplements. Surprise surprise to my girlfriend when we made love my "viapal-hgh-p" powered up hard-on stimulated her g-spot/cervix like never before. It was fantastic - she had an orgasm! ... I am a believer in your products not only because of that but also because I was able to quit smoking too!'; Now, how to deal with the penile damage by the foreskin restoration device and practice. ==> He said 'My penis has grown a full inch when erect and stays very hard now. My wife has cut back on her depression medicine since using viagrowth-IV, also she is horny always. Your herbs have turned on a switch inside of her that I cant even shut off. She is like a orgasm machine at age 37.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Since I started taking ViaPal-hGH-D I wake up every morning with an erection and I'm 65 yrs old. ' for more sexual orgasm; on the difference between the ViaPal-hGH formulas and the erectile drug. ==> He said 'I've been using ViaPal-hGH-M and VIP Cream for a week now and I am feeling so great. I'm not getting painful erections anymore. My penis doesn't hurt after ejaculation anymore and I am getting rock hard erections in the morning.' ==> He said ' My wife has been taking Viapal-hGH-M for her PMS and menstrual cramps. Her very severe cramps were virtually gone this month.' for sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'I've been using VIP Cream for 2 days now and it really works great.' for the repair of the damaged penile nerves for more sexual orgasm ==> Our Greek Customer said ' I have used your ViaPal-hGH-M and found it quite effective.'; How to Maximize your ejaculation and sexual orgasm ==> Our Italian custom said ' I'm happy with your line of products and want to go on using them.' more sexual orgasm. how to deal with the international shipping problems. ==> He said 'Hi, when I was using your products, everything was great.' for more ejaculation and sexual orgasm. On the secret of the internal organ lubrication ==> He said 'My wife and I have tried your products and they are definitely yielding immediate and very exciting results.' for more sexual orgasm. On breast enlargement ==> He said ' Since I bought your Via Growth I'm feeling stronger all over my body muscles in general, and of course my penis has grown up to 8" when I was 6,5" before...' ; how to overcome the side effects of the birth control pills for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I had to pipe in about your dopafiber. That stuff is great. Not just for libido, but also for mental clarity.' DopaFibra for more than sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I am having vivid dreams for the first time in over ten years.... Lastly, my erection is much stronger and I have noticed increased girth in both the flaccid and erect states.' for more sexual orgasm; Again, on the erectile tree bark Yohimbe ==> He said 'I must say your Via Pal Hgh M package is the best, absolutely incredible.' for more erection and sexaul orgasm . ==> He said 'First time in my 15 years marriage that my wife surrenders and praise me for my big solid penis after I managed to control ejaculation more than 4 times using yr anal breathing.' more sexaul orgasm for her. ==> He said 'we shared your product, and in short time she was able to have several orgasms. She could not believe that it was possible.' ; on how to let the erecting penis aim high vertically for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I've found anal breathing to work well for delaying ejaculation.' Now, how to reduce noctural emissions to retain sexual energy. ==> He said ' My back and head feels very hot when the breath comes up through the back.... I am already seeing results and I can clearly feel the engorgement of my penis.' with the anal breathing (Chi-Kung method) and taking ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP. ==> He said ' I've been taking your Via-pal hgH-M formula. It has been working great. '; on pregnenolone for a boost of dopamine. ==> He said 'I could say that you made me a man again.' and gets recovered from extremely sexual exhaustion due to pre-teen over-masturbation; on buzzing ears; Why don’t write a book for parents about how to teach their sons the sexual energy control and development? ==> He said 'I feel like a young man again, faster recovery rate and provide good energy boost.' with our hyper-sexual boosters for more sexual orgasm! An old tree grows new sprouts in the chilly winter. ==> She said ' just a note to let you know the ViaPal-P is having great results'; on Tea for middle-aged women's sexual orgasm! ==> A MD said 'I had 6 orgasms within a 36 hour period,.... Your products amazingly both help achieve strong erections, reduce the refractory period between intercourses, and maintain sensitivity while enhancing stamina and endurance of erections. Quite unbelievable. ' Oops! excessive sexual orgasm!. ==> With ViaPal-hGH-M for about 1 month, he said ' I have noticed some good results... I was able to decrease my high-blood pressure medicine (a beta-blocker) '; On penile enlargement and precum reduction for prolonging sex and erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'These are the ways you have changed my life.' Ok Thank you. On urine therapy. ==> He said I bought two weeks ago a a jar of Viagrowth II and i have been taking it as instructed, and my back pain have gotten a lot better, and i feel happier, and my hands who easily get cold have been feeling warmer.'; solutions for the virgin over-masturbators to reduce precum. ==> This young man said 'It was like MAGIC!!' - Dr.Lin's Sexual Chikong and Penile balloon method let him last longer and increase his penile length. ==> He said 'I feel great now' with a low dose of ViaPal-hGH-P ==> He said said ' LAST YEAR I ORDERED FROM YOU CERTAIN PRODUCTS. THEY WORKED FOR ME VERY WELL.' Now, Solutions for prostate and back pains and sleeping disorder. ==> He said said ' I purchased the viapal p pack and had sex a couple days later with a girl I met. We had sex off and on for about 6 hours and my erection was amazingly hard as a rock.' On solution of retarded ejaculation. ==> She said ' my orgasm that morning was so long and intense-it was FABULOUS.' and experienced the first-time vaginal female ejaculation in her midlife, even with a rough childbirth that has torn her vaginal muscle. ==> He said 'I have been using your products before and they have worked perfectly when i have been with women.' on the effect of over-masturbation or over-ejaculation on the integrity of tissues, nerves and blood vessels. ==> He said 'My girlfriend is really enjoying your products. It has helped her to ditch her anti-depressants...' for more sexual orgasm. ==> His experiences with the anal breathing/sexual Chikong power surges for sexual orgasm without ejaculation. ==> Viapal-hGH-P regrow his hairs! ==> A chronic marijuana smoker said ' It has helped tremendously with my groin/testicular/perineum pains. I also now notice that my semen isn't water thin and my orgasms are 10 times more pleasurseable.' with Viapal-hGH-P and 5-HTP; on the road of recovery from the marijuana poisoning of the brain and nervous systems. ==> He said ' I was thrilled with the results of the products that you suggested for me.'; VIP Cream helps his Peyronies disease; ViaPal-hGH-M gives him restore his 1-o'clock hard erection erection and stamina under the castration effects of anti-depression drugs; now, He wants to ejaculate and orgasm more quickly, but how? ==> He said 'Very happy with your Via-Pal-HGH-J/5-HTP,..After the run, I'm very CALM!, focused and relaxed.' and more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' A lot of the horrible symptoms from the awful habit of masturbation are gone or are fading fast, and I'm getting nice rock hard erections, and great morning erections. ' with Viapal-hGH-J for more erection and sexual orgasm; on the formula for diabetic patients to preserve/improve the integrity of the nerves and blood vessels and the healing / restoration power ==> He said 'I've bought your CD and got tremendous benefits from it.'; successfully trained the auto-neuro-reflexion of the anal-tailbone muscles for sexual orgasm without ejaculation; solved the prostate problem and powered his brain and the parasympathetic nervous function in the visual, hearing and cardiovascular systems. ==> He said ' Your system is revolutionary!' after experiencing a Chi-Kong sexual orgasm ==> Viapal-hGH-M has revived a 5-year marijuana smoker's erection for the first times in 5 years! He needs DopaFibra too for a faster healing. ==> She said ' this month I have remained emotionally stable and quite calm.' with Viapal-hGH-P which helps her get rid of 'The Wife from Hell'. On the natural menopause progress and HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). ==> He said 'My Girl friend really has responded well to the M Package. Her period came on beautifully, and her skin and well as her sexual response has become better.'for more sexual orgasm and his 'Tremendous response' with vacuum-cupping massage. ==> He said 'Thanks for your amazing products. Your Viapal-hgh-M + Ginseng 4X have completely helped lifted me from my 4-year suicidal depression in just