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where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation. Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling" by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?] [Pain or Numbness in Muscles or Joints?] [Order Products for Health/Love] Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence! | |
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Case Study: How to power up your penis to make her come multiple times, with multiple sexual orgasm(s) Reader: 12/29/1999> Dr. Lin, Hello! I purchased some tea from you for my wife earlier today and am very greatfull for all the advice you also gave me. I was wondering though, if you could explain to me exactly how to achieve maximum enlargement through your power-up system. I read for hours on your site of letters from different people writing you about doing it and to be quite truthfull I am kinda mixed up on exactly how to do it. You you please explain to me exactly how I can do it. Also,Thank you for putting so much information on your site to share with everyone! Dr. Lin:12/30/1999> Glad to hear from you that Heat Tea helps her have more pleasure. Here are my suggestions for The Penile Power-up Method: 1. You have to stimulate your nerve in the pubis and the base of the penis. 2. Use her vagina to stimulate your penile shaft with slow, short strokes (screwing technique) to start with and to power your natural erection up. 3. Once you feel the blood pressure building up inside the penile cyclinders to desensitize your urethral nerve to your prostate, you can increase the thrusting speed and stroke from 1.25 strokes per second (the natural Heart rate, or 75 strokes per minute) to 2.5 strokes per second, with alternating love positions which includes high-angle (horse-rider) positions, back-entry positions and 3-point Excitation position. 4. When you are about to come, you must take a break with a deep breath, widely open your eyes, contract your tailbone muscle, and bend your neck all the way back. In the break for changing the lovemaking position, you must repeat Step 1 and sometimes squeeze the penile shaft to bring the hormone-enriched blood from the low section to the glans for stimulating the glans expansion. With the long, high-speed love thrusting at 2.5 strokes per second, your penis will continue to expand. You must feel there is an expansive pressure from your tailbone and pubis, that pushes out your penis as described in /cases/case8517.htm Men and women who take our products ViaGrowth-III/Fibra and Ginseng Power Max 4X, will experience this explosive blood-pressure power in the pelvic flood to enlarge(balloon) the size of the sex organs - The penis (upto 140% larger), the clitoris (upto 6 times larger, visible!) and the G-spot ridge (upto 6 times, touchable and senisible!). Some customers who just took ViaGrowth-III/Fibra without Ginseng Power Max 4x have experienced unusually erected and engoreged sex-organ sizes , as described in /cases/case8478.htm /cases/case8693.htm /extra/lovetool.htm (NOTE: To achieve the maximum enlargement, it requires Ginseng Power Max 4X to be taken with ViaGrowth-III/Fibra to power the entire Acetylcholine (ACh) and Dopamine systems in the brain and central nervous system - that is the Parasympathetic (Yin Chi in Chinese Medical Concept or ACh neurotransmitter) and Sympathetic (Yang Chi in Chinese Medical Concept or Dopamine neurotransmitter) functions, respectively, but block the stress hormone adrenaline (Defense Chi) and its alpha receptor sites in the sex organs. That is, you must make your sex organ(s) happy and unload adrenaline from them. If you torture your sex organs by masturbation, you won't get enlargement. Massage Them! Don't Masturbate Them! ) The penile expansion will stimulate her urethral nerve between the G-spot and Epicenter, and she will start to feel excited and moan or cry with closed eyes and openning mouth. The moaning and crying are the response to your penile hard stimulation, but not orgasmic yet! It is the signal that her sexual energy has builded up. You must take advantage of her sexual energy and extract it with a deep penetration to her Epicenter while changing from long, high-speed (2.5 strokes per minute) thusting to short, slow-speed (1.25 strokes per minute) thrusting. She will become very anxious and turn on her sympathetic function ready for orgam, but hanging her orgasmic anxiety there up and down like a small craft riding on big waves (swells), and then, your penis will expand to an extreme due to the conduction of sexual energy from her Epicenter (Orgasmic Pacemaker) to two major nerves of your glans and shaft (not your urethral nerve which make you come more quickly). Repeat this step until your prostate is about to explode, but the penile shaft is numbed, partially or fully. The detail is shown in http://www.actiontao.com/image/fig6-17b.jpg (NOTE: Eventually, with a light stimulation on her Orgasmic Pacemaker, she will erupt her orgasm like a volcano eruption and ejaculate her hot lava out of her vagina.) 5. Pull the penis out, and do the final penile massage by repeating Step 1, and take a measure of your penile size! 6. Then, do the final love action to trigger her orgasm with my 3-Point Excitation Position. This love position can suppress your ejaculation, if you practice my Sexual ChiKong Breathing properly, by contracting the tailbone muscle and bending the neck backward to compress the cervical spine for blocking the Autonomic Nevous System's motor nerves. The picture in http://www.actiontao.com/image/3-point.jpg shows how I compressed the cervical spine to eliminate my ejaculation urgency during her orgasm. Generally speaking, her orgasm also contracts my glans penis inside her Epicenter (Orgasmic Pacemaker). Her orgasmic contraction force is so powerful that the suction force applied to my trigger zone by her cervix can trigger my orgasmic ejaculation. The spinal cord compression between the cervical spine and tailbone will eliminate my ejaculation urgency during her powerful orgasmic contraction moment. I have used this approach to eliminate ejaculation in any lovemaking positions unless I feel my prostate is so tensified that I have to let ejcaulation go. This approach allows me to make her come 2 or 3 times in a 1-2 hour love session until I feel exhausted. With Heat Tea, she achieves sexual orgasm multiple times without exhuasted or post-orgasmic pains or cramps. To Expand your penis to an extreme maximum size, you may need ViaGrowth-III/Fibra + Ginseng Power Max 4x, ViaGrowth-IV/Fibra + Ginseng Power Max 4x, or ViaPal-hGH-D (item 3-012) in /mail/herbform.htm To lasting longer, Practice Sexual ChiKong during sex and take GABA and Kava Kava with the suggested products. |
Click "In Love We Trust!" for Classified Orgasmic File Expansion (More Orgasmic Files) Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved. |