a few weeks!' On the Chemical Brain Wash for happiness and sexual orgasm for better life. ==> He said 'My girlfriend has been taking the ViaPal-hGH-M combination and it now seems to be working to controll her spotting.' ==> He said 'we work SO well together sexually. I am taking moodmax, twice a day at the moment and I walk around with erections almost constantly! She can notice this and it makes me so happy.' - for more sexual orgasm. ==> ViaPal-hGH-M helps her solve post-orgasm pains, but how to avoid the chronic over-stimulation of the left-sided vaginal triggering spot/strip in the Epicenter for sexual orgasm without low-abdomen pains or cramps; a proper stimulation of the L1 and L2 Sympathetic nervous outflow for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I took MoodMax and Viagrowth IV to very good results and was soon able to return to normal sexual activity very quickly.'; How to get rid of the side effects of antidepressant drugs on her vaginal dryness and irritation for better orgasm.. ==> She said 'the PeniSOS and DopraFibra was outstanding,' for sexual orgasm; On natural birth control method and how to avoid the side effects of birth control chemicals. ==> She said 'I was able to experience my first 3 orgasms ever, other than the wet dreams I have been having for years. ' with a tilted uterus. How to avoid cramps or pains due to excessive sexual orgasm for women with a titled uterus. ==> He said ' I purchased your ViaGrowth III formula and it's working very well." for erection and sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' I have spoken to him about my success with having orgasms with your products.' and introduced Viapal-hGH-P to help his middle-aged boyfriend's erectile problem ==> He said 'My abrasion has resolved itself. No, not from your products but from you sexual chi kung technique.... Low back pain was also resolved.. ' Beware of the brain's responses to the non-ejaculation sexual-orgasm psychic power when your serotonin level is too low!. ==> She said 'I took one dose of pills last night, and one dose this morning. I already feel different. It is like my nervous system feels different.' with ViaPal-hGH-M for the Pelvic and Clitoral Pain. ==> She said 'Your products amazed me. After not being very orgasmic at all for 35 years, I began to experience wonderful orgasms often and my libido is sky high. I love it.' What is the origin of our products? ==> He said 'I'm in the process of reducing my medication successfully.' with Viapal-hGH-M; can a high-blood patient take a stronger formula with DopaFibra? ==> He said ' I've only been on it 3 days and I can already feel my mood and health changing.' with ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax; Absolutely No MaHuang or Ephedra (ephedrine) in our products. ==> He said ' I have been using the VIP cream for massage. It actually seem to work. Amazing!', You can eat VIP Cream for better erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' My healing process has almost ended... everything seems to be ok know', but how to de-congest the blockage in the PC and anal muscles for ejaculation control and better sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Thank you for the MoodMax and ViaGrowth IV. It is working Xtremely well!' for erection and sexual orgasm; where are the sources of natural hormones. ==> She said 'WE LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS. IT CHANGED MY HUSBANDS WHOLE LIFE. OUR SEX LIFE IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.... P.S. MY HUSBAND SEEMS TEN YEARS YOUNGER.' for erection and sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' When he had taken your products in the past he/we were very satisfied with the results.'; solution for eliminating the side effects of blood pressure drugs and for vaginal tightness and more intensively sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I feel much better and my premature ejaculation problem is gone with Viapal M,' for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I have noticed many improvements,... I have some high blood pressure but it has lowered since I started taking Via palhGHx.' On the Penile Ballooning with a high blood pressure condition for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'My wife started taking ViaPal-hGH-M and just in a few days her pain in her knee has stoped during sex and orgasm.'; also stopped her hot flashes without taking extra soy products; on re-activation of a near-dead thyroid function for better sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' My penis is still growing, when I first started the method I was at 5 inches. Now IM at 9 inches and it is getting thicker!' with the Penile ballooning Method, even having bulging disks in the Neck C6 and C7. ==> He said ' Just started taking your suggested formulas last week. I already feel much better (from a health perspective) more energy, sleep better, etc.': On fully-balance formulas and Yohimbe dosage. ==> He said ' I feel so much better now, and my body has reached its' equilibrium after the help of viagrowth and moodmax.' Recovery from over-masturbation; On the Improvement of the penile erectile curvature. ==> He said ' thinking you for your wonderful research and your products.' ; how to dilate her glans clitoris for a Leve-7 Sexual Orgasm; on the erectile mechanism of the glans clitoris and penis. ==> He said 'I have been taking your product and I'm quite happy with there results.' ; solution for her girl friend's peri-menopause's menstrual pains and bloating ==> He said 'Thank you so much for something that is beyond description and that I never thought was ever possible in this physically limited body of ours.' with our products for explosively sexual orgasm. ==> A 75-year young customer said ' I have started getting erection in the morning for the first time in years!!' and drops the blood pressure after having a low dose of ViaGrowth-IV for 1 month; looking for a high-power formula ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for better health, erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I am a smoker, but i use your products and they have had quite wonderful results. '; on quieting smoking for better sexual orgasm. ==> On ViaGrowth-III, He said 'My energy levels are higher and my erections are becoming harder everyday. Your products are wonderful! ' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Excellent! I will say that of anything, your product has helped my stomach out a lot!', beyond sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I started using MoodMax 1 year ago, and it has worked wonders.' in restoring his sexual function; A complete formula for young people's (male/female) sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' the orgasms have been I think better than I have ever had.' with our products; how to solve her knee pain upon sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'Thank you for your wonderful products." with ViaPal-hGH-M; How to help fight the male Gynecomastia and Beer Belly. ==> A complete formula for OCD, ADD, depression and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have been successful in growing my penis from 6 inches to 7.25 inches.' with our products; how can he break the size limitation. ==> He said 'I’ve been using your Viapal hGH-P w/5-HTP and VIP cream and I’m finally getting some good progress' for improving PQ (Penile Quotient); how to enlarge CQ/GQ (Clitoral Quotient and G-spot Quotient) and solve orgasmic/PMS/menstrual headaches/pains/cramps for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have good news,,I am taking Moodmax in the morning, ViaGrowth II at noon, and 5-htp in the evening.,, appreciate all of your previous help'; on PSA and ejaculation. ==> He said 'It worked very well. Incredible both times in 2 days.'- resuming sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-P. ==> She said 'I ordered and just received the massage pointer and the VIP cream. The pointer lets me reach parts of my body I never knew I had, and I had 2 very strong, extended, deep orgasms last night with that and the VIP cream.'; how to avoid the uterine-contractive or re-locating pains or cramps during lovemaking, Luteal Phase (PMS) or menstruation . ==> He said 'The anal breathing technique is amazing.' Mission for male multiple orgasms without ejaculation is possible with the Cobra-CAT 3-point Excitation Missionary position - the lovemaking science for sexual orgasm. He said 'I am taking ViaPal-hGH-P as recommended and am experiencing some improvement--particularly in the intensity of sensation.' - a 56-year old young man's recovery from sexual exhaustion, retarded ejaculation, and penile numbness. ==> Anal breathing sexual orgasm without ejaculation, pro-hormone dietary supplements, DHT, estrogen, hair loss, prostate health, blood circulation, and liver detoxification. ==> Why does a successfully enlarged penis cause her intercourse pain? Does her vagina become too small or shallow to take the enlarged cock? or Due to a lack of the relaxation and elasticity hormone Prostaglandin E-1 in the vaginal tissues or the prolapsed titled or rotating cervix/uterus? ==> He said 'I love you VIP cream and find it most enjoyable to provide the instant hormone needs.' VIP Cream increases his ejaculation volume 5-10 times and keeps him revived after sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Mostly the pain in my hip joints/muscles has gone' with ViaPal-hGH-M; how to reduce erection and have more recuperation for the guts. ==> He said ' I have got great results from your penis ballooning method... I went from 5 inches to 8!' in 3 years; on hair loss and regrowth. ==> How to restore a titled or prolapsed uterus and enjoy sexual orgasm without penetration, intercourse, orgasmic or post-orgasmic pains or cramps. ==> He said ' I am about half way through your amazing book and I was wondering do you know of any ways to stop he ejectulation of pre-cum.' for premature ejaculation problems and sexual orgasm He said 'I heard from a friend that the 'shining power-up balloon penis excersizes' helped for him.'; Conditions of the penile ballooning method for hard erection, lasting longer and more sexual orgasm. Lovemaking positions and techniques to achieve the high-speed stimulation rate of 0.4 second per cycle - the subharmonic excitation of sexual orgasm. He said 'I've long been a customer of your excellent products, but ' how to let our products pass the custom; His experience with testosterone replacement therapy for testicular and penile shrinkage. After 2 months with ViaPal-hGH-M, he said 'I think the overactive bladder has been cured, ..'; Solution for the deficiency of the Lung Chi He said ' I have to let you know it works great. ' with ViaPal-hGH-M for more better erection and sexual orgasm He said ' I feel great!' with ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax, DopaFibra, 5-HTP, Kava Plus and Ginseng 4X+ for more erection and sexual orgasm He said ' I have been using your products and I have solved my prostatitis.'; on penile varicose veins, precum, penile ballooning, and sexual orgasm He said ' YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND AMAZING!'; on the road of recovery from youth impotence with ViaPal-HGH-M; ViaPal-hGH-P for sexual orgasm He said ' The hour-glass shape seems less dramatic.' after massaging it with VIP Cream. She said 'the Viagrowth IV works great with the fibra' for his Bi-polar Her question: 'why does the vip cream seem to reduce the soreness in my damaged breasts when i massage the cream into the area after about 5mins.' Solutions for the damaged breast and penile tissues (scars). He said '3 weeks ago I began taking your ViaPal-hGH-P along with PeniSOS and the results are great.' On the ViaPal-hGH-P's liver detoxification. He said ' used your products (Moodmax & Viagrowth3) with good results.' want to know the Yin Kong for more sexual orgasm. He said 'I love your products and it is changing lives.' with Viapal_hGH-M for more sexual orgasm; Expecting more from Viapal-hGh-P He said 'thank you for the change your advise and products have bring into my life' with ViaPla-hGH-M and DopaFibra for better health, erection and sexual orgasm. He said 'It actually stoped me from having painful uncomfortable erections while I took it so I could sleep better.' with DopaFibrafor better erection and sexual orgasm. He said 'Ordered ViaPal (detox/ViagrowthIV/moodmax) Has worked very well.' for better erection and sexual orgasm. She said ' I've been using your Heat Tea and your Via-Growth tablets to help me get over a Bacterial vaginosis infection and trouble having orgasm during sex. Very effective - thank you!' How to get multiple orgasm without his multiple ejaculation - the tricks for more sexual orgasm. He said 'your products did the job and fixed all my problems.' for erectiion and sexual orgasm; on the side effects of Creatine on sexual functions. He said 'i've noticed an amazing difference, harder, longer and more often erections and a much boosted sex drive.' with ViaPal-hGH-J for more orgasm; Retrain the tailbone muscles to take over the PC muscles in response to sexual stimulation now! He said 'I'm very pleased with your products' for erection and sexual orgasm He said 'I have ordered products before and they really work!!' for erection in a high blood pressure condition and medication and for sexual orgasm His question on VIP Cream : 'it seems as though my penis becomes very hard, fat and longer when i use it' why? She said 'it has helped me with all of my postmenapausal symptoms as well as depression and IBS.'Irritable Bowel Syndromewith ViaPal-hGH-M; how to boost libido and make love with a titled uterus for sexual orgasm. God help him stop over-masturbation and Dr. Lin's Ballooning Method helps him enlarge his penis from 6 inches to 7 inches for more sexual orgasm. Let ViaPal-hGH-P heighten your dopamine fire and add the fuel to your burner for more sexual orgasm Lighten up the love flame and add the love fuel to your burners for all-night long sexual orgasm. He said ' I'm using vip cream which actually working' for penile pumping damage. She said ' his sperm count was 44 million ... the usual or normal sperm count is 14-20 million' after on ViaGrowth-IV and Fibra and getting rid of SSRIs antidepressants; Now, how to lay a healthy egg for making a baby at age 45; more sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' I was able to make her reach by way of her epicenter, never before had she reached in that depth either.' a Level -7, Deep sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's love lesson. ==> She said ' We have used some of your products before and were very pleased with the results.' Blood-pressure medication drugs causes his sexual dysfunction; Unsatisfied sex causes her Vasocongestion - pelvic congestion; how to have a Level-7 sexual orgasm ==> He said ' it solved the prostate tension/premature ejaculation/better confidence, you name it!' with Viapal-hGH-M and vacuum-cupping massage; on the shy bladder symptoms. ==> He said ' Your stuff works great.' for better health,erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I have used your products and other supplements along with Chi Kung, ....., my blood pressure is down to 130/85.' for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'i received ur ginseng and i found it to be great stuff' for more stamina and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' This stuff is great for penis massage'; and for vaginal narrowing and penile ballooning; VIP Cream helps sex for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been using the ViaPal-hGh-M and DetoxiA for about three weeks now and I am feeling much better!.. I don't ache, my mind is clear and calm....' for better erection and sexual orgasm; and Enjoy the CD-ROM! ==> He said ' your products are great.' for erection and sexual orgasm. On functioning of the products ==> He said 'Ive noticed good effects already.' with ViaGrowth-II; solution for eye floaters, stopping hair loss, and prostate functions - for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Yesterday I received VIP cream. It's really great.' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'MOODMAX has really helped me in dealing with my prostatitis and its been only 2 weeks and i feel a big difference already.'; On the Natural Penile Enlargement - the Ballooning Method again. ==> He said 'Viagraowth 1 and fibra together is amazing!' for having the 1-12 o'clock erection again and sexual orgasm; on the causes and solutions for the post-ejaculation pain. ==> He said ' i liked it ' with ViaGrowth-II for his depression, schizophrenic type psychiatric disorder and anxiety after his 2 -month experiment - restoring mental & physical health and sexual orgasm with ViaPal-hGH-M ==> He said 'I started ViaPal-hGH-x last week. I now feel like a new person mentally and physically.' and what is for peri-menopause women ? ==> He said 'im taking your moodmax and viagrowth 4 + dopa fibra great stuff.' on Formulas for stop hair loss and gray hairs; international shipping of testosterone precursors. ==> He said 'I am using Viagrowth lll/Moodmax/Dopafibra every day and love it! So is my wife (she's using Via lV), thank you!' for more sexual orgasm; On the benefits of hGH and DHT and the prevention of the DHT side effects. ==> He said 'amazing, i think i'm improving a great deal!' with ViaPal-hGH-M to overcome over-masturbation and over-ejaculation for better sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'well this product is very powerful....' with ViaPal-hGH-D; on Sexual Frequency and the application of Viapal-hGH and VIP Cream. ==> He said 'tried your dopafibra for first time last night boy did it do wonders it really powered me up' for more sexual orgasm; on the time of taking ViaGrowth-IV. ==> He said ' I had solved my prostatitis with moodmax...'; how to correctly practice sexual chikong and anal breathing for prolonging sex and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Clearly superior products and approach to sexual dysfunction.' for health and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Very satisfied with your products (and your wisdom!) as always!'; on shipping our products to North European countries. ==> He said ' I have already seen the results,..' of the prostatitis after 3 days with MoodMax for restoration of the prostate health and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'so far I have been extremely happy with your products.' for better/more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'my mood has improved and sleeping well.' with ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax and 5-HTP for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I feel a lot better." using MoodMax and VIP Cream. Solutions for the pain in the groin and inner leg due to sexual exhaustion - no orgasm. ==> He said 'Per your advice, I have good results from my ViaPal-hGH-M and..' how to help her enjoy sexual orgasm. ==> He said '..using your products and method...My penis stand straight up 12:oclock and is 8.5 to 9 inches long and is about 3/4 of an inch bigger around.' - Limitation of the Penile Size. ==> He said ' i feel much happier my moodhas improved and im sleeping like a dream.' with MoodMax and ViaGrowth-IV; Solutions for premature ejaculation and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Your products are working great by the way.' on Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation, and causes of premature ageing and sexual dysfunctions.. ==> He said 'Started using your 5HTP..... brought me down similar to old high blood psi medicines.' for frequent erection and better sexual orgasm ==> Viapal-hGH-P has started to reactivate his spematogenic cells for sperm production after his reversal vasectomy for sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' My vagina seems very tight.' with our 5-HTP and ViaGrowth-IV. Principles of our vaginal tightness and penile enlargement formulas for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I could do it for an hour with a strong erection using the VIP Cream.' VIP Cream for penile enlargement and vaginal tightening for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' feel great improvement.' for his youth impotency with ViaGrowth-IV, Moodmax, and VIP Cream, and 'very slowly showing improvement.' for his bad 30-degree penile curvature. ==> He said ' I am experiencing a steady recovery to my over-ejaculation problems.' with MoodMax for restoration from Fibromyalgia, memory loss, fuzzy vision, ear buzzing, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation control. ==> She said ' I used ViaGrowth IV, moodmax and dopa fibra and had reduced the flow of my period for the first time in 3 years..' On PMS and peri-menopause pain formulas. ==> He said ' many thanks for 3-010,..' ViaPal-hGH-P helps a middle-aged, vasectomized man resume ejaculating 7-8 times a week. please consider Dr.Lin's over-ejaculation warning. ==> He said 'My prostate pain and premature ejaculation are solved.' with LastLonger and ViaPal-hGH-D; vacuum-cupping massage solved his back pain; Solutions for memory loss, absentedmindness, facial numbness and out-of-control eyelids. ==> He said ' I don't foresee you going to hell because of your products.' Tricks for stay young mind and body; prevention of the diabetic damage and old timers' diseases. ==> He said ' You "My Friend" are the King of Love'; ViaPal-hGH-M resolves his penile pain; On Dr. Lin's Bioelectric Theory of Love Science. ==> He said ' But the VIP cream is certainly helping, and the curvature scar tissue is actually feeling softer already after just 60 days.'; VIP Cream can also help dissolve other scar tissues in the vagina or clitoris ==> He said ' Your products works great ' for harder erection and more sexual orgasm; we don't expect a free advertisement in any newspaper's sex column; Our Mission and Dr. Lin's Bioelectric Theory Of Love Science. ==> She said 'i love this creme and want to share.... ' for more sexual orgasm ==> Stress and anxiety screw up her love life and sexual orgasm - Solution. ==> She said 'Thank you for your wonderful research and products. They have made a positive difference in my and my partner's life.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'The product really seems to help since I have had a vasectomy' for erection, semen production and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' My wife enjoys the VIP Cream. She has become very sensous and easily excited." for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I cannot believe how huge a change I have been seeing:' for a powerful immunity, hard erection, penile growth and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' immediately noticed your products help power non-ejaculatory orgasms (fantastic!) and make opening of the microcosmic orbit much easier during sex.' with Moodmax, Dopafibra, and Viagrowth-III. ==> He said ' it is great stuff.' MoodMax lightens up his mind (IQ + EQ) and penis. Improve your Penile Quotient (PQ) with LastLonger! ==> Why she can achieve sexual orgasm with low libido!? ==> Alternate supplements for the best result; stop hair loss with MoodMax for erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ', I'VE HAD ALOT OF SUCCESS WITH MOODMAX AND VIAGROWTH IV.' for erection and sexual orgasm. ==> Stop hair loss and grow the penis/clitoris/G-spot (and hair!?) with ViaPal-hGH for more sexual orgasm. ==> She said '.. using the Heat Tea and have been satisfied with the results.' On contamination and mad cow disease. ==> He said ' I consider myself as good as fully working again, thanks!' with ViaPal-hGH-E for initial healing, followed by ViaPal-hGH-M for more hGH.. ==> He said 'I have received ViaPal-hGH-M and notice improvement already!' within a week for Vasectomy men to erect harder and ejaculate more and thicker. ==> He said ' using your products, ViaGrow IV, PeniSOS, MoodMax, and Heat Tea,., I have also been using your ballooning methods and have grown from 6 1/2 inches to 7 1/2 in length and from 4 1/2 inches in girth to 6 inches. all in 3 weeks.' for more sexual orgasm. ==> A hysterectomized customer said ' Just to let you know -- wonderful results "like pliers" I was told.' for sexual orgasm. ViaPal-hGH-E and the Finger Pliers Method helps hysterecomized women achieve orgasm. ==> He said 'that your products are excellent and that I have now realised incredible results from the ballooning method.' from 6 to 8+ inches in length and from 4.5 to 6.5 inches in thickness, like her wrist, and gave her a 'huge' sexual orgasm ==> She said ' It is amazing.' for her vaginal narrowing or tightness with ViaGrowth-IV for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'it has a better taste and seems more powerful than the old one!' on Ginseng 4X+; Now, how to deal with hemorrhoids. ==> He said ' Thanks for the great treatment!' for harder erection and lasting longer for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I would like to report the good effects of moodmax and ginseng.' for more sexual orgasm ==> She said ' So far your products are a HOME RUN!!' for more sexual orgasm ==> On the Liver P450 Detoxification and the liver protection for health and sexual orgasm ==> She said ' So far your products are a HOME RUN!!' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Been taking your mood max and endura products and they're working.' for eye floaters and body pains; why the pain triggering points have tender and inelastic tissues? ==> He said 'My lower back pain is almost gone.' after taking ViaPal-hGH-E for a week! - for sexual orgasm! How about giving it to the 75 years young Grandpa? ==> He said ' I'm taking VIP cream and lastlonger it seems is working.' for healing his deformed penis for sexual orgasm ==> A French Young man said MoodMax has solved his prostatitis, prostate soreness, and depression after 'his doctor and other specialised colleagues found nothing..' - Let your doctors melt down their MRI, X-RAY, PET, CAT or UltraSonic Scan Machines first. ==> He said ' I do feel better when taking VG3 and MoodMax. MOre stamina for my running and exercise.' On Body Heat. ==> Extremely Sexual Exhaustion due to over-masturbation no sexual orgasm. But, MoodMax and ViaGrowth-IV have shrunk his dilated pupils and stopped his Nocturnal emission in few days. ==> Causes and solutions of Interstitial Cystitis; for health and sexual orgasm. He said 'Tonight I had the best sex I have had with my girlfiend in QUITE some time!!! Also, i Feel as if my depression has literally been halved in 2 weeks of taking your products!!!!! You have made a customer for life.' ==> He said ' using viagrowth products for about a year. Its worked great!.. and now reach a big size during intercourse.; how to fix his curved penis and her dry vagina for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' you're having a great business with lots of biochemical/bioelectric answers to many of the "unknown" problems the medical society can't understand' for rejuvenation, better health and sexual orgasm - with Dr. Lin integrated health solutions from Vacuum-cupping massage to dietary supplements.! ==> He said ' It made me last alot longer." with Dr Lin's horse-rider lovemaking position for Sexual Orgasm - How to deal with condom blockage of the vagina-penis energy transfer in penile ballooning during lovemaking. ==> He said 'I heard from my friends whcih been treated by you and now they are in excellent sexual condition.' for Sexual Orgasm; solution for seminal leakage and premature ejaculation ==> She said 'I have already noticed dramatic results in my overall health and well being.' for Sexual Orgasm; but, please slow down and don't overdose your body! ==> He said ' the combination of ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax is great.' for energy and chronic fatigue; ViaPal-hGH-P for post-menopause men and women for harder erection and pain-free Sexual Orgasm. ==> He said ' my urologist even said I'm a supper ejaculater ' and doubles his sperm counts with our products; How to increase the sperm motility for making a baby. ==> The CD-ROM instruction helps him last for 'over two hours with her having two or three orgasms.' Really, more sexual orgasm. ==> A 64-year young man said ' I think with pretty good results.' with ViaPal-hGH-E; on using DopaFibra for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' Now the size of the prostate is back to normal ' with MoodMax for more sexual orgasm; solution for the urethral nervous irritation and precum reduction. ==> He said 'I definitely feel much better and my blood pressure is lower.' with ViaPal-hGH-E for better erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I am currently ViaGrowth E and feel good!' On penile enlargement for vegetarians. ==> He said ' I GET A GREAT LOVE TOOL!(ALL THIS AT 58 YRS.!) WE BOTH HAVE FEEL BETTER OVERALL.' Our Products for a bigger penis, a narrower vagina, and more sexual orgasm, and help of cutting down (or getting rid of) medication drugs ==> He said ' i been taking VIAPAL-HGH-E with great results.' a formula for midnight cowboys who want to serve many women a night for sexual orgasm. ==> He said '.. my testicles are bigger!' for more sperm and seminal production and for better sexual orgasm. ==> ViaPal-hGH-P.' for more ejaculation, harder erection and better sexual orgasm; on liver detoxification and cancer/tumor fighting foods. ==> He said 'being able to go for 2 hours with out ejaculating' with LastLonger for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'what a wonderfully lucid and explanatory website you have' for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I FEEL GREAT' with taking ViaPal-hGH-E 30-60 minutes before bed or lovemaking for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I like v2 because it does give me more energy and helped a lot to get back a good mood and enjoy more life.' How to repair penile pumping damage. ==> He said 'So definitely the healing process has been started' with ViaPal-hGH-E for healing of prostate/bladder urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction for sexual orgasm; Now how to boost the testosterone level for libido. ==> He said 'your mood max has been working' for hard erection and sexual orgasm; correction of penile curvature with VIP Cream ==> He said 'My wife loves multiple orgasms.....thank you for this... A baby made with a shining power ballooned penis.'; the power of Dr.Lin's Penile Ballooning Method - ==> He said 'She is very horny, pain free, wet-lubricated,..again' with ViaPal-hGH-E for sexual orgasm. Tips for her clitoral and G-spot enlargement. He said ' I CAN ALREADY SEE A BIG DIFFERENCE!' with ViaGrowth-IV and Fibra for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I purchased some vip cream and this seems to help' for penile damage; VIP Cream works outside in and ViaGrowth-IV inside out. ==> He said ' Thanx for your products and comments.' DeToxiA is the best for improvement of the Liver Functions for better sexual orgasm. ==> She said ' the peri-menopause symptoms are stopping and I am totally amazed' at ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax for more sexual orgasm. ==> A 47-year old man said ' increase my side by 1.5 inches in 90 days.' with ViaPal-hGH-X for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> How to increase the cosmetic penile look in the flaccid state - nothing to do with sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' my penis grow 1/2, since I started taking your medication, and exercises two weeks ago' for better sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I am doing well with Via-Pal and DopaFibra!' for more erection and sexual orgasm; Advices for taking Fibra and DopaFibra. ==> He said 'THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE' after taking ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax, DopaFibra or Fibra for erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'forgot what all i ordered but it worked great..' for erection and sexual orgasm ==> He 'just like to say the vacuum cupping massage has been brilliant!!' ==> He said 'You can feel it without touching it!' with ViaPal-hGH products for more sexual orgasm; on interaction between alcohol and our products. ==> An 1-year customer said "thank you for your wonderful products." for health and sexual orgasm - on the benefits and side effects of Yohimbe; the tricks of our formulas ==> He said 'Detoxia seems to increase the effectiveness of the other two products.' - lowing your glucose and cholesterol levels for better sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'very satisfied with your products!' - How to maximize the benefits from sex and ViaPal-hGH-P for more sexual orgasm ==> He said ' I must say I am happy with the results,..' of taking MoodMax, ViaGrowth-IV and Fibra for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I have tried ViaGrowth-IV and found it very effective.' & wants to resell it. ==> He said 'I feel as if I have been reborn' after taking ViaGrowth and MoodMax for 3 days, for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> Solutions for PMS or intercourse cramps or pains and premature ejaculation - for sexual orgasm too ==> He said 'I went from 5 to 8 inches' with Dr. Lin's Penile Ballooning Method for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> They said 'your products are great' and releases penile pain for restoration of erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said ' Thanks for your help, a better life, and quality products'; a discovery of natural numbing ingredients for your penis for better sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I want you to KNOW that your 'pills' have done more for me..' beyond sexual orgasm. ==> Practices and experiences of the Sexual ChiKong Breathing Vs. the Microcosmic Orbiting, for sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I'm now 67 and have used your Viagrowth 4 with good success' for sexual orgasm ==> Our products help peri-menopause women release pains, fatigue, depression, and menstrual irregularity for more sexual orgasm. ==> He has achieved his goals for Penile Enlargement and more sexual orgasm. ==> Prostaglandins and practice of masturbation without ejaculation and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I don't know what it's in this product that make me see a lot of better' with ViaGrowth-IV, beyond sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's advices let him make her achieve her first wonderful sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Your Moodmax is amazing I get rockhard every time all the time' for more sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'I'll wear the paint off, *chuckle*..' with the Epicenter stimulation by the Pressures Massage pointer for violent sexual orgasm. ==> Hormone unbalance and deficiency of acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin causes female menstrual and sexual disorder - solution ==> On Penile Enlargement and Reader's experience on Dr. Lin's Male Multiple Orgasms without ejaculation. ==> Causes and solutions of eye floaters associated with sexual dysfunctions and drugs for no orgasm. ==> Our customer's friend's looking for Solutions for male menopause and premature ejaculation. ==> She said 'I have used your products (Via-Growth IV, DopaFibra, Ginseng 4X Power Max, Fibra, 5-HTP, DeToxia sometimes ) and have a GREAT improvement in the amount, intensity and frequency of orgasms,...' On weight loss and cellulite. ==> She said 'My vagina is much tighter than it was and it was easy to have an orgasm.' with ViaPal-hGH-D for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have had great success with via growth 4' and don't need the erectile drug any more for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I'm VERY happy about this' with ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax, DopaFibra; solutions for back stiffness and joints popping and grating. ==> ViaGrowth-IV and DopaFibra are the hard drivers for testosterone, seminal and sperm production and sexual orgasm ==> Stimulation of Epicenter for eruptive sexual orgasm ==> Correct practices of the Tao of Love for health and sexual orgasm -- an Australian young practitioner's experiences. ==> He said 'My wife and I are thoroughly enjoying new sexual experiences because of your products!' for more sexual orgasm. ==> Solutions for semen allergy in the vagina ==> He said 'I just took one pill of the Detoxia and the fire in my third eye area immediately went away' for better health - diabetes warning! ==> He said 'I have had great success with MoodMax, the last time me and my girl friend had sex it lasted about 45 minutes' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I got a very hard erection after 15 minutes!!' with MoodMax, ViaGrowth-IV and Fibra for more sexual orgasm ==> ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax and VIP Cream healing his penile pumping damage for a hard erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'YOUR PRODUCTS ARE BRILLIANT, I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THEM.' for health and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I have been using Moodmax and Viagrowth IV and have noticed my hair stays in my head rather than going down the drain.' ==> DopaFibra and 5-HTP enhance the effectiveness of ViaGrowth-IV for better erection, lasting longer and more sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'I began to take ViaGrowth IV and I felt better almost instantly.' for antidepression and sexual orgasm. ==> He said ' I have been trying your ballooning method and seen incredible results in the size of Glans." Ho to take advantage of this method for enlarging the penis to a full size for more sexual orgasm. ==> He said '.. after two days the via-growth is already helping my problems caused by vasectomy.' for erection and sexual orgasm; how to increase the urinary flow rate and prevent urine from spraying due to prostate enlargement ==> Her great achievement - He said 'She reached orgasm 3 out of the last 4 times' with help of ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax, even under the influence of SSRIs antidepressant; ==> He said 'ive been using your moodmax and it works great.'; how to exercise the tailbone for sexual orgasm ==> Why Sea Foods extend the DopaFibra and ViaGrowth-IV action on erection, sexual orgasm, and lasting longer. ==> She said 'I have been experiencing wonderful orgasms both in intensity and multitude, and am VERY satisfied with your products, they do as you advertise.'; On solutions for mouth Cold Sores induced by Labial Herpes. ==> He said 'Wish to report the moodmax is working. I am now able to go all night without waking up early to use the bathroom.'; On solutions for middle-age men's low-back pain, erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I have observed a much faster recuperation time while using your products.' for more vigor health and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'my wife also feels that my penis has grown longer and bigger.' with ViaGrowth Products for more erection and sexual orgasm; How to erect the penis to an 1-2 o'clock position. ==> He said 'ViaPal-hGH-D and DopaFibra have being working' for recovery of erection and sexual orgasm; also on Vacuum-Cupping Massage ==> He said 'The CD is very comprehensive and the Via-Growth helped removed my low back pain...'; now how to deal with the SSRIs antidepressant's addiction ==> He said 'ViaGrowth-IV has rejuvenated my body in a very short time'; how to help her get rid of SSRIs antidepressant for sexual orgasm ==> He said ' MY GIRLFRIEND REALLY LOVES MOODMAX SHE GETS GREAT RELIEF FROM PMS TENSION' for more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Viagrowth IV has really changed my life' for health and sexual orgasm ==> MoodMax solved his prostatitis for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> With ViaGrowth-III and Fibra, he said 'I have brought her to multiple orgasms many times, once she lost count at 14 (no BS)'; Tips for increasing his penis! ==> He said 'i followed your advices and i can do it for 60-80 minutes without coming'; what are the tips for her sexual orgasm ? ==> He said 'THANKS FOR INVENTING NICE PRODUCTS' for health and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I do feel more energised already, is this normal or merely a placebo effect? (3 days into course)' - ready for sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Your products are great...' for more libido, spontaneous erection, and sexual orgasm ==> Rejuvenation of damaged nerves and arteries due to diabetes, masturbation or vibrator - for sexual orgasm ! ==> He has healed his broken penis with MoodMax and VIP Cream for a 2-o'clock erection in daytime - ready for sexual orgasm! He said 'Well after using your ViaGrowth IV along with the Ginseng 4X anf Fibra combo, I was able to regain MOST of my sexual strength back.' - on ejaculation frequency and sexual orgasm. ==> He said '.. doing ballooning method..., and Ive had impressive results, from 4 inches to 7 1/2 inches' for more erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He said' thanks to MoodMax, I can get it up just by looking!' for erection and sexual orgasm. How about the solution for Ammonia Breathe? ==> He said 'My wife was initially skeptic but of course she got the benefits..' for health (no more muscle, joint or back pains) and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Great Products' for healing damaged nerves and sexual orgasm& ==> He said 'after taking them for the next 4 hours i get sudden erection/arousal (ballooning of penis)' with ViaGrowth-II/Fibra ==> He said 'I know have a 9 inch erection again thanks to VIP Cream and your pump up method 12:Oclock.' Now she wants it to fatter for more sexual orgasm. ==> Liver Detoxification enhances erection for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I just feel great on moodmax' - eye floaters disappearing, cardiovascular improved, warm everywhere, and more sexual orgasm He said 'your products are fantastic.' for sexual orgasm; how about drug-drug interactions? He said 'you have a great product in Viagrowth-IV' benefits of DeToxil /DeToxiA for sexual orgasm. He said "Her climax started deep... then she shivered... like she was 20" with VIP Cream for powerful sexual orgasms 4 times. He said ' It is now back to being bigger' even he's taking SSRI antidepressants. He said 'I'm happy with the results' of MoodMax; How to practice Sexual ChiKong Correctly He said 'I have seen growth of about 2" just as you said' for more erection and sexual orgasm. He said 'Products are working great' for hard erection and sexual orgasm. He said 'I am very satisfied with your products.' - our products can heal the drug-damaged brain and nerves for sexual orgasm. He has recovered from over-masturbation and used the penile ballooning method to grow his penis more than 2 inches in 4 months for hard erection and sexual orgasm. He said 'We are thankful for your advice on the pliers method for G-spot orgasms' - more on female ejaculation and deep sexual orgasm He said MoodMax and Teas work for middle agers for erection and sexual orgasm What new products VIP Cream, DeToxiA and DopaFibra can do for sexual orgasm He said 'Thank you for giving us better orgasm' - looking for anti-shrinkage formulas ViaPal-hGH-D and VIP Cream to have penile/clitoral/G-spot enlargement and more sexual orgasm He said 'they worked as you said.' - the orgasm products of Traditional Chinese Medicine mated with the Western Endocrine Physiology/Neurophysiology He said his penis 'was increased twicefold' by MoodMax (that is impossible to Dr. Lin!?) for hard erection erection and sexual orgasm. He said ' I am ballooning, use Mood max and I think it works' for penile enlargement and sexual orgasm. He said 'i stayed rock hard last night and gave my girlfriend orgasm in less than 10 minutes' with MoodMax - for more sexual orgasm. ViaPal-hGH-D gives drug/alcohol abusers a hard 2 o'clock erection and helps hold pee up for many hours. The next step is 'lasting longer' for sexual orgasm - solution! A loving couple on ViaPal-hGH-D wants to have sexual orgasm multiple times ==> He said 'GOOD STUFF!' on MoodMax - the healing of young men's premature ejaculation and weak erection for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'I have been using ViaPal-hGH-D for about two weeks now and feel great.'; solution for her depression and sexual orgasm. ViaPal-hGH-D has enhanced her clitoris, G-spot and sexual orgasm to the extremes. ==> He said 'taking Moodmax for a week now, works well' for the premature ejaculation problem; how to make erection harder for sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'It's like a dream...Your techniques and products really work!' for enhancement of love tools and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'I Have tried your ejaculation control method and I am making love everyday, each time lasting about 40-55 mins. ...but my wife feels tired from too many orgasms ' - solution for too many sexual orgasm (s) ==> He said 'I am experiencing some success already with the use of my previous order' for better health, hard erection and sexual orgasm ==> She said 'I am getting the side effect of feeling my g-spot and clitoris engorged, erected and my vagina tinted up too high' for sexual orgasm ==> She said 'following your advice my husband has a new penis' and 'I had 30% less flow - relief' from heavy menstruation with your CD-ROM and products. For better sexual orgasm ==> He said' i've got her to have multiple orgasms' and ballooned his penis from 7 inches to 8.5 inches with your methods- how to give her the best (super) Level-7 sexual orgasm. ==> She said 'our friend who has tried ur product recommended ur site and told us to try the medicine.' for sexual orgasm ==> She said 'we both feel much better after ONLY ONE DAY!!!' for better health and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'Thank you for your products!' for too much hard erection and sexual orgasm; Solution: reducing dosage. ==> He said 'I'm have been using your Balloon Method for the last 2 months and have seen an increase of about 1/2"' for hard erection and sexual orgasm; how long to get a maximum. ==> He said 'Thank you for the herbs: PeniSOS, Via-Growth IV and the heat tea." for hard erection and sexual orgasm; how to solve asthma ==> He said 'they are having wonderful affects on my wife', more sexual orgasm! ==> She said ' You are a true visionary.' for more sexual orgasm with ViaGrowth-III, PeniSOS and Fibra! ==> He said 'Your product is great! I am 53 years old and have experienced wonderful results with less than daily usage.' more sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'ViaGrowth-II is working very well!' for a full 2-o'clock erection and no more premature ejaculation; Now, how to increase semen thickness. ==> She has enlarged her Clitoris and G-spot with ViaGrowth-IV and Finger Pliers and Penile Screwing massages for more intensive sexual orgasm; but how to continue the practice without him. ==> Neurophysiological Explanation of Sexual ChiKong Intercourse for multiple sexual orgasms and ejaculation control ==> Regulation of Yin and Yang Chi, associated with acetylcholine, dopamine, testicular functions, ejaculation control, wet dream, Penile/clitoral/G-spot enlargement, and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Thanks a lot for your ViaGrowth-IV... practice your anal breathing method..' for hard erections and lasting longer for more sex orgasm; on circumcision and penile ballooning method. ==> She said Heat Tea lightens up her fire and powers up her sexual orgasm, and wants to know how to take ViaGrowth-IV. ==> He said 'they do work' for her and him, and wants to learn Natural Penile Enlargement for more sexual orgasm ==> Our satisfied customer wants to sell our products in European countries and translate our websites in different languages - helping all loving couples under heaven to have sexual orgasm ==> She said 'I orgasmed 3 times! AND, my husband had his first multiple orgasm.' with Dr.Lin's Sexual ChiKong Intercourse technique ==> Our product help him resume ejaculation for more sexual orgasm - solution for more semen production. ==> Dr.Lin's formula helps a 65-year old tree grow new sprouts and tender leaves for hard erection and sexual orgasm. ==> ViaPal-hGH-D help him erect his penis up to the 1 o'clock position with one testis, for lasting longer and more sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's formula solved his prostate problem and let him hold back ejaculation more often, erect much harder, and last much longer for more sexual orgasm - he said 'he could not squeeze it any more!' ==> Thank you for re-ordering which has made us have more sexual orgasm! ==> She said 'Your products are wonderful and work!', but Dr. Lin worries love couples will have too much sex and sexual orgasm! ==> He said ' Thanks to Penisos & Viagrowth IV, Viagrowth III, Verdina & Energia' for his Penile Power-up (enlargement); now how to power libido of his 55-year-old, chronic drinking and smoking wife for sexual orgasm - Entropy reduction for the Thermodynamic Sex Engine! ==> ViaGrowth-IV, Sexual ChiKong Breathing and Screwing Techniques prolongs his sex without ejaculation; Sexual orgasm for women with the twisted vagina and titled/prolapsed uterus. ==> He said, my 'friend' erects at about 2 o'clock position for sexual orgasm - ViaGrowth is working! ==> His penis is growing longer and wider for more erection and sexual orgasm ==> He said Heat Tea has jumped her sex engine for electrified, earth-movement sexual orgasm . ==> He said 'Your ChiKon method of breathing have helped me control ejaculation.' How to erect her clitoris and G-spot and to avoid vaginal/urethral irritation for sexual orgasm ==> Rejuvenating the damaged or scar tissues due to mechanical damage, surgery or Peyronie disease for better erection and sexual orgasm . ==> How to Reverse aging for erection and sexual orgasm - the stress-hormone busters and the parasympathetic nervous power generators! ==> He said 'I have found NO other products that work as advertised.' giving us more sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'they work good for me', but how to enlarge more for more sexual orgasm! ==> Growth of the testosterone and oxytocin receptors for the Microcosmic Orbiting of Chi, male orgasm without ejaculation, and more sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Your products work great,' but how to use the 3-Point Excitation Method properly for her sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'This was a major breakthru for me,' more sexual orgasm and ejaculation! ==> Long-term loyal customers give us more sexual orgasm! ==> He said 'your sex chikong breathing works great' for control of ejaculation and sexual orgasm, but how to do it right? Why it works? Turn the lungs into the air compressing chamber and Increase the neurotransmitter CO (Carbon Monoxide) and NO (Nitric Oxide) levels in the brain! ==> He said our products have made his g/f reach very powerful multiple-cycle sexual orgasm and himself enlarge his penis to more than 7 inches from 5.3 inches; he wants more for her! ==> He said 'Fibra + Ginseng Power Max numb my penis' for prolonging intercourse and ViaGrowth products for more sexual orgasm ! ==> Experience of Penile Ballooning and enlargement for sexual orgasm ! ==> Balance the brain's parasympathetic (acetylcholine), sympathetic (dopamin), and Serotonin functions for prolonging intercourse and sexual orgasm; also the difference between masturbation (self-intercourse) and lovemaking ==> Smart lovemaking technique and products for restoration of body functions and sexual orgasm. ==> PeniSOS works wells for erection and sexual orgasm and any suggestions? ==> He said Endura makes his erection get very hard and more frequent - more sexual orgasm ==> Customers with blood-pressure or heart conditions love ViaPal-hGH-X for better sexual orgasm ==> He said ViaPal-hGH-D killed back pain for more sexual orgasm and wants to become our sale agent ==> He said ViaGrowth-III works in 2 days for sexual orgasm; what herbs are for Diabetic? ==> He said: 'Supplements are working great' for erection, lasting longer, and sexual orgasm. ==> ViaGrowth-IV does dirty laundry for your sexual orgasm ==> WoW! He experienced penile ballooning; How about DHT and solutions for erection, hair re-growth, Prostate Enlargement, and sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's formulas have helped the drug abuser (Marijuana) restore health, erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He and his girl friend get extraordinary benefits from sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's formulas. ==> ViaPal-hGH-D powers his penis like a rock-hard rod and the 3-Point Love Position gives her eruptive orgasms. ==> He gains 2 inches with Dr.Lin's Natural Penile Enlargement Method for more sexual orgasm ==> Dr. Lin's formula solved his adrenal insufficient, chronic fatigue and depression. ==> ViaGrowth-III working well; Heavy Weightlifters need ViaGrowth-IV for Sexual Orgasm ==> Where to re-order your products for Sexual Orgasm ==> ViaPal-hGH-D makes his semen thicker for Sexual Orgasm; how to last longer. ==> He sad 'ViaPal-hGH-X is the only supplement working for me.' for heart and blood-pressure patients' Health and Sexual Orgasm ==> Contents: 0. Therapy of a broken penis 1. Sexual ChiKong Intercourse Techniques 2. Premature Ejaculation and Natural Penile Enlargement 3. Male and Female Sexual Orgasm - recovering from impotency and frigidity 4. Finger Pliers Method and 3-Point Excitation Methods (including Generated C.A.T. and Reversed C.A.T.) 5. Dietary or Herbal Supplements for more penile erection and clitoral/G-spot/Epicenter engorgement, resulting in more orgasm! 6. Erectile Drug Users UNC students like the contents of sexual orgasm in this website. ==> ViaGrowth-IV strengthens her vaginal muscle, helps her achieve orgasm and rejuvenates her body (grows the G-spot and Clitoris?). ==> 0. Therapy of a broken penis Therapy of a broken penis ==> Physical therapy of a broken penis for restoring sexual orgasm! ==> Recovery of the penile pumping damage for sexual Orgasm. Thank Dr. Lin's advice! ==> 1. Sexual ChiKong Intercourse Techniques He said 'Your advice is absolutely amazing' for more sexual orgasm ! ==> He said 'your sex chikong breathing works great' for control of ejaculation and sexual orgasm, but how to do it right? Why it works? Increase the neurotransmitter CO (Carbon Monoxide) level in the brain! ==> ViaGrowth-II helps him release tight muscles and Dr. Lin's Sexual ChiKong makes him last for 90 minutes and gives her a lot of sexual orgasm ==> Dr. Lin's sexual ChiKong stops his Premature Ejaculation in one week, and now he wants to learn 2-hour lovemaking for sexual orgasm. ==> He said Dr. Lin's 3-Point Excitation Method is too powerful for sexual orgasm. ==> Another successful sexual orgasm story; and the feeling difference between the G-spot and Epicenter sexual orgasm ==> Dr. Lin helped her successfully develop her sexual orgasm. ==> Aging, intercourse pains, uterine prolapsing, weak erection, and Dr. Lin's CD-ROM for the solutions of sexual orgasm. ==> Sexual Chikong Demonstrations help her tune her sexual muscle for multiple, sexual orgasm and female ejaculation. ==> He Makes love not haste with Dr. Lin Techniques :-) more sexual orgasm ==> Thank you for the great service for more sexual orgasm. ==> Reader used Dr. Lin's methods to make her achieve sexual orgasm and enjoys Dr. Lin's CD_ROM. ==> 40's lady said the 3-point Excitation Position is the best one. How to solve vaginal dryness and achieve multiple sexual orgasm (s). ==> Epicenter or X-spot orgasm Beyond the G-spot sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's CD-ROM help her solve problems! expecting a better sexual orgasm. ==> Thank you Dr. Lin! Now, How to solve and prevent Gardenerella vaginalis or other vaginitis for better sexual orgasm. ==> Advice from a 50+ year Young, Registered Nurse! ==> She experienced 30 sexual orgasms with Dr. Lin's 3-point Excitation Method in a 3 or 4 hour lovemaking - Too Much Sexual Orgasm! ==> Thank Dr. Lin for our more, sexual orgasm! Natural Growth Hormone Enhancers and Massage can slow down breast sagging ==> My 3-point Excitation Method gives her Level-7, seizure, Sexual Orgasm, but they want to extend it. Here is HOW. ==> Our reader has been impressed by our vibratory vocal and body responses to sexual orgasm. ==> Sexual ChiKong Works! My book will give him and his girl(S) for more sexual orgasm, multiple orgasms! ==> Thank Dr. Lin's sexual techniques that help loving couples for more sexual orgasm. ==> He graduated from Dr. Lin's sexual ChiKong Class for sexual orgasm ==> How to practice Dr. Lin's Sexual ChiKong Intercourse for multiple sexual orgasm(S)! ==> Dr. Lin's CD-ROM gives him and his girl(S) for more sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's sexual teaching in the CD_ROM makes him have sex for 2 hours and gives her a lot of sexual orgasm (she threatens to bring her girl friends to take care of him).. ==> A College Student said thank to Dr. Lin for the solution of premature ejaculation and his lover's sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's instruction made her come 2x and he lasted for more than 45 minutes excluding foreplay, for a lot of Sexual Orgasm(s)! ==> 2. Premature Ejaculation and Natural Penile Enlargement
He said 'your sex chikong breathing works great' for control of ejaculation and sexual orgasm, but how to do it right? Why it works? Increase the neurotransmitter CO (Carbon Monoxide) level in the brain!
3. Male and Female Sexual Orgasm - recovering from impotency and frigidity Glad to hear her successful story for health and sexual orgasm ==> He said Dr. Lin's 3-Point Excitation Method is too powerful for sexual orgasm. ==> Another successful sexual orgasm story; and the feeling difference between the G-spot and Epicenter sexual orgasm ==> Dr. Lin helped her successfully develop her sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin helped her successfully develop her sexual orgasm. ==> Aging, intercourse pains, uterine prolapsing, weak erection, and Dr. Lin's CD-ROM for the solutions of sexual orgasm. ==> Sexual Chikong Demonstrations help her tune her sexual muscle for multiple, sexual orgasm and female ejaculation. ==> Dr. Lin's sexual techniques help him completely control ejaculation for better sexual orgasm ==> A College Woman's Experience with the Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms ==> A 50+ -year Young, Registered Nurse Said:" Everything you say is right on target!" - the CD-ROM helped her catch the Golden Fish - Sexual Orgasm, and, perhaps, lay Golden Eggs (?) as well! ==> Multiple, Sexual Orgasms Help her get rid of medication! ==> 4. Finger Pliers Method and 3-Point Excitation Methods (including Generated C.A.T. and Reversed C.A.T.) He graduated from the Orgasm Research Center, the School of Love, majoring in Sexual Orgasm. ==> He got her G-spot with Dr. Lin's Finger Pliers Method; how to develop the another G-spot triggering zone for his Curved penis to give her sexual orgasm. ==> He said our products have made his g/f reach very powerful multiple-cycle sexual orgasm and himself enlarge his penis to 7 inches from 5.3 inches; he wants more for her! ==> Dr.Lin's lovemaking methods re-ignite her fire, passion and hope for sexual orgasm ==> Hair regrowth, erection power, and Finger Pliers Method for sexual orgasm ==> How to perform deep-penetration intercourse for sexual orgasm ==> Glad to hear her successful story for health and sexual orgasm ==> He said Dr. Lin's 3-Point Excitation Method is too powerful for sexual orgasm. ==> Another successful sexual orgasm story; and the feeling difference between the G-spot and Epicenter sexual orgasm ==> Dr. Lin helped her successfully develop her sexual orgasm. ==> He said: Dr.Lin's reverse CAT position works for sexual orgasm ==> Never too old to enjoy more sexual orgasm with Dr.Lin's teaching ==> Dr. Lin feels guilt since his Finger Pliers Method makes her come in consecutive sexual orgasm (s)! ==> Reader used Dr. Lin's methods to make her achieve sexual orgasm and enjoys Dr. Lin's CD_ROM. ==> 40's lady said the 3-point Excitation Position is the best one. How to solve vaginal dryness and achieve multiple sexual orgasm (s). ==> She experienced 30 sexual orgasms with Dr. Lin's 3-point Excitation Method in a 3 or 4 hour lovemaking - Too Much Sexual Orgasm! ==> My 3-point Excitation Method gives her Level-7, seizure, Sexual Orgasm, but they want to extend it. Here is HOW. ==> Epicenter or X-spot orgasm Beyond the G-spot sexual orgasm. ==> Giving her multiple sexual orgasm (s) is his best orgasm and pride. ==> The 3-Point Excitation Method finally makes her erupt to multiple sexual orgasms. ==> The 2-Point Excitation Method will give women after midlife more G-spot and Epicenter sexual orgasms. ==> Dr. Lin's Finger Pliers Method makes her come more and more, for more sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's 3-point excitation method help her achieve a Level-7 sexual orgasm that naturally cleanses her uterus and vagina. The Level-7 orgasm is a powerful, natural medicine that helps tune the sexual muscle and flush the vagina. The detail is given in ==> My Finger Pliers Method Initiated Her Sexual, Sensory and Motor Nerves for fully sexual orgasms. ==> A College Woman's Experience with the Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms ==> A 50+ -year Young, Registered Nurse Said:" Everything you say is right on target!" - the CD-ROM helped her catch the Golden Fish - Sexual Orgasm, and, perhaps, lay Golden Eggs (?) as well! ==> Multiple, Sexual Orgasms Help her get rid of medication! ==> 5. Dietary or Herbal Supplements He said 'Already AMAZING results with your products!' for love and sexual orgasm. ==> He said 'i have very astonishin results with viagrowth 1.' for young men's sexual exhaustion and sexual orgasm ==> He said 'Your products work great,' but how to use the 3-Point Excitation Method properly for her sexual orgasm. ==> He said our products have made his g/f reach very powerful multiple-cycle sexual orgasm and himself enlarge his penis to 7 inches from 5.3 inches; he wants more for her! ==> He said 'it works very good' to power erection for sexual orgasm; solutions for premature ejaculation! ==> He said 'Fibra + Ginseng Power Max numb my penis' for prolonging intercourse and ViaGrowth products for more sexual orgasm ! ==> He said: 'Supplements are working great' for erection, lasting longer, and sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's formulas have helped the drug abuser (Marijuana) restore health, erection and sexual orgasm. ==> He and his girl friend get extraordinary benefits from sexual orgasm with Dr. Lin's formulas. ==> ViaGrowth-III working well; Heavy Weightlifters need ViaGrowth-IV for Sexual Orgasm He sad 'ViaPal-hGH-X is the only supplement working for me.' for heart and blood-pressure patients' Health and Sexual Orgasm He said "I see improvements in my erection with Viagrowth I." for sexual orgasm! He said 'Your products are certainly helping the healing process. ' - more sexual Orgasm Solution for venous leakage for more erection and sexual Orgasm He said 'Your ViaGrowth-IV works as advertised." - more erection and sexual Orgasm Why our business for sexual orgasm grows so fast! Solving the heart and blood-pressure patients for more sexual orgasm ==> Hair regrowth, erection power, and Finger Pliers Method for sexual orgasm ==> He said 'your products improved my erection function' for sexual orgasm ==> He said 'it works great' for hard erection, elimination of masturbation, and sexual orgasm. ==> He said "They have been wonderful." for sexual orgasm. ==> He said - I think your products work too well!! Seriously, for sexual orgasm. ==> Dr. Lin's formula has powered his penis to 1 o'clock for 2 hours, giving her multiple sexual orgasm(s). ==> He has regained his 2-o'clock erection with Dr. Lin's formula for sexual orgasm. ==> Our products are to power erection for sexual orgasm.
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